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23 July 2011 A.R.I. DX Bulletin
No 1055
*** 4 2 5 D X N E W S ***
Edited by I1JQJ & IK1ADH
Direttore Responsabile I2VGW
9A - Daniel, DK3CH will be active as 9A/DK3CH from Dugi Otok (EU-170)
from 28 July to 10 August, including an entry in the IOTA Contest.
QSL via home call. [TNX NG3K]
9A - Alessandro, IZ4AMS will be active as 9A8AMS from Sveti Nikola
Island (EU-110) from 29 July to 1 August, including an entry in
the IOTA Contest. QSL via home call. [TNX rsgbiota.org]
CE - The CE4A expedition to Pupuya Island (SA-095, new one) [425DXN
1052] is now scheduled to take place on 20-23 November (dates may
change in case of bad weather conditions). Cezar, VE3LYC and Dino,
CE3PG will operate CW and SSB on 17, 20, 30 and 40 metres with two
stations (100 watts) and multiband verticals. QSL via VE3LYC,
direct or bureau. Further information, including QSLling
istructions and details on how contribute to this difficult and
expensive project, can be found at http://ce4a.yolasite.com/
EI - A group of operators from the Galway Radio Experimenters Club
(EI4GRC) and the Shannon Basin Radio Club (EI2SBC) will
participate in the IOTA Contest as EJ3Z from Inishbofin (EU-121).
QSL via EI3Z. Operators mentioned are EI2EO, EI2II, EI3ER, EI3HA,
and EI9HX; on the days leading up to the contest, members will be
active using their own callsigns as well as EJ4GRC on HF and VHF.
[TNX Southgate ARC]
EI - Members of the Dalkey Island Contest Group will be active as EI1DD
from the main island of Ireland (EU-115) during the IOTA Contest.
QSL only via bureau. [TNX EI7CC]
ES - Juri, ES5GP will be active from Vaindloo Island (EU-149) from 27
July to 3 August. He will operate SSB and digital modes on the HF
bands, 6 and 2 metres, and will participate in the IOTA Contest as
either ES4GP or ES4WK. QSL via bureau. [TNX NG3K]
F - Special callsign TM2CV will in use during the 19th World Meeting
of 2CV Friends that will be held in Salbris, France on 26-31 July.
F - The Council of Europe Radio Amateur Club (TP2CE, ewwa.free.fr)
will be active again as TP50CE on 29-31 July. QSL via F5LGF. [TNX
F - F4RTE, F5IL, F5JY, F5NKX, F5RJM, F6BFH, F8PDR and ON4LO will be
active as TM5SM from the Saint Marcouf Islands (EU-081) on 11-15
August. They will operate CW, SSB and RTTY on all bands (except
160 metres). QSL via F5RJM, direct or bureau.
G - The Cestrian Scout Group from Chester (England) will be active as
GB2COS on 29-31 July. They plan to be QRV on 10, 12, 15, 17, 20,
40 and 80 metres. The station is to coincide with and make contact
with the 22nd World Scout Jamboree in Sweden (see SM below). QSL
via G7BQY. [TNX G7BQY]
GM - Lanarkshire Contest Group's member GM0ELP will be active as MM3T
from the Isle of Bute (EU-123) on 30-31 July for the IOTA Contest
(12 hours, CW). QSL via eQSL only, as "we do not have paper QSL
cards" (but IOTA chasers will be able to claim credit online once
the contest logs are uploaded to www.rsgbiota.org). [TNX
GU - MU/PA9M is the callsign the PA6Z Contest and DX Team will be using
from Guernsey (EU-114) on 23-30 October [425DXN 1049], including a
Multi-Multi entry in the CQ WW SSB Contest. They will operate CW
and SSB on 160-6 metres with up to seven stations. QSL via PA9M,
direct or bureau. Further information can be found at
GW - The G5O Contest Group will be active as GW5O from Holy Island
(EU-124) from 29 July to 1 August, including an entry in the IOTA
Contest. QSL via the bureau. [TNX rsgbiota.org]
I - Weather permitting, the Extreme DX & Contest Group will be active
as IL3A from La Certosa (EU-131) on 23 July. The operators will be
Nicola IZ3EBA, Stefano IZ3NVR and Sergio IZ3NXC; look for them on
40 and 20 metres SSB and CW. QSL via IK3HHX, direct or bureau.
