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LU7DR  > ICPO     06.09.08 21:01l 446 Lines 22430 Bytes #999 (0) @ WW
BID : 35155_LU7DR
Subj: [ICPO] ICPO Bulletin (Sepember 04-12, 2008)
Sent: 080906/1619Z @:LU7DR.8000.BA.ARG.SA #:35155 [Bahia Blanca] FBB7.00g
From: LU7DR@LU7DR.8000.BA.ARG.SA

I.C.P.O. Bulletin (Sepember 04-12, 2008)
"Islands, Castles & Portable Operations"
Listing is by calendar date (day/month/year)
04/09/2008:  Paco/EA7ATX and Juan-Luis/EA7AY expect to be in Colombia
starting September 4th for quite a few weeks. They plan to be active as
HK1AT and to operate from the San Bernardo Islands (SA-078) from October
14-19th. QSL via EA7ATX, direct only (proceeds will be donated to
charity). [425 DX News]

04/09/2008:  Yuki, JH1UUT will be active from the Palau Pacific Resort,
Koror, Palau (OC-009) again between September 4-8th, including an entry
in the All Asian DX Contest (September 6-7th). QRV outside the contest
on 3.795, 7.085, 14.200/14.260, 21.260/21.290 and 28.460/490 MHz. QSL
via home call, direct or bureau. [JI6KVR]

04/09/2008:  Satoshi, N2QP will be active as KH0/N2QP from Saipan,
Northern Mariana Islands (OC-086), September 4-8th, including an entry
in the All Asian DX Phone Contest (September 6-7th). QSL KH0/N2QP
direct, with SAE and 1 IRC or 1USD (Satoshi Kouya, 2-7-5 Iwamoto-cho,
Chiyoda, Tokyo 101-0032 Japan). [N2QP]

04/09/2008:  Viaceslav, LY4F will be active as PJ2/LY4F from Signal
Point, island of Curacao (SA-006, also count for WLOTA LH-0942)
September 4-18th, including a Single-Op/All-Band/High-Power entry in the
WAE DX SSB Contest (September 6-7th) using the call sign PJ2F. Outside
of the contest look for activity on all bands and modes. QSL via LY1FF,
bureau preferred. [CCC]

04/09/2008:  Jan ZP6/DL7UFN and Rolf ZP6/DL7VEE will be active from
Asuncion, Paraguay, at the QTH of Tom, ZP5AZL/ZP0R from September
4-14th. Activity is planned for 160-10 meters using CW, SSB, RTTY and
some PSK. QSL via home calls. [NG3K]

05/09/2008:  SCANDINAVIAN IOTA Tour - YL Gabi, DF9TM and OM Frank,
DL2SWW are going to several IOTA in SM, OH and OH0: They start their
activity on September 5th and travel until September 23rd. IOTA to be
activated: EU-173, EU-101, EU-087, EU-084, EU-002 and EU-096. Call signs
to be used: SD7M, SD7W, OH0/homecall and OH/homecall. QSL via bureau,
SD7M via DF9TM, SD7W via DL2SWW. Exact dates are given during the trip
on go to 2008 "Scandinavia IOTA Tour" or
directly to [F5NQL]

05/09/2008:  The SV-DX-Group activates Limnos Island (EU-049, GIOTA
NAS-026, MIA MG-065, WLOTA LH-1740) in Northern Aaegaeis, September
5-15th as SY8L. QRV 160-6m, all modes. QSL via SV2DGH, direct or bureau.
[DX Newsletter]

06/09/2008:  Jan/OK1JK, Jiri/OK1JST, Jarda/OK1JIM, Standa/OK1AGE,
Tom/OK1JRA, Vojta/OK1JKV and Radek/OK1MRK plan to be active from Porer
Island (EU-110, ACIA 46, CIA-35, IOCA CI-090, MIA MC-313) as 9A/homecall
from September 6-13th. Lighthouse references: CLHA CLH-111, ARLHS
CRO-014, TWLHD WLH 9A-052 and WLOTA LH-0240. QRV most HF bands, using
CW, SSB, RTTY, PSK. QSL via home calls, direct or bureau. []

06/09/2008:  Operators Kuny/W1FPU, Tomo/N2QP, Yuri/KE7TWK and 8 year old
Yoshiki/KH0UA will be active from the Aquarius Beach Tower Contest Club,
Saipan, Northern Mariana Islands, as AH0BT. They will QRV for the All
Asian DX Contest as a Multi-OP/Single-TX entry. KH0UA, Yoshiki (8 year
old son of W1FPU/Kuny) who may be the youngest FCC Technician license
holder of non-native English speaker, will join the team. KH0UA can
operate only on 10m band, please call him slowly if you can hear the
contest number of '59-08'. QSL via 7L1FPU, direct (PMR9292, 3-23-3,
Minami-Oi, Shinagawa-ku, Tokyo, 140-0013, JAPAN) or by the bureau.

