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[San Dona' di P. JN]

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LU7DR  > ICPO     06.04.08 03:30l 466 Lines 22419 Bytes #999 (0) @ WW
BID : 29633_LU7DR
Subj: [ICPO] ICPO Bulletin (April 03 - 11, 2008)
Sent: 080405/2353Z @:LU7DR.8103.BA.ARG.SA #:29633 [Ing. White] FBB7.00g
From: LU7DR@LU7DR.8103.BA.ARG.SA

I.C.P.O. Bulletin (April 03 - 11, 2008)
"Islands, Castles & Portable Operations"
Listing is by calendar date (day/month/year)
03/04/2008:  Andy, W9NJY is currently operating as PJ4/W9NJY from the
island of Bonaire (SA-006, WLOTA LH-1279) until April 10th. He is active
on 10-40m, including the WARC bands. QSL to WD9DZV. [NG3K]

03/04/2008:  Oscar, CO2OJ reports that their VHF Group will activate a
special station T42UJC from April 3rd to April 5th. The station will be
here in Habana, Cuba (NA-015, WLOTA LH-0032) on the 12 floor of the
building, just in front of Ave. Malecon, a little more than 50 meters
from the shore with more than 120 degrees free view over the Gulf.
T42UJC will be active on 6m, 2m and 70 cms SSB. 100 watts on 6 and 2m
and 25w on 70cms. Vertical antenna for 6m, a 12 elements yagi for 2m and
a 17 elements yagi for 70 cms. They will also be QRV on 40 and 20
meters. The 20 meter activity will be mainly RTTY and PSK31. Send your
QSL requests to T42UJC Post Office Box One, Havana, Cuba. [MMMonVHF]

03/04/2008:  Retu, OH4MDY will be active as XU7MDY from Sihanouk Ville
(Kompong Som), Cambodia, April 3-14th. Activity will be on the HF bands
using CW, SSB and various digital modes. QSL via OH4MDY, direct only.
[OPDX Bulletin]

04/04/2008:  TI6/K9KEJ  COSTA RICA -
Orrin, K9KEJ will be active again from the jungle in eastern Costa Rica
from April 4-11th. He will operate as TI6/K9KEJ mostly on 20 meters,
with some 17 and 15m activity at scattered times. QSL via home call.
[425 DX News]

04/04/2008:  Kirk (ITAYA, WE8A, JF3MYU) will be QRV as WE8A/KH2 April
4-5th from the island of Guam (OC-026, USi GU-003S, LH-0064) on 80-12m
SSB with some CW. QSL direct only to his JA address: Kirk Itaya, 5-1-35,
Daikaidori, Hyogo-ku, Kobe, 652-0803, JAPAN. [NG3K]

05/04/2008:  Look for Jean Michel, F5PRR/p to be active April 5th from
the Castle of Fontvielle (DFCF 13-033) and the Mills of Tissot-Avon (DMF
13-008) and Ribet (DMF 13-004). This activation is weather permitting.
QSL via home call, direct or bureau. [F5PRR]

05/04/2008:  Freddy, F8CKS/p will be active April 5th, weather
permitting, from the Castle Poujade (DFCF 24-095) and Mill Coudon ou
Gourdon (DMF 24-066), located in the commune D'Urval (CP 24480), canton
of Le Buisson de Cadouin (DDCF 24-07), Department Dordogne/24, Province
of Aquitaine (DPF 02). QRV on 80 and 40 meter SSB. QSL via home call,
direct or bureau. [F8CKS]

05/04/2008:  Look for Rick, KI4QFE/p to be active April 5th from Dauphin
Island (NA-213, USi AL-002S, Mobile County), Alabama. QRV 20 meters only
from 1400 UTC. QSL via home call. [RSGB IOTA]

05/04/2008:  Bob, K3UL will be active April 5-12th as ZF2UL from Grand
Cayman (NA-016, WLOTA LH-1042). He plans to operate CW and SSB holiday
style, with an emphasis on 80 and 160 metres. QSL direct to K3UL. [425
DX News]

