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IK2XDE > DXNEWS   12.12.08 19:20l 205 Lines 12171 Bytes #999 (0) @ ITA
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13 December 2008                                          A.R.I. DX Bulletin

                                   No 919
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  DX  INFORMATION  ****
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                        Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW

5W     - Lars, SM6CUK has been active as 5W0UK from Samoa (OC-097) since  12
         December and will remain there until the 16th. He  operates  CW  in
         his spare time on all bands, 160m  excluded.  QSL  via  home  call.
         [TNX The Daily DX]
6W     - William, F1TZG will be active as 6W/F1TZG  from  Senegal  on  12-14
         December. He operates SSB on the HF bands and  6  metres.  QSL  via
         home call. [TNX F1TZG]
A3     - Kawe,  W6ZL  might  be  active  again  as  A35KL  from  Foa  Island
         (OC-169), Tonga between 00 UTC on 17 December and  18  UTC  on  the
         19th. QSL via home call.
C5     - Niels, OZ8KR will be active  as  C56KR  from  The  Gambia  on  9-14
         January and again from 23 January to 4 February.  He  will  operate
         SSB on 40-10 metres, with wire antennas from  a  seaside  location.
         QSL via home call. [TNX OZ8KR]
C9     - Filip/ON4AEO, Jose/ON4CJK, Kath/ON7BK, Adele/ZR6APT,  Lucas/ZS6ACT,
         Sid/ZS6AYC and Gert/ZS6GC will be active as C91FC  from  Mozambique
         on 9-13 April. They plan to operate on  all  bands  SSB,  RTTY  and
         possibly CW. QSL via ON4CJK, direct or bureau. Their website is  at [TNX ON4AEO]
CN     - Special "happy new year" callsign CN89NY will be aired from Morocco
         from  21  December  to  31  January.  The  operators will be  CN2DX
         (HB9HLM),  CN2CV (HB9CVC),  CN8PA and others.  QSL via EA7FTR. [TNX
CX     - A large group of operators from the Radio Grupo Sur will be  active
         as CV5A from Flores Island (SA-030) on 22-26 January. They plan  to
         operate on various bands and modes,  with  monoband  beam  antennas
         and a station dedicated to RTTY and PSK31.  QSL  via  CX2ABC.  [TNX
F_ant  - Nicolas, FT5YI [425DXN 916] says he enjoyed a wonderful propagation
         on 11 December and will be QRV again on  Saturday (13 December)  on
         the "same hours and frequencies".  On the 11th he  started around 7
         UTC  on  14267 kHz,  then  moved  to  7090 kHz around 11.30 UTC and
         finally returned on 20m for a "non stop activity" during his night,
         between 14 UTC and 18.45 UTC. Nicolas expects to go QRT from Dumont
         d'Urville  Base  (Petrel Island,  AN-017) 19 December. QSL via home
         call (F4EGX), direct or bureau.
F      - Celebrating the fifth victory in  a  row  by  the  French  team  of
         Sebastien Loeb and Daniel Elena in the  World  Rally  Championship,
         special event station TM5WRC will be active from 21 December  to  3
         January on all bands and modes. QSL via F4ELU,  direct  or  bureau.
         [TNX F5NQL]
FH     - Phil,  G3SWH  and  Richard,  G3RWL  will  be  active  from  Mayotte
         (AF-027) between 26 February and 5 March. Both  of  them  will  use
         the single callsign of FH/G3SWH, and their activity will be  mainly
         on 80-10 metres CW. Subject to QRN and site conditions,  there  may
         be some 160m CW activity, and Richard may also  operate  some  RTTY
         and/or PSK31. They plan to have two stations  on  the  air  for  as
         many hours every day as possible. QSL via G3SWH, direct  or  bureau
         (on-line  form   for    bureau    cards    can    be    found    at [TNX G3SWH]
H4     - Mike/KM9D (H44MY)  and  Jan/KF4TUG  (H44TO)  departed  Ontong  Java
         (OC-192) and are now bound for Ghizo,  in  the  New  Georgia  group
         (OC-149)  of  the  Solomon  Islands.  Track  their   position    at
HK0_sa - Cal/WF5W, Mike/K5UO and Rob/HK3CW will be active as 5K0CW from  San
         Andres Island (NA-033) on 21-28 January, including an entry in  the
         CQ WW 160-Meter DX CW  Contest  (23-25  January).  After  the  160m
         event they should be on other bands (CW and maybe RTTY) during  the
         daylight hours. QSL via W5PF. The logs will be  uploaded  to  LoTW.
         [TNX W9DX]
HR     - Paolo, IK2QPR will be  active  as  HR9/IK2QPR  from  Roatan  Island
         (NA-057) on 4-12 January. He will  operate  holiday  style  on  all
         bands mainly SSB. QSL via home call, direct or bureau. [TNX IK2QPR]
I      - II2IGTO  will  be  active from the submarine "Toti" at the National
         Museum of Science and Technology in Milan on 20-21 December for the
         International Naval Contest, organised this year by the Royal Naval
         Amateur Radio  Society  (  QSL via  IQ2MI,
         direct or bureau. [TNX IT9MRM]
SP_ssh - Janusz, SP9YI is now active  as  HF0APAS  from  the  Polish  Henryk
         Arctowski Station on King George Island, South Shetlands  (AN-010).
         According to  SP9JPA,  he  should  remain  there  until  around  12
         January. QSL via home call.
T32    - Toshi, T31DX went QRT from Central Kiribati on  9  December  around
         16 UTC.  He  is  now  going  to  Christmas  Island  (OC-024),  East
         Kiribati, where he should  arrive  around  19-20  December  and  be
         active as T32YY for 5-7 days. QSL direct to JA8BMK. [TNX The  Daily
T8     - Mike/JA6EGL (T88SM),  Yas/JA6UBY  (T88CP),  Yu/JE6DND  (T88HK)  and
         Hiro/JA6KYU (T88HS) will be  active  from  Koror  Island,  (OC-009)
         Palau on 16-18 January. They plan to operate CW and  SSB  on  80-10
         metres. QSL via home calls, direct only. [TNX JN6RZM]
UA     - UA9XC, UA9XF, UA9XLC and UA9XTL will be active as RI1OTA  from  the
         Solovetskiy Islands (EU-066) on  15-19  December.  QSL  via  UA9XC,
         direct or bureau. [TNX]
VP8_fal- Ghis, ON5NT  has  retired  and  says  that  "it's time now to start
         travelling with the XYL". He will be touring  the Falkland  Islands
         (SA-002)  from 31 January to 7 February, and will operate as VP8DLQ
         mostly  during  the local  evening hours.  QSL via ON5NT, direct or
         bureau. [TNX ON5NT]
XU     - Peter, NO2R will be active again as XU7ACY from  Cambodia  starting
         around 20 December for about 6 weeks. He will  concentrate  on  40,
         80 and 160 metres. He also  hopes  to  join  up  with  Wim,  XU7TZG
         (XU7KOH) for an activity from Koh Russei (Bamboo  Island,  AS-133).
         QSL XU7ACY via W2EN and QSL XU7KOH via ON7PP. [TNX The Daily DX]

