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14 March 2015                                             A.R.I. DX Bulletin

                                   No 1245
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  DX  INFORMATION  ****
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                        Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW

9N     - Bogdan SP2FUD, Janusz SP9FIH and Rafal SQ9CNN will be  active  from
         Nepal (callsign unknown) on 18-30 March. They are likely to be  QRV
         on  40-10  metres  SSB,  CW  and  RTTY.  They  have  a  website  at [TNX NG3K]
A2     - Once again Gert, ZS6AYU will be active holiday style as A25GF  from
         Botswana on 20-22 March. He will operate CW  on  40-6  metres.  QSL
         via ZS6AYU. [TNX NG3K]
A6     - Andy, DK5ON will  be  active  as  A6/DK5ON  from  the  United  Arab
         Emirates on 18-27 March. He will operate CW, SSB,  RTTY  and  PSK31
         on 40-10 metres. QSL via home call, direct or bureau. [TNX NG3K]
C6     - John, C6ATS ( has been active from  the
         Berry Islands (NA-054) since 13 March, and should remain there  for
         a few more days. He operates SSB and RTTY on 10, 15 and  17  metres
         depending on band conditions. QSL  via  NI5DX  (direct)  and  LoTW,
         OQRS on Club Log (bureau cards should be requested through the
CT9    - Igor, UA9CDC will be active on 160-10  metres  as  CT9/UA9CDC  from
         Madeira (AF-014) on 20-31 March.  Main  activity  will  take  place
         during the CQ WW WPX SSB Contest. QSL via G3SWH, direct only  (OQRS
         preferred: see and  LoTW.  Logsearch  on  G3SWH's
         website and Club Log. [TNX G3SWH]
CX     - Radiogrupo Sur will be active on all bands and modes as  CV5A  from
         Isla de Flores (SA-030) on 20-22 March. QSL via CX2ABC.
DU     - Hannes, OE3SGU will be active  holiday  style  as  DU1/OE3SGU  from
         Luzon Island (OC-042) from 25 March to 20 April.  He  will  operate
         mainly CW on 40-6 metres. Short side trips  to  other  IOTA  groups
         are possible. QSL via home call (OQRS on Club Log) and  LoTW.  [TNX
         DX World]
EA     - Special callsign EH3DWN will be in  use  on  13-22  March  for  the
         World Down Syndrome Day (21 March).  Look  for  activity  on  80-10
         metres SSB, PSK and ROS. QSL via EA3HKY,  direct  or  bureau,  LoTW
         and eQSL. Further information on
EA     - Celebrating the  90th  anniversary  of  the  International  Amateur
         Radio  Union,  special  callsigns  EG90IARU  (from  club   stations
         located on the Iberian Peninsula) and EH90IARU (for  club  stations
         operating from the Canary Islands, the Balearic Islands  and  Ceuta
         y Melilla) will be in use on  1-30  April.  During  the  same  time
         frame, individual operators are authorized to use special  prefixes
         followed by their usual call area number + 90: EA stations can  use
         AM (e.g. EA4AAA = AM490AAA), EB stations can use AN (e.g. EB8AAA  =
         AN890AAA) and EC stations can use  AO  (e.g.  EC9AAA  =  AO990AAA).
         [TNX URE]
F      - Four  special  commemorative  callsigns  will  be  used  in  France
         between mid-April and late May: TM90WARD on  17-19  April  for  the
         World Amateur Radio Day (celebrated  on  the  18th);  TM150UIT  and
         TM150ITU  on  3-17  May  for  the  150th   anniversary    of    the
         International Telecommunications Union; TM90REF on  17-31  May  for
         the 90th anniversary of the Reseau des  Emetteurs  Francais  (REF),
         France's national IARU Society. All of the QSOs will  be  confirmed
         automatically via the bureau. [TNX F6AJA and Les Nouvelles DX]
FG     - Special callsign TO90IARU will  be  activated  from  Martinique  on
         4-18 April to celebrate the 90th anniversary of  the  International
         Amateur  Radio  Union.  All  of  the  QSOs  will    be    confirmed
         automatically via the bureau. [TNX F6AJA and Les Nouvelles DX]
