KB8NW > DX 28.02.10 21:06l 448 Lines 25024 Bytes #999 (0) @ WW
BID : OPDX.949
Subj: Ohio/Penn DX Bulletin No. 949
Sent: 100228/1959Z @:CX2SA.LAV.URY.SA #:42886 [Minas] FBB7.00e $:OPDX.949
To : DX@WW
The Ohio/Penn DX PacketCluster
DX Bulletin No. 949
BID: $OPDX.949
March 1, 2010
Editor Tedd Mirgliotta, KB8NW
Provided by BARF80.ORG (Cleveland, Ohio)
Thanks to the Northern Ohio Amateur Radio Society, Northern Ohio DX
Association, Ohio/Penn PacketCluster Network, AB5K & the AR TelNet Clusters
Network, K1XN & GoList, NJ1Q, W2VU, N3CR, NG3K & ADXO, N4AA & QRZ DX, N5UCF,
KH6BZF, N7OU, K8GI, K8YSE, W8GEX (60m News), WE9V, AB0RX, AT International,
DK8JB, DL7MAE & The DX News Letter, DX World.Net, F5NQL & UFT, F6FQK,
50 MHz DX News, Pete's-DX-Newsdesk, RSGB IOTA Web Site, SQ8X, VA3RJ &
ICPO and VHF-DX-Portal (MMMonVHF) for the following DX information.
** PLEASE NOTE (CQ Newsroom): Following the 8.8 earthquake that struck
southern Chile early Saturday, February 27th, IARU, Region 2 and the
Red Chilena Nor Austral de Servicio (RECNA) suggests radio amateurs
monitor EmComm frequencies for earthquake and tsunami information:
SSB frequencies are:
10 meters - 28.300, 28.500 MHz 40 meters - 7.050, 7.095 MHz
15 meters - 21.200, 21.350 MHz 80 meters - 3.738, 3.750 MHz
20 meters - 14.200, 14.350 MHz
(via CQ Public Service Editor Richard Fisher, KI6SN)
In addition, the worldwide emergency communication "centre of activity"
frequencies should be monitored. They are: 14.300, 18.160 and 21.360 MHz
DXCC COUNTRY/ENTITY REPORT: According to the AR-Cluster Network for the
week of Sunday, 21st-February, through Sunday, 28th-February there were
232 countries active. Countries available: 3A, 3B8, 3DA, 3V, 3W, 4J, 4L,
4O, 4S, 4U1I, 4X, 5B, 5H, 5N, 5R, 5U, 5V, 5W, 5X, 5Z, 6W, 6Y, 7P, 7Q, 7X,
8P, 8Q, 8R, 9A, 9G, 9H, 9J, 9K, 9L, 9M2, 9M6, 9Q, 9U, 9V, 9X, 9Y, A3, A4,
A6, A7, A9, AP, BV, BY, C3, C5, C6, C9, CE, CE0Y, CE9, CM, CN, CP, CT,
CT3, CU, CX, D2, D4, DL, DU, E5/s, E7, EA, EA6, EA8, EA9, EI, EK, EL, EP,
ER, ES, ET, EU, EX, EY, EZ, F, FG, FH, FK, FM, FO, FP, FR, FY, G, GD, GI,
GJ, GM, GU, GW, H2, H4, H40, HA, HB, HC, HC8, HH, HI, HK, HL, HP, HR, HS,
HV, HZ, I, IS, J2, J3, J6, J7, J8, JA, JT, JY, K, KG4, KH0, KH2, KH6, KL,
KP2, KP4, LA, LU, LX, LY, LZ, OA, OD, OE, OH, OH0, OK, OM, ON, OX, OY,
OZ, P2, P4, PA, PJ2, PJ7, PY, PY0F, PZ, R1FJ, S2, S5, S7, S9, SM, SP, ST,
SU, SV, SV/a, SV5, SV9, T30, T7, TA, TF, TG, TI, TK, TL, TN, TR, TT, TU,
TY, UA, UA2, UA9, UK, UN, UR, V2, V3, V4, V5, V7, V8, VE, VK, VK9X, VP2M,
VP2V, VP6, VP8, VP8/h, VP8/s, VP9, VQ9, VR, VU, XE, XT, XU, YA, YB, YI,
YJ, YL, YN, YO, YS, YU, YV, Z2, Z3, ZA, ZB, ZC4, ZD7, ZF, ZL, ZP, ZS
* PLEASE NOTE: The report "could" contain "Pirate/SLIM" operations or
more likely a "BUSTED CALLSIGN". As always, you never know - "Work
First Worry Later" (WFWL).
