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25 April 2015                                             A.R.I. DX Bulletin

                                   No 1251
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  DX  INFORMATION  ****
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                        Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW

3W     - Led by Antonio IZ8CCW and Gabriele I2VGW, a multi-national team  of
         twenty operators from the Mediterraneo DX Club will  be  active  as
         3W3MD from Da Nang, Vietnam from 31 October to  10  November.  They
         plan to be QRV on all bands and modes with five  stations  24/7.  A
         website is under construction, and further information is  expected
         in due course. [TNX Mediterraneo DX Club]
3X     - Michael, PA5M has been back in Conakry, Guinea since 16  April  and
         expects to remain there until 31 May. He is active as 3XY5M on  the
         HF bands and 6 metres  in  his  free  time,  typically  during  his
         evening hours. During this final trip  he  plans  to  operate  some
         SSB. QSL via PA7FM; logsearch on Club Log.
9M2    - Look for Victor, R6AF  to  be  active  as  9M2/R6AF/p  from  Redang
         Island (AS-073) until 29 April. CW is his preferred mode.  QSl  via
         home call, preferably through the OQRS provided by  Club  Log  (see for the direct link).
C6     - Dan, N8YSZ will be active holiday style as C6ASZ from  Long  Island
         (NA-001), Bahamas on 9-16 May. Plans are to be QRV on 40-10  metres
         with a focus on digital modes and SSB. QSL via  N8YSZ,  bureau  and
         LoTW preferred. [TNX NG3K]
CT8    - CU3FT and other  operators  from the  Amateur Radio Association  of
         Praia da Vitoria will be active as  Q1AR from the fortress of Santa
         Catarina on Terceira Island (EU-175) on 25 April. They will be  QRV
         on 80, 40 and 20 metres  SSB  and possibly on 6m and CW. QSL direct
         only. [TNX CU3FT]
DL     - A group of  six  operators  (namely  DB2LS, DF6LPC,  DJ7AO,  DJ9IE,
         DL3HBZ and DL8HAL)  will be  active as  DL0DFF (QSL via  bureau, or
         direct  to  DL3HBZ)  and  DK0RZ  (QSL  via  bureau,  or  direct  to
         DL5HAQ) from  Hallig Hooge (EU-042) from  30 April  to 3 May.  [TNX]
EA    -  To celebrate ITU's 150th anniversary, eleven special callsigns will
         be in use on 1-30  May:  AO150A,  AO150E,  AO150G,  AO150H, AO150I,
         AO150N, AO150O, AO150R, AO150T, AO150U (Canary Islands) and AO150V.
         The  callsigns' suffixes  are the  letters forming  the anniversary
         motto (ITU: Innovating Together). The event  is  sponsored  by  the
         Union  Radioaficionados  Espanoles  (URE);  further    information,
         includind logsearch and details on  the  award  programme  will  be
         available on [TNX EA1CS]
EI     - Special station EI100MFA will be active bewteen 3 and 10 May to  to
         commemorate the tragic sinking of  the  RMS  Lusitania,  which  was
         torpedoed off the Irish coasts on 7 May  1915.  Some  1,200  people
         lost their lives in the disaster. MFA was  the  callsign  allocated
         to the ocean liner.the activity will take place from  a  site  near
         the Old Head of Kinsale  Lighthouse.  QSL  via  EI4GZB,  direct  or
         bureau (OQRS on Club Log), and LoTW.
F      - Commemorating the 70th anniversary  of  the  liberation  of  Oleron
         Island  (EU-032)  during  World   War    II,    Jean-Paul,    F5BZK
         ( and others will be active as TM70IO  from  30  April
         to 3 May, and again on 8-10 May. QSL via F5BZK, direct or bureau.
F      - A Belgian team from UBA Section Diest (ON4AZP, ON6KL, ON6VP,  ON7FH
         and ON7KS) will be active as TM0D  from  Belle-Ile-en-Mer  (EU-048)
         on 1-8 May. They will be QRV on the  HF  bands,  especially  around
         14260 kHz. QSL via ON3HO.
F      - Special event station TM45PAX will be active on 5-19  May  to  mark
         the anniversary of the Act of Military Surrender  that  was  signed
         in Reims on 7 May 1945, thus endind World War  II  in  Europe.  QSL
         via F5JYD, direct or bureau.
F      - Gil F4FET, Diego F4HAU and Jerome F4HJO will be  active  as  TM2BIG
         from Stagadon Island (EU-105) on 14-18 May. They will  operate  SSB
         and RTTY on 40-6 metres with three stations. QSL via F4FET,  direct
         or bureau (OQRS on Club Log).
F      - Jim G3RTE, Phil G3SWH and Matt MJ0ASP will be QRV as F/G6AY/p  from
         Cezembre Island (EU-157, one of the rarest  European  IOTA  groups)
