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29 November 2008                                          A.R.I. DX Bulletin

                                   No 917
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  DX  INFORMATION  ****
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                        Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW

                              >>> DESECHEO 2009 <<<

The U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service has notified the team that February  12-26,
2009, will be the dates allocated for the  radio operation.  These dates are
coordinated  with  other USFWS research  activities scheduled on other parts
of  Desecheo Island as well  as  scheduling USFWS security personnel for the
Fifteen operators will be allowed on the island at any given time.  A  total
of 6-8 stations will be operational, including 160-6 meters.
A reconnaissance trip to Desecheo is  scheduled  for  Friday,  December  19.
Three  team members, USFWS personnel and an UXO (unexploded ordnance) expert
will sweep and clear the assigned area of UXO  and other hazards. There will
be no radio operations.
The 15-man team will assemble in  Puerto  Rico  on  February  8,  2009,  for
mandatory UXO training. The next  three  days  will  include team operations
training, and last minute  preparation  and  staging  of the several tons of
equipment  for  transport.  On  February 12th, landing will commence and two
stations will  be immediately activated. Likewise, stations will continue to
operate  until  the final moments before departure on February 26th.
Halfway through the operation, on February 19th, approximately half  of  the
operating team will be replaced with fresh operators for the  final week.
The team has been diligently planning  antennas  and  propagation  paths  to
take advantage of  every  possible  band opening  to Asia, where Desecheo is
#2  on the Most Wanted List and to Europe, where it is #3 on the Most Wanted
Contributions are being solicited. To assist the team  and  for  the  latest
news, please go to [TNX K4UEE and W0GJ]

