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[San Dona' di P. JN]

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LU7DR  > ICPO     09.03.08 20:00l 421 Lines 22585 Bytes #999 (0) @ WW
BID : 29580_LU7DR
Subj: [ICPO] ICPO Bulletin (March 06 - 14, 2008)
Sent: 080309/1112Z @:LU7DR.8103.BA.ARG.SA #:29580 [Ing. White] FBB7.00g
From: LU7DR@LU7DR.8103.BA.ARG.SA

ICPO Bulletin (March 06 - 14, 2008)
(Islands, Castles & Portable Operations)
Listing is by calendar date (day/month/year)
06/03/2008:  Randy, W6SJ will be active as C6AWS from Grand Bahama
Island (NA-080, WLOTA LH-0527), March 6-12th. He plans to operate
holiday style with an emphasis on 30, 17 and 12 metres, as there seems
to be special interest in them. QSL via home call. [425 DX News]

06/03/2008:  Rosel, DL3KWR and Hardy, DL3KWF will be active again as
CT3/DL3KWR and CT3/DL3KWF from Madeira Island (AF-014, DIP MA-001, WLOTA
LH-0053) between March 6-20th. They plan to operate mostly CW and
digital modes on 12, 17 and 30 meters. Hardy will try also in RTTY and
PSK-31. QSL via home calls. E-mail requests for bureau cards can be sent
to  or respectively. [425 DX News]

06/03/2008:  Mike, DL3FCG plans to be active from Helgoland Island
(EU-127, N14 for the German Islands Award, WLOTA LH-0518) as homecall/p
from March 6-12th. Activity on all HF bands using CW, SSB, RTTY and
PSK31. QSL via home call, direct or bureau. [RSGB IOTA]

06/03/2008:  Adolfo, EA7TV will be active as EA5/EA7TV from Tabarca
Island (EU-093, DIE E-006 for the Spanish Islands Award, WLOTA LH-1779),
March 6-9th. Expect him to operate mainly on 20 and 40 meters. QSL via
home call, direct or bureau. [425 DX News]

06/03/2008:  Bernhard/DL2GAC, and Hermann/DL2NUD will be active March
6th to April 4th as H44MS and H44HP respectively from Honiara,
Guadalcanal Island (WLOTA LH-0086, Grid QI90), Solomon Islands (OC-047).
They will be active on HF and 2m EME. The rig on 144MHz will be a single
18 element M2 yagi and amplifier. Possibly some side locators will be
activated as well. QSL via the information at [MMMonVHF]

06/03/2008:  Babs/DL7AFS and Lot/DJ7ZG are currently active as
J8/homecall from the island of St. Vincent (NA-109, WLOTA LH-0492, Grid
FK93). The activity will end on March 20th. Look for them on 80-6
meters, mostly SSB, RTTY and PSK. QSL via DL7AFS, direct or bureau.

06/03/2008:  Members of the Palos Verdes Amateur Radio Club will be
operating as K6PV from the settlement of Two Harbors on Santa Catalina
Island (NA-066, USi CA-016S, Los Angeles county), California, between
2200z March 6th to 2300z March 10th. Principal operations will be on
20m, 40m and 75m SSB. QSL direct to K6PV ( More info at [RSGB IOTA]

08/03/2008:  Amos 4Z4WR/m and Dov 4Z4DX/m will activate Holyland areas
on 14265 kHz. Starting March 8th, in the morning, probably around
0600-0700 UTC. They will operate for the entire day. Main target will be
in BS region. QSL via home calls. [4X4JU]

08/03/2008:  Yannick, F6FYD/HH2FYD will leave Haiti early next month. He
will try to go to St. Martin (FS/F6FYD) March 8th to 9th and then he
will go to St. Barthelemy (FJ/F6FYD) until March 12th. QSL via F6FYD,
direct or bureau. [F6AJA]

08/03/2008:  Klaus, DK9LO will activate Romo Island (EU-125, NS-001 for
the Danish Islands Award) as OZ/DK9LO between March 8th and 21st. Look
for him to be active on 80-10m, conditions permitting. QSL via home call
either direct or bureau or eQSL. [RSGB IOTA]

08/03/2008:  Radio Amateurs of Canada HQ call sign VA2RAC will be on the
air this weekend for the BERU Contest (March 8-9th). Operated by Claude,
VE2FK located in St-Rene de Matane, Quebec. QSL via the information for

11/03/2008:  Operators Alex/RA3MR, Artem/RD3MA, Dmitry/RA3MF,
Helen/RV3ACA, Valery/RZ6AU and Serge/UA1ANA will be active March 11-18th
from Iceland (EU-021, WLOTA LH-2975). Between March 11-13th they will
sign TF/RK3MWL and homecalls/TF. Between March 13-18th they will use the
contest call TF4Y for the Russian DX Contest (March 15-16th). Outside
the contest focus will be on the low and WARC bands. QSL via RV3ACA.

