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11 April 2009                                             A.R.I. DX Bulletin

                                   No 936
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  DX  INFORMATION  ****
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                        Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW

3V     - Special event Scout station TS1LYMC (I Love You  My  Country)  will
         be activated from Tunisia on 12-30 April. Expect activity on  80-10
         metres CW, SSB, RTTY, PSK and SSTV. QSL to TS1LYMC, 33  Rue  plaine
         Lune Borj Louzir, Ariana 2073 Tunis, Tunisia.
C6     - Joe/AA4NN  (C6DX),   Carl/N4AA  (C6AAA),  Janet/W8CAA  (C6AYL)  and
         Joe/W8GEX (C6DX) will be active from  Eleuthera  (NA-001),  Bahamas
         on 17-24 April. They will operate CW, SSB and RTTY  on  all  bands.
         QSL C6AAA via N4AA, QSL C6AYL and C6DX via W8GEX.  [TNX  The  Daily
CN     - Announced frequencies  for  the  upcoming  multi-operator  activity
         from Morocco, including Mogador Island (AF-065) [425DXN  931],  are
         the following:
         SSB    28455, 24955, 21255, 18145, 14255, 7055, 3775, 1845
         CW     28025, 24895, 21025, 18075, 14025, 10115, 7025, 3525, 1825
         RTTY   28085, 24920, 21085, 18100, 14085, 10145, 7040, 3585
         BPSK31 28075, 24915, 21075, 18100, 14075, 10145, 7040, 3595
         Activity is also expected on 2m and 6m. The current roster includes
         nine operators: I0SNY (5C2Y), I2FUG  (5C2F),  I8LWL  (5C2L),  I8YGZ
         (5C2Z), IK2AQZ (5C2A), IK6CAC (5C2C), IK7JWX (5C2J), IS0AGY  (5C2B)
         and IZ7ATN (5C2SG). Activity is expected to start on 19  April  and
         to finish on the 25th: the callsign to be used  from  Mogador  will
         be 5C2J/p, while  on  the  mainland  each  operator  will  use  his
         individual callsign (/m from lighthouses).  Please  note  that  the
         QSL routes have changed: QSL 5C2Y  via  I0SNY  (direct)  or  EA4URE
         (bureau), all others via IK7JWX (direct or bureau); stations in  CQ
         Zones 28, 29, 30, 31 and 32 can QSL via VK4FW  (direct  or  bureau)
         for all callsigns. Further information, including online  logs  (to
         be updated on a regular basis during the expedition) and an  Online
         QSL Request System (OQRS) for  requesting  your  direct  or  bureau
         card, can be found at
D4     - Uli, DF8KN will be active as D44TEP from Boa Vista  (AF-086),  Cape
         Verde until 13 April. He operates QRP using a "very short  aerial".
         QSL via home call, direct or bureau. [TNX DXNL]
DL     - DF6LPC, DJ9IE, DL3HBZ, DL5HAQ and DL8HAL will be  active  as  DK0RZ
         from Hooge Island (EU-042) on 15-17 April.  QSl  via  bureau.  [TNX]
EA     - Celebrating the end  of  the  International  Polar  Year,,  special
         event station EG2IPY will be active on 13-19 April. QSL via  EA2RC.
         [TNX F5NQL]
GM     - The Camb-Hams will be active as either GM3PYE/p and  GS3PYE/p  from
         the Island of Harris  (EU-010)  on  18-25  April.  2M0OVV,  2M0TXY,
         G0BOE, G0DDX, G1SAA, G4HUN, M0VFC, M1BXF and MM1BJP. They  plan  to
         operate on most  HF  bands  with  two  stations  (SSB  and  digital
         modes), with activity also on 6, 4 and 2  metres.  QSL  via  G4HUN,
         direct  or  bureau.  Further  information  can    be    found    at
LA     - The Radio Club of Gardermoen will be active as LN2G for  the  Norsk
         Hammeeting 2009 ( that  will  take  place
         in Eidsvoll on 17-19 April. Expect  main  activity  on  20  and  40
         metres SSB, RTTY and PSK31. QSL via LA2G. [TNX LA7VK]
OH     - Jukka,  OH3OJ  will  be  active  as  OH3OJ/p  from  Kustavi  Island
         (EU-096) on 8-11 April. He will operate CW, SSB and  digital  modes
         on the HF bands, with main activity on 20-40 metres. QSL  via  home
         call, bureau preferred. [TNX OH3OJ]
VK9M   - The VK9GMW team on Mellish Reef is likely to go  QRT  on  12  April
         around 20 UTC. While they have  been  operational  sporadically  on
         SSB, they have given up on RTTY as "it is just too much for such  a
         small team". However, neither SSB/RTTY  nor  the  high  bands  have
         ever been a priority for the two  operators:  they  clearly  stated
         from  the  very  beginning  that  they  specialize  in  low    band
         operations, and that their  focus  would  be  on  160,  80  and  40
         metres. "Many large DXpeditions do a great job of working the  high
         bands, SSB and digital modes", they say, and "there is a very  good
         chance that one will be on Mellish Reef soon". Regular updates  and
         on-line logs (15,880 QSOs at 20.20 UTC on 9 April) can be found  at QSL via HA7RY.