I - Alfio, IT9EJW and other ten operators (IT9ATQ, IT9GAC, IT9RKR,
participate in the IOTA Contest as IT9EJW/p from Lachea Island
(EU-166). QSL via IT9EJW, direct or bureau.
JW - Fred, G3SVK says he will be active from Svalbard as JW/G3SVK for
one day only, on 25 July. He will be QRV mostly on CW, but could
try some SSB if time permits.
KH8 - Ron, WA8LOW and other four operators will be active as WA8LOW/KH8
from Tutuila (OC-045), American Samoa on 1-17 August. They will
run four high power stations on 160-6 metres all modes. QSL via
WA8LOW. [TNX The Daily DX]
KL - Chuck, KL7OH has cancelled his announced activity from Sarichef
Island (NA-152) [425DXN 1051]. "A valiant effort will be made for
2012", he says.
LA - Chris, LA8OM will be active from Finnoy (EU-055) on 28-31 July,
including an entry (24 hours CW) in the IOTA Contest. QSL via home
call, bureau preferred. [TNX NG3K]
LZ - Stan LZ1GC, Dechko LZ1QV, Boyko LZ1QN, Boris LZ2JR, Nasko LZ3YY
and Todor LZ5TS will be active as LZ0I from Sveti Ivan Island
(EU-181) on 29-31 July, IOTA Contest included. QSL via LZ1BJ,
bureau preferred. [TNX LZ1BJ]
OH - Jari, OH1JO will be active again as OH1K from Kaunissaari Island
(EU-140) between 28 July and 4 August. He will operate mainly on
20 metres. QSL via OH1JO, direct or bureau.
OZ - Look for Rene, DH3BEA to be active as OZ/DH3BEA from Fano Island
(EU-125) from 24 July to 5 August. QSL via home call, direct or
bureau. [TNX rsgbiota.org]
OZ - Mike, DG5LAC and Petra, DB1LPS will be active as OZ/DG5LAC from
Bjorno Island (EU-172) from 29 July to 1 August, IOTA Contest
included. Expect activity on 80-10 metres SSB. QSL via DG5LAC,
direct or bureau. [TNX rsgbiota.org]
OZ - Look for OZ7BQ/p to be active from Drejo Island (EU-172) between
29 July and 5 August, including an entry in the RSGB IOTA Contest.
QSL via home call (bureau preferred) and LoTW. [TNX VA3RJ]
PY - PU7RLM, PY7AHA, PY7GK, PY7OO, PY7VI and PY7XC will be active as
PY7CRA/p from Itamaraca Island (SA-046) on 29-31 July. QSL to
PY7CRA, direct or bureau. [TNX rsgbiota.org]
PY - Orlando, PT2OP as PQ8OP and Fred, PY2XB as PQ8XB will be active
from the Parazinho Biological Reserve, Bailique Archipelago
(SA-045) [425DXN 1051] on 17-24 August. They will operate SSB, CW
and digital modes on 40-10 metres. They will have 6m capabilities
and will monitor the band for openings. QSL PQ8OP via PT2OP, QSL
SM - Special event station SJ22S (http://sj22s.simplyscouting.se/) will
be active from 27 July to 7 August during the 22nd World Scout
Jamboree to be held near Rinkaby, Sweden. The site will be staffed
and operated 24/7 by a select team of 40 amateur radio operators
from around the world.
SV - Laci, HA0NAR will be active as SX8R from Thassos Island (EU-174)
from 25 July to 1 August, including an entry in the IOTA Contest.
He will be QRV on 160-6 metres CW, SSB and RTTY. QSL via home
call. [TNX DX World]
SV - Look for Laci HA6NL (J48NL), Sanyi HA7JJS (J48JJ), Laci HA7PL
(J48P) and Andor HA5AOP (SV8/HA5AOP) to be active from Thassos
Island (EU-174) from 27 July to 1 August, IOTA Contest included.
QSL via home calls, direct or bureau. [TNX The Daily DX]
SV5 - SV5BYR, SW5KKR and a group of operators from Crete will
participate in the IOTA Contest as J45K from Kasos Island (EU-001,
WWL KM35kj). Activity is expected to start on 27 July on the HF
bands as well as on 6m, 4m, 2m even on 1,2 GHz if conditions
allow. QSL via SV9DJO and LotW.
