DJ6HH > PACTOR 09.06.08 11:40l 290 Lines 12808 Bytes #999 (0) @ WW
Subj: MBOlist EU (09 JUN 1/8)
Sent: 080609/1219Z @:DJ6HH.DA5UHA.#HH.DEU.EU #:19403 [Hamburg] WFBB7.00i
ISSUE EU: JUN 08 Part 1/8
YOUR info keeps these lists up to date - if you do not report
changes, we cannot include them in our lists. PLEASE let us
know if you think amendments are needed!
Maintenance of the lists has been taken over by
Rup, DJ6HH, as per Oct. 2004. You can reach me via the
ptc-list email address!
pse send ur updates to :
ptc-list (at) gmx.net
##### Please have a look at list part 6 - personal stations!
***** If u are using the Email IDs please
change, in the Email adr. line, "(at)" to "@" (SPAM blocker)
+++++ CALLING QRGs: 3585 7035 10145 14071 21071 28071 ++++++
( after connect pse QSY )
This is the ORIGINAL, most complete and regularly updated list of
PACTOR mailboxes worldwide. An AX25 gateway list is included.
We will continue to follow the original and long proven concept of
MARK frequency, a world standard which is easy to understand and
uses "even" grid frequencies.
* take also a look at HB9BRJ's UFB EXCEL + ACCESS converted MBO-list;
mny tnx to Markus for this fine job !
* The stations listed here do operate 24 hours a day
(unless indicated otherwise).
Times are in UTC unless stated otherwise.
* The indicated frequencies are in Kilohertz and MARK-notation!
If you are using AFSK, calculate your dial frequency as follows:
* All listed stations can operate in "ordinary" PACTOR LEVEL I mode.
* (P2) (P3): These stations do ALSO operate in PACTOR LEVEL II or III.
The switching between levels is automatic. Pactor III is only
supported on channels marked with the hash sign (#).
* Some of the listed systems may also be operating in the modes:
(A) = Amtor
(C) = Clover
(GT) = G-Tor
(ADF) = autom direction finding
(F) = F6FBB
(GW) = Realtime GateWay to the PR-NET (AX-25-NETwork)
(H) = Homepage
(J) = JNOS 2.0
(M) = MSYS
(W) = Winlink
(WL2K) = Winlink 2000
All these systems are true Store&Forward-systems!
They will forward your mail correctly to any ham-bbs
provided you do address your message correctly!
(#) = on freqs marked thus, Pactor-III connects are possible.
(%) = Robust connect possibility; all " %STNs " use Profi Firmware
A "robust connect" is a connect starting in pactor II level.
*** any normal user needs to update to version 3.1 or better to
start a robust connect, e.g. c %ua6adv;
(E) = Sysop E-Mail ID (@-sign replaced by (at) for spam protection)
(MMM/YY) Month and Year of last update info received. (--/---): none
* As far as the used antenna is known, it is indicated with:
(B) = beam,
(D) = dipole or wire,
(V) = vertical
* (HROUTE) = the so called HIERARCHICAL ROUTE of the listed mailbox.
* You're invited to send your changes, corrections, additions and/
or comments to:
ptc-list (at) gmx.net or to DJ6HH@DA5UHA.#HH.DEU.EU
Region 1 stations DK0MUN,DL1ZAV,F6FKQ,OK0PBR,ON0BEL,T90BOX, UA6ADV...:
PLEASE check new bandplan, decide if QRGs need to be changed, and INFORM!
%DA5UDI (??.???.DEU.EU - DL5DI/Hans - Kruft [QraLoc?] (MAY/08) (WL2K?)(P3)
(E) DL5DI (at) DARC.de
*** TestBBSsoft, connected to the WL2K network. For QRGs, see WL2K list
*** part, or also in my Gateway list ! ***
(%DJ6HH is now: DA5UHA)
%DA5UHA (.#HH.DEU.EU) - Rup, DJ6HH - Hamburg (JO53bp) (SEP/07) (F)(P3)
(E) rupteacher (at) gmx.net
(D) 3590.5 3591.5 3596.0 3612.0# 24 h
(D) 7038.0 7040.0 7041.5# 24 h
(D) 10146.0 only available while sysop is present; try!
