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5 April 2008                                               A.R.I. DX Bulletin

                                   No 883
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  DX  INFORMATION  ****
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                        Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW

3B6     - Rachid, 3B8FQ has received a license for 3B6, and will activate the
          Agalega Islands (AF-001) for 48-72 hours  between 14 and 17  April.
          This will be a working trip.  Time will be shared with  maintenance
          duties on the island, but Rachid will be as active as possible when
          not on duty. He will operate  as 3B6FQ primarily on SSB, with  some
          CW, on 10-80 metres. Operations are expected to begin around  18.30
          UTC on 14  April. Equipment will  be battery powered  at 70W,  with
          simple antennas. QSL via K5XK. [TNX K5XK]
6W      - Witek, SP9MRO and Marian, SP9CTT  will be active  as 6V7K and  6V7J
          (requested calls) from Senegal from  17 April to  5 May. They  will
          operate CW, SSB, PSK31 and RTTY on 160-10 metres, with an  emphasis
          on 160-30 metres.  QSL 6V7K via  SP9SX, QSL 6V7J  via SP9CTT.  [TNX
DU      - PA3GZU will be active as DU9/PA3GZU from Mindanao (OC-130)  between
          12 April and  12 May. He  will operate holiday  style mainly on  20
          metres SSB and BPSK31, especially between late April and the  first
          week  of  May.   QSL  via   home  call,   bureau  preferred.   [TNX
F       - Special callsign TM2MP  will be aired  from 18  April to  1 May  to
          celebrate the 150th anniversary of the birth of Max Planck,  father
          of the quantum theory and  Nobel Prize in  physics (1918). QSL  via
          F6KTN. [TNX F1SIU]
FJ      - Jurgen, DJ2VO  will be  active as  FJ/DJ2VO from  Saint  Barthelemy
          (NA-146) from 19 April to 8 May.  He will operate CW only on  80-10
          metres. QSL via DJ2VO, direct or bureau. [TNX NG3K]
G       - Promoting  geological  heritage  to  the  general  public,  special
          station GB6GEO  will  be on  the  air on  24-25  May  from  "Kent's
          Cavern", England's oldest  "home" situated in  the English  Riviera
          (Torbay). The station will be run  by Martin/G3VOF, with help  from
          John/G7HIK, Paddy/M1EIW  and  Roger/2E0GHR. QSL  via  bureau.  [TNX
GJ      - Martin, G3ZAY and Michael, G7VJR will operate SSB and CW on the  HF
          bands as GJ3ZAY/p and GJ7VJR/p from Jersey (EU-013) on 11-13 April.
          QSL via G7VJR. Logs will be uploaded to LoTW. [TNX G7VJR]
GM      - The Grantham ARC ( will  be active as  GB0TI
          from Lunga Island in  the Treshnish group  (EU-108) on 12-17  June.
          All of the QSOs  will be confirmed  automatically via bureau  (your
          return cards are not required). The QSL manager for those who  need
          a direct card is G0RCI. [TNX G0RCI]
HB & OE - Switzerland and  Austria  will host  jointly  the  UEFA  Euro  2008
          football (soccer) championship (7-29 June), and  a large number  of
          special callsigns in  the HB2008AA-ZZ and  OE2008AAA-ZZZ series  is
          expected to be aired from those two Countries between 26 April  and
          30 June. QSL all callsigns via HB9DTE.
          The two IARU  societies -  USKA and  OEVSV -  sponsor the  relevant
          "Euro  2008"   award;  complete   information  can   be  found   at

