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23 May 2015 A.R.I. DX Bulletin
No 1255
*** 4 2 5 D X N E W S ***
******* CALENDAR *******
Edited by I1JQJ & IK1ADH
Direttore Responsabile I2VGW
till 23/05 3B9/EA5IDQ: Rodrigues Island (AF-017) 1252
till 23/05 E51DLD & E51VFT: Rarotonga (OC-013), South Cook Isls 1253
till 23/05 MM0GHM/p and MM0GHM/m: Isle of Barra (EU-010) 1254
till 23/05 SM7/DK3PZ: Oland Island (EU-037) 1251
till 24/05 DJ7MH/p: Baltrum Island (EU-047) 1253
till 24/05 J79JA and J79RZ: Dominica (NA-101) 1254
till 24/05 ZL100ANZAC: special callsign 1249
till 25/05 E6NK, E6SS, E6TE, E6ZS: Niue (OC-040) 1253
till 25/05 EA8/SQ9UM and EA8/SQ9C: Canary Islands (AF-004) 1254
till 25/05 OX/5P1KZX: Greenland (NA-018) 1253
till 25/05 YB4IR/7, YB7NUS/p, YB7KE/p: Marabatua Island (OC-268) 1255
till 25/05 YB8RW/p: IOTA DXpedition Tour 1255
till 25/05 ZF2EM: Cayman Islands (NA-016) 1254
till 26/05 P40DC, P40FN, P40FY: Aruba (SA-036) 1253
till 28/05 OX/5P1KZX: Greenland (NA-018) 1254
till 30/05 AO150x: special callsigns 1251
till 30/05 CW150ITU: special callsign 1253
till 30/05 CX150ITU: special callsign 1253
till 30/05 JW9JKA: Bear Island (EU-027), Svalbard 1227
till 30/05 TC150ITU: special callsign 1236
till 31/05 3XY5M: Guinea 1251
till 31/05 5B70VE: special callsign 1253
till 31/05 5Z0L: Kenya 1253
till 31/05 8J1ITU: special event station 1251
till 31/05 C35: special prefix (Andorra) 1244
till 31/05 GB100MFA: special event station 1251
till 31/05 GB70VE: special event station (England) 1252
till 31/05 II3AC: special callsign 1254
till 31/05 LZ102SIB: special callsign 1235
till 31/05 LZ2015KM: special callsign 1252
till 31/05 PA45FREE, PB45FREE, PC45FREE, PD45FREE: special calls 1251
till 31/05 PE45FREE, PF45FREE, PG45FREE, PH45FREE: special calls 1251
till 31/05 PT70FEB: special callsign 1252
till 31/05 R120A, R120D, R120E, R120K: special callsigns 1253
till 31/05 R120L, R120N, R120O, R120P: special callsigns 1253
till 31/05 R120R, R120S, R120V, R120AP: special callsigns 1253
till 31/05 TM90REF: special callsign (France) 1245
till 31/05 UE110L: special callsign 1253
till 31/05 VI110ROTARY: special callsign 1241
till 01/06 TO5Y: Martinique (NA-107) 1253
till 04/06 C56XA: The Gambia 1253
till 07/06 CY0/VA1AXC: Sable Island (NA-063) 1250
till 07/06 PA125VVG: special callsign 1251
till 12/06 RM30SM: special callsign 1251
till 15/06 JG8NQJ/JD1: Minami Torishima (OC-073) 1243
till 15/06 P29NK: Papua New Guinea (OC-034) 1236
till 30/06 3A90IARU: special callsign 1247
till 30/06 DT50KJ: special callsign 1252
till July 4U20B: special callsign (Italy) 1212
till 16/08 VI#ANZAC: special callsigns 1247
till 18/08 9N: Nepal * by ZL3CW 1254
till 31/08 IY7M: special callsign 1244
till 31/08 7S90IARU, SB90IARU, SC90IARU, SD90IARU: special calls 1245