5X     - Robert, S53R will be active during the  CQ  WW  DX  CW  Contest  as
         5X1AB, from Arik's QTH in Kampala, Uganda. Robert will  operate  on
         40, 20, 15 and 10  metres  only,  starting  on  his  late  Saturday
         evening. QSL via K6EID. [TNX NG3K]
8Q     - Vic, LY1A will be active as 8Q7RW from the Maldives (AS-013)  until
         4 December. He will operate holiday style with a focus on  the  low
         bands during the CQ WW DX CW Contest. QSL via home call. [TNX NG3K]
BY     - Look for BD3BXH/2,  BG3DCI/2,  and  BG3DDB/2  (and  possibly  other
         operators from the TianJin  B3C  Club)  to  be  active  from  JuHua
         Island (AS-151) on 10-13 December. Expect activity on 80,  40,  20,
         17, 15 and 10 metres SSB, CW and RTTY. QSL via BD3BXH. [TNX BA3CE]
C9     - Igor, C91LW will participate in the CQ WW DX CW  Contest  as  C98LW
         from Inhaca Island (AF-066). It will be a single band entry  on  40
         metres. QSL via home call (UY5LW).
CT     - The Algarve DX Group will be active using the  following  callsigns
         from a number of Portuguese national parks and nature  reserves  in
         December: CT7FFG (6-8 December), CT7FFE  (26-27  December),  CT7FFT
         (28-29 December), CT7FFM (30 December-2 January).  Expect  activity
         on 17, 20, 30 and 40 metres SSB, CW e RTTY. QSL CT7FFG  and  CT7FFT
         via CT1GFK, QSL CT7FFE and CT7FFM via CT1IUA.  Information  on  the
         DPRN (Diploma dos Parques e Reservas  Naturais)  can  be  found  at [TNX CT1GFK]
E5     - Aki, JA1KAJ (E51QQQ) will remain on Manihiki (OC-014), North  Cooks
         until 9 December [425DXN 915]. He will then  go  and  operate  from
         Rarotonga (OC-013), South Cooks until 17 December. QSL via  JA1KAJ.
         [TNX The Daily DX]
F      - A number of special stations will be activated for the 22nd  annual
         Telethon, the fund-raising event organized by the  French  Muscular
         Dystrophy Association that will take place on 5-6 December.  Expect
         activity from  TM8T  (29  November-12  December)  and  TM4AFM  (5-6
         December) among the others. [TNX F8REF]
F      - Didier, F4ELJ will  be  active  as  F4ELJ/p  from  Stagadon  Island
         (EU-105) on 6-7 December. QSL via  home  call,  direct  or  bureau.
         [TNX F4ELJ]
H4     - Bernhard, DL2GAC will be active again as  H44MS  from  the  Solomon
         Islands between 10 January to 28 April 2009. He also  hopes  to  be
         QRV from Temotu Province (H40) for 2-3 weeks during the first  half
         of March. [TNX GM4FAM]
KC4    - Helmuth, W6KDX will be working at the US Amundsen-Scott South  Pole
         Station from 5 December to 5  January.  He  hopes  to  be  able  to
         operate as KC4AAA in his spare time, on  +/-  14243  kHz.  QSL  via
         K1IED. [TNX VA3RJ]
KH8    - Paul, A35RK will be active as KH8/KK6H from American Samoa  on  5-9
         December. This will be a  "casual"  operation  on  CW  and  SSB  on
         "whatever band is open". QSL via W7TSQ. [TNX The Daily DX]
CT     - Francois, ON4LO will be active as CT1/ON4LO/p between  10  December
         and 20 January 2009. He plans to operate on 20, 40  and  80  metres
         SSB from a few Portuguese lighthouses,  such  as  Alfanzina  (ARLHS
         POR-001), Ponta da Piedale (POR-042), Ponta do Altar (POR-044)  and
         Fuseta (POR-074). QSL via home call, bureau preferred. [TNX ON4LO]
OH     - Santa Claus Land (OH9SCL) will be again  active  in  December  from
         the Artic Circle. Activity will be on 10-160  metres  CW,  SSB  and
         digital modes. QSL via OH9UV. [TNX The Daily DX]
ON_ant - OP0LE is the  callsign  allocated  to  the  new  Belgian  Antarctic
         station  "Princess  Elisabeth"  (,
         located at 71°57'S-23°20'E, Dronning Maud  Land, East Antarctica.
         Some activity is expected to take place  between  mid-December  and
         mid-February 2009. The operator will be Paul, ON3PC who is  new  to
         the amateur radio bands. [TNX F5PFP]
P4     - Marty, W2CG will  once  again  be  vacationing  in  Aruba  on  3-17
         January. He will operate as P40CG  during  his  early  morning  and
         late evening hours. His current plans  include  operations  in  the
         ARRL RTTY Roundup. QSL via home call (direct or  bureau)  or  LoTW.
         [TNX W2CG]
TA     - Urcun, TA0U and other operators will be active from Kartepe  (2908m
         a.s.l.)  as  TC12AKUT  on  1-16  December  to  celebrate  the  12th
         anniversary of the Turkish Search & Rescue Association (AKUT).  QSL
         via TA0U. [TNX TA0U]
TU     - Phil, F4EGS is back home after  his  business  trip  to  Tajikistan
         (more than 5,000 QSOs as EY8/F4EGS). His new work  assignment  will
         be in Abidjan, Ivory Coast, from  25  December  until  the  end  of
         February. Phil plans to operate as TU8/F4EYS  in  his  spare  time,
         with a focus on CW and RTTY (and SSB on 160  and  80  metres).  QSL
         via F4EGS, direct or bureau. [TNX F5NQL]
VE     - Art, N3DXX will participate in the  ARRL  160  Meter  Contest  (5-6
         December) as VY2/N3DXX from Prince Edward Island. [TNX NG3K]
YS     - Markus, HB9KNA will be active as YS1/HB9KNA  from  El  Salvador  on
         3-28 December. He will use a yagi for 10-40 metres and an  inverted
         L for 80 and 160 metres. QSL via home call. [TNX XE3PMR]

