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 Oh... and to contact us with your news because
 If It Matters To You It Matters To Us!



 WIANews 24/7 with the following bulletin in Audio 
 when you visit the NEWSROOM on
 This weeks WIANews available in Audio after 0100hrs UTC Saturday.             FM Radio quality                AM Radio Quality          Submit your Audio 

 free emailed script

 This is WIANEWS for week commencing December 30  2007 

 And this is Michael Owen VK3KI and this is the last broadcast of 2007.

 Last week I looked at some of the things that happened in 2007, and this week
 I would like to mention a few more things.

 During 2007 the new Advisory Committees were appointed.  Up to then, the
 Advisory Committees were really the Divisional Councils at the time the WIA 

 Now and for the first time, the Advisory Committees are the creature of the
 new WIA and the last of the period of transition has passed.

 There is an Advisory Committee for each state and the Northern Territory.
 Each is comprised of 4 members, one appointed by the WIA Board the others 
 elected by the members in the state or territory.

 We are asking the Advisory Committees to undertake various tasks, and they 
 are there to represent and promote the WIA at a local level.

 What they do really depends on them, but what I am finding exciting is that
 different Committees are tackling different tasks to meet what they see as 
 their own local needs.

 Yes, 2007 has been an exciting year.  The AGM at Parkes has set a standard
 that makes life difficult for the future.  D-Star, with Icom's gift of
 6 repeaters to the WIA for each state capital city, creates a challenge for
 clubs, and the official launch of D-Star at the Eastern and Mountain District
 Radio Club meeting recently certainly attracted many people.

 But as we come to the end of 2007, I would like to look back and to
 acknowledge the contribution of so many.

 Some of those who have contributed most are little seen.  Keith Malcolm spent
 4 weeks in Geneva as a member of the Australian delegation to the ITU's WRC 
 conference, which allocated a new secondary LF band to the amateur service.
 Our participation in the ITU process represents the biggest single WIA
 expense, and is really what the WIA stands for.
 I expect that Keith will have written an article about it all for the
 January/February issue of Amateur Radio.

 May I acknowledge the contribution of the Directors.  Being a director is 
 really a full time job, requiring constant communication on a daily basis.
 In particular, may I thank Robyn Edwards, VK6XRE Robyn is moving to New 
 Zealand in January, and resigned as a director with effect from 1 December.
 The Board appointed Eddie Saunders VK6ZSE a director for the balance of
 Robyn's term, and Eddie has been very busy indeed catching up and
 Robyn, we wish you all the best and thank you for your contribution.

 There are two special people I would like to thank.  One is Ken Fuller VK4KF.
 Ken stepped in as secretary on the death of Chris Jones in August 2006.  Ken
 took the task as a temporary measure, simply to help the WIA out.  In fact he
 has made a major contribution to the WIA, perhaps much more than he intended.
 Ken will retire on 5 February next, and Geoff Atkinson VK3YFA will be come 
 WIA secretary.
 I will tell you more about Geoff in a future broadcast.

 The other special person I wish to thank is Jim Baxter VK3KE
 Jim has been Treasurer for about a year, but before that was working to 
 restructure the WIA accounts.
 The accounting requirements of the WIA as a national organization have been
 quite different from the accounting requirements before that.  And, we have
 done many things that while sensible and welcomed, like the 5 year
 subscription, do produce complications for our accounts.
 Jim has bought his very real analytical skills to ensure that by the end of
 2007 the WIA accounts are better organised than ever before - when the 
 auditor is congratulating you know that we are getting it right.

 In fact there are two other people who are also special.
 They are Margaret Williams and Dianne Ashton, the two people who are the WIA
 national office, one responsible for administration the other for examinations. 
 So many people have told us that they have found Margaret and Dianne so
 helpful and so friendly that I am going to mention them in this special 

 Then there are all the other people.  Our Editor of AR, our publications
 Committee, those who make these broadcasts, the awards, the QSL service, the
 contests, Chris Flack and the Book Shop, all those who contribute in so many

 In fact, there are just too many to mention.

 To you, and each of you, I say thank you.

 And, now, the year ahead.

