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[San Dona' di P. JN]

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LU7DR  > ICPO     03.03.08 00:00l 628 Lines 33131 Bytes #999 (0) @ WW
BID : 29554_LU7DR
Subj: [ICPO] ICPO Bulletin (February 28-March 07, 2008)
Sent: 080302/1828Z @:LU7DR.8103.BA.ARG.SA #:29554 [Ing. White] FBB7.00g
From: LU7DR@LU7DR.8103.BA.ARG.SA

I.C.P.O. Bulletin (February 28-March 07, 2008)
Islands, Castles & Portable Operations.
Listing is by calendar date (day/month/year)
25/02/2008:  Chad, WE9V will be active as PJ2/WE9V from Signal Point,
Curacao (SA-006, WLOTA LH-0942, WW Loc. FK52KG) between February 25th
and March 4th. QRV 160-6m, including a Single-Op/All-Band/High-Power
entry in the ARRL DX SSB Contest (March 1-2nd). He will be monitoring
50.110MHz USB 24/7 and will be using a FT-100 at 100W into a Cushcraft 5
element yagi up 85 feet on 6m. QSL via home call, direct or bureau or
LoTW. [NG3K]

27/02/2008:  Colin, WA2YUN is on work assignment on Wake Atoll (OC-053,
USi OI-012S, WLOTA LH-2293) for an extended period. He will be operating
as time permits as WA2YUN/KH9. QSL via K2PF. [K2PF]

28/02/2008:  A group of six members of the Texas DX Society plan to
operate from San Andrés Island (HK0, NA-033, WLOTA LH-2990) using
HK0/homecalls, February 28th to March 5th. This will include an entry in
the ARRL International DX Contest (March 1-2nd) using the special
contest call 5J0E. The group will use two separate stations with beam
and vertical antennas. After the contest, operators will use individual
call signs on SSB, CW and digital modes on major HF bands. They will
make a extra effort on RTTY all bands and 160m. Operators mentioned are
Cal/WF5W, Paul/W5PF, Bill/K5WAF, Keith/NM5G, Chuck/W5PR, and Jim/N4AL.
W5PF is the QSL Manager for all call signs used. After the operation
logs will be uploaded to LoTW. Further information can be found at: [TDXS & OPDX Bulletin]

28/02/2008:  Jean Claude, (J28JA) and Mala, J20MD are going to the Arta
Piton (about 800m asl), over the Goubhet Gorges, in Djibouti on February
28th. They will set up an 83 meter round loop. At nignt they will try to
be active on 80 and 160m QRP. Activity will last until the evening of
February 29th. QSL J28JA via F5JFU and QSL J20MB via F4FMI. [F5NQL]

28/02/2008:  Operators Mike/W1USN, Bob/AA1M and Scott/W1SSR will be
operating as V4/homecall from the island of St. Kitts (NA-104) starting
February 28th until March 2008. They will be using CW, SSB and PSK on
160m to 10m. QSL via CBA. [OPDX]

28/02/2008:  Roberto, IV3IYH will be active as H7/IV3IYH from Nicaragua,
February 28th to March 11th, including an entry in the ARRL DX SSB
Contest (March 1-2nd) as HT2N. Outside the contest activity will be
mostly CW with and emphasis on 12, 17, 30 meters and the low bands. QSL
both call signs via IK2ILH, direct or bureau. E-mail requests for bureau
cards can be sent to [425 DX News]

29/02/2008:  Look for RA1OTA/6 to be active February 29th, starting
around 0700 UTC, from RDA district CN-22 (Shalinsky area), Republic
Chechnya (CN). QSL via home call, direct or bureau. [RA9FDR]

29/02/2008:  Team RK3IWT will be active February 29th as RK3IWT/p from
o.Peschanyy Island (RR-22-New One, not IOTA), located in RDA district
TV-20 (Ves'egonsky area), Tverskaya oblast (TV for "Rossija award",
oblast #126). Operators mentioned are Dima/UA3IAB, Sasha/UA3IHP and
Vlad/RV3IB. QRV 40 and 20 meter CW and SSB. QSL via RV3IB. [RA9FDR]

01/03/2008:  Operators David/KY1V, Mike/K9NW and Tony/W4OI will be a
Multi-Single entry in the ARRL DX SSB Contest from the 6Y1V QTH in
Hopewell, Jamaica (NA-097, WLOTA LH-0214). QSL via OH3RB, direct
preferred but bureau is ok. [NG3K]

01/03/2008:  Tom, W2SC will be QRV as 8P1A in the ARRL DX SSB Contest
(March 1-2nd) from Barbados (NA-021, also count for WLOTA LH-0999), as a
Single-Op/All-Band/High-Power entry. QSL via NN1N. [NG3K]

01/03/2008:  Expect BU2AI to operate again as BU2AI/9 from the Matsu
Islands (AS-113) and Tungchu-Tao lighthouse (ARLHS TAI-032) from March
1-20th. He operates CW and SSB in his spare time, and during his first
activity (February 5-19th) he made some 1200 QSOs. QSL via home call,
direct or bureau. Please visit
for updates. [425 DX News]

