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12 March 2011                                             A.R.I. DX Bulletin

                                   No 1036
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  DX  INFORMATION  ****
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                        Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW

6W     - RZ0SR, UA0SC, UA0SE and UA0SW will  be  active  on  all  bands  and
         modes as homecalls/6W from Senegal on 17-28  March  (QSL  via  home
         calls, direct or bureau). They will participate in the RDXC and  CQ
         WW WPX SSB contests as 6V7D (QSL  via  UA0SE,  direct  or  bureau).
         [TNX RZ0SR]
9A     - Anica 9A7SSY, Franjo 9A2MF, Daki  9A2WJ  and  Emir  9A6AA  will  be
         active as 9A1WFF from the various protected areas  located  on  the
         island of Pag (EU-170) on 11-13 March.  QSL  via  9A6AA.  [TNX  The
9N     - Ernst, DK7AN (9N7AN) will be active from Dhulikhel, Nepal  starting
         on 16 March. Activity will be casual and limited to 40, 30, 20  and
         17 metres. Ten days later he will be joined by  Heinz-Josef  DK5WL,
         Georg DL4SVA and Franz DL9GFB, and the group will operate CW,  SSB,
         RTTY, and PSK31 on 160-10 metres as 9N7AN (and on 2 metres  EME  as
         9N7WL) until 8 April. QSL 9N7AN via DL4SVA  and  9N7WL  via  DK5WL,
         direct, bureau and  LoTW.  Further  information  can  be  found  at
CN     - Mat, MJ0ASP will be active as CN2MR from Morocco  on  14-21  March.
         He will operate CW on 40-10 metres, with an emphasis on 30, 17  and
         12m. QSL via MJ0ASP and LoTW. [TNX DX World]
DU     - DZ1P is the special call 4F1EAA, 4F1OZ, 4F2KWT, 4F3XX,  DU1COP  and
         VE7DP will be using from the  Polillo  Islands  (OC-091)  on  11-13
         March. QSL via 4F1OZ or VE7DP. [TNX]
FM     - Maurizio, IW1GGN will be active as either TO1N  or  FM/IW1GGN  from
         Martinique (NA-107) on 12-18 March. He will operate  holiday  style
         mainly on 20 metres. [TNX The Golist]
FP     - Al, W6HGF  will  be  active  as  FP/W6HGF  from  Miquelon  (NA-032)
         between 14 and 21 March. He  plans  to  operate  RTTY  only  on  or
         around 1830, 3590, 7050, 10130,  14090,  18092,  21075,  24910  and
         28090 kHz. QSL via home call, direct or bureau, and  LoTW.  Further
         information can be found at [TNX NG3K]
GI     - Celebrating St Patrick's Day,  a  couple  of  special  callsigns  -
         GB1SPD and GB2SPD - will  be  used  from  Northern  Ireland  on  17
         March. QSL via operator's instructions. [TNX Southgate ARC]
JA     - Take, JI3DST has  postponed  his  trip  to  Kuchino-shima  (AS-049)
         [425DXN 1033] owing to the major earthquake that  stroke  Japan  on
         11 March. [TNX JR3TVH]
KP4    - Celebrating  his 20 years in amateur radio, Jose,  KP4JRS  will  be
         active as K4J on 14-29 March.  He  will  operate  mostly  RTTY  and
         PSK31.  An  electronic   certificate    can    be    obtained    at [TNX Southgate ARC]
PJ2    - Dirk, DO7DP will be active as PJ2/DO7DP from  Curacao  (SA-099)  on
         15-30 March. During the first  week  he  will  operate  during  his
         night hours only. Main activity will be  on  10/20  and  40  metres
         PSK31, RTTY and SSB. QSL via the bureau, eQSL and LoTW.
S2     - Zorro,  JH1AJT  and  other  five  operators  will  be  active  from
         Bangladesh on 15-29 March. They plan to operate, possibly as  S21YX
         or S21YZ, with 2-3 stations on 160-6 metres SSB, CW and RTTY.  [TNX
         The Daily DX]
TJ     - Henry, TJ3AY has been issued special  callsign  TJ3FC  to  be  used
         until  30  March  to  commemorate  the  41st  anniversary  of   the
         Organisation internationale de la Francophonie. QSL via F5LGE.
V5     - Special event callsign V521NAM will be in use  on  19-21  March  to
         celebrate the 21st anniversary of the independence of the  Republic
         of Namibia and the 21st birthday  of  the  Namibian  Amateur  Radio
         League (NARL). All amateurs in  Namibia  are  allowed  to  use  the
         special event callsign for the  duration  of  the  event,  and  all
         operators are required to send  in  their  logs  so  the  NARL  QSL
         Bureau can send out special QSL cards to all worked stations.  [TNX
         Southgate ARC]
VK9C   - Tim, NL8F will be active  as  VK9CF  from  Cocos  (Keeling)  Island
         (OC-003) on 19-29 March, CQ  WPX  SSB  Contest  included.  He  will
         operate SSB on 80-10 metres, and possibly 160m. QSL via K8NA.  [TNX
         DX World]
Z2     - Rudi, DK7PE will be active as Z22CW from Harare, Zimbabwe on  20-26
         March. He will operate mainly  CW  usign  wire  antennas.  QSL  via

