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KB8NW  > DX       02.11.08 21:14l 442 Lines 24539 Bytes #999 (0) @ WW
BID : OPDX.882
Subj: Ohio/Penn DX Bulletin No. 882
Sent: 081102/2011Z @:CX2SA.LAV.URY.SA #:45645 [Minas] FBB7.00e $:OPDX.882
To  : DX@WW

The Ohio/Penn DX PacketCluster
DX Bulletin No. 882
BID: $OPDX.882
November 3, 2008
Editor Tedd Mirgliotta, KB8NW
Provided by BARF80.ORG (Cleveland, Ohio)

Thanks to the Northern Ohio Amateur Radio Society, Northern Ohio DX
Association, Ohio/Penn PacketCluster Network, AB5K & the AR TelNet
Clusters Network, K1XN & GoList, NC1L, NJ1Q, KP2HC, N3SL, NG3K, N4AA &
QRZ DX, N6NO, W6DXO, AA7JV, K8YSE, W9DX, DX-IS News Site, Pete's-DX-
Newsdesk, DK8JB, DL7MAE & The DX News Letter, EA6BF, F5NQL & UFT, F5PFP,
RSGB IOTA Web Site, RW3AH, RW6HS, VA3RJ & ICPO and VK4FW for the following
DX information.

DXCC COUNTRY/ENTITY REPORT: According to the AR-Cluster Network for the
week of Sunday, 26th-October, through Sunday, 2nd-November there were 239
countries active. Countries available: 3A, 3B8, 3D2, 3DA, 3V, 3W, 4J, 4L,
4O, 4S, 4X, 5B, 5H, 5N, 5R, 5T, 5U, 5Z, 6W, 6Y, 7Q, 7X, 8P, 8Q, 8R, 9A,
9G, 9H, 9J, 9K, 9L, 9M2, 9M6, 9N, 9Q, 9V, 9Y, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7, A9,
AP, BV, BY, C2, C3, C5, C6, C9, CE, CE9, CM, CN, CP, CT, CT3, CU, CX, D2,
D4, DL, DU, E5/s, E7, EA, EA6, EA8, EA9, EI, EK, EL, EP, ER, ES, ET, EU,
EX, EY, EZ, F, FG, FJ, FK, FM, FO, FP, FR, FS, FW, FY, G, GD, GI, GJ, GM,
GU, GW, HA, HB, HB0, HC, HC8, HH, HI, HK, HK0/a, HL, HP, HR, HS, HZ, I,
IS, J2, J3, J6, J8, JA, JD/m, JD/o, JT, JW, JY, K, KG4, KH0, KH2, KH6,
KL, KP2, KP4, LA, LU, LX, LY, LZ, OA, OD, OE, OH, OH0, OK, OM, ON, OX,
OY, OZ, P2, P4, PA, PJ2, PJ7, PY, PZ, R1FJ, S5, S7, S9, SM, SP, ST, SU,
SV, SV5, SV9, T32, T33, T7, T8, TA, TF, TG, TI, TK, TL, TN, TR, TT, TU,
TY, TZ, UA, UA2, UA9, UK, UN, UR, V2, V3, V4, V5, V6, V7, V8, VE, VK,
VK9N, VP2E, VP2V, VP5, VP6, VP8, VP8/g, VP8/o, VP9, VQ9, VR, VU, VU4,
VU7, XE, XT, XU, XW, XX9, YA, YB, YI, YJ, YL, YN, YO, YU, YV, Z2, Z3,
ZA, ZB, ZC4, ZD7, ZD8, ZF, ZK2, ZL, ZP, ZS

* PLEASE NOTE: The report "could" contain "Pirate/SLIM" operations or
   more likely a "BUSTED CALLSIGN". As always, you never know - "Work
   First Worry Later" (WFWL).

5R, MADAGASCAR. Eric, F6ICX, will be active as 5R8IC from Ile Sainte
Marie (AF-090) between November 18th and December 14th. Activity will
be CW on 30-10 meters. QSL via F6ICX.

