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email nationalnews@wia.org.au
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when you visit the NEWSROOM on www.wia.org.au
This weeks WIANews available in Audio after 0100hrs UTC Saturday.
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This is WIANEWS for week commencing December 09 2007
During JOTA VK4's Redcliffe and District Radio Club decided to provide two
Foundation scholarships to scouts and cubs who visited the club station.
These scholarships provide the cost of the Foundation course, Foundation Book,
examination fees and the cost of the ACMA licence fees for the first 12 months.
The Committee has decided on the winners and they will be presented with their
scholarships at next Monday's club meeting.
vk1 local news email broadcast@vk1.wia.ampr.org and ask for subscription.
web service:- http://www.arnsw.org.au/html/news_vk2wi.htm
The last Illawarra AR Society's club meeting for 2007 will be held on Tuesday
11th December, at Wollongong, in the Industry World Visitors Centre,
Springhill Road, Coniston, commencing at 7.30PM.
The Illawarra Amateur Radio Society reminds you, it's new 'Amateur Radio Forum'
is now operational and available for all amateur radio operators to use. If
you have a favourite project you would like to share with other amateurs, log
on, and up load the details for others to view. Or maybe start a discussion
on a hot amateur radio topic.
web service:- http://www.amateurradio.com.au/news/
The countdown continues to the Centre Victoria RadioFest, the biggest event
of its type in Victoria with its family friendly and interesting program.
This a joint venture by Amateur Radio Victoria, Central Goldfields and
Midland Amateur Radio Clubs.
It will be a mix of the program which proved an instant success at the
inaugural event April this year, plus some new elements to add interest.
This includes the National Launch of D-STAR by ICOM with a full show 'n tell
and several presentations by the experts, Richard Hoskins VK3JFK and Peter
Willmott VK3TQ.
A VHF and UHF antenna measuring range, bring your own antenna and check it
Historical radio, scout radio, military radio and WICEN emergency
communications will have excellent displays. Learn something new from those
engaged in those activities.
Antenna guru and author, Phil Grimshaw VK4KVK will have a highly informative
presentation on the G5RV and HF antennas for QTH's which space is limited.
And Terry Murphy's Dipole Factory will be in full operation too.
All major commercial traders are bringing truck loads of gear to sell. There
will also be plenty on sale in both the second-hand marketplace and car-boot
Put it in your diary now. The Centre Victoria RadioFest, Sunday the 10th of
February at the Kyneton Racecourse, less than an hour from Melbourne,
Ballarat and Bendigo.
For contact details and more information check out the website:
I'm Bruce Lees VK3FFF and you're listening to
web service local news:- www.wiaq.com/qnews/upload/qnewsbcast.htm
local news email qnews-vk-subscribe@yahoogroups.com subscribe in subject field.
Townsville Amateur Radio TARC Xmas Lights Tour
The famous TARC Christmas Lights Tour is on again this year and will
be happening in a couple of weeks time. Lights Tour organiser Gavin VK4ZZ
is currently plotting a way around the Twin Cities of Townsville and
web service http://www.vk6.net/newswest-index.html
local area news :- http://reast.asn.au/news.php
your copy of vk7 local news, email vk7regionalnews-subscribe@yahoogroups.com
http://www.vkham.com/vk8da/ note an audio version available on this page.
A new challenge to DSL and cable Internet access from BPL that also holds the
potential for increasing interference even higher in frequency. Europe' s
DS2 Corporation has demonstrated a second generation Broadband over Powerline
chipset for that can handle data at sustained rates of well over
400 Megabytes per second. This, while maintaining backwards compatibility
with earlier generations of hardware.
The company making the claim is DS2, is based in Valencia, Spain. Its
previous chipset, introduced four years ago, enabled communications at
200 Megabits a second over standard electrical power lines. That generation
has been widely deployed by European telecommunications providers and
displaced earlier consumer hardware.
The new generation chipset doubles the bandwidth to 400 Megabits a second.
Even after control, error correction, and quality of service information are
subtracted, the end users will have access to well over 200 Megabits per
second of usable bandwidth. That's double the current 100-BaseT Ethernet and
better than 802.11n can do under most conditions.
DS2 does not build completed BPL systems, installation equipment or end user
hardware. Rather, it designs the processors and creates integrated chipsets
that enable original equipment manufacturers to produce networking solutions.