3B9, RODRIGUES ISLAND. Just a reminder that John, G3LZQ, will be active
as 3B9WR from Cotton Bay, Rodrigues Island (AF-017) between March 3rd
and April 2nd. Activity will be on all bands 160-10 meters, probably and
mainly CW, but with a focus on the lower band (QRN permitting). Look for
him to be in the RSGB's 73rd Commonwealth Contest (March 13-14th). QSL
via his home callsign.
5W, SAMOA (Update ZK3). Operators Bill/N7OU and Bob/W7YAQ continue to be
active as 5W0OU and 5W0YA, respectively, from Apia, while they wait for
a boat to take them to Tokelau (ZK3). Bill informs OPDX that the boat
trip to Tokelau may happen sometime this week. So stay tuned and be
listening. He states, "Over the last week and a half we've done a lot
of repositioning and tinkering with our antennas and think we have them
optimized." QSL QSOs with 5W0OU to N7OU (including the ARRL DX Contest)
and QSOs with 5W0YA to W7YAQ.
6V, JAMAICA. Chad, WE9V, will be active as 6Y9V between March 4-14th.
Activity will be on 160-10 meters, with emphasis on 160/30/17/12 meters,
using CW, SSB and RTTY. This will include an entry in the ARRL DX SSB
Contest (March 6-7th). QSL via WD9DZV. You can contact Chad during his
stay by E-mail at 6y9v@we9v.com or see updates via Twitter at:
8P, BARBADOS. Tom, W2SC, will be active as 8P5A during the ARRL DX SSB
Contest (March 6-7th) as Single-Op/All-Band/High-Power entry. QSL via
LoTW or direct to NN1N.
CN, MOROCCO. Hartwig, DL7BC, will be active as CN2BC during the CQ WW
WPX SSB Contest (March 27-28th) as a Single-Op/All-Band/Low-Power entry.
QSL via DL7BC. Visit his Web page at: http://www.qslnet.de/dl7bc
CQ3/CT9, MADEIRA ISLANDS. Helmut, DF7ZS, will be active as CT9/DF7ZS
between March 24-31st. Activity will be holiday style and will focus
on the WARC bands. QSL via DF7ZS. Also, he will be active as CQ3L during
the CQWW WPX SSB Contest (March 27-28th) as a Single-Op/All-Band entry.
QSL via DJ6QT.
D4, CAPE VERDE. Massimo, IZ4DPV, is now active as D44AC from Vicente
Island (AF-086) until March 9th. He was active this past weekend as D4C
in the CQ 160m SSB Contest. QSL both callsigns only direct via IZ4DPV.
DXCC NEWS. Bill Moore, NC1L, ARRL Awards Branch Manager, reports that
the following operations are approved for DXCC credit:
3V3S – Tunisia; 2009 Operation
D2CQ – Angola; Current Operation
EA8, CANARY ISLANDS. Andrew, G7COD, will be active as EA8/G7COD from
Playa Del Cura on the Island of Gran Canaria (AF-004) between March
20-28th. Activity will be on 20-10 meters, including 17/12m, using CW
and SSB. He plans to be active daily approximately between 1300-1400z,
1800-20:00z and 2300-2330z. Suggested frequencies are:
CW - 14003, 18073, 21003, 24893 and 28003 kHz (+/- to allow for QRM)
SSB - 14177, 18133, 21253, 24953 and 28500 kHz (+/- 10 kHz)
For comprehensive details of QSL information, propagation forecast
etc, please check his Web site at: http://www.8q7ak.freewebspace.com
GB0, ENGLAND. Members of Newbury And District Amateur Radio Society
(NADARS) will be activating GB0VUL during the month of March. Activity
will be on 80-10 meters using CW and SSB. This special event is to increase
the awareness of the "Vulcan to the Sky Trust" and their efforts to save
the only flying Vulcan XH558 bomber. <http://www.nadars.org.uk/vulcan.asp>
While activity may take place all month, the main event of the month will
be on the weekend of 20th and 21st. For more details, see the information
(as well as possible updates) on QRZ.com. QSL via the RSGB Bureau, eQSL
preferred or via G8JIP.