06/09/2008:  The Algarve DX Group will be active with eleven different
CT7CA* call signs from as many Portuguese castles and fortresses on
September 6th and 7th. They plan to activate Castelo de Castro Marim
(DCFP C-032, DPRN FF-22, WWF CTFF-22), Forte do Rato (DCFP F-046),
Fortaleza de Faro (DCFP F-019), Castelo de Loule (DCFP C-063), Castelo
de Paderne (DCFP C-004), Castelo de Silves (DCFP C-118), Castelo de
Alvor (DCFP C-099), Castelo de Lagos (DCFP C-059), Forte da Boca do Rio
(DCFP F-052) and Fortaleza de Sagres (DCFP F-054). QSL via CT1GFK.
Further information can be found at [425 DX News]

06/09/2008:  Operators Karl/DJ5KK, Thorsten/DG7TG and Wolf/DK3KD will be
active from Helgoland Island (EU-127, N-14 for the German Islands Award,
WLOTA LH-0518) as DA0HEL between September 6-8th. They will be taking
part at IARU VHF Contest on 2m SSB and CW. Outside the contest, look for
them to be QRV on HF as well as VHF. QSL via the DARC bureau.

06/09/2008:  Members of the Group Amateur Radio RASE Dx will be
participating in the IARU VHF Contest (REG1) as ED7URD from September
6-7th. They will be transmitting from the Sierra Filabres (2.168m,
Locator IM87), Almeria, Spain. In addition to their activity in the IARU
VHF Contest, they will have two stations to put into the air on 50 MHz,
as well as various tests on 1200 MHz using the call sign EA7URD/P. The
team will consist of Jesus/EB7BMV, Jose/EB7COL, Manolo/EA7IHV and
Jose/EC7DND. QSL via EA7URD, by the bureau or direct. Photos, log and
details of the operation can be found at [OPDX Bulletin]

06/09/2008:  Christophe, F4AQG will be active as homecall/p for the IARU
Region 1 VHF Contest (September 6-7th) from the Tour des Opies (DFCF
13-039, WW Loc. JN23LR, SOTA CR-242), commune of Eguieres (CP 13430),
canton of Eyguieres (DDCF 13-09), Department Bouches-du-Rhone/13 and
Provence-Cote-d'Azur (DPF 20). QSL via home call, direct or bureau.

06/09/2008:  François/F5JNE along with Claude/F5MCC will be active
September 6th as F5JNE/p from the Pouy Castle (DFCF 10-028), in the city
of Pouy sur Vannes (CP 10290), Canton of Marcilly le Hayer (DDCF 10-13),
Department Aube/10 and Province Champagne-Ardennes (DPF 08). As usual
starting around 0600 UTC, 80 and 40 meter CW and SSB. QSL via F5JNE,
direct or bureau. [F5NQL]

06/09/2008:  Tom, DL4VM will be active as OZ/DL4VM from Rømø Island
(EU-125, NS-001 for the Danish Islands Award) between September 6th and
20th. He will work only QRP 5 watts and only CW on 40m, 20m and 15m and
perhaps 10m and 6m depending on conditions. QSL via home call, direct
(Thomas Scheliga, Stockenbruch 12, 66119 Saarbr, Germany) or by the
bureau. []

06/09/2008:  For the second time some F5KLJ ARC members are going to the
Madame Island (DIFM AT-024, Not IOTA, WW Loc. IN95TX), located in the
Charente Maritime area (Department: Charente Maritime/17, Province:
Poitou-Charentes DPF 19, Canton: Marennes DDCF 17-14). The call sign
used will be TM1MAD. Activity on September 6th and 7th, CW/SSB from 80
to 10m and even on 144/432 MHz. QSL via Ref union bureau. [F5NQL]