till 31/08 SE90IARU, SF90IARU, SI90IARU, SJ90IARU: special calls 1245
till 20/09 YO555BU, YP555BU, YQ555BU, YR555BU: special stations 1224
till 30/09 8N13ARDF: special event station 1252
till September ZD9A: Gough Island (AF-030) 1229
till 31/10 II2EXPO: special callsign 1252
till 31/10 IR2EXPO: special callsign 1252
till October KC4AAC: Anvers Island (AN-012), Antarctica 1253
till 23/11 4A5XX: special callsign 1229
till 27/11 4U0ITU: ITU HQ 1241
till 20/12 VK100ANZAC: special callsign 1247
till 31/12 AT150ITU: special callsign 1248
till 31/12 DJ90IARU: special callsign 1235
till 31/12 DK65DARC and DL65DARC: special callsigns 1235
till 31/12 E50A, E50B, E50J, E50K, E50V: South Cooks (OC-013) 1232
till 31/12 E50D: Aitutaki (OC-083), South Cooks 1232
till 31/12 E50W: Penrhyn (OC-082), North Cooks 1232
till 31/12 EI150ITU: special callsign 1239
till 31/12 EI90IARU: special callsign 1246
till 31/12 HA45KHW: special callsign 1254
till 31/12 HB90IARU: special callsign 1248
till 31/12 JV150ITU: special event station 1255
till 31/12 OU0POLIO: special callsign 1237
till 31/12 OU25AEI: special callsign 1238
till 31/12 OZ90IARU: special callsign 1238
till 31/12 S61 and 9V50: special prefixes (Singapore) 1239
till 31/12 YO90IARU, YP90IARU, YQ90IARU, YR90IARU: special calls 1238
till 31/12 YT45 and YU45: special prefixes 1244
till 29/02/2016 DL1965WH: special event station 1242
till 30/11/2016 FW1JG: Wallis Island (OC-054) 1247
23/05 ID8/IQ8HP: Scoglio Mantineo (EU-144) 1255
23/05-25/05 EJ5GM and EJ9FBB: Little Saltee Island (EU-103) 1255
23/05-26/05 OZ1RDP: from Romo Island (EU-125) 1254
23/05-31/05 5P9Z/p: Romo Island (EU-125) 1253
23/05-31/05 J38MM and J38NN: Grenada (NA-024) 1254
23/05-31/05 OJ0W: Market Reef (EU-053) 1251
24/05 TM08CRD: special callsign (France) 1255
26/05-02/06 P4/N4QS and P4/NU4N: Aruba (SA-036) 1255
27/05-29/05 DS2GOO/4: Sangch'uja Do (AS-084) 1255
27/05-01/06 C6AYM: Grand Bahama (NA-080) 1255
27/05-01/06 VP2MDG and VP2MPS: Montserrat (NA-103) 1255
27/05-01/06 ZA/OU2I: Albania 1255
27/05-02/06 6Y6N: Jamaica (NA-097) 1255
27/05-07/06 ZF2WA: Cayman Islands (NA-016) 1255
28/05-01/06 IL7/IZ7EVZ: Tremiti Islands (EU-050) 1253
28/05-02/06 LX/OO9O: Luxembourg 1255
28/05-18/06 FS/K9EL: St. Martin (NA-105) 1255
29/05-31/05 K4KGG: Santa Rosa Island (NA-142) 1255
29/05-08/06 SW8WW: Thasos Island (EU-174) 1253
30/05-03/06 DL1YAF/VK9: Lord Howe Island (OC-004) 1252
30/05-16/06 5U5U: Niger 1253
30/05-30/06 9A/PA4JJ: Croatia 1253
30/05-30/06 XT2AW: Burkina Faso 1254
30/05-30/06 ZZ90IARU: special callsign 1255
30/05-04/07 F/G3TTC/p: French islands tour 1255
May 9N7TB and 9N7TR: Nepal 1253
01/06-30/06 LZ293MA: special callsign 1235
01/06-30/07 LY10LHFA: special callsign 1255