 As I said in the formal statement I read in last weeks broadcast, we hope 
 that the ACMA Board will address the Expressions of Interest in respect of
 the outsourcing, the LCD and the CEPT arrangements at its meeting on
 24 January.  So we hope that we will be addressing those issues, at last, 
 during 2008.

 We hope to release a second edition of the Foundation Licence Manual early in
 the New Year.

 We are looking forward to announcing the arrangements for the next AGM very

 We hope that the clubs across Australia will help us in two ways in
 particular in 2008.
 One is to attract, train and qualify new amateurs.  Our target is 1,000 new
 amateurs in 2008.
 The other is for the clubs and indeed all our members to promote WIA 
 membership in 2008.

 The last two years have shown that those who said amateur radio was a dying 
 interest were wrong.

 I am sure that 2008 will further demonstrate the error of such statements.

 To you, and to each of you, I wish you all the best for 2008.

 This has been Michael Owen VK3KI for VK1WIA and now, to Robert and Brian.

 WIA National Office Christmas Closure

 The WIA national office will close on Thursday 20 December 2007 to re-
 open on Thursday 10 January 2008. 

 Although maybe not Australian news "per se" arguably the greatest dx 
 contest of all times has been drawn and won!

 Here now are the CQIR - Ireland Calling - Prize Draw Winners

 In September 2007 the Irish Radio Transmitters Society organised "CQIR 
 - Ireland Calling", a contest to celebrate the society's 75th 
 anniversary - giving a chance of winning a trip to Ireland, for 2 
 people, for each and every 75 valid QSOs logged.

 There were 53 entries in the draw, representing 20 countries - all the 
 way from GW to ZL - and the winner is Ian "Wilf" Prater M0WLF of 
 Bristol, England.  He had over 300 QSOs and qualified for 4 entries.

 Wilf is a member of the Bristol Contest Club, and has previously 
 visited EI for the IOTA Contest.  He can now look forward to a week in 
 Kinnitty Castle, County Offaly.

 Living in Bristol, Wilf may be closer to Ireland than any other 
 entrant, but he says he will probably travel long path this time.

 EI/GI entrants had a separate draw for a trip to New York City for two 
 people, to include a visit to the ARRL HQ in Newington, Connecticut.

 The winner is Declan Horan EI9FVB of Ballincollig, County Cork.  
 Declan had 175 QSOs and 2 entries in the draw.

 IRTS thanks all who took part in CQIR.


 Scott VK4CZ reminds us "With increased domestic traffic as a result of summer
 sporadic E propagation, it's timely that we review and consider our operating
 behaviour on the HF bands, specifically around the notion of calling 
 frequencies as once again operator behaviour is not in line with WIA
 recommended practices. 
 If we go back to August 2006 Then WIA Director Glenn Dunstan VK4DU oversaw
 and investigated the development of a VK Domestic 10m calling frequency on
 "Unfortunately, whilst 28490 may be quiet at the moment because of low
 sunspot activity, it falls within the international DX segment. 28490,
 495 and 500 are often used by DXpeditions. The most suitable spot seems to be
 28390 kHz as this frequency is below the DX window, and aligns with the band
 plans of other countries."  Glenn said
 Whilst domestic propagation is dominating the 10m scene, international DX
 contacts are very achievable. There's an abundance of Asian and sub-continent
 stations being reported by VKs. The opportunity for everyone to share in
 these exciting contacts would be increased when domestic traffic is conducted
 in accordance with recommended practices.

 And the Good Cowboys wear White Akubras!

 For the information of all Amateurs attending the 2008 Tamworth Country Music
 Festival the following are the TRCI repeater frequencies:-
 VK2RTM on Mt Crawney near Nundle VHF voice on 146.750Mhz.

 VK2RAA on Bald Hill at Tamworth UHF voice on 439.375Mhz.

 VK2RMO on Mt Baldwin near Manilla VHF voice on 146.850Mhz.

 Anyone attending Tamworth for the 2008 Country Music and requiring
 accommodation, please contact the TRCI on 02 6765 9052 as dey run a Home
 Hosting program.