01/03/2008:  Operators Tom/N1GN and Bill/NE1B will be active as C6ANM
from New Providence Island [Nassau] (NA-001, WLOTA LH-1115) during the
ARRL DX SSB Contest, as a Multi-Single entry. QSL via LoTW. [NG3K]

01/03/2008:  Jose, CT3DZ will be active as from Madeira Island (AF-014,
DIP MA-001 for the Portuguese Islands Award, WLOTA LH-0053), as a
Single-Op/Single-Band(80m)/High-Power entry in the ARRL DX SSB Contest.
QSL via the bureau, LoTW or eQSL. [NG3K]

01/03/2008:  Miguel, CT3IA will be QRV from Madeira Island (AF-014, DIP
MA-001 for the Portuguese Islands Award, WLOTA LH-0053), as a
Single-Op/Single-Band(160)/High-Power entry in the ARRL DX SSB Contest.
QSL via the bureau, LoTW or eQSL. [NG3K]

01/03/2008:  The Radiogrupo Sur Team will be active as CV5K, a
Multi-Single entry in the ARRL DX SSB Contest, from Montevideo, Uruguay.
QSL via CX2ABC. Web site: [NG3K]

01/03/2008:  Grupo DX Gran Canaria members will be active as EA8ZS
during the ARRL DX SSB Contest, as a Multi-Single entry from Santa María
de Guía, Las Palmas, Isla de Gran Canaria (AF-004, DIE S-005, WLOTA
LH-0969). QSL via EA8ZS, direct or bureau. [NG3K]

01/03/2008:  Craig, AH8DX will be active as FJ/AH8DX from St. Barthelemy
Island (NA-146, DIFO FJ-001, WLOTA LH-0377) during the ARRL DX SSB
Contest, as a Single-Op/All-Band entry. Also QRV RTTY and WARC before
and after the contest. QSL via home call ( [NG3K]

01/03/2008:  Rich, N6KT will be active from El Junco, Isla de San
Cristobal (WLOTA LH-0094), Galapagos Islands (SA-004) as HC8A, a
Single-Op/All-Band/High-Power entry in the ARRL DX SSB Contest. QSL via
KU9C, direct or bureau. [NG3K]

01/03/2008:  Dan, HR2DMR will be QRV for the ARRL DX SSB Contest (March
1-2nd) from El Progreso (WW Loc. EK65CJ), Honduras, as a
Single-Op/All-Band/High-Power entry. He will use monobander antennas
exclusively. QSL via HR2DMR, direct or by the bureau. [NG3K]

01/03/2008:  Operators Marcello/IT9ABY, John/IT9DQM, Sal/IT9HUV and
Joe/IT9RBW will be active as IR9Y from Sicily (EU-025, IIA SC-001, MIA
MI-107, WLOTA LH-1362) during the ARRL DX SSB Contest, as a Multi-Single
entry. QSL via IT9ABY. [OPDX Bulletin]

01/03/2008:  Dave, G3TBK will be QRV from Kingstown, island of St.
Vincent (NA-109, WLOTA LH-0492, WW Loc. FK93JD) as J88DR for the ARRL DX
SSB Contest, a Single-Op/All-Band/Low-Power entry. Outside the contest
for the following week he will be QRV CW/SSB/RTTY/SSTV on all bands. QSL
via G3TBK. [NG3K]

01/03/2008:  Look for Naran, JT1BV to be active from Ulaanbaatar,
Mongolia, in the ARRL DX SSB Contest as a Single-Op/All-Band/High-Power
entry. QSL direct only ( [NG3K]

01/03/2008:  Look for Frans, ON4LBN/p to be QRV on March 1st, 80 and 40m
SSB, from the Castle Bel Air (BCA reference NM-027, for the Belgium
Castles Award). QSL via home call, direct or bureau. [ON4LBN]

01/03/2008:  Kelly, N0VD, will be active from Villa Desert Palm, Bonaire
(SA-006, also count for WLOTA LH-1279) as PJ4/N0VD between March 1-8th.
This is primarily a business trip so activity will be as time permits.
QSL to W3HNK. Kelly is working on building a DX/Contest rental QTH on
Bonaire. The Villa Desert Palm Web site can be found at: [OPDX Bulletin]

01/03/2008:  Members of the T49C crew will use the callsign T40C from
Cuba (NA-015, WLOTA LH-0032) as their call for the ARRL International DX
SSB Contest (March 1-2nd) as a Multi-Op-Single entry from CO2II's QTH.
Operators mentioned are: George/CO2II, Oscar/CO2OJ, Bob/CM2KL,
Osmany/CM2OY and Winty/CO2WF. QSL via N1KI. [OPDX Bulletin]