                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  GOOD TO KNOW ... ****
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                        Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW

425 DX NEWS MAGAZINE ---> The latest issue (March 2009) is now available  at Articles and  pictures  should  be
sent to Nicola Baldresca, IZ3EBA.

3B7FQ ---> Although propagation and  conditions  were  poor,  Rachid,  3B8FQ
made 1,500 CW QSOs  during  his  February  activity  from  St.  Brandon.  He
operated  just  a  few  hours  each  day,  in  between  maintenance  on  the
meteorological equipment on the island. Operation  was  concentrated  on  30
and 17 metres, with limited activity on 40 and 20m. By the  tenth  day,  the
battery was not recharging properly, which resulted  in  reduced  power  and
sending by hand key. Colour QSL  cards  have  been  printed  and  are  being
mailed. The QSL manager for all of Rachid's operations is K5XK  (Ron  Evans,
2 Pembroke Drive, Bella Vista, AR 72715-8823, USA). [TNX K5XK]

A43LH ---> The Royal Omani Amateur Radio Society (ROARS) operated  as  A43LH
from Ras Ayqah Lighthouse at Sur on 9-10 April, for the ARLHS  Spring  Lites
QSO Party. QSL via A47RS. [TNX A41MA]

H40FN ---> Siegfried,  DK9FN  has  posted  a  report  on  his  recent  H40FN
activity    from    Pigeon    Island    (OC-065),     Temotu    Province  on [TNX DXNL]

INTERNATIONAL MARCONI DAY ---> Organized by the Cornish Radio Amateur  Club,
G4CRC/GB4IMD, the International Marconi  Day  (IMD)  is  a  24-hour  amateur
radio event held annually to celebrate the birth of  Guglielmo  Marconi  (25
April 1874). It is not a contest, but an  opportunity  for  amateurs  around
the  world  to  make  contacts  with  historic   Marconi    sites  using  HF
communications techniques. This year's event will be held on 25 April,  from
00.00 UTC through 23.59 UTC. Details, including information on the  relevant
Award Certificates and the listing of participating stations, can  be  found

LOGS ---> A log search for  the  recent  AT9RS  operation  from  IOTA  group
AS-177 can be found at

LOGS ---> A log search for the recent  HZ1FS/p  operation  from  IOTA  group
AS-192 can be found at

+ SILENT  KEYS  +  Recently  reported  Silent  Keys  include  Theodor  Flick
(DL1BO), Will L. Pounds (K7ROK), Donald  W.  Jones  (N4TN),  Alex  Desmeules
(VE2AFC), Charles P. Alter (W9UC) and William R. Hamer (ZL2CD).

