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DL7VOA > DXNEWS   26.05.09 20:03l 414 Lines 14664 Bytes #999 (120) @ WW
BID : DXNL1625
Subj: DXNL 1625 (May 27, 2009)
Sent: 090525/1823z @:DB0FHN.#BAY.DEU.EU [JN59NK Nuernberg] obcm1.07b3 LT:120
From: DL7VOA @ DB0FHN.#BAY.DEU.EU (Robert)
X-Info: Sent with login password

                 DXNL 1625 - May 27, 2009
                      DX Newsletter

               a free and weekly service of
           DARC Committee "DX and HF contesting"

              editor: Helmut Schlaffer, DL7MAE

                translation by: Bob, DL7VOA

C6 - BAHAMAS, NA-001
     Mark,NA6M, Renee,N5RNA, Craig,W5TSN, Scott,K2CK, and Pete,K9OWQ, will
     show up as C6AMS from Nassau (New Providence/NA-001/WLOTA LH-1115) from
     Jun 1-14. Activities can be expected in CW, SSB and digital modes on
     160m-10m. QSL direct only via NA6M.
     Updates and more information are available at:

     Martti,OH2BH, is going to hit the airwaves as CU2KG from Ribeira Grande
     (in the Northern part of San Miguel) from May 25 until Jun 1.
     Starting on Jun 1 there will be new prefixes issued for contest and
     guest licences: While the local OMs will keep their CU callsigns all
     guest licenses, contest stations or special event stations will have
     the prefixes CT8, CS8 and CR8 in the future.

     Mike,KM9D (H44MY), and YL Jan,KF4TUG (H44TO), are now anchoring in
     Lever harbour on New Georgia Island (OC-149) and are looking for a
     suitable QTH to put up their amateur radio station. QSL via OM2SA.

     A group of HAMs from the ARI section Saronno (I2OGV, I2RFJ, I2ZBX,
     IK2DJV and IZ2LSC) will activate HV5PUL on Jun 1/3/4. They will work
     in CW/SSB/RTTY on all bands (including 6m). QSL direct via HV5PUL,
     Luva Della Giovampaola, P.zza S. Giovanni in Laterano,
     400120 Citta del Vaticano, Italy.

KH2 - GUAM, OC-026
     Lee,HL1IWD, and Harry,WX8C, will be active in CW, SSB, RTTY and PSK31
     signing AH2Y and KH2/WX8C from May 29 until Jun 2. They will sign AH2Y
     in the upcoming WPX CW Contest.
     All QSOs will be confirmed via bureau automatically.

     K3VX/KP2, W3WH/KP2, W3WN/KP2, W9UK/KP2 and K9CS/KP2 plan to be active
     between May 28 and Jun 2 (including the WPX CW Contest as NP2SH in the
     multi/2 category). QSL cards for all callsigns are managed by K9CS,
     excluding W3WN/KP2 who is going to handle his QSL cards himself.

     Karl,TA0/WA2KBZ, is working from Buyukada (near Istanbul) until Jun 17.
     QSLs via homecall.

     A team of the "Federation of Radio Sports of Azerbaijan" will activate
     the Nagorno-Karabakh region signing 4K3K and 4J0K between May 28 and
     Jun 1. They also plan to take part in the WPX CW Contest.
     QSLs unfortunately only direct via RW6HS.

     Startin gon May 28 Winfried,DK9IP, will stay in Arusha/Tanzania and
     plans to become QRV from there as well (mainly in the WPX CW Contest,
     probably on 20m single band). His callsign will be 5H2WK and he will
     stay there until Jun 5. Winfried will use 100 watts and wires also for
     30m and 40m. QSLs via bureau to DK9IP or via LoTW.

     Giulio,IW3HVB, is working as 8Q7GP in "holiday style" between May 26
     and Jun 4. Depending on the conditions he will work in SSB/PSK31 and
     some CW mostly on 20m/40m using his K3/100 and a multiband vertical.
     QSL cards should be sent to his homecall (also via bureau).
     Nobby,G0VJG, will spend his honeymoon on Kuredu Island (AS-013) from
     Jun 1-15. Limited activities can be expected as 8Q7CQ in SSB on HF/6m.
     His QSL manager is Owen,G4DFI.

     Once again several members of the "Association des Radioamateurs de
     la Sarthe" are activating the special event station TM6ACO from the
     "24 Hours of Le Mans" between May 24 and Jun 14. QSL via F6KFI.
     More information is available online at
     TM100C can be found on the bands until Jun 4. This station remembers
     the first flight of the aviation pioneers Gaston and Rene Caudron
     100 years ago. QSL via F1RR.

