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[San Dona' di P. JN]

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LU7DR  > ICPO     05.05.08 00:46l 693 Lines 34740 Bytes #999 (0) @ WW
BID : 29695_LU7DR
Subj: [ICPO] I.C.P.O. Bulletin (May 01 - 09, 2008)
Sent: 080504/2201Z @:LU7DR.8103.BA.ARG.SA #:29695 [Ing. White] FBB7.00g
From: LU7DR@LU7DR.8103.BA.ARG.SA

I.C.P.O. Bulletin (May 01 - 09, 2008)
"Islands, Castles & Portable Operations"
Listing is by calendar date (day/month/year)
01/05/2008:  Frank/DL2SWW and YL Gabi/DF9TM will be QRV May 1-6th as
5B/homecall from the island of Cyprus (AS-004, MIA MCI-002, WLOTA
LH-0051). Activity will be on 80-10m, mainly CW and SSB. QSL via home
calls, direct or bureau. [RSGB IOTA]

01/05/2008:  Michael, DL1YMK reports that everything is settled now for
this year's EME DXpedition to Uruguay. Monika and myself will be
operating from May 1-12th from Uruguay using the callsign DL1YMK/CX, as
licensed by the Uruguayan telecom authority URSEC. We have been
struggling for nearly a year to get a fully legal high power permit for
operating from CX on 70 cm, 23 cm and 13 cm moonbounce. Further info at: [F5NQL]

01/05/2008:  Koji, JI1LET will be active May 1-5th as JI1LET/JD1 from
Chichijima (AS-031), Ogasawara. He plans to operate SSB, CW and RTTY on
40, 30, 17, 15, 12, 10 and 6 meters. QSL via home call, direct or
bureau. [425 DX News]

01/05/2008:  The Lighthouse of Punta Piedras (ARLHS ARG-058, Grid GF14)
will be on the air from May 1-4th on 80 and 40 meter SSB, by the
operators of the Group Mistongo of DX of R.C. Tandil, namely
Santos/LW7DAF, José Antoine/LU4EHP and Anibal/LU3ES. This lighthouse was
inaugurated in 1917; it has a 31 meter height. QSL via Radio Tandil
LU2EE club, C. C. 184, 7000 Tandil, BA, Argentina. [F5NQL]

01/05/2008:  Daniel/DL5YWM will stay in Lima from May 1-12th. He will be
joined by René/DL2JRM and Jens/DL3ALF. In their spare time they will be
active using CW and SSB as OA4/homecall from 10m-160m. QSL via their
homecalls ( [DL5YWM]

01/05/2008:  Alex, RW3CW will be active May 1-10th as RW3CW/3 from the
following reference for the Russian Districts Award (RDA): VR-31
(Ostrogozhsky), Voronezh oblast (VR for Rossija award, #121). QSL via
home call, direct or bureau. [RX3RC]

01/05/2008:  Al, LA9SN will be active around the usual IOTA frequencies
from the Westman Islands (TF7, EU-071, LH-0976) on May 1-8th. He will
operate CW and SSB from his car, using a vertical antenna and high
power. QSL via home call, direct or bureau. SWL cards are welcome. [425
DX News]

01/05/2008:  Team RK9QWW will be active May 1-3rd as UE9RDA from the
following Districts for the Russian Districts Award (RDA): KN-08
(Kargapol'sky), KN-22 (Shatrovsky), KN-26 (Shadrinsky), Kurgan oblast
(KN for Rossija award, #134). QSL via RK9QWW, direct or bureau. [RX3RC]

02/05/2008:  Some of members of the IOCA Group: 9A2WJ/p (Daki), 9A3KB/p
(Boki), 9A6AA/p (Emir), 9A/DF9MV (Sven), 9A/DK1ROB (Robert) and
9A/DL5MFL (Mathias), probably will activate Korcula Island (EU-016 IOCA
CI-041, ACIA-767, CIA-19, MIA MC-163) and Velo Dance lighthouse (ARLHS
CRO-186, CLHA 047, WLH 9A-079, LH-1315, WW Loc. JN82HW) on May 2nd
during their wait for good weather for transfer to Susac Island and
Kanula lighthouse. QSL via home calls. [9A6AA & DE0MST]

02/05/2008:  Torben, OZ1TL reports - "I shall take off from Copenhagen
mid April to Nepal (Kathmandu) and go from there to Bhutan arriving May
2, 2008, attending some of the inauguration ceremonies of the new King
of Bhutan. I shall be QRV May 2-15th in the CW mode mainly (almost
exclusively) on most bands including 160, 80 and 40 meters". QSL via

02/05/2008:  Demons DXer's Team ( will be QRV as
EE1TR May 2-4th from the Tazones lighthouse [Villaviciosa] (FEA D-1592,
ARLHS SPA-137, DME 33076, WW Loc. IN73HN). Activity will be on 80-6
meter SSB, CW and RTTY. QSL via EA1YG, direct or bureau. [F5NQL]

