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UT1HZM > DX       21.02.15 10:08l 304 Lines 18879 Bytes #999 (0) @ WW
BID : 425WW1242
Subj: 425 DX News #1242
Sent: 150221/0746Z 32828@UT1HZM.KREM.POL.UKR.EU BPQ1.4.60

21 February 2015                                          A.R.I. DX Bulletin
                                   No 1242
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  DX  INFORMATION  ****
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                        Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW

5H     - Stefano, IK6JRI will be  active  as  5H1JRI  from  Zanzibar  Island
         (AF-032) from 20 February to 3 March. He will operate SSB  only  on
         40-10 and maybe 80 metres. QSL via IK7JWX.
5T     - Jean, 5T0JL (ON8RA) will be active again as  5T0ITU  [425DXN  1219]
         on 25-26 Feburary. This special callsign has been granted  for  use
         during ITU  events,  in  this  case  the  third  meeting  of  ITU's
         Telecommunication Standardization Sector SG13RG-AFR  that  will  be
         held in Zambia.  QSL via ON8RA.  Make  sure  to comply  with Jean's
         operating habits as detailed on
C6     - John, C6ATS  (  has  been  active  from
         Acklins Island (NA-113),  Bahamas  since  17  February.  He  should
         remain there for a few more  days,  with  operations  depending  on
         weather conditions.  John's  permission  to  stay  in  the  Bahamas
         expired on 24 February, but he has got an extension for one  month.
         QSL via NI5DX (direct) and LoTW, OQRS on  Club  Log  (bureau  cards
         should be requested through the OQRS).
CE0Z   - An "Early Departure Team" has been in Chile since  16  February  to
         arrange the shipment of the equipment to  Robinson  Crusoe  Island,
         Juan Fernandez [425DXN  1240].  They  expected  to  leave  for  the
         island on the 20th, to set up antennas and stations.  "Due  to  new
         regulation rules  which  enter  in  force  this  week",  they  say,
         "flights to Juan Fernandez are now limited to  6  passengers.  This
         change  implies  more  planes  than  before  and  a    dramatically
         increased budget which now represent an overall cost of US$  56.000
         (only for  flights)!  We  would  have  prefered  to  transport  the
         passengers by sea, but  the  only  maritime  company  with  adequat
         fleet has a very limited capacity". The second group  of  operators
         will arrive on Sunday (22 February); activity as  3G0ZC  will  then
         start as soon as possible. QSL via F1ULQ (OQRS  on  Club  Log)  and
         LoTW.  Bookmark  for  updates.   [TNX
DL     - Special event station DL1965WH will be active from 1  March  to  29
         February 2016 to celebrate a double golden jubilee, i.e.  the  50th
         anniversary of the Amateur Radio Group of the German  Armed  Forces
         in Daun/Vulkaneifel, and the 50th birthday of the  Group's  leader,
         Volker Schnitzius, DL1WH. QSL via DL1WH, direct  or  bureau  (cards
         will only be available next year, after the end of  the  activity).
         [TNX DL1WH]
HP     - Members of the Colon DX Group will be active as  H91T  from  Taboga
         Island (NA-072) from 27 February to 1  March.  Expect  activity  on
         40, 20, 17, 15 and 10 metres. QSL via HP2BWJ. [TNX DX World]
OX     - Bo, OX3LX (  will  be
         active  again  from  the  Kookoerne  Islands  (NA-220)  on    24-27
         February.  As  during  his  latest  operation  from  there    (6-11
         February), he will be QRV in his spare time. QSL via OZ1PIF.
PJ7    - The Uruguay DX Group (Gus CX2AM,  Mario  CX4CR,  Rainer  CX8FB  and
         Bert CX3AN) will be active holiday style as PJ7C from Sint  Maarten
         (NA-105) from 28 February to 9 March. They will operate SSB and  CW
         with two stations. QSL via EB7DX. [TNX CX3ZAN]
PY     - PS8RV, PU8WMM, PU8WZT, PY8AB,  PY8FML,  PY8WW  and  PY8ZE  will  be
         active as ZV8V  from  the  lighthouse  Chapeu  Virado  on  Ilha  do
         Mosqueiro (not IOTA) on 20-22 February. They will operate  CW,  SSB
         and digital modes on 80-10 metres. QSL via LoTW. [TNX PY8WW]
V6     - Keith, GM4YXI and Chris, GM3WOJ will be active as  V6Z  from  Chuuk
         (OC-011), Micronesia from 27 March to 9 April. They  will  also  be
         active during the  CQ  WW  WPX  SSB  Contest,  but  it  will  be  a
         "part-time entry,  mostly  S&P".  Keith  an  Chris  will  have  two
         stations on the air "for  as  many  hours  per  day  as  possible",
         running 500 watts on 80-10 metres CW and SSB. All V6Z QSOs will  be
         uploaded to LoTW and Club Log, hopefully on a  daily  basis.  There
         are also plans for a real-time logging system to show the  last  30
         QSOs - see for further information. QSL via N3SL.
VE     - Alexey, VE1RUS has been active as VY0/VE1RUS from Ellesmere  Island
         (NA-008) since 11 February and will remain there  until  the  25th.
         He is QRV in his spare time mainly on  20  metres.  QSL  to  VE1RUS
         (direct only).
VK9L   - VK9LC is the callsign OH2YY and OH1TV will use during  their  22-28
         February activity from Lord Howe  Island  (OC-004)  [425DXN  1239].
         They will operate mainly SSB with some  CW  with  two  stations  on
         40-6 metres. QSL via OH2YY, direct or  bureau;  logsearch  on  Club
VP8    - Roger,  G0SWC  is  active  as  VP8DBR  from  the  Falkland  Islands
         (SA-002) until 20 March, and will be active again from 19  July  to
         26 September. He is QRV in his spare time mainly on 20, 17, 15,  12
         and 10 metres SSB. QSL via G0SWC. [TNX The Daily DX]
W      - Look for KG4JSZ, KI4GMR, KS4WA, N2MFT and maybe others  members  of
         the Mid Florida DX Association to be active from  Honeymoon  Island
         (NA-034) for a few hours (12-18 UTC) on 28 February. QSL  via  home
         calls. [TNX]
Z8     - Olli, OH0XX has been active as Z81X from Southern  Sudan  since  19
         February. He will be  QRV  (CW  only)  until  the  25th,  including
         participation in the ARRL DX CW Contest. QSL via  OH0XX.  [TNX  The
         Daily DX]

