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TA2BBS > DX       12.03.16 10:47l 205 Lines 11360 Bytes #999 (0) @ WW
BID : 425WW1297
Subj: 425 DX News #1297
Sent: 160312/0833Z @:TA2BBS.#ANK.TUR.EU [Ankara] HFPR/PTOR XFBB7.04j $:425WW129

                               425 DX News #1297
                                 12 Mar 2016

                              A.R.I. Dx Bulletin
                            Edited by I1JQJ &IK1ADH

            Information, reports and suggestions must be sent to:
                  Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ: DX information
                           (e-mail )
            Contributors are invited to send their DX information to

                  Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ (

                       The deadline is 12 UTC on Fridays

3C     - 3C7A is the callsign issued to Ken,  LA7GIA  for  his  11-21  March
         activity from Malabo,  Bioko  Island  (AF-010),  Equatorial  Guinea
         [425DXN 1296]. He plans to be QRV  on  80-10  metres  CW,  SSB  and
         RTTY. QSL via LA7GIA and LoTW; logsearch on Club Log.
8P     - Dick, G3RWL will be active again as 8P6DR  from  Barbados  (NA-021)
         from 29 March to 22 April. He will operate CW  and  RTTY  on  80-10
         metres. QSL via G3RWL; logsearch and OQRS on  Club  Log.  [TNX  The
         Daily DX]
A5     - Nobuaki, JA0JHQ  (  will  be  active  as
         A52NH from Bhutan on 17-21 March. Main operation  will  be  on  80,
         40, 30, 20, 17 and 15 metres CW; activity on other  bands  and  SSB
         will  depend  on  local  conditions.  QSL  via    JA0JHQ,    bureau
         (preferred) or direct, and LoTW; logsearch on Club Log.
CY9    - A team of nine (AA4NC, K4ZLE, K5DHY,  K8LEE,  N0TG,  N8AA,  VA1AXC,
         VA3QR and WA4DAN) will be active  as  CY9C  from  St.  Paul  Island
         (NA-094) on 19-29 August. They will operate SSB,  CW  and  RTTY  on
         160-10 metres. One station will be dedicated  full  time  to  RTTY.
         Logsearch and OQRS  for  direct  and  bureau  cards  on  Club  Log;
         traditional QSL  cards  via  WA4DAN  (direct).  The  logs  will  be
         uploaded to LoTW "no later than 3 months after  the  conclusion  of
         the  DXpedition".  The  website  for  the    DXpedition    is    at
F      - A team of  five  operators  from  Belgium  (ON4LRG,  ON5PO,  ON6DP,
         ON6QR, ON6MM, ON6YH and ON7ZM) will be active as  TM6G  from  Groix
         Island (EU-048) from 28 July to 4 August,  including  participation
         in the  IOTA  Contest.  QSL  via  ON6DP,  direct  or  bureau.  [TNX]
FH     - Gil, F4FET will be active as FH/F4FET from Mayotte (AF-027)  before
         and after joining the Juan de Nova DXpedition  (FT4JA).  The  dates
         are 24-25 March and 16-21 April. He will operate SSB  and  RTTY  on
         40-10 metres from the main island (Grande-Terre), as well  as  from
         Petite-Terre, Zamburu and the Choazil Islands. [TNX DX World]
FS     - Paul, W7NZJ will be  active  again  as  FS/W7NZJ  from  St.  Martin
         (NA-105) on 18-28 March. He will operate  digital  modes  on  20-10
         metres. QSL via eQSL. [TNX DX World]
HA     - HA0DI, HA0DX, HA0GB, HA0HW, HA0KA, HA0LD, HA0LG and HA8MT  will  be
         active  as  either  HG0WFF  and  homecall/p  from  the    Landscape
         Protected Area of Szatmar-beregi on 13-15 March. They will  operate
         CW, SSB and digital modes on the HF bands  with  several  stations.
         QSL HG0WFF via HA0HW (OQRS on Club Log),  others  via  home  calls.
         [TNX HA0HW]
OH     - The University of Oulu Radio Club (OH8TA) will be  active  as  OH8T
         from Hailuoto Island (EU-184) on 11-13 March. They will be  QRV  on
         all bands. QSL via bureau to OH8TA. [TNX]