01/03/2008:  Siggi, TF3CW will put Iceland (EU-021, WLOTA LH-2975) on
air during the ARRL DX SSB Contest as a Single-Op/Single-Band(20m)
entry. QSL via LX1NO. [NG3K]

01/03/2008:  12 members of the Southeastern DX Club will be operating
TI50DX (Tango India Five Zero Delta Xray) during the upcoming ARRL DX
SSB Contest (March 1-2nd) from Costa Rica. This activity is part of the
celebration of the SEDXC's 50th anniversary. QSL via N4NX (William T
Barr, 355 Westerhall Ct., Atlanta, GA 30328 USA). Look for the operators
to be using their individual call signs prior to the contest. [NG3K]

01/03/2008:  Al, F5VHJ will be QRV as a Single-Op/All-Band/High-Power
entry in the ARRL DX SSB Contest (March 1-2nd) using the call sign TO5A
from the island of Martinique (NA-107, DIFO FM-001, WLOTA LH-1041). QSL
via F5VHJ. [NG3K]

01/03/2008:  Chris, M0AJT will be active as V26CC from the island of
Antigua (NA-100, also count for WLOTA LH-1118), March 1-14th. He will
also be QRV in the BERU (Commonwealth) Contest (March 8-9th) from the
Cable & Wireless site located at Boggy Peak on top of highest hill on
the island. Outside of contest he will be QRV from the hotel, mainly CW
with some SSB, using a FT-900AT, 100 watts into Butternut multiband
vertical. QSL via home call. [Pete's-DX-Newsdesk]

01/03/2008:  Charlie/K1XX and Marty/W1MD (V26F) will be active from
Antigua (NA-100, WLOTA LH-1118) for the ARRL DX SSB Contest (March
1-2nd) as V26X, a Multi-Single entry. QSL via K1XX. [NG3K]

01/03/2008:  Operators Rustam/UU2JQ and Eugene/UU5DX will be active from
the Ukraine as UU5A during the ARRL DX SSB Contest (March 1-2nd) as a
Multi-Single entry. QSL via K2PF. [OPDX Bulletin]

01/03/2008:  Look for Kurt, W6PH to be signing VP9/W6PH from the VP9GE
QTH in Hamilton Parish, Bermuda (NA-005, WLOTA LH-0201), as a
Single-Op/All-Band/Low-Power entry in the ARRL DX SSB Contest (March
1-2nd). QSL via home call, direct only. [NG3K]

01/03/2008:  Look for Larry, XW1A to be active from Vientiane Province,
Laos, for the ARRL DX SSB Contest (March 1-2nd), as a
Single-Op/High-Power entry. QSL via E21EIC, direct preferred but bureau
ok. [NG3K]

03/03/2008:  Pascal, F5JSD is travelling to China and will visit the
Shanghai BY4AA ARC hams. He has a Chinese operator ticket and hopes to
be active for one or two hours, on March 3rd, between 0600 and 0900z,
from this ARC, using the call sign F5JSD/BY4AA. Probably on 20m CW. Stay
tuned and watch the DX clusters. [F5NQL]

03/03/2008:  Jean-Pierre, F5HIJ will sign FR/F5HIJ from Bernica, near
Saint-Paul, Reunion Island (AF-016, DIFO FR-001 for the French Overseas
Islands Award, also count for WLOTA LH-1812), March 3-31st. FT-897 and
2x20m dipole, QRV evenings between 1800 to 2000 UTC. QSL via home call.

03/03/2008:  Nick, G4FAL will be active March 3-10th from the island of
St. Kitts (NA-104), including an entry in the RSGB Commonwealth Contest
(March 8-9th). His call is likely to be V4/G4FAL, and he plans to
operate mainly CW on 80, 40, 20, 15 and 10 meters. QSL via home call.
[425 DX News]

03/03/2008:  John/K8UP and Marsha/N8FE will be visiting their new
granddaughter and son James/VK4TJF and his family in Murrumba Downs,
Brisbane, Australia (OC-001, also count for WLOTA LH-1520). They will
use the call signs VK4AIJ and VK4AII respectively. QRV holiday style
from March 3-13th on 20, 15 and 20 meter SSB. Logs will be uploaded to
LoTW but they are avid card collectors and will answer 100%. QSL via
N8FE via the info on [K1XN & GoList]

03/03/2008:  Bill/KE4KQQ, Chris/KI4RVH and Brad/AG4MB will be active
March 3-7th as W4U from Ocean Isle Beach (USi NC-011S, Not IOTA,
Brunswick county), North Carolina. This activity will also celebrate the
"Public Kite Lifted Antenna Demonstration In honor of Gorge Pocock"
special event. QRV on or near 28.390, 14.245, 7.250, and 3.900 MHz SSB.
They may try some 60 meters on 5.371.5 and 5.403.5 MHz in the evening.
QSL via KI4RVH, direct or bureau or eQSL. For Direct QSL in the US
please include an SASE and send to KI4RVH. [USi]