06/04/2008:  Six members of SSRA, Southwest Scania Radioamateurs (namely
Ronnie/SM7DKF, Goran/SM7DLK, Mats/SM7DXQ, Christer/SM7KJH, Tore/SM7MPM
and Michael/SM7TGA) will be active as 6V7I from Senegal, April 6-12th.
They will operate from the QTH of 6W7RV located in Somone, Senegal, with
activity planned for 10-160 meter SSB and CW with two stations equipped
with one amplifier, monoband yagis for 10, 15 and 20 meters and a
Titanex vertical for the other bands. QSL via SM7DXQ. [425 DX News]

09/04/2008:  Slavo, SP2JMB reports he will operate mostly CW as
3B9/SP2JMB from Mauritius Island (AF-049) between April 9-24th. QSL via
home call. [425 DX News]

09/04/2008:  Members of the Yamato Club (JA1ZEK) will be active from Yap
Island (OC-012) between April 9-16th. Look for the following operators
to sign: Sasi/JA1KJW (V63JQ), Mat/JA1JQY (V63JY) and Kuni/JA8VE (V63VE).
The group will then move to Palau (OC-009) and be active from April
16-19th as T88KJ (JA1KJW), T88VE (JA8VE) and T88JY (JA1JQY). Activity
will be on the HF bands, CW, SSB and RTTY. QSL V63VE and T88VE via
JF1OCQ. QSL all others to their home call sign, direct or by the bureau.
[OPDX Bulletin]

09/04/2008:  Wim ON6NP will be active again in Sihanouk Ville (Kompong
Som), Cambodia, now as XU7ADV from April 9th until April 28th. QRV on
all HF bands SSB and digimodes (PSK31 and RTTY). Equipment: FT857D,
bandpass filter, automatic antenna tuner CG-5000 and SB-1000 interface.
[UBA HF News]

09/04/2008:  Roger/G3SXW, Nigel/G3TXF, Fred/G4BWP, Lionel/G5LP and
Rob/GM3YTS will operate CW only as YK9G from Damascus, Syria between
April 9-15th. Two stations with amplifiers will be QRV full-time. The
team will have antennas for all bands (160-10m), but 40-17 metres are
likely to provide most openings. They will transmit on frequencies
ending in '3' (always listen up 1-2+ KHz) and will concentrate on the US
West Coast whenever propagation permits, even though Damascus is
somewhat blocked in that direction. QSL via G3TXF (direct, bureau, LotW
and e-mail for bureau reply). The web page for the expedition is at [425 DX News]

11/04/2008:  Special call sign OT7G will be aired April 11-13th,
starting Friday 1400 UTC non stop until Sunday 1400 UTC from the Castle
De Ghellinck (BCA reference OV-032, WW Loc. JO10ST), Elsegem, Belgium.
QRV using CW, SSB and some digital modes on 20, 15 and 10m with 3
element fritzel, 40m with vertical and 100 radials, 80m with vertical
and 100 radials, dipole inverted V for 40m and 80m. Perhaps 160m dipole,
2m FM and ATV. QSL via ON4MRX, bureau or direct (P.O. Box 15, Anzegem
8570 WV, Belgium) with SAE and 1 IRC. For Belgium members SAE and stamp.
SWL cards welcome. [F5NQL]

14/04/2008:  Rachid, 3B8FQ, has received a license for 3B6, and will
activate Agalega Island (AF-001), single op, for 48-72 hours, April
14-17th. The call sign will be 3B6FQ. This will be a working trip. Time
will be shared with maintenance duties on the island, but Rachid will be
as active as possible when not on duty. Operations will primarily be on
SSB, with some CW, all bands 80-10M. After two days transportation by
boat, operations are expected to begin around 1830 UTC on April 14th.
Equipment will be battery powered at 70W, with simple antennas.
Suggested frequencies and last minute details will be announced prior to
departure. QSL via K5XK, 3B8FQ/3B6FQ QSL manager. [NG3K]

