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18 April 2015                                             A.R.I. DX Bulletin

                                   No 1250
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  DX  INFORMATION  ****
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                        Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW

9H     - Goran, S55OO will be active as 9H3OO from Malta  (EU-023)  from  24
         April to 2 May. He will operate holiday style on  40-6  metres  CW,
         SSB and digital modes. QSL via home call, direct  or  bureau,  LoTW
         and eQSL. [TNX S55OO]
C6     - Gordon, G3USR will be active holiday style as C6AGM from  Freeport,
         Grand Bahama (NA-080) on 22-28 April. QSL via G3USR, direct only.
CX     - CX90IARU is the callsign for the Radio Club Uruguayo  to  celebrate
         IARU's 90th anniversary. Various stations around the  country  will
         use this callsign on all bands and modes until 30  April.  QSL  via
         W3HNK. [TNX CX3AL]
CY0    - Aaron, VA1AXC is once again active as CY0/VA1AXC from Sable  Island
         (NA-063) "until around the first week  of  June".  In  his  limited
         spare time he operates SSB only mainly on 20,  17  and  15  metres.
         QSL via JE1LET, direct only. [TNX The Daily DX]
EA8    - Special event station EG8TRV will be active from 18 April to 9  May
         to promote Transvulcanica 2015, the  long  distance  mountain  race
         that crosses the island  of  La  Palma,  Canary  Islands.  QSL  via
         EA8URA, direct or bureau, and LoTW. Log search on Club Log.
EK     - Look for EK/DL7UCX and EK/DK7AO to be active from Armenia  from  23
         April to 5 May. They will  operate  CW,  SSB  and  RTTY  on  160-10
         metres. QSL  via  LoTW  (preferably),  otherwise  via  home  calls,
         direct or bureau. [TNX NG3K]
FO/C   - After  his  recent  operations  from  Tahiti, French Polynesia (FO/
         F6BFH) and the Marquesas Islands (FO/F6BFH/p), Alain F6BFH  and his
         wife  Danielle  are  now on  Clipperton Island  (NA-011)  with  the
         scientific expedition "Passion 2015". He plans to be active in  his
         spare time as TX5P on 40-10 metres CW (7010, 10110,  14045,  18085,
         21045, 24895 and 28045 kHz) and SSB  (7080,  14270,  18145,  21270,
         24970 and 28470 kHz), with some RTTY (14100,  18100,  21100,  24910
         and 28100 kHz). Alain does not have access  to  the  Internet,  and
         logsearch will not be available during the operation. QSL via  home
         call, direct or bureau  (bureau  cards  requests  can  be  sent  to
         f6bfh[@], OQRS and LoTW. [TNX F6AJA and Les Nouvelles DX]
GM     - A team from the Kilmarnock and Loudoun Amateur Radio Club  will  be
         active as MM0KLR from the Isle of Muck (EU-008) from 26 April to  2
         May. QSL via MM0KLR (bureau) or MM0GHM (direct). [TNX]
GW     - Members of the Barry Amateur Radio  Society  will  be  active  from
         Flatholm Island (EU-124) on 24-27 April. On  25  April,  they  will
         use GB4MBC (QSL via MW0DHF) for the International Marconi Day.
I      - A team from the  Mediterraneo  DX  Club  (IC8ATA,  IC8BMP,  IC8DAK,
         IC8FGU and IC8FQU) will  be  QRV  as  IQ8MD/p  from  Vivara  Island
         (EU-031) on 19 April. They will be  active  with  two  stations  on
         40-10 metres. QSL via IC8ATA  (direct)  or  9A8MDC  (bureau).  [TNX
         Mediterraneo DX Club]
J5     - Livio, IZ3BUR has been active as J52HF from Guinea-Bissau since  11
         April, and will remain there until the  30th.  He  is  QRV  in  his
         spare time, mainly on 20, 15, 10 and 6 metres SSB  and  PSK31.  The
         log will be uploaded to Club Log (with OQRS) when he returns  home.
         Inquiries about QSOs and QSLs to veronadxteam[@]
PA     - Celebrated on 27 April, Koningsdag (King's Day) marks the birth  of
         King Willem-Alexander and is a national holiday in the  Kingdom  of
         the Netherlands. This year's main celebrations will be held in  the
         city of Dordrecht, and a team  of  local  operators  is  active  as
         PA2015KDD until 12 May ( QSL via  bureau;  direct
         cards should be sent to PI4DEC.
PY     - PY1JR/p and PY1WX/p will  be  active  from  Ilha  Seca  (not  IOTA,
         RJ-023 for the Brazilian Islands Award) on 18-21 April.  They  will
         operate CW, SSB and digital modes on  80-2  metres.  QSL  via  home
         calls, direct or bureau. [TNX PS7AB]
PY0F   - Leo, PP1CZ will be active again  as  PY0F/PP1CZ  from  Fernando  de
         Noronha (SA-003) on 20-27 April. He will operate CW, RTTY  and  SSB
         on 80-10 metres. QSL via home call. [TNX PP1CZ]
W      - KK4PLI, N4WKG, W3ENK and WO3F will be  active  as  N4F  from  Bogue
         Banks (NA-112) for about nine hours on 25 April starting around  15
         UTC. QSL via W4YMI (Carteret County  Amateur  Radio  Society,  P.O.
         Box 1302, Newport, NC 28570-1302, USA). [TNX]
YB     - Ferdy, YC9MKF and several YB9 and YC9 operators will be  active  as
         homecall/p from different  islands  in  IOTA  group  OC-241  (Timor
         Barat's Coastal  Islands)  between  21  April  and  20  May.  Guest
         operators  who  are  expected  to  join  the  activities    include
         YB2BBY/9, YB3MM/9, YB6LAY/9, YB9BU/p and possibly others.  QSL  via
         operator's instructions. [TNX YB3MM]
YB     - Din, YB8RW is currently on Ambon Island (OC-070); he will leave  on
         18 April and hopefully reach the Watubela Islands (OC-273)  on  the
         19th. Plans are to operate SSB, CW and RTTY  as  YB8RW/p  until  22
         April. This activity is part of a long IOTA  DXpedition  Tour  that
         will end around 25 May. QSL via YB8RW; see  for  the  links
         to Club Log's OQRS. [TNX YB8RW]
YB     - JN6RZM ( reports plans  for  Imam,
         YB4IR to be active as YB4IR/8 from Wamar Island  (OC-249)  starting
         around 22 April.
YJ     - Ron, YJ8RN has been active  as  YJ8RN/p  from  the  Torres  Islands
         (OC-110) since 14 April. He will be heading home on the 19th.  [TNX
         DX World]

