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20 February 2010                                          A.R.I. DX Bulletin

                                   No 981
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  DX  INFORMATION  ****
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                        Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW

5W     - Bill/N7OU  and  Bob/W7YAQ  expected  to  leave  Samoa  for  Tokelau
         [425DXN 979] on 18 February, but the voyage has been cancelled  due
         to a developing tropical  depression.  While  stuck  in  Apia  they
         continue to operate as 5W0OU and 5W0YA, including an entry  in  the
         ARRL DX CW Contest.  "After  the  contest  we  will  dust  off  the
         microphone", they say.
7P     - Pista, HA5AO will be active again as 7P8AO  from  Lesotho  on  8-22
         March. He plans to  operate  CW,  SSB  and  RTTY  on  80-10  metres
         running 300 watts into a wire  vertical  antenna.  QSL  via  HA5AO.
         Logsearch and further information at [TNX HA0HW]
8Q     - Alex, UX4UL will be active as  8Q7IA  from  the  Maldives  (AS-013)
         until 18 May. He operates CW,  SSB  and  BPSK  on  40,  20  and  17
         metres. QSL via UY5ZZ. [TNX UY5ZZ]
8Q     - Joerg, OE6VHF will be active as 8Q7JK from  the  Maldives  from  23
         February to 5  March.  He  will  operate  holiday  style  on  40-10
         metres, with an emphasis on 40 and 17  metres  SSB.  QSL  via  home
         call, bureau preferred.
9V     - Bob, 9V1QQ says he will be operating in the ARRL  DX,  CQ  WPX  SSB
         and CQ WPX CW contests using his contest callsign of S65Q. QSL  via
         home call.
C3     - A group of operators from Spain  and  Andorra  will  be  active  as
         C37NL on 26-28 February for the CQ WW  160-Meter  DX  SSB  Contest.
         This operation is a  joint  effort  between  the  Andorran  Amateur
         Radio Union (URA) and  the  Spanish  "Grupo  Contest  URE  Soria  &
         URASO" (( QSL via C37URA. [TNX EA1DVY]
C6     - Marc, K1CTT will  be  active  as  C6ALT  from  Eleuthera  (NA-001),
         Bahamas from 26 February to  10  March.  He  will  operate  holiday
         style on 40, 20, 17 and 15 metres SSB. QSL via home call. [TNX  The
         Daily DX]
CE     - Hector (CE3FZL), Ricardo (CE3HDI), Hugo (CE3BBC), Cristian (CE3PCN)
         and  Esteban  (XQ7UP) will  operate CW  and SSB as  XR2A  from  the
         lighthouse at Punta Angeles (ARLHS CHI-001) on 26-28  February. QSL
         direct to CE3BBC. [TNX CE3FZL]
CX     - The Radio Club Uruguayo will be active as CW3R  the  lighthouse  at
         Punta Negra (ARLHS URU-015) on 26-28 February.  They  will  operate
         CW, SSB and digital  modes  on  80-10  metres  with  at  least  two
         stations. QSL direct to Radio Club Uruguayo,  P.O.  Box  37,  11000
         Montevideo, Uruguay. [TNX CX3AL]
CY0    - The October 2009 DXpedition to Sable Island (NA-063) that had  been
         placed on hold [425DXN 957]  is  being  been  rescheduled  to  take
         place in this year's September-October time  frame.  The  operators
         will be Murray/WA4DAN, Randy/N0TG,  Rick/AI5P,  Ron/AA4VK.  Updates
         and further information at [TNX N0TG]
D4     - Massimo, IZ4DPV will be active as D44AC (QSL direct only) from  Sao
         Vicente Island (AF-086), Cape Verde from 21 February  to  9  March.
         He will participate in the CQ WW 160 SSB and ARRL DX  SSB  contests
         as D4C (QSL via IZ4DPV).
G      - The Cray Valley Radio Society ( ) will be active on  20
         February with the special callsign GG100RE on behalf of  the  Royal
         Eltham Guides for World Thinking Day on  the  Air.    Two  stations
         will be active mainly on 20, 40  and  80  metres.  QSL  via  G4DFI,
         direct or bureau. [TNX 2E0RCV]
G      - Special  event  station  GB75RDF  will  be  active  for  two  weeks
         starting on 24 February during a  re-enactment  of  the  experiment
         that discovered RDF (Radar) on 26 February  1935.  QSL  via  G1BHR,
         direct or bureau.
G      - In recognition of the historic events that took place in  1935  and
         1940 which played  a  significant  part  in  Britains  war  effort,
         Bawdsey Manor (Bawdsey  Research  Station)  will  be  activated  on
         three separate  occasions  during  2010.  Look  for  special  event
         station GB75BRS  to  be  active  on  26-28  February,  followed  by
         GB70BRS on 5-6 June and 18-19 September. They will be  on  the  air
         HF, 6m and VHF, operating CW, SSB and possibly some  digital  modes
         too. QSLs via G8BHC, bureau preferred. Further information  can  be
         found at [TNX M0SDY]
G      - Promoting  geological  heritage  to  the  general  public,  special
         station GB6GEO will be on the air from "Kent's  Cavern",  England's
         oldest "home" situated in the English  Riviera  (Torbay),  for  the
         3rd Geoparks Communication Weekend on 22-23 May. All  of  the  QSOs
         will be confirmed automatically via the bureau; the QSL  route  for
         direct cards is via G3VOF. Details on this event, as  well  on  the
         relevant certificate, can be found at  under  GB6GEO.  [TNX
GM     - MM0DGR/p will  be  operating  from  Langside  Wood,  Blawhorn  Moss
         National Nature Reserve on 20 February. Look for  activity  on  20m
         SSB,  30m    BPSK63  and  CW,  40m  SSB.  QSL  via  MM0DFV,  bureau
         preferred. [TNX MM0DFV]
HK     - Lothar, DK8LRF will be active  as  HK3JCL  from  Colombia  from  20