GJ     - Kazu, M0CFW will be active from Jersey (EU-013) on 20-23 March.  He
         will participate in the Russian DX Contest as  MJ5Z,  and  will  be
         QRV as MJ0CFW outside the contest. QSL for both callsigns via  Club
         Log's OQRS and LoTW. [TNX NG3K]
H44    - Christian, EA3NT has had to cancel his trip to the  Russel  Islands
         (OC-168) because of bad weather and rough seas. He still  hopes  to
         be able to go and be active from Bellona Island (OC-127)  on  15-16
         March. To avoid confusion, he uses  H44NT  from  Honiara  (OC-047),
         and will use H42NT from OC-127. QSL via M0OXO. [TNX M0OXO]
OE     - The  Amateur  Radio  Section  of  ORF  (the  Austrian  Broadcasting
         Corporation) and the Documentary Archive  Radio  Communications/QSL
         Collection will  operate  special  event  station  OE15M  on  24-26
         April. This is an official "International Marconi Day" station  and
         contacts made on 25  April  will  count  for  the  IMD  Award  (see QSL via OE1WHC. [TNX OE1WHC]
PY    -  Commemorating   the   150th   anniversary   of   the  International
         Telecommunication Union, members of the Guara  DX  Group  will  use
         special event callsigns  PQ150ITU,  PV150ITU,  PW150ITU,  PX150ITU,
         ZV150ITU, ZW150ITU, ZX150ITU, ZY150ITU and ZZ150ITU from  28  March
         to 26 April. QSL all via PR7AYE, direct or bureau.
SM     - Celebrating the  90th  anniversary  of  the  International  Amateur
         Radio Union, the Swedish Amateur Radio  Society's  eight  Districts
         will operate special callsigns until 31 August: 7S90IARU  (District
         6),  SB90IARU  (District  0),  SC90IARU  (District  2),    SD90IARU
         (District  4),  SE90IARU  (District  5),  SF90IARU  (District   7),
         SI90IARU (District 1) and SJ90IARU (District 3).
LA     - Waldi, SP7IDX will  be  active  holiday  style  as  LA/SP7IDX  from
         Vannoya (EU-046) on 17-26 June. He will operate  SSB  and  RTTY  on
         80-10 metres. QSL  via  home  call,  bureau  preferred,  and  LoTW.
         Logsearch on Club Log. [TNX SP7IDX]
TK     - Special callsign TK90IARU will be activated from  Corsica  on  4-18
         April to  celebrate  the  90th  anniversary  of  the  International
         Amateur  Radio  Union.  All  of  the  QSOs  will    be    confirmed
         automatically via the bureau. [TNX F6AJA and Les Nouvelles DX]
VK9N   - Look for Allen, VK7AN/VK9 and David, VK7YUM/VK9 to be  active  from
         Norfolk Island (OC-005) on 20-27 March. They will operate  SSB  and
         digital modes on  40-10  metres.  QSL  via  home  call,  direct  or
         bureau. [TNX DX World]
W      - Jeff, N3JS reports he will be  active  as  N3JS/4  from  Assateague
         Island (NA-139) on 15 March. This will be a  "short,  battery/solar
         powered operation" from 15 UTC to  18  UTC.  Look  for  him  around
         28460, 21260 and 18128, depending on conditions.
W      - Once again Joe, K5KUA will be  active  as  K5KUA/5  from  Galveston
         Island (NA-143) on 27-30 March. Usually  he  operates  CW  only  on
         40-10 metres as time permits. QSL via home call, direct or  bureau.
         Logsearch on Club Log. [TNX
YB     - Look for Din, YB8RW/3 (see  for  the  link  to  Club  Log's
         OQRS) and Adhi, YB3MM/p (see or  for  QSLling
         options) to operate SSB and CW from  Masalembu  Besar  (OC-250)  on
         25-27 March. This IOTA group was activated only once, by 8A3M  back
         in 2002. If transportation is available, they  might  also  operate
         from Masalembu Kecil and Karamian (same IOTA  group,  but  separate
         counters for the Nusantara/Indonesian Islands Award). [TNX W2FB]
YJ     - Haru, JA1XGI will be active  as  YJ0XG  from  Port  Vila  (OC-035),
         Vanuatu on 13-19 April. He will operate mainly  CW  with  some  SSB
         and digital modes on  40-10  metres.  QSL  via  JA1XGI,  direct  or
         bureau (OQRS on Club Log). Further  information  can  be  found  at