                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  GOOD TO KNOW ... ****
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                        Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW

QSL ZL8X ---> "We got our first boxes with QSL cards from  the  printer.  We
already started to send the first QSL cards. DX clubs  with  a  special  QSL
service for their members (GDXF, SDXF and  DDXG)  were  the  first  who  got
them. Followed by another 1000 letters last week we continue working on  the
over 4000 direct request which came through OQRS". All  QSOs  were  uploaded
to LoTW the very same day the cards were  received  from  the  printer.  The
latest  information  from  the  ZL8X  team  (10  March)  can   be  found  at

                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ******* QSL  ROUTES *******
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                        Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW

CALL        MANAGER     CALL        MANAGER     CALL        MANAGER
3B8FQ       K5XK        FM4LV       W3HNK       PJ2/N5HZ    N5HZ
3G1F        EA5KB       FM5CD       F5VU        PJ2/W5FKX   W5FKX
3G5L        CE3PHI      FT5YK/p     F5PFP       PJ2/W5XU    W5XU
3G6V        CE6RCR      FY8DK       F5TJP       PJ2/W5ZPA   W5ZPA
3V8SS       IZ8CCW      H2T         5B4XF       PJ4/K2NG    WA2NHA
3W3B        E21EIC      HC2SL       EA5KB       PJ4G        WA2NHA
4A4A        EB7DX       HF40FO      SP2PMW      PJ5NA       K1NA
4F9HXB      DL5SDF      HG6A        HA6NY       PJ7DX       I8NHJ
4J7WMF      RX3RC       HI3K        KB2MS       PJ7LT       W1YJI
4L0CR       DL8KAC      HK1T        EA5KB       PJ7MF       IZ1MHY
4L0G        EA7FTR      HK3Q        W2GR        PR2B        PY2BW
4L4CC       RV1CC       HP1DCP      EA5KB       PT2CM       PR7JP
4M1F        YV1JGT      HQ2GL       W9GL        PY2XB/1     PT7WA
4M6CQ       YV6BXN      HQ2W        OK1DOT      RI1ANC      RN1ON
4X20HC      4Z4TL       HQ5A        KA2AEV      RI1FJ       UA2FM
4Z20HC      4Z4TL       HZ1MD       EA7FTR      RL3A        W3HNK
5B4AIF      EB7DX       HZ1SK       IZ8CLM      RW0CWA      RW0CF
5B50J       5B4AHJ      II0ICH      IM0QMA      RW2F        DK4VW
5H3MB       IK2GZU      II0IDP      IS0IGV      SN3A        SP3GEM
5H6CC       IN3ATM      II0IDR      IZ0FVD      SO8T        SP8TJU
5Q1A        OZ5ESB      II1ICS      I1SAF       SP0CFF      SP2FAP
5R8KH       DF8UO       II1IGG      I2AZ        SQ0NATO     SP1PBW
5R8UI       IZ8CCW      II2S        IZ2FOS      ST2AR       S53R
5T0JL       ON8RA       II3ICZ      IW3IE       SY2V        SV2GJV
5V7BR       F2VX        II4PRI      IZ1JKW      T30AQ       SP5EAQ
5V7DX       I1FQH       II6ICA      I6HWD       T30RH       SP5DRH
5X1XA       G3SWH       II7ICE      IZ7CTE      T46A        CO6LP
5Z4KI       YO9AFH      II7ICT      I7XUW       T88ME       7N1RTO
6V7T        F5RAV       II8ICN      IZ8JPV      T88TW       JE8NTJ
6Y1X        KD8EZU      II9ICF      IT9MRM      TE8X        TI5AA
7P8PB       EI7CC       II9IGA      IT9YEM      TF3W        TF3IRA
7Q7HB       G0IAS       IO4UI       I4JEE       TF8GX       KT6YL
8P0P        W3HNK       IR1G        IZ1LBG      TG9AWS      W3HNK
8P5A        NN1N        IR2CUI      IQ2ER       TI5N        W3HNK
