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[San Dona' di P. JN]

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KB8NW  > DX       14.09.14 18:23l 457 Lines 25787 Bytes #999 (0) @ WW
BID : OPDX.1180
Subj: Ohio/Penn DX Bulletin No. 1180
Sent: 140914/1619Z @:CX2SA.SAL.URY.SOAM #:10473 [Salto] FBB7.00e $:OPDX.1180
To  : DX@WW

The Ohio/Penn DX PacketCluster
DX Bulletin No. 1180
BID: $OPDX.1180
September 15, 2014
Editor Tedd Mirgliotta, KB8NW
Provided by BARF80.ORG (Cleveland, Ohio)

Thanks to the Northern Ohio Amateur Radio Society, Northern Ohio DX
Association, Ohio/Penn PacketCluster Network, AB5K & the AR TelNet Clusters
Network, K1XN & GoList, NJ1Q & W1AW, NG3K & ADXO, W3UR & The Daily DX,
N4AA & QRZ DX, AA5PK, AA7A, K8GI, K8YSE, W8GEX & 60m News, AT International,
DL7UXG & The DX News Letter, DL1SBF,, DX-World.Net, ES1CW,
F6AJA & Les Nouvelles DX, HA0HW, I1JQJ/IK1ADH & 425 DX News, I2MQP & DX
Italia News, OZ6OM & 50 MHz DX News, PA0RRS, PY2SEX, RSGB IOTA Web Site,
Sixitalia Weekly, VA3RJ & ICPO, the VHF-DX-Portal (MMMonVHF) and ZS4BS
for the following DX information.

**** EDITOR'S SPECIAL NOTE: Since OPDX Webmaster, John, K8YSE, is currently
     on a "WESTERN GRID EXPEDITION" (Satellite - see OPDX.1178), the
     bulletin will only be posted to the OPDX Web page as a "TXT" file.
     Those who like reading the OPDX in HTML format will have to wait
     until John returns or updates the Web page. Thanks for your under-
     standing..... ADDED NOTE: John lost his LARSEN (through the glass)
     2/440 antenna on the car, and can now only be tracked on APRS via
     his cell phone as K8YSE-9.

DXCC COUNTRY/ENTITY REPORT: According to the AR-Cluster Network for the
week of Sunday, 7th-September, through Sunday, 14th-September there were
217 countries active. Countries available: 3A, 3B8, 3B9, 3D2, 3DA, 3V, 3W,
4J, 4L, 4O, 4S, 4U1I, 4X, 5B, 5H, 5N, 5R, 5T, 5W, 5Z, 6Y, 7Q, 7X, 8P, 8Q,
8R, 9A, 9H, 9J, 9K, 9M2, 9M6, 9V, 9Y, A2, A4, A5, A6, A7, A9, AP, BV, BY,
C2, C3, C9, CE, CE0Y, CE9, CM, CN, CP, CT, CT3, CU, CX, CY0, D4, DL, DU,
E5/s, E6, E7, EA, EA6, EA8, EA9, EI, EK, EL, EP, ER, ES, EU, EX, EY, EZ,
F, FG, FK, FM, FO, FR, FS, FY, G, GD, GI, GJ, GM, GU, GW, H4, HA, HB, HB0,
HC, HI, HK, HL, HP, HR, HS, HZ, I, IS, J6, J7, J8, JA, JD/o, JT, JW, JY,
K, KG4, KH0, KH2, KH6, KL, KP2, KP4, LA, LU, LX, LY, LZ, OA, OD, OE, OH,
OH0, OJ0, OK, OM, ON, OX, OY, OZ, P2, P4, PA, PJ2, PJ4, PY, PZ, S0, S5,
S7, SM, SP, ST, SU, SV, SV5, SV9, T32, T5, T7, T8, TA, TF, TG, TI, TJ, TK,
TR, TT, TY, TZ, UA, UA2, UA9, UK, UN, UR, V3, V4, V5, V7, V8, VE, VK,
VK9N, VP2E, VP2V, VP5, VP6, VP8, VQ9, VR, VU, XE, XT, XU, XX9, YA, YB, YL,
YN, YO, YS, YU, YV, Z3, Z8, ZA, ZB, ZC4, ZD7, ZD8, ZD9, ZF, ZL, ZL7, ZP,

* PLEASE NOTE: The report "could" contain "Pirate/SLIM" operations or
  more likely a "BUSTED CALLSIGN". As always, you never know - "Work
  First Worry Later".

