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KB8NW  > DX       24.02.08 23:30l 507 Lines 28870 Bytes #999 (0) @ WW
BID : OPDX.847
Subj: Ohio/Penn DX Bulletin No. 847
Sent: 080224/2215Z @:CX2SA.LAV.URY.SA #:46228 [Minas] FBB7.00e $:OPDX.847
To  : DX@WW

The Ohio/Penn DX PacketCluster
DX Bulletin No. 847
BID: $OPDX.847
February 25, 2008
Editor Tedd Mirgliotta, KB8NW
Provided by BARF80.ORG (Cleveland, Ohio)

Thanks to the Northern Ohio Amateur Radio Society, Northern Ohio DX
Association, Ohio/Penn PacketCluster Network, AB5K & the AR TelNet
Clusters Network, ARRL Letter, K1XN & GoList, N1BAA, N1KI, NJ1Q, NC1L,
NG3K, W3UR & The Daily DX, K4UEE, K4ZLE, N4AA & QRZ DX, K5LBU, K6RIM,
N6KZ, K8YSE, N8FE, W8UVZ, W9DX, N0VD, DX-IS News Site, Pete's-DX-Newsdesk,
2E0WMG, 4S7NE, DK8JB, DL7MAE & The DX News Letter, F5NQL & UFT, F6AJA
& Les Nouvelles DX, I1JQJ/IK1ADH & 425 DX News, IV3IYH, PY1NEZ, RSGB
IOTA Web Site, SK7BQ, SM5LWC, VA2RC, VA3RJ & ICPO, VK6HZ and YT1HA for
the following DX information.

DXCC COUNTRY/ENTITY REPORT: According to the AR-Cluster Network for the
week of Sunday, 17th-February, through Sunday, 24th-February there were
231 countries active. Countries available: 3A, 3B8, 3B9, 3DA, 3V, 3W,
4J, 4L, 4O, 4S, 4U1U, 4X, 5B, 5H, 5N, 5R, 5V, 5W, 5X, 5Z, 6W, 6Y, 7Q,
7X, 8P, 8R, 9A, 9G, 9H, 9J, 9K, 9L, 9M2, 9M6, 9Q, 9V, 9X, 9Y, A3, A4,
A5, A6, A7, A9, AP, BV, BY, C2, C3, C5, C6, C9, CE, CE0Y, CE9, CM, CN,
CP, CT, CT3, CU, CX, D2, D4, DL, DU, E5/s, E7, EA, EA6, EA8, EA9, EI,
EK, EP, ER, ES, ET, EU, EX, EY, EZ, F, FG, FJ, FK, FM, FO, FP, FR, FY,
G, GD, GI, GJ, GM, GU, GW, HA, HB, HB0, HC, HC8, HH, HI, HK, HL, HP,
HR, HS, HV, HZ, I, IS, J2, J3, J5, J6, J7, J8, JA, JD/m, JD/o, JT, JW,
K, KG4, KH0, KH2, KH6, KL, KP2, KP4, LA, LU, LX, LY, LZ, OA, OD, OE,
OH, OH0, OK, OM, ON, OX, OY, OZ, P2, P4, PA, PJ2, PJ7, PY, PY0F, PZ,
R1FJ, S0, S2, S5, S7, SM, SP, ST, SU, SV, SV5, SV9, T2, T32, T5, T7,
TA, TF, TG, TI, TJ, TK, TL, TR, TT, TU, TY, UA, UA2, UA9, UK, UN, UR,
V2, V3, V4, V5, V6, V7, V8, VE, VK, VP2V, VP5, VP6, VP6/d, VP8, VP8/o,
VP9, VQ9, VR, VU, XE, XU, YA, YB, YI, YK, YL, YN, YO, YS, YU, YV, Z2,
Z3, ZA, ZB, ZD7, ZD8, ZF, ZL, ZP, ZS

* PLEASE NOTE: The report "could" contain "Pirate/SLIM" operations or
  more likely a "BUSTED CALLSIGN". As always, you never know - "Work
  First Worry Later" (WFWL).