19/04/2008:  Jurgen, DJ2VO will be QRV April 19th to May 8th as FJ/DJ2VO
from St. Barthelemey Island (NA-146, WLOTA LH-0377). Activity will be on
80-10m using IC706MK2G at 100W, 10 meter vertical antenna with 24
radials and smart tuner. QSL via home call, direct or bureau. [NG3K]

21/04/2008:  Gavin, W9EYE will be going back to Pago Pago, Tutuila
Island (OC-045), to do some missionary eye surgery from April 21-27, and
hopes to be active as AH8/W9EYE in spare time. He will try to be QRV
80-10m, high power, as propagation allows, using SSB and hopefully RTTY.
QSL via home call as instructed on for W9EYE. [NG3K]

23/04/2008:  Glen, W5IF will be active from the Island Villa Contest
Club (WP2Z), Windwood Estates, island of St. Croix (NA-106, WLOTA
LH-2477) from April 23-30th. He will be QRV as KP2/W5IF, working all
bands with special emphasis on WARC and RTTY. QSL via home call, LoTW
and bureau.

24/05/2008:  Operators Jef/ON4ACA, Stefaan/ON4FG, Luc/ON4IA,
Karel/ON5TN, Fred/ON6QR, Marcel/ON6UQ and Jun/JH4RHF plan to be active
as 4U1VIC from United Nations, Vienna during the CQ WW WPX CW Contest
(May 24-25th) as a Multi-2 entry. They have no QSL route yet, but will
update the information when they have a QSL manager. [NG3K]

24/05/2008:  A Mini Dxpedition to Piel Island (EU-005) by members of the
CQ CQ Portable Group, UK, will take place May 24th and 25th using the
special call sign GB0PIA. Operators include John/M0JFE, Ian/2E0EDX,
Brian/2E0OYG, Nathan/2E0OCC, Greg/2E0RXX, Sean/2E0BAX and Liam/M3ZRY.
They plan to be QRV 160m-70cm (no 30m). Of course band conditions will
determine which will be used. Equipment will consist of FT817 rigs with
80w linear for HF and various antenna systems. Various radios for 2m, 6m
and 70cm, with beams and verticals. On 6m they will monitor 50.150 USB
and 51.500 USB. On 2m the frequencies will be 145.500 and 144.300 USB.
The 70cm frequency will be 433.500 MHz. Piel Island lies half a mile (1
km) off the southern tip of the Furness Peninsula in the administrative
county of Cumbria (WW Loc. IO84JB, WAB square SD26). This operation will
also count for the Piel Island 14th Century Castle (CASHOTA reference
G/151/C). Further information and updates, can be found at: [M0JFE]

24/05/2008:  Special event station GB3GEO will be on the air from The
Prehistoric Caves, of 'Kent's Cavern', England's oldest home in Britain.
GB3GEO will be situated in The English Riviera (Torbay), that is
recognised as having Geo Park status. There are six in the UK, and fifty
three in the world. We hope GB3GEO will help to promote geological
heritage to the general public. There will be a special open day at the
caves on Sunday 25th, and GB3GEO will be on the air during the weekend
of May 24/25th, operation on 80m-2m. There will be a special qsl card
sent for all qso's made with GB3GEO via the bureau. The station will be
run by Martin/G3VOF, with help from John/G7HIK, Paddy/M1EIW, and
Roger/2E0GHR. [Southgate ARC]

24/05/2008:  Dick, G3URA will be signing J49XF from the island of Crete
(EU-015, WLOTA LH-1400) for the CQ WPX CW Contest (May 24-25th) as a
Single-Op/All-Band/Low-Power entry. QSL via home call. [NG3K]

24/05/2008:  Look for Ari, OH5DX to be active from the Aland Islands
(EU-002, LH-1373) as OH0Z during the CQ WPX CW Contest (May 24-25th) as
a Single-Op/All-Band (or Single-Band 20m)/High-Power entry. QSL via
W0MM. [NG3K]