 Details are also available on de web site, 
 (John Fegan VK2HUP Publicity Officer)


 vk1 local news email and ask for subscription. 

 web service:-  
 Westlakes Amateur Radio Club Operates IRLP Node 6040
 IRLP node 6040 is the only IRLP node in the Newcastle area, and is well used 
 by amateurs from all parts of the Hunter Valley and environs. When conditions
 are right, even stations from ZL use the node - direct!
 The IRLP node is located in the heart of Newcastle, and is accessible via the
 Club's 2 meter repeater on 146.775


 As many in Northern NSW know 146.800 has been triggered by break through from
 other services from parrots nest and the time is fast approaching that the
 123HZ sub tone WILL be put on 6.800 in the coming weeks to stop the false
 triggering. Your radio's will need to set-up if not already done so.
 (VK2AUX Darren) 

 web service:-    

 web service local news:-
 local news email subscribe in subject field.
 Redcliffe and District Radio Club

 After quiet Christmas and looking forward to another year of growth, the Club
 would like to remind members that the first 2008 working bee will be held on
 Saturday 12th January 8 am to excavate and prepare boxing for the concrete 
 path on the southern face of the clubhouse.  

 A free sausage sizzle will be made available to all club members and workers
 on the day.  Please bring shovels, spades, wheelbarrows etc to assist 
 John VK4YJB and his excavator.

 The club will be conducting a Foundation Course commencing in February 2008.
 Soon after there will be an Advanced licence course for those club members
 who wish to upgrade their foundation and intermediate licences.  


 web service 

 local area news :-
 your copy of vk7 local news, email

 VK8  note an audio version available on this page.

 Changing of the guard in Darwin where after some 20 plus years, VK8FT
 Frank has stepped down at the DARC AGM as station manager.

 A sterling job and one done so well

 Frank told VK4BB " We started by relaying the VK5 cast picked up on 20m and
 put out on 80m am with a little 10w AWA TX. Over the years this has now 
 evolved to a download from the Darwin Amateur Radio club web site where local
 input is added after this VK1WIA national news. My original intention was to
 make the station independent of mains power and use batteries, we still have
 the battery set-up but the computer runs off the mains.

 Cheers and have a very happy Xmas and all you could wish for in the new year.
 Frank VK8FT."


 Amateur radio, has played a pivotal role in accelerating the growth of
 communication systems in developed countries, according to National Institute
 of Amateur Radio (NIAR) Chairman and Director S Suri.

 He said the number of ham operators in India was negligible, compared to
 nearly 1.3 million amateur radio operators in Japan and 6.5 in the US. 
 The world ham population was over three million.

 Ham radio had come in handy during disasters and natural calamities across
 the world. Hams in India rendered yeomen service during Orissa 'super
 cyclone' in 1999 and Latur earthquake, he recalled. Hams had established 'a
 second line of communication system' and connected the affected areas with
 the agencies concerned, thus helping to speed up rescue and relief
 operations during catastrophes.

 Mr Suri said about 40 satellites had been launched for amateur radio
 communication. Hams constantly communicate with their domestic and overseas
 amateur partners through these satellites.


 More of the 6 meter band should soon be available in Germany. This
 with word that German Television 'Das Erste' switched off its analogue
 TV transmitter on VHF-channel 2 on November 27th. 

 This means that the ban of Amateur Radio transmissions on 50 MHz
 within the protection zones of 200 by 200 kilometres around these
 transmitters is to be lifted. This will finally give all German class
 A license holder a free and undisturbed 6m band.

 The very last German channel 2 transmitter was to be switched off on
 December 13th. In Switzerland and Austria the last VHF channel 2
 transmitters were closed down in late November.


 United Kingdom school children are being offered the chance to design
 an experiment for a small satellite in an effort to boost interest in
 space science. The contest, organized by the British National Space
 Centre and Surrey Satellite Technology is open to students between the
 ages of 14 and 18. 