         on 26-28 August. They will operate CW only  on  30-10  metres  with
         two 100-watt stations  and  vertical  antennas.  Activity  will  be
         during their daylight hours only, as it is not  permitted  to  stay
         on the island overnight. QSL  via  G3SWH,  direct  or  bureau  (log
         search and OQRS at,  and  LoTW.  [TNX
FS     - Lionel, FS5PL expects to be QRV from Tintamarre Island (NA-199)  on
         24-26 April. QSL via home call, direct only. [TNX F6AJA]
G      - Also commemorating the sinking of  the  RMS  Lusitania,  the  Radio
         Officers Association (ROARS) will be active  as  GB100MFA  on  1-31
         May. The activity  will  take  place  from  the  lightship  Planet,
         berthed in Canning Dock, Liverpool  (Lusitania's  registered  port,
         and her final destination). QSL direct via G0UVX,  LoTW  and  eQSL.
         See for further information.
G      - For the eigth year in a row, the Cray Valley Radio Society will  be
         active as GB6MW from Meopham Windmill on 9-10 May for the Mills  On
         The Air weekend. Details on QSL via G4DFI. [TNX M0MCV]
GD     - Three members from the DX Interceptors ARC (MS0IXD) will be  active
         as MT0IXD from the Isle of Man (EU-116)  on  8-11  May.  They  will
         operate SSB, CW and RTTY on 80-10 metres  with  two  stations.  QSL
         via M0OXO and LoTW; logserach on Club Log. [TNX NG3K]
GM     - Dave, GM0LVI will be active as GM0LVI/p  from  the  Isle  of  Barra
         (EU-010) from 30 April to 9 May, and from Tanera  Mor  (EU-092)  on
         25-31 July. QSL via home call, direct or bureau. [TNX]
I      - Italian  stations   participating   in  this  year's  International
         Marconi Day include IY0IMD, IY0ORP, IY1MR, IY1SP,  IY4FGM,  IY5PIS,
         IY6GM and IY7M, as well as IY0GA from  Cape  Figari,  Golfo  Aranci
         (Sardinia, EU-024). QSL via operators' instructions. [TNX IS0JMA]
I      - Giovanni, IK5BCM and Andrea, IU5BLZ will be  active  as  IE9B  from
         Ustica Island (EU-051) on 9-16 May. They will operate SSB,  CW  and
         digital modes on 80-10 metres. QSL via IU5BLZ,  direct  or  bureau,
         plus LoTW and eQSL. [TNX]
JA     - Tak, JR1LZK and Mitsuru, JE1HXZ will  be  active  as  JR1LZK/6  and
         JE1HXZ/6 from the Yaeyama Islands (AS-024) between late  April  and
         early May. They will  operate  CW  and  SSB  on  40-6  metres  from
         Iriomote on 24-28 April and from Ishigaki from 29 April to  3  May.
         QSL via home calls, direct or bureau.
JA     - Look for Take, JI3DST to be active  as  JS6RRR  and  JI3DST/6  from
         Miyako Island (AS-079) from 29 April to  6  May.  He  will  operate
         SSB, CW, FM and maybe digital modes on 40-6 metres.  QSL  via  home
         calls, bureau preferred. [TNX Mediterraneo DX Club]
JA     - Once again special event station 8J1ITU  will  be  active  from  30
         April  to  31  May  to  celebrate  World   Telecommunication    and
         Information Society  Day  (17  May)  and  the  anniversary  of  the
         creation of the International  Telecommunications  Union.  Activity
         will take place from the  city  of  Kasumigaura  on  Honshu  Island
         (AS-007). QSL via the bureau and eQSL. [TNX WB6Z/JE1PTZ]
JD1_oga- Aki JA4FHE, Masaru JA5AQC, Yoshi JE2EHP and Toshi  JP1IOF  (JD1BLC)
         will be active as JD1YBT from  Chichijima  (AS-031),  Ogasawara  on
         2-11 May. They plan to be QRV on all bands and  modes  with  up  to
         three stations. QSL via JP1IOF, direct  or  bureau  (OQRS  on  Club
         Log), and LoTW. [TNX NG3K]
OJ0    - Pasi, OH3WS will be active as OJ0W from  Market  Reef  (EU-053)  on
         23-31 May. In his spare time he will operate  mainly  CW  and  some
         SSB on 40-10 metres. QSL via OH3WS, direct or bureau. [TNX NG3K]
OX     - Look for Tom OX/DJ6TF, Manfred OX/DK1BT, Sigi  OX/DL7DF  and  Frank
         OX/DL7UFR to be active from Tasiilaq (NA-151),  Greenland  on  3-12
         June. They will operate CW, SSB, RTTY and PSK31  on  160-6  metres.
         QSL via DL7DF, direct or bureau. The logs will be uploaded to  LoTW
         "within  six  months  after  the  DXpedition".  OQRS  and   further
         information on
PA     - Eight special individual callsigns (PA45FREE,  PB45FREE,  PC45FREE,
         PD45FREE,  PE45FREE,  PF45FREE,  PG45FREE  and  PH45FREE)  will  be
         active in May to celebrate 70 years of freedom in  the  Netherlands
         since the end of World War II. In addition, special group  callsign
         PA45FREEDOM will be in use on 16-17 May, and possibly a  few  other