07/09/2008:  Jean Michel, F5PRR will be active September 7th as
homecall/p from the Castellas of Montpeyroux (DFCF 34-041), commune of
Montpeyroux (CP 34150), Department Herault/34 and Province Languedoc
Rousillon (DPF 12). QRV 80 and 40 meters, also 20-10m if propagtion
allows. QSL via home call, direct or bureau. [F5PRR]

07/09/2008:  Dom, F6EPO will be QRV September 7-27th from Guadeloupe
[Basse-Terre] (NA-102, DIFO FG-019, WLOTA LH-0644). He plans to be
active using a K1 QRP from La Grande Soufrière, an active stratovolcano
with an elevation of 1,467 meters (evenings only). Frequencies mentioned
are: 7.007, 10.111, 14.014 and 21.021 MHz. QSL via home call, direct or
bureau. [F5NQL]

10/09/2008:  Dave/EI4BZ, Jeremy/EI5GM, Dave/EI9FBB and Mark/G4AXX will
be active September 10-14th as EJ3HB from Great Blasket Island (EU-007),
Ireland. They will operate SSB and CW on 80-10 meters. QSL via EI9FBB,
direct or bureau. Further information can be found at [425 DX News]

10/09/2008:  Nilay Mine/TA3YJ and Berkin/TA3J will be active as M/TA3YJ
and M/TA3J from London, England (EU-005, WLOTA LH-1841) between
September 10-17th. QSL via TA3YJ QSL Service
( [OPDX Bulletin]

12/09/2008:  Look for Nob/JA2AAU (A35AU), Yoshi/JA2AIC (A35IC),
Iwao/JA2LSS (A35SS), Iku/JA2ATE (A35TE) and Mori/JA2ZS (A35ZS) to be
active on all bands/modes from Tonga (OC-049) between September 12-17th.
QSL via the information on for each call sign. []

12/09/2008:  Mike, AB5EB will be active as homecall/p from Matagorda
Island (NA-092, USi TX-010S, Calhoun county), Texas, and the Matagorda
lighthouse (ARLHS USA-482, TWLHD WLH K-096, WLOTA LH-1860, USGC 4-1312,
WW Loc. EL18SI) from September 12-14th. QRV SSB and CW on, or near, the
usual island and lighthouse frequencies. QSL via home call (CBA).

12/09/2008:  Tom, LA4LN will be QRV from Spitsbergen Island (EU-026,
WLOTA LH-0124), Svalbard from September 12-18th. While there he'll be
QRV on 60 meters as JW1V. He'll also operate JW4LN on 160 meters through
70 cm, mostly on CW with some SSB, digital modes and possibly Satellite.
Tom will has an IC-7000, various wires, a beam for 10, 15 and 20 meters
and possibly on 6 and Satellite. QSL cards must go direct only to LA4LN.
More details can be found at under JW1V. [MMMonVHF]

13/09/2008:  The Ninth Annual Route 66 On The Air Special Event will be
held from September 13-21st. Full information on call signs, QSL routes
and awards can be found at [W6JBT]

27/09/2008:  Al, WP3C will be active from Puerto Rico (NA-099, USi
PR-006S, WLOTA LH-2802) during the CQWW DX RTTY Contest (September
27-28th), as a Single-Op/Single-Band(40m) entry. QSL via W3HNK. [NG3K]

28/09/2008:  On the occasion of the Charles de Gaulle memorial opening
festivities, in Colombey les Deux Eglises (WW Loc. JN28KC), the
Haute-Marne area hams (Department 52) will be active as TM0CDG, between
September 28th to October 12th. Operators include Alain/F0DHH,
Dominique/F0EGY, Alex/F1PZY, Gerard/F4EEH, Julien/F4EEI,
Jean-Marie/F6CHU and Pierre/F6IRM. Activities are scheduled on all HF
bands, and maybe 6, 2 and up, all modes, including SSTV. QSL via bureau
to F6KTR. [F5NQL]

01/10/2008:  Syl, F5TLN will be active from south-Lebanon between
October 2008 to February 2009. He will use OD5/F5TLN on all HF bands,
using SSB and sometimes CW. QSL via home call, direct (Sylvain Bertrand,
14 Rue du Champ Saint Pierre, 55100 Verdun, FRANCE) or by the bureau.
Syl's website can be found at [F5TLN]