HL      - Special station HL0HQSC will be active on all bands and modes until
          30 April,  celebrating  the first  mission  to space  by  a  Korean
          astronaut, Yi So-yeon (DS3SYL). She will be on a Russian flight  to
          the International Space  Station, whose launch  is scheduled for  8
          April. QSL via HL2CFY, direct or bureau. [TNX DS2AXU]
HS      - Jorg, DL1MJF will be active  as HS0ZGQ on  5-26 April, including  a
          one week side  trip to Koh  Samui (AS-101).  He will  be using  100
          watts on 40-10 metres CW and SSB. QSL via home call. [TNX The Daily
I       - Alfio, IT9EJW and  Giovanni, IT9GAC  will be  active as  homecall/p
          from Faraglioni dei Ciclopi  (EU-025, IIA CT-003)  on 13 April  (or
          the 20th, if case of bad  weather). QSL via  home calls, direct  or
          bureau. A web page can be found at [TNX
KH8     - Gavin, W9EYE will be back to American Samoa on 21-27 April. He will
          be there to  do some missionary  eye surgery,  and he  hopes to  be
          active as AH8/W9EYE in his spare time. He will try all bands  80-10
          metres high power  as propagation allows,  SSB and hopefully  RTTY.
          QSL via home call. [TNX NG3K]
KH9     - The Daily DX reports that Colin,  WA2YUN/KH9 hopes to have a  three
          element tribander  within a  couple of  weeks and  an amplifier  in
          about two months.  He expects to  remain on Wake  until the end  of
          2009. QSL via K2PF.
KP2     - Glen, W5IF will be active as  KP2/W5IF from the WP2Z super  station
          on St Croix, US Virgin Islands (NA-106) on 23-30 April. He plans to
          put a "strong emphasis" on 30, 12, 17 metres and RTTY. QSL via home
          call, direct or bureau. Logs will be uploaded to LoTW. [TNX W5IF]
LA      - Special callsign  LN2G  will  be  aired  on  11-13  April  for  the
          "Norwegian Hammeeting". Activity will be mostly on 40 and 20 metres
          SSB, PSK31 and RTTY. QSL via LA2G. [TNX LA7VK]
OE      - The club station of the  Documentary Archives Radio  Communications
          ( will  operate  on  all  bands  and  modes  as
          OE2008XQC on 26 April during the International Marconi Day. QSL via
          bureau or direct via OE1WHC. [TNX OE1WHC]
P2      - G3KHZ, G4EDG, CT1AGF and W5GAI will be active from a couple of Most
          Wanted IOTAs - OC-181  (Witu Islands) and  OC-041 (Ninigo group)  -
          between 18 October and 4 November. Further information is  expected
          in due  course. They  are looking  for two  more operators,  please
          contact Derek, G3KHZ  ( if  interested. The  group will  be
          chartering the same boat that was  used last year on the  Nukumanu,
          Taku'u and Kilinailau  DXpedition. The boat  also caters for  scuba
          divers. [TNX I1-21171]
P4      - The P40ZB activity from  Aruba [425DXN 873]  has been postponed  to
          6-15 May because of a  medical problem. Garry,  K9WZB and his  wife
          Sharon, K7WZB will operate CW, SSB and  RTTY on 40, 20, 17, 15,  10
          and 6 metres. QSL direct to K9WZB. [TNX K9WZB]
SP      - Celebrating the  75th  anniversary of  the  SP  DX  Contest,  seven
          special stations  (SP75C, SP75O,  SP75N,  SP75T, SP75E,  SP75S  and
          SN75T) are active until 13 April. QSL for all callsigns via SP7DQR.
          Complete information  on the  relevant 75th  Anniversary Award,  as
          well as on the contest itself (to take place on 5-6 April, from  15
          UTC to 15 UTC), can be found at
TA      - TA1HZ   and    the   "TC    Special   Wireless    Activity    Team"
          ( will operate as TC57A on 22-26 April  in
          remembrance of the role played by the 57th Infantry Regiment of the
          Turkish Fifth  Army  during  the  Dardanelles  Campaign  (Canakkale
          Savaslari) in 1915. Expect activity  on 15, 17,  20 and 40  metres.
          QSL via TA1HZ. [TNX TA1HZ]
W       - Martin, G3ZAY (NU2L) and Dominic, M0BLF  (W6/M0BLF) plan to be  QRV
          from Santa Catalina (NA-066) from 23 UTC  on 20 April to 20 UTC  on
          the 21st, and from Santa Cruz (NA-144)  from 20 UTC on 22 April  to
          22 UTC on the 23rd. QSL via home calls. [TNX G3ZAY]
XU      - Wim, ON6NP says he will be  active from Cambodia on 9-28 April.  He
          will operate as XU7ADV on SSB, PSK31 and RTTY.
ZS8     - Petrus, ZS6GCM reached Marion  Island on 31  March and will  reamin
          there for at least twelve months.  Do not expect ZS8T to appear  on
          the amateur  radio  bands  before the  end  of  April.  The  actual
          beginning of his activity will be announced at