         times  during  the  month.  All  of  the  QSOs  will  be  confirmed
         automatically via the bureau. Direct cards should be sent to PD7YY.
.        Information on the award offered free of charge for  working  thesee
         stations can be found at  [TNX
PA     - Special station PA05MILL will be active on 9-10 May  from  the  Old
         Mill  at  Oudemolen  for  the    Mills    On    The    Air    event
         ( All QSOs will  be  confirmed  automatically  via
         the bureau; direct cards should be sent to PA2CVD. See  for
         award information. [TNX PA1BR]
PA     - Special callsign PA125VVG will be activated between  11  May  to  7
         June to  commemorate  the  125th  anniversary  of  the  passing  of
         Vincent van Gogh, the great  painter.  All  of  the  QSOs  will  be
         confirmed automatically via the  bureau;  direct  cards  should  be
         sent to PA1CPA (Chris Baeten, Meidoornlaan 35, 4871 TA  Etten-Leur,
         Netherlands). See  for more  information and award  rules.
         [TNX PA1BR]
PY     - Murilo, PY2DS and Joao Paulo, PU2POP will be active as ZW2WCA  from
         Ilha de Cananeia (SA-024, WWL GG64ax)  from  30  April  to  3  May.
         Plans are to be QRV on 80, 40, 15, 12, 10, 6 and 2 metres  CW,  SSB
         and digital modes. QSL via PY2DS, direct or bureau. [TNX PS7AB]
PY     - A team of four (PU2TYA, PY2AE, PY2LCD and PY2VM)  will  participate
         in the IOTA Contest (25-26  July)  as  PW2G  from  Ilha  dos  Gatos
         (SA-071). QSL via PY2LCD, direct or bureau. [TNX]
S7     - Peter, DL2RPS will be active as  S79RPS  Praslin  Island  (AF-024),
         Seychelles on 2-8 May. Be aware that he will  allow  only  one  QSO
         per band. QSL via home call (OQRS for direct and  bureau  cards  on
         Club Log) and eQSL.
SM     - Hans, DK3PZ will be active as SM7/DK3PZ from Oland Island  (EU-037)
         on 16-23 May. QSL via home call (bureau preferred) and  eQSL.  [TNX]
SV9    - A group of seven (SV1GE, SV1QXU,  SV2BRT,  SV2FPU,  SV2FWV,  SV2RJV
         and SV2RMK) will be active as J49TSL from Crete  (EU-015)  on  1-10
         May. They will be QRV on 80-6 metres SSB,  CW  and  RTTY.  QSL  via
         SV2DGH,  direct  or  bureau,  and  LoTW.  Logsearch  and    further
         information on [TNX SV2DGH]
UA     - Special callsign RM30SM will be active from 1 May  to  12  June  to
         celebrate the 30th anniversary since the  honorary  title  of  Hero
         City for outstanding heroism during World War II was bestowed  upon
         the city of Smolensk. QSL via R3LO, direct  or  bureau,  plus  LoTW
         and eQSL. Detailed information on the award programme can be  found
         on [TNX R3LO]
UA     - A very large number of Russian stations using special  prefix  RP70
         (where the letter P stands for 'pobeda', i.e.  'victory')  will  be
         active on 3-10 May to celebrate the 70th anniversary of the end  of
         World  War  II.  Further  information  (including  the   list    of
         participating stations, their QSL routes and details on  the  award
         programme) will be available on
VP8    - Special callsign VP8VPC will be active from  the  Falkland  Islands
         (SA-002) on 25 April for the International  Marconi  Day.  VPC  was
         originally allocated to the Marconi spark transmitters in  Stanley.
         Read the details on QSL direct to VP8LP.
W      - Once again Joe, K5KUA will be  active  as  K5KUA/5  from  Galveston
         Island (NA-143) on 1-3 May. Usually he operates CW  only  on  40-10
         metres as time permits. QSL via home call, direct  or  bureau,  and
         LoTW. Logsearch on Club Log. [TNX]
W      - Bruce, K5TEN will be active from Dog island (NA-085) on  9-16  May.
         He will operate SSB and CW on 40-10 metres, as well as on 6  and  2
         metres. QSL via home  call,  see  for  instructions.  [TNX]
YB     - Imam, YB4IR was  active  as  YB4IR/8  from  Wamar  Island  (OC-249)
         [425DXN 1250] on 20-24 April. After that, he will go back to  Ambon
         and meet Din, YB8RW; the two will then be  active  as  YB4IR/8  and
         YB8RW/p from Lucipara Island (OC-274, new one  for  IOTA)  from  27
         April  to  1  May  ( QSL  via  home
         calls. See their entries  for direct  links to  Club Log's
ZL7    - Alain, F8FUA will be active again as  ZL7/F8FUA  from  the  Chatham
         Islands (OC-038) on 7-13 May. He will operate  CW,  SSB  and  RTTY.
         QSL via home call, direct or bureau, and LoTW.  Logsearch  on  Club
         Log. [TNX DX World]