02/05/2008:  Team UE3EDA will be active May 2nd as UE3EDA/3 and /3/m
from the following Districts for the Russian Districts Award (RDA):
TV-22 (Zharkovsky), TV-18 (Bel'sky), Tversk oblast (TV for Rossija
award, #126); SM-11 (Duhovshchinsky), SM-29 (Jartsevsky), SM-10
(Dorogobuzhsky), SM-25 (Ugransky), Smolensk oblast (SM for Rossija
award, #155); KG-30 (Juhnovsky), KG-07 (Babyninsky), KG-23
(Peremyshl'sky) Kaluga oblast (KG for Rossija award, #127). QSL via
RZ3EC, direct or bureau. [RX3RC]

02/05/2008:  Steve, G3ZVW will be active May 2-13th as ZD8N from
Ascension Island (AF-003). He plans to operate SSB, CW and RTTY mainly
in the evenings and during the weekends. QSL via G3ZVW, direct or
bureau. [425 DX News]

03/05/2008:  After 6 years, the members of IOCA Group will once again
activate the Island of Susac (EU-016, IOCA CI-109, ACIA-890, CIA-46, MIA
MC-400) and Kanula lighthouse (ARLHS CRO-064, CLHA 047, WLH 9A-025,
LH-1430, WW Loc. JN82FS) from May 3-10th. Operators Daki/9A2WJ,
Boki/9A3KB, Emir/9A6AA, Fredy/DE0MST, Sven/DF9MV, Robert/DK1ROB and
Mathias/DL5MFL will be active using the call sign 9A0CI on HF + 50MHz,
all modes. Also, during this activity some of them will use their home
calls (9A6AA/p, 9A/DF9MV, ...). QSL 9A0CI via DE0MST, DARC bureau or
direct to P. O. Box 1406, 83657 Lenggries, GERMANY. QSL others via their
home calls. [9A6AA & DE0MST]

03/05/2008:  Steve, G0UIH (RSGB IOTA Website manager) will be active as
G0UIH/m from Walney Island (EU-005) between 1300z May 3rd and 2359z May
4th. Mainly on 20/17/15m, but also 40m using a IC706mk2G, 400w and an
Outbacker Perth Vertical. QSL via home call. [RSGB IOTA]

03/05/2008:  The A.R.I. section Coseanza, IQ8CS will be active during
the ARI International DX contest (May 3-4th). QSL via the bureau is
preferred. [IZ8CCW]

03/05/2008:  Andy, JN4MMO will be active in the ARI International DX
Contest (May 3-4th) from Amagasaki, Japan. He will plans to be a
Single-Op/All-Band/CW-Only entry. QSL via the JARL bureau. [F5NQL]

03/05/2008:  On May 3-4, 2008, a few guys from Glasgow are going on a
speedy boat to activate a few islands in the Firth of Clyde, all of them
are IOTA EU-123. This is a good opportunity to work some rare islands
for IOSA and SCOTIA awards. Team is MM0DFV, GM0WRR, MM0GDL and hopefully
GM4TOQ. We are not sure yet which islands will be activated, it depends
on the weather condition and other circumstances. Call sign MS0EPC will
be used for PSK contacts, and MS0DGR - for other modes. Each island
would be visited for about 2 - 3 hours. Separate full colour QSL card
will be printed for each island. Hopefully they will be - Horse Island
(IOSA CL12, SCOTIA CS15), Lady Isle (IOSA CL11, SCOTIA DI03), Ailsa
Craig Island (IOSA CL05, SCOTIA DI01, WLOTA LH-0411), Pladda Island
(IOSA CL07, SCOTIA CS12, WLOTA LH-0702), Inchmarnock Island (IOSA CL10,
SCOTIA CS18) and Little Cumbrae Island (IOSA CL04, SCOTIA CS16). Some of
them are OK for lighthouse chasers - ARLHS and WLOTA. All QSL cards
should be sent via MM0DFV (both Bureau and Direct are accepted). We are
taking quite light portable antennas and radios, nothing fancy, 100
Watts output power. Boat captain is Davie MM0GDL, PSK and CW "working
horse" is myself MM0DFV, PSK and SSB - John GM0WRR, and our "Papa" is
Alan GM4TOQ - SSB, most wise man and Chief of the Tribe. [MS0EPC]

03/05/2008:  From May 3-5th René/DL2JRM, Jens/DL3ALF and Daniel/DL5YWM
plan to activate, together with Jorge/OA4BHY, Isla Blanca which belongs
to the rare IOTA-group SA-074. It also counts for ARLHS PER-040, TWLHD
WLH OA-001 and WLOTA LH-0907. They plan to be active with 2 stations
CW/SSB simultanly on the well known IOTA frequencies. A call sign and
the QSL infomation will be announced later. [DL5YWM]

