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UT1HZM > DXNEWS   01.11.21 12:48l 314 Lines 19881 Bytes #999 (0) @ WW
BID : 425WW1591
Subj: 425 DX News #1591
Sent: 211101/1113Z 10201@UT1HZM.KREM.POL.UKR.EU BPQ6.0.22

30 October 2021                                           A.R.I. DX Bulletin
                                   No 1591

                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  DX  INFORMATION  ****
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                        Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW

3A     - EA3NT, G4PVM, MM0NDX and RA9USU  will participate  in the  CQ WW DX
         SSB Contest as 3A3A from the Principality of Monaco. QSL via UA3DX.
         Also, look for 3A/homecalls before and after the contest.  Club Log
         shows Monaco at #4 Most Wanted for NA West Coast (SSB), and #9 Most
         Wanted for  NA East Coast (SSB).  "The reason for  this  is because
         most of North America is blocked by mountains to the north and west
         of Monaco.  However, the 3A3A team are in a  fortunate position  of
         being permitted roof  access to a  5-star waterfront hotel  whereby
         they will erect  an assortment of antennas  with a view  to working
         the world, and a special focus on NA.  Other regions  which greatly
         needs 3A on SSB include Far East AS (#26) and VK/ZL (#63)". [TNX DX
A4     - A team from the  Royal Omani Amateur Radio Society (ROARS)  will be
         active as A44M from Masirah Island (AS-014) during the CQ WW DX SSB
         Contest.  Outside  the contest,  between 28 October and 1 November,
         they will be QRV as  A43MI  on various bands  and  modes.  QSL both
         callsigns via Club Log's OQRS, LoTW and eQSL.
DL     - Celebrating  the  35th anniversary  of the  European DX Foundation,
         special callsign  DL35EUDXF  will be active on  1-30 November,  and
         after that from  time to time  until 31 October 2022.  QSL via Club
         Log's OQRS, LoTW, eQSL; bureau cards can also be requested by email
         (dl4eax[@]  An award will be available for QSOs made  with
         this and  the other special callsigns,  complete information can be
         found at
EA     - URE San Fernando (EA7URF) is participating in the official celebra-
         tions for the  500th anniversary of the  first circumnavigation  of
         the Earth [425DXN 1467].  The seventh in a series of AM500  special
         event  stations  representing  a  milestone  of the voyage  will be
         AM500ESP, to be active on 20-27 November to memorialize the arrival
         of the ships "Victoria" and "Trinidad" to the Spice Islands  (islas
         de  las Especias),  i.e.  the Moluccas. QSL via  EA7URF  (bureau or
         direct), LoTW and eQSL.
FT_ant - David, F4FKT will be active as  FT4YM and  FT4YM/p from  Antarctica
         between now  and  approximately  late February-early March.  In his
         spare  time  he will operate  mainly SSB on  40 and 20 metres  from
         various bases, including Concordia,  Little Dome C,  Cap Prud'homme
         and  Dumont d'Urville on  Petrels Island (AN-017).  Updates will be
         posted to the Polar DX Group's Facebook group. QSL via F5PFP.
ON     - Also celebrating the 35th anniversary of the European DX Foundation
         will be OQ35EUDXF from Belgium.  Look for SSB, CW, RTTY and FT8/FT4
         activity on 1-30 November. QSL via ON6CC, Club Log's OQRS and LoTW.
ON     - Celebrating the 60th anniversary of the  Antarctic Treaty,  members
         of UBA Section NOK (ON4NOK) will be active as OQ60ANT from 1 Novem-
         ber to 31 December.  All QSOs will be confirmed  automatically  via
         the bureau; logsearch and OQRS on Club Log.
PY     - Special callsign PV60CRASC will be active on 1-30 November in cele-
         bration of the  60th anniversary of the  Clube dos Radioamadores de
         Sao Carlos (PY2CA).  QSL via PT2OP,  direct (preferred)  or bureau,
         LoTW and eQSL.
SP     - The Bydgoszcz Amateur Radio Club (SP2PBY) will be active as SN1BUW,
         SN3IW, SN4ESH and SN4IU on  8-21 November  to honour the memory  of
         Henryk Kruszynski  SP2BUW  (1957-2020),   Ryszard Czerwinski  SP2IW
         (1932-2018),  Boleslaw  Krzymin  SP2ESH  (1936-2016)  and  Zbigniew
         Gorgolewski SP2IU (1933-2017). QSL via SP2PBY and logsearch on Club
         Log. A certificate will be available:
UA     - Besides R325FR and R325WMF [425DXN 1590], a large number of special
         callsigns will be active between 30 October and 30 November for the
         325th anniversary  of  the  Russian Navy:  R325B,  R325BF,  R325CF,
         R325F, R325G, R325K, R325KF, R325N, R325P,  R325RF, R325S,  R325SF,
         R325SSF, R325TF, R325Z.  QSL via operators' instructions.
V5     - Gunter, DK2WH will be active again as V51WH and V55Y (contest call)
         from Namibia between November 2021 and March 2022.  QSLs via DK2WH,
         direct or bureau. He does not use LoTW.
VE     - Look for Eric, VA2IDX/p to be active from Anticosti Island (NA-077)
         on 2-7 November.  He will operate QRP CW on 20 and maybe 40 metres.
         QSL via home call and LoTW. [TNX The Daily DX]
ZF     - Stan, K5GO  will be active again as ZF9CW  and  ZF5T (contest call)
         from Cayman Brac (NA-016)  until 24 March 2022.  He operates mainly
         CW, with some SSB and no digital modes. QSLs via LoTW, or direct to
         home call. [TNX The Daily DX]

