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[San Dona' di P. JN]

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G3LDI  > DX       27.04.08 22:00l 173 Lines 11309 Bytes #999 (0) @ WW
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Subj: 425 dx News 2
Sent: 080427/2054Z 42312@GB7LDI.#35.GBR.EU [42314] FBB7.01.35 alpha $:42312-GB7
To  : DX@WW

                          > > > 425 DX NEWS < < <

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26 April 2008                                            A.R.I. DX Bulletin

                                    No 886
                          *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                          *******   CALENDAR  *******
                           Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                         Direttore  Responsabile I2VGW

PERIOD           CALL                                                   REF

till  26/04      2J0WMG and MJ0MJH: Jersey                              884
till  26/04      TC57A: special call (Turkey)                           883
till  27/04      AH8/W9EYE: American Samoa                              883
till  27/04      BY7KP: MiaoWan Island (AS-129)                         885
till  27/04      IY0TC/p                                                885
till  27/04      T47C: Cayo Romano (NA-086)                             879
till  28/04      H44MS: Guadalcanal Island (OC-047)                     878
till  28/04      XU7ADV: Cambodia                                       883
till  29/04      HC8/UX0HX, HC8/UZ1HZ: Galapagos Islands (SA-004)       885
till  29/04      HC8/UR3HR, HC8/UT5UY: Galapagos Islands (SA-004)       885
till  30/04      EL5BK and EL5CB: Liberia                               880
till  30/04      HL0HQSC: special station                               883
till  30/04      KP2/W5IF: US Virgin Islands (NA-106)                   883
till  30/04      VC2VQ: special event station                           879
till  April      VQ9JC: Diego Garcia (AF-006)                           866
till  01/05      CQ4IPY: special callsign (Portugal)                    885
till  01/05      IE9N: Ustica (EU-051)                                  884
till  01/05      TM2MP: special call (France)                           883
till  02/05      YK1BA: Syria                                           884
till  03/05      ZA/F4DTO: Albania                                      885
till  04/05      FS/K9EL: St. Martin (NA-105)                           885
till  05/05      6V7K and 6V7J: Senegal                                 883
till  07/05      VP5/WA1UKN: Grand Turk (NA-003)                        874
till  08/05      FJ/DJ2VO: St Barthelemy (NA-146)                       883
till  12/05      DU9/PA3GZU: Mindanao (OC-130)                          883
till  15/05      SN0PGA: special event station                          879
till  15/05      YI9MI: Iraq                                            863
till  17/05      TI/DK6AO: NA-191 and NA-117                            884
till  May        V73RY: Kwajalein (OC-028)                              869
till  30/06      VR10: special prefix (Hong Kong)                       843
till  June       ZD7X: St. Helena (AF-022)                              884
till  31/08      EY8/F4EOH: Tajikistan                                  885
till  31/08      II3PIAV: special station                               881
till  August     C91R: Mozambique                                       855
till  30/09      9A73AA: special callsign                               855
till  08/10      JX9JKA: Jan Mayen (EU-022)                             875
till  November   YE2IPY: special callsign                               864
till  31/12      9A60A: special callsign                                881
till  31/12      9A08P: special event station                           886
till  31/12      AY0DX: special callsgin (Argentina)                    874
till  31/12      C4EURO: special callsign (Cyprus)                      867
till  31/12      DR8M: special event station                            870
till  31/12      HG1848I: special call (Hungary)                        873
till  31/12      HG550REX: special call (Hungary)                       873
till  31/12      ON1000NOTGER: special call (Belgium)                   873
till  31/12      ON40BAF: special event call                            869
till  31/12      ON70REDSTAR: special event station                     879
till  31/12      PY100JA: special call                                  886
till  31/12      SB1658OZ and SC1658OZ: special callsigns (Sweden)      871
till  31/12      SH1658DK and SH1658OZ: special callsigns (Sweden)      871
till  31/12      SK1658DK and SK1658OZ: special callsigns (Sweden)      871
till  December   HF0POL: Henryk Arctowski Station (South Shetlands)     868
26/04-29/04      9A2AA/p and 9A73AA/p: Korcula Island (EU-016)          886
26/04-03/05      GS3PYE/p: Isle of Mull (EU-008)                        881
26/04-03/05      GS4MWS/p: Isle of Jura (EU-008)                        885
26/04            GU5XW/p: Guernsey (EU-114)                             886
26/04-30/06      HB2008AA-ZZ: special calls (Switzerland)               883
26/04-07/05      JS6RRR and JI3DST/JS6: Miyako-Jima (AS-079)            886
26/04-30/06      OE2008AAA-ZZZ: special calls (Austria)                 883
26/04            OE2008XQC (International Marconi Day)                  883
