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VK7AX  > NEWS     31.12.07 00:15l 659 Lines 24109 Bytes #999 (0) @ VKNET
BID : VK7AX-1712TA
Subj: VK7 Regional News Broadcast for 16 December 2007
Sent: 071216/1329Z @:VK7NW.#ULV.TAS.AUS.OC #:32792 [NWTARIG] FBB7.00g $:VK7AX-1



Neville Campbell, VK7NC, died last week. He was 95.

Neville became interested in radio as a schoolboy in Scottsdale in 
the 1920s, building a crystal set After moving to Hobart he was 
apprenticed as a jeweller and continued his interest in radio, 
building valve receivers.

Neville discovered amateur radio in 1931 and became thoroughly 

In 1934 he started using the five metre band and later, on 20 metres, 
had the first beam antenna in Tasmania - a W8JK. The mast of the 
antenna came down the chimney of his room and he rotated it manually.

Following service in the RAAF during the war, Neville continued 
building transmitters, receivers and beam antennas until the advent 
of SSB and commercial transceivers.

Nevilles jewellery background made him an excellent workman and his 
homebuilt equipment was a delight to see. There is a beautiful 
automatic Morse key made by Neville in the Max LovelessCollection.

(Ric, VK7RO)



The VK7 Sewing Circle Net has learnt of the results of its efforts in 
providing funds to the tiny Island of Simbo, in the Western Province 
of the Solomon Islands.

Immediately following the tsunami and earthquake which hit the 
Solomon Islands in April 2007, members of the Sewing Circle were 
advised by Steve VK3JY of the plight of the Simbo Island residents. 
Steve's son in law was born and raised on the Island and now lives 
and works in Australia, but keeps in contact with family and friends 
who remain on Simbo.

Simbo is a very remote, tiny island with an active volcano, and is 30 
km from the nearest large town across the open sea. There is no 
commercial transport or communication service to the island.

Islanders live a subsistence lifestyle and trade crops grown in their 
gardens with others to obtain income. 

The tsunami and earthquake devastated the Island, completely washing 
away one village and damaging two others. There was loss of life, but 
most Islanders escaped to high ground to escape the onslaught of 
water and mud. Housing is made from palm fronds, leaves and 
thatching, so was unable to withstand any great disturbance.

Under the leadership of Don VK7AY, an Appeal was launched on the 
Sewing Circle and funds raised from members of the Net and friends 
was sent directly to a senior Chief on Simbo to be distributed as 
agreed by the Island Chiefs.

We have now learnt that houses have been rebuilt, cooking utensils 
replaced, gardens to grow crops re-established and life is getting 
back to normal.

The best news is that not all the funds we sent were needed to re-
establish housing – the unused balance has been used to start a small 
store on the island to supply Islanders from Simbo and surrounding 
islands with essentials they cannot grow or obtain on the Island. 
Such things as tea, sugar and (importantly) fuel for outboard motors 
to enable men to go fishing to supplement the food grown in their 
gardens to add to their subsistence lifestyle, are now available 
through the store, rather than Islanders having to rely on handouts.

Well done to Don VK7AY, without whom this project would not have 
happened, and members and friends of the VK7 Sewing Circle which 
meets every day of the year on 3.590 MHz at 5.00pm local time – all 
comers welcome! 

(Steve VK3JY via Don VK7AY)



The 2008 VK7 Regional News Broadcast roster has not been posted on 
the REAST website.

A great big thank you to the broadcast team.

Each Sunday there are about 12 people involved in bringing you the 
broadcast. This includes compilers, readers, re-broadcasters, 
switchers, callback operators, just to name a few.

All up there are over 20 people regularly involved in the broadcasts 
throughout the year and all these amateurs provide this service to 
you for the princely sum of $0.00. Yes, we are all volunteers.

So, when you callback today why not thank the person you are calling 
back to and wish them Season's Greetings for the great job they have 
done this past year.

