OpenBCM V1.08-5-g2f4a (Linux)

Packet Radio Mailbox


[San Dona' di P. JN]

 Login: GUEST

DJ6HH  > PACTOR   08.05.08 16:16l 399 Lines 18994 Bytes #999 (0) @ WW
Subj: GatewayList     (08 MAY 7/8)
Sent: 080508/1600Z @:DJ6HH.DA5UHA.#HH.DEU.EU #:18396 [Hamburg] WFBB7.00i

         ISSUE GATEWAYS:  MAY 08

     YOUR info keeps these lists up to date - if you do not report 
     changes, we cannot include them in our lists. PLEASE let us 
     know if you think amendments are needed!

     Maintenance of the lists has been taken over by
     Rup, DJ6HH, as per Oct. 2004. You can reach me via the 
     ptc-list email address!

              pse send ur updates to :
              DJ6HH@DA5UHA.#HH.DEU.EU  or to 
              ptc-list (at)

#####  Please have a look at list part 6 - personal stations!

*****  If u are using  the Email IDs please 
       change, in the Email adr. line, "(at)" to  "@" (SPAM blocker)

+++++  CALLING QRGs:  3585  7035  10145  14071  21071  28071  ++++++
       ( after connect pse QSY ) 

  We will continue to follow the original and long proven concept of
  MARK frequency, a world standard  which is easy to  understand and
  uses "even" grid frequencies.

* take also a look at HB9BRJ's UFB EXCEL + ACCESS converted MBO-list;
  mny tnx to Markus for this fine job ! 

* The indicated frequencies are in Kilohertz and  MARK-notation!
  If you are using AFSK, calculate your dial frequency as follows:



* All listed stations can operate in "ordinary" PACTOR LEVEL I mode. 

* (P2) (P3): These stations do ALSO operate in PACTOR LEVEL II or III. 
  The switching between levels is automatic. Pactor III is only 
  supported on channels marked with the hash sign (#).

  (ADF)  = autom direction finding  
  (GW)   = Realtime GateWay to the PR-NET  (AX-25-NETwork)
  (H)    = Homepage

  (#)  = on freqs marked thus, Pactor-III connects are possible.
  (%)  = Robust connect possibility;  all " %STNs " use Profi Firmware
         A "robust connect" is a connect starting in pactor II level. 
         ***   any normal user needs to update to version 3.1 or better to start 
         a robust connect, e.g.  c %ua6adv;  
  (E)  = Sysop E-Mail ID (@-sign replaced by (at) for spam protection)
  (MMM/YY) Month and Year of last update info received. (--/---): none

* As far as the used antenna is known, it is indicated with: 
  (B)  = beam,
  (D)  = dipole or wire,
  (V)  = vertical

* You're invited to send your changes, corrections, additions and/ 
  or comments to:
  ptc-list (at) or to DJ6HH@DA5UHA.#HH.DEU.EU

          Pactor-2   RealtimeGateway-List    HF <--> PR-Net

         ISSUE :  MAY 08
     YOUR info keeps these lists up to date - if you do not report changes, we
     cannot include them in our lists. PLEASE let us know if you think 
     amendments are needed!

Reg. 1 stations: Please check new bandplan and decide about necessary
QRG changes! (Bandplan is valid SINCE JAN. 2006!)

ONE MORE: US licensed stations: please report changes due to FCC ruling Dec.06!!

GateWay to Digi/BOX:    Sysop/Name:    QTH :                      QRV :  UT

%9A5PH <G> 9A5XZD  **Digipeater > 1Mbit/sec!**  -Richard/DK1PH-  Murter Isl.  
       <B> 9A0BBS; 9A0TCP 
           7035                                                   0400-2200  
DA5UBM <G> DB0SBK      DL1GBM/Michael Koenigsfeld (Black Forest) (JAN/06)
            7038 7038.5                                                 24h
           14089 14098                                                  24h
           21098                                                        24h
         ++ Nov 04: DA5UBM tmp switched off due to antenna damage.++

%DA5UDI<G> DB0LJ       DL5DI/Hans    Kruft                       (MAY/06)   
       <B> DB0LJ-8
       (E) DL5DI (at)
       (V) 7041.5#                                                0800-1800
       (V) 14095 14102.5# 14107.5# 14109# 14110.5#                0000-2400
       ** using  Profi PTC-3 firmware  &  Robustconnect possibility ***