                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  GOOD TO KNOW ... ****
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                        Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW

425 DX NEWS MAGAZINE  --->  The  March  2015  issue  is  now  available  for
download at [TNX IZ3EBA]

DX0P ---> The DX0P DXpedition  team's  departure  from  Palawan  to  Pagasa,
Spratly Islands was delayed. The Philippine Navy ship  eventually  set  sail
on 15 April at 07.45 UTC, and DX0P started operations around 6  UTC  on  the
17th. Updates are being posted to

DXCC  NEWS  --->  3XY5M  (Guinea,  2015  operation),  C21EU    (Nauru,  2015
operation) and E30FB (Eritrea, 2015 operation) have been approved  for  DXCC
credit. [TNX NN1N]

INDEXA NEWSLETTER --->  The  Spring  2015  issue  of  the  International  DX
Association's  (INDEXA)  Newsletter   is  now  available  for  download   at  This  issue  (#109)  includes  "a  timely,
thoughtful report" by Ralph Fedor (K0IR) on the  K1N  DXpedition to  Navassa
Navassa Island, as well details  on  the  501(c)(3)  non-profit  corporation
status recently granted to  INDEXA  (for  U.S.  tax  payers  it  means  that
donations are now tax deductible). [TNX W3OA]

INTERNATIONAL MARCONI DAY ---> Organized by the Cornish Radio Amateur  Club,
the International Marconi Day (IMD) is a 24-hour amateur  radio  event  held
annually to celebrate the birth of Guglielmo Marconi (25 April 1874). It  is
not a contest, but an opportunity for amateurs  around  the  world  to  make
contacts with historic Marconi sites  using  HF  communications  techniques.
This year's event will be held on 25 April, from  00.00  UTC  through  23.59
UTC. Details, including information on the relevant Award  Certificates  and
the listing of participating stations, can be found at