03/05/2008:  Alexey/RA3PME and Toly/RW3PN will operate as homecall/p on
May 3rd from the following Districts for the Russian Districts Award
(RDA): TL-21 (Efremovsky), TL-23 (Kamensky), TL-32 (Teplo-Ogarevsky),
TL-35 (Shchekinsky) and TL-19 (Volovsky), Tula oblast (TL, #160). QSL
via home calls, bureau preferred. [RW3PN]

03/05/2008:  Vladimir/RA6YJ, Vladimir/RU6YJ, Aslan/UA6YC will be active
May 3rd as homecall/p from the following Districts for the Russian
Districts Award (RDA): AD-04 (Koshehabl'sky), AD-09 (Shovgenovsky),
Republic of Adygeya (AD for Rossija award, #102). QSL via home calls,
direct or bureau. [RX3RC]

03/05/2008:  Look for Provins ARS (F6KOP) crew members to be active from
Corsica (EU-014, DIFM TK-001, MIA MCO-001, LH-1390), May 3-10th.
Operators mentioned are Thierry/F4TTR, Bruno/F5AGB, Bernard/F9IE, Jean
Paul/F8BJI and Jean-Luc/F6BIV. They will use the call sign TK7C and be
QRV 80-10m using CW, SSB and digital modes, with 3 stations and Acom
1010, spiderbeams, dipoles and verticals. QSL via F9IE, direct or
bureau. Further info at: [F5NQL]

05/05/2008:  Nao, JK1FNL will be active as FK/JK1FNL from Noumea, New
Caledonia (OC-032, DIFO FK-001, WLOTA LH-1280), May 5-10th. He plans to
operate on 40-6 meters with 100 watts and wire antennas. QSL via home
call. [425 DX News]

05/05/2008:  Kazik/DL2SBY and Georg/DF1SR (ex DD0SB) plan to go to
Liechtenstein. The trip will be from May 5-12th, including the EU-EME
Contest on the 23cm band. QTH will be on 1200 meters about Sea-Level.
They will be QRV on HF-Bands 80-6m using CW, SSB and RTTY with about 600
Watts to a Butternut HF9V-Antenna. They plan to be QRV via EME on
1296.080 Mhz (500 Watts / 3m Dish) and 2320.080 Mhz (200 Watts / 3m
Dish). More info at: [NG3K & HA0HW]

05/05/2008:  Tom, W4JKC will be QRV May 5-10th as HP4/W4JKC from Colon
Island (NA-088, Bocas Del Toro Province), Panama, on 40-10 meter CW and
SSB. QSL via home call, direct or bureau. [RSGB IOTA]

05/05/2008:  Fred/SM7DAY and Jan/SM7NGH will be QRV May 5-12th from
Oland Island (EU-037, WLOTA LH-0588) as SM7DAY/p. Look for activity on
most HF bands, CW and SSB. QSL via home call, direct or bureau. Website: [RSGB IOTA]

06/05/2008:  Garry/K9WZB and his wife Sharon/K7WZB will be active from
the island of Aruba (SA-036, LH-0033) as P40ZB from May 6-15th. Activity
will be on 40/20/17/15/10/6 meters, CW, SSB and RTTY. QRV 6m on 50.125
MHz USB, using 100W and vertical/dipole. Gary mentions that they "will
be using a Yaesu FT-897 and Icom IC-7000. One or the other will be on 6
meters at all times". QSL via K9WZB, direct only. [OPDX Bulletin &

06/05/2008:  Team UE4CMS will be active May 6-7th from the following
district for the Russian Districts Award (RDA): SA-34 (Krasnoarmejsky),
Saratov oblast (SA for Rossija award, #152). QSL via RW4CM, direct or
bureau. [RX3RC]

07/05/2008:  Nicola, I0SNY says he will be active from Mongolia as
either JT1SNY and - when in Bayankhongor - starting May 7th, and as
BY1PK/I0SNY from Beijing, China, May 19-28th. QSL via home call. [425 DX

08/05/2008:  The Amateur Association Culture and Loisirs Radio Club
F8KOI will be portable on May 8th and will activate the castle Bambesch
(DFCF 57-027), the Maginot line, commune of Bambiderstrof (CP 57690).
F8KOI/p to be QRV in the morning by Nicolas/F4AFE starting from 0700 UTC
on 80m and 40 meters. In the afternoon they will be active on 20, 17, 15
and 10 meters. QSL via F8KOI ( [F4AFE]

09/05/2008:  Sei, JA7LU along with his friend Yohji, JH1AWN will be
active from the island of Guam (OC-026, USi GU-003S, WLOTA LH-0064) as
JA7LU/KH2 from May 9-11th. Activity will be on HF and 6 meter SSB. QSL
via JA7LU, direct (Sei Suzuki JA7LU, 2-5-9 Kaga, Kashiwa-shi, 277-001
Japan) or bureau. [NG3K]