 The deadline for receiving initial proposals is February 28th. In
 March, entries will be whittled down to a shortlist of six finalists
 who will then be invited to submit more detailed proposals. The
 winning experiment should be about the size of a lunch box, weighing
 no more than 1kg. It will be given a developmental budget of up to

 The winning proposal will be announced at the congress of the
 International Astronautical Federation in Glasgow, Scotland next



 January  12-13 (Weekend) Summer VHF/UHF Test 

 February 15-16 ARRL - CW Contest - 0000 UTC 15 til 0000UTC 16.

 March     1- 2 ARRL SSB Contest - 0000UTC 1 until 0000UTC 2 
                     8 March 1000 UTC til 9 March 1000 UTC
 March    15-16 (Weekend) John Moyle Field Day 

 August   16-17 (Weekend) Remembrance Day Contest
 August   16-17 (Weekend) International Lighthouse Weekend

 November 15-16 (Weekend) Spring VHF/UHF Field Day 


 After an absence of some 25 years, the Athol Johnson Contest will 
 make a return on the third weekend in February in VK7.

 The Athol Johnson Contest is a VHF Contest promoting VHF Mobile Operation, 
 lasting for 8 hours during the daylight hours.

 Following consultation with previous contesters and interested parties,
 Ben VK7BEN has re-written the rules to follow the old contest rules as close
 as possible, as well as modernising some of them.

 VK7BEN is also pleased to announce the inaugural John Grace Perpetual 
 Trophy, to be awarded as part of the Athol Johnson Contest, to the 
 Foundation Licensee with the most points.

 Stay Tuned! Official Rules, Log Sheets will be available early in the 
 new year. It is hoped even have a electronic logger, courtesy of the VK
 Contest Logger developers.

 Pencil this one in your diaries now, this should be a fun days 

 (Ben VK7BEN, Contest Manager)

 D X    A C T I V I T Y    A N D   D A T E S 

 Newly licensed operator Petrus, ZS6GCM, is currently on Bouvet Island and is
 expected to stay there till 14 February 2008.  He is part of a five man
 Norwegian led research team.  Petrus is the medical officer of the team and 
 will also be involved with the research.

 On the 19 December Petrus was granted temporary permission to operate an
 amateur radio station for the duration of the 2007/2008 scientific expedition
 to Bouvet Island using the callsign 3Y0E.

 A dedicated website for the expedition is

 An Icom IC-735 and Hustler 4-BTV vertical antenna were made available by the
 NCDXF, OKDXA and  Bernie van der Walt, ZS4TX.

 Being newly licensed, Petrus, ZS6GCM, has limited HF experience.

 Visit for more details about Bouvet and updates on the 
 Bouvet operation.


 Jay, K4ZLE says "The 2008 DXpedition to Clipperton Island will be led by
 N6OX with N7CQQ and K4SV as the management team.

 The goal is to make 100,000+ contacts, including working as many European,
 Mediterranean and African stations where Clipperton is high on the most
 wanted list.

 Departure date is February 28, arriving on Clipperton on March 4

 The team plans to operate 12 to 14 days, depending on conditions, using
 the call TX5C.

 Currently Clipperton is ranked 35th on the most needed countries list
 worldwide. The team of 22 or so amateur operators look forward to meeting
 or exceeding the performance expectations of modern DXpeditions. In
 addition to the ham activities, there will be a series of scientific
 studies done by the team.

 Clipperton Island is but a nine-square-kilometre coral atoll in the
 North Pacific Ocean, southwest of Mexico and west of Costa Rica.

 It has no permanent inhabitants.

 It is an overseas possession of France administered by the Minister of
 Overseas France.

 (sourced to Westlakes Jan mag)

 south African authority CONFIRMS CALL SIGN PREFIX AREAS

 ICASA has cleared up the confusion of callsign areas that came about when the
 provinces changed after 1994.  The following are the prefix areas:

 ZR1/ZS1/ZU1        Western Cape Province;
 ZR2/ZS2/ZU2        Eastern Cape Province;

 ZR3/ZS3/ZU3        Northern Cape Province;

 ZR4/ZS4/ZU4        Free Sate Province;

 ZR5/ZS5/ZU5        KwaZulu Natal Province;
 ZR6/ZS6/ZU6        Gauteng/ North West/ Mpumalanga/ Limpopo Provinces;

 ZR7/ZS7/ZU7        South African Antarctica;

 ZR8/ZS8/ZU8        Prince Edward and Marion Island.