Its also bout to make power providers -- especially those in Europe who have
been wary of jumping onto the BPL bandwagon -- take another look at
introducing the technology.
(ARS Technica via ARNewsLine)
BPL fear harms amateur radio
The ongoing serious discussion about the problematic broadband over powerlines
technology appears to be discouraging some people from becoming radio amateurs.
Central Goldfields Amateur Radio Club President, Peter Rafferty VK3CC, tells
of potential recruits to amateur radio referring to reports that BPL will
render HF radio useless.
They're telling him it appears a waste of time to take up amateur radio. No so!
The clear message is that, while BPL has demonstrated it can pollute the
spectrum, this does not mean HF radio communications have a use-by date.
The military, aviation and broadcasting continue to have confidence in the
future of HF radio.
Radio amateurs rely on the HF spectrum too, and through the IARU and its member
societies such as the WIA remains strongly opposed to BPL emissions that can
cause harmful interference.
While BPL is not a dead parrot yet, to borrow a phrase, it does continue to
squawk but not consistently loud enough these days.
We can't afford to be complacent about BPL - true - but it's a situation of
being alert but not alarmed, and certainly no justification for turning away
from amateur radio.
(Jim Linton VK3PC)
(this story text editions only)
Stuart Watchman, ZL2TW, NZART Vice President
It was announced this week, via the M.E.D. Radio Spectrum Management web site
that as a result of the Radio Fee's Review for 2007 - that the fee currently
charged by the MED for repeaters, beacons and fixed links for the Amateur
Service are not increasing, but remaining at the same level, ($50.00 pa,
reduced by 10% to $45.00 per annum if paid on-line).
Additionally it is noted first that the regulations include a ten percent
reduction in licence fees for licence holders who undertake their own
interference investigations and secondly that the cost for engineering the
same licenses has increased from $300.00 to $400.00.
NZART extends it's thanks to the submission submitted by the two previous
ALO's, namely Bruce Douglas ZL2WP and Mark Gooding ZL2UFI; as this no doubt
lead to the successful case of at least keeping the fee's at their current
level. Members will recall that a figure of $250 p.a. was a possibility.
This shows the value of the submission process and is good example of what
NZART is doing for its members, and for amateurs as a whole.
As part of the press statement from the minister responsible for this fee's
increase, David Cunliffe stated in part the following: "Mr Cunliffe said there
will be no changes to the amateur licence fees for repeaters, beacons and
fixed links - but these will be included in a review of the amateur fees to be
commenced in the New Year."
The new ALO Don Wallace ZL2TLL will be taking up this "new" review referred to
by the minister when next meeting with the MED.
The new fee structure takes effect on 1 February 2008.
Stuart Watchman, ZL2TW, NZART Vice President
(Jamie Pye ZL2NN, Editor zl2nn@nzart.org.nz)
Ramon XE1KK the Secretary - IARU Region 2 tells us that they now have an
RSS service with short news from the region available in English and Spanish.
You can visit iaru 2 web page to subscribe;
Look in the "Links" section.
Maine, USA and when Stan Giguere went out deer hunting Nov. 24, he was
startled by what he said looked like a big orange parachute in a tree.
It was about 30 feet across and down at the bottom was a pink box with an
antenna sticking out. "I saw a red light on. It had a camera in it."
Stanley chucked the balloon into the back of his truck took it home, found an
email address of a school.
Stan had happened upon was a weather balloon project undertaken by parents and
children of the Perth Children's House Montessori School in Ontario Canada!
550 kilometres away as the crow flies.
What Stanley didn't know was that a tracking car with three residents of
Perth was circling the area at about the same time, in search of the downed
balloon, eventually pulling up in his driveway many hours after the balloon
Yes Ham Radio enthusiasts had tracked it across the country border and the final
signal from the balloon was heard as Stanley took it indoors!
Hams who see emergency communications over the Internet as the future of
traffic handling might want to rethink their position. This, if a new report
that predicts that Internet usage could outstrip network capacity worldwide in
a couple of years proves to be as accurate as it seems to be.
Amateur Radio Newsline's Bruce Tennant, K6PZW, has the details:
The study was conducted by the advisory firm Nemertes Research. The report is
the first to assess the Internet infrastructure and current model as well as
projected traffic patterns independent of one another. And it says that the
Internet access infrastructure, specifically in North America, will cease to
be adequate for supporting demand within the next three to five years.