2J/MJ, JERSEY. Operators Kevan/2E0WMG (2J0WMG) and Mark/M0MJH (MJ0MJH)
will be active from Jersey (EU-013) between March 20-26th. They also
hope to activate Les Minquiers Reef (EU-099) during their trip. QSL
via their home callsigns (addresses on

4S, SRI LANKA (160m). Nelson, 4S7NE, announced this past week that he
will be active on 1822 kHz at 0045z. Once he is done on 160m, he will
then QSY to 3505 kHz.

5R, MADAGASCAR (AF-013). Franck, F4DBJ, will be active as 5R8HT from
Ivato between March 30th and April 17th. His bands and modes of activity
were not provided, but it was reported that he plans to activate Nattes
Island (AF-090).

5Z4, KENYA. Remember to look for Sigi, DL7DF, who will be on holiday with
his XYL Sabine at Diani Beach at the coastline of Kenya. He will be active
as 5Z4HW from February 27th to March 11th. Activity will be on 160-10
meters, CW, SSB, RTTY and SSTV. Operations will be limited (holiday style).
He will use an IC-735 and Linear TY900. Antennas will be a R7 vertical
and 18m Tower for 160/80m. QSL via DL7DF, direct or by the DARC Bureau.
Visit his Web page at:

8P, BARBADOS. Tom, W2SC, will be active as 8P1A during the ARRL DX SSB
Contest (March 1-2nd) as a Single-Op/All-Band/High-Power entry. QSL via

ATLANTIC OCEAN TOUR. Tom, KC0W, who moved to St. Helena Island in early
September and has been active as ZD7X, has been given permission by the
Tristan da Cunha government to visit Tristan for an extended stay. He is
expected to leave St. Helena sometime in late April. So, Tristan will be
his next DX location. Tom hopes to operate from Tristan for a period of
4-6 months and plans to be VERY active from Tristan as he was from St.
Helena. He states, "My next planned DX locations after Tristan will be
the three islands of South Sandwich, South Orkney and South Georgia. My
goal is to activate each island for at least two weeks straight. This
three island DXpedition is in the planning stages right now. I hope to
stage this whole operation out of the Falkland Islands."

C9, MOZAMBIQUE (Update to OPDX.846/Correction to URL Web address). Frosty,
K5LBU/C91CF, reports, "The web master (Steve, W9DX) was doing some updates
to the Web page for July's C91 Mozambique trip. He had to make a change so
therefore it is:        
The C had to be capitalized due to some conflict. Sorry about that."

CARIBBEAN TOUR. Yannick, F6FYD, currently active as HH2FYD, will leave
Haiti early March. He can usually be found on 17 or 15 meters SSB between
1430-1700z or on 20 meters SSB after 2000z. He will try to go to St. Martin
and be active as FS/F6FYD on March 8-9th. Yannick will then go to St.
Barthelemy and be active until March 12th before he heads back to St.
Martin and then France. QSL via his home callsign.

report, "All 160 meter enthusiasts are cordially invited to the Topband
dinner on Friday evening of the 2008 Hamvention in Dayton. This annual
event brings together 160 meter operators from around the world for food,
drink and camaraderie. We will again be at the Barnsider Restaurant - same
location as the past two years." The event details are Friday, May 16th,
at The Barnsider Restaurant (Near Hamvention Arena), 5202 N. Main Street
(Route 48 just north of Needmore Av), Dayton, Ohio. Phone Number: (937)
277-1332. Social hour will be 6:15 PM (Cash Bar) and dinner at 7:30 PM.
Dinner includes: Salad, rolls and butter, dinner entree, dessert and
beverage. Choose from Grilled Chicken, Salmon, Pork Chop or Sirloin Beef
Tips (selected at the restaurant). This is a plated dinner - not buffet.
Program will be: Presenters include K9DX on a "Circle 8" rx array and
K3NA on the fantastic VP6DX DXpedition. The cost is 29 USDs each (in
advance and includes complete dinner, taxes and gratuity). It is the same
price as the last three years. Reservations can be made via E-mail, snail
mail and pay cost in advance to: George Taft, W8UVZ, 271 Parkshore Drive,
Battle Creek, MI 49014 (E-mail:  or
Reserve now and pay dinner charge by May 1st. Foreign visitors may pay
at the door but need to reserve in advance. Restaurant is spaced limited
so reserve ASAP. They will confirm by email or airmail. They are looking
forward to another great gathering of Top-Band enthusiasts.