05/03/2008:  Geoff, W0CG + Cindy and others will be QRV as PJ2DX from
Signal Point, island of Curacao (SA-006, also count for WLOTA LH-0942)
between March 5-18th. Look for activity on all bands and modes. They
also monitor 50.110MHz USB (24/7), with FT-100 at 100W and Cushcraft 5el
yagi at 85 feet. QSL via home call. [CCC]

06/03/2008:  Rosel, DL3KWR and Hardy, DL3KWF will be active again as
CT3/DL3KWR and CT3/DL3KWF from Madeira Island (AF-014, DIP MA-001, WLOTA
LH-0053) between March 6-20th. They plan to operate mostly CW and
digital modes on 12, 17 and 30 meters. Hardy will try also in RTTY and
PSK-31. QSL via home calls. E-mail requests for bureau cards can be sent
to: dl3kwr -at- or dl3kwf -at- respectively. [425 DX

06/03/2008:  Bernhard/DL2GAC, and Hermann/DL2NUD will be QRV March 6 to
April 4th as H44MS and H44HP respectively from Honiara, Guadalcanal
Island (WLOTA:0086, Grid QI90), Solomon Islands (OC-047). They will be
QRV on HF and 144MHz EME. The rig on 144MHz will be a single 18el M2 and
a BEKO HLV1500 amplifier. Maybe some side-locator will be activated as
well. QSL via the information at [MMMonVHF]

06/03/2008:  Members of the Palos Verdes Amateur Radio Club will be
operating as K6PV from the settlement of Two Harbors on Santa Catalina
Island (NA-066, USi CA-016S, Los Angeles county), California, between
2200z March 6th to 2300z March 10th. Principal operations will be on
20m, 40m and 75m SSB. QSL direct to K6PV ( More info at: [RSGB IOTA]

07/03/2008:  John, N7CQQ reports that the TX5C Clipperton 2008 team
received their Landing Permit from the French Polynesia authorities. The
TX5C Dxpedition will operate as *FO5A/mm* from the Shogun while on route
to Clipperton Atoll. Departure date is February 28, but it is possible
the team will be able to leave on the 27th, arriving on Clipperton
(NA-011, DIFO FO-001, Grid DK50) on March 7+-. They are planning to
operate 10 days depending on conditions, all bands and modes 160-6m. On
6m they will monitor 50.127MHz USB and use a 4 element yagi. Operators
include Bob/N6OX, John/N7CQQ, Dave/K4SV, Bill/N2WB, Arnie/N6HC,
Paul/W8AEF, Ann/WA1S, Steve/K6SGH, Al/K3VN, Dave/VE7VR,
Jean-Pierre/F5AHO, Joel/F5PAC, Alan/AD6E, Neil/VA7DX, Alan/F6BFH and YL
Danielle, Gerard/F2JD, Jim/F5JY, Maryse/F8FDN, Michel/FM5CD and
Laurent/F6FVY. QSL via N7CQQ, direct (P.O. Box 31553, Laughlin, Nevada
89028, USA) or bureau. Keep an eye on the 2008 Clipperton Island
DXpedition Web site at: [Pete's-DX-Newsdesk]

Be sure to check Bill's (NG3K) Web site for updated ARRL DX SSB Contest
activity at:

11/03/2008:  Mustapha, DL1BDF will be active March 11-19th from SU0ARA
(EARA ARC) Cairo, Egypt. QRV all HF bands. For the first time there
could be some activity on the 80m band (permission is pending). Usually,
in Egypt, that band is reserved to the military authorities. QSL via

11/03/2008:  Operators Alex/RA3MR, Artem/RD3MA, Dmitry/RA3MF, Helen
(YL)/RV3ACA, Valery/RZ6AU and Serge/UA1ANA will be active March 11-18th
from Iceland (EU-021, WLOTA LH-2975). Between March 11-13th they will
sign TF/RK3MWL and homecalls/TF. Between March 13-18th they will use the
contest call TF4Y for the Russian DX Contest (March 15-16th). Outside
the contest focus will be on the low and WARC bands. QSL via RV3ACA.

13/03/2008:  Radioclub Pazin (9A7P) members Dragan/9A2SX, Igor/9A3AXX,
Hrle/9A6XX and Marko/9A8MM will be active March 13-17th from the island
of Corsica (EU-014, DIFM TK-001, MIA MCO-001, WLOTA LH-1390), including
an entry in the Russian DX Contest (March 15-16th) as TK/9A8MM. QRV as
TK/homecall on 80-10m using TS440S + FT857D, SB-220, 2 laptops,
Spiderbeam (20, 15, 10m) and Inv Vee on 40m, 80m. They will be located
in the Sisco valley in the north part of the island, just outside
Bastia, which is their arrival port. All QSL cards will be sent via
bureau as for the previous two operations. You don't have to send your
QSL cards to them. More info at:
[Southgate ARC]