                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  GOOD TO KNOW ... ****
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                        Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW

9X0R ---> The web site  ( has been  updated with some  pictures,
QSL instructions  (including the  form for  bureau cards  requests) and  more
information. 9X0R was active on 16-27 March and made 62,675 QSOs with  20,328
unique callsigns. The band/mode breakdowns are as follows:
         CW     SSB    RTTY    TOTAL
10M     602    1048       0     1650
12M    1754    1673       0     3427
15M    4787    6077    1113    11977
17M    5579    5841    1105    12525
20M    6340    8583    2085    17008
30M    5386       0     686     6072
40M    4767    2057       1     6825
80M    1677     793       0     2470
160M    720       1       0      721
      31612   26073    4990    62675

DXCC NEWS: KH9 ---> ARRL DXCC Manager Bill Moore, NC1L reports that the  2007
G4GIR/KH9 DXpedition to Wake Island has been approved for DXCC credit. If you
had cards rejected for this operation, please send an e-mail to the ARRL DXCC
Desk ( to have your DXCC record updated.

DXCC  NEWS:  ST.   BARTHELEMY  --->  DXCC   has  completed  processing   2007
applications (it may  be another 2-3  weeks before the  last 2007  applicants
receive their return) and St Barthelemy  (DXCC Entity code 516) has now  been
added to the DXCC computer system, and  Logbook of The World. This moves  the
#1 Honor Roll position to 338 current entities making entry level Honor  Roll
329. Logbook  of The  World  is now  accepting  certificate requests  for  St
Barthelemy, and once those logs  are submitted the  matches should occur  and
applicants can claim DXCC credit. [TNX NC1L]

HA STRAIGHT KEY CONTEST ---> The second Hungarian Straight Key Contest (HSKC)
will be  held  on 13  April  from  15  to  17 UTC.  Rules  can  be  found  at [TNX IZ1GJK]

HELVETIA CONTEST ---> Expect a number of HB2008 special callsigns to be aired
during this year's Helvetia Contest, which will be held on 26-27 April,  from
13 UTC to 14.59 UTC (24 hours). Rules and further information can be found at [TNX HB9CZF]

LOGS --->  he  log  of  the  March  2008  operation  from  9M6LSC  by  Brian,
G4ODV/5B4AIZ is now searchable on [TNX G3SWH]

LOGS ---> The  log search  for 4D75T  (operated by  DU1IVT) can  be found  on [TNX IW1QN]

NIAR SILVER JUBILEE ---> The National Institute of Amateur Radio (NIAR)  will
celebrate its Silver Jubilee in Hyderabad on 18-20 October. After that event,
amateur radio activity from many Indian locations (including VU4 and VU7) are
planned to take place until 3 November. NIAR will assist foreign amateurs  in
regard of reciprocal licenses or  operation permits for  VU4 or VU7.  Further
information can be found at [TNX The  Daily

QSL VIA  G3SWH --->  Following  the sad  passing  of M5AAV,  Phil  Whitchurch
(G3SWH) has been appointed as QSL manager for M5BXB and OK8XB with  immediate
effect.  The  logs  for   both  calls  are   searchable  on  Phil's   website

RADIO MARITIME DAY  ---> On  12-13 April  (from 12  UTC to  12 UTC)  merchant
marine radio officers from several countries  will be active on the HF  bands
(160, 80, 40, 20, 15 and  10 metres CW) to meet  amateur radio operators  for
the Radio Maritime  Day special event.  Further information can  be found  at

ROCKALL 2008  ---> On  22 June  Andy Strangeway  (  will
attempt to  travel  out to  Rockall  (EU-189) with  a  professional  team  of
yachtsmen and rock climbing instructors. There will be room onboard for up to
eight radio  amateurs who  may be  interested in  going and  activating  this
extremely rare IOTA group. If you are serious in joining Andy, drop an e-mail
to    him    (     Also    read     the    post     at [TNX MM0NDX]

SEANET CONTEST & CONVENTION ---> This  year's SEANET Contest will take  place
on 7-8 June. The rules have  been rewritten and simplified  in an attempt  to
encourage greater participation.  The results  will be  announced and  prizes
given out at the SEANET Convention,  to be held in  Sabah, East Malaysia,  on
20-24 November. Full  information on the  Contest and the  convention can  be
found at [TNX 9M6DXX]