A4, OMAN (Reminder). Members of the Lufthansa Amateur Radio Club (LARC)
and the Norden District of the DARC (DOK I09), who are guests of the
Royal Omani ARS (ROARS), are now operating under the following two
callsigns until November 11th:    A43DLH   - from the ROARS HQ
                                   A43DLH/P - from the Omani Scout camp
Activity will be around the clock on 160 meters and up on as many bands
as possible. Modes will be: CW, SSB and the Digital modes (included SSTV).
QSL Manager is Rudi, DK7PE.

A5100, BHUTAN. Just a reminder that the members of the Clipperton DX Club,
Gerard/F2VX, Alain/F5LMJ, Jean-Louis/F9DK and  Vincent/G0LMX will be active
from Thimphu using the special callsign A5100A between November 7-17th.
Activity is to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the Kingdom of Bhutan.
The team will met with Pradan, A51PN, in the southern part of Bhutan after
this operation and plans to be active from three different regions within
Bhutan signing /p.  They will be using an IC-756Pro, IC-746, FT-857D,
with two 1Kw amps, a Spiderbeam for 5 bands and a wire 11 element log
periodic. QSL via F9DK.

C6, BAHAMAS. Harry, W6DXO, will be active as W6DXO/C6A from South Andros
Island (NA 001) between March 1-7th. Activity will be holiday style
operation with focus on 30/17/12 meter bands as propagation allows. A
QSL Manager is to be determined.

CE0Y, EASTER ISLAND (SA-001). Merv, N6NO, will be operating as CE0Y/N6NO
from here between November 7-16th. Activity will be mainly CW. Although
amateur radio is not normally permitted on 30 meters in Chile, he has
obtained special temporary authorization to use 30m for this operation.
He will focus on that band but may also use 40-12 meters using 100 watts
into a vertical dipole. QSL via his home callsign.

CY0X WRAP-UP REPORT. Read this interesting report/presentation on the
CY0X DXpedition that took place between June 25th and July 7th. The report
contains many details about the operatioon and great photos all in PDF
format. The report can be found at:

D4, CAPE VERDE. Operators Luca/IK2NCJ, Girts/YL2KL, Jurgis/LY2CY, Kaspars/
YL1ZF, Arvis/YL2LY and Vilnis/YL2BJ will be active as D4C during the CQ
World Wide DX CW Contest (November 29-30th) as a Multi-2 entry. QSL via
CT1ESV by the Bureau or IZ4DPV for direct. For the latest information,
check the D4C Web page at:   

DXCC NEWS (End of Year Reminder). Bill Moore, NC1L, ARRL DXCC Manager,
reports: "This is a reminder that the end of the DXCC calendar year is
rapidly approaching. In order to appear in the printed 'Annual and Honor
Roll' listings your submission must be postmarked on or by Wednesday,
December 31, 2008. The DXCC Annual List is scheduled for publication in
the 2008 DXCC Yearbook. In order for your callsign to appear your total
for an active award must increase by, at least, one credit. You do not
have to reach the next endorsement level. Active awards are indicated by
an asterisk(*). Award categories with 100 or more that do not have an
asterisk will not appear. If you made a submission in 2008 and would
like to have an award appear in the list that is not yet activated, you
can contact DXCC to activate the award and receive the certificate. The
fee to activate an award, including postage is $13.75 (USA) and $16.50
(non-USA). You will not be charged a submission fee for this action.
The DXCC Honor Roll list is scheduled for publication in August 2009 QST.
For the 2008 calendar year the minimum requirement to appear in the Honor
Roll list is 329 current entities. The Top of the Honor Roll total is 338
for this period. Remember, deleted entities do not count towards the Honor
Roll. Direct comments or questions to ....73 es DX!"