14/03/2008:  Operators Axel/DH8AK, Sebastian/DO6ELW, Dirk/DK4DJ and
Henning/DK9LB will be active as homecall/p from Fehmarn Island (EU-128,
O-01 for the German Islands Award) from March 14-21st. They will also
activate two lighthouses: Marienleuchte - Old Tower (ARLHS FED-151) and
Marienleuchte - New Tower (ARLHS FED-016, WLOTA LH-0637). QRV 80-10m
SSB/PSK31 and 2m SSB. QSL via home calls, direct or by the bureau. [RSGB

17/03/2008:  Alex/YV5SSB, Jose/YV5TX and possibly others will be active
as YN2YV from Granada (WW Loc. EK71XU), Nicaragua, March 17-21st. Plans
are to have at least two stations 160-10 metres, plus 60 and 6 meters.
On 6M they will be using a 3 element quad and iCOM 706-MKIIG, monitoring
50.110MHz. Experienced CW and/or RTTY operators who may be willing to
join the team are invited to send an e-mail to; further
information can be found at: QSL via IT9DAA. Logs
will be uploaded to LoTW. [425 DX News]

18/03/2008:  Ulli, DL2AH will be active holiday style as CE0Z/DL2AH from
Isla Robinson Crusoe (DICE ICE-004, WLOTA LH-0153) Juan Fernandez
Archipelago (SA-005), March 18th to April 7th. Activity will be mainly
40-10m SSB and RTTY using a FT897 and Windom antenna. QSL via DL2AH,
direct ( or by the bureau. [NG3K]

20/03/2008:  Kevan, 2E0WMG and Mark, M0MJH will be active from the Isle
of Jersey (EU-013, WLOTA LH-0818) as 2J0WMG and MJ0MJH, respectively,
between March 20th and 26th. They also hope to activate Les Minquiers
Reef (EU-099) during their trip. Note: If heard or worked, 2J0WMG is
valid for the ISWL's Monitor Award. The QSL route will be via our home
calls as on [Pete's-DX-Newsdesk]

20/03/2008:  Jack, F6BUM ( will be active again as 3W3M
from Vietnam between March 20th and April 2nd. He plans to operate SSB
and CW with 100 watts into a vertical antenna from the following three
islands: March 20 (1000 UTC) - March 23 (0600 UTC) from Con Cô (AS-185,
new one); March 25 (0800 UTC) - March 28 (0600 UTC) from Phu Quoc
(AS-128); March 29 (1000 UTC) - April 2 (0600 UTC) from Dao Con
(AS-130). Expect activity on 40, 30, 20, 17, 15, 12 and 10 meters. QSL
via F6BUM, direct or bureau. [425 DX News]

22/03/2008:  Ed, N1UR and his xyl Christine, KB1PQN will be active from
Layang-Layang Island, Spratly Islands (AS-051) between 0800 UTC March 22
and 0000 UTC March 30. They already have licenses for 9M6/N1UR and
9M6/KB1PQN. When the get permission from the Navy, they will apply for a
special 9M0 call. QRV 160-10m, using CW and SSB. QSL via K2RET (Bob
Tomkovich, Jr., 405 Hemlock Dr., Lanoka Harbor, NJ 08734 USA). Further
information can be found at: [NG3K]

23/03/2008:  Operators Leigh/WA5ZNU (ZF2NU), Yuki/K6YUU (ZF2UU),
Hunter/KI6IMM (ZF2IM) and Becky/K6BEC (ZF2BE) will be active March
23-31st from Seven-Mile Beach on Grand Cayman Island (NA-016, also count
for WLOTA LH-1042, WW Loc. EK99HI). Modes will be CW, SSB, PSK, RTTY.
Equipment consists of Elecraft K3/100, Cushcraft R6 multi band vertical
(20 to 6 meters), 106 foot +/- long wire antenna. The 6m frequency will
be 50.110 MHz USB. QSL via the operators home call. Further information,
along with updates and frequencies can be found at: [N8OFS]

24/03/2008:  Ela/DL1TM and Tor/DJ4MG will be active as OZ/homecalls from
Ingstrup (JO47UH), Nordjylland Island (EU-171, NJ-001 for the Danish
Islands Award), Denmark, March 24-April 10th. QRV on 2m SSB with 100W
and 11 element yagi at 16m over ground level. They will also be active
in the Nordic Activity Contest. QSL via home calls, direct or bureau.