01/06-25/08 VK4AAC/5: Kangaroo Island (OC-139) 1255
03/06-12/06 OX/DJ6TF and OX/DK1BT: Tasiilaq (NA-151) 1251
03/06-12/06 OX/DL7DF and OX/DL7UFR: Tasiilaq (NA-151) 1251
05/06-18/06 8Q7CQ: Maldives (AS-013) 1255
06/06 UW31-UW39: Ukrainian Radio Sport Championship 1247
06/06-07/06 II4MB: special event station 1255
09/06-11/06 KL7NWR: Amchitka Island (NA-070) 1255
10/06-19/06 VP2MKV and VP2MTT: Montserrat (NA-103) 1255
17/06-26/06 LA/SP7IDX: Vannoya (EU-046) 1245
18/06-21/06 KL2HD/p: Adak Island (NA-039) 1255
19/06-22/06 MC0SHL: Ramsey Island (EU-124) 1255
21/06-26/06 HB0/OO6P: Liechtenstein 1243
27/06-03/07 GJ15IG: special event station (Jersey) 1255
June JW2US: Hopen Island (EU-063), Svalbard 1255
01/07-20/07 UE40SA: special callsign 1255
01/07-31/07 LZ429PS: special callsign 1235
22/07-28/07 GM3RVC/p and MM8C: St Kilda (EU-059) 1255
23/07-26/07 GM2AS and GM5TO: Isle of Arran (EU-123) 1255
23/07-26/07 SM7/M1KTA and SD7B: Flakskar Island (EU-138) 1255
23/07-26/07 XM2I: Isle-aux-Grues (NA-128) 1255
23/07-26/07 XR1T: Isla Santa Maria (SA-069) 1255
25/07-26/07 PW2G: Ilha dos Gatos (SA-071) 1251
25/07-31/07 GM0LVI/p: Tanera Mor (EU-092) 1251
July JW2US: Hopen Island (EU-063), Svalbard 1255
July-August RI1PC: Chaichiy Island (EU-160) 1249
July-August RI1PK: Korga Island (EU-160) 1249
July-August RI1PT: Timanets Island (EU-188) 1249
01/08-31/08 LZ250MM: special callsign 1235
03/08-10/08 VY0M: Melville Island (NA-248, new one) 1254
08/08-16/08 R7AL/0: Malminskiye Islands (AS-172) 1247
16/08-19/08 F/G6AY/p: Cezembre Island (EU-157) 1252
26/08-03/09 V6M: Falalop Island (OC-078), Micronesia 1249
August JW2US: Hopen Island (EU-063), Svalbard 1255
01/09-30/09 LZ129WNLS: special callsign 1235
23/09-28/09 3D2YA: Yangeta (OC-156), Fiji 1249
September JW2US: Hopen Island (EU-063), Svalbard 1255
September RT9K/0: Dobrzhanskogo Island (AS-203, new one) 1238
01/10-31/10 LZ130SAK: special callsign 1235
02/10-12/10 TX3X: Chesterfield Islands (OC-176) 1251
31/10-10/11 3W3MD: Vietnam 1253
October JW2US: Hopen Island (EU-063), Svalbard 1255
01/11-30/11 LZ259PA: special callsign 1235
12/11-21/11 VK9WA: Willis Islands (OC-007) 1254
November JW2US: Hopen Island (EU-063), Svalbard 1255
01/12-31/12 LZ362MT: special callsign 1235
16/12-23/12 VK2IAY/9: Lord Howe Island (OC-004) 1243
January 2016 KH5: Palmyra Atoll (OC-085) 1251
January 2016 VP8SGI: South Georgia Island (AN-007) 1254
January 2016 VP8STI: South Sandwich Islands (AN-009) 1254
16/03-08/04/2016 VK0EK: Heard Island (AN-003) 1254
March 2016 E44Y: Palestine 1230
March 2016 FT#J: Juan de Nova (AF-012) 1251
Direttore Responsabile
Gabriele Villa, I2VGW
Giornalista Professionista - Tessera n. 071675
Ordine Nazionale dei Giornalisti
Roma, Italia
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