KB2VXA > PC 03.04.09 00:21l 43 Lines 1942 Bytes #999 (0) @ WW
BID : 56128_VK2TV
Subj: Re: G0FTD > auto junk
Sent: 090402/2313Z @:VK2TV.#MNC.NSW.AUS.OC #:56128 [Kempsey, QF68JX] $:56128_VK
To : PC@WW
Hi again Andy & Co. LLC,
No conspiracy OM, we're not the enemy. If you smell something I can't say
what it is offhand but you may want to check the bathroom. Actually all
the software I have defaults to English, maybe because my sources are
domestic, your mileage may vary. Eh, one puzzler, once in a while
KMPlayer goes all Polish on me and I have to go into the folder to run
setup.exe because it gives no language options otherwise. I now leave you
to come up with a snappy remark, I'm fresh out of ideas for the moment.
Flashes in the pan? You're frying your chips too hard man, turn down the
heat before you set your house on fire.
,. '\'\ ,---.
Quiet, Pinky; I'm pondering. | \\ l\\l_ // | Err ... right,
_ _ | \\/ `/ `.| | Brain! Narf!
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73 de Warren
Station powered by JCP&L atomic energy, operator powered by natural gas.
Message timed by NIST: 23:13 on 2009-Apr-02 GMT
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