CQ WW DX CW  CONTEST  --->  The  following  stations  have  announced  their
participation in this year's event (29-30 November):
ZONE   CALL          CATEGORY     DXCC                 QSL VIA
04     VC6R          M/?          Canada               VE6SV
05     OH3SR/VP9     SO           Bermuda              OH3SR
05     VP9I          SOSB 20m     Bermuda              N1HRA
07     HP1RIS        SOSB 10m     Panama               HP1RIS
07     HR2/LT0E      SOAB LP      Honduras             HQ2LAS
07     YN2Z          SO           Nicaragua            K9ZO
07     YS4RR         SOAB LP      El Salvador          K9GY
08     5K0T                       San Andres           HA7RY
08     6Y1V          M/? HP       Jamaica              OH3RB
08     8P5A          SOAB HP      Barbados             NN1N
08     C6AKX         SOSB 20m     Bahamas              WA4WTG
08     C6AQQ     SOSB 40m or SOAB Bahamas              ND3F
08     C6ARR         SOSB 160m    Bahamas              WA4WTG
08     C6ATA         SOSB 80m     Bahamas              WA4WTG
08     CO6LP         SOAB LP      Cuba                 CO6LP
08     CO7PH                      Cuba                 W3HNK
08     CO8ZZ         SOSB 20m     Cuba                 DK1WI
08     FJ/WJ2O       SOAB LP      St. Barthelemy       WJ2O
08     FM/F5IRO      SOAB LP      Martinique           F5IRO
08     J3/DL5AXX     SOAB         Grenada              DL5AXX
08     J68V          SOAB         St. Lucia            K5WW
08     J88DR         SOAB LP      St. Vincent          G3TBK
08     KP2B          SOAB         Virgin Islands       EA7FTR
08     KP2M          M/2          US Virgin Islands    AI4U
08     KP4EE         SOAB         Puerto Rico          OK1DOT
08     TO2HI         SO           Guadeloupe           F6AUS
08     TO4X          M/M          St. Martin           KQ1F
08     TO5X          SOAB         Martinique           K5UN
08     V26K          SOAB LP      Antigua              AA3B
08     V47NT         SOAB HP      St. Kitts            W2RQ
08     VP2MDG        SOAB         Montserrat           K2DM
08     VP5W          M/S          Turks & Caicos Isls  W7TSQ
08     ZF2AM         SOAB         Cayman Islands       K6AM
09     FY5KE         SOAB LP      French Guiana        FY1FL
09     P40W          SOAB         Aruba                N2MM
09     P49Y          SOSB 40m     Aruba                AE6Y
09     PJ2T          M/?          Netherlands Antilles N9AG
09     PJ4A          M/?          Netherlands Antilles K4BAI
09     PZ5TT         SOAB         Suriname             VE3DZ
09     YW4D          SOAB         Venezuela            EA7JX
10     HC5WW         SO LP        Ecuador              JA6VU
10     HD2M          M/M          Ecuador              SM6FKF
10     OA4WW         SOAB HP      Peru                 HP1WW
11     ZP0R          SOAB         Paraguay             ZP5AZL
12     CE0Y/SM6CUK   SO           Easter Island        SM6CUK
12     XR3A                       Chile                CE3DNP
13     CW5W          M/S          Uruguay              CX6VM
13     CW7T          SOAB HP      Uruguay              K5WW
13     LS1D          M/S          Argentina            LW9EOC
13     LU8YE         M/?          Argentina            EA7FTR
14     CU2X          SOAB         Azores               OH2BH
14     EA6IB         SOSB 40m     Balearic Isls        EA6IB
14     EE2W          M/?          Spain                EB2BXL
14     EG5T          M/?          Spain                EA5EH
14     GU4YOX        SOSB 40m LP  Guernsey             GU4YOX
14     HB0/DK4YJ     SOSB 40m     Liechtenstein        DK4YJ
14     HB0/DK9TN     SOSB 80m     Liechtenstein        DK9TN
14     LN3Z          M/S          Norway               LA9VDA
14     LX7I          M/2          Luxembourg           LX2A
14     OP4K          M/S          Belgium              ON4JZ
14     TM2S          M/S          France               F5PED
14     TM4Q          M/S          France               F6FYA
14     TM6X          SO           France               F5VHY
15     E77CFG        SOSB 160m LP Bosnia-Herzegovina   E72U
15     II20CJ                     Italy                IW2HAJ
15     IR9X          SO           Sicily (Italy)       IW9HLM
15     IR9Y          M/S          Italy (Sicily)       IT9ABY
15     IS0/IT9VDQ    SOAB QRP     Sardinia             IT9VDQ
15     LY7A          M/M          Lithuania            LY2ZO
15     OG50F         M/2          Finland              OH1F
15     OH0/OH2LRE    SOAB         Finland              OH2LRE
15     OH0I          SOSB 10m     Aland Islands        OH3BHL
15     OH0V          SOSB 160m    Aland Isls           OH6LI
15     OH0X          SOSB         Aland Isls           OH2TA
15     OH0Z          SOAB HP      Aland Islands        W0MM
15     OH2BH         SOSB         Finland              OH2BH
15     OH8X          SOAB         Finland              OH2UA