But that's not all. The Nemertes report says that the cost required to make
capacity meet demand is in the area of $42 billion to $55 billion in the
United States. This would primarily be spent on broadband access capacity.
The firm says that figure is 60 to 70 percent beyond the $72 billion service
providers are planning to invest.
Even bigger is the required investment globally to keep data flowing freely
across the Internet. It's is estimated at $137 billion, again primarily in
broadband access."
If the reports authors are correct, Internet users could increasingly
encounter Internet brownouts or other interruptions to their applications they
use online. For example, it may take more than one attempt to confirm an
online purchase or it may take longer to download the latest video from a site
like YouTube. And for hams trying to communicate using radio to Voice over
Internet Protocol technology it could mean a major slowdown in message
delivery speed. And when lives are at stake, such a roadblock would be
For the amateur Radio Newsline, I'm Bruce Tennant, K6PZW, in Los Angeles.
The bottom line: Radio amateurs involved in emergency communications might
want to consider keeping an all radio backbone system in place, just in case
Internet based message delivery disappears at the moment its needed the most.
Another must read is an article in the December issue of Worldradio magazine
titled "Changing Times." In it, author Jim Wades, K8SIW, notes that the
response model of the Amateur Radio Emergency service has remained stagnant
while the needs, wants and desires of t5he clients it serves are changing very
In his treatment, Wades notes that ARES and similar programs as originally
envisioned stressed a high degree of local autonomy. He notes that model
worked well when all public service communications was cantered around a few
basic technologies. But says Wades, problems are beginning to emerge as
emergency management agencies begin to stress regional cooperation, national
standardization and interoperability.
Wades says that these days, many independent ARES programs are finding it
increasingly difficult to implement new technologies, many of which require
specialized knowledge along with a significant financial investment not
available within the local community. He also notes that there is a people
problem where in all to often local emergency coordinators reject initiatives
toward such things as the use of a single, universal radiogram form or even to
implement structures designed to share specialized resources across multiple
But Wades says that this philosophy has to change. He says that ARES really
needs to be structured more like the McDonalds restaurant chain . He says,
just as you can expect a quarter pounder with cheese to be the same all over
the United States, an agency served by ARES should have assurance that an
ARES group in Oregon has the same basic skills as would a similar group in
Michigan or New York. How this might come to be is covered in the rest of
Jim Wades article that begins on page 34 of the December issue of Worldradio
While helping to provide health and welfare communications for a California
athletic event, a newly licensed amateur calmly makes the call for critical
medical assistance for an injured 6 year old:
Actual contact audio. Hear it in the mp3 version of this newscast available
at www.arnewsline.org or at wia.org.au
Licensed for only 2 1/2 weeks, Kristen Andersen, KI6MRH -- now W6KLA --
volunteered with the Catalina Amateur Repeater Association to help provide
communications for the first-annual Catalina Island Eco Marathon. Kristen was
stationed as a radio operator at the Middle Ranch aid station. During the
race, a vehicle pulled up with a young boy who was bucked off of his horse
during a riding lesson. He was believed to be suffering from head trauma.
Actual contact audio.
As luck had it, the accident occurred right near a radio-staffed marathon aid
station.. But even with a 2 meter repeater located at the top of the island's
highest point, Middle Ranch is a tough shot, due to the rugged terrain.
Still, the critical communications got through.
Responding to the call were Santa Catalina Island Conservancy Rangers,
LA County Fire Dept, and City of Avalon Fire Department Ambulance. He was
first taken to Avalon Community hospital where a scan was done that showed
bleeding on the brain. He was then med-evaced by helicopter to Children's
Hospital Orange County and admitted to the Intensive Care Unit. Late word Is
that the child is back home and doing well.
Still down-under, the Australian Communications and Media Authority has issued
what might be the longest callsigns in the history of ham radio for a special
event. ACMA, as its better known has made available to the Blue Mountains
Amateur Radio Club the callsign VI 2 BMARC 50, to commemorate the club's 50th
VI 2 BMARC 50 -- yep it is a mouthful -- well -- it will be on-air for 10 days
early next year. Listen out for it from January 18th to the 28th 2008.
Details of the operating schedule and QSL information will be posted on the
club's website. Its in cyberspace at www.bmarc.org And that U-R-L is a lot
easier to say than VI 2 BMARC 50.
