IK6ZDE > HF 16.01.09 23:07l 111 Lines 4150 Bytes #999 (0) @ EU
BID : 25647_IK6ZDE
Subj: Hungarian DX Contest 2009
Sent: 090116/2206Z @:IK6ZDE.#AN.IMAR.ITA.EU #:25647 FBB7.00i $:25647_IK6ZDE
To : HF@EU
Contest Rules - Hungarian DX Contest 2009
In memoriam HA0MM
Organizer: Hungarian Radioamateur Society.
Goals: to promote the traditionally good friendship between the radioamateurs.
Date and time: The 3rd full weekend of January, between Saturday 12:00 UT to Sunday 11:59 UT. In 2009: 17-18th January.
Participants: any licensed radioamateur station or SWL.
Frequencies: 1,8 - 28 MHz (no WARC bands). The recommendations for IARU Region 1. Bandplan have to be obeyed.
Modes: CW and SSB.
* SOAB CW LP - Single Op All Bands CW Low Power
* SOAB CW HP - Single Op All Bands CW High Power
* SOAB SSB LP - Single Op All Bands SSB Low Power
* SOAB SSB HP - Single Op All Bands SSB High Power
* SOAB MIX QRP - Single Op All Bands MIXED QRP
* SOAB MIX LP - Single Op All Bands MIXED Low Power
* SOAB MIX HP - Single Op All Bands MIXED High Power
* SOSB CW LP - Single Op Single Band CW Low Power
* SOSB CW HP - Single Op Single Band CW High Power
* SOSB SSB LP - Single Op Single Band SSB Low Power
* SOSB SSB HP - Single Op Single Band SSB High Power
* SOSB MIX LP - Single Op Single Band MIXED Low Power
* SOSB MIX SSB - Single Op Single Band MIXED High Power
* SO2R AB MIX HP – Single Op Two Radio MIXED High Power
* MS MIX LP - Multi Ops All Bands Single TX MIXED only Low Power
* MS MIX HP - Multi Ops All Bands Single TX MIXED only High Power
* MM - Multi Ops All Bands Multi TX MIXED only
* SWL - All Bands, Mixed only.
QRP: Max 10W out
Low Power: Max 100W out
High Power: Max 1500W out
Contacts: Any station can be contacted during the contest. Every station can be contacted once per band and mode.
Exchange: RS(T) + QSO number starting with 001. MM stations shall use separate serial numbers per band, starting with 001.
Stations operating from HUNGARY - RS(T) give two letters county code.
Hungarian county codes: ZA, GY, VA, KO, VE, SO, TO, BA, FE, BP, NG, HE, PE, SZ, BE, CS, BN, BO, SA, HB.
* QSO with own DXCC country: 1 points;
* Another country on same continent: 1 point;
* Other continent: 3 points;
* Contacts with Hungarian stations: 6 points.
Multipliers: Hungarian counties per band.
Total score: Sum of QSO points multiplied by sum of multipliers. If no Hungarian stations were reached multiply QSO points by one.
Logs: Only Cabrillo format. Cabrillo files can be
* submitted on the world wide web under the following URL: http://www.ha-dx.com
* sent as e-mail attachment to the following e-mail address: hadx@mrasz.axelero.net
* sent on floppy or CD via mail to: MRASZ 1400 Budapest, PO.BOX 11, Hungary.
If you cannot create a Cabrillo file please use our simple manual log editor interface on the web under the following URL: http://www.ha-dx.com
If you have any questions or remarks please use our information e-mail: address: contestmanager@mrasz.axelero.net
Paper log only for check.
Deadline of log submission is 30 days after the contest (based on email timestamp or postal stamp)
FREE Contest Softwares: N1MM logger, SD by EI5DI, MixW.
Awards: every contest participant gets a certification which will be available for download on the contest home page after publishing the final result.
The logged but not scored dupe contact is not qualified as an error;
The maximum time different between the logged contacts is 2 minutes. If based on received logs it could be proved clearly that who logged the wrong time, then contact of entrant logging wrong time should be only counted as an error;
A contact with a station meaning multiplier has to be logged at least more two logs if this station has not sent a log. Otherwise this contact is going to be erased;
Information coming from any other QTH is irregular;
All entrants must conform to rules of their radio amateur license.
Packet cluster can be used in all entries. Self-spotting is forbidden!
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