15     RK2FWA        M/S          Kaliningrad          DK4VW
15     Z37M          M/2          Macedonia            bureau
16     ER0WW         SOAB HP      Moldova              UT3UA
16     RL3A          M/S          European Russia      W3HNK
16     RT9W          M/S          Asiatic Russia       RZ9WWH
16     UU3W          SOSB 160m    Ukraine              UU2JZ
17     EY8MM         SOSB 80m     Tajikistan           K1BV
17     RA9A          M/S          Asiatic Russia       RK9AWN
17     UN4L          SOSB 80m     Kazakhstan           UA9AB
20     5B4AII        SOAB         Cyprus               RW3RN
20     C4N           M/S          Cyprus               W3HNK
20     J49I          M/S          Crete                IK0EFR
20     J49XF         SOAB         Crete                G3URA
20     P3F           M/2          Cyprus               5B4AGN
20     SV9CVY        SOAB HP      Crete                SV9CVY
20     SX5R          SOSB 15m     Dodecanese           SV5DKL
20     TA3KZ         M/S          Turkey               TA3KZ
20     TC4X          M/?          Turkey               OH2BH
20     YM0T          SOSB 160m    Turkey               TA2RC
20     YM3A          M/2          Turkey               LZ1NK
20     ZC4VJ         SOSB         UK SBA on Cyprus     ZC4VJ
21     4L0A          M/S          Georgia              EA7FTR
22     8Q7DV         M/?          Maldives             UA9CLB
22     8Q7RW         SO           Maldives             LY1A
22     8Q7SC                      Maldives             SP2JMB
22     VU2PAI        SOAB         India                VU2PAI
22     VU2PTT        SOAB         India                VU2PTT
23     JT1DA         SOSB 40m HP  Mongolia             JT1DA
23     JU1DX         M/S          Mongolia   
23.    JT1CD         SOAB HP      Mongolia             JT1CD
24     B4TB          M/S          China                BA4TB
26     E21EIC        SO LP        Thailand             E21EIC
26     HS0GBI        SOSB 80m     Thailand             HS0GBI
26     HS0ZGD        SOSB         Thailand             HS0ZGD
26     HS1CKC        SOSB 160m    Thailand             HS1CKC
26     XU7XXX        SO           Cambodia             KC0W
26     XV4BX         SO           Vietnam              EB7DX
26     XW1B          SOAB         Laos                 E21EIC
27     4F1AL         SOAB         Philippines          4F1AL
27     AH0BT         SOAB HP      Mariana Isls         7L1FPU
27     AH2R          M/S          Guam                 JH7QXJ
27     KG6DX         SOAB HP      Guam                 KG6DX
27     T88CJ         SOAB         Palau                HA7TM
28     9M2CNC        SOAB HP      West Malaysia        G4ZFE
28     9M6/N2BB      SO  East     Malaysia             MD0CCE
28     9M6NA         SOSB 80m     East Malaysia        JE1JKL
28     YB0ECT        SOSB 20m LP  Indonesia            K3AIR
28     YE1ZAT        M/S          Indonesia            YE1ZAT
29     VK8NSB        SOAB         Australia            VK6NE
31     AH6XX         M/2          Hawaii               K2WR
31     KH6/NE1RD     SOAB LP      Hawaii               NE1RD
32     ZM1A          M/2          New Zealand          ZL1AMO
32     ZM2M          M/S HP       New Zealand          ZL2AL
32     ZM4A          M/S          New Zealand          ZL4AA
33     5C5T          M/S LP       Morocco              EA5YU
33     7X0RY         SOSB         Algeria    
33     AN8R          SOAB HP      Canary Isls          EA8AY
33     CN2M          SOSB         Morocco              HP1WW
33     CN2R          SOSB         Morocco              W7EJ
33     CS9M          SOAB         Madeira              LoTW
33     CT9L          M/M          Madeira              DJ6QT
33     EA8CMX        SOSB 80m     Canary Isls          OH2BYS
33     EF8M          M/2          Canary Islands       OH1RY
33     IG9W          SOSB 40m     (African) Italy      IZ1GAR
33     IG9X          SOSB 80m     (African) Italy      IK1QBT
33     IH9M          SOSB         (African) Italy      IK7JWY
35     3X5A          M/M          Guinea               G3SXW
35     6V7N          SOAB LP      Senegal              DL1EFD
35     9G5ZZ         SOSB 20m     Ghana                DL1CW
35     D4C           M/2          Cape Verde 
36     9J3A          SO           Zambia               S53A
37     5X1AB         SO           Uganda               K6EID
37     5X1NH         SO           Uganda               G3RWF
37     C98LW         SOSB 40m     Mozambique           UY5LW
39     TO3R          M/S          Reunion Isl          RW3RN
40     JW5E          M/?          Svalbard             LA5NM
40     OX5AA         M/2          Greenland            G3TXF
40     TF3CW         SOSB 40m     Iceland              LX1NO
Do not forget to give a look at the Announced Operations listing  maintained
by  Bill,  NG3K  at good contest to
you all!