HIMALAYAN TRIP ---> Frank, I2DMI will be visiting Bhutan and  Nepal  between
late  December and early January. He will operate RTTY  only  as A52RY  from
Thimphu,  Bhutan on 22-31 December, probably between 01-03 UTC and 12-19 UTC
on a daily basis. Suggested frequencies are 3582, 7040, 10142, 14082, 18102,
21082,  24922  and  28082 kHz. He will then be in Nepal until 5 January.  He
plans to operate 9N7DMI  or  N7RY (callsign to be confirmed upon arrival) on
the same frequencies and at the  same times.  QSL via home  call, direct  or
bureau. The logs will be uploaded to LoTW.

                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  GOOD TO KNOW ... ****
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                        Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW

425 DX NEWS  MAGAZINE  --->  The  latest  issue  (November  2008)  is    now
available   at    Articles  and
pictures should be sent to Nicola Baldresca, IZ3EBA.

APPEAL FOR HELP ---> "Vlad, 4K9W needs our  help",  Axel  Schernikau(DL6KVA,
Vlad's QSL manager) says. "Being an invalid, after the loss of  his  mother,
Vlad needs to arrange a continued care by his own to keep having a  more  or
less normal life and to enjoy our great hobby  on  air".  More  details  and
contact information can be found at

QSL VIA LY5W ---> Saulius, LY5W says he still has logs  and  cards  for  his
previous callsigns and activities: LY10DR, LY1DR,  LY2BIM,  LY61DR,  LY75DR,
LY91DR, LY95DR, LY98DR and UP2BIM, besides the callsigns he used  this  year
(LY600W, LY755W and LY70W).  The  address  for  direct  QSLling  is  Saulius
Zalnerauskas, P.O. Box 1081, Kaunas LT-49005, Lithuania.