CARIBBEAN TRIP ---> Jim, W8ERI will be  active  as  6Y5/W8ERI  from  Jamaica
(NA-097) on 2-8 May, and as ZF2ZL  from the Cayman Islands (NA-016)  on 9-15
May.  He will operate SSB on  20, 17 and and 15 metres.  QSLs via home call.
[TNX The Daily DX]

                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  GOOD TO KNOW ... ****
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                        Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW

CHESTERFIELD  2015  --->  "The  TX3X  project  is  progressing   well",  the
organizers reported on 23 April (Press  Release  #4  can  be  found  on  the
DXpedition's website). The on-island team now includes  AD6E,  HA5AO,  K5GS,
K6GFJ, K6TD, N6HC, N6HD, N6XG, ND2T, W1SRD, W2LK and  WA6O.  More  Corporate
Sponsors - whose  donations,  equipment  loans  and  technical  support  are
crucial to the success of a major DXpedition -  have  stepped  forward.  The
fundraising campaign  is  still  underway,  please  visit  for
information on how to donate.

JUAN DE NOVA  2016  --->  The  organizers  of  FT4TA  (Tromelin  2014)  have
"initiated a new project that has received the approval of the TAAF".  Their
destination is the island of Juan de  Nova  (AF-012)  in  March  2016.  "The
exact conditions and dates still need to be tweaked, but the main lines  are
already defined and validated", they say. "After  taking  into  account  all
the constraints and imperatives, a team of 10 people has been allowed for  a
period of 15 days". The estimated budget is 130,000 USD, and donations  will
be gratefully accepted. Please visit  for  information
on the project and how to donate.