                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  GOOD TO KNOW ... ****
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                        Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW

A5100A ---> The team went QRT at 16 UTC on  24  November  after  5805  QSOs.
This is a slightly better result than in 2004,  and  it  has  been  achieved
under worse propagation conditions and with one station only. [TNX F5NQL]

ARRL 160 METER CONTEST ---> Object of the contest is for amateurs  worldwide
to work W/VE amateurs on 160 metres CW only (complete  rules can be found at This year's  event
will run from 22.00 UTC on 5 December through 16.00 UTC on the 7th.  Do  not
forget to give a look at the  Announced  Operations  listing  maintained  by
Bill, NG3K at

CQ RTTY CONTEST DIRECTOR ---> Ed Muns, W0YK has been named  Director  of  CQ
magazine's RTTY contests (the CQ WW RTTY WPX Contest each February  and  the
CQ WW RTTY DX Contest every September). He  succeeds  Glenn  Vinson,  W6OTC,
who has been CQ's RTTY Contest Director since 2000.  Glenn's  original  plan
had been to  transfer  responsibility  for  the  CQ  RTTY  contests  to  his
co-director for the past several years, Paolo Cortese, I2UIY. Ed stepped  in
to fill the void that was created by Paolo's unexpected passing  in  October

PG6G ---> Peter/PA8A, Fred/PA8F and Rob/PA3GVI were active as PG6G on  27-28
November. Once again they used the big  array  formerly  used  to  broadcast
Radio Netherlands. This is a curtain  antenna  with  eight  stacked  dipoles
between two 400-foot towers. A video from their last visit can be  found  at [TNX PA3GVI]

ROCKALL  2009:  CALL  FOR  OPERATORS  --->  Many  thanks  to    Col,  MM0NDX
( for submitting the following Press Release  issued
by    Andy    Strangeway    aka    "Island       Man"    on    25   November
"Working in tandem with my friend Col, MM0NDX I  am  acutely  aware  of  the
interest shown in EU-189. With this in mind I would  like  to  invite  radio
hams, be they individuals or clubs, to contact me with  their  proposals  to
be part of this exciting expedition. I require the following information  to
be included in the proposal.
* The maximum and minimum number of berths that would be required.
* A CV of previous radio activations of those that would be involved.
* Any information of additional skills that would strengthen  the  depth  of
the expedition, for example any crewing of yacht/boat, tender experience  or
climbing ability.
The countries who have so far shown the greatest interest in the  expedition
are Belguim, France, Japan, Norway, UK and USA. I would especially  like  to
hear from Japanese radio hams as  not  one  operator  from  Japan  has  ever
contacted Rockall. EU-189 is the most wanted IOTA in Japan.
Once the transport has been secured, the team for  the  expedition  will  be
selected and dates announced. A website can  be  built  especially  for  the
radio hams and a QSL manager is already  secured  (M0URX,  ed.)  should  you
require these extras.
For  all  proposals  in  the  first  instance,   please    contact  Andy  at
info@island-man within the next seven days".