8P9NS       VA3BL       J28RO       F8DFP       TI8M        TI2KAC
8P9NX       W3HNK       J37BO       K4LTA       TM0X        F4BKV
9G1AA       PA3ERA      J37LR       VE3EBN      TM100CCAE   F6FMT
9K2F        9K2HN       J47XCF      SV7FSK      TM1W        F5HRY
9M2MRS      PA0RRS      J68PJ       G3PJT       TM5E        F8KGS
9M2TO       JA0DMV      J79XBI      SM0XBI      TM9R        F6KNB
9M6/VO1AU   VO1MX       J79ZZ       DL1CW       TO7A        UT5UGR
A61ZX       EA7FTR      J7Y         K1LI        TP50CE      F5LGF
A65BD       G5LP        K8LEE/CY0   N0TG        TR8CA       F6CBC
AH0J        JA1NVF      KB7OBU/KH2  JA3VXH      UK8OWW      4Z5OG
AY5F        LU5FC       KC4/FT5YK   F5PFP       UN3M        EA7FTR
AY5F        LU5FC       KG4EM       KB7GJ       UN9GD       DL8KAC
BV0EXPO     BM2JCC      KH0WW       JP1IOF      V25OP       W9OP
C31CT       EA3QS       KP4MS       W4DN        V25WY       W4OWY
C6AGN       W1DIG       L50EY       EA5KB       V31AM       N2ZN
CE1TT       EA5KB       L73D        EA5KB       V31JP       KA9WON
CE1Z        CE1WNR      L82D        LU8DR       V31RU       DG7RO
CE3/LU1FAM  AC7DX       LN8W        LA9VDA      V85/9M6XRO  M0URX
CE3P        CE3PG       LO2W        LU7DSY      V85/9M8Z    M0URX
CE4CT       EA5KB       LO7H        LU7HW       V85AVE      EA7FTR
CN2A        DK4VW       LP1H        EA5KB       V85NL       JA4ENL
CN2BG       F8ALU       LQ5H        EA5KB       VK8NSB      M0URX
CN2FF       DK4VW       LR1H        LU2HOD      VP2E        N5AU
CN8PA       EA7FTR      LR2F        LU2FA       VP2MLP      WA1ZAM
CO2JD       AD4Z        LR4E        EA5KB       VP2MXF      G3TXF
CO6CAC      EA5KB       LT5D        LU2DT       VP5H        W0GJ
CP4BT       EA5KB       LT5X        WD9EWK      VP8DLM      F5PFP
CR2T        CU2AF       LU4DX       EA5KB       VP8DMH      G0VGS
D2AM        OM5AM       LX7I        LX2A        VQ9ZZ       N1ZZZ
D2CQ        CT1IUA      LZ85R       LZ1BJ       VX3X        VE3IKV
D2SG        GM4FDM      N0TG/CY0    N0TG        WP3C        W3HNK
DL60HSC     DK7VW       N1SNB/CY0   N0TG        XP1A        OZ1ACB
DQ1175E     DL5DCL      NH7A        F5VHJ       XU7FMZ      JA1FMZ
E79D        E77E        OA4TT       N6XQ        XU7NPC      JA7LU
ED1L        EA1EJ       OC4FZ       OA4O        YB0ECT      W2FB
ED1R        EA4RCH      OD5ET       EB7DX       YI1RZ       IK2DUW
ED1T        EA1HLH      OD5O        EA5BYP      YR2WFF      YO2KJW
ED5K        EA5RKB      OE3K        OE1DIA      YW7PA       YY6CHE
ED5T        EA5ELT      OE4A        OE4RGC      ZF2AH       W6VNR
ED9NA       EA9GW       OF50VRA     OH4TY       ZF2LC       W2SM
EF5K        EA5KB       OH8X        OH2UA       ZL/GD3OOK   M0URX
EG5JRT      EA5URD      OL1911VP    OK1DRQ      ZL3RG       9A3JB
EG7DCA      EA7URS      P29CS       M0URX       ZP6CW       ZP6CU
EH5FAG      EA5GRN      P29CW       VK2IR       ZP6DYA      K2DER
EI7M        EI6HB       P29VIM      YO5BIM      ZP6VT       EA7FTR
EK6LP       RN4LP       P33W        UA3DX       ZS3Y        SQ8X
ER4A        RA4LW       P40A        WD9DZV      ZS6CCY      K3IRV
ER4DX       RA4LW       P40D        WD9DZV      ZW7REF      PR7ZAJ
FK8GX       W3HNK       P40V        AI6V        ZW8SM       PT2OP
FM/KL7WA    UT5UGR      P49Y        AE6Y        ZX5J        AI4U
FM1HN       NI5DX       PJ2/DF7DQ   EA5GVH      ZY8P        PT2OP