05/10/2008:  John, KE6GFF will be active as T6EE once again from
metropolitan Kabul, Afghanistan, between October 5th and 31st. Equipment
will be FT897d, YP3 Super Antenna and long shockcord element Buddipole.
Operation limited to 14.2 MHz by license (+/-QRM). He will give
particular attention to the Americas, Africa and Middle East. John will
also Will participate in the CQWW DX SSB Contest (October 25-26th). QSL
via home call, direct or bureau. [NG3K]

14/10/2008:  Members of the Spanish DX 4 DX TEAM ( will
be in The Gambia (C5) from October 14-24th. Activity will be on the HF
bands and 6 meters using SSB, CW and RTTY. Team members include
Paco/EA4BT, Ramon/EA4NA, Emilio/EA7AAW, Julio/EA7JB, Salvador/EA7SB and
Jose/EA7LS. As of this moment they do know their call sign. QSL via
EA4BT either direct to EA4BT, Apartado Postal 1315, 28800 Alcal de
Henares (Madrid), SPAIN or via the bureau. [MMMonVHF]

23/10/2008:  Operators Ken/K2WB, Jack/N2VW, Tony/W2WAS and Frank/WA2VYA
will be QRV from 'The Hamlet' on Providenciales Island (NA-002, WW Loc.
FL31VS) from October 23-29th. They will use the call sign VP5T during
the CQWW DX SSB Contest (October 25-26th) as a Multi-Multi entry. Look
for activity as VP5/homecalls on CW, WARC and 60 meters before and after
contest. QSL VP5T via LoTW, and direct or bureau to N2VW. QSL
VP5/homecall to homecall. [NG3K]

22/11/2008:  Pista/HA5AO (ex HA7VT) and Tibi/HA7TM are heading to the
Palau Islands (OC-009) and will be QRV as T88CI and T88CJ from November
22nd to December 3rd. For equipment they will have an FT2000, FT1000MP,
FT920, VL1000/VP1000. Activity will be on 1.8 to 50 MHz. QSL cards
should go direct or via the bureau to their home calls. Further
information at [MMMonVHF]

25/11/2008:  Scott, NE1RD will be on a 100 Pound DXpedition to Kauai,
Hawaii, between November 25-30th, including a
Sigle-Op/All-Band/Low-Power entry in the CQWW DX CW Contest (November
29-30th). There will also be pre-contest activation from both Oahu
Island (OC-019, USi HI-008S, WLOTA LH-1227, Honolulu County) and Kauai
Island (OC-019, USi HI-003S, WLOTA LH-1761, Kauai County) on both SSB
and CW. QSL via home call. [NG3K]

25/11/2008:  Yuri, VE3DZ will be active November 25th to December 1st as
PZ5TT from the QTH of Ramon, PZ5RA located in Paramaribo, Suriname. QRV
all bands CW, SSB, RTTY, including a Single-Op/All-Band (probably
High-Power) entry in the CQWW DX CW Contest (November 29-30th). Six
meters is a possibility, using high power and a big 6 element homebrew
yagi (Grid GJ25KU). QSL PZ5TT via VE3DZ, direct or bureau. [NG3K]

29/11/2008:  Joachim, KP4EE will be QRV in the CQWW DX SSB Contest
(November 29-30th) from Aguadilla, Puerto Rico (NA-099, also count for
WLOTA LH-2802), as a Single-Op/All-Band entry. QSL via OK1DOT. [NG3K]

06/09/2008:  This year the Poitou Charente region will host the
Clipperton DX Club 30th Convention, near the European Picture Center the
Futuroscope, in the city of Chasseneuil du Poitou. For this occasion
TM8CDX will be activated this year from September 6th to 20th. If
possible a station will be installed at the site of the convention
during Saturday. Activity will be on HF and may be 144MHz, all modes,
CW, SSB and digitals. QSL via F5CQ, direct or bureau. Further
information can be found at: [F5NQL]

06/09/2008:  One of the most important founding figures in Western
Philosophy, Aristotle was born 24 centuries ago in Stageira.
Commemorating that event, Demetrios/SV2GWY, Kleanthis/SV2XI,
Dimitris/SV7HRJ and Themistokles/SW2HQF will be active as SX24STG during
the IARU Region 1 Field Day (September 6-7th). QSL via SV2GWY, bureau
preferred. [425 DX News]