(WIA News)
January 12-13 (Weekend) Summer VHF/UHF Test
March 15-16 (Weekend) John Moyle Field Day
August 16-17 (Weekend) Remembrance Day Contest
August 16-17 (Weekend) International Lighthouse Weekend
November 15-16 (Weekend) Spring VHF/UHF Field Day
"Please be advised that due to a clerical error the date that I previously
advised for the 2008 RD was incorrect, the weekend closest to the 15th Aug 08
are the Sat 16th and Sun 17th August 2008."
Peter Harding VK40D went on to tell WIA National News "Sooooooooooooooooo
please adjust you Contest calendars accordingly.
The next point I would like to ask help on, I would like to gather data on any
and ALL known contests,
I want this in order that in future publications and the WIA Website will be
able to carry the date, If you have date fine otherwise the known description
'World wide CW contest held on the 3rd Weekend of June'.
etc type of data will help
Please send your Emails
PLEASE USE ONLY THIS ADDRESS as it will be redirected to others."
60 Anniversary of the WIA Awards system.
Our awards were commenced in 1947 so it is the 60th anniversary of our awards
this year.
Mal Johnson VK6LC has revitalised the WIA Awards over the past few years in
his role as our Awards manager.
Details of the awards are available in the latest call Book, available from
the WIA or your local club.
Thanks Mal for your wonderful efforts in making our awards world class.
I'm Trevor Quick VK5ATQ for 1WIA.
VK5ZAI is the Australian Co-ordinator for ARISS.
2nd Sunday each month.
November through March 0900 UTC 7.068 MHz
April through October 1000 UTC 3.685 MHz
Australian Satellite Enthusiasts Group
The Australian Satellite Enthusiasts Group (Ozsatgroup) is a forum for all
amateur operators, SWL'ers, and radio hobbyists, who enjoy working or
listening to satellite and space based radio systems.
They welcome all who are interested in discussing and exploring this
fascinating branch of amateur radio.
The group is operated via a Yahoo group, and includes; a mailing list,
shared calendar - used for making satellite sched's, photo library and
downloads area.
The ARNSW Radio Veteran's Christmas Meeting will be a Christmas lunch held at
the home of Ric HAVYATT - VK2PHat on December the 20th, starting at 10AM.
Please bring your own lunch. However Tea & Coffee will be provided.
21.360 - 18.160 - 14.300 - 7.060 - 3.760 MHz.
WICEN was present at the recent Dural field day in VK2, along with its
communications trailer.
Many friendships were renewed at the event, along with new ones being made,
and that was just WICEN alone!
WICEN has been invited to provide communications for the AROCSPORT Adventure
weekend of 26-28th January, in the Eurobodalla National Park on the south
coast of NSW. Net Control will be located at Beachcomber Holiday Park, where
accommodation will also be provided. Could those interested please contact
Neil Fallshaw VK2XNF
or on 4474-5312.
Other events confirmed for next year include the Barrington Tops
SAREX (Search and Rescue exercise) over the weekend of 18-19th October
and the Hawkesbury Canoe Classic over the weekend of 1st-2nd November;
other likely events include the Nav Shield in early July and the Shahzada
Enduro in late August.
(sourced to a release by Dave Horsfall VK2KFU, Publicity Officer, WICEN (NSW)
Japan's electronics industry has donated new High Frequency radios to the
Solomon Islands tsunami victims. Media Network reports that a total of 200
portable radios have been sent to villages in the Western and Choiseul
provinces of the Solomon Islands.
Japan donated the radios after learning of the disastrous earthquake and
tsunami that hit the Western parts of the country on April 2nd . The radios
can be used for 60 minutes using an AM frequency, 40 minutes using an FM
frequency, and 15 minutes of light without a dry battery by just one minute
of rotating the handle of the built-in power generator.
Media Network says that the radios have been shared equally among the two
provinces with 100 radios each. The donation came from Japan through the
Honorary Consul of Solomon Islands in Japan, Tsuguto Kitano.
Sept 13 Alarameet 2008 will be held in Ulverstone Tasmania on Saturday
13th and Sunday 14th September 2008. Susan VK7LUV for details.
International Telecommunication Union's Telecom World 2009.
14th IARU R3 Conference Christchurch 12 - 16 October, 2009.
It's a Christmas Spit Roast Buffet.
Function however is now fully booked out!