28/06/2008:  Dennis, K7BV will be QRV as 5J0M from San Andres Island
(NA-033, WLOTA LH-2990, WW Loc EK92DM) between June 28th and July 6th.
This will be a 6 meter only DXpedition. He will use a FT-450 with
ACOM-1000 amplifier, running 1KW into a 7 element and 3 element beam.
The main frequency will be 50.106.2 MHz USB and /B. The pilot station
will be Pat, W5OZI. QSL direct only to W1JJ ( Further
information can be found at: [N8OFS]

06/11/2008:  Look for J3/DL7CM (Hans) and J3/DM2AYO (Sid) to be QRV from
the island of Grenada (NA-024, WLOTA LH-0718), November 6-25th. Activity
will be on 160-6m using CW, SSB, RTTY and PSK with 2 stations, both
running 750 Watts to a yagi and groundplane. QSL via home calls. [NG3K]

22/11/2008:  Eric, K9GY will once again be QRV from the QTH of YN2N near
Granada, Nicaragua for the CQ WW DX CW Contest (November 29-30th) as a
Single-Op/All-Band/Low-Power entry. He will arrive the evening of
Saturday, November 22nd and depart the afternoon of Monday, December
1st. Eric hopes by then he can aquire the call sign YN2M for himself,
but for now he will sign H7/K9GY. QSL via LoTW or direct to CBA. [NG3K]

03/04/2008:  The Radio Club of Raismes Arthur Musmeaux (F5KAZ) will
animate a holiday for the students and staff of the University of
Valenciennes on April 3, 2008. Club members will be active using the
special call sign TM0FAC on HF on 20, 40 and 80 meters and on VHF on the
adjoining repeaters. For each QSO special QSL card will be sent. [UBA HF

03/04/2008:  Special call GB1SUN will be active from April 5th until the
end of the year, promoting the use of solar energy in amateur radio. The
station will be powered by solar panels and will operate on the HF and
VHF bands. The location is Ossett, West Yorkshire, the QTH of Mary and
Robert Brown, M3XMW and M0JRB. Equipment will consist of a Yaesu FT897
for both portable and main station, running 100 watts on HF, 50 watts on
144Mhz and 20 watts on 70cms. Aerials, a four element beam on
20-15-10-6, trapped dipoles on 160-80-40-17, with verticals for 144/70.
Modes, SSB and FM. Further information and QSL instructions can be found
on under GB1SUN. [MMMonVHF]

12/04/2008:  Special event station W0S will be aired April 12th and 13th
to commemorate the 96th Anniversary of the Titanic Disaster. Operators
Dave "SAP" Beckler/WA0SAP, Rich Vogt/KB9YZE, Al Gallo/W0ERE, and Rod
Kittleman/K0ADI organized this Special Event Station along with Mary
Kellogg, part owner of the World's Largest Titanic Museum in Branson,
Missouri. They will be QRV HF, SSB/CW, packet, Dstar and 2m. QSL via
operator's instructions. You can visit the website of the museum at [F5NQL]

U.S.A. Special event station information can be found at:

05/04/2008:  Ron, AF5Q will be out mobile for the Missouri QSO party
(April 5-6th). QRV primarily on 20m, 40m, and 75m, but will occasionally
check 15m. Look for him SSB and CW Counties for Saturday April 5, 2008:
Grundy, Linn, Sullivan, Adair, Macon, and Randolph, and Boone. Ron has
to cut this day short due to family engagement that evening. Counties
for Sunday April 6, 2008: Chariton, Carroll Saline, Howard, Cooper,
Moniteau, Morgan and if time Benton. QSL via home call. [County Hunter

05/04/2008:  Rob, K0IYA/m will be active between April 5th and May 3rd.
On April 5th he will run Missouri Counties: Jefferson, Ste. Genevieve,
Perry, Bollinger, Madison and St. Francois. April 19: St. Charles,
Warren, Montgomery and Gasconade, Missouri. A trip to run Lincoln, Pike,
Ralls, Shelby and Knox, Missouri, is also planned for around the first
part of May. QRV 7.188 and 14.336 MHz SSB only. QSL via home call.
Updates to follow. [County Hunter Web]

