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27 June 2009                                              A.R.I. DX Bulletin

                                   No 947
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  DX  INFORMATION  ****
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                        Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW

3A     - Gab, HA3JB  will  be active  as  3A/HG3IPA  from  Monaco  on  23-30
         September, including an entry in the  CQ WW RTTY DX  Contest.  This
         activity  will  be  good  for  the  Hungarian  International Police
         Association Award  (on-line log and information on the award can be
         found at QSL via HA3JB. [TNX HA3JB]
3B8    - I3LDP will be active as  3B8/I3LDP from  Mauritius Island  (AF-049)
         from 29 June to 11 July. He will operate SSB and CW on the HF bands
         with  a  vertical for 40-10 metres, and on 6 metres with a vertical
         dipole. QSL via I3LDP. [TNX MMMonVHF and DL8EBW]
5R     - Wayne, W5KDJ will be active  as 5R8KD  from the shack of  5R8FU  in
         Antananarivo,  Madagascar (AF-013) on 4-17 July. He will operate CW
         and RTTY on 6-160 metres and will also be active during the IARU HF
         World Championship.  QSL via W5KDJ.  Logs  will be uploaded to LoTW
         and eQSL. Log search at [TNX W9DX]
6W     - Dervin, PD9DX will be active as 6W/PD9DX from Senegal from  26 June
         to 5 July. He plans to operate holiday style on 160-10 metres.  QSL
         via home call. [TNX PD9DX]
9A     - Once  again  Zik, VE3ZIK (DO7ZZ)  will  be active as 9A/VE3ZIK from
         Bilice,  Croatia  between  2 July and 3 August. He plans to operate
         CW, SSB and digital modes on the HF  bands, and to  participate  in
         the IOTA Contest from IOTA group EU-170. QSL via  DO7ZZ, direct  or
         bureau   (e-mail  requests  for   bureau  cards  can  be   sent  to  Logs will  be uploaded to eQSL and LotW. [TNX
CO     - Edor, CO7PH and a group of operators from the  Ceballos Radio  Club
         plan  to participate in the IOTA Contest from Cayo Coco (NA-086) as
         either  T47C  (requested callsign)  or  CO7PH/p.  A  late  December
         expedition  to  Cayo  Anclitas, Jardines de  la  Reina  Archipelago
         (NA-201) is also being planned. [TNX CO7PH]
CT     - The Portuguese Navy Amateur Radio Group (Nucleo de Radioamadores da
         Armada)  will  be  active  from  four  lighthouses (two on mainland
         Portugal and two on Terceira Island, Azores) as follows:
         4 July   CR5NRA  Cabo Sardao (Portugal)               ARLHS POR-014
         11 July  CR1NRA  Praia da Vitoria South Mole (Azores) ARLHS AZO-027
         18 July  CR6NRA  Cabo da Roca (Portugal)              ARLHS POR-007
         1 August CR2NRA  Lajes (Azores)                       ARLHS AZO-010
         QSL  direct  only to Nucleo de Radioamadores da Armada, ETNA - Base
         Naval de Lisboa, 2801-001 Alfeite, Almada, Portugal. [TNX CT1END]
CT7    - Celebrating  the  57th  anniversary  of the  Portuguese  Air Force,
         special  event station CR57FAP will be active on 27-28 June, 1 July
         and  4-5 July. Expect  activity  on  10-80  metres  SSB and digital
         modes. QSL via CT1REP. [TNX CT1END]
EA9    - Six  operators  from Ceuta will be active as ED9NA as a Multi-Multi
         Entry  in  this  weekend's His  Majesty the  King of Spain  Contest
         (complete  information at
         english-version.html). QSL via EA9GW, direct or bureau. [TNX NG3K]
F      - Thomas, DL5MO will be active as F/DL5MO from Groix Island  (EU-048)
         from 29 June to 10 July. He will operate holiday  style  mainly  on
         40, 30 and 20 metres. QSL via home call,  direct  or  bureau.  [TNX]
F      - A group of operators from the Sevran Radio Club will be  active  as
         F5KKD/p from Sein Island  (EU-068)  on  24-27  July,  IOTA  Contest
         included. A second activity is planned to  take  place  from  Belle