We have also reached a milestone last week on VK7RAD/RHT, with over 
1000 callbacks being reached in the WIA Broadcast Year which starts 
at the WIA AGM each year. This year that was May 6. So, in just over 
7 months R2/R5 has recorded over 1000 callbacks for the WIA National 
and VK7 Regional News Broadcasts.

(Justin, VK7TW, VK7 Regional News and Boradcast Coordinator)



Ron VK7ZRO, David VK7DM and Roger VK7ARN have commenced the first of 
the Radio Surveys prior to the running of Targa Tasmania 2008. They 
are currently checking out the new route and stages on the West Coast 
around the Pieman Dam area. There is an opportunity for any one 
interested to become involved in further surveys planned for January 
and February in the new year. 

Anyone in the North and North West of the state would be particularly 
useful as the event will be predominately run in that part of the 
state in 2008. If you are interested and to obtain further details 
please contact Ron, Roger or David or alternatively the Targa Office 
in Hobart.

(73 Dave, VK7DM)



The VK7 events diary provides a quick summary of VK7 club happenings 
over the next couple of months:

REAST – Sunday 10th February 11am Domain – Annual General Meeting 
with Special Antenna Draw.

NTARC – Wedensday 13th February – NTARC Annual General Meeting

And a quick reminder of the weekly club events and broadcasts:

NWTARIG broadcasts in the NW with a different program on Monday, and 
Wednesday on VK7RMD. Check the website for details.

REAST – Every Wednesday evening from 7:30pm is the ATV Experimenter's 
Night and we will be running throughout the holiday period so, why 
not come up and see what we get up to. Check the website for details.



Thanks go to Phil VK7SS who runs Novaris/Powercom for donating a 
quantity of 2nd hand radio equipment to Peter VK7PD; this included a 
large bundle of coaxial flyleads which have an 'N' connector at each 

The flyleads have been divided among REAST, NWTARIG and NTARC. Some 
equuipment has already been sold to amateurs at the NTARC pre-
Christmas BBQ at Myrtle Park. It is understood proceeds will go to 
the repeater fund. 

Thank you Phil.

(73, Peter, VK7PD)



Jack VK7IL is looking for a TH3 Junior HF beam or similar to improve 
his DX. If you are about to help Jack then please contact him on 6272 

(Jack, VK7IL)


Wanted a PM 5390 User Manual

Vernon VK7TVF is looking for an Operator/User Manual for a Philips PM 
5390 RF Synthesizer 0.1MHz to 1GHz Signal Generator.

If you can help with a copy of this manual please contact Vernon 
VK7TVF at email: or Tony VK7AX email: Telephone 64 252923.

(Vernon, VK7TVF)


Allen VK7AN has a G5RV - made by Antenna West in the USA - excellent 
condition - $65

And a 40m end fed Zepp and a 30m end fed Zepp. Made by MFJ in the 
USA - new and unused. Make a sensible offer.

If interested in any of these items phone Allen on 0417 354 410.

(Allen, VK7AN)


Toby, VK7FTML is selling a Yaesu FT-840 in excellent condition and 
good working order and comes with a MH-31 hand microphone.

Asking price is $700. If interested then you can contact Toby on 

(Toby, VK7FTML)



Visits by US Hams:

Bunny W6BUN and his Al K6YRA will be arriving on a ship in Burnie on 
Wednesday 16 Jan 2008 from 9am to 5pm. 

Is anyone free for an eyeball QSO. See for pictures and 
contact details.

(73 Al-K6YRA and Bunny W6BUN)



Northern Tasmanian Amateur Radio Club News

Last Wednesday night was the annual pilgramage to Myrtle Park and 
there were many that braved the elements and attended from far and 
wide - including Max and Shirl from Sulphur Creek - nice one guys!

6 campervans were in attendance and there was much oooooo-ing and 
aaaaaaahhh-ing as their individual attributes were compared and re-
compared. All in all a great night was had at this magical spot.