                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ******* QSL  ROUTES *******
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                        Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW

CALL        MANAGER     CALL        MANAGER     CALL        MANAGER
3B8MM       DL6UAA      EW6GF       DL8KAC      OX2A        OZ1ACB
3D2HC       DL9HCU      EX2X        EA5KB       OX3XR       OZ3PZ
3G1C        CE1KR       FG/FR1AN    NI5DX       OY3QN       OZ1ACB
3W1M        OM3JW       FJ/EB1HF    EC1AE       OZ7TM       DL1TM
4B2S        W7RJ        FJ/EC1DPM   EC1AE       P3F         5B4AHJ
4H1T        DU1IVT      FK8GX       W3HNK       P40A        WD9DZV
4H9RG       DU9RG       FM1HN       NI5DX       P41V        AI6V
4J9M        DL7EDH      FM5BH       W3HNK       P49V        AI6V
4K9W        DL6KVA      FR/TU5KG    F4EFI       PA30EPC     MM0DFV
4L0A        EA7FTR      FR1AN       NI5DX       PA750ASN    PI4ASN
4L2M        EA7FTR      G2YL        G0WAT       PC25DIG     PI4DIG
4L4CC       RV1CC       G5O         G3VOU       PI4COM      PA3CAL
4L6QC       LZ1OT       G6PZ        GM4FDM      PI4DX       PD1DX
4M5IR       YV5KG       G8DYT       G4ATA       PJ2T        N9AG
4S7BRG      HB9BRM      GD7VJR      G7VJR       PR1T        PY1ZV
4T6I        DL2JRM      GD8K        GW0ANA      PR5D        PY5DC
4V4JR       K4QD        GI5K        MI0LLL      PS6T        PY6KY
4X0A        4X1VF       GM7V        M0CMK       PT3T        PY3FOX
4Z8BB       WC1X        GT4BRS      GW0ANA      PW2D        PY2VM
5C5W        EA5XX       GT6BRS      GW0ANA      PW2P        PY2XAT
5D5A        I2WIJ       H22H        5B4MF       PW7A        PY7RP
5H3EE       DL4ME       H2T         5B4XF       PX2T        PY2DN
5N9NDP      IK5JAN      H44MS       DL2GAC      R150A       RK1A
5P4MG       DJ4MG       H6VA        TI4SU       R3ARS/m     RA3AKF
5Q1A        OZ5ESB      HC1HC       NE8Z        RL6YXX      N3SL
5R8FL       G3SWH       HC2A        EA5KB       RO4W        RD4WA
5R8FU       SM5DJZ      HC2AQ       EA5KB       RS3A        RA3CW
5R8GZ       G3SWH       HG160FNY    HA0DX       RU3NHY/1    RZ3EC
5V7BR       F2VX        HG1S        HA1KSA      S79DF       IV3TDM
5X1NH       G3RWF       HG8R        HA8JV       S79UCX      DL7UCX
5Z4/PA3EWP  PA7FM       HI3CCP      ON4IQ       SF6D        SK6DZ
5Z4/RW1AU   K5XK        HK1N        EA5KB       SJ9WL       LA4EKA
5Z4EME      PA3CEE      HK1X        EA7FTR      SM200PAX    SK2AT
7S0X        SM0MDG      HQ2W        HR2DMR      SN3A        SP3GEM
7Z1HL       DJ9ZB       HQ9R        K5WW        SN3R        SP6HEQ
7Z1UG       DG1XG       HS0AC       HS0ZFZ      SO6I        SP6JIU
8P5A        NN1N        HZ1AN       DJ9ZB       SO6V        SP6DVP
8P6DR       G3RWL       HZ1MD       EA7FTR      SO6X        SP6IXF
8R1AD       N7EAA       HZ1SK       IZ8CLM      SO8R        SQ8JLA
9A800VZ     9A7A        IC8C        IC8SDL      SQ0NATO     SP1PBW
9A8M        9A3JB       IF9A        IT9ATF      SV5/SM8C    SM0CMH
9H3JR       I2JJR       II1W        IW1FGZ      SX1L        DL1JCZ