%DA5UDK<G> DB0FT       DF6RK/Ralf   Glashuetten  nr. Frankfurt  JO40ef 
       <G2>DF6RK      (personal Packet Radio Terminal)     (SEP/05)*)
       <B> DB0IDN-8                                                     
       (E) df6rk (at)
       (D) 3582.5# 3592                                 0500-0800 1700-2100
       (V) 7036                                         0500-0800 1700-2100
       (V) 10142.5 10145.5                                        0500-2100
       (V) 14072.5                                                0500-2100
       (B) 14092.5 14102.5#   AS/OC                               0500-2100
       *** ANT: (V)ertical R-7000 (B)eam to AS/OC,east Europe (D)ipole  ***
       *** using Pactor-3 firmware  &  Robust connect possibility     ***

%DA5UDT<G> DB0EA  DL5QT/Dieter         Wolbeck/Westfalen     (APR/06)            
       (E) DL5QT (at)
       (D)  3591   3596#   3606#  3612#    FD4 N<->S              0600-1800
       (D)  7038.5 7041.5#                 FD4 N<->S              0600-1800  
       (D) 10142                           long wire              0600-1800
       (V) 14098  14106#  14109#                                  0600-1800
       (D) 18116#                          long wire              0600-1800 
       (V) 21096  21112#                                          0600-1800

       *** using Pactor-3 firmware  &  Robust connect possibility ***

%DA5UF <G> DB0FHN  DK8NZ/Richard Hersbruck nr Nuernberg [JN59rm] (AUG/06)  
   (B)   3591.0   3596.0   3606.0#   3612.0#                0800-1800
   (B)   7038.5   7041.5#                                   0800-1800
   (B)  10148.5#                                            nur Test
   (B)  14098.0  14106.0# 14109.0#  252 deg                 0800-1800
   (B)  18116.0#                    252 deg                 0800-1800
   (B)  21096.0  21106.0# 21112.0#  252 deg                 0800-1800
        Realtime gateway into German AX25-net. Simply use 
        "c <nodecall>" to connect to a listed German node

%DA5UFA <G> DB0HRF DL5FAU/Fritz Frankfurt/Main [JO40nc]      (JAN/08)
       (V)  03588.2 03594.0 03614.0#                        0600-2200
       (V)  07036.0 07041.5#                                0600-2200
       (V)  14066.0 14099.0 14103.0#                        0600-2200
        Realtime gateway into German AX25 net. Simply use
        "c <nodecall> to connect to a listed German node        

%DA5UFZ <G> DB0BAC      DJ3VV/Friedrich      Weissach        (SEP/05)       
       (D)  3591 3596#                      NO/SW           0900-2200  
       (D)  7036                            NO/SW           1600-2000
       (B) 14076 14106#                     SSE             1600-2100
       (B) 21080 21112# 24926# 
       (B) 28130                            SSE             1600-2000
         *** using Pactor-3 firmware  &  Robust connect possibility ***

%DA5UWG <G>  DB0PDF         DF3DS/Arno  Wachtum [JO32us]  (JAN/08)
        (D)  3592.0  3606.0#  3612.0#    (Station 1)           24h
        (D)  7038.0  7040.0 7041 7041.5# (Station 1)           24h
        (B) 14098.0  14103.5# 14112.0#   (Station 2)           24h
        (B) 18105.0 18108.0  18113.5#    (Station 2)           24h
        (B) 21098.0 21112.0# 21113.0#    (Station 2)           24h
        (B) 24925.0 24931.0#             (Station 2)           24h
        (B) 28126.0 28306.0#             (Station 2)           24h
        LogPed Antenna points to TA2BBS in Ankara
        A mini cell digipeater with TheNetNode is installed to make
        connects easier:
        *** The "g" command on both PACTOR stations connects to the 
            mini cell digipeater DA5UWG  
        *** From the mini cell, command "m" connects to DB0PDF-8 mail
        *** Command "c ol"   connects to DB0PDF for access to the AX25
        *** Command "c low"  connects to Station 1
        *** Command "c high" connects to station 2
        *** Command "c arno" connects to the operator if available
        *** PACTOR-PACTOR gatewaying is possible
DF4WJ  <G> DB0ZDF       Wolfgang       Mainz
            3577  3589.5  7039  7040  7041                      0900-2200
           14073 14074   14075 14076 14077 14098                0800-2100
	     !!! Status update info requested!!

