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UT1HZM > DXNEWS   25.03.16 18:41l 250 Lines 15037 Bytes #999 (0) @ WW
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Subj: 425 DX News #1299
Sent: 160325/1614Z 38496@UT1HZM.KREM.POL.UKR.EU BPQ1.4.65

26 March 2016                                             A.R.I. DX Bulletin
                                   No 1299
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  DX  INFORMATION  ****
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                        Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW

4W     - A team of five (7K4QOK, JE1CKA, JI1AVY, JJ2VLY and JQ2GYU) will  be
         active from Timor Leste on 5-11 April. They will  operate  CW,  SSB
         and RTTY on 160-10 metres. Callsign(s) and QSL information will  be
         announced later. [TNX DX World]
5W     - Haru, JA1XGI will be active as 5W0XG from Apia, Samoa  (OC-097)  on
         19-25 April. He will operate mainly CW with some RTTY  and  PSK  on
         40-10  metres.  QSL  via  JA1XGI  (direct  or  bureau)  and   LoTW;
         logsearch and OQRS on Club Log.
C5     - Leaving Belgium on 28 March, Pedro, ON7WP will be active  again  as
         C5WP from the village of Buntung (The Gambia) from 29  March  to  2
         April. At night he will focus  on  40  metres  with  some  80m,  at
         daytime he will operate mainly on 15, 12 and  10  metres.  He  will
         also try and be active on 60m (Channel 3 5357,0 kHz  USB).  On  3-8
         April he will operate from the  coastal  area.  Pedro  is  actively
         involved in a private charity  organization  (,
         and his operations will be limited  to  his  spare  time.  QSL  via
         ON7WP, direct only. [TNX The Daily DX]
9M0    - Pekka, OH1TV and Pekka, OH2YY will be active  from  Layang  Layang,
         Spratly Islands (AS-051) on 5-9 April. They will  operate  SSB  and
         some CW on 80-6 metres with two  stations.  The  callsign  will  be
         known on 4 April. QSL via OH2YY, direct  or  bureau;  logsearch  on
         Club Log. [TNX OH2YY]
9M2    - On 1-2 April, 9M4PB will be a  field  style  operation  from  Parit
         Penyengat Laut Beach, West Malaysia. QSL via 9M2ESM; OQRS  on  Club
         Log. [TNX NG3K]
EP     - A team including YL2GM, YL3CW, YL2KA, UT7UJ, US7UX,  UT7UV,  UX0LL,
         EP3MIR and EP2LMA will be active as EP2A from Iran on 16-25  April.
         They will operate CW, SSB  and  RTTY  on  160-6  metres  with  four
         stations. QSL via YL2GN and LoTW; logsearch and OQRS on  Club  Log.
         See for further information.
FO     - John, K3JZ  and  Marjorie,  N7SOF  are  visiting  "several  of  the
         Society Islands" (French Polynesia)  until  20  April.  IOTA  wise,
         they can be OC-046, OC-067 or OC-057.  FO/K3JZ  and  FO/N7SOF  will
         operate CW, RTTY, and JT on 40-10 metres. QSL via home calls.
FT4J   - The team will depart from Mayotte  on  26  March.  You  can  follow
         their  voyage  at
         Hopefully they will be QRV as FT4JA from Juan de Nova on  29  March
         in the local evening hours. They will  use  the  band  plan  shared
         with VK0EK: "some windows are very narrow and we will have to  live
         together in all understanding, without departing from the  intended
         plan, at the risk of generating confusion  and  disruption  between
         the two activities", they say -
         QSL  via  F5CWU,  direct  or  bureau; logsearch (updated on a daily
         basis) and OQRS  on Club  Log. Plase note that the QSL manager will
         not be able to help  with log issues until 17 April. A stamp set to
         be used for all direct  cards will be issued by TAAF. The logs will
         be  uploaded  to  LoTW  "about  6  months  after  the  end  of  the
         expedition". [TNX F5NQL]
GJ     - The Charente DX Groupe ( will be active  as
         MJ0KUC from Jersey (EU-013) on 23-30 April. The operators  will  be
         F5LOW, F5MNK, F5NBQ, F6HKA, MJ0ASP and  ON4ZD.  All  QSOs  will  be
         confirmed automatically via the  bureau;  direct  cards  to  ON4ZD;
         logsearch and OQRS on Club Log. [TNX ON4ZD]
GU     - GW0ANA and a team from Germany (DJ6OI, DJ8NK,  DL9RBL  and  DL9RCF)
         will be active as GP4BRS from Guernsey (EU-114) on 9-16 April.  QSL
         via DJ6OI and LoTW; logsearch and OQRS on Club Log.
JX     - Svein, LA9JKA will return and  be  active  in  his  spare  time  as
         JX9JKA from Jan  Mayen  (EU-022)  starting  in  mid-April  for  six
         months. He plans to focus on 160, 80, 40 and  30  metres.  QSL  via
         LA9JKA  (direct  only)  and  LoTW  ("the  previous  logs  are   not
         computerized", LA7DFA says). [TNX DX World]
LU     - Look for Horacio LU5BE/R, Henry LU8EFF/R and  Arnaldo  LU3AAL/R  to
         be active from San Jose (locator FG63xe) in the Argentine  province
         of Catamarca, on 14-17 April.  Amateur  radio  activity  from  this
         region is uncommon. They will operate CW, SSB, PSK31  and  JT65  on
         80-10 metres with two stations. QSL via home calls. [TNX LU5BE]
PY     - PY2LCD will be active as ZW2F from Ilha Comprida (SA-024) on  26-28
         March. He will participate in the WPX SSB  Contest  on  all  bands;
         outside the contest he might be QRV  on  other  bands  and  operate
         also slow CW. QSL via PY2LCD, direct or bureau; logsearch and  OQRS
         on Club Log. [TNX]
PY     - A group of four operators will be  active  as  ZX5B  from  Ilha  do
         Batuta (SA-088) on 21-24 April. QSL via PP5BZ,  direct  or  bureau.
SV     - SX210RCK is the special callsign for Radio Club  Kastoria  (SZ2RCK)
         to celebrate its 10th anniversary. Activity  on  160-6  metres  CW,
         SSB and RTTY will start on 1 April and run until  the  end  of  the
         year. QSL via SV2BXZ, LoTW and eQSL.
TA     - Look for TA0/DL7UCX to be active from Marmara  Island  (AS-201)  on
         1-11 April. The operators will be Ben, DL7UCX  and  Bernd,  DL7VBJ.
         QSL via DL7UCX, direct or bureau, and LoTW. [TNX]
UA     - Special event callsigns RA55YG,  RC55YG,  RG55YG,  RJ55YG,  RQ55YG,
         RT55YG, RW55YG, RX55YG and RZ55YG will be active on 1-30  April  to
         commemorate the 55th anniversary of  Yuri  Gagarin's  first  manned
         flight into outer space. QSL via RQ7L. [TNX R7NB]
UN     - Also commemorating Yuri Gagarin's flight of 55 years  ago,  special
         callsign UP55GC will be active from Kazakhstan on 4-14  April.  QSL
         via RW6HS, direct only. [TNX RW6HS]
YB     - Robby, YD4IRS will be active as YD4IRS/9 from Mansuar, one  of  the
         Raja Ampat Islands (OC-239) on 24-27 March. He can  operate  DX  on
         80, 40, 15 and 10 metres CW. [TNX DX World]