07/09/2008:  Special call sign TM8JPR will be active from September
7-21st for the European Heritage days, by the Lozere department Hams. A
special vintage Army and Ham radio gear exhibition will be held in the
city of Sainte Enimie on September 20th and 21st. QSL via the REF
bureau. [F5NQL]

12/09/2008:  Operators IK4HDQ, IK4PLW, IK4PMX, IK4UNH, IW4DAP, IW4DEH
and IZ4GXH will operate special event station IR4PA from Russi (Ravenna)
from September 12-14th, for the 25th anniversary of the local welfare
institution. QSL via IK4PLW, direct or bureau. [425 DX News]

U.S.A. Special event station information can be found at:

04/09-18/09  PJ2/LY4F: Curacao 6M Grid:FK52KG 50.110USB FT-100 100W 5el
QSL LY1FF (d/b)

06/09-07/09  ED7URD/P: Almeria, Spain Grid:IM87 6M IC-910/706MKIIG UG1Kw
6el QSL EA7URD (d/b)

06/09             N8OFS/M: Findley State Park OH Grid:EN81VD 50.145USB +
50.300FM 90W QSL HC (d/b)

GOT6??? - 6M Information by Andy, N8OFS (Updated September 02, 2008) at:

04/09-18/09  PJ2/LY4F: Curacao Island WLOTA:0942 QSL LY1FF (b)
05/09-15/09  SY8L: Nisos Limnos WLOTA:1740 QSL SV2DGH (d/b)
06/09-13/09  9A/OK1AGE: Porer CLHA:CLH-111, WLOL:CRO-014, WLH 9A-052,
WLOTA:0240 QSL HC (d/b)
06/09-13/09  9A/OK1JIM: Porer CLHA:CLH-111, WLOL:CRO-014, WLH 9A-052,
WLOTA:0240 QSL HC (d/b)
06/09-13/09  9A/OK1JK: Porer CLHA:CLH-111, WLOL:CRO-014, WLH 9A-052,
WLOTA:0240 QSL HC (d/b)
06/09-13/09  9A/OK1JKV: Porer CLHA:CLH-111, WLOL:CRO-014, WLH 9A-052,
WLOTA:0240 QSL HC (d/b)
06/09-13/09  9A/OK1JRA: Porer CLHA:CLH-111, WLOL:CRO-014, WLH 9A-052,
WLOTA:0240 QSL HC (d/b)
06/09-13/09  9A/OK1JST: Porer CLHA:CLH-111, WLOL:CRO-014, WLH 9A-052,
WLOTA:0240 QSL HC (d/b)
06/09-13/09  9A/OK1MRK: Porer CLHA:CLH-111, WLOL:CRO-014, WLH 9A-052,
WLOTA:0240 QSL HC (d/b)
06/09-07/09  PJ2F: Curacao Island WLOTA:0942 QSL LY1FF (b)
07/09-27/09  FG/F6EPO: Guadeloupe Island WLOTA:0644 QSL HC (d/b)
10/09-17/09  M/TA3J: England (main island) WLOTA:1841 QSL TA3YJ
10/09-17/09  M/TA3YJ: England (main island) WLOTA:1841 QSL TA3YJ
12/09-14/09  AB5EB/P: Matagorda Island WLH:K-096, WLOL:USA-482,
WLOTA:LH-1860, USGC 4-1312 QSL HC (d)
12/09-18/09  JW1V: Spitsbergen Island WLOTA:0124 QSL LA4LN (d)
12/09-18/09  JW4LN: Spitsbergen Island WLOTA:0124 QSL LA4LN (d)

Ralph, K2PF reports that new one letter suffix calls for
Bosnia-Herzegovina were effective as of September 1st.
K2PF will be handling cards for:
E70A - formally T95A and currently operating as J28OO
E73M - E73MMM and T93M (QSL via K2PF or E73Y)
E73U - formally T94DJ and E74DX
NI5DX, Buzz, is now the QSL manager for Jeff, YI9NIC.  Buzz will be able
to confirm all contacts once the logs are transferred.  There will be an
initial delay as QSL cards are designed and printed.  Buzz has also
asked for Jeff to send a copy of his license so it can be sent to ARRL
for acceptance for awards. [K1XN]
Ron, AC7DX reports that the QSL card for KL7DX NA-234 is in the final
design stage and then it will be printed. Please be patient as the
folding color card will be certainly worth the wait.
QSLs received Bureau - 4LØCR, 4O3A, 5WØNU, 6MØMM, 6V7G, 9M2CNC, 9M2RPN,