At the recent Foundation exam night at Barry Hill's (VK7BE) abode, 5 
candidates sat and all were successful. Congatulations to Rebecca 
Hardman, Malcolm (Rebecca's father), Anthony Hardman, Yvonne Maxwell 
and Luke from the North-West Coast. Again, congratulations to you all 
and hopefully Santa will have enough hand-helds in his sack to hand 
out to you all…HIHI.

Until next week

(73, David VK7YUM, NTARC Secretary)



Radio and Electronics Association of Southern Tasmania

Visits by Italian Hams:

Andreas IK1PMR and Claudia K2LEO/IZ1GLO will be visiting VK from 
Italy from the 27 December until 17 February and will be starting in 
Brisbane, then up to Bribie Island, down to Melbourne and finish in 

We have organised VK licences for them whilst they are here and they 
are Andreas VK7AAP and Claudia's is VK7CLA. They will be coming up to 
the clubrooms on a Wednesday the 23rd to visit and say hello.

(73, Justin, VK7TW)


ATV Experimenter's Group

Last Wednesday night Justin VK7TW and Thomas VK7NML installed the new 
audio mixer thanks to Ander VK7FAJM and fine tuned all the levels. We 
now have some good quality video and audio transmissions.

I would like to thank all those dedicated people who gave there time 
to help put the ATV equipment together over 2007.

We now have a fully functional ATV Studio, with reliable equipment 
that can only be described as a great asset to the Club.

Looking back at the year the Wednesday night group have had some very 
interesting nights and visitors, we hope to see you all again in 
2008. A reminder that the ATV night will be running over the holiday 
period – Wednesday night starting around 7:30pm and ATV goes out on 
444.25MHz – just below SBS on the UHF TV Band.

This Wednesday night will be our last for the year so, if you are 
thinking of coming along, bring some nibbles and somehting to drink 
for a relaxed social night.

Thanks to all

(Ken, VK7DY on behalf of REAST ATV Experimenters Group)


REAST Education & Assessments

There are no more courses or assessments planned for 2007 however, if 
you are interested in participating in a course and/or assessment in 
2008 then please let our Education Officer, Reg Emmett VK7KK know. He 
can be contacted at email: or by calling 0417 
391 607.

And remember Foundation Licence Manuals and CD's are available for 
purchase at McCann's Model World in Elizabeth St. Hobart at $20.

(Reg, VK7KK, REAST Education Officer and Assessor)


REAST Callbook Orders

Callbooks will be available from the Domain at the ATV Experimenters 
group this Wednesday night or from the Justin 7TW just give him a 
call or email.

Cost is $22 for a REAST member and $30 for a non-REAST or unfinancial 
REAST member.

(Danny, VK7HDM, REAST Secretary)



REAST Meetings and Events

Last Sunday afternoon was REAST's End of Year BBQ. It started with 
Barry VK7RS reading the VK7 Regional news from the ATV studio on the 
Domain. Thanks Barry.

We had a few vision callbacks amongst the many other callbacks. The 
weather was perfect and the rain only started as the last person 
drove out of the carpark around 3:30pm.

The big event at the BBQ was the big antenna draw. REAST was lucky 
enough to get hold of 13 Moonraker AT318 Autotune Mobile Verticals 
and the control boxes that accompany them.

Following the testing and rewiring of these we were able to offer 
nine last Sunday for $200 each. When new, these antennas were selling 
for over $1,700 each and that was without any wiring!!!

Anyway 26 people put their name into the hat and Richard VK7RO drew 
nine names out and those lucky people were the recipients of these 
sturdy mobile autotune antennas.

There was also brisk trade at the trading tables with many Philips 
828s, Motorola Syntrexes, CBs, PSUs, cavities and a range of other 
equipment being sold on the day.

We then went in to the BBQ and a great social time was had by all. I 
estimate we had about 35 people there enjoying the day.

There are some pictures available on the REAST website.

Our REAST AGM is on Sunday February 10th starting at 11am and will 
followed by a BYO BBQ - hot plates, tea, coffee and soft drinks will 
be available.