11/03/2008:  Mustapha, DL1BDF will be active March 11-19th from SU0ARA
(EARA Amateur Radio Club) Cairo, Egypt. QRV all HF bands. For the first
time there could be some activity on the 80m band (permission is
pending). Usually in Egypt that band is reserved to the military. QSL
via SU1KM. [F5NQL]

11/03/2008:  Bob/W4OWY (V25WY) and Mark/W9OP (V25OP) will be active from
the V26B superstation located at Gunthroppes, island of Antigua (NA-100,
WLOTA LH-1118, WW Loc. FK97BC) from March 11-17th. Look for them on
160-6m, using CW, SSB and RTTY. They plan to be very active on 50.110
MHz USB using 100W with a 3 element yagi at 40 feet. QSL via their
respective home calls. [W4OWY]

13/03/2008:  Patrick, F6CMH will be active from St. Barthelemy Island
(NA-146, DIFO FJ-001, WLOTA LH-0377) between March 13th and 22nd.
Activity will be mostly 40 and 20m SSB. QSL via home call. [F5NQL]

13/03/2008:  Yannick F6FYD/HH2FYD, will head back to Haiti (NA-096,
WLOTA LH-0343) as HH2FYD from March 13-26th. Before leaving for France
he will activate Ile a Vache (NA-149) between March 21-23rd as HH2FYD/6.
QSL via F6FYD, direct or bureau. [F6AJA]

13/03/2008:  Radioclub Pazin (9A7P) members Dragan/9A2SX, Hrle/9A6XX,
Marko/9A8MM and Igor/9A3AXX will be active as homecall/p March 13-17th
from the island of Corsica (EU-014, DIFM TK-001, MIA MCO-001, WLOTA
LH-1390), including an entry in the Russian DX Contest (March 15-16th)
as TK/9A8MM. Look for them on 80-10m using a TS-440S and FT-857D, SB-220
amplifier, 2 laptop computers, Spiderbeam for 20, 15 and 10m and Inv Vee
on 40m, 80m. All QSL cards will be sent via the bureau. You do not have
to send your QSL card to them. [Southgate ARC]

14/03/2008:  Frank/DL2SWW and his wife Gabi/DF9TM will be active from
Ruegen Island (EU-057, O-07 for the German Islands Award) as DL2SWW/p
from March 14-16th. QSL via DL2SWW, direct or bureau. [RSGB IOTA]

14/03/2008:  Operators Axel/DH8AK, Sebastian/DO6ELW, Dirk/DK4DJ and
Henning/DK9LB will be active as homecall/p from Fehmarn Island (EU-128,
O-01 for the German Islands Award) from March 14-21st. They will also
activate two lighthouses: Marienleuchte Old Tower (ARLHS FED-151) and
Marienleuchte New Tower (ARLHS FED-016, WLOTA LH-0637). Activity will be
on 80-10m using SSB and PSK31 and also 2m SSB. QSL via home calls,
direct or by the bureau. [RSGB IOTA]

14/03/2008:  Frank, K3TRM will be vacationing in Lucea, Jamaica (NA-097,
WLOTA LH-0214, WW Loc. FK08VK), March 14-23rd and will be active as
K3TRM/6Y5 on 80-10m SSB, CW and RTTY. He has applied for 60 meter
privileges, so this might be the first activation of Jamaica on 60
meters. Equipment consists of an IC-706, AT-100 tuner and DM-330MV power
supply. A 5 band Spiderbeam will be used for 20-10m, including the WARC
bands. On the low bands, including 30m, he will be using a G5RV and a
60m dipole. QSL via home call, direct or bureau. [NG3K]

