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16 April 2011                                             A.R.I. DX Bulletin

                                   No 1041
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  DX  INFORMATION  ****
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                        Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW

3D2_cr - The 3D2C activity from Conway Reef [425DXN 1007] is now planned  to
         take place on 1-6 October. However, the team is  considering  going
         to Rotuma instead. They already have  the  callsign  3D2R  and  are
         working    on    getting    a    landing    permit.        Bookmark for updates.
3D2_r  - Eddie, VK4AN (3D2A) now says that the Pacific  DXers  are  planning
         operate from Rotuma for three weeks sometime  between  October  and
         November (not in June, as they announced last week). They say  they
         "have all  permits  in  place",  but  the  callsign  has  not  been
         assigned yet. Please refer to  for  future
9M2    - Mirek, VK6DXI will  be active as 9M8DX/2 from  Kuala  Lumpur,  West
         Malaysia on 25-30 April. This will a business trip,  with  some  CW
         activity during the local  evening  hours.  QSL  via  SP5UAF.  [TNX
A6     - Sergej, UA9B (ex UA9BI) will be active as A6/UA9B from the  QTH  of
         A65BR on 16-22 April. He will operate holiday style mainly CW  with
         some SSB. QSL via home call (bureau via UA9AB). [TNX A65BR]
CE     - Luis, CX1EK says he is currently active as CE2/CX1EK until 15  May.
         QSL direct to Luis Matho, 2303 Nordok Place, Alexandria  VA  22306,
CT7    - The Algarve STAR DX Team (  will
         be active as CR6A from the  "Submerged  Fortress"  near  Olhao,  in
         southern Portugal, on 17 April. The fortress is only accessible  by
         boat at a very low tide. Expect activity on  40-10  metres  CW  and
         SSB. [TNX CT1GFK]
EA     - Celebrating World Amateur Radio Day (WARD), special  event  station
         AO5WARD will be active on the  HF  bands  and  6  metres  on  17-18
         April. QSL via EA4URE. [TNX EA5TW]
F      - Francois, ON4LO will be active on 40-10  metres  SSB  as  F/ON4LO/p
         between 22 April and 4  June.  He  plans  to  operate  from  a  few
         lighthouses during his trip. QSL via home call, direct  or  bureau.
         [TNX ON4LO]
FS     - Look for Pascal, F5JSD  to  be  active  as  FS/F5JSD    from  Saint
         Martin (NA-105) until 21 April. He operates holiday style on  40-10
         metres CW. He might also  visit  Sint  Maarten  and  be  active  as
         PJ7/F5JSD. QSL via home call  (bureau  preferred)  and  LoTW.  [TNX
GM     - GMDX Group members  GM0ELP,  GM4ZNC,  MM0BQI  and  MM0GPZ  will  be
         active as GB5TI from Lunga, Treshnish Isles (EU-108) from 28  April
         to 1 May. They will operate CW, SSB and RTTY on 80-10  metres  with
         two stations. QSL via MM0BQI (bureau card should be requested  from
         gb5ti.qsl[@] and LoTW. [TNX MM0BQI]
HA     - Celebrating  the  15th  anniversary  of  the  International  Police
         Association, special callsign HG15IPA will be in use until the  end
         of the year. Activity will be  on  160-10  metres  CW,  SSB,  RTTY,
         PSK31 and SSTV. QSL via HA3JB. Information on  the  HA-IPARC  Award
         can be found on under HG15IPA. [TNX HA0HW]
HK0    - The DX Colombia Amateur Radio Club is organizing  a  DXpedition  to
         Malpelo Island for 2012. The plan is for a multi-national  team  of
         12 operators to be active as HK0NA on  160-6  metres  CW,  SSB  and
         RTTY, with at least three stations. The website for the  expedition
         is at
HS     - Members of the Samutsakhon Amateur Radio  Club  (HS7AT)  will  take
         part in the IOTA Contest as HS7AT/p  from  Samui  Island  (AS-101).
         QSL direct to HS7AT. [TNX NG3K]
I      - ARI Frascati  will participate in  the  International  Marconi  Day