%DK4LZ <G> DB0HHW Uwe Boenningstedt[JO43wq] (APR/08)     (P3)
       (E) nagel.boenningstedt (at)
       (D) 03592.0 03606.0# 03612.0#                       0900-2100
       (D) 07038.0 0740.0 0741.0# 0741.5#                  0900-2100
       (D) 14090.0 14098.0 14103.5# 14110.0# 14112.0#      0900-2100
       (D) 18105.0 18108.0 18113.5#                        0900-2100
       (D) 21098.0 21112.0# 21113.0# 21118.0#              0900-2100
       (D) 28126.0 28306.0#                                0900-2100
   *** Using Pactor III firmware, Robust Connect possible ***

%DL1GBB <G> OE9XFR       Winni          Langenargen
        <B> OE9XPI
           3593.5#   3596.5#                                  after 1800 
           7035      7043.5#
           10142     10144 
           14090     14107.5#
	     !!! Status update info requested!!!
%DL1ZAM<G> DB0GV-7      Martin         Maintal /Ffm.                     
           3584 3591.6#                                           after QRL
           *** using Pactor-3 firmware  &  Robust connect possibility ***

DL5NC  <G> (Digi ? )     Peter - nw 15 km north of Washington DC        
           7036 7037 7038                                               24h 
           10142 10148
           14064.5 14065 14068 14070.5 14073 14076 14078.5 14079 14079.5 14098
           21075.5  21076  21077  21078  21080  21081.5
           *** ( ex_DA5UFP -DL5NC Peter was n. Munich   *****
           *** nw QRV as K3JAY as WL2K-Box  ( see  WL2K-list )
	     !!! Status update info requested!!!

DK5PK  <G> (???)        Peter          Costa Blanca 
                              (or wintertime in DL: Klein-Winternheim) 
           14075 14076 14077 14078 14098                          0900-2000
	     !!! Status update info requested!!!

EA5XK  <G> (???)        Herbert        MORAIRA  ALICANTE - 
           14064.5  14074.5 14078.5 14098                         0700-1730
%DK6SV <G> (???)     Jacob/DK6SV S'Illot/Mallorca (JM19QN) (OCT/07)
 	(E) dk6sv (at)
 	(D) 7041,5                                                                                                 8-18 h
 	(D) 14090 14102.5 14106# 14107.5# 14109# 14112#           0800-1800 

%DL7AIV<G> (EA6RCB-2)   Manfred        Canyamel Mallorca                   
           14063 14064 14074.5 14090                              0900-1800
           14.107,6#   14.110,6#                                  0900-1800
	     !!! Status update info requested!!!
F2PY   <G> F3KT-1      Peter          Montpezat City  (JN04RF)
       <G> F6CDD-1                                                    
           3582                                        0600-1000; 1600-2200
	     !!! Status update info requested!!!

F5FU   <G> (???)    
           14064.5 14066.5 14072      (1. PTC-2)
	     !!! Status update info requested!!!

F5FU       18109  -200hz Grid offset  (2. PTC-2)  ANT: -->Afrika
	     !!! Status update info requested!!!

F6FUB  <G> (????)
	     !!! Status update info requested!!!

F5GIT  <G> (???)        Tony           Renage  Grenoble      
           7035 7036 7037 7038 7039 7040 7041                        
	     !!! Status update info requested!!!

%G3NID <G> GB7BED-1        Ian     Houghton / IO92wh (MAR/06)              
           7033 7035.5 7041#                                           24h
           10137 10146# 10148                                          24h
           14077 14079 14089.5 14103.5#                                24h 
           18105 18113.5#                                              24h
           21098 21113#                                                24h
           *** using Pactor-3 firmware  &  Robust connect possibility ***

HB9IAC <G> HB9IAP    HB9DPZ/Robert + HB9IBI/Francois nr Geneva [JN36df] P2 
           (H)              (NOV/06)
            3582  3586
            7038  7040
           10142 10146
           14068 14072 14076
           21072 21076 21083
           28087 28092 28103

%K9YCG <G> K9YCG        Loren          Kissimee FL
           (E) mathewsl (at)                   
           3629 3639 7066 7071 7079 10126  10137                        24h
           14068 14070 14071 14075 14079                                24h
           3632# 7103# 10146# 14097# 18108# 21098# 24928# 28138#        24h
           *** using Pactor-3 firmware  &  Robust connect possibility ***
	     !!! Status update info requested!!!

