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[San Dona' di P. JN]

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G0FTD  > PC       01.04.09 18:13l 40 Lines 1236 Bytes #999 (0) @ WW
BID : 010095090PZT
Subj: Flippin' auto junk
Sent: 090401/1641Z @:GB7PZT.#24.GBR.EU [Kidderminster] #:9501 XSERV410h
Date: Wed, 01 Apr 2009 16:41:20 +0000
From: (Andy)
To: pc@ww

Subject: Flippin' auto junk

I absolutly hate and despise any software that tries to do thing for me.

Pesky office software that inserts capitals at the beginning of every
line and assumes it's a new sentence.

Auto carriage returns are another non favourite for me, as is auto 
formatting of dates and documents too.

All I end up doing is wasting time fighting some so called intelligent
software, or the options to turn it all off !

Another function that I always turn off is T9 spelling software on
mobile phones. 

The problem with this software is that is you already know how to spell
the word, it suggests everything else until you have completed spelling
the word you want.

Fine for illiterate fools and CB'ers (sorry I meant M3/M6's), but not 
for those of us that actually know the English language.

Here's what I think should be the rule for software writers:

If there is going to be an automatic anything written, then the options
should be that it is automatically off until activated.

- Andy -
- Not an RSGB member from 1919 to 2009 -

Message timed: 17:59 on 2009-Apr-01
Message sent using WinPack-Telnet V6.80


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