VP2V/G6AY ---> There has been a pirate station using the call  VP2V/G6AY  on
CW over the last few weeks, and both  G3RTE  and  G3SWH  have  received  QSL
requests from numerous stations. VP2V/G6AY was the  special  call  of  their
February 2006 DXpedition and has not been activated since, neither  do  they
have any current plans to re-activate the call.  All QSL  requests  received
to date have been returned with an explanatory note. [TNX G3SWH]

+ SILENT KEYS + Joseph S. Raihshtain (RD4HF, formerly known as 4K6GF,  UD6GF
and UD6DLJ) passed away on 7 December. First licensed  in  1955,  he  was  a
doyen of amateur radio with more than 250,000 QSOs in his logs.


QSLs received direct or  through  managers:  1A4A,  3B8CF,  3D2YA  (OC-121),
3DA0VB, 3V8BB, 4L0A, 4L0B,  4S7NE,  5H3VMB  (AF-074),  5J0E,  5W0HH,  5W0HH,
5X1VB, 5Z4/RW1AU, 5Z4/UA4WHX,  6W1SE,  7P8ZZ,  7Q7VB,  8Q7KK,  8Q7XR,  8R1K,
9J1VB, 9L1X (AF-056), 9U0VB, A25/DL7DF, BT1OB, BT1OH, BT1OJ,  BT1OY,  BX5AA,
BY1TX/4  (AS-146),  C91VB/4  (AF-103),  C91VB/6    (AF-088),    CE0Y/JJ2NYT,
CE0Z/DL2AH,  CN2DX,  CN2IPA,  CN2R,  CQ35MD,  CT3FQ,  CU2/F5LMJ/p  (EU-175),
D20VB, D60VB, DR1A,  EK6TA,  EL2DX,  EP3SMH,  ER4DX,  ER5GB,  ES1QD,  ET3JA,
ET3SID,  EW1AR,  EW2AA,  FJ/SP7VC  (NA-146),  FK/FO5RK,  FK8GX,   FO/HA9G/p,
FO/JJ2NYT, FW1W, GB2CI (EU-124), GW3YDX,  H40MY  (OC-163),  H44TO  (OC-192),
H7/AJ9C,  H7/NP3D,  HB9ATA,  HC2SL,  HD5J,  HG6N,  HR9/WQ7R,  HZ1PS,  IF9ZWA
(EU-054), IM0MBP (EU-165), IM0QMA (EU-041), JA6GCE/HC5, JA6SOV/HC5,  JD1BMM,
JX/G7VJR, JX/SQ4MP, JY4NE, K9AJ/VY0 (NA-229), KC0VEU/VY0  (NA-008),  KH6LEM,
MU0FAL, OA4WW, OJ0J, ON4ATW, OX3KQ, OX3XR,  P29NI  (OC-181),  PY0FF,  R1FJT,
RA2FF, S79TF, S92FM, SU8BHI,  T22ZL,  T88ZF,  TG9NX,  TM0G  (EU-048),  TO5DX
(NA-146), TU2CI, UK8FF, UN5J, UN7J, V73ZF, V8FRO, VE1CJB  (NA-010),  VE7IG/9
(NA-068), VE8RCS/VY0 (NA-008), VK1AA/2 (OC-223), VK9CNC,  VO2A  (NA-194  and
NA-205), VP2EFB, VP6DX, VY2ZM, WH0DX, WH2DX,  XE2WWW,  XR7A  (SA-043),  XR7W
(SA-053), XU7ABN, XU7KOH  (AS-133),  XU7MDY,  XU7TZG,  XW1IC,  XW3DT,  YA6F,
YJ0AQY,  YJ0AVE,  YN2/EW1AR,  YU8AU,  Z2/UA4WHX,    ZC4VJ,    ZF1DX,  ZF2JO,


               425 DX News is a free of charge weekly bulletin
      edited by Valeria Pregliasco, IK1ADH and Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ

            Its contents may be used, reproduced and distributed
                        in part or full provided that
               "425 DX News" or "425DXN" receive proper credit

          Contributors are invited to send their DX information to
                 Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ (
                      The deadline is 12 UTC on Fridays


                           Direttore Responsabile
                            Gabriele Villa, I2VGW
               Giornalista Professionista - Tessera n. 057216
                      Ordine Nazionale dei Giornalisti
                                Roma, Italia


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