KERGUELEN 2015 (KYFC) --->  The  VK0EK  DXpedition  team  has  been  granted
permission to visit the  Kerguelen  Islands  after  the  conclusion  of  the
operations at Heard Island. "It  is  not  yet  determined  whether  a  radio
operation will be authorized", the team says,  but  "we  are  pursuing  this
possibility". Back in January [425DXN 1236] the  team  had  expressed  hopes
for a 3-4 days activity.

PALMYRA 2016 ---> Back in November 2014 [425DXN 1229] it was  reported  that
The Nature Conservancy and the US Fish and Wildlife Service had developed  a
plan to accomodate amateur radio  DXpeditions  to  Palmyra  Atoll  (OC-085),
with 11-26 January 2016 as the first of two available spots next year.  Last
week K9CT and N2TU announced that "the Palmyra Island DXpedition  Group  has
been awarded permission to activate  Cooper  Island  in  the  Palmyra  Atoll
during January 2016". A team of  twelve  highly  experienced  operators  and
veterans of many DXpeditions (K0IR, K4UEE, K6MM,  K9CT,  K9NW,  N2TU,  N9TK,
ND2T, W0GJ, W3OA, W8HC and WB9Z) plan to operate five  stations  over  a  14
day period, 160 to 6 metres on all modes, using a callsign to  be  announced
at a later date. The  DXpedition's  website  (  will
provide updates as they become  available;  the  donation  page  is  already
active (click on "Sponsors").

QSL VIA EA5GL ---> Pedro, EA5GL offers financial  support  and  services  as
QSL  manager  for  DXpeditions,  especially  IOTA  oriented  operations.  If
interested, please contact ea5gl[@]

RESPONSIBLE QSLLING ---> "The latest  incoming  box  from  the  RSGB  Bureau
arrived 3 weeks ago", Tim, M0URX  says,  and  "out  of  3,600  bureau  cards
received 75% of them should NOT have been sent. Yes, 2,700  cards  that  you
have sent me should NOT have been sent. It is quite clear that  many  people
are confused by OQRS, Bureau and  Direct  QSLing,  which  leads  to  a  huge
problem of Bureau Usage Abuse. Let me see if I can make it clear for you  so
that we can reduce this abuse and reduce costs  within  the  bureau  system,
and also reduce the wasted time that is spent on sorting  bureau  cards  and
processing  them".  Read   Tim's    complete    post    on    his   website:


QSLs received direct or through managers: 3B9DX,  3B9FR,  3D2AG/p  (OC-060),
3D2KM, 3W2MAE, 4A2I, 4L5P,  4U1WB,  4X266POPE,  5W0UU,  5Z4/DJ4EL  (AF-040),
8P0P, 8Q7DV, 9A0HRS, 9H5DX,  9M2AX,  9M4SI  (AS-074),  9Q0HQ,  9X0PY,  A61R,
C37NL, C5/M1KTA (AF-060), C5DX, C5X, C6ADX, C6ATS,  C98RF  (AF-061),  CA7CAQ
(AF-018), IS0IGV, J3/SP3CFM, J38GA, JT1AA/3, JT1BV, JY4NE, KH0/OZ0J,  OD5ZZ,
RI1ANT, RK3DZJ/1, S01WS, S79KB, SU9VB, SW8SW (EU-158), SX70D,  T30D,  T32RL,
T6SM, T6T, T88XG,  TC0MI,  TI5/N3KS,  TI8II,  TM55BM,  TX7G,  UK8AR,  UK8OK,
UK9AA, UP2L, V31MW, V63CO (OC-012), V85TL, VK4EI/p (OC-187), VK9DLX,  VO2NS,
VP8DOZ (AN-007), VP8LP, VP8RAF, VP9GE, WH7M, YB3MM/p (OC-237),  YJ0X,  ZB3R,


               425 DX News is a free of charge weekly bulletin
      edited by Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ and Valeria Pregliasco, IK1ADH

            Its contents may be used, reproduced and distributed
                        in part or full provided that
               "425 DX News" or "425DXN" receive proper credit

          Contributors are invited to send their DX information to
                 Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ (
                      The deadline is 12 UTC on Fridays


                           Direttore Responsabile
                            Gabriele Villa, I2VGW
               Giornalista Professionista - Tessera n. 071675
                      Ordine Nazionale dei Giornalisti
                                Roma, Italia


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