LINKS: Current SOTA activities (mountain summits) are announced at:
     Detailed information about current VHF activities can be found on the
     VHF DX portal "Make More Miles on VHF" at:
     For information about the "Council of Europe Radio Amateur Club Award"
     please visit the website:

May 30/31: CQWW WPX Contest, CW

Announcements for the CQ WPX Contest, CW:
The CQ WPX Contest in CW will take place on the weekend of May 30/31.
If not announced elsewhere the activities should be listed here:
Call      class          QSL info
AH0AA     SOAB LP        JR2SCJ
AH2Y      multi/single   HL1IWD or LoTW
AN8R      multi/multi    EA8AY
C6AKU     multi/2        K5WW/LoTW
CN2R      SOAB           W7EJ
CS9L      multi/single   DJ6QT
CU2X      SOAB           OH2BH
E21EIC    SOAB LP        via HS bureau
E7DX      multi/single   E77E
EE2W      multi/single   EB2BXL
EF8M      SOAB HP        UA3DX
G1A       SOAB HP        M0DXR
GJ3WW     SOAB LP        G0DEZ direct, LoTW
IR1Y      multi/single   Direkt
IR9Y      multi/single   IT9ABY
KP2B      SOAB LP        EA7FTR
LN3Z      multi/single   LA9VDA
LS1D      multi/single   LW9EOC
LX7I      multi/2        LX2A
LY7A      multi/single   LY2ZO or LoTW
LZ9W      multi/multi    via bureau
OH0Z      multi/single   W0MM
RK3K      multi/single   RK3QWW
SV9COL    SOAB LP        LoTW
TA3KZ     multi/single   TA3KZ
TC4X      SOAB           OH2BH
TI5N      multi/2        W3HNK (direct)
TM6M      multi/single   F6KHM
UU7J      multi/?        UU0JM
UZ2M      multi/single   US0LW
VC2A      multi/single   VE3TA (in CQ zone 2)
VC6T      n.a.           VE6SV
VK6AA     SOSB 40m       DL8YR
XU7XXX    SOAB LP        KC0W  (direct)
YM3D      SOAB           TA3D
YN2GY     SOAB LP        K9GY or LoTW
ZW5B      multi/multi    K3IRV
4L8A      SOSB 20m       K1BV
5B4AII    multi/single   RW3RN
6W1RY     SOAB HP        F5VHJ
9A800VZ   multi/?        9A7A

IOTA                collected by Fredy,DE0MST  (e-mail:
Island activities:
EU-072, SV, Thessalia Region Group: Dick,SV8/PA3DEU, can be found on the
     usual QRP frequencies working from Alonissos Island between May 25 and
     Jun 7. QSL via homecall (direct/bureau).

EU-090, 9A, Palagruza Islands: Gert,9A/OE3ZK, and Wolfgang,9A/OE3WGC, will
     be QRV from Vela Palagrza Island (IOCA CI-084) from May 31 until Jun 6.
     QSLs via homecalls (direct/bureau).

EU-125, OZ, Jylland West Group: Andy,DL4OK, will stay on Roemoe Island
     from May 30 until Jun 6. He plans "holiday style" operation with
     100 watts, a vertical and dipoles on all bands signing OZ/NX1S.
     QSLs preferred via bureau to DL4OK or direct.
     See also:

EU-174, SV8, Makedonia/Thraki Region Group: Laci,SV8/HA0HW, will be active
     from Thassos Island (GIOTA: NAS 037, MIA: MG-124, WLOTA: LH-4186)
     mostly in CW but also in SSB, RTTY and PSK on 40m/30m/20m/17m/6m
     from May 28 until Jun 6 (signing J48HW during the WPX CW Contest).
     QSLs via homecall (direct/bureau).