DXCC NEWS............
  Bill Moore, NC1L, ARRL DXCC Manager, reports that the 3Y0E DXpedition
  to Bouvet Island from December 2007-February 2008 has been approved
  for DXCC credit. "If you had cards rejected for this operation, please
  send an E-mail to the ARRL DXCC Desk ( to have your DXCC
  record updated," Moore said.

  Manager, reports (on February 19th): "Naturally there are many questions
  about the DXCC status of Kosovo, and whether or not it will be added to
  the DXCC list.
    The DXCC rules, which were modified in 2000 to better handle inclusion
  to DXCC, are clear on how additions can be made:
    For inclusion in the DXCC List, conditions as set out below must be
  met. Listing is not contingent upon whether operation has occurred or
  will occur, but only upon the qualifications of the Entity. 

     Political Entities, Geographical Entities, Special Areas 

    #1, Political Entities is the category with which we are concerned
        with respect to Kosovo.

     1. Political Entities: Political Entities are those areas which are
        separated by reason of government or political division. They
        generally contain an indigenous population which is not pre-
        dominantly composed of military or scientific personnel.

        An Entity will be added to the DXCC List as a Political Entity if
        it meets one or more of the following criteria: 

        a) The entity is a UN Member State.
        b) The entity has been assigned a callsign prefix bloc by the ITU.
           (The exceptions to this rule are international organizations, such
           as the UN and ICAO. These Entities are classified under Special
           Areas, 3.a); and Ineligible Areas, 4.b).) A provisional prefix
           bloc assignment may be made by the Secretary General of ITU.
           Should such provisional assignments not be ratified later by
           the full ITU, the Entity will be removed from the DXCC List.
        c) The Entity contains a permanent population, is administered by
           a local government, and is located at least 800 km from its
           parent. To satisfy the 'permanent population' and 'administered
           by a local government' criteria of this sub-section, an Entity
           must be listed on either (a) the U.S. Department of State's list
           of 'Dependencies and Areas of Special Sovereignty' as having a
           local 'Administrative Center,' or (b) the United Nations list
           of 'Non-Self-Governing Territories.'

  New Entities satisfying one or more of the conditions above will be added
  to the DXCC List by administrative action as of their 'Event Date.' 

  So, Kosovo will be added to the DXCC list if it becomes a member of
  the UN, or (2), if it receives a prefix bloc from the ITU. The third
  condition does not apply. The date upon which either (a) or (b) occurs
  will be the event date." Bill Moore spells it out even more in this
  week's "ARRL Letter": "The 'Event Date' will be either the date Kosovo
  became a UN member or it receives its prefix from the ITU. Contacts
  made before the 'Event Date' will be counted as Serbia."

FR, REUNION (AF-016). Look for Jean-Pierre, F5HIJ, to be active as
FR/F5HIJ from Bernica, near Saint-Paul, between March 3-31st. He will
use a FT-897 and 2x20m dipole. It is suggested to look for him during
his evenings between 1800-2000z.

H4, SOLOMON ISLANDS. Bernhard, DL2GAC, will be active as H44MS from
Honiara, on Guadalcanal Island (OC-047, it will also count for WLOTA
LH-0086) between March 5th and April 27th. As usual, look for Bernhard
to confirm all QSL cards via the bureau or direct after his return home.

H7, NICARAGUA. Roberto, IV3IYH, will be active as H7/IV3IYH from February
28th to March 11th. He is going there to participate in the ARRL DX Phone
Contest (March 1-2nd) as HT2N. Outside of the contest, activity will be
mostly CW with emphasis on 30/17/12 meters and low bands. QSL both
callsigns via IK2ILH, either by the bureau or direct. E-mail requests for
bureau cards or LoTW confirmations are welcome at:

IOTA NEWS........................
  OC-164. Operator John, VK6HZ, will be active as VK6ARI from Rottnest
          Island (WLOTA LH-2197), March 27 to April-3rd. This will be a
          holiday style operation using an IC-7000 on SSB, PSK and RTTY,
          possibly CW. Antenna will be a Buddipole. Activity will be
          around the usual IOTA frequencies. He will also be active during
          the CQWW WPX SSB Contest (March 29-30th). Look for him to be
          active on the 17/12 meters bands before and after the contest.
          Online logs will be available during his operation at:
          Logs will also be uploaded to LoTW. QSL is via VK6NE.