09/05/2008:  Al, LA9SN will be active around the usual IOTA frequencies
from the main island of Iceland (TF, EU-021, LH-2975) on May 9-13th. He
will operate CW and SSB from his car, using a vertical antenna and high
power. QSL via home call, direct or bureau. SWL cards are welcome. [425
DX News]

09/05/2008:  Petrus, ZS6GCM will be active as ZS8T from Marion Island
(AF-021) between May 9, 2008 and May 1, 2009. Look for activity on all
bands and modes. Complete information can be found at . QSL
via LZ3HI, direct or bureau. Logs will be uploaded to LoTW after the
DXpedition. [425 DX News]

14/05/2008:  Steffen, 5Z4DX will be active from Shanzu beach, Kenya,
between May 14th and June 11th. Expect activity on all bands and modes.
He also plans to activate Wasini Island (AF-067) May 25th and 26th. QSL
direct to his Iceland address (Frank Steffen Gast, Eskifirdi, 735
Eskifjoedur, ICELAND). [RSGB IOTA]

17/05/2008:  Eddie/VK4AN, his son Raj/VK4FRAJ and others (pending) plan
to be active from Malolo Lailai Island, Mamanuca Group (OC-121) as 3D2A
from May 17-31st. QRV 160-6m using CW, PSK31, RTTY and SSB. They will
use 3 rigs - 2 FT-450AT + ALS-500M amps and FT-100 for 6-m beacon/QSOs.
Suggested frequencies are - CW: band edge + 2 to 5KHz; SSB: 3795 7095
14195 18145 21295 24925 28495; RTTY: 7042 10112 14082 18102 21082 28082;
PSK31: 7042 10112 14072 18102 21072 28072; 6-m Beacon: 50105, also
CW/SSB QSO)'s. Focus will be on digital modes and the WARC bands, plus a
Multi-2 entry in the CQWW WPX CW Contest (May 24-25th). QSL via VK4AN,
direct/bureau/LoTW. Logs will be uploaded daily to: [NG3K]

24/05/2008:  Jurgis, LY2CY will be active from São Vicente Island
(AF-086, WLOTA LH-1976), Cape Verde, as D4C during the CQ WPX CW Contest
(May 24-25th), as a Single-Op/All-Band/High-Power entry. QSL via IZ4DPV,
direct or by the bureau. [NG3K]

24/05/2008:  John, K6AM will be active from Grand Cayman Island (NA-016,
also count for WLOTA LH-1042) as ZF2AM for the CQ WPX CW Contest (May
24-25th), as a Single-Op/All-Band entry. QSL via K6AM, direct or bureau
or LoTW. [NG3K]

08/06/2008:  The Radio Club Guadeloupe FG5KC
( will operate portable from Terre de Bas
(DIFO FG-009), Iles de Petite-Terre (NA-102) on June 8th. If you have
trouble finding it on the map, look halfway between La Desirade and
Marie Galante. As a bonus, the island has a lighhouse valid for the
WLOTA program (LH-0339), also ARLHS GUA-006 and TWLHD WLH FG-005.

25/06/2008:  Juergen, NF6J will be QRV June 25-30th from Battle Island
(NA-044, CIsA NF-049), Newfoundland & Labrador, using the call sign
VO2/NF6J. Look for activity on or near the usual island and IOTA
frequencies. QSL via DL7RV ( [RSGB IOTA]

28/06/2008:  A SIX METER DX-pedition to St. Barthelemy (NA-146, DIFO
FJ-001, WLOTA LH-0377) will take place between June 28th through July
6th GMT 2008 by W7XU Arliss and W0SD Ed. A TO5 call sign has been
applied for and they plan to operate on 50.103 CW and SSB, listening up.
They will have high power and a long boom Yagi. They plan to operate the
daylight hours and into the evening. When they are not working people
they will be in beacon mode to discover openings. They have chosen this
time of year to coincide with the highest probability of Sporadic E
openings to North and South America, Europe, and Africa. QSL via W7XU.
Please do not give us your grid square. We are not interested in your
grid square and it just wastes time. Our grid square will be FK87nv for
those wanting to confirm this as a new grid square. There may be some
night time HF RTTY and CW operation on 30 and 40 meters when six meters
sporadic E is over for the day. Please check the on-line logs on our web
site which will be uploaded nightly to
(Available starting May 15th). [NG3K]

10/07/2008:  Ralph, K9ZO will be on vacation, with his xyl, to the
island of Bermuda (NA-005, WLOTA LH-0201) from approximately July
10-15th. He will sign K9ZO/VP9 (holiday style operation) with focus on
the WARC bands and 6 meters, including an entry in the IARU HF
Championship (July 12-13th). QSL via home call, direct or bureau. [NG3K]