QSLs received Direct - 9XØR (via EA5RM), C91YI (via DJ0YI), D2NX (via
JH7FQK), H7/K9NW (via K9NW), HQ8R [NA-035], JX/G7VJR (via G7VJR),
JX/SQ4MP (via G7VJR), N1YC/VK9X (via N5ID), OA4BHY/3 [SA-074] (via
DL2JRM), S21XF (via LA5YJ), TG9ADM, TK7C (via F9IE), VR10ZQZ/p [AS-006].

QSLs received LoTW - A61AJ, JX/G7VJR, JX/SQ4MP.

 - Bryn N4VM has generously made available hundreds of hours of W1AW
code practice mp3 files that you can download and play on your mp3
player or computer.

The files are located here:

They range in speed from 5 to 40 wpm.  Text files showing the sent
characters are also provided.

They are indexed by speed:  5, 7-1/2, 10, 13, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35 and 40
wpm as well by date of transmission.  There are also two directories 18
and 18 wpm - both of which contain 18 wpm Morse code practice.

Below the directories of the various speeds are directories with dates.
These directories (folders) are different files than the one's above and
are from an earlier period where perhaps Bryn indexed the files by date
instead of by speed.  So if you run out of the ones indexed by speed,
there are entire W1AW sessions recorded here.

We wish to thank Bryn, N4VM for the gift to the Morse community on the
Internet and here on the CW email list.

Current W1AW mp3 files and text files showing what was sent are on the
ARRL server here:

ARRL also maintains an archive of these files - and text translations of
the Morse here:

We thank the ARRL and their memebers for this excellent resource.

73 David Ring, N1EA
The Pentagon Amateur Radio Club will host a Special Event Station
Commemorating 9/11 (Sep 2, 2008).
On Thursday, September 11, the Pentagon Amateur Radio Club (_PARC_
( ) will operate a Special Event station commemorating the
7th anniversary of the attacks that occurred on the Pentagon, the World
Trade Center and over Pennsylvania in 2001. This special event will be
held in conjunction with President Bush's visit to the Pentagon to
dedicate the new _Pentagon Memorial_
honoring the 184 people, both at the Pentagon and on American Airlines
flight 77, who lost their lives in the attacks.
Operators will be on 10, 15, 20, 40 and 80 meters -- both phone and
CW -- with plans to operate on a 12 hour basis (1200-2400 UTC). There
will be a special QSL card available for stations that work K4AF. For
more information, please contact _Gary Sessums, KC5QCN_
( . QSL via PARC, PO Box 2322, Arlington, VA
22202. [ARRL]
We invite all OM with the spedial call IPY to operate on September 24th
specifying <International Polar Day Celebration>. For more information
on the anniversary please visit the web site at [F5NQL]
So far the list includes -
Youssef, CN8YZ as 5DØIPY WAP-153
Charles, MØOXO as GB4IPY WAP-Ø98
Dani, YB2TJV as YE2IPY WAP-133
The WAP website is ready for the 6th Antarctic Activity Week (February
16 - 22, 2009) at
So far the list includes -
DAØANT WAP-128 operated by DC2SF
GBØANT WAP-Ø72 operated by MØOXO
GBØIPY WAP-Ø98 operated by MØOXO
IR1ANT WAP-ØØ2 operated by I1HYW
IU8ANT WAP-Ø44 operated by I8QJU
S5ØIPY WAP-151 operated by S51RU
TM8ICE WAP-154 operated by F8DVD
VA2WAP WAP-1Ø9 operated by VE2LHP
VA3WAP WAP-111 operated by VA3NQ
Churches and Chapels On the Air is taking place on Saturday 13th
September. Over 20 special event call signs have been issued. Activity
is expected from 1000-1600 local time using SSB on frequencies around
3.747, 7.047 and 14.320 MHz. See for details. [ZL2AUB]
73 and Good DX!
Dave Raycroft, VA3RJ
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