CQ WW DX SSB CONTEST ---> The following stations  have announced  their par-
ticipation in this year's event (30-31 October):

ZONE   CALL          CATEGORY     COUNTRY              QSL VIA      
02     VE2IM         SOAB HP      Canada               VE3DZ        
02     VY0ERC                     Canada               LoTW/M0OXO  
05     VP9I          SOAB LP      Bermuda              LoTW/WW3S    
08     8P1W          SO           Barbados             KU9C        
08     C6AHB                      Bahamas              LoTW/NN2T    
08     FG4KH         SO           Guadeloupe           LoTW/F1DUZ  
08     HI3LT         M/M          Dominican Republic   EB7DX        
08     J68HZ         M/?          St. Lucia            LoTW/K9HZ    
08     KP2B          Explorer     Virgin Isls          EB7DX        
08     KP3Z          M/S          Puerto Rico          N4AO        
08     NP2J          SOSB 160m    Virgin Isls          LoTW/K8RF    
08     PJ5/W5JON     SO           St Eustatius         LoTW/W5JON  
08     TO7O          SOAB         Martinique           LoTW/EA1BP  
08     V26B          M/S          Antigua & Barbuda    LoTW/KA2AEV  
08     WP3C          SOAB         Puerto Rico          M0OXO        
08     ZF1A          M/S          Cayman Islands       LoTW/K7ZO    
09     FY5KE         M/S          French Guiana        LoTW        
09     P40W          SOAB         Aruba                LoTW/N2MM    
09     PJ2T          M/M          Curacao              LoTW/W3HNK  
09     PJ4K          M/2          Bonaire              KU9C        
09     YV5KG         SOSB 160m HP Venezuela            LoTW/YV5KG  
10     HD8R          M/2          Galapagos            EA5RM        
11     PY0F          M/?          Fernando de Noronha  PY7RP        
13     LP7D          M/S          Argentina            LoTW/LP7D    
14     3A3A          M/?          Monaco               UA3DX        
14     CR2M          M/?          Azores               LoTW        
14     ED1R          M/?          Spain                LoTW        
14     ED7O          M/?          Spain                ED7O        
14     HB0A          M/S          Liechtenstein        HB0A        
14     HB9NE         M/S          Switzerland          LoTW        
14     LA4C          M/2          Norway               LoTW/LA4C    
14     LN8W          M/M          Norway               LoTW/LA6YEA  
14     LX/ON4EI      SOAB LP      Luxembourg           LoTW        
14     MX4Y          M/S          England              eQSL        
14     PI4M          M/2          Netherlands          LoTW/PA0MBD  
14     SD6D          M/M          Sweden               bureau      
15     IS0/OM2TW     SOSB 80m     Sardinia             LoTW/OM2FY  
15     OF1F          M/S          Finland              LoTW        
15     Z60A          M/2          Kosovo               OH2BH        
15     Z68XX         SO           Kosovo               DL2JRM      
17     EY8MM         SOSB 40m     Tajikistan           W0VTT        
20     SX16V         SO           Greece               SV2HJW      
20     TC7G          M/S LP       Turkey               LoTW        
20     TC7TR         M/?          Turkey               LoTW        
21     4L2M          SO           Georgia              EA7FTR      
21     4L8A          SOSB 15m     Georgia              LoTW/M0OXO  
21     9K2K          SOSB 15m     Kuwait               LoTW/EC6DX  
21     A44M          M/?          Oman                 LoTW        
21     A47RS         SO Classic   Oman                 LoTW/A47RS  
23     B0A           M/S          China                BA4TB        
24     B4T           M/2          China                BA4TB        
26     E2A           M/S          Thailand             LoTW/E21EIC  
26     HS2UPR        M/S          Thailand             HS2UPR      
26     HS8HEX        M/S          Thailand             HS8HEX      
28     7A2A          M/?          Indonesia            LoTW        
28     YB0ECT        SOSB 20m     Indonesia            W2FB        
31     KH7M          SOAB         Hawaii               LoTW        
31     KH7Q          SOAB         Hawaii               LoTW/AH6NF  
33     CQ3W                       Madeira              LoTW        
33     CQ9T          M/S          Madeira              LoTW        
33     IH9/OK1M      SOSB 80m     AF Italy             OK1M        
33     IH9YMC        SOSB         AF Italy             LoTW        
35     C5C           M/?          The Gambia           F5RAV        
40     JW5E                       Svalbard             LoTW        
40     OX7A          M/?          Greenland            LoTW/OZ1ACB  
40     TF3T          SOAB or SOSB Iceland              LoTW/TF3MH  