         February to 4 April. He will operate SSB, Pactor,  RTTY  and  PSK31
         mainly on 20 and 40 metres. QSL via DK8LRF, bureau preferred.  [TNX
         DX Newsletter]
I      - Special station  II0METEO  will  be  operated  between  22  and  28
         February for this  year's  Antarctic  Activity  Week  (see  below).
         Activity will take place from the Italian Air Force Base "Mario  De
         Bernardi" at Pratica di Mare, which hosts the National  Centre  for
         Aeronautical Meteorology and  Climatology.  QSL  via  IK2IWU.  [TNX
KH2    - Look for Tokyo International Amateur  Radio  Association's  members
         AB2ST, K0EN and KG6WTW to be active /KH2 from  Guam  (OC-026)  from
         25 February to 1 March. Activity will be on all bands with a  focus
         on  Europe.  QSL  for  all  via  JF1TEU,  direct  or  bureau.  [TNX]
KL     - The tentative dates for the announced expeditions  to  IOTA  groups
         NA-235 and NA-239 [425DXN 973] are as follows:
         18-25 August           KL7RRC     Chirikof Island (NA-235)
         26 August-1 September  N6PYN/KL7  Seal Islands (NA-239)
         The  team  now  includes  Elena/RV3ACA,  Merle/N6PYN, Yuri/N3QQ and
         Yuri/UA9OBA.  QSL  via UA9OBA (Russia and Europe) and N7RO (rest of
         the  world). Bookmark for updates.
LU     - The Grupo DX Norte will operate  as  LW5DFR/D  from  Martin  Garcia
         Island (SA-055) and lighthouse on 26-28 February. QSL via LW4EF.
LZ     - The Balkan Contest Club will operate as LZ132GO on  1-31  March  to
         commemorate the 132nd anniversary of the end of  the  Russo-Turkish
         War, which established Bulgaria as an autonomous principality.  QSL
         via QSL via LZ1ZF. Information  on  the  "St.  Teodosii  Tyrnovski"
         Award can be found at [TNX LZ1ZF]
ON     - Special event station ON30ON will be active during  the  months  of
         March, April, September and October to celebrate the  30th  edition
         of the Belgian "ON Contest". QSL via bureau or  direct  to  ON4CAS.
         Information  on  the  relevant    award    can    be    found    at [TNX ON4CAS]
OZ     - Roald, OZ1BLO and Karl, LA8DW will  be  active  from  Laeso  Island
         (EU-088) from 28 March to 3  April.  QSL  via  home  calls,  bureau
         preferred. [TNX LA8DW]
PY     - PY6HD, PY6RT and PY6AWU will be active as ZZ6Z from  Santa  Barbara
         Island, Abrolhos Archipelago (SA-019) on 25-28 February.  Look  for
         them on 80-10 metres SSB. The Brazilian Navy schedule might  affect
         the dates. QSL direct to  PY6HD.  Further  information  at
         under ZZ6Z. [TNX PT7WA]
PY     - Orlando/PT2OP, Vieira/PY1LVF and  Lima/PY1NEZ  will  be  active  as
         PV1S, PT2OP/p, PY1LVF/p and PY1NEZ/p from Santana  Island  (SA-077)
         and lighthouse on 25-28 February. They plan to operate CW  and  SSB
         on 80-10 metres. QSL PV1S and PT2OP/p via PT2OP, QSL  PY1LVF/p  and
         PY1NEZ/p via PY1NEZ, direct or  bureau.  The  very  same  operators
         will also be active as ZX1MH (QSL  via  PT2OP),  PT2OP/p,  PY1LVF/p
         and PY1NEZ/p from Forte Marechal Hermes in Macae, mainland  Brazil,
         on 1-2 March. [TNX PY1NEZ]
PY     - Nine Brazilian operators will be active as ZV7C  from  Cabo  Branco
         lighthouse (ARLHS BRA-015) on 26-28  February.  They  will  operate
         CW, SSB and PSK on 10, 15, 20, 40 and 80  metres.  QSL  via  PT7JP.
         [TNX PY1NEZ]
S2     - The   21-25  February  S21DX  activity  from  St.  Martin's  Island
         (AS-127) [425DXN 969]  has  been  postponed  until  further  notice
         because of  a  bureaucratic  hiccup.  Updates  will  be  posted  at
VK9X   - Phil, G3SWH and Jim, G3RTE will be  active  from  Christmas  Island
         (OC-002) on 20-27 February [425DXN 963]. They  will  both  use  the
         single callsign of VK9X/G6AY, and they  will  operate  CW  only  on
         80-10 metres (no activity on 160 metres).  Propagation  permitting,
         they plan to have two stations on the air for as many  hours  every
         day as is possible. QSL via G3SWH, direct or bureau  (requests  for
         bureau cards can be submitted by using the relevant form on  Phil's
         website). Please visit  for
         log search and further information. [TNX G3SWH]
W      - The Palos Verdes Amateur Radio  Club,  K6PV  will  be  active  from
         Santa Catalina Island (NA-066) on  25-28  February.  They  plan  to
         operate mainly on 20 metres SSB, but may be available to  CW,  RTTY
         and/or  PSK31.  QSL  via   K6PV,    direct    or    bureau.    [TNX]
ZA     - Franck, F4DTO and Patrick, F4GFE  will  be  active  as  ZA/homecall
         from Elbasan, Albania on 15-24 April. They plan to operate SSB  and
         some CW on 40-10 metres using 100 watts and monoband  dipoles.  QSL
         via home calls, bureau preferred. [TNX F4DTO]
ZL8    - The core team of the very successful DXpeditions to Norfolk  Island
         in 2007 (VK9DNX) and Willis Island in 2008  (VK9DWX),  plus  a  few
         high experienced operators, will  be  active  as  ZL8X  from  Raoul
         Island, Kermadec Islands (OC-039) in  November.  According  to  the
         preliminary schedule,  thirteen  operators  (namely  DJ5IW,  DJ7EO,
         DL8WPX and SP5XVY) expect to be QRV from 19 November to 5  December
         with seven high power stations on 160-10 metres CW, SSB  and  RTTY.
         Further  information,  including  log  search  and  an  Online  QSL
         Request System (OQRS) for either bureau and direct  cards,  can  be
         found at [TNX DL1MGB]