TA - Celebrating the 100th anniversary of the Turkish Air Force, the TC
Special Wireless Activity Team will operate as TC100TAF on 23-31
July. QSL via TA1HZ. [TNX TA1HZ]
UA - Expect Victor, R6AF to be active as R6AF/p from Sudzhuk Island
(EU-185) until 1 August, including an entry in the IOTA Contest.
QSL via home call. [TNX NG3K]
UA - Victor, RN1N and Dmitry, UA1NFA will operate as homecall/p from
Yakostrov or Sev Kolovar (EU-147) during the IOTA Contest, as SO
LP DXpedition entries. QSL via home calls, direct or bureau. [TNX
UN - Mike, UN8GC and others will be active as UQ44Q from the Kolsay
Lakes National Park on 29-31 July. Further information and QSLling
policy can be found at http://uq44q.com/
UR - UR3CJR, UR3GO, UR5GDX, UR8GX and UT7CL will be active from the
Kalanchakskiye Islands (EU-179) from 26 July to 3 August. They
will operate CW and SSB on 80-10 metres. QSL via UR8GX. [TNX DX
UR - Bogdan, UT7UU will be active as EO2011U between 25 July and 5
August for F1 Powerboat Grand Prix to be held Vyshgorod. He will
be QRV on the HF bands using SSB, CW, RTTY and PSK 31/63. QSL via
V6 - Look for V63FAA to be active from Kosrae (OC-059) on 25-29 July
and from Pohnpei (OC-010) from 30 July to 5 August. He will
operate holiday style mainly on 40 and 20 metres SSB and CW. QSL
via LOTW or direct to W6ANM. Further information can be found at
VE - VE9MY, VE9GLF and VO1DK now expect to be active as VO1/homecall
from Little Bell Island (NA-198) [425DXN 1053] during "the week of
25 July". Their announced plans were for activity on 20 metres
from about 14 to 20 UTC. QSL via home calls, direct or bureau.
VE - Rich VA1CHP, Helen VA1YL, Lynn VE1ENT, Fred VE1FA, Bill VE1MR,
Bill VE3NNQ, Al VO1NO and Lowell VY2OX will be active on 80-6
metres as VX1D from Bon Portage Island (NA-126) from 26 July to 1
August. During the IOTA Contest they will use VC1D. QSL via VE1DHD.
VE - VA3KAI, VE3VY, VE3BSB and possibly others plan to be active as
VE2/VE3LCA from Grosse Boule (NA-125) from 29 July to 1 August.
QSL via VA3KAI, direct or bureau. [TNX rsgbiota.org]
W - Once again Jon, WB8YJF will be active as WB8YJF/4 from Ocracoke
Island (NA-067) on 24-31 July. He will operate CW, RTTY and SSB on
80-10 metres, and will take part in the IOTA Contest. QSL via home
call. [TNX OPDX Bulletin]
W - Look for Rich, NC4EN to be active as NC4EN/2 from Bogue Banks
(NA-112) on 25-31 July. QSL direct to home call, plus LoTW and
eQSL. [TNX rsgbiota.org]
W - AE6RS, K6GEP, W6UX and WA6WPG will be active from Anacapa Island
(NA-144) on 29-31 July. They will participate in the IOTA Contest
as W6UX/p (QSL via K6GEP). Outside the contest they will operate
SSB and CW on 40-6 metres (QSL via home calls). [TNX
W - The Cape Ann Amateur Radio Association will be active as W1T from
Thacher Island (NA-148) from 29 July to 1 August. QSL direct to
W1GLO. [TNX rsgbiota.org]
W - Look for Joe, K5KUA/5 to be active from Galveston Island (NA-143)
from 29 July to 1 August, including an entry in the IOTA Contest.