                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  GOOD TO KNOW ... ****
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                        Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW

425 DX NEWS MAGAZINE ---> The  January  2015  issue  is  now  available  for
download at [TNX IZ3EBA]

ARRL INTERNATIONAL DX CONTEST (CW) ---> Object of the contest  is  for  W/VE
amateurs to work as many stations in as many DXCC entities  as  possible  on
160, 80, 40, 20, 15, and  10  metre  bands,  while  foreign  amateurs  (also
including KH6, KL7, CY9 and CY0) work as many W/VE stations in  as  many  of
the 48 contiguous states and provinces as possible (complete  rules  can  be
found at This year's event will run from  from  00.00
UTC on 21 February through 23.59 UTC on the 22nd. Do not forget  to  give  a
look at the  Announced  Operations  listing  maintained  by  Bill,  NG3K  at - good contest to you all!

CHESTERFIELD 2015 ---> TX3X has been officially issued to the  2-12  October
DXpedition to the Chesterfield Islands [425DXN 1238]. The on-island team  is
now complete, and includes twelve  operators  (AA4NN,  HA5AO,  K5GS,  K6GFJ,
K6MM, K6TD, K6TU, N6HC, ND2T, W1SRD, W2LK, WA6O). The  fundraising  campaign
is underway, please visit for information on how to donate.  As
for QSLling, a  "fully  integrated  Log  Search  /  OQRS  /  QSL  management
application" has been developed by the team. "The QSL  management  back  end
functions will significantly reduce the  labor  associated  with  processing
OQRS, Direct and Buro  requests,  including  LoTW".  TX3X's  QSL  policy  is
detailed on the website.