26/04            International Marconi Day                              885
27/04-05/05      9N7WU: Nepal                                           885
27/04-28/04      HP4/JA6REX: Bocas del Toro Archipelago (NA-088)        886
28/04            OY: Faroe Islands (EU-018) * by LA9SN                  879
28/04-14/05      ZF2GU: Cayman Islands (NA-016)                         886
30/04-05/05      YM0TA: Bogsak Island (AS-123)                          886
01/05-04/05      HP8/JA6REX: Penonome, Panama                           886
01/05-05/05      JI1LET/JD1: Chichijima (AS-031), Ogasawara             886
01/05-08/05      TF7: Westman Islands (EU-071) * by LA9SN               879
01/05-30/05      VE7NARA: Vancouver Island (NA-036)                     886
02/05-15/05      A52TL: Bhutan                                          886
02/05-03/05      GB2BST: special event station                          881
02/05-13/05      ZD8N: Ascension Island (AF-003)                        881
02/05-09/05      9A0CI: Susac Island (EU-016)                           885
03/05-04/05      CQ5MGP: special callsign (Portugal)                    885
03/05-10/05      TK7C: Corsica (EU-014)                                 886
05/05-10/05      FK/JK1FNL: New Caledonia (OC-032)                      885
05/05-12/05      HB0/DL2SBY and HB0/DF1SR: Liechtenstein                885
05/05-10/05      HP4/W4JKC: Colon Island (NA-088)                       886
05/05-12/05      SM7DAY and SM7NGH: Oland Island (EU-037)               885
06/05-07/05      HP2/JA6REX: San Blas Archipelago (NA-170)              886
06/05-15/05      P40ZB: Aruba (SA-036)                                  883
07/05-18/05      JT1SNY and JT8SNY: Mongolia                            886
09/05-10/05      II0ALE: special event station                          881
09/05-13/05      TF: Iceland (EU-021) * by LA9SN                        879
10/05-11/05      JA4ZKI and JE4QIG: No Island (AS-117)                  885
10/05            W3S: Piney Point Lighthouse                            885
10/05-11/05      ZL7M: Chatham Islands (OC-038)                         885
15/05-26/05      3V8SS: Tunisia                                         885
16/05-18/05      IF9LI: Levanzo Island (EU-054)                         882
17/05-31/05      R90LPU: special callsign                               885
19/05-28/05      BY1PK/I0SNY: China                                     885
21/05-01/06      8P9TS and 8P2T: Barbados (NA-021)                      885
21/05-28/05      VP5/K0OK and VP5E: Caicos Islands (NA-002)             881
24/05-07/06      TM7S: special event call (France)                      869
24/05-25/05      GB6GEO: special station (England)                      883
24/05-06/06      OH0/PA0VHA, OH0/PA3BAG, OH0/PA2A: Aland Isls (EU-002)  879
24/05-06/06      OH0/PA2AM, OH0/PA3ALK, OH0/PB5A: Aland Isls (EU-002)   879
27/05-03/06      T32XG: East Kiribati                                   885
31/05-07/06      SV5/OZ6B: Dodecanese Islands (EU-001)                  885
31/05-01/06      YE100K: special event station                          885
from  May        ZS8T: Marion Island (AF-021)                           883
10/06-16/06      CQ4IPY: special callsign (Portugal)                    885
11/06-23/06      FH/DK7LX: Mayotte (AF-027)                             869
12/06-17/06      GB0TI: Treshnish Islands (EU-108)                      883
17/06-20/06      MM/K6EIL: Bressay Island (EU-012)                      881
21/06-27/06      9A/I6GFX: Croatian islands (EU-170)                    885
27/06-04/07      JX/G7VJR: Jan Mayen (EU-022)                           873
28/06-05/07      HB0/ON4IPA: Liechtenstein                              873
June             4W: East Timor * by EAs                                881
June             OJ0: Market Reef (EU-053) * by SMs                     881
08/07-20/07      VK9XWW, VK9XHZ, VK9XOR, VK9XME: Christmas Isl (OC-002) 885
16/07-31/07      C91CF, C91TK, C91...: Mozambique                       877
21/07-27/07      KL7DX: Chuginadak Island (NA-234)                      881
30/07-04/08      VE3LYC/VO2 and VO2/G3OCA: Finger Hill Island (NA-194)  879
30/07-04/08      VE3LYC/VO2 and VO2/G3OCA: Paul Island (NA-205)         879
from July        ZD9X: Tristan da Cunha (AF-029)                        884
01/09-07/09      CQ4IPY: special callsign (Portugal)                    885
09/10-27/10      VK9DWX: Willis Island (OC-007)                         872
18/10-04/11      P2: Witu Islands (OC-181) * G3KHZ,G4EDG,CT1AGF,W5GAI   883
18/10-04/11      P2: Ninigo group (OC-041) * G3KHZ,G4EDG,CT1AGF,W5GAI   883
01/11-07/11      CQ4IPY: special callsign (Portugal)                    885


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                                Direttore Responsabile
                                Gabriele Villa,  I2VGW
                    Giornalista Professionista - Tessera n. 057216
                           Ordine Nazionale dei Giornalisti
                                     Roma, Italia



        *** The PacketCluster network 425 DX News search tool commands ***

SH/425 CAL          shows the 425DXN Calendar "current" activities;
SH/425 BULL [num]   where [num] is the bulletin issue number;
SH/425 [text]       where [text] should be replaced with  a callsign, an  IOTA
                    reference number,  an island  name, an  Antarctic base,  a
                    lighthouse, etc.

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