QSL 9A0IARU ---> This special event station was  active  during  the  recent
IARU Region 1 Conference in Cavtat (15-21 November). More  than  4,200  QSOs
were made and all of them will be confirmed automatcially  via  the  bureau.

QSL  VK9DWX  --->  In  their   latest    press    release    (23   November, the team stated that they have already  received  over
1800 direct QSLs and over  3500  online  requests  through  the  OQRS.  They
expect to get the QSL cards from the printer before Christmas  and  to  mail
the first direct cards at the turn of the year.  The  first  batch  of  QSOs
"for our sponsors" has been uploaded to LoTW. All the  remaining  QSOs  will
be uploaded in spring 2009.

QSL ZS2DL ---> Buzz, NI5DX, is now the QSL manager for Donovan, ZS2DL.  Buzz
already has the logs and will be able to answer any requests  for  cards  as
soon as a supply  of  blank  cards  (already  on  their  way)  arrives  from
Donovan. [TNX K1XN]

+ SILENT KEYS + ARRL President Emeritus George S. Wilson, W4OYI passed  away
on 25 November at 76 years of  age.  Other  recently  reported  Silent  Keys
include Frank Moore (KE4GY), Russ Sakai (KH6FOO) and George  H.  Floyd,  Jr.
(WA4DGA, ex W2RYT),


QSLs received direct or through managers: 1A4A, 3B8CF, 3B8GT, 3DA0VB,  4A3A,
4L/UU4JMG, 4L1MA, 4U1UN,  4W6R,  5H3VMB,  5H3VMB/3  (AF-075),  5J0E,  5W0RE,
5Z4/RW1AU, 5Z4/UA4WHX, 6E4LM, 6V7K, 7Q7VB,  8Q7KK,  8Q7SO,  8Q7XR,  9H9PYSM,
9J2VB, 9L1X (AF-056), 9M6OO, 9U0VB, A25/DL7DF, A25VB,  A52AM,  A71CT,  AH2L,
BT1OB, BT1OH, BT1ON, BT1OY, BX5AA,  C31JM,  C4M,  C6APR,  C91VB/6  (AF-088),
CN2R, CO7PH/p (NA-086), CY0X, D20VB, D2NX, D4C, D60VB,  D9D,  E77DX,  EL2DX,
FW8AA, GB2CI (EU-124), GM6UW/P (EU-111),  H40MY  (OC-163),  HC8N,  HH4/AF4Z,
HL9A,  HQ9R  (NA-057),  HR1/K3VN,  HV5PUL,  J20VB,  J3/S50R,  J7OJ,  JD1BMM,
JW8BCA, K7A, K9AJ/VY0 (NA-229), KD6WW/VY0  (NA-229),  KH0WW,  KH6LEM,  KH7B,
KL7CQ, KL7DX, KP2/NY6X, KP2M,  KP2YL,  MU0BKA,  OJ0B,  OJ0J,  OM8A,  P29ZAD,
PA1WLB/P  (EU-146),  PZ5Z,  R0L/p,  R1AND,  R1FJT,  S92FM,   ST2VB,  SV1TP/8
(EU-075), SV2ASP/A, T22ZL, TA3D, TI8II, TK7C, TM7C  (EU-064),  TX5C,  UK8FF,
Z2/UA4WHX,  Z22JE,  Z29KM,  Z35X,  ZB3B,  ZC4VJ,   ZF1DX,    ZK3RE,  ZP5CGL,


               425 DX News is a free of charge weekly bulletin
      edited by Valeria Pregliasco, IK1ADH and Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ

            Its contents may be used, reproduced and distributed
                        in part or full provided that
               "425 DX News" or "425DXN" receive proper credit

          Contributors are invited to send their DX information to
                 Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ (
                      The deadline is 12 UTC on Fridays


                           Direttore Responsabile
                            Gabriele Villa, I2VGW
               Giornalista Professionista - Tessera n. 057216
                      Ordine Nazionale dei Giornalisti
                                Roma, Italia


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