IR9, ITALY. Operators Marcello/IT9ABY, John/IT9DQM, Sal/IT9HUV and
Joe/IT9RBW will be active as IR9Y from Sicily during the following
contests as a Multi-Single entries: ARRL DX SSB Contest (March 1-2nd),
CQ WPX SSB Contest (March 29-30th), CQ WPX CW Contest (May 24-25th),
RSGB IOTA Contest (July 26-27th), CQ WW DX SSB Contest(October 25-26th)
and CQ WW DX CW Contest (November 29-30th). QSL all operations via IT9ABY.

Northern California DX Foundation Vice President, reports, "The Northern
California DX Foundation (NCDXF) is pleased to announce that it is now
accepting PayPal for NCDXF contributions and for the additional purposes
of processing supplies orders and assisting in the payment of equipment
sales." The Web site for the Northern California DX Foundation is available

OH0, ALAND ISLAND (EU-002). Operators Steve/PA2A, Wim/PA2AM, Hans/PA0VHA,
Jack/PA3BAG, Wil/PA3ALK and Teun/PB5A will be active as OH0/homecall
between May 24th and June 6th from Aland Island (WLOTA LH-1373). Their
activity will be on 160-10 meters, CW, SSB, RTTY and PSK31. They plan
to have three stations on the air and also participate in the CQ WPX CW
Contest (May 24-25th). QSL via their home callsigns, or direct ONLY to
PA0VHA: H. Vernhout, Ph. de Goedestraat 54, 3132 XR Vlaardingen, The
Netherlands. Please no eQSL!! Further information can be found at:

PJ4, NETHERLAND ANTILLES. Kelly, N0VD, will be active from Bonaire (SA-006)
as PJ4/N0VD between March 1-8th. This is primarily a business trip so
activity will be as time permits. QSL to W3HNK. Kelly is working on
building a DX/Contest rental QTH on Bonaire. The Villa Desert Palm Web
site can be found at:

QSL INFO AND NEWS.....................
  QSL ROUTES by Johannes/DK8JB and Tedd/KB8NW:
    CN3A     via I2WIJ
    IH9/W1NA via W1NA
    II1ANT   via IZ1GJK *
    II2EFA   via IW2MNO *
    II3ANT   via IZ3DBA *
    IO2ANT   via I2AZ *
    IR1IPY   via IZ1GJK *
    LX7I     via LX2A

    * The above can be QSLed by the Bureau via E-mail at:

  Zik, YT1HA, informs OPDX that he should receive his 4O/YT1HA QSLs
  from the printer soon (in about 10 days). Direct QSLs will go quick.

  PLEASE NOTE that the N8S Swains Island QSOs are now available on
  the LoTW.

  TO5FJ QSL STATUS. Paul, F6EXV, informs that all the direct cards received
  up to February 16th were answered and mailed. Bureau QSL cards will be
  answered when received from the French Bureau (once a month). If you
  haven't sent for your QSL, don't forget to follow or read about Paul's
  QSL instructions at:

  Jean-Michel, F6AJA, reports that all direct requests for the 2008 January
  TR50R operation are in the mail. Logs are online at: 

  QSL ZV8M via PT2OP or PT2 Bureau. Activity was from Marajo Island (not
  an IOTA). Here are the lighthouse names and reference numbers:
  Salvaterra LH (ARLHS BRA-092), Soure LH (ARLHS BRA-198) and Joanes LH
  (ARLHS BRA-060).



  QSLS RECEIVED VIA THE BUREAU: None reported this week!