TX5C DXpedition News (March 6, 2008) - We are on Clipperton Atoll! It's
0133z as we write this. We had a successful landing and have loaded
quite a bit of our camp gear to the island. Our base camp is set up and
we are all tired but full of enthusiasm! In the morning we will begin
the construction of our operating stations on the north side of the
island exactly where we had hoped to be able to land. We are excited
about this as this location will provide the best paths for us to work
the world. We will update this page in the morning in more detail but we
wanted you all to know we are safe and are on the island. [TX5C web

FR/G Glorioso Islands AF-011 - After many years of effort the permission
has been granted. This operation can take place, probably early in May,
to start between May 5th to 9th for some weeks. For the moment the
operators are Pascal/F5PTM, Freddy/F5IRO, Spephane/F6KIN, David/F8CRS,
Yves Michel/F5PRU and may be 3 others. They will try to have 3 or 4
stations. Further information to follow. [F6AJA]

Spratly Update (March 22-30) - We now have Navy permission. Information
is posted on the website ( We will be using the
call sign 9M6/N1UR for both stations. We will be updating the site
regularly as we are getting closer. Not sure if we will be able to post
updates from Spratly itself but we will try. 73, Ed N1UR. [NG3K]

Tris (VP8ROT / MM0TJR) will leave Rothera base in about one month
unfortunatly, but the new radio officer is also an amateur radio
operator. Ian, G0VZM is expected to operate from VP8ROT. [F5PFP]

15/03/2008:  George/EC2ADN and Kepa/EA2DCF will be active from Albania
as ZA/homecalls from March 15-22nd. They will be active on 10, 20 and 40
meters (may be also on 17m and 30m). QSL via home calls, preferrably via
the bureau. [F6AJA]

16/03/2008:  Anne, OH2YL will be signing as TK/OH2YL from the island of
Corsica (EU-014, DIFM TK-001 for the French Islands Award, MIA MCO-001,
WLOTA LH-1390). Active March 16-22nd on all HF bands, using SSB and CW.
QSL via home call. [NG3K]

24/03/2008:  Jan HH4/K4QD and Don HH4/AF4Z will be at the Northwest
Haiti Christian Mission (, Haiti (NA-096, WLOTA LH-0343),
from March 24th to April 4th. They will operate 80-10m on CW, SSB and
RTTY as time permits. The will also participate in the CQWW WPX SSB
contest. QSL to home calls (K4QD and AF4Z). Operators prefer direct or
LoTW, but the bureau is ok. [K4QD]

26/03/2008:  This year is the 70th birthday of RAFARS. GB70RAF will be
on air between March 26th and April 6th from a location to be arranged
in Dorset. [Pete's DX Newsdesk]

26/03/2008:  Franz/DL9GFB (VP2EFB) and Jan/DJ8NK (VP2ENK) will be active
from the island of Anguilla (NA-022) during the period of March 26th to
April 6th, including an entry in the CQ WPX SSB Contest (March 29-30th).
Look for them on 160-10m using CW, SSB, RTTY and PSK. The final decision
about equipment is yet to be made, but for sure they will have a quarter
wave for 75m, 80m and an inverted L for 160m and 2 stations with
linears. The QTH is in the north of the island at Island Harbour,
overlooking the sea. QSL via home calls, direct or bureau. [DJ8NK]

26/03/2008:  Look for Art, N3DXX to be active March 26-31st from the
island of Montserrat (NA-103) using the call sign VP2MAH, including a
Single-Op entry in the CQWW WPX SSB Contest (March 29-30th). Activity on
160-10 meters. QSL via home call. [NG3K]

28/03/2008:  Special event stations G0RFC from Cornwall and G3RAF from
Devon will be aired between March 28th and April 6th as part of the
RAFARS celebrations. QSL via the RSGB bureau. [Pete's DX Newsdesk]

29/03/2008:  Look for Jorge, EA9LZ to be active from Ceuta during the
CQWW WPX SSB Contest (March 29-30th) as either EA9LZ or EE9Z, a
Single-Op/All-Band entry. QSL via EA9LZ ( [NG3K]

29/03/2008:  Operators Edwin/HI3K, Tino/HI3CCP and Dani/EA4ATI will be
active as HI3C from Lomas del Toro, in Santiago, Dominican Republic
(NA-096, WLOTA LH-2974), during the CQ WPX SSB Contest (March 29-30th),
as a Single-Op/All-Band/Low-Power entry. QSL via ON4IQ. [OPDX Bulletin]

01/04/2008:  The RAF was formed April 1, 1918 and RAFARS will be
celebrating this 90th anniversary. GB90RAF will be on air from our
Cosford HQ from 0800z to 2000z on Tuesday April 1st.