COCOS ISLAND ---> TI9/3Z9DX has been QRV from Cocos Island since 20  UTC  on
16 February and will  be  QRV  until  the  23rd.  MM0NDX  reports  that  the
operators (3Z9DX and RA9USU, SP8SIW and TI2HMJ) are not  permitted  to  move
from the location they have been assigned, which is surrounded by hills  and
almost  entirely  blocked  to  Europe.  A  complete  write-up   of  previous
activations  of  TI9  can  be  found  on  the  Documentary   Archives  Radio

K1N ---> The DXpedition went QRT on 15  February  at  11.27  UTC.  The  last
helicopter flight left Navassa at 15 UTC with the  three  team  members  who
overnighted to keep stations QRV until the last possible moment.
The full  log  has  been  uploaded  to  Club  Log.  It  shows  139,702  QSOs
(72770/CW, 54821/SSB and 12111/RTTY) with 35,825 unique  callsigns.  As  for
the breakdown  by  continent,  81551  QSOs  (58.4%)  were  made  with  North
America, 44755  (32.0%)  with  Europe,  8105  with  Asia,  3208  with  South
America, 1204 with Oceania, 876 with Africa and 3 with Antarctica.
QSL via N2OO, direct (Bob Schenck, P.O. Box 345, Tuckerton  NJ  08087,  USA)
or bureau; Club Log's OQRS has been activated for  both  direct  and  bureau
cards. The logs will be uploaded to LoTW "sooner rather than later". If  you
do not find your QSO on Club Log, please send  your  complete  log  data  to
k1nqsl[@], and be prepared to wait a bit, as "it may  take  several
days for us to research your request".

MEGA DXPEDITIONS HONOR ROLL  --->  In  the  late  90s  Jari  Jussila,  OH2BU
started collecting records of DXpeditions that make at  least  30,000  QSOs.
What it used to be a spreadheet has been put into a database  maintained  by
Bernd,  DF3CB  and  hosted  on  the   German    DX    Foundation's  website: It is not a mere  statistic  exercise,  but
an intriguing review of 221 DXpeditions (so far) that have made the  history
of DXing over the years, from 8Z4A in 1979 to the most recent K1N  and  EP6T
in 2015. Comments, corrections or additions to the list should  be  sent  to
Jari.Jussila[@] and bernd[@]

QSL VIA G3SWH ---> Phil, G3SWH has managed to obtain copies of the logs  for
ZQ2FX, all operated by the late Martyn, G3RFX (SK June 2014). All logs  have
been  uploaded  to  LoTW.  There  are  also  log   searches    available  at and on Clublog. Phil also plans  to  upload  the  logs  for
DJ0EQ and DJ0EQ/p  (Martyn's  operations  from  Berlin  in  the  1970s).  As
Martyn's  RSGB  membership  lapsed  on  his  passing,  paper  QSL  are  only
available    direct    from    G3SWH,    preferably     through    his  OQRS
(  Please  do  not   send  QSL
cards via the bureau system as they will not be received. [TNX G3SWH]

S01WS ---> The Sahara DX  Team  twitted  that  on  15  February  S01WS,  the
Sahrawi Amateur Radio Union's  club  station,  "suffered  various  failures,
which forced to suspend any activity for an extended period of time".

+ SILENT KEY + Charles "Frosty" Frost, K5LBU [425DXN 1239]  passed  away  on
14 February, the  day  of  his  74th  birthday.  Over  the  years  he  often
travelled  and  lived  in  Africa;  more  recently   he    organized  annual
DXpeditions (3DA0CF, 7P8CF, A25CF, C91CF, C81CF) for  several  operators  to
join him.