12/07/2008:  The Ukrainian National Team will be active as EM5HQ for the
IARU International HF contest (July 12-13th). No entry category was
mentioned, but expect Multi-?. QSL manager this year will be UR5EAW
(Alexander Shevchenko). All QSLs will be 100% sent via QSL bureau. For
conducting 4 or more QSOs with EM5HQ as special certificate will be
awarded. [UR5EAW]

15/07/2008:  Special Event Station Commemorating 2008 Beijing Olympics -
The Hong Kong Amateur Radio DX Association (HARDXA) is pleased to
announce that it has received official permission from The Office Of The
Telecommunications Authority authorizing it to use a special event
callsign VR2008O for the period from 15th July to 31st August, 2008 to
celebrate the 2008 Beijing Olympics. Operations will be primarily HF
from 7MHz through to 28MHz and VHF on 50MHz, modes operated shall be
primarily SSB, RTTY and PSK31. Direct QSL only. No e-qsl or LOTW.

26/07/2008:  Paul, M3KBU will be active from the isle of Skye (EU-008,
IOSA NH-07, SCOTIA CN-14) using the call sign MM3KBU/p on July 26th and
27th, during the RSGB IOTA Contest. QSL via M3KBU, direct is preferred,
but bureau is ok. [RSGB IOTA]

01/09/2008:  Operators Benoit/F8PDR, Jean-Jacques/F5NKX, Denis/F5RJM,
Rolf/F9ZG, Alain/F5HVI, Rene/F6CMC and Alain/F6ACH will be active as
F5KAQ/p from Brehat Island (EU-074, DIFM MA-012, WLOTA LH-2010) from
September 1-8th. Look for activity on all bands and modes. QSL via
F5RJM, direct or bureau. [RSGB IOTA]

29/11/2008:  Look for Tack, JE1CKA (also KH0AM) to be active as AH0BT
from the Aquarius Beach Tower Contest Club, Saipan, Northern Mariana
Islands (OC-086) during the CQWW DX CW Contest (November 29-30th), as a
Single-Op/All-Band/High-Power entry. QSL via 7L1FPU. [NG3K]

21/02/2009:  Eric, K9GY plans to be active from Guatemala as TG/K9GY
(call sign tentative) for the ARRL DX CW Contest (February 21-22nd), as
a Single-Op/All-Band/Low-Power entry. QSL via LoTW. [NG3K]

01/03/2009:  John/9M6XRO (ISWL 9M6-6982), and Steve/9M6DXX, will lead a
team of six operators to Pulau Layang Layang, Spratly Islands (IOTA
AS-051), between March 1st and 14th, 2009. Activity will be on all bands
10 to 80m CW, SSB and RTTY using three stations, two with full legal
limit linear amplifiers. Call sign to be confirmed and QSL information
via M3SDE (direct or bureau). [Pete's-DX-Newsdesk]

The ISWL Club Callsigns in use during May 2008 will be:
GX4BJC /A and GX4BJC /P - Operated from Hartford, in Cambridgeshire, by
Tom - G3RPV. (WAB Square = TL27-CBE & IOTA = EU-005).
MX1SWL /A - Operated from Norwich, in Norfolk, by Alan - M0LSX. (WAB
Square = TG21-NOR & IOTA = EU-005).
The ISWL's WAB Book numbers are: 16316  and  16724.
All QSL Info is on  or  or via
ISWL Awards are available to all Hams and SWL's - see
for full details. cards ARE accepted for our awards. [Pete's-DX-Newsdesk]
30/04/2008:  Special call DM152ZYA from Dresden QRV April 30th to
December 31st on HF to 432 MHz is dedicated to the roll out and
maidenflight of the first german passenger aircraft with jet propulsion,
build in Dresden, 1958. Special DOK: 50ZYA will used. QSL via DJ7AL
direct or bureau. [MMMonVHF]

01/05/2008:  Special event station EG4DCM is currently active until May
4th to celebrate Madrid community day. During the activity, the QSO’s
will be affected by a progressive number. You can repeat the contacts on
different bands only. 10, 12, 15, 17, 20, 40 and 80 metres. The obtained
serial numbers will allow to participate in the commemorative Trophy. On
May 5th, a drawing lots made with the ONCE, will allow to
indicate(appoint) between the progressive numbers, the winner of the
Trophy and his seconds. The rewards will be sent free of charge to the
winners. Special QSL, direct in 30 days or via the bureau to EA4CT.