2008 is also the 70th anniversary of the year when the Cranwell Amateur
Radio Transmitters Society (CARTS) became the RAF wide RAFARS and the
G8FC licence was issued as the Voice of the Society so the Society's aim
is for a major on-air presence to mark all those special anniversaries.
On April 1st, we will attempt to activate every RAF, RFC and FC call
sign we have plus every GB-RAF SES we can get. In addition all the Area
Callsign holders, affiliated Clubs and ATC formations are invited to
participate. We hope to plan something similar in combination with the
RAF Cosford Air Show on June 1st which has the 90th anniversary as its
theme. Confirmed participants for April 1, 2008 (those that are also
AOTA activations will say so on-air):
GB90RAF and G8FC / G8RAF from RAF Cosford (RAF celebration).
GB70RAF from Dorset (RAFARS celebration from March 28 to April 6).
GM3RAF from RAF Kinloss for April 1.
G3RAF from Devon March 28 to April 6 (except April 1).
G0RFC from Cornwall about March 28 to April 6.
GB0RAF from North East Aircraft Museum (Middleton).
GB1RAF from a WW1 airfield north of the Humber.
GB2RAF from RAF Neatishead.
2E1RAF from Cumbria.
G0RAF from Lincoln (RAF Waddington Club).
GB2AIR from Doncaster Aircraft Museum (previously RAF Doncaster and site
of the first European aviation meeting in 1909).
G7RAF from Lincolnshire.
G3TCQ from South Yorkshire.
G3JDY from East Yorkshire.
G3HWY from West Yorkshire.
G3EKT from North East.
G3PSG from Marske by the Sea RFC and RAF Gunnery School (formerly in
North Yorks).
G4PSH/p from Stalham Norfolk Air Cadets.
M0KAC from Cumbria (Kendal Air Cadets).
Call TBA from Ronaldsway.
Isle of Man, and several other area calls are expected. Sad to say that
G1RAF and G6RAF are not available for April. We hope for a very special
QSL card for GB90RAF, but for the rest of the Society Stations we plan
an individualised card with a common picture and layout. There is no
formal QSL management leader for this event because we expect many
variations and we want everyone to have their best shot and have a fun
day. However, if you need a contact G0DAM Bob is ok at [Pete's
DX Newsdesk]

03/04/2008:  The Radio Club of Raismes Arthur Musmeaux, F5KAZ will hold
a holiday for the students and staff of the University of Valenciennes
on April 3rd. Club members will be active using the special call sign
TM0FAC on 20, 40 and 80 meters HF and on VHF through the local
repeaters. A special QSL card will be sent to all contacts made. [UBA HF

26/04/2008:  Members of Macclesfield and District Radio Society, namely
Keith/G3VKF, Ray/M1REK, Adrian/2E0DOD, Andy/G1DDU and Alan/G0JNJ, will
be active from the Isle of Jura (IOSA NH21, SCOTIA CS28), Inner Hebrides
(EU-008), as GS4MWS/p between April 26th and May 3rd. Activity will be
on or near the usual island and IOTA frequencies. The main IOTA meeting
frequency is 14.260 MHz. Other ones on SSB are 28.560, 28.460, 24.950,
21.260, 18.128, 7.055 and 3.755 MHz. The CW frequencies are 28.040,
24.920, 21.040, 18.098, 14.040, 10.115 and 3.530 MHz. No specific
frequency has been nominated for 40m CW, but it is recommended that
operations should include a frequency above 7.025 MHz when the band is
open to North America. QSL via 2E0DOD, direct or bureau. Further
information at [RSGB IOTA]

26/04/2008:  To celebrate the Football European Championship 2008, the
Austrian Radio League (OVSV) and the Union of Swiss Short Wave Amateurs
(USKA), are inviting all radio amateurs and SWLs world wide to
participate and obtain this limited time award. As of April 26th until
June 30th special stations (Sonderstationen) in Austria with a special
call sign OE2008AAA to OE2008ZZZ and special stations in Switzerland
HB2008AA to HB2008ZZ will be active on all bands. Depending on the Award
Class, (Bronze, Silver, Gold) a predetermined number of contacts with
these special stations (Sonderstationen) must be made. Only one contact
per band with the same station will be accepted. All Amateur Radio bands
are permissible. All transmitting modes, SSB, CW, Digital, Mixed and QRP
(max 10W) are permitted with the exception of Packet Radio and Echo
Link. QSL Manager is HB9DTE (Pirmin Kuehne, Postfach 159, CH-3210
Kerzers, Switzerland). Further information can be found at [OE1HMC]