                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ******* QSL  ROUTES *******
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                        Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW

CALL        MANAGER     CALL        MANAGER     CALL        MANAGER
3B8CW       NI5DX       EG4PAR      EA4PN       P49X        W0YK
3D2KM       W6ZL        EG5ANT      EA5DY       PA15CC      PA7HPH
3G7R        CE7FKG      EG8FLL      EA8URE      PA40FAW     PA0FAW
3W3B        E21EIC      EH5ANT      EA5FL       PI25COM     PA3CAL
3Z51EY      SP7EY       EI1Y        EI5JQ       PI4A        PB1WB
3Z51MOC     SP7MOC      EM4IFF      US5IQ       PI4D        PA3ERA
3Z51OXU     SQ7OXU      EN7P        UT1PG       PI4F        PD1WAT
3Z51POS     SP7POS      FG4KH       F1DUZ       PI4ZU       PC4DX
3Z51PSW     SP7PSW      FO/K8PGJ    K8PGJ       PJ2T        W3HNK
3Z51R       SP7RJI      FS4WBS      IZ1MHY      PJ4D        W3HNK
3Z51S       SP7SEW      FW5JJ       F5RXL       PJ4F        M0URX
4H1T        DU1IVT      H2X         IZ4AMS      PJ4NX       M0URX
4U0ITU      4U1ITU      H44MS       DL2GAC      PJ7/WJ2O    N2ZN
5B4AGN      M0URX       HA10SOTA    HA1DTQ      PJ7AA       AA9A
5B4ALX      IZ4AMS      HB9ICE      HB9BHY      PR5P        PT2OP
5C5W        EA5XX       HF0A        SP9YI       PW0F        OH2BH
5H1ES       IK3GES      HF51SDA     SP7PFD      R1989A      UA4AJD
5H1OC       IK6CAC      HG30CW      HA3NU       RC70YC      K2PF
5H6JG       HA3JB       HG90IARU    HA5MA       S01WS       EA2JG
5T0JL       ON8RA       HH2/N3BNA   KA2AEV      S79CO       JT1CO
5W1SA       JA1DXA      HI3TT       W2CCW       SU0ERA      SM5AQD
5W7A        YT1AD       HK1NA       K6IPM       SU9IG       OM3CGN
5Z4/EA4ATI  EA4YK       HK1R        K6IPM       SX2AG       SV2HXV
6Y2T        VE3DZ       HL2ZIK      JE1XUZ      TG9IIN      K4TI
6Y5JH       EA5GL       HL2ZIM      JG1WBB      TI8/AA8HH   K8DV
7Q7BP       G3MRC       HP3AK       W4JS        TI9/3Z9DX   3Z9DX
7X3V        7X2ARA      HR5/AA4NC   AI4U        TM12WAP     F8DHE
8P2K        KU9C        HS0ZKG      F6AXX       TR8CA       F6CBC
9A0Z        9A3JB       II0LOVE     9A8AOT      UE23DZO     RA4DR
9H3KZ       G2BKZ       II1MNA      IQ1GE       UE23DKA     UA4PIE
9J2HN       JR2KDN      II2ANT      I2JJR       UE23DSA     RL3DV
9M4SI       9M2YOT      II5ANT      IZ5BTC      UE92L       RQ7L
9M8XXW/6    DJ8XW       II6ANT      IW6NZY      V26M        W3HNK
9V1YC       W5UE        II8POLE     IK8FIQ      V31AT       K5PI
9X0PY       SM6CPY      IO9Z        IT9DSZ      V31KP       DK1IP
AH0KT       JH8PHT      IR1ANT      I1HYW       V55V        DJ8VC
AO4HAG      EA4GKV      J73CCM      SM0CCM      V63MJ       M0URX
AT3ANT      VU2UR       J75D        SM5DJZ      VA7AAW      VE7IG
AU4ASR      VU2AJO      J79WW       N4USA       VC7G        VE7JH
BW2/JP1RIW  BM2JCC      K4C         K4MZU       VE2CSI      M0URX
C21BN       JH1NBN      K6IJ/KH6    EA5GL       VK2ANT      VK2FR
C5DX        G4DJX       KG4AS       N4SIA       VP2MRS      KB8RJ
C6ABB       N2RFA       KG4HI       WB2REM      VP2MUR      KB8RJ
C6AKQ       N4BP        KG4RQ       WB2REM      VP8DBR      G0SWC
C6ARU       N4UM        KG4YL       K9DIG       VY1JA       N3SL
C6ATS       NI5DX       KH7XX       EB7DX       W2VQ/C6A    WQ2N
C6AUM       K4RUM       KP2M        AI4U        XU7AES      KB4FB
C6AWW       NX4N        LY97A       LY5A        YE0C        YB0OKR
CE3/KQ7W    AC7DX       LY97O       LY8O        YL390BF     YL3BF
CR2X        OH2BH       LZ112RF     LZ1YE       YL390UI     YL2UI
CR6K        CT1ILT      N0J         JQ2GYU      YR0WL       YO9KPB
D44EE       OZ1BII      OE88WAP     OE3KKA      Z81X        OH0XX
DP1POL      DL1ZBO      OE89ANT     OE3AIS      ZA/IW2JOP   IW2HAJ
DP7BVBG     DF7AA       OE90AAW     OE3SGA      ZL1WND      EA5ZD
DQ40AIX     DJ9KR       OG0Z        W0MM        ZL7/F8FUA   F8FUA
DU3LA       N0QM        OH0Z        W0MM        ZM3T        ZL3TE
DU9AQQ      EA5GL       P40L        WA3FRP      ZV2K        PY2SHF
EA6UP       EA6SK       P40LE       K2LE        ZW2R        PY2LCD
EG1LSP      EA1GIB      P49MR       VE3MR       ZW5WIM      PU5IKE