9H9PYSM     9H1AJ       II5W        IZ5DKG      SX5P        SV5FRD
9J2BO       G3TEV       IO3X        IV3JCC      SX8P        SV8CYV
9J2CA       G3SWH       IO4T        IZ4JMA      SY2V        SV2GJV
9J2FM       JA4ATV      IO5O        IK5RLP      SZ3P        SV3DCX
9J2YO       YO4ATW      IQ0SS       IS0SNE      T48K        DK1WI
9K2GS       EA5KB       IQ9GD       IT9SER      T88CW       JH0IXE
9K2K        EA5KB       IR1A        IK1GPG      T88NF       JA0FOX
9M4DXX      9M2TO       IR1G        IZ1LBG      TC2FLH      TA1HZ
A43LH       A47RS       IR2M        IZ2FDU      TC3EC       TA3GO
A61AB       IZ8CLM      IR3Y        IZ3EOU      TC7KA       TA7KA
A61C        W4JS        IR6T        IK6VXO      TF3CW       LX1NO
A61I        IZ8CLM      IR9Y        IT9ABY      TF3ZA       KT6YL
A71CT       EA7FTR      IU9A        IT9SSI      TF8SM       NI5DX
A73A        EA7FTR      J28JA       F5JFU       TG9NX       N4FKZ
AH0BT       7L1FPU      J5UAP       HA3AUI      TI5N        W3HNK
AM1A        EA1URG      JA1XGI/VK9X JA1XGI      TM0TAN      F8KHH
AM5A        EA5RKB      JW7QIA      LA7QIA      TM4D        F5TLN
AM7M        EC7ANC      K7XF/KH0    JP1PZE      TM7F        F6KRC
AN1A        EA1AST      KG4CN       W0CN        TR8CA       F6CBC
AO1K        EA1GVG      KH6CW       K7GQ        TT8CF       F6BQO
AO2R        EA2RCA      KL7DX       AC7DX       UE1CDX/1    RN1CW
AO5A        EA5URV      KL7FH       AC7DX       UE6III      RK6FZ
AO5B        EA5BZ       KL7J        N3SL        UE6IPY      UA6HPR
AO5L        EA5OL       KP4MS       W4DN        UE6NPC      RZ6MF
AO5W        EA5DWS      L20E        WD9EWK      UE9CAP      RK9CYA
AO7T        EA7KJ       LG5LG       LA4EKA      UE9FAT      RX9FM
AP2NK       W3HNK       LO7D        LW1DRH      UN5J        W3HNK
AT9RS       W3HNK [a]   LP1H        EA5KB       UN7MMM      EA7FTR
AT9RS       DL4KQ [b]   LQ5H        EA5KB       UN7QF       EX2A
AY5F        LU5FC       LR1A        KB1JZZ      UN9PQ       IK2QPR
B4B         BA4EG       LR1H        LU2HOD      UP0L        DL8KAC
B4R         BY4RSA      LR2F        LU2FA       UP2L        UA9AB
B7P         BD7IXG      LS1D        LW9EOC      UP4L        UN7LZ
BN0N        BX4AQ       LS2D        EA5KB       UP6P        UN7PBY
BX2AAL      NI5DX       LS2E        EA5KB       UP9L        RW6HS
BY1RX       EA7FTR      LT0D        LU6DU       UR4Z        UY0ZG
BY4SA       BD4SN       LT1F        AC7DX       UR6F        UX0FF
C31CT       EA3QS       LT5X        WD9EWK      US5D        UT7DX
C4M         W3HNK       LT7H        LU1HLH      UW8M        UR5MID
C91FC       ON4CJK      LU1ECZ      EA5KB       V55X        V51YJ
CE4CT       EA5KB       LU4WG       EA5KB       V8AQM       W3HNK
CM6RCR      W3HNK       LU7VCH      EA5KB       VC3A        VE3AT
CN2BC       DL7BC       LV5V        LU5VV       VC6T        VE6SV
CN4P        EA5XX       LV6D        EA5KB       VK6ANC      VK6NE
CN8SG       EA7FTR      LW3EW       EA5KB       VK9GMW      HA7RY
CO2JD       AD4Z        LX4A        LX1NO       VK9N/G3MXJ  F5VHY