EB7DX    David Lianez Fernandez, P.O. Box 163, 21080 Huelva, Spain
F5RAV    Luc Thibaudat, 15 rue de Moiscourt, 27140 Gisors, France
I8NHJ    Massimo Mucci, C/O FURSOL Informatica srl, Via Pianese 10, 86100
         Campobasso CB, Italy
M0URX    Tim Beaumont, P.O. Box 17, Kenilworth, Warwickshire CV8 1SF,
         United Kingdom
N0TG     Randy Rowe, 3017 Coventry Lane, Waxahachie TX 75165, USA
PT2OP    Orlando Perez Filho, SHIGS 706, Bloco L Casa 22, Brasilia - DF,
         70350-762, Brazil
SP5DRH   Jacek Kubiak, Garncarska 10A m 2, 04-896 Warszawa, Poland
SP5EAQ   Jacek Marczewski, Podlesna 8, Jazgarzewszczyzna, 05-501 Piaseczno
         4, Poland
TI5AA    Eduardo Hernandez, Apartado 441-4013, Alajuela Atenas Atenas,
         20501-4013, Costa Rica
VK4LDX   Craig Edwards, P.O. Box 487, Belgian Gardens QLD 4810, Australia


               425 DX News is a free of charge weekly bulletin
      edited by Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ and Valeria Pregliasco, IK1ADH

            Its contents may be used, reproduced and distributed
                        in part or full provided that
               "425 DX News" or "425DXN" receive proper credit

          Contributors are invited to send their DX information to
                 Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ (
                      The deadline is 12 UTC on Fridays


                           Direttore Responsabile
                            Gabriele Villa, I2VGW
               Giornalista Professionista - Tessera n. 071675
                      Ordine Nazionale dei Giornalisti
                                Roma, Italia


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