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IK6ZDE > HF       07.04.08 19:00l 288 Lines 7586 Bytes #999 (0) @ ITA
BID : 62081_IK6ZDE
Subj: UBA Spring-contest 2008
Sent: 080407/1747Z @:IK6ZDE.#AN.IMAR.ITA.EU #:62081 FBB7.00i $:62081_IK6ZDE
To  : HF@ITA

UBA Spring-contest 2008
The UBA invites all radio amateurs to take part in the 25  edition of the UBA SPRING-CONTEST. 
1.  Contest dates / Contest parts:
HF  - 80m  CW  
:  09 march 2008 (07.00 - 11.00 UTC) 
VHF-6m Phone/CW  :  16 march 2008 (07.00 - 11.00 UTC) 
VHF-2m Phone/CW  :  23 march 2008 (07.00 - 11.00 UTC) 
HF  - 80m Phone     :  13 April 2008  (06.00 - 10.00 UTC) 
2.   Contest call :
   CQ UBA contest 
3.  Points:
3 points / contact 
Only “point to pointö contacts via the air are allowed. 
4.   SWL's:    
Each station HEARD may be counted ONCE. 
A station WORKED may appear a maximum of 10 times.    
Each QSO logged must contain at least one ON station. 
5.   Multipliers: 
a.  Each section of the UBA (group of 3 characters), sent by 
the ON stations member of the UBA.  
Ex.: DST,  OSB and LGE are 3 multipliers. 
b.  The 3 characters group XXX, sent by ON stations NOT 
member of the UBA. 
c.  The  3  characters  group  UBA,  sent  by  the  National 
station ON4UB. 
For ON stations only: all DXCC countries, except ON 
6.   Reports: 
a.  ON  Stations:  Report  =  RS(T)  +  QSO  serial  number 
starting with 001+ UBA section or XXX for ON stations 
NOT member of the UBA 
 Ex: ON4DST   - rprt given 59(9)001 DST 
- rprt received 59(9)003 MCL 
b.   Foreign stations: Report = RS(T) + QSO serial number 
starting with 001. 
  Ex.: G3ZZZ 
- report given 59(9)005 
- report received 59(9)019 DST 
7.   Foreign stations:  
Only contacts with ON stations are valid. 
8.  Final score:
Total of QSO points  Total of MULTIPLIERS  
9.   Classifications:
ON Stations 
Foreign Stations  
SWL ON Stations 
Foreign SWL Stations 
10. QRP stations: 
QRP  stations  will  be  ranked  separately.  QRP  stations 
indicate \"QRP\" in the log- and the summary sheet headers.  
maximum output power: 
CW = 5 Watt, Phone = 10 Watt 
11. Souvenirs 
The winner of each classification and the QRP station with 
the  best  result  in  each  part  of  the  contest  will  receive  a 
12. Logs:  
Log pages 
with 40 QSO's / A4 page must mention the 
following items:  
(1)  Transmitting  stations:  UTC,  CALL,  REPORT  given, 
(2)  SWL  stations:  UTC,  CALL  STATION  HEARD, 
REPORT  given  by  the  station  HEARD,  CALL 
 must mention the following items: 
(1)  Contest name, part and date. 
(2)  Name, Callsign and address. 
(3)  Description of the station + transmitting power.  
(4)  Total  number  of  QSO's,  points  and  multipliers,  and 
the score. 
(5)  Declaration: 
\"I  declare  that  all  the  contest  rules 
and all the rules and regulations for amateur radio 
operations in my country have been observed and 
adhered  to.  I  accept  all  the  decisions  of  the 
Contest Committee\"  
(6)  Signature and date.  
Computer  logs  must  have  the  same  format  and  layout  as 
described above.   
13. Deadline: 
The logs (preferably via E-mail) must arrive at latest 3 weeks 
after EACH contest date:  
a.   via E-mail: 
(Confirmation by E-mail comes within one week)      
b.  or via mail
  Michel Gertis – ON4CAQ 
Mommestraat 69 
B-3550  Heusden Zolder 
14. Disqualification:
Erroneous QSO's and multipliers, incomplete QSO's, as well 
as double made contacts (if not mentioned as \"dupe\") will be 
punished with -10 points / QSO.  
Logs with more than 5% faulty QSO's will be disqualified.  
15. HF frequency segments to be respected: 
The IARU contest segments should be respected. 
CW   = 3,510 - 3,560 MHz 
SSB  = 3,600 - 3,650 MHz and 3,700 - 3,775 MHz. 
Hope to meet you in the contest !    The UBA-DST spring contest - committee  ON4CAQ,  ON7FH, ON7KS 
BA Spring-contest 200

he UBA invites all radio amateurs to take part in the 25  edition of the UBA SPRING-CONTEST.