HQ2, HONDURAS. Andrei, NP3D, will once again be active from here between
March 19-29th. He will sign HR2/NP3D on all HF bands, all modes, but will
focus on 160m. Andrei will also be in the CQWW WPX SSB Contest (March
27-28th) as HQ2T and as a Single-Op/All-Band entry. QSL via W3HNK, RW6HS,
or via LoTW. Also, he plans to be in the Russian DX Contest and the
IOTA NEWS....................
EU-008. Members of Kilmarnock and Loudoun Amateur Radio Club (GM0ADX,
GM7A and MM0KLR)and South Cheshire Amateur Radio Society (G6TW)
will activate jointly the Isle of Eigg (WAB NM48, IOSA NH03),
Inner Hebrides, as GM6TW/P between April 24-27th. Operators
mentioned are: Graham/MM0GHM (KLARC), Gordon/MM0GOR (KLARC)
and Mark/M0UTD (SCARS). QSL via G0UZP.
EU-010. Members of Camb-Hams will once again be active as GS3PYE/P
from the Isle of Harris between May 1-14th. Operators mentioned
are: Voi/G0BOE, Geoff/G0DDX, Adam/G1UAF, Bob/G1SAA, Terry/
G3VFC, Martin/G3ZAY, Colin/G4ERO, Mike/G7VJR, Lawrence/M0LCM,
Mark/M0MJH, Frederick/M0RFD, Robert/M0VFC and Gavin/M1BXF.
QSL via M0VFC. Check out their 2009 activation via the Camb-
Hams Web page at:
Also see their diary page for some video!
EU-156. Operators Francois/ON4LO, Kurt/ON4CB and Johnny/ON7KJW will
be active as F/OR9W/P from Tombelaine Rock between July 23–25th.
Activity will be on 160-10 meters SSB using home-made antennas.
QSL via ON4CB.
NA-034. David, K2DBK, will be active as K2DBK/4 from Lido Key Island
between March 22-24th. Activity will be on 20/15 meters SSB.
QSL via his home callsign, direct or by the Bureau.
NA-046. Members of the Fall River Amateur Radio Club will be active
as W1ACT from Martha's Vineyard (USI MA-005S, WLOTA LH-2804)
between April 30th and May 2nd. Activity will include the
New England QSO Party (May 1-2nd). Suggested frequencies
are: 3540, 7040, 14040 and 14280 kHz. QSL via N1JOY: Roland
Daignault, 19 Davis Rd, Westport, MA 02790-3433.
NA-079. (Update) Members of the Amateur Radio Outdoor Adventures, Inc.,
will be activating Grid Square EL84, March 11-15th. Activity
will be from Fort Jefferson, Garden Key in the Dry Tortugas
(USI FL-013S, USA-316, Monroe County, Florida) 72 miles west
of Key West. Callsign will be K4T. Team members are: Mike/AC2V,
Dave/N2NL, Chris/KN3ZIG, Pete/AI4QY, Gary/K4MF, Max/KJ4EUT,
Dan/W4UH, Pete/WD4IXD, Fred/K9VV, Vick/WA0USA, Mark/N8MH and
Jennifer LeSueur. Activity will be on HF, Satellite and Digital.
The group plans to have 3 HF stations, 2 satellite stations and
1 portable satellite station. They have posted the proposed
satellites passes and frequencies on their Web. The K4T Web
page is available at: http://aroadventures.org
IOTA STATESIDE TOUR. Pete, VE3IKV, will once again be active from the
following stateside islands:
March 6-7th - St. Simons; NA-058, USI GA-003S, Glynn county, Georgia
March 8-13th - Key West; NA-062, USI FL-040S, Monroe county, Florida
March 11-12th - Garden Key, Dry Tortugas; NA-079, USI FL-013S, Monroe
county, Florida.
His callsign will be W4/VG3RA. Activity will probably be on 40 meters CW
using 100 watts into a sloper antenna. Also, look for him on 6 meters
using CW and SSB. QSL via VE3IKV, direct or by the Bureau.