SOUTH PACIFIC TRIP ---> Hugh, K6HFA plans  to  operate  from  several  South
Pacific islands between 3 March and 26 April as follows:
3-10 March        Samoa (5W)   OC-097
12 March-2 April  Tonga (A3)   OC-049, OC-123 and OC-064
6-12 April        Wallis (FW)  OC-054
13-21 April       Tuvalu (T2)  OC-015
23-26 April       Fiji (3D2)   OC-016 or OC-156
He will operate CW , SSB and maybe RTTY on  80,  40,  30,  20,  17,  and  15
metres, with  100 watts and  a vertical. Further information  is expected in
due course. QSL via home call. [TNX K6HFA]

                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  GOOD TO KNOW ... ****
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                        Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW

ANTARCTIC ACTIVITY WEEK ---> The Worldwide Antarctic Program  has  announced
that the seventh Antarctic  Activity  Week  will  be  held  from  22  to  28
February. The aim of this annual event is to promote worldwide  interest  in
the Antarctic continent. Several special event  callsigns  from  around  the
world are expected to take part in this year's AAW.  Participating  stations
(QSL  via  operator's  instructions)  are  announced  from  the    following
            OE3SGA/AAW, OE3WWB/AAW
Balearic Is AO6ANT
Bulgaria    LZ07ANT
Canada      VB3ANT, VG3AAO, VG3WAP, VG7AAW
England     GB0ANT
France      TM7AAW, TM7WAP
Germany     DA0ANT
Lithuania   LY10ANT
Romania     YQ2ANT
Slovenia    S50ANT
Spain       AO1ANT
Switzerland HB9ICE
Ukraine     UT1KY/WAP
USA         K4A, K4K, N5T/ANT, N8A, W6A, WK3N/AAW
Complete information on the AAW can be found at