05/04/2008:  Bob/W0BH and Steve/K0OU will be active in the Missouri QSO
Party (April 5-6th) using the call W0BH/m. They plan to activate 34
counties in the Missouri QSO Party on Saturday, April 5 from 1800 UTC to
0500 UTC and Sunday, April 6 from 1800 UTC to 2400 UTC. They will run
both CW and SSB on 20 and 40 with 80 CW, 15, and 10 also on the roof.
Primary operation will be CW, but they will go SSB on the half hour and
on the hour starting at 1830 UTC, whenever CW slows down, or at county
line stops when we'll try operating both modes at the same time.
Saturday (22 counties): Jackson/JAC, Clay/CLA, Clinton/CLN, Ray/RAY,
Caldwell/CAL, back in CLN, DeKalb/DEK, Daviess/DVS, Harrison/HAR,
Gentry/GEN, Worth/WOR, back in HAR, Mercer/MER, Putnam/PUT,
Sullivan/SUL, Grundy/GRU, Linn/LIN, Chariton/CHN, Livingston/LIV,
Carrol/CRL, Saline/SAL, Pettis/PET, Johnson/JON, Lafayette/LAF, back in
Sunday (12 counties): Cass/CAS, Henry/HEN, St Clair/SCL, Bates/BAT,
Vernon/VRN, Cedar/CED, Dade/DAD, Lawrence/LAW, Barry/BAR, Newton/NWT,
Jasper/JAS, Barton/BTN, back in VRN.
More info and last minute updates on [County Hunter Web]

* WSPR (pronounced "whisper") stands for "Weak Signal Propagation
Reporter". This program implements transmitting and receiving for a
digital soundcard mode called "MEPT_JT", an acronym for "Manned
Experimental Propagation Tests, by K1JT". This is the initial release of
a GUI-based version of the program. Have a look at: . There will be an nice Chat
with several of these users of WSPR all over the World: - after getting familiar
with the program you might have auto upload your results and can view
the Condx at: . Lot
VHF are tested and lets hope we can run these at 2m as well...

27/03-09/04  VP5/W5CW: Providenciales Grid:FL31VS 50.110MHz USB 100W
M2-7el @ 30' QSL H/C

GOT6??? - 6M Information by Andy, N8OFS at:

01/04-05/04  9M2/OE1WWL: Pulau Tioman WLOTA:3536 QSL H/C (d/b)
03/04-05/04  T42UJC: Cuba Island (main) WLOTA LH-0032 QSL Op's Info
04/04-05/04  WE8A/KH2: Guam Island WLOTA:0064 QSL JF3MYU (d)
05/04-12/04  ZF2UL: Grand Cayman Island WLOTA:1042 QSL K3UL (d)
12/04-12/05  DU9/PA3GZU: Mindanao Island WLOTA:2803 QSL H/C (b)
The following operation has been approved for DXCC credit:

G4GIR/KH9 - Wake Island

2007 Operation

Bill Moore NC1L
DXCC Manager
>From : John - 9M6XRO
M3SDE will therefore be QSL Manager with immediate effect for the
following calls:
9M6XRO     via M3SDE
9M6XRO/P   via M3SDE
9M6/G3OOK  via M3SDE
A25OOK     via M3SDE
XU7XRO     via M3SDE
Please QSL direct or via the RSGB bureau to M3SDE. Cards received direct
with sufficient return postage will go out the same way.
Tim Beaumont, P.O. Box 17, Kenilworth, Warwickshire CV8 1SF, England.
QSLs received LoTW - 4Z5LA, B3C, GI5K, LX1KC, LX5T/LX6T, PT7CB, R1FJT,

QSLs received Direct - 5X1NH (via G3RWF), 9X0W (via DK2WV), 9X0X (via
DJ6SI), 9X0Z (via DJ6ZB), A45XR, BU2AI, FK/JA8BMK (via JA8BMK or
IS0/YO3RA, J5C (via DJ6SI), TN6X (via DJ6SI), T05FJ, VP2EDH (via W7UX),
YK9SV (via SV1JG)

* Kjell Rasmusson, SM7BAE has been reported as Silent Key. Kjell passed
away one month before his 80'th birthday. [MMMonVHF]

* Tony Colaguori, W2GUM has been reported as Silent Key. He was 91.