26/03/2008:  John, W5JON will be active again as V31FB from San Pedro,
Ambergris Caye (NA-073, WW Loc. EK67AW), Belize, from March 26-31st. QRV
on 6-160 meter SSB, including a Single-Op/All-Band entry in the CQ WPX
SSB Contest (March 29-30th). Equipment will be ICOM IC-7000, RM Italy
KL-400 amplifier (400 Watts), Alpha Delta 10-160 meter dipoles and 3
element yagi on 6 meters. QSL via home call. [NG3K]

26/03/2008:  John, VK6HZ will once again be operating holiday style as
VK6ARI from Rottnest Island (OC-164, WLOTA LH-2197) between March 26th
and April 4th, including an entry in the 2008 CQ WPX Contest. Equipment
will be IC-7000 and Buddiepole. Online log may be available during the
trip (he will confirm closer to the time). QSL via home call, direct
(John Ferrington, 54 View St., North Perth, WA 6006, Australia) or by
the bureau. Further details at:

27/03/2008:  Dave, W5CW will be active March 27th to April 9th as
VP5/W5CW from the VP5JM 'Hamlet' on Providenciales (NA-002), Turks &
Caicos Islands, including a Single-Op/All-Band entry in the CQWW WPX SSB
Contest (March 29-30th) using the special call VQ58V. Outside the
contest Dave will be QRV 160-6m (including WARC bands), using CW and
SSB. On 6m he will use a M2 7 element yagi at 30 feet (Grid FL31VS). All
QSLs via W5CW. [NG3K]

29/03/2008:  Helmut, DF7ZS will be active from Santana, Ilha da Madeira
(AF-014, DIP MA-001 for the Portuguese Islands Award, WLOTA LH-0053) as
CS9L (or CT9L) during the CQWW WPX SSB Contest (March 29-30th) as a
Single-Op/High-Power entry. He is also planing some pre and post contest
operation, if time permits, as CT3/DF7ZS. QSL via home call, direct or
bureau. [NG3K]

30/03/2008:  Franck F4DBJ, will be active March 30th to April 17th as
5R8HT from Ivato, Madagascar (AF-013, also count for WLOTA LH-2455).
Look for activity 80-10m holiday style. He also plans to be active from
Nattes Island (AF-090, WLOTA LH-0100). QSL via home call. [F5NQL]

01/04/2008:  Look for Nobby, G0VJG to be active from the island of
Montserrat (NA-103, Grid Grid FK86), April 1-3rd, as VP2MAD. QRV on all
HF bands, plus 6m, SSB only. QSL via G4DFI, direct only. [NG3K]

12/04/2008:  Maarten, PA3GZU will be active from Mindanao Island
(OC-130, WLOTA LH-2803, WW Loc. PJ27UH) between April 12th and May 12th
using the call sign DU9/PA3GZU. QRV mainly 20m 14.260 MHz USB, 14.070
MHz BPSK31. Maarten is on holiday so he will be QRV when time and
conditions let him. Most activity is expected end of April and first
week of May. QSL via home call, bureau preferred. [RSGB IOTA]

20/04/2008:  Date Correction - Kevan, 2E0WMG and Mark, M0MJH will be
active from the Isle of Jersey (EU-013, WLOTA LH-0818) as 2J0WMG and
MJ0MJH, respectively, between April 20th and 26th. They also hope to
activate Les Minquiers Reef (EU-099) during their trip. Note: If heard
or worked, 2J0WMG is valid for the ISWL's Monitor Award. The QSL route
will be via our home calls as on [Pete's-DX-Newsdesk]

02/07/2008:  Jim, WB2REM and xyl Pamela will be visiting the VP5JM
'Hamlet' on Providenciales Island (NA-002, WW Loc. FL31VS), July 2-12th.
Jim will sign VP5/WB2REM on all HF bands, plus 6m. He will be monitoring
50.110MHz USB on 6 meters with a IC-7000 (no amplifier), with M2 7
element at 30 feet. QSL via home call, direct or bureau. [N8OFS]

01/03/2008:  The ISWL Club Callsigns in use during March 2008 will be:

GX4BJC /A - Operated from Oxhey, in Hertfordshire, by Dick - M5DIK.
(ISWL Council Member & Awards Manager) (WAB Square = TQ19-HFD & IOTA =

MX1SWL /A - Operated from Walton on the Naze, in Essex, by Herbie -
G6XOU (ISWL Council Member & QSL Bureau Manager). (WAB Square = TM22-ESX
& IOTA = EU-005).

The ISWL's WAB Book numbers are: 16316 and 16724.

All QSL Info is on  or  or via

ISWL Awards are available to all Hams and SWL's - see
for full details. cards ARE accepted for our awards. [Pete's-DX-Newsdesk]
01/03/2008:  Look for special event station 8J50JARL to be aired March
1st to May 25th to commemorate the 50th JARL Annual General Meeting.
Look for activity on all bands. QSL via the JARL bureau. [JJ1WTL/AC6IM]

01/03/2008:  Special event station 8N1MOMO will be aired from March 1st
to April 5th to celebrate the Koga-city Momo (or Peach) Festival. Look
for activity on all bands. QSL via the JARL bureau. [JJ1WTL/AC6IM]

01/03/2008:  Clubstation DARC Ortsverband (E20) will air the special
call sign DA0HEL during the entire month of March from Helgoland Island
(EU-127, N-14 for the German Islands Award, WLOTA LH-0518), with the
Special DOK "HEL2008". Other calls that will participate include DF6QC,
DL0DWD, DL0IH and DF0IT. QSL via the information for DA0HEL at