(D) 14090.0 14093.0 14096.0 14110.5# 0600-1800
(V) 21112.0# 0600-1500
'g' for GATE, '4' for port DIGI, 'c df0hmb da5uha' for AX25 node.
DB0FHW (.DEU.EU) - Micha/DD2MIC Wolfenbuettel (JO52ge)(MAY/06) (WL2K)(P2)
(E) info@afu-ag.de
*** see WL2K-MBO part of list ***
%DK0BLN (.#BLN.DEU.EU) - Andre'/DL7UAZ - Berlin - JO62SL (JAN/08) (DP)(P3)
(E) dl7uaz (at) freenet.de
(D) 3593 3595 3597 3606# 3609# 3612# 24 h
(V) 14092 14094 14098 14105# 14107# 24 h
** DPBox-Linux-System via AX-25 Digi: DB0FEZ **
DK0MAV (#NDS.DEU.EU) - Gerrit, DH8GHH - Peine - (JUN/06) (DP)(P2)
( ) 3590.1 24h
** Real Time forward into German AX25 net **
++ Pse send contact reports to DJ6HH - here no contact! ++
DK0MUN (.#BAY.DEU.EU) - Werner nr Munich - (---/--) (W)(P2)
(E) dl2ja_dk4if (at) t-online.de
(B) 14066.0 14071.5 14074.0 14116.0 21075.0 120deg.AS/OC
%DL1ZAV (#HES.DEU.EU) - Rudolf- Karben - [JO40jf] (NOV/06) (F)(P2)
(E) Rudolf (at) dl1zav.de
(D) 3590.5 3594 3596 1900-2300
(D) 7040 7042 1700-1900 2300-1400
(B) 14066 14077 >> 80 deg. 1400-1700
*** AX-25 via DB0IDN. ***
DL4HAO (.DEU.EU) - Dietmar - Norderstedt (JO44wf) (SEP/05) (WL2K)
(E) dl4hao (at) yahoo.de
+++ Closed until further notice +++
*** see WL2K-MBO part of list ***
F2PY (.FMLR.FRA.EU) - Peter - Montpezat [JN04rf] (MAY/06) (W)(P2)
(E) peter.f2py (at) wanadoo.fr
(D) 3597 Terminal mode only, switching manually 0600-2200
(D) 7040 Terminal mode only, switching manually 0800-2000
(B) 14068 Beam West 240 deg: 0500-0800
(B) 14068 Beam East 100 deg: 1600-2200
(B) 14098 Beam East 100 deg: 1100-1600
* attention: on 40+80m only QRV in Terminal pgm; personal maildrop QRV *
%F3KT (.FPDL.FRA.EU) - Michel - Pt.St.MARTIN/Sud Nantes [IN97fd] -(F)(P2)
(E) f3kt (at) free.fr (OCT/06)
(D) 3592 24h
(D) 3590,5 3591 3593 3594 1800-0600
(D) 7038 7040 24h
(B) 14091 14093.5 14097.5 24h
(B) 21113.5 24h
(B) 21117.5 0600-1800
(B) 28313.5 0600-1800
BEAM: SOUTH ( 180 deg ) 0600-1800
BEAM: N/W ( 315 deg ) 1800-0600
F6HBB (.FRPA.FRA.EU) Joaquim, Montigny-les-Cormeilles [JN18cx] (F)(P2)
(E) f6hbb(at)caramail.com (JAN/06)
(D) 7038 7040 0000-2400
(UHF packet network - F5KCK.FRPA.FRA.EU)
%F6FKQ (.FCEN.FRA.EU)- Javier - Seresville (28)(---/--) (F)(P3)
(E) f6fkq (at) free.fr
(D) 3580 3582 3584 0000-2400
(D) 14063.5 14068 14073 14077.5 14109# 0400-2300
(D) 21063.5# 21077.5# 0600-2200
(D) 28063.5# 0800-2100
** Realtime Gateway to French packet network via F6KHI@FCEN.FRA.EU **
%GB7CIP (#32.GBR.EU) -Paul G4APL- Caterham [IO91wh] - (JUN/07) (F) (P3)
(E) paul (at) skywaves.demon.co.uk
(V) 7038.0 7040.0 7041.5# 0000-2400