OX     - Bo, OZ1DJJ ( will  be
         active again as  OX3LX  from  Tasiilaq  Island  (NA-151)  on  15-22
         March. This is not a DXpedition and Bo will operate  in  his  spare
         time, typically "around lunch and after dinner". QSL via OZ1PIF.
OZ     - Joergen, OZ0J will be active as 5Q2T from Samso Island (EU-172)  on
         20-22 March. He will operate mainly CW and digital modes on  160-10
         metres. QSL via OZ0J, LoTW and eQSL. Logsearch  and  OQRS  on  Club
         Log. [TNX]
PJ2    - Alex, DD5ZZ will be active as PJ2/DD5ZZ from  Curacao  (SA-099)  on
         16-28 March. He will operate SSB and digital modes on 80-6  metres,
         and will participate in the CQ WPX SSB Contest. QSL via home  call,
         direct or bureau. [TNX DX World]
PY0F   - Ville, PY2ZEA will be active as  PW0FN  from  Fernando  de  Noronha
         (SA-003) on 15-22 March.  "This  is  mainly  a  service  trip  with
         limited activity on CW and SSB", he says. QSL via OH0XX. [TNX NG3K]
S9     - Bruno, S9BK has cancelled his side trip to  Principe  (AF-044)  and
         will remain active from Sao Tome (AF-023) until  24  March  [425DXN
         1293]. QSL via HB9BEI. [TNX 5B4AHJ]
T8     - Yuji, JF1DIR will be active as T88IR from Koror (OC-009), Palau  on
         20-25 March. He will operate CW and digital modes on  40,  30,  20,
         15, 10 and 6 metres. QSL via  home  call,  direct  or  bureau,  and
         LoTW; logsearch on Club Log.
V2     - Babs, DL7AFS and Lot, DJ7ZG are active again as V21ZG from  Antigua
         (NA-100) until 22 March. They will be QRV on 80-6 metres PSK,  RTTY
         and SSB, with a focus on the higher bands. QSL via  DL7AFS,  direct
         or bureau, and LoTW. Logsearch on Club Log.
V6, V7 - Keith, GM4YXI and Chris, GM3WOJ will again be active  as  V6Z  from
         Chuuk (OC-011), Micronesia and  also  possibly  as  from  Kwajalein
         (OC-028), Marshall Islands (V7 callsign  TBA)  between  14  and  30
         October. Activity will include a V6Z Multi-2 entry  in  the  CQ  WW
         SSB Contest from Chuuk. More details and website will be  announced
         in due course. [TNX GM3WOJ]
VE    - Mike, VE7ACN will be active as VE7ACN/7 from Graham Island  (NA-051)
         on 15-22 March and from Kaien Island (NA-061) on  23-27  March.  He
         will operate SSB and CW on 40-15 metres. QSL via VE7ACN, direct  or
         bureau; OQRS on Club Log. [TNX]
VE     - Chris, VE6CMV will be active holiday  style  as  VO2VC  from  Goose
         Bay, Labrador (Zone 2) on 16-22 March. He will operate  mainly  SSB
         with maybe some RTTY/digital  on  80-10  metres.  QSL  via  VE6CMV,
         direct or bureau, and LoTW. Logsearch on Club Log. [TNX  The  Daily
VK9C   - Bjorn, LB1GB will participate in  the  Russian  DX  Contest  (19-20
         March) as VK9/LB1GB from the Cocos (Keeling) Islands.  He  is  part
         of the 15-26 March VK9CK DXpedition [425DXN 1287]. [TNX NG3K]
VP5    - Clint, W9AV  and  Quent,  W6RI  will  be  active  as  VP5/W9AV  and
         VP5/W6RI from Providenciales,  Caicos  Islands  (NA-002)  on  23-29
         March. They will participate in the CQ WW WPX SSB Contest as  VQ5E.
         All QSOs will be uploaded to LoTW; traditional QSL direct to W6RI.
XU     - Jacek, SP5APW will be active as as XU7AKC  from  Koh  Rong  Sanloem
         (AS-133)  on  7-12  April  (  He  will
         operate SSB, RTTY and PSK. QSL via home  call,  direct  or  bureau;
         logsearch and OQRS on Club Log.
YB     - Expect Din  YB8RW/p,  Sisca  YB8RXA/p,  Gatot  YB8SFE/p  and  maybe
         others to be active from Mayu  Island  (OC-145)  around  mid-March.
         Plans are to operate SSB, CW and digital modes  on  various  bands.
         QSL via operator's instructions. [TNX DX World]