Nomination forms are available from the REAST website. All positions 
are open for nomination.

There will be another four of the Moonraker AT318 antennas up for 
grabs at the AGM so, if you missed out at the BBQ then come along to 
the AGM and you can throw your name into the hat.

See you there.

(REAST Committee)



Soja's Visit to Antarctica – 1980/81

The following story was written by Arthur Smith VK3UX back in July 
1982 and appeared in AR Magazine.

Thanks to Ron VK7RM who jogged my memory about this article.

Sjoerd Jongens VK0SJ, known world-wide as "SOJO", was never very 
interested in amateur radio but after spending some time in the 
Antarctic he now has a very strong fascination for it.

As fellow expeditioners on a trip to the Antarctic were going to sit 
for the amateur operators' examination prior to departure, Soja 
thought he would not be left out and, as he is an electronics 
engineer, he did not find the examination too difficult. So a last 
minute purchase was an Icom IC-101 to make the trip with him aboard 
the "Nella-Dan" en route to Mawson Base.

At first Soja did not have too many contacts except for an occasional 
call from Dave VK0DB on Macquarie Island, so it was decided to 
install Keith VK0KL's IC-101 in the shack with the base station's 
Collins equipment and use the station's "VEE" transmit aerial and the 
Rhombic receive aerials, when they were not being used by the 
Australian National Antarctic Research Expedition's (ANARE) station, 

Unfortunately, it was soon discovered that this was not a good 
location as the transmitter caused interference to some of the 
scientific equipment and also to the cassette players in the sleeping 

This caused limited operating time so Soja decided to install his IC-
101 in an empty laboratory with a 200 metre long wire aerial strung 
between two existing masts in a North-South direction. This gave good 
reports from Australia and apparently no interference problems as the 
complaints ceased.

Amateur radio proved a great alternative to the radio-phone skeds 
that the Antarctic has via Sydney; these skeds are about half an hour 
duration with each of the four Antarctic bases time allocated 
sequentially. So with the time available to those who wish to make a 
call and with added complications such as atmospheric disturbances 
and polar cap absorption, when conditions are "difficult", time is 
sometimes at a premium and there is also a cost problem. Whereas an 
average amateur contact is timeless and Kevin VK0KC has been known to 
have broken the 3-hour record.

At first Soja's main interest was to contact a station in his home 
country, PA-Land, but he soon discovered it was very tricky to find 
the right frequency-band and time of day. But, due to the low noise 
level in the Antarctic and the availability of long aerials, he very 
rapidly found he was a very popular station and the log book had many 
stations entered from all areas of the world, and a few contacts were 
made to stations using a 10W transmitter with a vertical whip aerial.

Most of Sojo's enthusiasm was generated by Julian ZS1ANT, an operator 
with the South African Antarctic station, who in turn introduced him 
to his friends in South Africa, Alastair ZS5MU and his wife Davina 
ZS5GC, who very soon became very good "friends-on-the-air" to Soja 

Davina and Alastair inspired Soja to construct a PLL demodulator and 
borrow a telex machine from the main base station which then enabled 
contacts in written word.

In November 1980 on an overland trip with three others towards 
Scullins Monolith using two dog sledges, Soja decided to take his 
transceiver. Two Bombadeer skidoo batteries were taken, one to use 
with the regular radio for skeds with Mawson and the other for the 
Icom. However, during the trip over very rough terrain one sled 
tipped over spilling much of the acid which, when used for 
transmitting, gave very poor results.

At the turn-around point of the trip Soja topped this battery up with 
some meltwater and placed both batteries in a bucket of hot melt-
water, jumpered the two batteries in parallel and had very 
satisfactory results, working Davina for over 45 minutes.

Next, on a trip in January 1981 with tractor trains, Soja wrapped a 
20 metre open dipole around an 8 metre long bamboo attached to the 
radar van sledge, This time Soja used the 240 volt generator, which 
ran day and night, and was even able to make some contacts whilst on 
the move, although static electricity caused by the sledges moving 
over the snow did make readability of weaker signals difficult, most 
contacts being made whilst stationary.