Do not forget to give a look at the Announced Operations  listing maintained
by Bill, NG3K  at -  good contest to
you all!

                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  GOOD TO KNOW ... ****
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                        Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW

Access to the main functions of is provided by the 425DXN App
for Android. It is available on Google Play - free of charge, no ads. Enjoy!

3Y0J: LATEST NEWS ---> On  27 October  the  following  Press Release #6  was
posted to the website ( of the November 2022 3Y0J DXpe-
dition to Bouvet Island:
  "We have reached our  first payment milestone for the 'Marama' vessel con-
tract. Today we have paid the first deposit,  and with this payment  we con-
firm our plans of activating the #2 most wanted Entity Bouvet. We would like
to thank each individual and club  who has contributed to this payment  with
their upfront support,  especially thanks to our Lead sponsor NCDXF. It is a
huge task and undertaking to go to Bouvet and we still critically need addi-
tional upfront support to close the budget.
  We are happy to announce  two additional operators to the team  to make it
complete with 13 operators. Dave WD5COV will rejoin us on  this adventure to
Bouvet.  Dave is a well-known and recognized  DXer and DXpeditioner  who has
embarked on over ten major DXpeditions, including three in the  top ten most
wanted category.
  In addition, we have included  Peter  in the team  as a combined crew  and
dedicated  FTx operator.  Peter is  an experienced  captain  and  expedition
leader with huge experience  from offshore sailing,  sailing in remote polar
uncharted areas and specializes in supporting some of the most complex expe-
ditions in the Arctic and Antarctica. He is experienced in safety evacuation
procedures,  MOB maneuver in cold water,  beach landings in difficult  loca-
tions and he is an experienced zodiac operator that will be based in Norway.
He will be heading up the zodiac landing at Bouvet.
  Our preparation for Bouvet includes planning, constructing,  and testing a
system for  landing zodiacs  safely,  this  will be tested in  rough sea  in
Norway  before and after Christmas.  We plan for several systems  and  tech-
Niques  to adapt to  the onsite conditions.  We plan for safely landing  the
zodiacs in  different manners also  with some swell, unmanned  and with less
risk for operators.  And we prepare for the event that zodiacs are capsizing
and we still can retrieve the equipment.  We have done the first prelim  sea
trials of the zodiac equipment  in Norway  and will continue  sea trials  to
further mature the concept.  We plan for a gasoline powered winch system  to
lift equipment up the cliff, and this will be tested in Norway after Christ-
mas.  We plan  to access the 25 ft cliff  with professionals  means,  and if
needed prepare  for climbing  and bolting  a short route to gain access.  We
refresh our  climbing experience,  and some team members  will be  certified
climbers. In 2022 we will practice safe rope access training and  evacuation
down  the cliff  with instructor  also including  emergency evacuation  with
injured operator. We will have IRATA educated instructors training with us.
  We also have an extended off-island team of 5 Norwegian professionals  and
experts from the maritime industry assisting us.  These are former  captains
and chief engineers with  huge experience within  RIB SAR vessels,  maritime
risk assessment and safety training.  Some of them have stayed  several sea-
sons at Bouvet, stayed anchored at Cape Fie, have passed Bouvet more than 60
times and have done zodiac landing at the same spot. With all these upcoming
events and the knowledge in the extended team - be rest assured this will be
a well planned and executed project".

CROZET 2022-2023 ---> After many  months of efforts  and  negotiations,  the
TAAF (the body  in charge of the administration of the  French Southern  and
Antarctic Lands) has granted permission to Thierry, F6CUK  to conduct a one-
man operation from the Crozet Islands from  mid-December 2022  to  mid-March
2023. For the first time,  this will not be a 'spare time' activity during a
scientific mission.
Paul, F6EXV will be the fundraiser and QSL manager:  "details will be forth-
coming in the next  few days, weeks and months,  when they become  available
and publishable", he says. "Please do not try to contact either  Thierry  or
Paul for the time being,  there will be no reply to any messages  related to
this operation  until  further notice".  According  to  Jean-Michel,  F6AJA,
"Thierry will seek financial assistance given that this project is estimated
between 40,000-45,000 euros".  The latest activity from Crozet was  in 2009,
by Florentin, F4DYW (FT5WQ). [TNX F6EXV and F6AJA]