CQ WW WPX SSB CONTEST --->  The  following  stations  have  announced  their
participation in this year's event (26-27 March):
Call          Category        Country            QSL
3V8SS         SOAB LP         Tunisia            LoTW/LX1NO
3Z6O          SOAB LP         Poland             LotW
4L8A          SOSB 20m        Georgia            LoTW/K1BV
5E5E          M/2             Morocco            W7EJ
5T4C          SOSB 40m        Mauritania         NI5DX
5Z4/TA1HZ     SO              Kenya              LoTW/LZ3HI
7U9C          SOAB            Algeria            SM4VPZ
8P1W          SOAB LP         Barbados           KU9C
8P5A          SOAB HP         Barbados           LoTW/NN1N
9K2K          SOAB            Kuwait             LoTW
9K9K          SOAB LP         Kuwait
9M6SDX                        East Malaysia      9M6SDX
9N3DX         SOSB 20m        Nepal              9N3DX
A31MM         SOAB LP         Tonga              LoTW/EA5GL
AT5R          M/2             India              LoTW
BG3ITB        SO              China              BG9GXM
BP0P          M/2             Taiwan   
BW/JL3RDC     SOAB            Taiwan             JL3RDC
C4A           M/2             Cyprus             5B4KH
CB1H          M/?             Chile              CE1DY
CN2AA         M/2             Morocco            LoTW/UA2FM
CQ9T          M/S LP          Madeira            LoTW/CT3KN
D41CV         M/M             Cape Verde         IZ4DPV
E44YL         M/S             Palestine          IK3GES
EB8AH         SOAB LP         Canary Isls        LoTW
EI1A          SO2R            Ireland            LoTW/PA3249
FP/KV1J       SO              Miquelon           LoTW/KV1J
FY5FY         SOAB HP         French Guiana      FY5FY
HB20AA        M/S LP          Switzerland        HB9ARF
HC0E          M/M             Ecuador            HC1QRC
HS0AC         M/2             Thailand           HS5NMF
IH9A          SOSB 40m HP     African Italy      LoTW/IT9SPB
KH2KY         M/?             Guam               LoTW/JA1MFR
KL7RA         M/?             Alaska             N6TR
KP3Z          SOAB LP         Puerto Rico        N4AO
LY26A         M/2             Lithuania          LY5A
LY7A          M/M             Lithuania          LotW
NP2P          SOAB            US Virgin Islands  LoTW
OH0X          SOAB HP         Aland Isls         OH2TA
OP4K          M/S             Belgium            OP4K
PD9X          M/2             Netherlands        LotW
PJ2/DD5ZZ     SO              Curacao            DD5ZZ
PJ6E          M/?             Sint Eustatius     LoTW
PJ7/F5RAV     SO              Sint Maarten       F5RAV
PS2T          M/2             Brazil             K3IRV
PV7M          SOSB 20M        Brazil             PT7ZT
PY41WPX                       Brazil             LoTW/PS7AB
RT73AS        SOSB 20M        Russia (EU)        RG3B
SX9C          M/M             Crete              LoTW/SV9COL
T32AZ         SO              Christmas Island   KH6QJ
T40A          SO              Cuba               CO8ZZ
TO972M        SOAB HP         Martinique         FM5BH
V47JA         SOAB            St Kitts & Nevis   LoTW/W5JON
VC2A          SOAB HP         Canada             VA2WA
VK4TS         M/2             Australia          LoTW/N3SL
VQ5E          MO              Caicos Islands     LoTW/W6RI
WP2Z          SOAB            US Virgin Isls     KU9C
YV1KK         M/S             Venezuela          LoTW
Z60A                          Kosovo             OH2BH
ZV2WDX                        Brazil             LoTW/PU2UJG
ZW2F          SOAB LP         Brazil             PY2LCD
Do not forget to give a look at the Announced Operations listing  maintained
by  Bill,  NG3K  at good contest to
you all!