         Ile (EU-048) on 11-14 September. QSL for both  the  activities  via
         bureau  to  F5KKD.  The  web  pages  for  the  activities  are   at [TNX F5NQL]
F      - To recover from the trip to Rockall and to start preparation for  a
         new attempt,  the  Rockall  2009  crew  and  support  team  (ON3DX,
         ON4AHF, ON4ATW, ON4HIL, ON4IA,  ON6CC,  ON6LEO,  ON6NL,  ON6ZU  and
         ON7YT) will participate in the IOTA Contest (25-26 July) as  F/OT2A
         from Ile de Batz (EU-105). QSL via ON4HIL. [TNX ON4ATW]
FJ     - Rich, DK8YY and Ingolf, DL4JS will be  active  as  TO8YY  from  St.
         Barthelemy (NA-146) from 29 June to 8 July. They will  operate  CW,
         SSB and digital modes on 160-6 metres, with an emphasis on the  low
         bands, 10 and 12 metres. QSL via DH7WW. [TNX DK8YY]
G      - In 1939 the radio equipment  of  all  British  radio  amateurs  was
         ordered to be confiscated for the duration of  the  war,  but  many
         amateurs volunteered to become Voluntary Interceptors in their  own
         homes. They would assist the Allies in their task  of  intercepting
         encrypted Enigma messages transmitted in  Morse  code,  which  were
         passed to the code breakers in Bletchley  Park.  Commemorating  the
         70th  anniversary  of  the  commencement  of  that  operation,  the
         Scarborough Special Events Group will be active as GB70VI  from  27
         June until 24 July. QSL via the RSGB bureau or direct via G0OOO.
GM     - Iain, MM0TFU will be active as MM0TFU/p  from  the  Isle  of  Arran
         (EU-123) on 24-27 July, including an entry  in  the  IOTA  Contest.
         QSL via home call, direct or bureau. [TNX]
GW     - The Strumblehead DX and Contest Group  will  be  active  as  MC0SHL
         from Ramsey Island (EU-124) from 18 UTC on 24 July through  14  UTC
         on the 27th, including an entry in the IOTA Contest as  MW9W.  They
         will operate on 80-10 metres SSB, with some  30m  RTTY  planned  by
         G1VDP.  QSL  via  M0URX.  Further  information  can  be  found   at [TNX G1VDP]
KP4    - Special callsign K4G will  be  used  from  La  Cana  Lighthouse  at
         Guanica, Puerto Rico (NA-099) during the World  Lighthouse  On  The
         Air Contest on 4-5 July (information  at  QSL  via
         WP3MW. [TNX F5NQL]
         and PD9DX will  be  active  as  LX/PA6Z  from  Luxembourg  on  4-10
         October. They will operate CW, SSB and PSK31 on 160-10 metres,  and
         they also plan to have a 6m station for  meteor  scatter  om  WSJT.
         QSL via PA9M, direct or bureau. More  information  and  updates  at [TNX PA5R]
ON     - The Belgian Air Force  Amateur  Radio  Association  (
         will operate special event station ON16FF from 29 June to 12  July.
         QSL via ON6KN, direct or bureau. [TNX ON6KN]
OY     - Look for Janusz, OY/SP6IXF and Mek, OY/SP7VC to  operate  from  the
         Faroe Islands (EU-018, Grid locator IP61)  on  10-16  August.  They
         plan to be active on 160-6 metres, and on 2 metres  meteor  scatter
         on FSK441. Power amplifiers will be used on all bands.  Mek,  SP7VC
         will also operate on 6 and 2 metres as SP7VC/mm during the  voyage,
         to activate marine squares JO37, 27, 17, 18,  19,  09  and  IP80,81
         and 71. QSL via home calls, direct or bureau. [TNX SP5UAF]
OZ     - OZ2TF, OZ7KDJ and OZ9V  will  be  active  as  OZ8MW/p  from  Anholt
         Island (EU-088) on 22-27 July. They will operate CW and SSB on  80,
         40, 20, 15, 10 and 6 metres,  and  will  participate  in  the  IOTA
         Contest. QSL via OZ8MW, direct or bureau. [TNX]
PA     - A team of operators  from  VERON  A31  (Midden/Noord-Limburg)  will
         operate CW, SSB, RTTY and PSK on all  bands  as  PA123OLS  from  29
         June to 12 July for the 123rd "Oud  Limburgs  Schuttersfeest".  QSL
         via PE1NCP, direct or bureau. [TNX PE1NCP]
SP     - Sixteen special event stations  will  be  active  on  1-7  July  to
         celebrate the Tall Ships Races 2009 regatta calling at  the  Polish