                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  GOOD TO KNOW ... ****
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                        Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW

RSGB COMMONWEALTH CONTEST ---> The 79th edition of the  Commonwealth  (BERU)
Contest ( ) will be held  on  12-13  March,
from 10 UTC to 10 UTC, on 80, 40, 20, 15 and 10 metres  CW.  Only  operators
located within the United Kingdom and Crown  Dependencies,  Commonwealth  or
British Mandated Territories are eligible to enter.

VK0EK ---> On 10 March the "Braveheart" departed  Cape  Town,  South  Africa
destination Heard Island. The voyage is expected to take ten days  -  follow
her progress at While at sea the  operators
will be signing ZL/homecall/mm and/or ZL/ZS9HI/mm. VK0EK will be QRV on  all
bands CW, SSB and RTTY  and  modes  with  up  to  eight  stations  from  two
different locations for three weeks  (approximately  from  20  March  to  10
April). Bookmark for updates.

WINQSL ---> The WINQSL database  (on  the  market  since  1987  with  around
100,000 QSL manager information which is updated monthly) has been  freeware
since January 2016. It can be downloaded at [TNX DF6EX]


QSLs received direct or through managers: 3A2MW,  3D2AG/p  (OC-060),  3V8SS,
4L1MA,  4V1TL,  5H3EE,  5T2AI,  7P8VR,  9A/S52P  (EU-090),  9M2SI  (AS-074),
9M6/JR1EFG, 9Q6AL, BG2AUE, C6ATS (NA-219), C81AK, DW1OXL/p (OC-129),  EA6SX,
HG150ITU, HI3TEJ,  HL2DBP,  HP3/VY2SS,  HP3/WJ2O,  HQ4W  (NA-060),  HS3NBR/p
(AS-145), HS7AT/7 (AS-125), J68HZ, JD1BMH,  JY9FC,  K5P,  M0UKI/p  (EU-109),
NP2/N3RD, P5/3Z9DX, PW2D, PX8K (SA-042), R1KRG/p  (EU-147),  RI1ANR,  RT9K/0
(AS-203), RU0LAX/p (AS-066),  RW2F,  S79C  (AF-119),  T2GC,  T41C  (NA-093),
T46BC (NA-204), TI5/KL9A,  TZ9A,  UA2F,  V26M,  V31TA  (NA-123),  V5/DL3DXX,
V51YJ,  V55V,  V85AVE,  VE7ACN/7  (NA-075),  VE8/DF2UA,  VK7FG/p   (OC-195),
VP9/WD8DAS,  W100AW,  W1AW/KG4,  W1AW/KH8,  WH7W,  XE2X,  YB8HI,    YV4CEG/5
(SA-051), ZD7W, ZP6DYA, ZT6T.

                425 DX NEWS HOME PAGE:
                425 DX NEWS MAGAZINE:
               425 DX News is a free of charge weekly bulletin
      edited by Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ and Valeria Pregliasco, IK1ADH
            Its contents may be used, reproduced and distributed
                        in part or full provided that
               "425 DX News" or "425DXN" receive proper credit
          Contributors are invited to send their DX information to
                 Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ (
                      The deadline is 12 UTC on Fridays
                           Direttore Responsabile
                            Gabriele Villa, I2VGW
               Giornalista Professionista - Tessera n. 071675
                      Ordine Nazionale dei Giornalisti
                                Roma, Italia

©425DXN by I1JQJ since 1991

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