QSL E30FB ---> "During the DXpedition  the  team  experienced  computer  and
network issues that could not be resolved on site",  M0URX  reported  on  11
April. "A few days ago the laptops arrived back in Japan and the  team  have
managed to get the raw logs to me for inspection.  Around  1,000  QSOs  that
were missing have been recovered so far. These QSOs have been added  to  the
log. QSL requests for both direct and bureau have been matched  to  the  new
QSOs found". Tim is working to recover more QSOs. Check Club Log to  see  if
your QSOs are  there.  The  OQRS  for  direct  and  bureau  cards  is  open:

QSL ZL7AAA ---> VE7NY is no longer dealing with  QSLs  for  ZL7AAA  (Chatham
Islands, March 2014).  Simon,  ZL4PLM  (zl4plm[@]  now  has  "full
access to Clublog and OQRS", so let him know "if you  have  a  logging  time
issue or did not receive a paper card". The log has been uploaded  to  LoTW.
[TNX DX World]

VP8SGI & VP8STI ---> While plans for  the  VP8SGI  &  VP8STI  DXpedition  to
South Georgia and the South  Sandwich  Islands  [425DXN  1248]  are  "moving
forward in all aspects", the Intrepid DX Group's  team  has  annouced  their
"Early Donor program for donations prior to departure to  the  islands.  For
all donations of $25 or more, we will perform an early LoTW  upload  and  we
will include all $25 donors in the  first  batch  of  QSL  processing".  See for detailed information.

+ SILENT KEY + Miroslaw "Mirek" Rozbicki, VK6DXI died of a heart  attack  on
14 April. First licensed as SP5IXI in 1975 at 18 years of age,  in  1982  he
emigrated to Australia, and became VK3DXI (Melbourne), VK2DXI  (Sydney)  and
finally VK6DXI (Perth) since 2002. He travelled a lot, mainly  on  business,
and over the years he operated from more than fifty DXCC  Entities,  notably
Singapore (9V1XE),  Algeria  (7X0DX),  Zimbabwe  (Z21DXI)  and  Malaysia  as
either 9M8DX from Kuching and 9M8DX/2 from Kuala Lumpur (but also from  IOTA
groups  AS-046,  AS-058  and  AS-015).  He  participated    in    two  major
DXpeditions, FT5XO (Kerguelen 2005) and ZL8R (Kermadec 2006). [TNX SP5UAF]

                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ******* QSL  ROUTES *******
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                        Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW

CALL        MANAGER     CALL        MANAGER     CALL        MANAGER
3B8MM       DL6UAA      FG4NO       F4AVX       R120RO      UA3DX
3B9FR       M0OXO       FK8CE       NI5DX       R120RP      UA3DX
3D2SE       ZL3TE       FK8DD       NI5DX       R120RQ      UA3DX
3D2XT       ZL3AB       GB2SUM      MM5PSL      R120RR      UA3DX
3Z14KBS     SP9KDU      HB0/PA3CNO  PE1FLO      R120RS      UA3DX
4G0PUP      DX1PUP      HB0/PA3HK   PE1FLO      R120RT      UA3DX
4O7AB       UA3AB       HB0/PE0MGB  PE1FLO      R120RU      UA3DX
4U1WB       KK4HD       HB90IARU    HB9JOE      R120RV      UA3DX
4X67TT      N4GNR       HE200GE     HB9AOF      R120RW      UA3DX
4Z67LA      4Z5LA       HL60HQ      HL0HQ       R120RX      UA3DX
5R8SV       G3SWH       HS0ZKG      F6AXX       R120RY      UA3DX
5T2MM       PY4KL       HZ1FI       DL2RMC      R120RZ      UA3DX
5V7BD       DJ6SI       HZ1HX       E73Y        R1895R      UA3DX
5V7JH       DJ8NK       II1SAP      IQ1TO       R2015R      UA3DX
5W0JY       JA1JQY      II3FPN      IV3EHH      R90IARU     UA6YW
5W0KJ       JA1KJW      J42AGM      SZ2TSL      S21B        KX7YT
5W0MA       JA3MCA      J52HF       I3LDP       SK7DX       SM7DXQ
5W0VE       JA8VE       J68HZ       K9HZ        SN0MD       SP1PNW
5X1JM       EA5GL       J88PI       GW4DVB      SN0WFF      SP5X
7P8GF       ZS6AYU      JY4CI       K2AX        SU9IG       OM3CGN
7U7WARD     7X2VB       JY9FC       E73Y        T88MZ       DU1CKF
8Q7SA       LZ3SM       KH0XG       JL1RXW      TM22TSF     F6HRO
9A88AA      9A2AA       KH0YB       JO1AEC      TM30UFT     F6ICG
9A9DX       EB7DX       LX90IARU    LX2A        TM35AMRA    F-11734
9H3BL       IZ5EBL      OD5QB       YO3FRI      TM90IARU    F6KMF
9K90IARU    9K2HN       P29ZAD      NI5DX       TT8CY       F5PRU
9M4WSB      9W2PD       P4/IV3IYH   IK2ILH      TU5JM       DB1DT
9N1AA       N4AA        PQ150ITU    PR7AYE      TY2CD       ZS6ARF
A91WARD     IZ8CLM      PW150ITU    PR7AYE      UE54AG      RA4DR
AM990BO     EA5KB       PY90IARU    OZ1HHH      UE54GP      UA4CGR
AT150ITU    VU2CDP      R120RA      UA3DX       V63DX       JA7HMZ
CO6HLP      EA7FTR      R120RB      UA3DX       VK9NW       VK3ZD
CP4IC       EA5KB       R120RC      UA3DX       XV4Y        OK1DOT
CS2015WARD  CT1REP      R120RD      UA3DX       XV5HS       EA5KD
CU5/CU3DX   CU3EJ       R120RE      UA3DX       YB200T      W2FB
CX90IARU    W3HNK       R120RF      UA3DX       YJ0XG       JA1XGI
CY0/VA1AXC  JE1LET      R120RG      UA3DX       YW5RY       EA5KB
DL0WFF      DL2JIM      R120RH      UA3DX       Z21LS       DE1ZHB
DU1/JA3FJE  JN3VQM      R120RI      UA3DX       Z81B        IZ0EGA
DX0P        WA6LOS      R120RJ      UA3DX       Z81D        OM3JW
EI1KARG     EI9FVB      R120RK      UA3DX       ZD8N        G3ZVW
EM44WFF     UT4WA       R120RL      UA3DX       ZF1DX       W8BLA
ER120R      ER1FF       R120RM      UA3DX       ZV2VS       PY2WZR
FG4NN       NI5DX       R120RN      UA3DX       ZW70FEB     PT2ADM

DX1PUP   P.O. Box 972, Manila CPO, 1099 Manila, Philippines
JA1XGI   Haru Uchida, 2-30-11 Shintomi, Kawagoe-shi, Saitama-ken, 350-0043,
JA7HMZ   Shoji Igawa, 17  Shirogane-cho, Yokobori, Yuzawa-shi, Akita-ken,
         019-0204, Japan
JE1LET   Masahiko Otokozawa, 985-7 Kuno, Odawara-shi, Kanagawa-ken,
         250-0055, Japan
PY2WZR   Paulo Waizer Novaes, Rua Professor Humberto Souza Leal 30, Mogi
         das Cruzes - SP, 08735-580, Brazil
VK3ZD    Charles E. Savage, P.O. Box 122, Oakleigh South VIC 3167, Australia
WA6LOS   Leo M. Almazan, 8190 Torrey Gardens Place, San Diego CA 92129, USA
ZL3AB    Mark Sullivan, 64 Broadhaven Avenue, Parklands, Christchurch 8083,
         New Zealand


               425 DX News is a free of charge weekly bulletin
      edited by Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ and Valeria Pregliasco, IK1ADH

            Its contents may be used, reproduced and distributed
                        in part or full provided that
               "425 DX News" or "425DXN" receive proper credit

          Contributors are invited to send their DX information to
                 Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ (
                      The deadline is 12 UTC on Fridays


                           Direttore Responsabile
                            Gabriele Villa, I2VGW
               Giornalista Professionista - Tessera n. 071675
                      Ordine Nazionale dei Giornalisti
                                Roma, Italia


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