         harbour  of  Gdynia.  Participating  stations  include   SN2009TSR,
         SN09T, SN09A, SN09L, SP09L,  SN09S,  SN09H,  SN09I,  SN09P,  SP09S,
         SN09R, SP09A, SN09C, SN09E, SQ09S  and  SN50ZAGLE.  Information  on
         the  event  and  the  relevant    award    can    be    found    at [TNX VA3RJ]
SV     - Look for SV8/OK2BOB/p and  SV8/OK2BC/p  to  be  active  from Lesvos
         Island (EU-049) until 2 July. They operate SSB  and  CW  on  160-10
         metres, with 40, 30, 20 and 17 metres as  primary  bands.  QSL  via
         home calls. [TNX OPDX Bulletin]
SV     - Nick, SV1CEI will be active as SV1CEI/8 from  Kea  Island  (EU-067)
         until 25 August. He will operate holiday style on 40-10 metres  SSB
         and CW, with activity form a couple of lighthouses  being  planned.
         [TNX SV1CEI]
SV     - Theo, SV1EJD ( will be active  as  SV8/SV1EJD
         from Lesvos Island (EU-049) on 12-22  July.  He  plans  to  operate
         holiday style on 80-10 metres SSB and  RTTY.  QSL  via  home  call,
         direct or bureau. [TNZ SV1EJD]
SV     - Laci, HA0NAR will be active as SX8R from  Thassos  Island  (EU-174)
         on 22-31 July. He will operate CW and SSB on 80-10 metres and  will
         take part in the  IOTA  Contest.  QSL  via  home  call,  direct  or
         bureau. [TNX HA0NAR]
TY     - PA8AD, PA3AN, PA3AWW and PD0CAV will be active as TY1MS from  Grand
         Popo, Benin on 10-27 October, including an entry in the  CQ  WW  DX
         SSB Contest. Their goals  are  to  activate  this  DXCC  Entity  on
         160-10 metres, to provide onsite  help  and  raise  funds  for  the
         Mercy Ships Charity Project. QSL  via  PA3AWW,  direct  or  bureau.
         Further information (including OQRS  for  direct  QSLling)  can  be
         found at
UR     - Vladimir, UU6JJ plans to  be  active  from  the  lighthouse at  Mys
         Chernyy (ARLHS UKR-135) on 4-5 July. Complete  information  on  the
         Ukrainian    Lighthouses    Award    can    be      found        at [TNX US4LGW]
V6     - Yuki, JH1NBN (V63AQ) is in Micronesia on a business trip  until  21
         July, and operates on 80-6 metres in his spare time. His  itinerary
         is as follows:
         22 June-4 July   V6P  Pohnpei (OC-010)
         4-12 July        V6C  Chuuk   (OC-011)
         13-21 July       V6T  Kosrae  (OC-059)
         21-25 July       V6P  Pohnpei (OC-010)
         He  might  also  operate  as KH2/K3ZB from Guam (OC-026) on his way
         back home. All QSLs via JH1NBN. [TNX The Daily DX]
VK9N   - VK9NI is the  new  callsign  to  be  used  during  the  22-29  July
         Hellenic Amateur Radio Association  of  Australia's  expedition  to
         Norfolk  Island  (OC-005)  [425DXN  941].  Nine  operators  (namely
         VK2FPGR, VK2GR, VK2IR, VK2RF,  VK3FGRC,  VK3FT,  VK3FY,  VK3TZ  and
         VK5MAV) will be active on 160-6 metres CW, SSB and RTTY,  including
         activity during the IOTA Contest. QSL via W3HNK.  The  new  website
         for the operation is at
VR     - The Hong Kong Amateur  Radio  DX  Association  will  be  active  as
         VR2009EAG between 1  July  and  31  December  to  promote  the  5th
         edition of the East Asia Games, that will be hosted  by  Hong  Kong
         on 5-13 December. Expect activity on 40-10 metres SSB, RTTY,  PSK31
         and SSTV, and on 6 metres. QSL via VR2XMT.
W      - The following special event stations  are  expected  to  be  active
         during the "Original 13 Colonies Special Event", to  be  held  from
         13.00 UTC on 1 July until 04.00 UTC on the  5th:  K2A  (New  York),
         K2B  (Virginia),  K2C  (Rhode  Island),  K2D  (Connecticut),    K2E
         (Delaware), K2G (Georgia),  K2F  (Maryland),  K2H  (Massachusetts),
         K2I (New Jersey), K2J (North Carolina), K2K  (New  Hampshire),  K2L
         (South  Carolina),  K2M  (Pennsylvania).  A  certificate  will   be
         available, but no QSL cards will be issued. Details can be found at [TNX K1XN]