ARRL INTERNATIONAL DX CONTEST (CW) ---> Object of the contest  is  for  W/VE
amateurs to work as many stations in as many DXCC countries as  possible  on
160, 80, 40, 20, 15, and  10  metre  bands,  while  foreign  amateurs  (also
including KH6, KL7, CY9 and CY0) work as many W/VE stations in  as  many  of
the 48 contiguous states and provinces as possible (full rules can be  found
at  This  year's  event
will run from from 00.00 UTC on 20 February through 24.00 UTC on  the  21st.
Do not forget to give a look at the Announced Operations listing  maintained
by Bill, NG3K at -  good  contest  to
you all!

HOLYLAND CONTEST ---> The Holyland DX Contest 2009 results can be  found  on
the IARC website (, along with the rules for  this
years' event (from 21 UTC on 16 April through 21  UTC  on  the  17th).  [TNX

LIGHTHOUSE WEEKEND ---> The second South American Lighthouses  Weekend  will
be held on 26-28 February. A listing of partecipating stations  and  further
information on the event can be found at

NAQCC ---> The NAQCC (North American QRP CW Club) welcomes all who  want  to
help support  CW  and  have  at  least  some  interest  in  using  QRP  from
time-to-time. Lifetime  membership  is  free  and  open  to  licensed  radio
amateurs  or  SWLs  worldwide.  Complete  information  can    be   found  at [TNX VA3RJ]

QSL YP1WFF ---> Please note that the QSL route  depends  on  the  activation
date. Details  can  be  found  on  the  WFF  (World  Flora  Fauna)  Romanian
Programme's website at [TNX YO3JW]

QSL Z37M ---> All of the direct QSL requests for contacts made  during  last
year's CQ WW DX SSB Contest have been processed and  mailed.  The  remaining
QSOs have been confirmed via the bureau system. [TNX IZ8CCW]

QSL VIA NI5DX ---> Buzz, NI5DX is the new QSL manager for  Tom,  9M6TMT  and
Abdul, 9M6RHM. He already has the logs for  9M6TMT  and  is  awaiting  cards
being sent; no log information has been  transferred  yet  for  9M6RHM,  but
will be shortly. [TNX K1XN]


QSLs received direct or  through  managers:  3B8GT,  3D20CR,  3V3S,  4S7KKG,
5B/HG3IPA, 5H3EE , 5H3VMB, 6W/EI6DX , 7X4AN,  8R1PY,  9G5TT,  9H4JX,  9L7NS,
9M2/UA6AF (AS-046),  9M6/JA3AVO,  9M6/LA7XK,  9M6XRO,  9M8Z,  9N7RB,  A61KM,
A7/M0FGA,A92GR,  AY0DX,  B7P,  BA7IO/4  (AS-136),    BU2AQ,    C21DL,  C57R,
JT1R, JY5CC, KP4WW, LO2F, LR4E, N3MK (NA-083), OX3DB,  OY2J,  OY3AA,  P29NI,
SU9ZZ, SV2ASP/A, SV9/HG4UK/p, T2UF, T31DX, T32BJ , T6YA, T70A, T88IW,  TF4M,
TX5SPM,  UA0FO  ,  UN6G,  UP6P,  V26MN,  V31WV,  V73NS,   VE3DZ/VP9,  VK6IOA
(OC-211), VK9WW, VK9XX, VP2MNK ,  VP2V/KN5H  ,  VP8BUG,  VP8SDX,  VR2009EAG,


               425 DX News is a free of charge weekly bulletin
      edited by Valeria Pregliasco, IK1ADH and Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ

            Its contents may be used, reproduced and distributed
                        in part or full provided that
               "425 DX News" or "425DXN" receive proper credit

          Contributors are invited to send their DX information to
                 Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ (
                      The deadline is 12 UTC on Fridays


                           Direttore Responsabile
                            Gabriele Villa, I2VGW
               Giornalista Professionista - Tessera n. 071675
                      Ordine Nazionale dei Giornalisti
                                Roma, Italia


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