J7, DOMINICA (NA-101). After his activity in the ARRL contest as KP2M,
John, K3TEJ, will once again be active as J7N until March 11th. Activity
will be on all bands mainly using CW and RTTY. John has been heard with
good signals on both 80m and 40m CW. He plans to be in the ARRL Inter-
national DX SSB Contest (March 6-7th) as a Single-Op/All-Band entry. QSL
via his home callsign. ADDED NOTE: K3TEJ and K3CT run up over 6900 contacts
during the ARRL DX CW Contest from KP2M even after rig problems.
JX, JAN MAYEN (2011 Op/Operators Needed). Stan, SQ8X, announced that a
team of 8-9 individuals (5-6 hams) are planning to visit the Island of
Jan Mayen between July 4-14th, 2011. This will not only be a DXpedition,
but the team will have an unique opportunity to climb "Beerenberg" - an
active stratovolcano (2275m) <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Beerenberg>
as well as a chance to visit many interesting sites on the island. The
team will depart from the Island of Iceland by a 60 ft. comfortable yacht.
Sailing to the Island of Jan Mayen takes approx. 2-3 days depending on
sea conditions. The team will spend 6-7 days on the island depending
of WX. They will have 2-3 stations on the air utilizing rather smaller
transceivers like IC-706, (maybe 756 PRO III) and verticals (or one
multi-band beam + verticals). Stan states, "Since we will be there
during summer time, and due to the location over 70°N, we will probably
not be able to operate on 160-40 meters as bands will probably be use-
less at that time. 30m may be open, but it can be tough due to auroral
influences/pressure up there. The best openings may occur on 20-15 meters.
If we have higher SSN, 12-10 may be workable, too. Keep in mind that if
any stronger geomagnetic disturbances occur, all bands will be totally
D.E.A.D." A generator will be used and possibly small amps, but it all
depends on their budget. The island is still very rare on CW and RTTY,
and especially outside of Europe. So one station will be on CW and RTTY,
while the other is on SSB. The team can be split into 2 teams: one
operates while the other one visits the island and then swap. Stan
mentions, "Climbing the volcano is quite challenging. Getting to the
top of the volcano takes 10-12 hours. The rest of the places to see
are easy to access and not that challenging. But the volcano is the
best attraction to see!" If interested in joing the team, E-mail Stan
for more details at: stan.sq8x@gmail.com
KH0, MARIANA ISLANDS. Yoshi, JE2EHP, informs OPDX that he will be active
as K1HP/KH0 from Saipan (OC-086) between March 21-25th. Activity will
be on all the HF bands and 6m, using CW, SSB and RTTY. QSL via the Bureau
to home callsign JE2EHP.
Mar 2 AN --------------------
Mar 3 AN BN - Below Normal
Mar 4 AN AN - Above Normal/Geomagnetic Level is QUIET
Mar 5 AN LN - Low Normal
Mar 6 AN HN - High Normal/Geomagnetic Level is UNSETTLED
Mar 7 AN DIS - Disturbed
VDIS - Very Disturbed
QUIET - The "A" index is expected to be between
0-7 and the "K" index will be 2 or less
UNSETTLED - The "A" index is expected to be between
7-16 and "K" index will be 3 or less
80'S TO LOW 90'S....
LX, LUXEMBOURG. Philippe/LX2A will be active as LX7I during the ARRL DX
SSB Contest (March 6-7th) as a Single-Op entry. QSL via LX2A. Visit the
following Web page at: http://www.lx2a.com
LY11/LY20, LITHUANIA (Special Event and Award). To celebrate 20th anni-
versary of the "Act on the Restoration of Independence of Lithuania"
(March 11, 1990), the Lithuanian Amateur Radio Society (LRMD) is issuing
an award for amateurs who make contact with special event stations with
the prefixes LY20 or LY11 (11 stations on the air), as well as all other
LY stations and collecting 20 points between the period of March 1st and
May 1st, 2010.
Points are:
EU stations - any LY20 or LY11 station is 3 points; other LY is 1 points
DX stations - any LY20 or LY11 station is 5 points; other LY is 2 points.
It is necessary to have 3 QSOs with any LY20 or LY11 station. QSOs with
the same station is possible on multiple different bands and different
modes. Application deadline is December 31, 2011. Please send certified
list of contacts (no QSL please) and payment to the LRMD Award Manager.
