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10 May 2008                                                A.R.I. DX Bulletin

                                   No 888
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  DX  INFORMATION  ****
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                        Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW

9X     - Rich, WA3FPK will be in Rwanda  for three weeks starting on 15  May.
         He has been issued the call  9X0A and he plans to  be active in  his
         spare time, mainly  on 20  metres  SSB,  especially during his  last
         week in the country. QSL via KA1CRP. [TNX The Daily DX]
F      - F4BCG, F4FCS, F5RAB, F6AXN and  F6DPD will be  active as TM5EL  from
         Ile aux Moines (EU-107) on  9-11 May. They  will operate mostly  SSB
         and  CW,  and  activity  will  depend  on  tide  hours  and  weather
         conditions. QSL via F6KHI, direct or bureau. [TNX]
F      - Giovanni/IK1WEG,   Davide/IW1DQS,   Gerry/IZ1DSH,    Giorgio/IZ1DXS,
         Riccardo/IZ1GDB, Willy/IZ1HGM and Claudio/IZ1JMV will be active with
         three stations from  St. Honorat, Lerins  Islands (EU-058) on  17-18
         May. Should  their requested  call (TM0IL,  QSL via  IZ1HGM) not  be
         issued in time,  they will operate  as F/homecall. All  of the  QSOs
         will be confirmed automatically via the bureau. [TNX IZ1DXS]
G      - The Cray Valley Radio Society will be airing the special call  GB6MW
         on 10-11 May for the "Mills on the Air" weekend. The station will be
         located at  Meopham  Windmill  in Kent.  Activity  on  CW  and  SSB,
         particularly 20, 40 and 80 metres. QSL via G4DFI. [TNX M3RCV]
G      - Phil/F5OGG, Andre/F6HER,  Franco/F4EVR and  Tony/F8ATS will  operate
         SSB and CW as M/F5KEE/p from St. Mary's, Scilly Isles (EU-011,  grid
         square  IN69uv)  on  16-23  May.  During   the  weekend  they   will
         concentrate on  the VHF  and UHF  bands. QSL  via F8ATS,  direct  or
         bureau. [TNX F5NQL]
GM     - Mike, K9AJ, is a member of  the team travelling to Rockall  (EU-189)
         in a few days' time. If weather and seas allow, he will be QRV using
         battery power on 20 and 40 metres CW on the IOTA frequencies for +/-
         24 hours. The time  window is approximately  14-15 May, but  landing
         date/time is at the sole discretion of the captain and could be  +/-
         one or two days. Rockall is the rarest IOTA group in Europe, and was
         activated only once, and just for a few hours, back in 2005.
I      - Special event  callsign  II9LXCT  will be  aired  until  25  May  to
         celebrate the 60th anniversary of ARI Catania. QSL via IT9VCE.
I      - Sicily will host the first three  stages of the 91st edition of  the
         Giro d'Italia (the long distance road bicycle race for  professional
         cyclists) and special event  station IR9GI will  be active on  10-18
         May to celebrate that event. QSL via IT9TQH. [TNX IT9TQH]
I      - ARI Ivrea will be active on all bands as IO1WWC from 12 May until  8
         June, celebrating the  Wildwater World Championships  to be held  on
         3-8 June ( QSL via IQ1IV, direct or bureau.
         [TNX IK1SOW]
I      - The fourth edition of the Mediterraneo DX Club's Members Trophy will
         take place on  17-18 May.  The MDXC  HQ station  IQ8MD plus  several
         special event stations  are expected  to participate  in the  event:
         IR9MDC, SX1MDC. All  of the QSOs  made with these  stations will  be
         confirmed automatically via  the bureau. Direct  requests should  be
         sent to  the  Members Trophy  Manager,  Giuliano  Mondini  (IK2VUC).
         Information on the  event and  the relevant  award can  be found  at
JD1_mt - Masa, JA6GXK is  active again (80-6  metres) as  JD1BMM from  Minami
         Torishima (OC-073) until 22 May. [TNX The Daily DX]
OJ0    - Pasi, OH3WS will be active as OJ0/OG3A from Market Reef (EU-053)  on
         13-17 May. He plans to operate CW  and SSB on 40-20 metres. QSL  via
         OH3WS. [TNX The Daily DX]
PA     - Special callsign PA143ITU will be aired on 15-30 May celebrating the
         143th anniversary of  ITU and  the World  Telecommunication Day  (17
         May). Expect activity on 80, 40, 20, 17, 15, 12 and 10 metres CW and
         SSB, with some RTTY. PA143ITU will also participate in the CQ WW WPX
         CW Contest. QSL via PA3CAL. [TNX PG2AA]
SP     - SP9PLK, the  club  station of  the  2nd  Mechanized  Corps  "General
         Anders" of the Polish Land Forces, will be active as HF9GA on  14-29
         May and again on 2-30 June. QSL via SP9PLK [TNX SP9BRP]
VR     - To celebrate the upcoming Beijing Olympic 2008, the Equestrian event
         and the Hong Kong Island Scout  Olympic, special event station  VR2S
         will be  active from  11 May  to 15  August.  QSL via  VR2HKS.  [TNX
W      - N5D will be the callsign for "The Unusual Suspects" group's activity
         from  the  Cedar  Creek  Ranch  (Tarpley,  TX)  on  16-17  May.  See [TNX KE5KXU]