                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  GOOD TO KNOW ... ****
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                        Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW

IOTA DINNER ---> The 21st Annual Islands On The Air (IOTA)  Dinner  will  be
held on 15 April at the Visalia Conference Center in  conjunction  with  the
67th  International   DX  Convention  (
Attendance  is  not part of  the  main  Convention registration  and advance
payment is required.  Please  email Will, WC6DX (wc6dx[@]  for
information. [TNX N6VR]

KOSOVO ---> Active during the WPX SSB Contest will be Z60A (the  HQ  station
of SHRAK, the new IARU Society of Kosovo) as well as  Z61DX,  Z62FB,  Z63ESC
(youth team), Z64EEF (University Club) and Z68BH (OH2BH).  "This  on-the-air
activity will be used as part of a training process  for  new  Kosovar  hams
while they prepare for the forthcoming  IARU  YOTA  gathering  in  Austria".

R3CA/# ---> "The Great Northern Way" expedition [425DXN #1296]  stopped  for
a while at Dikson (mainland Russia),  with  a  brief  activity  from  nearby
Dikson Island (AS-005) on 20 March.  The  expedition  has  now  resumed  its
course along the Taimyr coast  and  can  be  followed  on
There might be further activity from the Begichevskaya Kosa  Islands  and/or
Kolchak Island (formerly known as Rastorguyev), whose IOTA status  is  being
considered.  They  might  count  for  IOTA  groups    AS-068    and  AS-104,
respectively. QSL via UA9OBA. [TNX]

VK0EK ---> The Braveheart arrived at Heard Island  on  22  March  around  16
local time (11 UTC), and VK0EK started activity  around  16.40  UTC  on  the
23rd. After being at Atlas Cove with all stations up and  running  for  some
days, the team will set up the second camp  at  Spit.  See
for updates and for  logsearch  and  OQRS  ("Order  QSLs")  for
direct and bureau cards. Traditional paper cards go (direct only)  to  VK0EK
Heard Island DXpedition, P.O. Box 17,  Kenilworth,  CV8  1SF,  England.  The
logs are  also uploaded to  Club Log (;  the
latest  update  (05.03  UTC  on 25 March) shows 3,400 QSOs with 2,415 unique


QSLs received direct or  through  managers:  3W3MD,  4J6RO,  4O7CW,  4U0ITU,
5J0B, 9G5TT, 9J2T, A61HA, BG2AUE, C6ATS (NA-219), CE2LML,  CO8ZZ,  DU1/YL3JM
(OC-126),  EA1GIB/p  (EU-080),  EI1Y,  ER3ZZ,  FK8HN,  FS/K4ZGB,  J6/SP3CFM,
JT1CO, JW7QIA,  K5P,P5/3Z9DX,  S79C  (AF-119),  SV9RGI,  TA2AO/4,  TI5/KL9A,
TM5CT (EU-039), TO2TT, TR8CA, TT8TT,  TY1AA,  UA1ATD/1,  V31ME  (NA-073  and
NA-123), VK3IO, VP8LP (SA-002), VU2MV, VY0JCW (NA-047), W1AW/KH2,  W1AW/KH6,
W1AW/KL7, W1AW/KP4, XT2TT, YF1AR/8 (OC-157), YF1AR/8 (OC-272), YJ0BJ,  YP0Y,
YW5RYL (SA-035), Z81D, ZD7W, ZD8W, ZL9A (OC-286).


                425 DX NEWS HOME PAGE:
                425 DX NEWS MAGAZINE:


               425 DX News is a free of charge weekly bulletin
      edited by Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ and Valeria Pregliasco, IK1ADH

            Its contents may be used, reproduced and distributed
                        in part or full provided that
               "425 DX News" or "425DXN" receive proper credit

          Contributors are invited to send their DX information to
                 Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ (
                      The deadline is 12 UTC on Fridays


                           Direttore Responsabile
                            Gabriele Villa, I2VGW
               Giornalista Professionista - Tessera n. 071675
                      Ordine Nazionale dei Giornalisti
                                Roma, Italia


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