         (30 April) as IY0ORP from the Geophysical Museum at Rocca  di  Papa
         (Rome). Activity will be on 20 and 40 metres. QSL via IZ0FVD.  [TNX
LA     - Mek, SP7VC and  Waldi,  SP7IDX  will  be  active  as  LA/SP7VC  and
         LA/SP7IDX from Vega Island (EU-062) from 23 July to 2 August.  They
         plan to operate holiday style on 80-6 metres SSB and RTTY with  two
         stations (one for the HF bands and one for 6m), and to  participate
         in the IOTA Contest. QSL via home  calls,  direct  or  bureau,  and
         LoTW. [TNX SP7IDX]
OZ     - Ben, DO1BEN ( and Barbara, DO1IQ will  be  active  as
         OZ/homecalls from Lolland Island  (EU-029)  on  22-30  April.  They
         will operate SSB and some RTTY and PSK31 on 80-10 metres.  QSL  for
         both via DO1BEN, direct or bureau. [TNX]
OZ     - Look for Noel, OO4O (ON4APU) to  be  active  as  OZ/OO4O  from  Fyn
         Island (EU-172) on 1-6 May. He will operate mainly SSB  on  the  HF
         bands. QSL via the Belgian QSL bureau and LoTW. [TNX OO4O]
PY0T   - Junior, PY2ZA plans to be active (on 160-6  metres  CW,  SSB,  BPSK
         and RTTY) as PP0T from Trindade Island (SA-010)  for  a  couple  of
         months. He  expects  to  leave  the  mainland  on  25  April  on  a
         Brazilian Navy's supply ship, and to reach the island on the  29th.
         Bookmark for further information and  updates.
         QSL via EB7DX (direct) and LoTW.
T31    - The T31A DXpedition, originally planned  to  take  place  on  17-28
         April [425DXN 1028], is behind schedule. The Daily DX reports  that
         the new plans are for the team to depart Apia (5W) at 5 UTC  on  16
         April. The voyage to Kanton  takes  approximately  four  days,  and
         hopefully T31A  will  be  QRV  by  21  April.  Suggested  operating
         frequencies are as follows:
         CW   1826, 3504, 7004, 10104, 14024, 18074, 21024, 24894, 28024,
              50099 kHz
         SSB  1843, 3798, 7084,   -    14195, 18145, 21295, 24945, 28495,
              50120 kHz
         RTTY   -   3582, 7043, 10140, 14080, 18100, 21080, 24920, 28080 KHz
         QSL via W2IJ, direct or  bureau.  The  website  for  the expedition
         is at
TA     - The TC Special Wireless  Activity  Team  (  will  be
         active as TC57A on 21-25 April in remembrance of  the  role  played
         by the 57th Infantry Regiment ("Alay") of the  Turkish  Fifth  Army
         during the Dardanelles Campaign in 1915. QSL via TA1HZ. [TNX TA1HZ]
TK     - ON1DNF, ON4PJA, ON7IQ, ON7JPS, ON7QC will be active as  TK4DS  from
         Corsica (EU-014) on 21-24 April. They will operate SSB and  digital
         modes on the HF bands. QSL via ON4PJA, bureau preferred. They  have
         have website at [TNX NG3K]
TT8    - Phil, F4EGS will be active again  as  TT8PK  from  N'djamena,  Chad
         between 15 April and 15 June. He will be QRV  in  his  spare  time.
         Last year he operated mainly CW on 80-10  metres.  QSL  via  F4EGS,
         direct or bureau.
UA     - Special callsign R25CH will be activated on 22-29 April from  seven
         districts  in  Bryansk  area  for  the  25th  anniversary  of   the
         Chernobyl nuclear disaster. QSL via RW3YC. [TNX RV3YR and RA3YC].
VK9L   - The  new website for the 8-17  July DXpedition to Lord Howe  Island
         [425DXN 1037] can be found at Plans  are  for
         VK9HR to be QRV on 160-6 metres CW, SSB and  RTTY.  QSL  via  EB7DX
         (direct) and LoTW.
XE     - The XF2P expedition to Isla de Lobos (NA-221) [425DXN 1035]  has  a
         website  at  Twelve  operators will  be
         active on 80, 40, 20, 15, 10, 6 and 2 metres between 29 April and 1
         May. QSL via XE1P, direct or bureau.
XV     - Rich DK8YY, Udo DL2AQI,  Ingolf  DL4JS  and  Sigi  DL8AKI  will  be
         active as XV4YY from Phu Quoc (AS-128) on 18-28  April.  They  will
         operate CW, SSB, RTTY and PSK31 on 160-10 metres.  QSL  via  DH7WW,
         direct or bureau. [TNX DH7WW]