E21, THAILAND. Champ, E21EIC, will be active during the CQWW DX CW Contest
(November 29-30th) as a Single-Op/Low-Power entry. JA stations QSL via
JR5XPG and all others via E21EIC. Visit Champ's Web page at:

EE2, SPAIN. Members of the Ondarroa Group will be active as EE2W during
the CQWW DX CW Contest (November 29-30th) as a Multi-? entry. QSL via

FP, ST. PIERRE AND MIQUELON. Eric, KV1J, will once again be active as
FP/KV1J from Miquelon (NA-032) between March 4-9th (2009). Activity will
be on 80-6 meters using CW, SSB, RTTY and PSK31. He will also be in the
ARRL DX SSB Contest (March 7-8th, 2009) as a Single-Op/All-Band/Low-Power
entry. Antennas will be a N1IW off-centered fed dipole (80-10m), SteppIR
vertical (40-10m) and a PAR-6 Moxon for 6m. QSL via his home callsign,
direct or by the Bureau. Also, LoTW or eQSL. Visit his Web page at:

FRENCH SUB-ANTARCTIC ISLANDS (Update). Mehdi, F5PFP, announced this past
week that he received the callsign FT5YJ from TAAF Telecom Department
to use for his 2009 (mid-February and mid-March) amateur radio expedition
to Antarctica. His group plans to be active under the callsigns xxx/FT5YJ/p
from several Antarctic stations. For more details, visit the following Web
page at:

FT5W, CROZET ISLAND. Great news. The number 9 most wanted DXCC entity (per
"The DX Magazine's" 2006 list) will be activated by Florentin, F4DYW,
from Alfred Faure Base (WAP-WADA FRA-02) on Crozet Island between December
1st and November 30th (2009). Florentin will use the callsign FT5WO, and
his activity will be SSB on 40/20/15 meters using only 100 watts into
dipoles. QSL via his home callsign, direct or by the bureau. Look for
updates on:

GU, GUERNSEY. Bob, GU4YOX, will be active during the CQWW DX CW Contest
(November 29-30th) as a Single-Op/Single-Band (40m)/Low-Power entry.

HS0, THAILAND. Stig, HS0ZGD, will be active during the CQWW DX CW Contest
(November 29-30th) as a Single-Op/Single-Band (??) entry. QSL via HS0ZGD.

IOTA NEWS.......................
   AF-037.  By the time you read this, the German team, who is active as
            as 9L0W, will be active from Banana Island between now and
            November 10th. QSL via DK2WV.

   AS-128.  (Update) Reports indicate that Arkady "Ark", UA4CC, had to
            cancel his trip to Phu Quoc Island, Vietnam. However, Mike,
            RL3BM, is still going between November 5-13th. He is expected
            to be active as XV4BM. Activity planned will be CW and SSB
            on 80-10 meters. QSL XV4BM via RL3BM.

   EU-059.  Col, MM0NDX, will be active as MM0NDX/P from St. Kilda,
            Scotland, between July 24-27th (2009). This will be a family
            holiday-style operation from the campsite in Village Bay. St.
            Kilda is one of only two-dozen global locations to be awarded
            "World Heritage Status" for both natural and cultural sig-
            nificance. Col will participate in the 2009 RSGB IOTA Contest
            (July 25-26th). More info and a possible Web site is forth-

   EU-169.  The Italian operation to Sazan Island last week (now QRT)
            netted some 15,228 QSOs. The log is now available at:

   NA-018.  Nigel, G3TXF, will be active as OX/G3TXF from Kangerlussuaq,
            Greenland, between November 6-10th. Activity will be CW, and
            he hopes to be in the WAE RTTY Contest (November 8-9th).

   NA-133.  Operators George/AA7JV, Tomi/HA7RY, Pedro/HK3JJH and Fero/
            HA8MT will be active as 5K0T (not 5J0T as first announced
            earlier in the week -- this is to avoid possible conflict
            with a previous operation. ) from Bajo Nuevo (IOTA NA-132)
            and Roncador Bank (IOTA NA-133) between November 19th and
            December 2nd. This four person DXpedition will focus their
            operation on the low band, especially 160 meters. AA7JV and
            HA7RY were behind last year's VK9WWI Willis Islets operation.
            The group will operate two stations on 160-6 meters. Look for
            5K0T to also participate in the CQWW DX CW Contest (November
            29-30th) from Zone 8. There will also be an operation with
            the callsign  HK0/HK3JJH. Both islands were once listed on
            the DXCC list, but were deleted. Plans are to operate from
            Roncador Bank between November 18-21st, and Bajo Nuevo between
            November 23rd and December 2nd. Both reefs are part of San
            Andres region (HK0). QSL 5K0T via HA7RY. For HK0/HK3JJH QSOs,
            QSL via HK3JJH. For more information, visit their Web page
            ADDED NOTES: Bajo Nuevo is a small reef belonging to Colombia
            (HK0) and is located 170 miles south of Jamaica in the central
            Caribbean. The reef contains a number of small barren sand
            cays, one which carries a navigation light. For more details
            Roncador Bank is located 150 miles south-west of Bajo Nuevo.
            For more details see:

IR9, ITALY. Angelo, IW9HLM, (QSL Manager for the 095DXTEAM) will be
active as IR9X from Sicily during the CQWW DX CW Contest (November
29-30th). QSL via LoTW.

J3, GRENADA. Operator Hans/DL7CM and Siegfried/DM2AYO will be active as
J3/homecall between November 6-25th. Activity will be on 160-6 meters,
CW, SSB, RTTY and PSK. They plan to have two stations on the air with
750 watts, yagis and GP. QSL via their home callsign. Watch for more
details at:     

J6, ST. LUCIA (NA-108). John, W5JON, will be active as J6/W5JON from
Marigot Bay between March 1-11th (2009). Activity will be on 160-6 meters
SSB using dipoles and 6m yagi. Also, look for activity in the ARRL DX
SSB Contest (March 7-8th, 2009). QSL via W5JON.

KG4, GUATANAMO BAY (Operators Needed!). Bill, KN4N, is looking for
operators for a GITMO operation to take place next spring or sooner. He
can take one or maybe two operators with him (space is limited). There
are some conditions:
   1. MUST be active duty or retired military, will stay at Navy Lodge,
      fly space "A" from NAS Jax.
   2. Must have General class or higher license.
   3. Prefer non-smoker to share quarters.
   4. MAC flights depart NAS Jacksonville each Saturday, so you must
      furnish your own transportation to Jacksonville, FL.
   5. You must be in good health.
   6. Cost will be low on the post since the team can use the dining
      facility (PX).
Bill is just feeling things out now. At present, the club station is there
but no HAMS. The team will have to wait until at least one ham is stationed
there. Anyone who knows of a ham on a PCS to GITMO, please let him know.
He will have to sponsor the team. If interested, contact Bill at
423-638-9833 or 423-552-0036 (Verizon) or via his E-mail address:

KH2, GUAM (OC-026). Joel, KG6DX, will be active as KG6DX in the CQ World
Wide DX CW Contest (November 29-30th) as a Single-Op/All-Band/High-Power/
Assisted entry. QSL via KG6DX, CBA or address. Also LoTW.

KP2, U.S. VIRGIN ISLANDS. Operators Ann/KP2YL and Brian/KP2HC will be
back to visit their island home of St. Croix, from November 2-11th.
They will spend 3 days visiting their friend John, NP2B, before relocating
to friend Brad's, K9BZ, home, "Radio Reef". Listen for them on CW and SSB
from both locations. As always they will give special attention to openings
on the 30/17/12m bands and 6m. QSL direct only via their California address
which is listed in all the major callsign databases. Visit Ann and Brian's
Web page at:     

KP5, DESECHO ISLAND (Update). The DXpedition team is delighted to announce
that QSL processing for the Desecheo 2009 DXpedition will be handled by
Bob, N2OO, and the members of the South Jersey DX Association. This is a
very experienced group and the DXpedition is proud to have them on their
team. Details on how to QSL will be provided later. For updates visit
the KP5 Web page at: 

LN3, NORWAY. Members of the Vestfold Contest Club (LA3Z) of Stavern
will be active as LN3Z during the CQ World Wide DX CW Contest (November
29-30th), as a Milti-Single entry. Operators mentioned are Harald/LA5UF,
John/LA6UH, Paul/LA6YEA, Jon/LA8HGA and Gaute/LA9TJA. QSL via LA9VDA,
direct (see details on or by the bureau. Bureau QSL cards can
also be requested by E-mail to:
Visit the club's Web page at:

LS1, ARGENTINA. Operators Tim/LW9EOC and Daniel/LU3CT will be active as
LS1D during the CQWW DX CW Contest (November 29-30th) as a Multi-Single
entry. QSL via LW9EOC.