Lighthouse activities (WLOTA/ARLHS/ILLW)
AN8R        LH 1276             May 30/31
C4SV        LH 0051             until May 29
DL5KUD      LH 1712             resident
EA6AM       LH 2988             resident
EJ6DX                 IRE-087   May 29-Jun 1
F9IE        LH 1224             resident
GM0OGN      LH 3126   SCO-016   resident
J48HW       LH 4186   GRE-188   May 28-Jun 6
OZ4NE       LH 2203             resident
OZ5FM/p               DEN-235   May 29
OZ7AEI/p              DEN-235   May 29
SV8/HA0HW   LH 4186   GRE-188   May 28-Jun 6
SV8/PA3DEU            GRE-029   May 25-Jun 7
9A/OE3WGC   LH 0057   CRO-012   May 30-Jun 6
9A/OE3ZK    LH 0057   CRO-012   May 30-Jun 6

Bandspots of the last 7 days
C4SV        3.512  2112Z via SV2DGH (B)
MJ/DL7AFS   3.792  2243Z via DL7AFS (B)

CE1UGE      7.131  0459Z (B)
HF128GWS    7.017  0614Z via SP9PDG
HP3JCZ      7.084  0417Z
IS0/DL1DSN  7.002  2036Z via DL1DSN (B)
K3M         7.147  0403Z via N3YIM (B)
TC098A      7.063  2335Z AS-098, via OK2GZ (B)
TK/HA3FRE   7.010  0615Z
TM0M        7.070  0701Z EU-065, via F6ANA (B)
VK3IO       7.173  0555Z
4U1ITU      7.087  1437Z via bureau

HB0/HB9LCW 10.105  1831Z via HB9LCW
OH0/SM3TLG 10.106  0604Z via SM3TLG (B)
TA9/DJ8QP  10.109  1528Z EU-170, via DJ8QP (B)
TC098A     10.107  2246Z AS-098, via OK2GZ (B)
YS1G       10.122  2253Z via G3TXF (B)
YV5KG      10.105  2243Z (B)

C4SV       14.200  0657Z via SV2DGH (B)
KH7Y       14.032  0745Z (B)
SN50RS     14.081  0855Z RTTY, via SP9ZHR (B)
TC098A     14.022  0742Z AS-098, via OK2GZ (B)
TL0A       14.220  0535Z (d), see
YS1G       14.182  2347Z via G3TXF (B)
ZK2V       14.006  0755Z N3SL (B)
4U1ITU     14.030  2118Z via bureau

C4SV       18.082  0650Z via SV2DGH (B)
C4SV       18.147  1751Z via SV2DGH (B)
ET3JA      18.128  1629Z via OK3AA (B)
MJ/DL7AFS  18.106  1520Z RTTY, via DL7AFS (B)
TC098A     18.145  0822Z AS-098, via OK2GZ (B)
TC098A     18.072  1051Z AS-098, via OK2GZ (B)
5N0OCH     18.083  1342Z via DL3OCH (B)

LU5FC      21.202  1643Z
SV5/DL3DRN 21.012  1539Z via DL3DRN (B)
TR8CA      21.230  1750Z via F6CBC (d, L), eQSL
YS1G       21.007  2137Z via G3TXF (B)
5N0OCH     21.005  1833Z via DL3OCH (B)
5Z4/RW1AU  21.014  1839Z via K5XK (B)

TL0A       24.954  1733Z (d), see

CN8IG      28.495  1831Z via EA7FTR (B)
HZ1SK      28.480  1615Z via IZ8CLM (B)
5V7PM      28.525  1826Z via DL9MBI (B)

TC098A     50.103  1451Z AS-098, via OK2GZ (B)

 *  = new QSL manager
(d) = only direct
(B) = bureau ok
(L) = LoTW

DATE          CALL            DXNL

28May-01Jun   4J0K & 4K3K     1625 *
15May-02Jun   5H1HP & 5H1MS   1623
28May-05Jun   5H2WK           1625 *
21Mar-24Jul   5N0OCH          1613/1616
     -30May   5V7PM           1623
     -Jun     5X4X            1605
NOW           5Z4/RW1AU       1585
     -Sep     6W1SJ           1541
16May-20Jul   8J040M..        1623
15May-15Jun   8N5I            1623
01Jun-15Jun   8Q7CQ           1625 *
26May-04Jun   8Q7GP           1625 *
     -31Dec   9A09P           1615
     -31Dec   9A48IFATCA      1609
     -31Dec   9A800VZ         1617
31May-06Jun   9A/OE3ZK..      1625 *
NOW           9G5SW           1581
     -Mar/10  9J2YO           1614

29May-02Jun   AH2Y..          1625 *
23May-29May   C4SV            1624
01Jun-14Jun   C6AMS           1625 *
20May-28May   DH1TS/p         1624
Feb  -2010    DP1POL          1598/1619
     -31Dec   DR09ANT         1606
26May-29May   EI/OM5FM..      1624
NOW           EY8/S57CQ       1579
22May-03Jun   FK/G4JVG        1624
09Jul-28Jul   FR/Glorioso     1568/1624
     -30Nov   FT5WO           1600/1605
07Jun-09Jun   G4JVG/VK4       1624
04May-31May   GB100BP         1622
     -31Dec   GB250RB         1608