On this trip Soja also installed the telex and used it to transmit 
radio telegrams on 80 metres to VL V at Mawson for retransmission to 

In the summer time Soja was so enthused with amateur radio that he 
had a Tono Theta 1000e communications computer sent down so he could 
further diversify in this new hobby. This enabled him to transmit and 
receive RTTY, ASCII and CW on a video screen. Most contacts via this 
medium proved extremely good and Soja was even able to copy HS1AMI 
(now HS1AMI/ZS1) sending CW with his homebrew computer using 1 watt. 
This power level being necessary because of QRM.

After one year in the Antarctic with some 1,984 entries in his log 
book and many friends the world over, Soja has no regrets to becoming 
involved with amateur radio as it gave him a very satisfying hobby 
under rare conditions in a secluded place during his year at Mawson, 
although the QSL cards and letters he received on his return may have 
made him think twice.

(Sourced from Amateur Radio Magazine - July 1982)

Ron VK7RM acted as the QSL Manager for Soja and still recevies the 
occassional QSL from this Journey.



Preserving Mawson's history

The following article appearing on the ABC News website from Friday 
Dec 14, 2007.

A conservation effort is underway to preserve the food, magazines and 
other artefacts left by expeditioners nearly 100 years ago at 
Mawson's Huts in Antarctica.

A pre-fabricated laboratory is being shipped to the site of the huts 
at Cape Dennison.

The chairman of the Mawson's Huts Foundation, David Jensen, says the 
laboratory will be used by specialist conservators to recover, 
photograph and treat the artefacts.

"They're not improving with age they are slowly deteriorating and 
it's our object is to ensure not only that the hut itself is 
stabilised which we have done over the last 10 years but it's 
important to make sure the artefacts don't deteriorate any further.

Scientists are sorting through the hundreds of artefacts left behind 
by Sir Douglas Mawson and his team at Commonwealth Bay in Antarctica.

Over the next two months a prefabricated laboratory will be set up at 
Mawson's Huts at Cape Denison to recover, photograph and treat the 
items left behind by the expeditioners nearly one hundred years ago.

The chairman of the Mawson's Huts Foundation, David Jensen, says the 
artefacts include clothing, magazines and pipes among other things.

"Food there's a lot of food still remaining there and also equipment 
which was left behind when the Australasian Antarctic expedition 
departed in December 1913."

(ABC News Website)

The artefacts in the hut includes the original Spark transmitter used 
to try and contact the station atop the Queens Domain Hobart via 
Macquarie Island.



VA7MLW Maritime Mobile VK7

Just like to make VK's aware of VA7MLW Glenn who is sailing around 
the world and at the moment is just south of Tasmania and heading 
west to pass Cape Leeuwin. He holds a daily open sked with ZL4QU, 
ZL4AS and ZL4 RMF on 7104.0 at 8.30 UTC, and is more than happy to 
catch up with VK amateurs.

Glenn's website address can be found on the email and interent 
editions of this broadcast:

(John Hammond, on the website via Gavin VK7HGO)



RSS Feeds/Readers

Wyong Field Day Brochure

Excellent Valve Site

Do Not Call Register Site

ICOM website


VK7 Virtual BPL Tours Update - Mt Nelson - North Hobart - R U ready for BPL?


If you are interested in becoming an amateur radio operator or 
upgrading your licence then we suggest you contact your local club 
for details and/or take a look at what the Radio and Electronics 
School has to offer. They have a range of courses that can be 
delivered through a variety of methods.

They can be found at:


Finally today, a reminder to those people rostered for next week's 

Newsreader: VK7TW
160m: VK7DM
80m: VK7EM
40m: VK7TS
20m: VK7AR
10m: VK7ZGK

Thanks to all people and organisations who assisted with this 





VK7 Regional Broadcast & News Coordinator
Justin Giles-Clark, VK7TW

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