Please provided your E-mail address with your application, in case they
need to contact you by E-mail. Postal address is: P.O. Box 1000, LT-01014,
post 1, Vilnius, LITHUANIA. Payment: 5 EURO or equivalent in USDs, or
7 IRC. Look for the following special event stations (w/ their operating
dates): Special Owner, Operating
Callsign QSL Route Dates
-------- --------- --------------------
LY20W LY5W March 1st-April 29th
LY20PSK LY3X March 1st-April 29th
LY11A LY5A March 1st-April 29th
LY11GV LY2GV March 1st-April 29th
LY11QT LY2QT March 1st-April 29th
LY11BY LY3BY March 1-31st
LY20NX LY3NX March 1-31st
LY20INDP LY1CT March 1st-April 29th
LY11MM LY2MM March 1st-April 29th
LY20AM LY2AM March 1st-April 29th
LY20J LY3J March 1st-April 29th
MAJOR PACIFIC TOUR (Update). After his recent trip from the Pacific,
team leader, Hrane/YT1AD announced that an international team of operators
will activate Tokelau (ZK3), Canton Island (T31 - Central Kiribati) and
Wallis Island (FW) during the following updated tentative schedule:
September 29th - Loading in Apia and departure Apia to Fakaofo Atoll in
the Republic of Tokelau Island
September 30th - Arriving at Fakaofo Atoll
September 30th - Departure from the Island of Tokelau
October 1st - Traveling to Canton Island
October 2nd - Arriving at Canton Island in the early morning
October 2-11th - Activity from Canton Island
October 11th - Activity and afternoon departure from Canton Island
October 13th - Arriving Wallis Island
October 13th - Departure from Wallis Island
October 16th - Arriving at the Fiji Islands
Operators mentioned are: Hrane/YT1AD, Drgan/YT3W, Vel/YT3WW, Mladen/
YT6W, Miki/YU1AU, Chuck/JT1CO, Atilano/PY5EG, Vangelis/SV2BFN, Aleksej/
UA4HOX, Krassimir/K1LZ, Dave/K3LP and Doug/N6TQS. Pilot stations are:
Toma/YU1AB and Aca/YU1AA. Consultant is: Larry/AH8LG. Activity will be
on 160-2 meters using CW, SSB, RTTY, SSTV and PSK31. Suggested frequencies
available are: http://www.yt1ad.info/t31/frq.html
More information will be forthcoming. Watch for updates at:
OD5, LEBANON. Fred, DL6SN, is now active as OD5/DL6SN from here until
the end of year. He plans to be active on 40-10 meters mainly on CW.
Activity over the past week has been on 20/17/12 meters CW. QSL via
OE10, AUSTRIA (Special Event). The Amateur Radio Section of the ORF
(Austrian Broadcasting Corporation) and the Documentary Archives Radio
Communications/QSL Collection will operate, for only 72 hours, a special
event station with the callsign OE10M during the weekend of April 23-25th
(0000-2400z). OE10M is an official "International Marconi Day" station.
Contacts made on Saturday, April 24th, are valid for the IMD Award. QSL
via OE QSL Bureau or direct to OE1WHC. Cards without SAE and (new!) IRC
or USDs to cover postage will be processed via Bureau. To see the QSL,
go to: http://www.qsl.at/down/oe10m.jpg
PJ4, NETHERLANDS ANTILLES. Operators Michal/OK7MT and Vit/OK5MM will be
active as PJ4/OK7MT and PJ4/OK5MM, respectively, from Bonaire (SA-006,
WLOTA LH-1279) between March 18th and April 1st. They are planning to
be entries in the Russian DX (March 20-21st) and CQWW WPX SSB Contests
(March 27-28th) as PJ4L. QSL PJ4L via OK7MT direct or bureau.
PZ, SURINAME. Peter, PA1LP, is now active as PZ5LP from Nieuw Nickeriebe
and Paramaribo until March 25th. Activity will be on 80-10 meters using
SSB and the Digital modes. He will be using a FT-857 w/100 watts into a
G5RV. QSL via eQSL or LoTW.
QSL INFO AND NEWS.....................
QSL CN3A via LoTW or I2WIJ. Activity was during the CQ 160-Meter SSB
Contest. Operators were: IK2QEI, IK2SGC, IK2SFZ and IV3ZXQ.
QSL EY8ZF via the address on QRZ.com. Activity was during the CQ 160
Meter SSB Contest. Operators were: EY8BI, EY8MM, K4ZW and RV0AR.
QSL KH7MM via W1NA. Activity was during the CQ 160-Meter SSB Contest.