                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  GOOD TO KNOW ... ****
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                        Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW

ANTARCTIC CRUISE ---> Mehdi Escoffier, F5PFP says the amateur radio Antarctic
cruise [425DXN 866]  is confirmed to  take place between  18 February and  17
March 2009.  Plans are  to visit  and operate  from several  Antarctic  bases
located in the South Shetlands (AN-010)  and Palmer Archipelago (AN-012),  as
well as on the Antarctic mainland (AN-016). If interested in participating in
this  adventure,   please   e-mail  Mehdi   (   or   visit [TNX F5PFP]

QSL VIA RW3GW  ---> Valery, RW3GW/3,  says his  new address  for QSLling  is:
Valery Sushkov, P.O. Box 88, Moscow  101000, Russia. He suggests not to  send
"green stamps",  but to  use IRCs  instead. He  is the  QSL manager  for  the
following calls: 4K1RRC, 4K2RRC, 4K3/RW3GW  (EU-082), 4K3GW (EU-161),  4K3OMM
(EU-035), 4K3RRC,  4K3WQ (EU-162),  4K4DV (AS-29),  4K5RRC (1993),  5B4/RW3GW
(AS-004), 5H2VS, 5H2VS/P, CE8/R3RRC, CE9/R3RRC, EA6/RW3GW (EU-004),  OX/NA1SA
(2007), R100R (EU-133),  R1FJV (EU-19), R3AA/9  (AS-109), R3IOTA,  R3IOTA/MM,
R3RRC, R3RRC/AM,  R3RRC/ANT,  R3RRC/MM, R7C,  R7C/ANT,  R7C/TF  (2006),  RI0B
(AS-156),  RI3OTA/AM,  RS0B  (AS-042),  RS0B/P  (AS-068),  RV3GW/1  (EU-161),
RW3GW/0 (AS-005),  RW3GW/6  (EU-185),  RW9OWM/0  (AS-066,  AS-114),  RZ3AZO/1
(EU-162), SU1HR (WPX SSB 2001), UA0KAH (AS-038), UA0KAH/A (AS-065).

RSGB QSL BUREAU ---> The new address for the Radio Society of Great Britain's
QSL Bureau  is:  RSGB QSL  Bureau,  P.O. Box  5,  Halifax, HX1  9JR,  England
(telephone 01422-359362).

WPX CONTEST DIRECTOR ---> Randy Thompson, K5ZD has been named Director of the
CQ World  Wide  WPX Contests,  effective  immediately. Randy  succeeds  Steve
Merchant, K6AW, who has been WPX  Contest Director since 2002 and who  needed
to step aside due to business  obligations. Any questions regarding the  2008
WPX Contests (SSB weekend was held last March; CW weekend is coming up at the
end of May) should be directed to Randy (

+ SILENT KEYS + Finn, OZ7YY reports the  very sad news of the sudden  passing
of Torben Loevenhoej, OZ1TL (A52TL), who died of a massive heart attack on  2
May in his hotel room in  Katmandu. "Torben had been invited  by the King  of
Bhutan", Finn says, and "was looking very much forward to this DXpedition".
Other recently reported SIlent Keys include  Stuart "Stu" Santelmann  (KC1F),
Maj. Gen. (ret.)  Rustom Zal  Kabraji (VU2BK),  Armand De  Fusco (W1WKO)  and
Zivko Trendafilovski (Z31CM).