3Z9DX    Dom Grzyb, skr. poczt. 84, 34-200 Sucha Beskidzka, Poland
4U1ITU   IARC, P.O. Box 6, 1211 Geneva 20, Switzerland
9M2YOT   Hasrul Nizam, Peti surat 118, Pejabat Pos Besar, 75720 Melaka,
EA2JG    Arseli Echeguren Bardeci, Barrena 6, 01408 Luiaondo (Alava), Spain
JH1NBN   Yuki Yosuke Uchiyama, 924-4 Yokokawa-machi, Hachioji-shi,
         Tokyo-to, 193-0823, Japan
K8DV     David Vest, 2934 Rontina Drive, Goshen OH 45122, USA
K8PGJ    Peter M. Gladysz, 4633 Riverchase, Troy MI 28098, USA
K9DIG    Nancy M Yoshida, 1079 Harvest Ln NE, Thompson, ND 58278, USA
LU8DCH   Carlos Alberto Heguilein, Calle Gral Tomas Guido 209, B1643EWE
         Beccar, Argentina
N4SIA    Clifton N Strickland III, 2008 Baltic Avenue, Virginia Beach, VA
         23451, USA
PJ2/DH6TJ Sascha Kolonko, Tristanstr. 15, 14109 Berlin, Germany
PT2OP    Orlando Perez Filho, SHIGS 706, Bloco L Casa 22, Brasilia - DF,
         70350-762, Brazil
PU0FDN   Jose Carlos Marenga, Caixa Postal 52, Fernando de Noronha - PE,
         53990-000, Brazil
PU5IKE   Jose Henrique Schossland, Rua Rui Barbosa 2247 Apto 01, Joinville
         - SC, 89220-100, Brazil
PY2LCD   Billy Heinz Dorsch, Rua Willis Roberto Banks 1119, Sao Paulo - SP,
         05128-000, Brazil
VE1RUS   Alexey Tikhomirov, #210 - 45 Vimy Ave, Halifax NS B3M 4C5, Canada
WB2REM   James I. Millner, 7010 Gullotti Place, Port St Lucie, FL 34952, USA
YB0OKR   Tito Nugroho, Kavling Polri Blok G VII No. 1718, Jelambar, Jakarta
         Barat 11460, Indonesia


                425 DX NEWS HOME PAGE:
                425 DX NEWS MAGAZINE:


               425 DX News is a free of charge weekly bulletin
      edited by Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ and Valeria Pregliasco, IK1ADH

            Its contents may be used, reproduced and distributed
                        in part or full provided that
               "425 DX News" or "425DXN" receive proper credit

          Contributors are invited to send their DX information to
                 Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ (
                      The deadline is 12 UTC on Fridays


                           Direttore Responsabile
                            Gabriele Villa, I2VGW
               Giornalista Professionista - Tessera n. 071675
                      Ordine Nazionale dei Giornalisti
                                Roma, Italia


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