Operator was W1NA from KH6YY.
QSL RW2F via DK4VW. Activity was during the CQ 160-Meter SSB Contest.
Operator was UA2FB.
Jerry, N5UCF, reports: "Effective immediately, I will be serving as
QSL Manager for Selva, 9V1UV. I will have logs for all of Selva's
QSOs, past and future and will be answering direct and bureau requests.
Please send direct requests to my QRZ.COM address with SASE or SAE
+ new IRC or minimum of 1 USD for a direct return. New cards have
to be ordered and printed, so please be patient for a return QSL over
the next month or so."
NEW QSL MANAGER. Joe, W3HNK, is now the QSL Manager for V26M.
and YO2MHD
SV5, DODECANESE. Willi, DJ7RJ, will once again be active from Kos Island
EU-001, GIOTA DKS 043) as SV5/DJ7RJ between now and March 18th. He is
there on holiday, but plans to be active on all HF bands, 160-6 meters
(he does prefer the lower bands), using CW and SSB. QSL to his home
callsign, direct or by the Bureau.
T32, EASTERN KIRIBATI (Update). This past week the callsigns for the
upcoming DXpedition to activate four uninhabited IOTA islands (in the
Southern Line Islands Group) that have never been put on the air before
were announced. Look for the following callsigns and IOTAs to be activated
between mid-March and early April:
T32MI - Malden Island (OC-279)
T32SI - Starbuck Island (OC-280)
T32CI - Caroline Island (OC-281)
T32VI - Vostok Island (OC-282)
No specific dates were announced yet, but a team of 5 operators and 5
Government Kiribati officers will set sail on the "SV Kwai" from Kiritimati
(Christmas Island) on approximately March 17th, returning to Kiritimati
approximately April 18th. Per their Web site, the team will operate from
two sites (two stations each) and will operate on 40-10 meters using a
variety of verticals and dipoles. QSL direct via SM6CAS. The T32 Southern
Line Islands DXpedition's Web page is at: http://t32line.webnode.com
TM4, FRANCE (Special Event). Operators Jacques/F5LON, Jean-Francois/F6CNM,
Nicolas/F8FKD and Claude/F9OE will activate TM4FFU from the French radio
maritime coast station "Brest-Le Conquet Radio (FFU)" on "2010 Radio
Maritime Day" between 1200z Saturday, April 10th, and 1200z Sunday, April
11th. Activity will be on 160/80/40/20/15/10 meters using CW only with
100w into a dipole and vertical. Suggested frequencies are (+/- 5 kHz):
1824, 3520, 7020, 14052, 21052 and 28052 kHz. QSL via F8FKD.
TP60, FRANCE (Special Event). Francis, F6FQK, reports that members of
the "Council of Europe Radio Amateur Club" (CERAC) will be active as
TP60CE between March 12-14th. Activity will be on CW, SSB, PSK and the
Satellites to celebrate the 60th anniversary of the "Convention of Human
Rights". QSL via F5LGF. An online log search will be available at:
V6, MICRONESIA (Rare IOTA to be Activated!). Operators Mike/KM9D and
Jan/KF4TUG onboard the "Don Henry", are expected to activate the rare
IOTA group of Oroluk Atoll (OC-260) very soon. In previous activities
from Micronesia, Mike and Jan used the callsigns V63MY and V63TO. Last
activation from here was in 2003 by Joe/I2YDX and Robert/IK2WXZ as
V60A/p. No other details are available at this time.
ZB, GIBRALTAR. The "60m News" is reporting that Erine, ZB2FK, has reported
that Gibraltar now has 60 meter permission. His radio doesn't work on the
band, but they are looking for another ham on the island or a contester
going there to put 60m on the air.
ZP0, PARAGUAY. Tom, ZP5AZL, plans to be active as ZP0R during the CQWW
WPX SSB Contest (March 27-28th) as a Single-Op/All-Band entry. QSL via
ZP5AZL. Visit Tom's Web page at: http://www.qsl.net/cx6vm/ZP5AZL
** IMPORTANT NOTICE/REMINDER ** The Ohio/Penn DX Bulletin now has a new
FAX number. Contributors can now send/fax their DX information to the
following number: 1-419-828-7791 ( F A X only! )
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mail by sending mail to me via " kb8nw@barf80.nshore.org ", please send
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