SPECIAL EVENT. OPDX was informed to tell readers to look for the following
six special event callsigns to be active on February 26th from various
former Danish parts of Sweden and in Denmark. Operations will be mainly
80 and 20 meters. Activity is to celebrate the 350th anniversary of the
signing of the Treaty of Roskilde on February 26, 1658. Look for the
special callsigns in the following Provinces:
  Blekinge - SB1658OZ (QSL via SK7JC); valid for the very rare "laen K"
             WASA/HASA award issued by SSA
  Skane (Eng. Scania) - SC1658OZ (QSL via SK7BQ); (laen M) 
                        SK1658DK (QSL via SK6JX); (laen M)
                        SK1658OZ (QSL via SK7BQ); (laen M)
  Halland - SH1658DK (QSL via SK6JX); (laen N)
            SH1658OZ (QSL via SK6KY); (laen N)
  All stations are valid for the Swedish/Danish award: "Roskilde 1658
Award". Only two contacts with the special callsigns are needed for the
award on February 26th (UTC), and four special callsigns are required
the rest of the year. Rules and information can be found (in English)

T4, CUBA. Members of the T49C crew will use the callsign T40C as their
call for the ARRL International DX SSB Contest (March 1-2nd) as a Multi-
Op-Single entry from CO2II's QTH. Operators mentioned are: George/CO2II,
Oscar/CO2OJ, Bob/CM2KL, Osmany/CM2OY and Winty/CO2WF. QSL via N1KI.

T6, AFGHANISTAN (6/2m EME). Ross, ex-VK1UN/VK8UN, 4W6UN and EX1UN, is
now active as T61AA from Faizabad for possibly 2 years. Reports indicate
that he has been on 20 meters SSB (PLEASE SEND QSNs). It has also been
reported by Mike, K6MYC, that Ross is expected to be active soon on 6/2
meters EME from Afghanistan (MM57). He is using an IC-7000 into a Tokyo
Hi-Power HL-1.5KFx Amp for HF/6m and also a new Acom for HF/6m. Ross is
currently using a 2x8 element antenna on 2 meters but plans to increase
the size as weather premits. His operations are good for DXCC. QSL via
T61AA: Ross Ballantyne, PO Box 99, World Trade Centre, Victoria 8005,

TF, ICELAND (EU-021). Ric, DL2VFR, plans to activate various locations
of Iceland (WLOTA LH-2975) using the callsigns TF1/homecall, TF5/homecall
and TF6/homecall between June 9-19th. He also plans to activate Hrisey
Island (EU-168) from 1800z, June 10th to 1200z, June 12th. Activity will
be on 80-10 meters, CW, SSB and RTTY. QSL via the DARC Bureau to his home
callsign. More information is available at:

TF, ICELAND (EU-021). Franz, DL3PS, and possibly others will be active
from various sections of Iceland as TF/homecall and TF7/homecall between
July 17th and August 5th. Their plan include a visit to Heimaey Island,
Vestmannaeyjar [Westman Islands] (EU-071, WLOTA LH-0976), the Coastal
Islands (EU-168) and the main island (EU-021, WLOTA LH-2975). QSL via
their home callsign(s), by the bureau is preferred. A Web site for this
activity has been set up and can be found at:

TI50, COSTA RICA (Special Event). Look for twelve members of the South-
eastern DX Club (SEDXC) to activate TI50DX (Tango India Five Zero Delta
Xray) during the upcoming ARRL DX Phone Contest (March 1-2nd). This
activity is part of the celebration of the SEDXC's 50th anniversary.  
QSL via N4NX. Also, look for the SEDXC operators to use their individual
callsigns prior to the contest. Visit the SEDXC Web site at:

TK7, CORSICA (EU-014). Members of the F6KOP Provins ARS will be active
as TK7C between May 3-10th. Operators mentioned are Thierry/F4TTR, Bruno/
F5AGB, Bernard/F9IE, Jean Paul/F8BJI and Jean-Luc/F6BIV. Activity will
be on 80-10 meters, CW, SSB and the Digital modes. QSL via Bernard, F9IE.
  - If direct (SAE + postage, - 1 valid  IRC or 1 USD for the European
    Community (EEC) or  1 IRC or 2 USDs elsewhere - ). Bernard's address
    is "OK" in all of the major callbooks and QSL Managers data bases.
  - If bureau, via the French Ref-Union Bureau (please only this bureau).
ADDED NOTE: The crew is looking for a 6th operator, who if possible, can
operate CW/SSB/DIGITAL. If interested, get in touch with Thierry/F4TTR,
CBA, QRZ, Buck, French callbook, by snail mail or, or
with Franck, F4AJQ at:

TM5, FRANCE (Special Event). Friends and members of the "French Amateur
Radio Society for the Disabled Hams" (AFRAH) will be active on the air
using the special callsign TM5H until March 2nd. Activity will be on the
HF bands, CW and SSB. The group was active over the past weekend during
the French SSB Championship. QSL via F4ABC, direct using the
address (sae + postage) or by the French U.R.C. QSL Bureau: B.P. 40148,
42012 St Etienne cedex 2, FRANCE.

February 19th): Jay Slough, K4ZLE, reports: "On behalf of the Clipperton
2008 team: The Clipperton 2008 team is proud to announce that Outfitter
Satellite ( has become a major sponsor of
the TX5C DXpedition to Clipperton Atoll. 'Outfitter Satellite will provide
the high bandwidth needed for the DXpedition to upload its logs on a
frequent basis as well as enable a wide range of high bandwidth content.
This support will enable our French team to make video conference calls
with two schools in France that are following the DXpedition to Clipperton
that would not be possible without this sponsorship. We are also planning
a webcam that will stream live images during the DXpedition, frequent
uploads of new images from the island, as well as being able to watch
the clusters and receive email so that we can be as responsive as we can
to the needs of the DX community,' says Steve Hammer, K6SGH, Web Master
and team member of TX5C. 'Outfitter Satellite has been very responsive
to our needs and we deeply appreciate their support of TX5C and the ham
community.' TX5C's Web site is available at:
 Outfitter Satellite rents and sells Iridium, Inmarsat BGAN, and Thuraya
satellite phone equipment. Iridium rentals are available for as little
as 6 USDs/day to the ham community. 'We are thrilled to be able to
contribute to the success of TX5C and be a part of a new generation of
DXpeditions that can utilize satellite based Internet systems to enrich
the DX experience of hams worldwide,' noted Jim McKinley of Outfitter
Satellite.  Outfitter Satellite can be reached on the web at
and toll free at 866-898-5312.
  The TX5C team will meet in San Diego early the week of Feb. 23rd, and
may depart aboard the fishing vessel Shogun as early as Wednesday evening,
Feb. 26th. Conditions permitting, expect them to be QRV, March 7-17th,
2008. Thanks to Outfitter Satellite, you will be able to monitor the
web site mentioned above for up-to-date information on their progress.
C U N D Pileups!"
  Updated from their Web page (corrected by Editor): "The TX5C Dxpedition
will operate as FO5A/mm from the Shogun while on route to Clipperton Atoll.
The expected departure date is February 28th, but it is also possible the
team will be able to leave a day earlier on the 27th. Part of the French
team is already in San Diego with other members coming in from points
around the U.S. and Canada. The team expects to be together on the 26th."

UU5, UKRAINE. Operators Rustam/UU2JQ and Eugene/UU5DX will be active
as UU5A during the ARRL DX SSB Contest (March 1-2nd) as a Multi-Single
entry. QSL via K2PF.

V2, ANTINGUA. Operators Charles/K1XX (V26X) and Martin/W1MD (V26F) will
be active from here. Activity will include the ARRL DX SSB Contest (March
1-2nd) as a Multi-Single entry. QSL V26X via K1XX and V26F via W1MD.

V3, BELIZE. Mike, DF8AN, will be active as V31MN between February 23rd
and March 9th. He plans to activate two different islands: Caye Caulker
(NA-073) during his first week and Ambergris Caye (NA-073) during the
second week. Mike will operate mainly on CW using only 100 watts into
a longwire. QSL via DF8AN.

VC2, CANADA (Special Event). Members of the Club Radio Amateur de Quebec,
Inc., (CRAQ) will activate special event station VC2VQ between April
1-30th. Activity is to celebrate the 400th anniversary of Quebec City.
For more details, visit the CRAQ Web page at:

Coordinator, informs OPDX that there is a correction to the IOTA Dinner
announcement: The cost per person is 28 USDs, not 25 USDs as stated in
the announcement. Jim states, "My apologies to the OH/PA DX Bulletin
folks (I used last year's dinner announcement and missed that detail)."