01/03/2008:  Back in March 1978 Vladimir Remek was the first
Czechoslovak in space, as well as the first cosmonaut from a country
other than the Soviet Union or the United States. To commemorate that
event, special station OL30SPACE will be active March 1-30th. QSL via
OK1TIR, direct or bureau. Further information at: [425
DX News]

09/03/2008:  Look for special event station 8J6HAM to be aired March 9th
for the 7th Nishinihon (or West Japan) Ham Fair, located in Tosu-city,
Saga-Prefecture, Japan. Look for activity on all bands. QSL via the JARL
bureau. [JJ1WTL/AC6IM]

15/03/2008:  TC-SWAT (TC Special Wireless Activity Team) members TA1HZ,
TA2IJ and TA3FB will air special event station TC18M to commemorate the
Canakkale Naval War Victory of March 18, 1915. They will be on the air
from the University Campus, Canakkale, between March 15-18, 2008. QRV
mainly on 7, 14 and 21 MHz SSB and CW. There will also be some activity
on 2m and 70cm locally. QSL via TA1HZ (P.O.B. 73 Karakoy, 34421
Istanbul, Turkey). Further information at:

U.S.A. Special event station information can be found at:

25/02-04/03  PJ2/WE9V: Curacao Island WLOTA:0942 QSL H/C (d/b/LoTW)
27/02- ???   WA2YUN/KH9: Wake WLOTA:2293 QSL K2PF (d/b)
28/02-04/03  FJ/AH8DX: St. Barthelemy WLOTA:0377 QSL H/C (d/b)
28/02-05/03  HK0/K5WAF: Isla San Andres WLOTA:2990 QSL W5PF (d/b)
28/02-05/03  HK0/N4AL: Isla San Andres WLOTA:2990 QSL W5PF (d/b)
28/02-05/03  HK0/NM5G: Isla San Andres WLOTA:2990 QSL W5PF (d/b)
28/02-05/03  HK0/W5PF: Isla San Andres WLOTA:2990 QSL W5PF (d/b)
28/02-05/03  HK0/W5PR: Isla San Andres WLOTA:2990 QSL W5PF (d/b)
28/02-05/03  HK0/WF5W: Isla San Andres WLOTA:2990 QSL W5PF (d/b)
01/03-02/03  5J0E: Isla San Andres WLOTA:2990 QSL W5PF (d/b)
01/03-02/03  6Y1V: Jamaika Island WLOTA:0214 QSL OH3RB (d/b)
01/03-02/03  8P1A: Barbados Island WLOTA:0999 QSL NN1N (d/b)
01/03-20/03  BU2AI/9 Tungchu-Tao ARLHS:TAI-032 QSL H/C (d/b)
01/03-02/03  C6ANM: New Providence (Nassau) WLOTA:1115 QSL LoTW
01/03-02/03  CT3DZ: Ilha da Madeira WLOTA:0053 QSL CT3DZ (b/LoTW/eQSL)
01/03-02/03  CT3IA: Ilha da Madeira WLOTA:0053 QSL CT3IA (b/LoTW/eQSL)
01/03-02/03  EA8ZS: Isla de Gran Canaria WLOTA:0969 QSL EA8ZS (d/b)
01/03-02/03  HC8A: Isla de San Cristobal WLOTA:0094 QSL KU9C (d/b)
01/03-02/03  IR9Y: Sicilia Island WLOTA:1362 QSL IT9ABY (d/b)
01/03-08/03  PJ4/N0VD: Bonaire Island WLOTA:1279 QSL W3HNK (d/b)
01/03-02/03  T40C: Cuba Island (main) WLOTA:0032 QSL N1KI (d/b)
01/03-02/03  TO5A: Martinique Island WLOTA:1041 QSL F5VHJ (d/b)
01/03-14/03  V26CC: Antigua Island WLOTA:1118 QSL M0AJT (d/b)
01/03-02/03  V26X: Antigua Island WLOTA:1118 QSL K1XX (d/b)
01/03-02/03  VP9/W6PH: Bermuda WLOTA:0201 QSL H/C (d)
03/03-31/03  FR/F5HIJ: La Reunion Island WLOTA:1812 QSL H/C (d/b)
03/03-13/03  VK4AII: Australia (main) WLOTA:1520 QSL N8FE (
03/03-13/03  VK4AIJ: Australia (main) WLOTA:1520 QSL N8FE (
05/03-18/03  PJ2DX: Curacao Island WLOTA:0942 QSL W0CG (d/b)
06/03-12/03  DA0HEL: Helgoland WLOTA:0518 QSL DF6QC (d/b)
06/03-12/03  DL3FCG/P: Helgoland WLOTA:0518 QSL H/C (d/b)
06/03-04/04  H44HP: Guadalcanal Island WLOTA:0086 QSL DL2NUD (d/b)
06/03-04/04  H44MS: Guadalcanal Island WLOTA:0086 QSL DL2GAC (d/b)
08/03-09/03  FS/F6FYD: St. Martin Island WLOTA:0383 QSL H/C (d/b)
6M & Up