01/05/2008:  A special event call sign LZ08KM (LZ Zero Eight KM) will be
activated from May 1st till 31st, to commemorate St. Cyril (Kiril) and
Methodius, the creators of the cyrillic alphabet, as well as the Day of
Cyrillic alphabet and Bulgarian Culture - May 24th, which is one of the
most important holidays in Bulgaria. This will be a team operation and
they will try to activate as many bands and modes as possible. QSL via
LZ1PJ (Direct, Bureau and Email requests, LoTW). NO eQSL! More
information and QSL card preview can be found on [LZ1PJ]

01/05/2008:  Look for 8J1EME to be active from May 1, 2008 to March 31,
2009 for Project KDES 2008 (KDES: Katsuura Dish Experimental Station).
QSL via the JARL bureau. [JJ1WTL/AC6IM]

01/05/2008:  Look for special event station 8J1ITU to be aired during
the entire month of May to celebrate the 40th ITU Day. QRV on all
bands/modes and QSL via the JARL bureau. [JJ1WTL/AC6IM]

01/05/2008:  Special event station 8J63OITA will be active between May
1st and October 13th to celebrate the 63rd National Sports Festival in
Oita. Look for activity on all bands and modes. QSL via the JARL QSL
bureau. [JJ1WTL/AC6IM]

01/05/2008:  Look for special event station 8J750N to be active from May
1st to November 30th to celebrate the 50th anniversary of Natori-city.
Activity will be on all bands and modes. QSL via the JARL QSL bureau.

02/05/2008:  Special event station 8J8YF will be aired May 1-6th for the
"Activating Amateur Radio among Our Juniors 2008 (YF: Young Festival?)".
Activity will be on all bands/modes to encourage the youngsters to take
part in amateur radio. QSL via JARL bureau. [JJ1WTL/AC6IM]

02/05/2008:  John/M0XIG, John/G4POF and Tony/2E0SBS will operate special
event station GB2BST on May 2nd and 3rd from the site of the optical
telegraph at Bramshaw in the New Forest, Hampshire. Expect them to be
active mainly on 20 and 40 meters. The Bramshaw Shutter Telegraph was
one of a number that operated as a communication link for the Admiralty
between London and Plymouth. QSL via M0XIG, direct or bureau. [425 DX

03/05/2008:  The Quilmes Radio Club LU4DQ, will be active on May 3rd
from the disused since 1991 Railway station Buchanan DEF 105 D, that
runs between Gonzßlez Catßn and La Plata, Argentina. This activity is
valid for the "Train Stations Award" (Diploma Estaciones Ferroviarias).
QRV 80, 40 and 2 meter SSB and CW. QSL with SAE + postage to: Radio Club
Quilmes, Casilla de Correo No 6, C. P. 1878, Quilmes, Provincia de
Buenos Aires. In case of bad weather, the operation will be made on May
10th. [LW4DAF]

03/05/2008:  CQ5MGP is the special callsign used by the Portuguese Navy
amateur radio group (Nucleo de Radioamadores da Armada, CS5NRA) during
the Portuguese Navy Day Contest. This year's event will be held on May
3-4th (rules can be found at [425 DX News]

03/05/2008:  The Bittern DX Group are putting on special event station
(in conjunction with Holt Town Council) GB0GFH to celebrate the 300th
anniversary of the Great Fire of Holt, in Norfolk. On 1st May 1708 the
town of Holt in Norfolk, was devastated by a fire which destroyed most
of the medieval town in the matter of just 3 hours. The dates for the
event will be May 3rd, 4th, and 5th. Operation planned is on all bands
160m to 10m, and 2m. QSL direct to M0CNP. Further information at
under GB0GFH. [MMMonVHF]

03/05/2008:  Amateur Station 8ZU and Broadcast Station WRK. Special
event station W8H will be aired May 3-11th to commemorate Hamilton Ohios
first amateur and broadcast station (circa 1915). This event will use
the original transmitter building and a still standing WRK tower.
Activity will be on 1875, 3975, 7275 and 14275 kHz, using SSB, CW and AM
(operators preference). Please mark your calendar in order to contact
this special event on the air. A certificate will be issued to all who
are logged and QSL with a SASE to W8KJ. More information is available
at: []

06/05/2008:  Special event station 8J4BARA will be aired between May
6-19th to celebrate the Fukuyama Bara (or Rose) Festival. Look for
activity on all bands. QSL via the JARL bureau. [JJ1WTL/AC6IM]

09/05/2008:  Gian Paolo, IW0EFA with several other Military Hams will be
activate from the Military Airport of Viterbo using the call sign II0ALE
(Italy Italy Zero Aviation Light Army) on May 9th and 10th. Look for
them to be active on all HF bands 80-10m, propagation permitting. QSL
via the bureau. Direct requests can be sent to IW0EFA (

U.S.A. Special event station information can be found at:

* 144 MHz Meteorscatter Sprint Contest will take place each year on the
day of the from IMO (International Meteor Organization) announced
maximum of the Perseid shower 0000z UT to 2359z UT on August 12th, 2008.
You can find the rules for this new activity contest at: [MMMonVHF]