TOP LISTS  ---> The  latest Topband,  Topmode and  Toplist listings  are  now
available  at  Please  note
that QSOs confirmed through LoTW or included in on-line logs are now eligible
for listing.  Send send  your scores,  as well  as  any request  for  further
information, to Erminio Pandocchi, I2EOW (

VP6DX  --->  The  website  (  has  been  expanded  to   include
recordings of VP6DX  made at locations  around the  world and  a FAQ  section
about QSLs, the on-line log, and other topics.
The list of sponsors on the website is updated about once a week.  Similarly,
LOTW confirmations for  QSL requests  are uploaded  to the  ARRL LOTW  server
about once a week. The most recent upload  occurred at 03.20 UTC on 3  April,
and as of that time 14,668 QSOs with 3,061 different stations were confirmed.
The design  of the  QSL card  is being  completed  and direct-mail  QSLs  are
expected to enter the postal system in late April. At present the On-line QSL
Request database holds requests for 53,602 contacts with 7,924 stations.

SILENT KEYS ---> Recently reported Silent Keys include:
Marvin W. Edwards Jr., K4BWC          Tom Marlowe, VK3ZZ
Esther Frost, KA4IFF                  Frank Pellegrino, W0OKC
Kjell Rasmusson, SM7BAE               Lewis I. Reinberg, W2BIE
Vladimir I. Chalapko, UT5EU           Tony Colaguori, W2GUM
Ken Matchett, VK3TL                   Merle Glunt, W3OKN


QSLs received direct  or through  managers: 3A/G3RTE,  3C7Y, 3DA0VB,  3XM6JR,
3Y0E, 4L0B,  4O3A,  4O60BH, 4S7NE,  4U1UN,  4U50SPACE, 5H3VMB,  5L2MS,  5P5V,
5R8GZ, 5R8NL, 5R8VB, 5X1NH, 5X1VB, 5Z/UA4WHX,  6M0V, 6W/DK7YY, 6W1SE,  7P8VB,
7Q7VB, 7X0RY, 8P6EX, 8P9NX, 8P9RY, 8R1K,  9J2VB, 9N7JO, 9Q1EK, 9V1YC,  9X0VB,
9X0W,  9X0X,  9X0Z,  9Y4/DL1MGB,  9Y4W,  A25VB,  A35RK,  A45XR,  A71AN,  AA4V
(NA-110), AP2NK,  BG7JSQ,  BU2AI, C33IU,  C50C,  C52C, C6AKU,  C6ANM,  C6APG,
C91VB, CE1/K7CA,  CN8KD, CO2NB,  CO2WL, CU2A,  CW6V, CX/N3BNA,  D20VB,  D2NX,
D60VB, E4/OM2DX,  E51WWA (OC-013  and OC-083),  EP4HR, ER5DX,  EW8CY,  EY8MM,
H7/AK2P, H7/NP3D,  HB0/DL4IAL, HC1MD,  HI3T, HQ4R,  HR3/JA6WFM, IG9R,  J20VB,
(2002), KG4SS, KG5DX, KV4FZ, LX7I, LZ130LO, LZ1RGM, M2D, N0TG/VP5, N5BEK/TI7,
RW0CWA, S21ZDX,  S2ZJO, SD7W,  ST2VB, T32Z,  T88PR, T93J,  TB6LD,  TI2/F6FQX,
TI4CF, TN6X, TO5FJ,  TZ/TU5GV, UA2FX, UK8OAR,  V26TM, V31JZ/p, V31LZ,  V31MX,
V31TB, V31UB, V31YN,  V44/K0EJ, V51VV,  V73NS, V85TT,  V8FDM, VE2IM,  VK2AA/1


               425 DX News is a free of charge weekly bulletin
      edited by Valeria Pregliasco, IK1ADH and Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ

            Its contents may be used, reproduced and distributed
                        in part or full provided that
               "425 DX News" or "425DXN" receive proper credit

          Contributors are invited to send their DX information to
                 Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ (
                      The deadline is 12 UTC on Fridays


                           Direttore Responsabile
                            Gabriele Villa, I2VGW
               Giornalista Professionista - Tessera n. 057216
                      Ordine Nazionale dei Giornalisti
                                Roma, Italia


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