(V) 14077.0 14096.0 14107.5# 14110.5# 0000-2400
(V) 21112.0# 0600-2300
** Realtime Gateway to British packet network **
* More info: www.theskywaves.net "pactor" *
%HB9AK (.CHE.EU) - Martin/HB9AUR - Cham (MAR/08) (W) (P3)
(E) martin (at) spreng.ch
(D) 3596.0 3612.0# 0700-1700
(V) 7039.0 7041.5# 10146.0 0700-1700
(V) 14096.0 14110.5# 18116.0# 0700-1700
(V) 21096.0 21112.0# 24936.0# 28316.0# 0700-1700
** pse use Pactor-3 operation ONLY on QRGs marked: # !! **
** operation time limited as marked until further notice **
%IK0MIL (.ILAZ.ITA.EU) Lamberto, I0BLC - Rome - JN61ft (JAN/06) (F) (P3)
(E) i0blc (at) libero.it
(D) 14110.5# 0000-2400
LA3T (TOS.X.NOR.EU) - Oskar/LA5GN - Tromsoe - JP99LO (---/--) (F) (P2)
(E) la5gn (at) amsat.org
(D) 3591 7035 14089 21089 24h
** RealTime Gateway to AX-25 LA1H (X.NOR.EU)
OE4XBU (#OE4.AUT.EU) - Rudi/OE4RYC - (---/--) (WL2K)(P3)
(E) oe4xbu (at) aon.at
*** see WL2K-MBO part of list ***
%OK0PBR (.#MOR.CZE.EU) - Libor/OK2PEN - Brno - JN89HF (MAY/08) (F)(P2)
( CoSysOps: Vaclav OK2PXV (at) OK0PAB & Karel OK2SCS (at) OK0NMA )
(E) ok2pen (at) tiscali.cz or ok2pen (at) medvidek.dyndns.org
(V) 7038 7041 10128 14065 14066 14067 14073 24h
(V) 14075 14076 14077 18108 21073 21075 21077 24h
(V) 28073 28077 24h
** Realtime gateway to Czech packet net
%ON0BEL (.#LG.BEL.EU) - Rene/ON6RO - Liege - (---/--) (GW)(F)(P2)
(E) on0bel.pr (at) skynet.be
(V) 3580 3582 3584 7037 7038 7040 10145 10146 24h
(B) 14065.5 14068 14068.5 14070 14071 14073 14075 160 deg 0600-1900
(B) 21073 21075.5 21077 160 deg 1900-0600
(B) 28104 270 deg 1900-2400
** RealTime-GateWay to the Belgian-AX25-NetWork
%ON0FS (.BEL.EU) -Andre, ON5FS- Kluisbergen [JO10st] (MAY/08) (WL2K)(P3)
(E) on5fs (at) skynet.be
(see WL2K-part of list)
SL5ZXN (C.SWE.EU) - Rolf/SM5BVP - Baalsta [JO89SN] (JAN/06) (F)(P2)
(E) rolf.wikstrom (at) fro.se
(V) 3590 3592 3594 3596 3598 24h
(V) 7038 7039 24h
(V) 14089 14091 14093 14095 14097 24h
(V) 18104 18108 24h
(V) 21090 21100 24h
(V) 24923 24928 24h
(V) 28125 28135 24h
SV1IW (.ATH.GRC.EU) -Manos- Athens KM17uw (JAN/06) (F)(P3)
(E) sv1iw (at) raag.org
(H) www.raag.org
(B) 14089.0 14097.0 14110.5# 21112.0# NORTHWEST 0000-2400
Testing GATE:
'g' for GATE, '3' for port 433.650, 'c j41uaa' for AX25 node
%UA6ADV (.H.KRD.RUS.EU) - Raya (YL) - Krasnodar - (APR/07) (F)(P3)
(E) ua6adv (at) bk.ru
(D) 7035 7036 7037 7038 7040 1900-0300
(D) 14063 14074 14075 14098# 14110.5# 14112# 21118# 0300-1900
Tnx Updates DL5DI (DA5UDI), ON5FS (ON0FS)
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