%OE9FWV<G> OE9XFR       Werner         Feldkirch        (APR/06)               
       <B> OE9XPI                                                           
            3584                                          1600-0700
            3591  3611.6#  3616.6                         0000-2400
            7038  7040     7041.6#                        0000-2400
           10142 10143                                    1600-0700
           14090 14091    14106.6# 14111.6#               0000-2400
           18105 18116.6#                                 0000-2400
           21091 21111.6#                                 0000-2400
           24936.6#                                       0000-2400
           28301.6# 28302.6#                              0000-2400
         *** using Pactor-3 Firmware  &  Robust connect possibility ***
%OE7HNT<G> OE7XPR     Georg     Arzl im Pitztal        (JUL/06)
       <B> OE7XLR-8             Innsbruck
            3581.5  3584  3591.6#                       0600-0800 1700-2000
            7035    7036 10142    10143    10148                  0600-2000
           14063   14065 14066    14068    14073 14074 14107.6#   0600-2000
           18090   18108 21063    21109.6# 24925 28080 28144.6#   0600-2000
            *** using Pactor-3 Firmware  &  Robust connect possibility ***

%ON0BEL            /ON6RO    Rene          Liege                         
       <G> ON0BEL-8 via ON0RET 9k6Bd  or  (1k2 Bd)
       <B> WinFFB   via ON0RET 9k6Bd  or  (1k2 Bd)
           3579 3582 3584   7037 7038 7040   10144 10146
           14065.5 14068 14068.5 14070 14071 14073 14075
           21073 21075.5 

%PA3GBH<G> PI1ESA         Dick        Holland                           
           3585 3590  7035.5 7038  14066 14068 14104.5#           0600-2200
           21080 21118  28118                                     0600-2200
           ***  using PTC-3 Firmware &  Robust connect possibility *** 
	     !!! Status update info requested!!!

%SV1IW <G> J41UAA       Manos/SV1IW    Athens  
            14089 14097 14110.5# 21112#            ANT: NW        0000-2400
            'g' for GATE, '3' for port 433.650, 'c j41uaa' for AX25 node.
           *** using Pactor-3 firmware; Robust connect possibility *** 

VE3CHL <G> (???)        Peter          Toronto      (AUG/06)
           *** Info Aug. 06 by DL1HAG: HF ports temp. closed ***

%W7OXS <G> KFALLS:K7DDI-6    Glen      Oregon           (DEC/04)                     
           3632# 3642                                             0200-1400
           7079 7103# 10137 10146# 14079 14097#                         24h
           18108# 18109 21079 21098#                                    24h
           24928# 28079 28138#                                    1400-0200
           *** using Pactor-3 firmware  &  Robust connect possibility ***
	     !!! Status update info requested!!!

%W9UWE <G> KK9H (145.570)      Julius         Chicago                           
           14079 7033 7079                                              24h
           3632#  7103# 10146# 14097# 18108# 21098# 24928# 28138#       24h
           *** using Pactor-3 firmware  &  Robust connect possibility ***
 	     !!! Status update info requested!!!

%WB7OKX<G> WB7AWL       Ray            Keno  Oregon     (DEC/04)                 
           1817 3632# 3642                                        0100-1700 
           7079  7103# 10137 10146# 14079 14097# 18101 18108#           24h
           21079 21098#                                                 24h
           24925 24928# 28079 28138                               1200-0500
           *** using Pactor-3 firmware  &  Robust connect possibility ***
	     !!! Status update info requested!!!

%ZL1CN <G> Ndxnode - digi    Murray             Wellsford    (JUN/06)                         
       (E) zl1cn (at) 
           7033 7035#                                                   24h
           10137 10146#                                                 24h 
           14077 14103.5#                                               24h 
           18105 18108#                                                 24h 
           21079 21098#                                                 24h 
           24925 24928#                                                 24h 
           28069 28138#                                                 24h 
           beaming : USA                                          1800-0600 
           beaming : LP Europe                                    0600-0930 
           beaming : SP Europe                                    0930-1800 
           *** using Pactor-3 firmware  & Robust connect possibility  ***      

%ZL2ARN<G1>Kapnod -Digi    Gordon         n. Wellington   (MAY/08)
       <G2>ZLTNN  -Digi
          (E) zl2arn (at)
          7033  7035# 7038 7041.5#                                      24h
          10126 10137 10143 10146#  10148                               24h
          14066 14068 14076 14080 14103.5# 14110#                       24h

     *** using Pactor-3 firmware & Robust connect possibility   ***

Tnx. updates DL3OBY (=qrt), DL5DI (DA5UDI), ZL2ARN (changes)

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