Summerland Amateur Radio Club at Lismore are holding their Christmas Party
Ph: 6624 7247
Club: 414 Richmond Hill Rd. Email: vk2src@sarc.org.au
GOONELLABAH, NSW. 2480. http://www.nor.com.au/community/sarc/
Post: PO Box 524 IRLP: 6220
JANUARY 20 2008
The Mid North Coast Amateur Radio Group invite all amateurs to attend the
2008 Mid North Coast Radio Expo to be held in Coffs Harbour on Sunday 20th
The Expo is held at the St Johns Church Hall, Mc Lean Street, Coffs Harbour.
Gary VK2ZKT is the Radio Expo Coordinator on 02 66 55 2 990 or visit the
Groups comprehensive web site at www.mncarg.org
The Blue Mountains Amateur Radio Club is turning 50 in January 2008.
To commemorate this milestone in the club's history, a dinner will be held
on Saturday the 9th of February 2008 at the Emu Plains Sporting and
Recreation Club, Leonay (pro: Lee-O-Nay) Parade, Emu Plains, commencing
at 7:30 PM. The cost is $40.00 per head (excluding drinks) and is
non-refundable. All current and former members and their partners are
invited to attend. This is a great opportunity to catch up on old times
with old friends. Bookings are essential and can be made by contacting
Daniel VK2DC via email to bmarc50@bmarc.org or snail mail to PO Box 54,
Springwood NSW 2777. Full payment must be received by the 25th of January
2008 to confirm your booking.
For more information on this and other BMARC activities, point your browser
to www.bmarc.org
(John VK2QN Publicity Officer Blue Mountains Amateur Radio Club Inc)
Announcing Centre Victoria RadioFest No. 2.
Second-hand traders, club corner, short-talk lectures, displays and the
popular dipole factory will all return, plus some new exciting activities to
be announced later.
All major commercial traders have already made commitments to be there again
in 2008.
For second hand table bookings that cost only $12.50 please contact Nick
Angelo VK3UCK 0488 653 201, or check out the website
On Sunday 17th February 2008 the Central Coast Amateur Radio Club Field Day
will again be held at the Wyong Race Course. This is the most popular field
day in Australia, generally drawing about two thousand interested amateurs
and electronic hobbyists each year.
Major Australian radio and electronic equipment suppliers will be in
attendance with displays of the latest radio and electronic equipment for
Displays will also be provided by several amateur radio clubs and special
interest groups and throughout the day an interesting lecture program will be
The Newcastle Embroiders Guild will also be providing craft activities
throughout the day which should be of great interest to the XYL's.
The extensive car boot sale area will again be very active, providing a wide
choice of goods for sale. As usual the free tea, coffee and chat area will
operate but this time in a new bigger location. The various food outlets
providing hot and cold sit down or take away food will also operate as usual.
As a new feature this year to promote further socialisation by those
attending the field day, an Official Dinner will be held at the venue on the
evening of Saturday 16th February 2008. This will be a buffet style meal
with a guest speaker who will talk on an interesting radio relevant subject.
This Field Day provides the greatest opportunity for the amateur operator or
electronic enthusiast to see and purchase all the latest gear in one location
and meet up with a very wide range of like minded enthusiasts - a great
opportunity to meet up with old friends and make new friends.
More details will soon appear on the Central Coast Amateur Radio Club's web
site www.ccarc.org.au.
How about you put it in your calendar as a must do event!
WIANews - we've reported...YOU decide.
Societies and Club News Letter Editors can EXCHANGE a feed prior to
the actual broadcast date, e-mail nationalnews@wia.org.au
Call-backs follow the RF editions, but also for text readers you may
lodge a quick reply to let us know you read it, who knows, you might
even get a "cheerio call".
Thanks to to our dedicated band of broadcast volunteers who utilize
their time and equipment in bringing you this weekly broadcast.
The purpose of "WIANews" is to rapidly provide news of interest to
active amateurs residing in Australia and the globe.
We strongly encourage membership in the Wireless Institute of Australia
and participation in the activities of local clubs.
Opinions expressed in "WIANews" are those of the writers who submit
material and do not necessarily reflect those of the rebroadcasters,
nor the National WIA, but are broadcast in the spirit in which they were
Material may be reproduced in whole or in part, in any form, a credit to
WIANews wouldn't go astray...
Compiled by VK4BB on behalf of the National WIA.
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