IARU REGION 1 NEW EC ---> A new Executive Committee was elected at the  IARU
R1 Conference  and Workshop  on 24 October:  Sylvain Azarian  (F4GKR, Presi-
dent), Hani Raad (OD5TE, Vice-President),  Mats Espling (SM6EAN, Secretary),
Andreas Thiemann (HB9JOE, Treasurer),  and EC members  Ahmad AlHoli (9K2DB),
Joerg Jaehrig (DJ3HW),  Alessandro Carletti (IV3KKW),  Lisa Leenders (PA2LS)
and Oliver Tabakovski (Z32TO).

QSL VIA EA5GL ---> Pedro, EA5GL  is picking up  the QSLing  for a number  of
past IOTA operations, for which he is going to have new QSL cards printed:
3G9JA   February 2016   Isla Hornos      SA-031
L22D    January 2013    Isla Gama        SA-022
LT0X    November 2012   Isla Pinguino    SA-087
OC0I    February 2014   Isla San Lorenzo SA-052
XR5JA   December 2014   Isla Quiriquina  SA-070
YV6YV/4 November 2015   Isla Alcatraz    SA-058
See for instructions.  "I am receiving many re-
quests for help and I will gladly continue to do so",  he says.  He will up-
date his page with the new stations that he can handle.

QSL VP8ADR & VP8BTR ---> Bob, VP8ADR  and  his wife  Lyn, VP8BTR  are active
from their Sheep Farm at Walker Creek, Falkland Islands (SA-002).  Their QSL
manager is M0OXO.  The QSL cards  for both callsigns are being prepared  and
will be available in a few weeks' time,  but  the  OQRS  is  already up  and
running for both logs:

VE3CSE75 & VE3CST75 ---> These callsigns were used on 27-28 October in cele-
bration of the  75th anniversary  of the  Communications Security Establish-
ment/Centre de la Securite des Telecommunications (Canada's signals intelli-
gence and communications security agency).  QSL via eQSL,  or direct to  CSE
History   Program,  Communications  Security  Establishment,  PO  Box  9703,
Terminal, Ottawa ON K1G 3Z4, Canada.

VK9DX ---> Nick, VK2DX has moved permanently to Norfolk Island (OC-005), and
is now active as  VK9DX.  QSL direct  to his  work address  in Sidney  (Nick
Hacko, Suite 403 Level 4, Culwulla Chambers, 67 Castlereagh St, Sydney,  NSW
2000, Australia); see for LoTW instructions.

+ SILENT KEY + Will Roberts, AA4NC lost his life in a plane crash on  21 Oc-
tober. An experienced pilot,  he was taking off  from a small airstrip  near
Holly Ridge (North Carolina) when his single-engine Mooney M20J crashed.  "I
have been interested in contesting and DXing my entire ham career", he would
say, "and prefer being on the  DX end of the pileup".  Will operated  from a
large number of places, notably  Navassa Island (AA4NC/KP1 1992),  Sable Is-
land (CY0XX 1996),  St. Eustatius (PJ5/AA4NC October 2010),  St. Paul Island
(CY9C 2016 and 2019) and San Andres (5K0N 2017). In 2018 and 2020 he went on
two  island-hopping  tours in  the Pacific,  which included  stops  at Palau
(T8NC),  Saipan (KH0/AA4NC),  Guam (KH2/AA4NC),  Hawaii (KH6/AA4NC),  Tahiti
(TX4N),  Norfolk Island (VK9NR),  Papua New Guinea (P29NC),  Solomon Islands
(H44NC), Vanuatu (YJ0NC)  and Fiji (3D2AA).  Will was already signed up  for
both CY9C and CY0C in 2022.


QSLs received direct or  through managers:  3W1T,  5I3B (AF-032),  5I3W (AF-
032), 5Z4PA, 7Q7RU, AP2SD, C92RU,  EY8/K4ZW,  HP1AVS, JT1CO,  JW0W (EU-063),
KL7RRC (NA-039), RI0FWA (AS-025), S79KW, SU1SK, VE2CSI, XV1X, ZD7BG.


               425 DX NEWS HOME PAGE:


               425 DX News is a free of charge weekly bulletin
      edited by Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ and Valeria Pregliasco, IK1ADH

            Its contents may be used, reproduced and distributed
                        in part or full provided that
               "425 DX News" or "425DXN" receive proper credit

          Contributors are invited to send their DX information to
              Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ  (    
                      The deadline is 12 UTC on Fridays


                           Direttore Responsabile
                            Gabriele Villa, I2VGW
               Giornalista Professionista - Tessera n. 071675
                      Ordine Nazionale dei Giornalisti
                                Roma, Italia


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