                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ******* QSL  ROUTES *******
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                        Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW

CALL        MANAGER     CALL        MANAGER     CALL        MANAGER
3Z0KK       SP3FUK      HZ1MD       EA7FTR      RP1A        RZ1AWF
3Z0TGP      SP9PDG      IF9A        IT9ATF      RP1ADB      RZ1AXL
4L4WW       EA7FTR      II0ALE      IW0EFA      RP1CC       RV1CC
4Z60TL      4Z4TL       II4SM       I4PZP       RP1CKK      RX1CQ
5B4AHI      RX3RC       IQ8OM       IZ8EDJ      RP1K        RV1AQ
5C5W        EA5XX       IR3IPY      IZ3DBA      RP1L        RZ1AWO
5X7FN       DC7NF       IR8DX       IK8VRH      RP1N        RN1NU
5Z4ES       K3IRV       IR8PS       I8ACB       RP1VIC      RV1AC
6L0OX       HL0NHQ      IY0IMD      IK0WGF      RP3ABT      RA3BT
6L0VH       DS5QLJ      IY0ORP      IZ0BTV      RP3D        RA3FO
7S50S       SM6EGJ      IY0TC       I0KHP       RP3DJY      UA3DJY
9A0CI       DE0MST      IY1SP       I1SAF       RP3EOD      RU3EJ
9A70LPC     9A7KM       IY1TTM      IW1RIK      RP3EPS      RZ3EC
9A73AA      9A2AA       IY5PIS      IZ5DMC      RP3GKK      RN3GM
9H3ZQ       DF7JP       JT1PA       DJ5PA       RP3K        UA3QDX
9K2/SP4R    SP4GFG      JT1SNY      I0SNY       RP3LPM      RZ3LC
9M2IDJ      JA6IDJ      KH0TH       JL1UTS      RP3QWK      N2UCK
9N7WU       JA8MWU      LZ08KM      LZ1PJ       RP3RST      RN3RQ
A41MX       EB7DX       MJ0MJH      M0MJH       RP3RTF      UA3RQG
A61I        IZ8CLM      MS0DGR      MM0DFV      RP3UNN      RK3UWA
BY7KP/7     BY7IFJ      MX0IRN      G4IRN       RP3V        RK3VWA
CQ4IPY      CT1BWW      MX0NRC      M3UNN       RP3WKB      RK3WWA
CW1GM       CX2ABC      NP3CW       EB7DX       RP3YGA      RV3YR
DA0SAR      DK8VR       OA4BHY/3    DL2JRM      RP3ZOR      RK3ZZM
DM152ZYA    DJ7AL       OD5PL       HB9CRV      RP4H        RW4HB
E73MMM  E73TW or K2PF   OE2008AAI   OE7AAI      RP4HRT      RZ4HXM
ED1PVB      EA1URS      OE2008AVC   OE1AVC      RP4M        UA4LU
EE1TR       EA1YG       OE2008B     OE7SPI      RP4P        RA4PO
EG4DCM      EA4CT       OE2008BZL   OE2BZL      RP4PR       RW4PL
EM40EKR     UT4EK       OE2008C     OE4RGC      RP4W        RK4WWF
EO63I       UR6IM       OE2008CMI   OE7CMI      RP63DWM     RN3BR
EO63JM      K2PF        OE2008D     OE4SWA      RP63P       R3AWA
EO63JS      UU9CW       OE2008DXA   OE3DXA      RP63X       UA9XC
EO63MF      UR0MM       OE2008E     OE7XKJ      RP6A        RA6AU
EO63X       UT3XX       OE2008FMH   OE7FMH      RP6Y        RA6YJ
EP4SP       OK1DOT      OE2008GOA   OE1GOA      RP6YW       UA6YW
EV5C        EW3AA       OE2008GQA   OE1GQA      RP9A        UA9APA
EW6GF       DL8KAC      OE2008I     OE7XCI      RP9J        RV9JD
GB0GFH      M0CNP       OE2008ICI   OE9ICI      RP9JGS      RK9JYY
GB2BST      M0XIG       OE2008JTB   OE1JTB      RP9OMP      RZ9OJ
GB4MDI      GW0ANA      OE2008KLW   OE1KLW      RP9X        UA9XC
GB6MD       GM4FDM      OE2008KYG   OE6KYG      S50IPY      S51RU
GB8GM       M0DOL       OE2008L     OE5FSL      SI9AM       SM3CVM
GS3PYE/P    G4HUN       OE2008MBB   OE1MBB      SJ9WL       LA4EKA
GS4MWS/p    2E0DOD      OE2008MDF   OE6MDF      SN0DO       SQ2CFL
HA80MRASZ   HA1DAE      OE2008OHO   OE5OHO      SN0TGP      SP8ZKX
HB2008A     HB9SVT      OE2008OHO   OE5OHO      SO9Q        SP9QMP
HB2008GE    HB9IBG      OE2008P     OE8SPW      SY2G        SV2JAO
HB2008HQ    HB9SVT      OE2008PKV   OE9PKV      SY2V        SV2GJV
HB2008J     HB9EKB      OE2008R     OE9SEI      SZ8L        SV3GKE
HB2008MM    HB9DTE      OE2008REO   OE5REO      TK7C        F9IE
HB2008OK    HB9OCR      OE2008RI    OE5RI       TM3RCH      F8KHN
HB2008P     HB9DUQ      OE2008SMC   OE1SMC      UE3DDX/3    RZ3FR
HB2008Q     HB9EHJ      OE2008SSU   OE1SSU      UE3EDA      RZ3EC
HB2008S     HB9AOF      OE2008TAV   OE9TAV      UE4CMS      RW4CM
HB2008X     HB9DLO      OE2008U     OE3GCU      UE80MC      UA9MC
HB2008Z     HB3YIG      OE2008VIE   OE4VIE      UE80MD      UA9MD
HC2SL       EA5KB       OE2008WOQ   OE8WOQ      UE9RDA      RK9QWW
HC8/UR3HR   UR3HR       OE2008WPV   OE9WPV      VC2VQ       VE2CQ
HC8/UT5UY   UT5UY       OE2008WRO   OE5WRO      VE7NARA     VE7FCO
HC8/UX0HX   UX0HX       OE2008XQC   OE1WHC      W3S         KA3UNQ
HC8/UZ1HZ   UZ1HZ       OE2008Z     OE7XWI      W8H         W8KJ
HF16PZK     SP9PNB      OH2DZ/P     UA1ANA      YB4IPY      I0YKN
HF30KVW     SP5KVW      OL1908D     OK1KT       YI9WV       NI5DX
HG1848I     HA3HK       OL550KJ     OK2KR       YM0TA       TA1ED
HI3K        KB2MS       OL600VB     OK2JS       YP9W        YO9WF
HP#/JA6REX  JA6REX      PY100JA     PY2PA       ZD8N        G3ZVW
HS0AC       HS0ZFZ      R245GS      RL3AB       ZF2GU       DL7VOG