CO8ZZ       DK1WI       LX8RTTY     LX1DA       VK9N/G3TXF  G3TXF
CQ3T        CT3KN       LY1000CM    LY1CM       VP2EC       N5AU
CS9L        DJ6QT       LY1000X     LY3X        VP59V       W5CW
CT3AS       DJ8FW       LY3V        LY2FN       VP8KF       G3VPW
CT9M        CT3EE       LY6A        LY2BM       VQ9JC       ND9M
CU5CQ       PA2JD       LZ40ATSA    LZ1PJ       VX8X        VE8EV
CV5K        CX2ABC      LZ5K        LZ1RAY      VY0A        VE3LYC
CW7T        K5WW        M4A         M0BLF       WP2Z        KU9C
CX2CC       EA5KB       M4U         G0DVJ       XR1A        XQ1IDM
CX5TR       EA5KB       MC0SHL      M0URX       XR3P        CE3PG
D2QMN       RZ3EC       MD0REN      DJ6OI       XR6T        CE3FED
D44TEP      DF8KN       MI0M        MI0SAI      XU7AFU      ON4AFU
D4C         CT1ESV [c]  MJ4K        G3NKC       XU7KOH      ON7PP
D4C         IZ4DPV [d]  MS0DGR      MM0DFV      XU7MDY      OH4MDY
DB2B        DL8OBF      MW9W        M0URX       YB1/AH0J    JA1NVF
DP3D        DK3KD       NH6P        KH7Y        YE0X        YB0ZZ
DP9Z        DF9ZP       NH7A        F5VHJ       YJ0MXJ      F5VHY
DR09ANT     DL5MHQ      NP3CW       EB7DX       YJ0TXF      G3TXF
DR2W        DH3WO       OD5QB       YO3FRI      YK1BA       N5FF
DR5N        bureau      OD5WPX      I1HJT       YM2W        OK1TN
DR60NATO    DL1WH       OE100M      OE1WHC      YR5N        YO5PBF
DR800GRZ    DL1ARJ      OE2S        OE2GEN      YR80HCS     YO6KNE
DX1J        JA1HGY      OE9R        OE9XRV      YR9P        YO9HP
E51EME      ZL1RS       OG1M        OH1VR       YT0Z        YU1ZZ
E51SIX      W7GJ        OG5B        OH5BM       YT5C        YT7AW
E51XBG      HB9XBG      OG6N        OH6NIO      YT8A        YU1EA
E74EBL      E77E        OH0LQK      OH3LQK      YV1FM       IT9DAA
E7DX        E77E        OH4A        OH6LI       YW5DX       W4SO
ED3RKR      EA3RKR      OL0W        OK1DSZ      Z21GC       K3IRV
ED5D        EA5FL       OL1X        OK4PA       Z29KM       EA7FTR
ED5SSC      EA5DDK      OL45KR      OK2KR       ZF1A        K6AM
ED8R        EA4RCH      OL4A        OK1DSX      ZF2AE       AA5UK
EE2W        EB2BXL      OL50FRD     OK1FRD      ZF2BN       W4HET
EE5G        EB5GG       OL5T        OK1TNM      ZF2XY       KE1F
EE5J        EA5YJ       OL7T        OK2BXU      ZL3A        ZL3WW
EF1W        EA1WS       OL9AMPER    OK1DRQ      ZM4A        ZL4AA
EF7A        EC7ABV      OM0A        OM0AAO      ZP0R        ZP5AZL
EG7MSS      EA7DK       OM7M        OM3PA       ZP5CGL      IK2DUW
EG7SSM      EA7URM      OM8A        OM2VL       ZS4U        K3IRV
EH1K        EA1AJV      OP0P        ON6DP       ZT2V        NI5DX
EH1SSL      EA1URL      OP2A        ON5CD       ZV2C        PY2CX
EH5J        EA5DM       OP4K        ON4JZ       ZV5O        PY5QW
EH5T        EA5GPC      OQ5M        ON5ZO       ZW2B        PY2FW
EH7H        EA7AH       OQ7T        ON7TQ       ZX7A        PS7TKS
EO5M        UR0MC       OR0OST      ON6PQ       ZX7U        PT7ZT
ES9C        ES5RY       OT5A        ON7LR       ZY7C        PT7WA
ET3JA       OK3AA       OV3X        OZ8AE       ZZ6Z        PY6HD

