G0TEZ > PC 03.02.09 21:28l 39 Lines 1545 Bytes #999 (0) @ WW
BID : 730178G0TEZ
Subj: Re: Drunken Sailors
Sent: 090203/1500Z @:GB7FCR.#16.GBR.EU #:23792 [Blackpool] FBB-7.03a $:730178G0
To : PC@WW
The words I learnt to 'What shall we do with a drunken sailor' make it
sound 19th or even 18th century; 'put him in the longboat 'til he's sober'
is one.
We all assumed it was old and anonymous. I've never heard of the woman who
is supposed to have written it. I do remember that it was bad luck to have
a woman on a ship other than as a passenger on a liner.
Of course, there was no feminism in the '50s.Boadicea was still called
Boadicea. Looking up the name Curie would get you Pierre (researcher into
piezo-electrics and cryogenics as well as radium later on) not just Marie.
At school; boys did science while girls just did domestic science
(cookery, needlework etc.).
We sang 'Baa,baa black sheep, not green sheep. We had teachers who wrote
on black boards, not 'chalk boards.' Theb old rhyme 'Woman, Ass and Rowan
tree, the more beat the better be' was still chanted in schoolyards.
I don't like p.c. but, what does it matter, I'm just a stupid old man. My
opinions are of no cansequence, like most of you.
º º ÉÍ» ÉÍ» º ...De Ian G0TEZ@GB7FCR.#16.GBR.EU º º
º º Π͹ º Timed: 14:46UTC on 03-Feb-2009. º º
º º º Èͼ º WinPack-Telnet V6.80 [Registered.] º º
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