PACIFIC TOUR ---> JH4VUC will be  active  as  AH0CD  from  Saipan  on  17-19
April, as AH0CD/KH2 from Guam on 20-22  April  and  as  T88VU  from Palau on
23-25 April.  He will operate SSB only on 40, 15, 10 and  6 metres.  QSL via

                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  GOOD TO KNOW ... ****
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                        Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW

DANISH POSTAL RATES ---> Effective 1 April, the new rates  for  letters  (up
to 50 grams) mailed  from  Denmark  to  international  destinations  are  as
Europe              Economy: DKK  9.00    Priority: DKK 11.00
Rest of the world   Economy: DKK 11.00    Priority: DKK 13.00
A postage calculator  is  provided  by  Post  Danmark  (
Currency conversion between Danish Krone and US  Dollar  (see  for  instance shows that USD 2.00 are no longer enough for  letters  mailed
outside Europe.

ROYAL WEDDING SPECIAL PREFIXES ---> Subject to prior authorisation,  amateur
radio operators in the United Kingdom  may  use  special  prefixes  from  29
April to 9 May to signify the marriage of H.R.H.  Prince  William  and  Miss
Catherine Middleton. The existing Regional Secondary Locator (D, I, J, M,  U
and W, plus E for Intermediate licences) in the existing call  sign  may  be
replaced by the letter "R"; where no Secondary Locator  exists,  the  letter
"R" may be inserted as a Secondary Locator. For instance,  MD0ABC  (Isle  of
Man), MI0ABC (Northern Ireland), MJ0ABC (Jersey), MM0ABC (Scotland),  MU0ABC
(Guernsey), MW0ABC (Wales)  and  M0ABC  (England)  may  all  be  amended  to
MR0ABC. Details can be found at

US  POSTAL  RATES  --->  Effective  17  April,  the  U.S.    Postal  Service
( will implement a postage rate increase for a number  of  mail
classes. The rates for First Class Mail International letters  up  to  1  oz
(28 grams) will be as follows:
Canada and Mexico    USD 0.80
Rest of the world    USD 0.98

+ SILENT KEY + Ann Z. Keegan, KP2YL (ex W2AZK) passed away on  11  April  on
the island of St. Croix. She is survived by her husband Brian, KP2HC.


QSLs received  direct  or  through  managers:  3B8/EA3BT,  3B9/F6HMJ,  3C0C,
4L1MA, 4S7KKG, 4S7NE, 5H3EE,  5N5K,  5R8HL,  5R8X,  5X1XA,  6W/AA1AC,  6Y3T,
7P8PB,  9M6JC,  9M6XRO/8  (OC-165),  9M8Z/p  (OC-165),  9Q50ON,  A22/JA4ATV,
A25DF, A35KL,  A41OO,  A45XR,  A65CA,  AA1AC/VP9,  AC5O/p  (NA-168),  AP2NK,
BV100, C21DL, C31CT, C31JI, C5YK,  C6AGN,  C6AVD,  CE1/K7CA,  CO2NO,  CO2WL,
NP2Q, OJ0B,  OX/DF9TM  (NA-151),  OX/DL1RTL  (NA-151),  OX/DL2SWW  (NA-151),
OX/DL2VFR  (NA-151),  OX3XR,  OY1CT,   PJ2/K2NV,    PJ2/K2PLF,    PJ2/K2TQC,
PJ2/WI9WI, PJ2A, PJ2DX, PJ2T,  PJ4A,  PJ4B,  PJ4D,  PJ4G,  PJ4R,  PJ6/K4UEE,
PJ6/N4HH, PJ6/W6IZT, PJ7/K4UWH,  PJ7DX,  PJ7E,  PX8J,  PZ1DV,  R1FJM,  RP2F,
S9DX, ST2AR, SV2ASP/A, SV8/SV2FPU,  SV9/DJ7RJ,  T30OU,  T30XG,  T30YA,  T5X,
T6AF, T77C, T88ZM, TC4X, TG9AHM, TJ3AY, TM5EL (EU-068), TO3A, TT8CB,  TT8DX,
TT8JT,  TT8PK,  UA9FAR,  UK9AA,  UN8GV,  V25OP,  V31WA,    V44/AA1M,  V44KA,
V85/9M6XRO, V85/9M8Z,  V8FEO,  VC9A  (NA-014),  VK0KEV,  VK4LDX/p  (OC-138),
XF1HUQ (NA-078), YJ0HA, YL3FX, YN7SU,  YV5MSG,  YW5LF,  Z29KM,  Z35T,  Z37M,


               425 DX News is a free of charge weekly bulletin
      edited by Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ and Valeria Pregliasco, IK1ADH

            Its contents may be used, reproduced and distributed
                        in part or full provided that
               "425 DX News" or "425DXN" receive proper credit

          Contributors are invited to send their DX information to
                 Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ (
                      The deadline is 12 UTC on Fridays


                           Direttore Responsabile
                            Gabriele Villa, I2VGW
               Giornalista Professionista - Tessera n. 071675
                      Ordine Nazionale dei Giornalisti
                                Roma, Italia


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