[a] North and South America
[b] rest of the world
[c] bureau
[d] direct

9M2TO    Tex Izumo, P.O. Box 125, GPO 10710, Penang, Malaysia
A92GE    David Smith, P.O. Box 1976, Manama, Bahrain
DL2JRM   Rene Matthes, Wiesenstr. 3, 09328 Lunzenau, Germany
DL4KQ    Frank Rosenkranz, Blumenstr. 25, D-50126 Bergheim, Germany
EC1AE    Oscar Gancedo, P.O. Box 921, E-33080 Oviedo, Spain
F5VHY    Dennis Andrews, Coupelle, 47120 Levignac-de-Guyenne, France
FK8CP    Remi Touzard, B.P. 945, 98845 Noumea Cedex, France
G3RWL    Richard Limebear, 60 Willow Road, Enfield EN1 3NQ, UK
G3TXF    Nigel Cawthorne, Falcons, St George's Avenue, Weybridge, Surrey
         KT13 0BS, England, UK
HA7RY    Pekarik Tamas, Alagi ut 15, H-2151 Fot, Hungary
KP2HC    Brian J. Keegan, 4301 SE Scotland Cay Way, Stuart, FL 34997, USA
KP2YL    Ann Z. Keegan, 4301 SE Scotland Cay Way, Stuart, FL 34997, USA
OH4MDY   Reijo Laitinen, Mantytie 13, 76940 Nenonpelto, Finland
ON4CJK   Jose Duyck, Molenakker 56, 8740 Egem, Belgium
ON7PP    Patrick Piesen, Hermans-Lybaerttstraat 35 bus 1, 8301 Knokke -
         Heist, Belgium
OY9JD    Jon Dam, Undir Kerjum 7, FO-100 Torshavn,Faroe Islands
PZ5RA    Ramon A. Kaersenhout, P.O. Box 745, Paramaribo, Suriname
VE3LYC   Cezar-Ioan Trifu, 410 College Street, Kingston, ON K7L 4M7, Canada
VE8EV    John Boudreau, P.O. Box 3099, Inuvik, NT X0E 0T0, Canada
VP9KF    Paul Evans, 6809 River Road, Tampa, FL 33615, USA
VQ9LA    Larry Arneson, PSC 466 Box 24 (DG-21 Annex 30), FPO AP 96595-0024,
W3HNK    Joseph L. Arcure Jr, 115 Buck Run Road, Lincoln University, PA
         19352, USA


               425 DX News is a free of charge weekly bulletin
      edited by Valeria Pregliasco, IK1ADH and Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ

            Its contents may be used, reproduced and distributed
                        in part or full provided that
               "425 DX News" or "425DXN" receive proper credit

          Contributors are invited to send their DX information to
                 Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ (
                      The deadline is 12 UTC on Fridays


                           Direttore Responsabile
                            Gabriele Villa, I2VGW
               Giornalista Professionista - Tessera n. 057216
                      Ordine Nazionale dei Giornalisti
                                Roma, Italia


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