25/03/2008:  Chad, WE9V will be signing PJ2/WE9V from the PJ2T
superstation located at Signal Point, Curacao (Grid FK52KG), between
February 25th and March 4th. He will be monitoring (24/7) 50.110MHz USB
with a FT-100 at 100W into a Cushcraft 5 element yagi up 85 feet. QSL
via home call direct, bureau or LoTW. [N8OFS]

07/03/2008:  The TX5C Clipperton 2008 team will be QRV on 6m with a 4
element yagi and monitoring 50.127MHz USB from Grid Locator DK50. Keep
an eye on the DX clusters. QSL via N7CQQ, direct or bureau. Full
information at: [N8OFS]

HQ8R Swan Island 2008 DXpedition Synopsis, QRV in March with grid EK87
LATEST INFO from Bill, NZ5N, dated 2008-02-19:
"I regret to report that 2m EME has been scratched for the Swan Island
DXpedition (grid EK87) in March. Boyd had ordered an LA-22 and a pair of
2M28XP's, but the LA-22 got put on back order and he decided to
concentrate on 6m (50.127MHz USB) for this trip. We will have an ACOM
1000 amp and a 7 el. beam for a 6m EME effort. Boyd will put up the
2M28XP's from his home QTH on Roatan after the LA-22 arrives, so
everyone will be able to work Honduras on 2m, but unfortunately not the
EK87 grid. There's still a chance that we will be able to work a few big
guns on 2m from Swan, running barefoot on a TS-2000, if we can take
along a single yagi of some sort." [NZ5N]
ATLANTIC OCEAN TOUR. Tom, KC0W, who moved to St. Helena Island in early
September and has been active as ZD7X, has been given permission by the
Tristan da Cunha government to visit Tristan for an extended stay. He is
expected to leave St. Helena sometime in late April. So, Tristan will be
his next DX location. Tom hopes to operate from Tristan for a period of
4-6 months and plans to be VERY active from Tristan as he was from St.
Helena. He states, "My next planned DX locations after Tristan will be
the three islands of South Sandwich, South Orkney and South Georgia. My
goal is to activate each island for at least two weeks straight. This
three island DXpedition is in the planning stages right now. I hope to
stage this whole operation out of the Falkland Islands." [OPDX Bulletin]

RUSSIAN DISTRICTS REPORTED ON 160M - Look for Sulejman, RA6PDG to be
active from RDA District CN-08 (Urus-matan City), Republic of Chechnya
(CN). Also look for RA6PKC to be active from RDA CN-20 (Urus-martanovsky
area), Republic of Chechnya (CN). Both stations will be QRV 160m
(1900-1905 kHz) every evening around midnight MSK time.
YU8 - Kosovo Goodwill Mission:
G3TXF, Nigel has posted some photos of the recent YU8/OH2R operation
from Kosova at [PT2BW]
QSL via ON7OO - XU7TZG, XU7TAS, XU7POS via ON7OO direct with SAE + 2 US$
or via the bureau. [K1XN & GoList]

QSLs received direct: 9Q1EK (SM5DIZ), A52KR & AP2ARS (S53R), E4/OM2DX
(OM3JW), KC4AAA (K1IED - he even added an extra stamp out of his pocket
to send it! - TNX LARRY!!!), TO5FJ (F6EXV), YI9X (OM3JW).

QSLs received bureau: BX3/DJ3KR, DS1JFY, DX0TIC (via JM1PXG), FR1AN
(N5FTR), IU3G (EU-130, via IV3WMS), JT1Y (I0SNY), KH0/JM1YGG, T77M,
ZF2TJ (VE3HO), ZL8R (VE3XN), 3B7C (G3NUG), 5I3A (UA9XC), 5Z4WI (G3SWH),
6V7D (KQ1F, e-mail request), 6W1RW (F6BEE), 8P9XA (G3SWH), 9L1JT (via

- US Postage Increases Again: The postage rates in the US will increase
again on Apr 12, 2008. When you usually enclose US stamps please send 94
ct for a letter from the US to Europe. Find detailed information at:

- Shack For Hire In Brunei: Ambran, V85SS announced that his newly built
DX station ("Tungku Lodge") can be rented by DXpeditions, for contests
and by travelling HAMs. The lodge consists of a bungalow, which is
situated next to his house, 10 minutes from the airport. The shack is
equipped with a Mosley TA-53-M on top of 12m tower, verticals for 80-10m
and a dipole for 160m. For your personal needs there are three beds, a
small kitchen and a shower. More information can be found on his
homepage: . If needed Ambran can also help
obtaining the guest licences. [DX Newsletter]
73 and Good DX!
Dave Raycroft - VA3RJ
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