9J2QQV  Ryuji Shishito, C/O JICA-ZI Project, P.O. Box 910062, Mongu, Zambia
DE0MST  Manfred Stippschild, Sylvensteinstr. 9, D-83661 Lenggries, Germany
F9IE    P.O. Box 211, 85330 Noirmoutier en l'ile, France
JD1BMM  Masafumi Ishihara, 2-305 Loran, 2-5-35 Miyazaki, Chuo-ku, Chiba
        260-0806, Japan
OM2SA   Juraj Sipos, P.O. Box 29, 94603 Kolarovo, Slovak Republic
SV2ASP  Monk Apollo, Docheiariou Monastery, 63087 Mount Athos, Greece
TA1ED   Metin Korkmaz, P.O.Box 27, Tekirdag 59100, Turkey


               425 DX News is a free of charge weekly bulletin
      edited by Valeria Pregliasco, IK1ADH and Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ

            Its contents may be used, reproduced and distributed
                        in part or full provided that
               "425 DX News" or "425DXN" receive proper credit

          Contributors are invited to send their DX information to
                 Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ (
                      The deadline is 12 UTC on Fridays


                           Direttore Responsabile
                            Gabriele Villa, I2VGW
               Giornalista Professionista - Tessera n. 057216
                      Ordine Nazionale dei Giornalisti
                                Roma, Italia


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