24/05/2008:  A Mini Dxpedition to Piel Island (EU-005) by members of the
CQ Portable Group, will take place May 24th and 25th using the special
call sign GB0PIA. Operators mentioned include John/M0JFE, Ian/2E0EDX,
Brian/2E0OYG, Greg/2E0RXX, Nathan/2E0OCC, Sean/2E0BAX and Liam/M3ZRY.
They plan to be active on 160m-70cm (no activity on 30m). Of course band
conditions will determine which will be used. Piel Island lies half a
mile (1 km) off the southern tip of the Furness Peninsula in the
administrative county of Cumbria. WW Locator IO84JB. It is one of the
Islands of Furness in northern England. [M0JFE]

02/06/2008:  The Special Event Stations "Long Range Desert Group"
(GB4LRG) along with the "Air Support Signals" (GB2ASS) will be
operational from Colerne Airfield, Wiltshire, from June 2-8th on SSB and
CW on HF (possibly some RTTY) and 2m FM. Stations worked will be sent a
QSL card via the RSGB or Services bureau. SAE for direct QSL cards.
[Pete's DX Newsdesk]

15/06/2008:  Larry, K5JYD reports that he will be able to activate the
Point Bolivar lighthouse (ARLHS USA-069), Texas, for 3 or 4 days in June
after Ham-Com (June 13-14th), using a 20m QRP rig and end fed wire for
20m, CW of course. He is not a member of ARLHS but will be there. QSL
via home call, direct or bureau. [K5JYD]

30/07/2008:  Cezar/VE3LYC and Ken/G3OCA will activate Finger Hill Island
(NA-194) and Paul Island (NA-205) between July 30th and August 4th. They
intend to operate for three days from each island, with two stations on
the air from 40-6m, CW and SSB. Islands have been checked and confirmed
to satisfy IOTA activation criteria by the IOTA Program Manager. Call
signs will be VE3LYC/VO2 (Cezar) and VO2/G3OCA (Ken). QSL via VE3LYC,
direct or by the bureau (U.K. stations can QSL via G3OCA). [VE3LYC]

22/09/2008:  The Sands Contest Group (MS0SCG) will be active from the
Isle of Jura (IOSA NH21, SCOTIA CS28), Inner Hebrides (EU-008),
September 22-29th. The location will be the Jura House on the edge of
the island. Dates are yet to be fully confirmed but, they hope to be on
the air from Monday to Monday this time taking in a full weekend. Modes
and bands will be confirmed closer to the time, but this year we expect
to cover most of them. [MS0SCG]

06/03/2008:  Special event station 8J3GOSE is currently active until
August 31st to celebrate the 50th anniversary of Gose City, Japan. QSL
via the JARL bureau. [JJ1WTL/AC6IM]

06/03/2008:  Milan, 9A7KM will air special event call sign 9A70LPC until
December 31st to commemorate the 70th anniversary of the training of
throughbred Lippizaner horses. During the war in 1991 horses were turned
over to Serbia and now they are returned to Lipik. QSL via 9A7KM, bureau
preferred. [F5NQL]

06/03/2008:  Clubstation DARC Ortsverband (E20) will air the special
call signs DA0HEL and DL0IH during the entire month of March from
Helgoland Island (EU-127, N-14 for the German Islands Award, WLOTA
LH-0518, WW Loc. JO34WE), with the Special DOK HEL2008. Peter, DF6QC
will use his own call and his other calls DL0DWD and DF0IT, with DOK E20
reference. QSL via the information for DA0HEL at [DF6QC]

06/03/2008:  The Radio Club OSA in Antwerpen (member of the UBA) will
activate the special call sign ON70REDSTAR during 2008. A special QSL
card will be available. The Red Star Line was a Shipping Company that
operated from Antwerp to North America between 1873 and 1934. In that
period over 3 million immigrants travelled with that line to the USA and
Canada. During 2008 a special exhibition is held in the Antwerp Shipping
Museum around the Red Star Line. Added note - The radio club OSA will
also activate on a regular basis the call sign ON9BD from the Lightship
Westhinder III (ARLHS BEL-027), a museum ship located in the old harbour
of Antwerp. QSL both call signs via ON4OSA, direct or bureau. [ON7SS]