QSL via home call, direct or bureau. [TNX rgsbiota.org]
W - Adam, W1ASB will participate in the IOTA Contest as W1ASB/p from
Ram Island (NA-136). QSL via home call. [TNX W1ASB]
XE - Andrea, IZ2LSC will be active as XE3/IZ2LSC from mainland Mexico
from 26 July to 8 August, and as XF3/IZ2LSC from Isla Mujeres
(NA-045) on 9-14 August. He will operate CW (QRS), SSB and digital
modes on 30-6 metres. QSL via home call (bureau), via EB7DX
(direct) and LoTW. Further information at www.timpy.it/xf3
SOUTH SUDAN ---> The Intrepid-DX Group/DX Friends advance team was expected
to arrive in Juba, South Sudan on 20 July with a list of tasks to perform
in advance of the main team. "As the ITU has not yet issued a new prefix
for South Sudan", N6PSE said on 19 July, "our license that was issued in
March has the call-sign of ST0R (Sierra Tango Zero Romeo). That will be our
call for the DXpedition unless the ITU issues a new prefix which will
require that we amend our license". According to the expedition website
(www.dxfriends.com/SouthernSudan2011/), the team plans to be QRV on all
bands and mode with at least five stations between 25 July and 10 August.
QSL via EA5RM.
*** 4 2 5 D X N E W S ***
**** GOOD TO KNOW ... ****
Edited by I1JQJ & IK1ADH
Direttore Responsabile I2VGW
FRANCE: POSTAL RATES ---> French postal rates for priority letter items (up
to 20g) mailed abroad have increased since 1 July:
0.77 EUR European Union countries and Switzerland
0.89 EUR rest of the world
A postage calculator on-line service can be found at www.laposte.fr.
NOT THE MANAGER ---> "For some reason I am getting more and more QSL cards
for RK3AZY/1", Ric, DL2VFR says. However, he is not and has never been the
QSL manager for this station.
QSL DZ1P ---> "The DZ1P (11-13 March, OC-091) cards were printed and
shipped on 11 June", VE7DP says, "but delivery has been delayed due to a
recent postal strike in Canada. The package should arrive some time this
month - PSE QRX, all direct requests will be attended to promptly".
QSL FT5 ---> Les Nouvelles DX has printed a small batch of cards for FT5ZB
(Amsterdam, 1988), FT0ZB (Amsterdam, 1988) and/or FT2XE (Kerguelen, 1988).
If you still need a QSL, you can send your request to F3CJ, either direct
(Joel Cathelain, Les Antennes, 4 hameau des Tilleuls, 62118 Pelves, France)
or via the bureau. [TNX F6AJA & Les Nouvelles DX]
+ SILENT KEYS + FOC and HSC member Jens Sperling (DL7AKC) passed away at 45
years of age. A 100% CW operator, he took part in the D68C (2001), 3B9C
(2004) and 3B7C (2007) DXpeditions.
Timothy Lloyd Anderson (K0OR) lost his life on 16 July when a
communications tower he was helping dismantle was blown over by a gust of
wind. Tom Embree (NC0K) was seriously injured in the accident.
Scott A. Lehman (N9AG) passed away on 19 July. A top-notch contest
operator, he was also the QSL manager for J64AS, J68AS, J6A (1998 only),
J6DX, J6LSC, PJ2/K9SG, PJ2C (March 2003), PJ2H (March 2002), PJ2HQ,
PJ2Z(October 2001) and PJ2T (he answered "literally hundreds of thousands
QSL requests", N0VD says. "If you are waiting for a PJ2T confirmation,
please be patient").
Other recently reported Silent Keys include Pericles Costa Lima (PT7BR), V.
Rajan Henry (VU2HY), M. V. P. Kini (VU2SX) and Stig E. Ekblad (W2JWF).
QSLs received direct or through managers: 3D2A, 4J3M, 4L/UU4JMG, 4L6AM,
5I3A, 5M2TT, 5N7M, 6W2SC, 6Y5WJ, 8Q7SV, 8R1Z, 9K2VO, 9L5MS, A25HQ, A61BK,
PZ5RA, S9DX, ST2AR, ST2EB, SV2ASP/A, SY8S (EU-060), T2XG, T30XG, T31A, T6AF,
YN2MG, ZA/I2GPT, ZB2X, ZB3R, ZL8X, ZY6Z (SA-080).
425 DX News is a free of charge weekly bulletin
edited by Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ and Valeria Pregliasco, IK1ADH
Its contents may be used, reproduced and distributed
in part or full provided that
"425 DX News" or "425DXN" receive proper credit
Contributors are invited to send their DX information to
Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ (425dxn@alice.it)
The deadline is 12 UTC on Fridays
Direttore Responsabile
Gabriele Villa, I2VGW
Giornalista Professionista - Tessera n. 071675
Ordine Nazionale dei Giornalisti
Roma, Italia
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