LY7, LITHUANIA. Members of the Kaunas University of Technology will be
active as LY7A during the CQWW DX CW Contest (October 29-30th) as a
Multi/Multi entry. QSL via the LoTW or LY2ZO.

NEW BAND PRIVILEGES................
   160m - Spanish (EA) stations (including EA6, EA8 and EA9) will be able
          to operate from 1810-2000 kHz, with restrictions. EA operators
          can use 1810-1830 and 1850-2000 kHz only during some contests
          and through the end of 2008-2009. Spanish stations hope to be
          allowed to use 1810-2000 on a regular basis.

    60m - Irish stations (EI) can now receive 60m licenses. The first 60m
          licenses were issued on Friday, October 17th. There are three
          channels available (only 3 kHz wide) with their center frequencies
          on 5280, 5400 and 5405 kHz.

PJ2, NETHERLANDS ANTILLES. Members of the Caribbean Contesting Consortium
(CCC) will activate Signal Point Station on Curacao (SA-006, WLOTA
LH-0942) as PJ2/homecall during the end of November. Operators mentioned
are Geoff/W0CG, Jeff/K8ND, Jim/W0NB, Jim/W8WTS, John/N4QQ, Jim/K8MR and
Mark/N5OT. Their main goal is the CQ World Wide DX CW Contest (November
29-30th), as a Multi-2 entry using the callsign PJ2T. QSL PJ2T via N9AG
or LoTW. QSL all others via their home callsigns.

QSL INFO AND NEWS.....................
   4W6RU QSL STATUS. According to the Union de Radioaficionados Espanoles,
   URE (The Spanish Amateur Radio League) Web page ( QSLs
   have started to be confirmed as of October 29th.

   QSL ROUTES FOR 9X0A. Andy, RW3AH, wants to remind DXers when QSLing 9X0A
   to use the correct routes. This callsign was used by Andy between 1997-
   2007 (QSL via UA3DX) and was reissued in late spring of 2008 (May) to
   Rich, KA1CRP (QSL via KA1CRP). only lists the 2008 operation.

   QSL EH3MB via EA3APS, by the bureau or direct to: Albert Patau Comas,
   Sant Antoni, 73-79, 5-2, E-08301 -Mataro-(BCN), SPAIN. This special
   event station is to commemorate the 160th anniversary of the Railway
   line between Mataro and Barcelona.

   NEW MANAGER. Steve, N3SL, reports that the QSL route for contest station
   GM7R is via Kim Larson (daughter of N3SL). Use the callbook address
   for N3SL. Cards are in hand. QSL direct or by the bureau.

   PLEASE NOTE: Steve, W9DX, reports: "The Texas DX Society is getting a
   lot of QSL cards to K5DX for phone contacts actually made with TO5DX's
   recent DXpedition. Apparently 'TO' sounds like 'Kilo'. Stations in
   doubt as to whom they worked can check the online logs for TO5DX at The QSL Manager for TO5DX is AA4NN."

   TY6A QSL STATUS. Serge, F6AML, reports that all QSL cards received
   direct up to October 28th, were answered and mailed. To see the QSL
   cards, visit the following Web pages:

   QSL UP9L via RW6HS. Activity was during the 2008 CQWW DX SSB Contest.




TM4, FRANCE. Operators Rafik/F5CQ, Flo/F5CWU, Francios/F5MYK, Didier/F5OGL,
Jean/F6EKS, Pat/F6IIT, David/F8CRS and Jean-Paul/F6FYA will be active as
TM4Q during the CQWW DX CW Contest (November 29-30th) as a Multi/Single
entry. QSL via F6FYA.

TO3, REUNION ISLAND. Operators Alex/RW3RN, Alekcej/UA4HOX and Harry/RA3AUU
will be active as TO3R between November 25th and December 6th. Activity
will be on the lower bands and a Multi-Single entry in the CQWW DX CW
Contest (November 29-30th). QSL via RW3RN.