09/03/2008:  Look for special event station 8J6HAM to be aired March 9th
for the 7th Nishinihon (or West Japan) Ham Fair, located in Tosu City,
Saga Prefecture, Japan. Look for activity on all bands. QSL via the JARL
bureau. [JJ1WTL/AC6IM]

U.S.A. Special event station information can be found at:

06/03-12/03  C6AWS Grand Bahama Island WLOTA 0527 QSL W6SJ (d/b)
06/03-12/03  DA0HEL Helgoland WLOTA 0518 QSL DF6QC (d/b)
06/03-12/03  DL3FCG/P Helgoland WLOTA 0518 QSL H/C (d/b)
06/03-09/03  EA5/EA7TV Isla de Tabarca WLOTA 1779 QSL H/C (d/b)
06/03-04/04  H44HP Guadalcanal Island WLOTA 0086 QSL DL2NUD (d/b)
06/03-04/04  H44MS Guadalcanal Island WLOTA 0086 QSL DL2GAC (d/b)
08/03-09/03  FS/F6FYD St. Martin Island WLOTA 0383 QSL H/C (d/b)
10/03-12/03  FJ/F6FYD Saint Barthelemy WLOTA 0377 QSL H/C (d/b)
11/03-26/03  CE0Z/DL2AH Isla Robinson Crusoe WLOTA 0153 QSL H/C (d/b)
11/03-13/03  RA3MF/TF Iceland WLOTA 2975 QSL RV3ACA (d/b)
11/03-13/03  RA3MR/TF Iceland WLOTA 2975 QSL RV3ACA (d/b)
11/03-13/03  RD3MA/TF Iceland WLOTA 2975 QSL RV3ACA (d/b)
11/03-13/03  RV3ACA/T Iceland WLOTA 2975 QSL RV3ACA (d/b)
11/03-13/03  RZ6AU/TF Iceland WLOTA 2975 QSL RV3ACA (d/b)
11/03-13/03  TF/RK3MWL Iceland WLOTA 2975 QSL RV3ACA (d/b)
11/03-13/03  UA1ANA/TF Iceland WLOTA 2975 QSL RV3ACA (d/b)
11/03-17/03  V25OP Antigua Island WLOTA 1118 QSL W9OP (d/b)
11/03-17/03  V25WY Antigua Island WLOTA 1118 QSL W4OWY (d/b)
13/03-22/03  FJ/F6CMH Saint Barthelemy WLOTA 0377 QSL H/C (d/b)
13/03-31/03  HH2FYD Haiti Island WLOTA 0343 QSL F6FYD (d/b)
13/03-18/03  TF4Y Iceland WLOTA 2975 QSL RV3ACA (d/b)
13/03-17/03  TK/9A2SX Corsica Island WLOTA 1390 QSL Auto bureau
13/03-17/03  TK/9A3AXX Corsica Island WLOTA 1390 QSL Auto bureau
13/03-17/03  TK/9A6XX Corsica Island WLOTA 1390 QSL Auto bureau
13/03-17/03  TK/9A8MM Corsica Island WLOTA 1390 QSL Auto bureau
14/03-21/03  DH8AK/P Marienleuchte FED-016, WLOTA 0637 QSL H/C (d/b)
14/03-21/03  DK4DJ/P Marienleuchte FED-016, WLOTA 0637 QSL H/C (d/b)
14/03-21/03  DK9LB/P Marienleuchte FED-016, WLOTA 0637 QSL H/C (d/b)
14/03-21/03  DO6ELW/P Marienleuchte FED-016, WLOTA 0637 QSL H/C (d/b)
14/03-21/03  DH8AK/P Marienleuchte (Old) FED-151 QSL H/C (d/b)
14/03-21/03  DK4DJ/P Marienleuchte (Old) FED-151 QSL H/C (d/b)
14/03-21/03  DK9LB/P Marienleuchte (Old) FED-151 QSL H/C (d/b)
14/03-21/03  DO6ELW/P Marienleuchte (Old) FED-151 QSL H/C (d/b)
14/03-23/03  K3TRM/6Y5 Jamaika Island WLOTA 0214 QSL H/C (d/b)
73 and Good DX!
Dave Raycroft - VA3RJ
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