* Japy DX Group will be QRV as ZV2T at Japm Mountains, GG66ms, May 3rd
and 4th); the Araucaria DX Group will lead one interesting contest on
144 MHz and 50 MHz called AVHFC - ARAUCARIA VHF CONTEST - look: . Many PY stations made
announcements of their participation on the event included portable
conditions inside interesting grids. Here some of then: FJ92, GF49,
GG40, GG42, GG46, GG48, GG51, GG52, GG53, GG54, GG55, GG58, GG66, GG67,
GG68, GG76, GG78, GG87, GG88, GG89, GH40, GH52, GH96, GI64, HI21, HI36.
The basis are almost the same of CQWW VHF Contest, so no mysteries on
QSO traffic, scoring method or even software management. The English
translation of the rules is avaiable on the Contest Website. I will be
active with Japy DX Group as ZV2T at Japm Mountains, GG66ms, 1200 meters
ASL, 100 Watts, 12 elements for 144 MHz and 6 elements for 50 MHz. I
hope found you on the bands. Flavio Archangelo PY2ZX. As well ZW2J will
be operation for Araucaria VHF Contest. Rare grid square in the State of
Goißs (PP2)! Expedition of Japy DX Group. [MMMonVHF]

* Henrik, OZ8ZS, QRV from KM15WM 50 MHz SSB/CW during holiday trip! Hi
all. Iam going on holiday to SV9 from May 8-22nd, and will be active on
50mhz. If we have sporadic on 144mhz, I can be QRV, but only with 50w
and mobile ant. My loc will be KM15WM in the western part of Crete
Island, and 100m from the sea, good takeoff to NW, N and NE. Due to
overload in hardware, I am not QRV on ON4KST, but will be in contact
with OZ1BNN via SMS. [MMMonVHF]

* St. Barthelemy DXpedition - W0SD and W7XU will be operating from St.
Barth's (FK87) 28 June through 6 July, concentrating on 6 meters. We
have applied for a special call sign and are working on having an online
log (with the hope of reducing dupes). We will be on 50.103 MHz. Keep
your fingers crossed for a great summer Es season. [MMMonVHF]

GOT6??? - 6M Information by Andy, N8OFS at:

01/05-06/05  5B/DF9TM: Cyprus Island (main) WLOTA:0051 QSL H/C (d/b)
01/05-06/05  5B/DL2SWW: Cyprus Island (main) WLOTA:0051 QSL H/C (d/b)
01/05-04/05  LU3ES/P: Faro Punta Piedras ARLHS:ARG-058 QSL LU2EE (d)
01/05-04/05  LU4EHP/P: Faro Punta Piedras ARLHS:ARG-058 QSL LU2EE (d)
01/05-04/05  LW7DAF/P: Faro Punta Piedras ARLHS:ARG-058 QSL LU2EE (d)
01/05-30/05  VE7NARA: Vancouver Island WLOTA:0858 QSL VE7FCO (d/b)
03/05-04/05  MS0DGR: Ailsa Craig WLOTA:0411 QSL MM0DFV (d/b)
03/05-04/05  MS0DGR: Pladda WLOTA:0702 QSL MM0DFV (d/b)
03/05-04/05  MS0EPC: Ailsa Craig WLOTA:0411 QSL MM0DFV (d/b)
03/05-04/05  MS0EPC: Pladda WLOTA:0702 QSL MM0DFV (d/b)
03/05-10/05  TK7C: Corsica Island WLOTA:1390 QSL F9IE (d/b)
05/05-12/05  SM7DAY/P: Oland WLOTA:0588 QSL H/C (d/b)
05/05-12/05  SM7NGH/P: Oland WLOTA:0588 QSL H/C (d/b)
06/05-15/05  P40ZB Aruba WLOTA:0033 QSL K9WZB (d)
09/05-11/05  JA7LU/KH2: Guam Island WLOTA:0064 QSL H/C (d/b)
09/05-13/05  TF/LA9SN/M: Iceland WLOTA:2975 QSL H/C (d/b)

The following operation has been approved for DXCC credit:

YA/LY1Y - Afghanistan

Operations in 2006 and 2007

If you had cards rejected for this operation send an e-mail to to be placed on the list for an update.

73 es DX!
Bill Moore NC1L
DXCC Manager
QSLs received Bureau - 3CØCW (via EA3CCU), 3DAØZO, 4N6FZ, 4O6EME, 9K2HN,

QSLs received Direct - 3YØC (via WA4FFW), 4O3B (via OH2BH), 5JØE (via
W5PF), 7Q7VB (via UA4WHX), 9J2BO (via G3TEV), C91VB (via UA4WHX), EP2AC
(via RV6AB), FJ/OH2AM (via OH2BN), FM5AA, FO/OH1RX (via OH2PM), J2ØVB
(via UA4WHX), P4ØLE (via K2LE), PWØT (via KU9C), T32OU (via N7OU), T32YA
(via W7YAQ), UN2L (via UA9AB), V73QB (via JK2TQB), VK6DXI, Z2/UA4WHX,
ZD7X (via WØMM).

