IK6ZDE > HF 07.04.08 19:00l 422 Lines 12844 Bytes #999 (0) @ ITA
BID : 62079_IK6ZDE
Subj: Hungarian Straight Key Contest
Sent: 080407/1734Z @:IK6ZDE.#AN.IMAR.ITA.EU #:62079 FBB7.00i $:62079_IK6ZDE
Hungarian Straight Key Contest (HSKC)
1. Objective:
To make as many QSOs as possible during the 2-hour contest period, using only
a straight Morse key;
a barefoot transmitter; and
the least possible power.
2. Date and Time:
Between 15:00-17:00 GMT (UT) on the Sunday of the second full weekend in April.
(13 April in year 2008).
3. Participants:
Every licensed ham radio operator observing the rules of this contest and the
obligation to use barefoot transmitter as well as straight key for transmission.
4. Categories:
- SO = Single Operator
- MO = Multi Operator
By Output Power:
- A = station with output power max. 10W
- B = station with output power max. 100W
5. Categories and Their Indication:
SOA – means: Single Op max. 10W output
SOB – means: Single Op max. 100W output
MOA – means: Multi Op max. 10W output
MOB – means: Multi Op max. 100W output
6. Operating Frequencies:
3520-3570 kHz
7. Mode:
2-way CW.
8. Calling for Contest:
as äCQ TEST SKC\", or äCQ SKC\"
9. Report Exchange:
RST + serial number of QSO starting from 001 + one-letter code for
own Output Power Category
- SO, output power = 5W (SOA); report given: 599 015 A
- MO, output power = 90W (MOB); report given: 599 008 B
10. QSO Points:
are Based on Report Received:
QSO point depends on Output Power Category of the other party station:
QSO with a station Category A
3 Points
QSO with a station Category B
1 Point
Examples: Report Received: Points:
599 015 A 3
599 008 B 1
11. Multiplier:
is a combination of the last numeral character of callsign prefix and the
next immediate letter to the right (first letter of the suffix). In case of special callsigns
without a suffix, the last two characters of the callsign are to be considered as multiplier.
Examples: Callsign: Multiplier:
HG5A -
HG2007PAX 7P
HL22 22
TX9 X9
TM380 80
12. Scoring:
the final score is a result of the total QSO points multiplied by the sum of the
Important note
: your own callsign can be considered as multiplier even if you
did not contact any other station giving you the same multiplier.
13. Log Instructions:
- The same station may only be scored once ;
- A contact is valid only if the contacted station has been logged by at least 3 other
participating stations;
- A contact is invalid if the logged times of both parties differ by 5 minutes or more (but:
if no doubt who is faulty the QSO is valid for the other party);
- A contact is invalid if either the sent or the received reports differ in the logs of the two
stations in contact (basically it is considered that the transmitted data are the correct
ones, but: if no doubt who is faulty the QSO is valid only for the other party;
- Duplicate contacts must be logged. Of all the logged dupes only the one QSO which
is logged by both stations first is valid. Dupes are not subject to penalties.
14. Further Announcements:
- An entrant may use a single transmitter only and may not change categories
throughout the contest.
- Stations using callsigns licensed to Clubs or Groups may only participate as Multi
Operator (MO) entries regardless of the actual number of operators.
- The logs which do not fulfill the requirements or the logs of stations who have
undoubtedly violated the rules of the contest, will be handled as control logs.
- Final results – along with the reasons for requalification as control logs (if any) – will
be published on the website URL
on or before the 60th day
after the log submission deadline.
15. Logs:
are preferably submitted electronically (in cabrillo-format or any kind of text editor-
or spreadsheet-made file with extension of .log, .txt, .rtf, .xls, .dbf etc. that is suitable for
further computerized processing), but a paper log containing at least the following data is
also acceptable:
- Date of QSO (yyyy-mm-dd)
- Time of QSO in GMT (UT) (hhmm)
- Other Party Station’s Callsign
- Report Sent (eg.: 599 015 A)
- Report Received (eg.: 599 008 B)
The name of the file in every case should be the callsign only (eg.: ha8kw.log).
Each log entry except cabrillo-format logs must be accompanied by a separate summary
sheet. Header of the cabrillo log and the summary sheets should contain at least the
following data:
- Contest name abbreviation (HSKC)
- Callsign
- Category
- Output Power Used, RIG + ANT
16. Log Submission Deadline:
15th day after the contest (posting date). Log corrections
may be resubmitted any time within this deadline. Each log submitted as attachment of
an e-mail will be acknowledged by an e-mail reply within 2 working days.
17. Log Submission Address:
- by e-mail: hskc(at)ha8kux.com ;
- by traditional mail: Provics Ferenc, P.O. Box 620, Szeged-1, H-6701, HUNGARY
Subject line of such an e-mail should contain:
Contest name abbreviation, Callsign, Category
(separated each by <space>).
18. Awards:
Top 6 places in each category will be awarded with certificates. Certificates will be mailed
to the address given in the header of the cabrillo log or in the log summary. The winners
of each category obtain the honouring title äStraight Key Jugglerö appearing on their
19. Trophy:
A cup trophy will be awarded to the winner of category äSOAö, thanks to HA8VT, Zoli
Good luck in the contest!