NOW           H44MY & H44TO   1625 *
     -31Dec   HE8/HB8         1604
01Apr-31Jul   HG160FNY..      1618
09May-30May   HI7/OT4R        1622
01Jun-04Jun   HV5PUL          1625 *
     -31Dec   II2RAI          1609
01May-31May   IL3T            1621
     -31Dec   IY7GM           1622
28May-02Jun   K3VX/KP2..      1625 *
09Oct-19Oct   K4M (Midway)    1618
     -31Dec   LY1000          1606
     -31Dec   LZ250BNT        1623
     -31May   LZ2009KM        1623
15May-27May   MJ/DL7AFS..     1623
21May-30May   N6IC/KL7        1624

     -Nov     OD5/W5YFN       1599
24May-03Jun   OH0EC..         1524
23May-29May   OH0/DL6NDK      1624
     -31Dec   ON100PES        1622
30May-06Jun   OZ/NX1S         1625 *
Jun  &Sep     PA750ASN        1613
12Apr-20Jun   S21XR           1619/1623
     -Apr/10  S79DF           1620
     -12Jun   SD1B/7          1622
20May-03Jun   SV5/G0TSM       1624
28May-06Jun   SV8/HA0HW       1625 *
25May-07Jun   SV8/PA3DEU      1625 *
05Jun-07Jun   SX2CM           1622

     -17Jun   TA0/WA2KBZ      1625 *
22May-11Jun   TK/F5MCC        1624
NOW           TL0A            1616
25May-30May   TM0M            1624
24May-14Jun   TM6ACO          1625 *
     -04Jun   TM100C          1625 *
     -2011/12 TN5SN           1585/1591
     -01Jul   TT8CF           1613
     -31May   UE80MB..        1623
     -2011    V73NS           1604
     -Dec     WA2YUN/KH9      1568
     -31Dec   Z30MCWG         1612
16May-19Jun   ZK2V            1623
     -Sep     ZS08TV          1590

 * = new or updated
.. = and other calls

QSL information
A41MO     via EA5KB (B)
EC8AMQ        eQSL, (d, also without SASE)
EE6ANR    via EA6ZX
EG1SPR    via EA1URV (B)
EM5UCC    via UY5ZZ (B)
ER3WFF    via ER3GS (B)
ES1WN/3   via ES1AX (B)
EW5WFF    via EW4DX
EX2F      via RW6HS (d)
GB1TAN    via M3ZYZ (B)
HL0BRW    via DS5GJS (B)
K7UGA     via K7BHM (d), (*) starting on May 1, 2009
TC3DEU    via TA3BN (B)
TM2RPC    via F6BDM
TM5RPC    via F8KGS
V21JI     via K7JI (B)
V88/EA3NT via EA3NT (d)
V88HTL        (d)
VP2V/NY6X via NY6X
VP2V/W4NF via W4NF
VP400BO   via W4ZGR
W6/DL8JDX via DL8JDX (B)
WP4NEG    via EB7DX (d)
XE2MX     via K6VNX (B)
XM1CDD    via VE1CDD (B)
XM3NE     via VE3NE (B)
XM9NC     via VE9NC (B), eQSL
XX9TET    via EA3NT (d)
YJ0EM     via YO8CYN
YL7X      via YL2LY
YS1G      via G3TXF (B)
YV5MSG    via IT9DAA (B)
YY6CAM        (d)

(d) = only direct
(B) = bureau ok
 *  = new QSL manager
(L) = Logbook of the World (LotW)

QSLs arrived bureau: CN2BC (DL7BC), D2NX (JM1CAX), GW0AAA (G3TXF),
                     HF4K (SP4KM), RG9A (UA9XC), SY8DX (SV2DGH), TM0G,
                     TO5A (F5VHJ), TO6T (F6HMQ), UK8AJ, UM15UZ (UK8AR),
                     YK9G (G3TXF)

QSLs arrived LoTW:   NL7Z, SV9/DL6RAI, 9U0A

Many thanks for contributing to this issue of the DXNL are going to:
Carl Smith (QRZ DX), 425DXNews, OPDX Bulletin, DF6EX (WINQSL), DH4PSG,
F5NQL, F6FQK, HA0HW, NG3K, 4J5T, SWL Norbert Maibaum and others.
The German PDF version can be found on the DARC homepage at: 

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