* Vladimir Ivanovich Chalapko, UT5EU of Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine, has
been reported a Silent Key. [UR5MGW]
Received March 29, 2008 -

Fellow FISTS Members:

Telephone call today from John Frost telling me his mother, Esther Frost
(KA4IFF) became a Silent Key.

I also talked with Elmer, her husband and he said she was 91 years old
and had a great life.

Esther was FISTS # 11 - which was the first number issued to anyone on
this side of the Atlantic.

George, G3ZQS had stayed with Esther and Elmer often when visiting
America. During one of his trips he presented Esther with her # 11.

I always enjoyed hearing Esther reply to someone who asked her to repeat
her FISTS number. She would send "FISTS 11 - that is ELEVEN"

Esther and Elmer travelled around the country for many years in their
big motor home. Generally leaving Florida in April and not returning
until November. One year they drove the motor home to Alaska and when
they were in Fairbanks, Elmer said lets go on up to Prudoe Bay and so
they did.

Most every year they stopped by our place on their way home and visited
us. In March for the past ten years we would stop by and visit them in
Lakeland, FL.

Esther was a WAVE during WW2 and copied code in five letter groups and
gave her copy to the fellow who would translate the message. Elmer
always said he got a kick out of seeing Esther writing down her copy of
incoming CW in five letter groups even though it was sent in plain text.

Esther was a First Class operator sending smooth CW and a real joy to
chat with on the air and in person.

In addition to FISTS she was an active member of the RNARS, INORC,

If you'd like to send a card to Elmer, his address is:

Elmer Frost
1954 Bruce St
Lakeland, FL 33801-2438

I will sorely miss her !

73, Stan - K4UK
CQ DX Marathon Kosovo Update
The CQ DX Marathon uses the same country list as the CQ WW contests.
ARRL DXCC plus WAE plus African Italy. Thus, until Kosovo is added by
WAE or ARRL, it does NOT count for the DX Marathon. Once it is accepted,
the effective date will be 17 February 2008, so keep track of those
Kosovo QSO's! [MMMonVHF]
WARD Award 2008 (World Amateur Radio Day 2006 Award). The WARD Award is
designed to commemorate the World Amateur Radio Day celebrated by IARU
on April 18th each year. It is issued by the MK QTC, Polish Radio
Amateur's Journal, with the support of PZK, Polish Amateur Radio Union.
The WARD will be granted for at least the following numbers of contacts:
either 10 QSOs on the HF bands, or either 10 QSOs on the VHF bands. For
more please do read at the WARD Web page
Amateur Radio Motto: A Foundation for Technical Knowledge [PZK]
ZS8 Mission Control: the Red Taxi has landed -

Posted: 31 Mar 2008 11:25 AM CDT

Petrus, ZS8T has reached Marion Island on March 31, 2008
( Good news for the last
day of March. Thanks to suitable weather conditions, SA Agulhas (aka
"Red Taxi") reached Marion Island today in the early hours without any
difficulties. This means Petrus ZS8T is now at Marion Island, where this
will be his QTH for at least 12 months.

We'd like to remind the current research team scheduled for 2008/2009
inc. its leader - Petrus ZS8T) is overloaded with work which has to be
completed in the next few weeks. This is why *ZS8T's activity won't
start earlier than end of April*.

With regards the above, please keep in mind, especially on April 1st,
when false spots may hit dx-clusters leading to chaos and
misunderstandings (as it already happened with previous Petrus' activity
from Bouvet isl).

The beginning of ZS8T's activity will be announced only at
website as a confirmation you may start chasing one of the most wanted
DXCC entities - Marion Island.

*We hope to have the first pictures of Marion Island (from Petrus) as
soon as possible.

*UPDATE*: ZS8T spotted today at 16:49z on 14.255.00 was a fake of
course... [K1XN & GoList]
73 and Good DX!
Dave Raycroft, VA3RJ
Home of ICPO:
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