QSLs received LoTW - 3B7C, A25HQ, AF7O, EA7GTF, GB6MD, GU8D, HT2N, K7QQ,

Lesiv Ivan Mikhaylovich, JW0HS (ex-UR5MVM, UX1MS) has been reported
Silent Key on April 17, 2008.

Iwan, PY2AH has been reported Silent Key (April 28, 2008). He was one of
the pioneers of VHF in Brazil and also wrote "Handbook of the
Radioamador" in Portuguese language.
>From Bill, NG3K -

"Your readers may be interested in a functional improvement I have
recently made to Announced DX Operations (ADXO):

Beginning April 25, 2008 active DX operations now include a link to the
DX Watch spot database.  The link takes the form:


and is located beneath the call sign in the Call field for most active
DX operations listed in ADXO.  A user clicking on this link will view a
real-time list of recent DX Cluster spots for the call in question.
Users can, if they choose, open the link in a new tab or window.  This
enhancement lets users immediately see whether or not an announced DX
operation has actually been spotted, which bands and modes the operator
is using, and where his signal is being heard.

For the present, links are not provided for additional operators at some
multi-op operations.  But, if ADXO users find the new capability useful,
I may try to expand its coverage to multi-op expeditions.  I am also
considering using this capability as a tool for weeding out announced
operations that, for whatever reason, never took place. Comments and
suggestions will be welcome and may be addressed to:

My thanks go to Felipe, PY1NB and DX Watch for making this possible.
While you're visiting DX Watch, be sure to take the time to look around.
Felipe has created a remarkable and innovative 2nd generation DX
spotting application that integrates data from packet cluster,,
and 425DXN".

73, Bill/NG3K
ZS8T · Marion Island <>
Press Release #2
Posted: 28 Apr 2008 04:17 PM CDT

It has been little over a month since Petrus ZS6GCM started his journey
to Marion Island and we are glad to report that the staff takeover
period is completed and the SA Agulhas is making its journey back to
Cape Town.

Petrus and Rhy ZS6DXB have been in contact and are happy to report on
the following.

    * Petrus has already undergone a full circle walk around the Island
with one of the research scientists, and has been out of base camp for
the past week.

    * The team is currently on cleaning duty since the takeover and is
now cleaning the entire camp - furthermore it is business as usual and
all is well.

    * Petrus is planning on starting construction of the antennas this
week and will be *QRV as ZS8T by May 9th, 2008.*

    * Petrus has also confirmed that the newly installed satellite
internet system on Marion Island is working beyond expectations to date,
so correspondence between Petrus and the ZS8T team are a lot easier than
during the Bouvet Island 3Y0E operation.

We hereby say good luck to all in working ZS8T and we look forward to
seeing your callsign in the ZS8T logbook. We will, of course, notify you
all on the first lucky contacts that make it into the log and of any
further developments.

73 and good hunting
Rhynhardt Louw ZS6DXB

ZS8T Press Officer/Logistical Support <>

ZS8T QRV on May 9, 2008!!!
Montague Island OC-223 -
Nick, VK1AA reports that his mini IOTA expedition to Montague Island
(OC-223) from April 15-18th was a great success. He managed to log 1,716
QSOs, mainly with EUs on 40/30m running 75 watts into home made
vertical. You can find the video and sound recording on Youtube
( and a few more photos at [VK1AA]
German Castles on the air -
Due to the huge activity, in Europe, each week end, all the year long,
from Castles, Forts, Settlement houses and so on, Germany has now its
own castle programm "German Castles on the Air".
To support it, a group of several hams, Sten/DL1ATR (L16),
Hartmut/DL2HRT (W24) Gerhard/DL5AWI (X11), Jürgen/DL8GG (X20), and
Hans/DK8RE (Y43), have organized the COTA Team.
Germany -
Their first important activity will be held on May 17th, but also on May
18th for the European Castles day, which for years is held on the 3rd
Sunday of May, and shows a lot of activities from castles in France,
Spain, Portugal, Italy, United Kingdom, Switzerland, Belgium, now
Germany, and may be further in Poland.
All information and ECD rules on Jean Pierre, F6FNA web page at: [F5NQL]
Radio Club Rio de la Plata issues from 2nd April 2008
the WAAB Award (Worked Argentine Antarctic Bases). Technical Check point
has been nominated LU4DXU Horacio. Rule and a sample of the Award are
loaded on Worldwide Antarctic Awards session, available at WAP web site,
where you can also get more details. Check "News & Information" page. 73
Gianni I1HYW. (
73 and Good DX!
Dave Raycroft, VA3RJ
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