Feco, HA8KW
and the team of HA8KUX
ungarian Straight Key Contest (HSKC)
. Objective:
o make as many QSOs as possible during the 2-hour contest period, using only
a straight Morse key;
a barefoot transmitter; and
the least possible power.
. Date and Time:
etween 15:00-17:00 GMT (UT) on the Sunday of the second full weekend in April.
13 April in year 2008).
. Participants:
very licensed ham radio operator observing the rules of this contest and the
bligation to use barefoot transmitter as well as straight key for transmission.
. Categories:
SO = Single Operator
MO = Multi Operator
y Output Power:
A = station with output power max. 10W
B = station with output power max. 100W
. Categories and Their Indication:
OA – means: Single Op max. 10W output
OB – means: Single Op max. 100W output
OA – means: Multi Op max. 10W output
OB – means: Multi Op max. 100W output
. Operating Frequencies
3520-3570 kHz
. Mode
2-way CW.
. Calling for Contest:
s äCQ TEST SKC\", or äCQ SKC\"
. Report Exchange
RST + serial number of QSO starting from 001 + one-letter code for
wn Output Power Category
SO, output power = 5W (SOA); report given: 599 015 A
MO, output power = 90W (MOB); report given: 599 008 B
0. QSO Points
are Based on Report Received:
SO point depends on Output Power Category of the other party station:
SO with a station Category A
SO with a station Category B
xamples: Report Received: Points:
99 015 A 3
99 008 B 1
1. Multiplier
is a combination of the last numeral character of callsign prefix and the
next immediate letter to the right (first letter of the suffix). In case of special callsigns
without a suffix, the last two characters of the callsign are to be considered as multiplier.
Examples: Callsign: Multiplier:
HG5A -
HG2007PAX 7P
HL22 22
TX9 X9
TM380 80
2. Scoring
the final score is a result of the total QSO points multiplied by the sum of the
mportant not
your own callsign can be considered as multiplier even if you
id not contact any other station giving you the same multiplier.
3. Log Instructions:
- The same station may only be scored once ;
- A contact is valid only if the contacted station has been logged by at least 3 other
articipating stations;
- A contact is invalid if the logged times of both parties differ by 5 minutes or more (but:
f no doubt who is faulty the QSO is valid for the other party);
- A contact is invalid if either the sent or the received reports differ in the logs of the two
stations in contact (basically it is considered that the transmitted data are the correct
nes, but: if no doubt who is faulty the QSO is valid only for the other party;
- Duplicate contacts must be logged. Of all the logged dupes only the one QSO which
s logged by both stations first is valid. Dupes are not subject to penalties.
4. Further Announcements:
- An entrant may use a single transmitter only and may not change categories
hroughout the contest.
- Stations using callsigns licensed to Clubs or Groups may only participate as Multi
perator (MO) entries regardless of the actual number of operators.
- The logs which do not fulfill the requirements or the logs of stations who have
ndoubtedly violated the rules of the contest, will be handled as control logs.
- Final results – along with the reasons for requalification as control logs (if any) – will
e published on the website URL
on or before the 60th day
fter the log submission deadline.
5. Logs
are preferably submitted electronically (in cabrillo-format or any kind of text editor-
r spreadsheet-made file with extension of .log, .txt, .rtf, .xls, .dbf etc. that is suitable for
urther computerized processing), but a paper log containing at least the following data is
lso acceptable:
- Date of QSO (yyyy-mm-dd)
- Time of QSO in GMT (UT) (hhmm)
- Other Party Station’s Callsign
- Report Sent (eg.: 599 015 A)
- Report Received (eg.: 599 008 B)
The name of the file in every case should be the callsign only (eg.: ha8kw.log).
Each log entry except cabrillo-format logs must be accompanied by a separate summary
heet. Header of the cabrillo log and the summary sheets should contain at least the
ollowing data:
- Contest name abbreviation (HSKC)
- Callsign
- Category
- Output Power Used, RIG + ANT
6. Log Submission Deadline
15th day after the contest (posting date). Log corrections
ay be resubmitted any time within this deadline. Each log submitted as attachment of
n e-mail will be acknowledged by an e-mail reply within 2 working days.
7. Log Submission Address:
- by e-mail: hskc(at)ha8kux.com ;
- by traditional mail: Provics Ferenc, P.O. Box 620, Szeged-1, H-6701, HUNGARY
Subject line of such an e-mail should contain:
Contest name abbreviation, Callsign, Category
(separated each by <space>).
8. Awards:
Top 6 places in each category will be awarded with certificates. Certificates will be mailed
o the address given in the header of the cabrillo log or in the log summary. The winners
f each category obtain the honouring title äStraight Key Jugglerö appearing on their
9. Trophy:
A cup trophy will be awarded to the winner of category äSOAö, thanks to HA8VT, Zoli
Good luck in the contest!
Feco, HA8KW
and the team of HA8KUX
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