.  Contest dates / Contest parts

F  - 80m  CW 
  09 march 2008 (07.00 - 11.00 UTC)
HF-6m Phone/CW  :  16 march 2008 (07.00 - 11.00 UTC)
HF-2m Phone/CW  :  23 march 2008 (07.00 - 11.00 UTC)
F  - 80m Phone     :  13 April 2008  (06.00 - 10.00 UTC)
.   Contest call 
  CQ UBA contest
.  Points
 points / contact
nly “point to pointö contacts via the air are allowed.
.   SWL's:   
ach station HEARD may be counted ONCE.
 station WORKED may appear a maximum of 10 times.   

ach QSO logged must contain at least one ON station.
.   Multipliers:
.  Each section of the UBA (group of 3 characters), sent by
he ON stations member of the UBA. 
x.: DST,  OSB and LGE are 3 multipliers.
.  The 3 characters group XXX, sent by ON stations NOT
ember of the UBA.
.  The  3  characters  group  UBA,  sent  by  the  National
tation ON4UB.
or ON stations only: all DXCC countries, except ON

.   Reports:

.  ON  Stations:  Report  =  RS(T)  +  QSO  serial  number
tarting with 001+ UBA section or XXX for ON stations
OT member of the UBA
Ex: ON4DST   - rprt given 59(9)001 DST
 rprt received 59(9)003 MCL
.   Foreign stations: Report = RS(T) + QSO serial number
tarting with 001.
 Ex.: G3ZZZ
 report given 59(9)005
 report received 59(9)019 DST
.   Foreign stations: 
nly contacts with ON stations are valid.
.  Final score

otal of QSO points  Total of MULTIPLIERS 

.   Classifications
N Stations
oreign Stations 
WL ON Stations
oreign SWL Stations
0. QRP stations:
RP  stations  will  be  ranked  separately.  QRP  stations
ndicate \"QRP\" in the log- and the summary sheet headers. 
aximum output power:
W = 5 Watt, Phone = 10 Watt

1. Souvenirs

he winner of each classification and the QRP station with
he  best  result  in  each  part  of  the  contest  will  receive  a
2. Logs: 
og pages
ith 40 QSO's / A4 page must mention the
ollowing items: 
1)  Transmitting  stations:  UTC,  CALL,  REPORT  given,
2)  SWL  stations:  UTC,  CALL  STATION  HEARD,
EPORT  given  by  the  station  HEARD,  CALL
must mention the following items:
1)  Contest name, part and date.
2)  Name, Callsign and address.
3)  Description of the station + transmitting power. 
4)  Total  number  of  QSO's,  points  and  multipliers,  and
he score.

5)  Declaration:
"I  declare  that  all  the  contest  rules
nd all the rules and regulations for amateur radio
perations in my country have been observed and
dhered  to.  I  accept  all  the  decisions  of  the
ontest Committee\" 
6)  Signature and date. 
omputer  logs  must  have  the  same  format  and  layout  as
escribed above.  
3. Deadline:

he logs (preferably via E-mail) must arrive at latest 3 weeks
fter EACH contest date: 
.   via E-mail:

Confirmation by E-mail comes within one week)     

.  or via mai
 Michel Gertis – ON4CAQ
ommestraat 69
-3550  Heusden Zolder

4. Disqualification
rroneous QSO's and multipliers, incomplete QSO's, as well
s double made contacts (if not mentioned as \"dupe\") will be
unished with -10 points / QSO. 
ogs with more than 5% faulty QSO's will be disqualified. 
5. HF frequency segments to be respected:
he IARU contest segments should be respected.
W   = 3,510 - 3,560 MHz
SB  = 3,600 - 3,650 MHz and 3,700 - 3,775 MHz.

ope to meet you in the contest !    The UBA-DST spring contest - committee  ON4CAQ,  ON7FH, ON7KS

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