IOTA TOUR ---> Gabriele, IK3GES will be touring Greece, Turkey and  Bulgaria
starting on 28 June. His plans include activities  from  the  Greek  islands
of  Elafonisos (EU-113),  Salamina (EU-075),  Skyros  (EU-060)  and Amoliani
(EU-174), as well as from  the Bulgarian island of Sveta Anastasiya (EU-181)
along with Boyan, LZ1BJ. QSL via IK3GES, direct or bureau. [TNX VA3RJ]

PACIFIC TOUR ---> Gerben, PG5M will  be  active  (CW  only)  from  the  Fiji
Islands  (OC-016),  Tuvalu (OC-015) and Tarawa, Western Kiribati (OC-017) as
06-07 September  Fiji              requested call 3D2G
08-14 September  Tuvalu            issued call T2G
15-16 September  Fiji              requested call 3D2G
17-23 September  Western Kiribati  requested call T30G
24-27 September  Fiji              requested call 3D2G
It will be "an ultra  light  solo  DXpedition".  QSL  via  PG5M,  direct  or
bureau. Updates will be posted at [TNX PG5M]

                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  GOOD TO KNOW ... ****
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                        Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW

CQWW DX CONTEST: A NEW CATEGORY ---> The  new  "Xtreme"  category  has  been
added to the  CQ  WW  DX  Contest  "to  encourage  the  development  of  new
technologies in amateur radio communications in general  and  contesting  in
particular". The new category "has been established  to  allow  amateurs  to
participate in  the  CQ  WW  Contest  while  experimenting  creatively  with
Internet-linked stations and other new technologies that currently  are  not
permitted in any of the contest categories". Complete details can  be  found

G3SWH ---> Over the past few days Phil, G3SWH has  had  some  problems  with
the  "QSL  Request"  and  "Contact  Me"    functions    of    his  web  site
(, as a result of his ISP  changing  servers.  These
problems have all been resolved and the web site is  now  fully  functional.

HF DX CHALLENGE --->  Every  March,  the  Chiltern  DX  Club  runs  its  "LF
Challenge" to encourage operation on 40, 80 and  160  metres.  Gary,  ZL2IFB
has "stolen CDXC's good idea and set up an HF DX  Challenge  to  take  place
annually in September on the high HF bands. The CDXC Committee is  not  only
aware  of  this,  they  support  it".  This  activity  period  ("a  friendly
competition for DXers and not a contest as such") will be  held  from  00.00
UTC on 1 September through 23.59 UTC on the 30th, on 15, 12,  10,  6  and  4
metres only (where permitted) and on any mode  permitted  by  your  license.
The scoring will be one single point per DXCC Entity  contacted,  regardless
of    band    or    mode.    Further    information    can    be   found  at [TNX ZL2IFB]

+ SILENT KEYS + John B. Trampler (N0JT) passed away on 22 June at  85  years
of age. He was a noted DXer  and  QSL  manager  for  several  stations  (see
425DXN 645), and the co-founder  of  a  popular  "DX  Net".  Other  recently
reported Silent Keys include Angie Sitton  (G0HGA),  Steve  Gibbs  (GU3MBS),
Joe Phillips (K8QOE), Jim Tabor  (KU5S)  and  Victor  A.  Gorokhov  (UA4RC).
Victor was the QSL manager for R1FJT, whose activity from Franz  Josef  Land
ended last year (all of the QSOs have been uploaded to LoTW).


               425 DX News is a free of charge weekly bulletin
      edited by Valeria Pregliasco, IK1ADH and Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ

            Its contents may be used, reproduced and distributed
                        in part or full provided that
               "425 DX News" or "425DXN" receive proper credit

          Contributors are invited to send their DX information to
                 Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ (
                      The deadline is 12 UTC on Fridays


                           Direttore Responsabile
                            Gabriele Villa, I2VGW
               Giornalista Professionista - Tessera n. 057216
                      Ordine Nazionale dei Giornalisti
                                Roma, Italia


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