 The Caribbean Island of Saint Barthelemy has become a separate DXCC 
 entity, making it entity number 338.  This island, prefix FJ, has up to 
 now counted as FS (St. Martin) for DXCC purposes.  However, following 
 administrative changes signed into law by the French authorities in 
 early 2007, Saint Bart's - as the island is generally called - has been 
 designated a DXCC entity in its own right.  A team from Finland has already 
 been active on the island, and has, of course, attracted big pile-ups.

 WW SPECIAL INTEREST GROUPS --- Internet Linking of Repeaters  

 Operating an IRLP Node

 The Internet Radio Linking Project is very easy and intuitive to use, the
 system gives messages about each action. When you link, when you unlink, when
 the node you are calling is busy, in use, or offline etc. Please make sure
 you listen carefully to the voice prompts so you know what is happening.

 To use the system you need a radio with DTMF capabilities, and you need to
 have a good signal into the repeater. Once you have met these requirements
 you are nearly set to go. Your next step is to listen to the repeater for a
 while, get into the swing of how the system works.

 To find the Node number of a particular IRLP node, check the IRLP status
 page. Every node is listed here, with its node number.

 If you are wanting to call an EchoLink node, the node numbers can be found on
 the EchoLink status page. To call an EchoLink node, you must prefix the
 EchoLink node number with a star (*) 

 ALWAYS before speaking or transmitting please LISTEN to ensure the system is
 not in use. If nobody appears to be using the repeater, check the current
 link status by sending DTMF #0

 This will announce whether the node is currently connected to another station,
 Idle, or Offline. If the node is linked, and nobody is using it, you can
 bring it down by sending DTMF 73 Announce your callsign followed by the DTMF
 digits for the node you are calling. This will bring up an IRLP link.
 Once the link has been established, call as you normally would over the

 It's not HF, so there is no need to put out a long winded CQ call !

 DTMF 73 is used to bring down the link once you have finished your QSO.

 After bringing down the link, please announce your callsign. 

 (sourced to Westlakes Jan mag)


  21.360  -  18.160  -  14.300  -  7.060  -  3.760 MHz. 
 Radio amateurs to the rescue

 The RSGB News Service report Amateur radio operators on Hawaii sprang into
 action when an unusually cold and windy storm hit the islands on 4th and 5th

 The severe weather front produced flooding and even brought
 blizzard conditions and heavy snow to peaks. Many residents of the
 various islands lost power and some also lost telephone service.
 The National Weather Service used the Emergency Amateur Radio Club
 and the repeater system to pass severe weather information during
 and after the storm.

 Actual audio of this is downloadable at
 Amateurs continued to provide severe weather spotting until the
 all clear was sounded, but they remain on standby because more
 Pacific storms are expected to hit Hawaii this winter.

 Storms in several other parts of the USA also saw amateurs
 providing a vital public service. The state of Washington was
 struck by wind gusts of over 110 miles per hour and torrential
 rain, resulting in severe flooding. Members of Amateur Radio
 Emergency Services provided communications for various operations
 and evacuation centres. They also filled sandbags and manned
 phones. In Pacific County, ham radio was the only reliable means
 of communications once the landline and cell phones networks failed.

 In Oregon, when even state police had difficulty reaching some of
 their own troops, amateur radio worked. Networks were set up so
 that emergency officials could communicate, and lists of supplies
 needed were relayed from stricken areas. State Governor Ted
 Kulongoski said, "The heroes were the ham radio operators. These
 people provided a tremendous communication link for us."