                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  GOOD TO KNOW ... ****
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                        Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW

DXPEDITION VIDEOS ---> A collection  of  videos  produced  by  James  Brooks
(9V1YC) is now available for viewing at  It
includes the WRTC  2014  documentary  and  nine  DXpeditions:  A52A  (Bhutan
2000), BS7H (Scarborough Reef 2007), FT5XO  (Kerguelen  2005),  K4M  (Midway
2009), VK0IR (Heard  Island  1997),  VP8GEO  (South  Georgia  2002),  VP8ORK
(South  Orkney  Islands  2011),  VP8THU  (South  Sandwich  2002)   and  ZL8R
(Kermadec 2006).

P5-2016 PROJECT ---> Dom, 3Z9DX has written permission  to  operate  amateur
radio from North Korea (P5), reports. He has also  received  "a
further letter from  authorities  in  Pyongyang  inviting  him  to  a  final
meeting to discuss (and for  him  to  accept)  rules  by  the  North  Korean
military and the relevant telecommunications department. This  meeting  will
take place in December with activity planned for January or February  2016".
Dom will be permitted to be QRV on 10,  15  and  20  metres  only,  "from  a
secured place in Pyongyang  with  two  government  supervisors  over-looking
24/7" for five  days.  This  is  expected  to  be  a  phone  only  activity;
"currently, there is no negotiations or ongoing dialogue about CW".  Further
information is expected in due course. [TNX MM0NDX]

RSGB COMMONWEALTH CONTEST ---> The 78th edition of the  Commonwealth  (BERU)
Contest ( will be held on 14-15 March, from  10  UTC  to  10
UTC, on 80, 40, 20, 15 and 10 metres CW. Only operators located  within  the
Commonwealth or British Mandated Territories are eligible to enter.

THE CDXC DX ARCHIVE ---> The Chiltern DX Club, the  UK  DX  Foundation,  has
made access to the large collection of the club's bi-monthly  magazine  (the
CDXC Digest) freely available to all. The collection of Geoff Watts'  (later
RSGB's) 'DX News Sheet' and  'RSGB  DX  News  Magazine'  has  been  likewise
available since 2012. The Digests (#1 dates back to October 1983) have  been
uploaded  as  searchable  PDFs  for  researchers  worldwide  to   browse  or
download. There is a delay of around three months before the  latest  issues
are  added.  Go  to and click on 'The CDXC DX Archive'. [TNX
DX World]

US ISLANDS ---> "One-Day Getaway" is a US  Islands  (USI)  Awards  Program's
new operating activity that will  take  place  on  9  May  (from  00.00  UTC
through 23.59 UTC). Complete information on the event  and  the  US  Islands
Program can be found on  Founded  in  1994,  US  Islands
promotes portable amateur radio operations from islands found in all  bodies
of  water  (lakes,  rivers,  streams,  ponds)  and  coastal  islands  in  US
territorial waters. [TNX NS4J]

YB4IR/7 ---> Imam, YB4IR reports that "because of technical  problems",  his
14-18 March activity from Temajo Island  (OC-252)  [425DXN  1243]  has  been
postponed "for a while".


QSLs received direct or through managers: 1A0C, 4J20RO,  5R8M,  6V1A,  7O2A,
7Q7GIA, 7X4RJ, 8Q7DV, 9G5AG,  9K9GHL,  9L1A,  9V1YC,  A25TQ,  A35TR,  A41MX,
A63DI  (AS-021),  A71AM,  AH0CO/KH8,  B9/BY9GA,  C21GC,  C5X,  C6ARU,  C6ATS
(NA-113), C91B, CD6713 (SA-018), CO2WL, D2QR, D44EE, E20AS (AS-125),  E51JD,
EA9/DL2RNS, EF6, EP3HF, ES5QD, EX2F,  FK8CP,  FO/K8PGJ,  FO/KH0PR  (OC-238),
(EU-060), J64SLI, JU50VOM, JU80R, JW/UA3IPL, JW4PM, KG4HF, KG4HI,  KH6/K1YR,
KH8/K8GU,  KP2/AG2J,  LX7I,  ON70NUTS,  PJ7/N0TG,  PZ5RA,    RI1FJA,  S59AA,
VK16AC,  VK4SWE  (OC-227),  VK9DLX,  VK9LM,  VP2ERJVR2XMT,  VU4KV  (AS-001),
XE1/W5FG,  XR2T  (SA-086),  XW4ZW,  YB3MM/8  (OC-247),  YB8RXA/p   (OC-145),
YB8XM/p (OC-070), YB9/DL7UVO (OC-151), YC8ROP/p (OC-210), ZL7/JA0JHQ.


               425 DX News is a free of charge weekly bulletin
      edited by Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ and Valeria Pregliasco, IK1ADH

            Its contents may be used, reproduced and distributed
                        in part or full provided that
               "425 DX News" or "425DXN" receive proper credit

          Contributors are invited to send their DX information to
                 Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ (
                      The deadline is 12 UTC on Fridays


                           Direttore Responsabile
                            Gabriele Villa, I2VGW
               Giornalista Professionista - Tessera n. 071675
                      Ordine Nazionale dei Giornalisti
                                Roma, Italia


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