VK4, AUSTRALIA. John/K8UP and Marsha/N8FE will be visiting their new
granddaughter and son James/VK4TJF and family. They received their licenses
before the Aussie government announced that you could operate with just
the VK4 prefix and your home license. Listen for John to sign VK4AIJ and
Marsha to sign VK4AII. This will be holiday style operation from March
3-13th, on 20/15/10 meters SSB. Logs will be uploaded to LoTW, but they
are avid card collectors and will answer 100%. QSL via N8FE; use info

Noll/W9RN and Bruce/W4OV will be active as VP5/homecall between March
24th and April 1st.  The group will be active in the CQ WPX SSB Contest
(March 29-30th) using the special callsign VQ59W. QSL VQ59W via KX4WW,
LoTW or direct ONLY (NO BUREAU QSLs). Bill, KX4WW, states, "Please QSL
direct with SASE or ONE USD. International IRCs are difficult to process
here locally, so please send U.S. Dollar ONLY." QSL all others as follows:
 VP5/KX4WW - LoTW or Direct Only with 1 USD or SASE - NO eQSL
 VP5/W4VIC - LoTW, Direct, or Bureau - NO eQSL   
 VP5/W9RN  - Direct or Bureau
 VP5/W4OV  - Direct, Bureau, LoTW - NO eQSL   
More info can be found at:

VP6, DUCIE ISLAND (Update). The VP6DX operation is very active and will
continue until they leave on February 28th. As this was being written,
the VP6DX Web site was reporting just under 139,000 QSOs. Online logs are
now available at:
For more details on donating funds and updates, visit the VP6DX Web
page at:        

VP8, FALKLAND ISLANDS (SA-002). Just a reminder to look for Ulli, DL2AH,
to be active as VP8/DL2AH from Pebble Island between February 26th and
March 13th. Activity will be holiday style on 40-10 meters, mainly SSB
with some RTTY, using a FT-897 and Windom antenna. QSL via DL2AH, direct
( or by the bureau.

WEB PAGE OF THE WEEK (ARRL Field Day Web Page). The League announced on
February 23rd the official 2008 ARRL Field Day Web page is now up and
running. The page includes a summary of available resources, with links
to Field Day forms and rules, logos and reference links. There is also a
link for ordering commemorative Field Day T-shirts, pins and other
supplies. ARRL Sales and Marketing Manager Bob Inderbitzen, NQ1R, said
supplies will begin shipping in early March, but it's not too early to
place a pre-order now. Radio clubs are encouraged to order early. Visit
the ARRL Field Day Web Page at:

YU8, KOSOVA (Update on Project Goodwill Kosova). Member of Project Goodwill
Kosova (YU8/OH2R) have gone QRT as of Thursday, February 21st, after making
11,000 QSOs. Operators were Nigel/G3TXF, Wayne/N7NG, Martti/OH2BH, Pertti/
OH2PM, Juha/OH8NC and Bernie/W3UR. The operators were issued a licences by
the UNMIK (the United Nations Mission In Kosovo) "in an effort to support
and help revitalize Amateur Radio locally" as reported last week. QSL all
YU8/homecall via their home callsigns and YU8/OH2R via OH2BN. You may have
noticed that the spelling for KOSOVO is now Kosova. Reports indicate that
this is the way the new nation will spell its name. Nigel, G3TXF, has
posted some photos of the recent YU8/OH2R operation on his Web page at:

** IMPORTANT NOTICE/REMINDER ** The Ohio/Penn DX Bulletin now has a new
FAX number. Contributors can now send/fax their DX information to the
following number:        1-419-828-7791 ( F A X only! )
SPECIAL NOTE BY EDITOR: If you are having a problem receiving bounced
mail by sending mail to me via " ", please send
mail to me via " "...... TNX de Tedd KB8NW
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Excerpts and distribution of The OPDX Bulletin are granted as long as
KB8NW/OPDX/BARF80 receive credit. To contribute DX info, please send
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Information can now be faxed to the following "NEW" phone line at:
                  1-419-828-7791 (F A X only!)

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