 JANUARY 20 2008

 The Mid North Coast Amateur Radio Group invite all amateurs to attend the
 2008 Mid North Coast Radio Expo to be held in Coffs Harbour on Sunday 20th

 The Expo is held at the St Johns Church Hall, Mc Lean Street, Coffs Harbour.
 Gary VK2ZKT is the Radio Expo Coordinator on 02 66 55 2 990 or visit the
 Groups comprehensive web site at

 FEBRUARY 9 2008

 The Blue Mountains Amateur Radio Club is turning 50 in January 2008.
 To commemorate this milestone in the club's history, a dinner will be held
 on Saturday the 9th of February 2008 at the Emu Plains Sporting and
 Recreation Club, Leonay (pro: Lee-O-Nay) Parade, Emu Plains, commencing
 at 7:30 PM. The cost is $40.00 per head (excluding drinks) and is
 non-refundable. All current and former members and their partners are
 invited to attend. This is a great opportunity to catch up on old times
 with old friends. Bookings are essential and can be made by contacting 
 Daniel VK2DC via email to or snail mail to PO Box 54,
 Springwood NSW 2777. Full payment must be received by the 25th of January
 2008 to confirm your booking.
 For more information on this  and other BMARC activities, point your browser
 (John VK2QN Publicity Officer Blue Mountains Amateur Radio Club Inc)


 Announcing Centre Victoria RadioFest No. 2. 
 Second-hand traders, club corner, short-talk lectures, displays and the
 popular dipole factory will all return, plus some new exciting activities to
 be announced later.
 All major commercial traders have already made commitments to be there again
 in 2008.    
 For second hand table bookings that cost only $12.50 please contact Nick 
 Angelo VK3UCK 0488 653 201, or check out the website 



 On Sunday 17th February 2008 the Central Coast Amateur Radio Club Field Day
 will again be held at the Wyong Race Course.  This is the most popular field
 day in Australia, generally drawing about two thousand interested amateurs
 and electronic hobbyists each year.

 Major Australian radio and electronic equipment suppliers will be in
 attendance with displays of the latest radio and electronic equipment for

 Displays will also be provided by several amateur radio clubs and special
 interest groups and throughout the day an interesting lecture program will be

 The Newcastle Embroiders Guild will also be providing craft activities
 throughout the day which should be of great interest to the XYL's. 

 The extensive car boot sale area will again be very active, providing a wide
 choice of goods for sale.  As usual the free tea, coffee and chat area will
 operate but this time in a new bigger location.  The various food outlets
 providing hot and cold sit down or take away food will also operate as usual.

 As a new feature this year to promote further socialisation by those 
 attending the field day, an Official Dinner will be held at the venue on the
 evening of Saturday 16th February 2008.  This will be a buffet style meal
 with a guest speaker who will talk on an interesting radio relevant subject.

 This Field Day provides the greatest opportunity for the amateur operator or
 electronic enthusiast to see and purchase all the latest gear in one location
 and meet up with a very wide range of like minded enthusiasts - a great
 opportunity to meet up with old friends and make new friends. 

 More details will soon appear on the Central Coast Amateur Radio Club's web

 How about you put it in your calendar as a must do event!


 Sept 13    Alarameet 2008 will be held in Ulverstone Tasmania on Saturday
            13th and  Sunday 14th September 2008. Susan VK7LUV for details.

            International Telecommunication Union's Telecom World 2009.

            14th IARU R3 Conference Christchurch 12 - 16 October, 2009.

 WIANews - we've reported...YOU decide.

 Societies and Club News Letter Editors can EXCHANGE a feed prior to
 the actual broadcast date, e-mail

 Call-backs follow the RF editions, but also for text readers you may
 lodge a quick reply to let us know you read it, who knows, you might
 even get a "cheerio call".

 Thanks to to our dedicated band of broadcast volunteers who utilize
 their time and equipment in bringing you this weekly broadcast.

 The purpose of "WIANews" is to rapidly provide news of interest to
 active amateurs residing in Australia and the globe. 

 We strongly encourage membership in the Wireless Institute of Australia
 and participation in the activities of  local clubs. 

 Opinions expressed in "WIANews" are those of the writers who submit
 material and do not necessarily reflect those of the rebroadcasters,
 nor the National WIA, but are broadcast in the spirit in which they were

 Material may be reproduced in whole or in part, in any form, a credit to
 WIANews wouldn't go astray... 

 Compiled by VK4BB on behalf of the National WIA.

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