TO5, MARTINIQUE. Lee, K5UN, will be a guest operator from Laurent's,
FM5BH, QTH during the CQWW DX CW Contest (November 29-30th) using the
callsign TO5X. Operating category TBA. QSL via K5UN.

V8, BRUNEI. Ian, G3YBY/F5VKT, will be active as V8FKT from November
9-21st. Activity will be mainly SSB and RTTY on 40-15 meters using only
100 watts into elevated verticals. QSL via G3YBY.

VE6, CANADA. A team of Canadian operators will activate VE6SV during the
CQWW DX CW Contest (November 29-30th) as a Multi-? entry. QSL via VE6SV,
by the Bureau or direct.

VK9D, WILLIS ISLAND (OC-007). The VK9DWX Operation QRTed early on October
25th, due to unexpected heavy wind on Monday, October 27th. As this
bulletin was being typed, the team's Web page reports that the last QSO was
made at 1944z, October 25th. A total of 95,312 QSOs were made (53783/CW,
32904/SSB and 8625/RTTY). QSL via DJ2MX. Their "Online QSL Request System"
(OQRS) is available now. Please help support them, and help to minimize
their workload by using this OQRS. There you can choose between direct
QSL card and bureau QSL card. For their latest update and a wrap-up of
the DXpedition, visit the VK9DWX Web page at:

VK9L, LORD HOWE ISLAND (Update). Members of Oceania Amateur Radio DX Group Inc.
will spend 10 days on Lord Howe Island for the 2009 CQ WPX Contest. Bill,
VK4FW, announced this past week that the operation will take place between
March 24th and April 3rd (2009). Bill states, "In the last few days we
have successfully obtained our accomodation needs and booked flights for
the trip. To date we have 9 confirmed operators for a total of 13 actual
people going. We still have room for a couple more, but you must be super
quick as both the accomodation on the island is almost full and so is the
plane." If interested, contact Bill at:
In the next week or so, Bill will send out more detailed information on
the whole activity.

VP5, TURKS AND CAICOS ISLANDS. Operators Rodger/W7VV, Ralph/VE7XF,
and Brian/N9ADG will be active as VP5W from Jodi's, VP5JM, "Hamlet"
QTH ( on Providenciales, Caicos Islands (NA-002)
during the CQWW DX CW Contest (November 29-30th) as a Multi-Single entry.
QSL via W7TSQ. The team will be active before and after the contest
signing VP5/homecall. QSL via homecall.

VP9, BERMUDA. Juhani, OH3SR, will be here between November 25th and
December 2nd. Look for him to sign OH3SR/VP9. Activity will be limited
because he will be on holiday, but look for him to be on all bands using
CW, SSB and RTTY. He will be a casual entry in the CQWW DX CW Contest.
QSL via OH3SR.

XV4, VIETNAM (IOTA Op). Hans-Peter, HB9BXE, will be active as XV4BX from
Phu Quoc Island (AS-128) between November 22-30th. Activity will be on
160-10 meters, mainly CW, using 100 watts only into a two element vertical
and windom antennas. He will also be an entry in the CQWW DX CW Contest
(November 29-30th). QSL via HB9BXE.

Z3, MACEDONIA. Members of the Radio Club "Nikola Tesla" (Z37M) will be
active as Z37M during the CQ World Wide DX CW Contest (November 29-30th)
as a Multi-2 entry. Operators mentioned are: Milosev/Z31MM, Igor/Z32ID,
Ozren/Z35T, Chris/Z35X, Z35Y and Venco/Z36W. QSL via Z37M, by the Bureau
or info on

ZS8, MARION ISLANDS. There is still no activity reported. For updates
and the first official announcement of ZS8T being on the air, please
visit the official ZS8T Web site at:

** IMPORTANT NOTICE/REMINDER ** The Ohio/Penn DX Bulletin now has a new
FAX number. Contributors can now send/fax their DX information to the
following number:        1-419-828-7791 ( F A X only! )
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Information can now be faxed to the following "NEW" phone line at:
                   1-419-828-7791 (F A X only!)

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