3D2/R, ROTUMA (Reminder). Antoine, 3D2AG, who was expected to be active
as 3D2AG/p from Rotuma (OC-060) between July 25th and August 8th, has
rescheduled his operation and should be active by the time you read this
until September 26th. Activity will be on 40-6 meters using CW and SSB.
This will be a one-man operation while also working on climate change
projects, so he will not always be on the air. He will also be using
solar power during the whole operation and running barefoot at 100 watts.
He also mentions, "QSL direct only to the Fiji address. Please include
at least two green stamps [very well concealed, with foil or between
QSLs] or one IRC with AIRMAIL SAE for first class return postage. NO
CALLS ON ENVELOPE PLEASE. We have LOTS of mail theft in Fiji. After
intense lobbying by 3D2AG, IRCs are now exchangeable at the normal UPU
rate in Fiji. Please don't forget to put an airmail label on your return
envelope, and write your country name clearly."

5T0, MAURITANIA (ITU Special Event). Jean, F3JL/5T0JL, will be using the
special callsign 5T0ITU during the ITU events -- like the ITU Plenipo-
tentiary Conference in Busan, South Korea, between October 20th and
November 7th, and the ITU Telecom World 2014 in Doha, Qatar, between
December 7-10th. He may also use it during the ITU week in May 2015.
The license is valid until October 2015. =

9K, KUWAIT. Ned, AA7A, Voodoo Contest Group team leader for 2014, sent
out the following press release [edited]: "The Voodoo Contest Group is
on the move again in 2014 for the CQWW DX CW Contest. The team has been
invited to operate at the emerging Multi-Multi contest station being
assembled by 9K2HN, Hamad Alnusif in the Abdali area in northern Kuwait.
They will operate using the callsign 9K2HN in the Multi-Multi category
in the contest. In addition to 9K2HN, operators will include Ned/AA7A,
Don/G3XTT, Fred/G4BWP, Ray/G4FON, John/G4IRN, Mike/KC7V, Dave/N4QS, Bus/
N7CW, and Bob/W6RGG, with the potential for other local 9K operators.
The visiting Voodudes will arrive on November 22nd, and will operate
before the contest with particular emphasis on the lower bands. QSLs for
9K2HN are via instructions on Further information about the
Voodoo Contest Group can be found at:

9M2/9M51, EAST AND WEST MALAYSIA (Special Event). Malaysian Amateur
Radio League (MARL) will be organizing 2014 National Field Day for 24
hours beginning at 5 PM Monday, September 15th, until 10 PM Tuesday,
September 16th <> (also September 16th is
Malaysia Day). This event will also be held concurrently at a number
of location throughout the country. Some stations will be using the
special prefix, 9M51, to celebrate the 51st anniversary of the Malaysian
Federation. Currently, there are 19 stations that will participate in
the two DXCC entities:
   West Malaysia - 9M2ADH, 9M2KRZ/p, 9M2ONE/p, 9M2RZI, 9M2SLJ, 9M2TOT/p,
                   9M51AP, 9M51CP, 9M51DG, 9M51JB, 9M51KK, 9M51MM, 9M51NS,
                   9M51PP, 9M51RP, 9M51TR and 9M51WS
   East Malaysia - 9M51GW and 9M51SB

9M2, WEST MALAYSIA. Richard, PA0RRS, will once again be active as 9M2MRS
from Penang Island (AS-015) between January 1st and February 3rd (2015).
Activity will be on 30-10 meters using CW, RTTY and PSK. He states that
he will do special requests on SSB (but not preferred). His equipment is
a Yaesu FT450d (100w) with a YT450 antenna tuner into a G5RV junior
(40-10 meter) antenna which he will put up on the balcony of his hotel
[with a lot of bents, but it had worked 'OK' last year]. QSL via his home
callsign, by the Bureau, the OQRS on ClubLog (preferred) or direct to his
new address: Rich Smeets, Valeriaan 14, 5052 CT Goirle, The Netherlands
(due to new postal rates there is a need for return postagem of 2.00 USDs
or 1 NEW IRC -- in all cases via Clublog (OQRS) is much cheaper!). Log
will also be uploaded to LoTW and eQSL every day if possible.

A2, BOTSWANA. Jim, N6TQ (A25TQ), reported on September 8th [edited]:
"I'll be headed to Botswana with Frosty (K5BLU) next week. We will arrive
and operate from the Lotsane Safari Lodge in the Tuli Preserve from
approximately September 11-18th. I have the call A25TQ (Frosty has A25CF).
We have some antenna repairs to complete first and then, propagation
permitting, we'll be on all bands 160-6m as much as we can with a TS-590S
and Expert 1k Amp. Please note this is my first DXpedition, my first
opportunity as the hunted, so I ask the radio community to be gentle and
be kind as I ease into this new role."

AFRICAN ISLANDS TOUR. Diego, F4HAU, will activate the following to African
islands during the month of October. Activity will be holiday style on
40-10 meters SSB using a FT857D with a HLA amp (300W) into verticals and
VDA antennas. QSL both operations via home callsigns. His tentative schedule
is as follows:
   October  9-24th - Reunion Island (AF-016); callsign FR/F4HAU
   October 13-17th - Side trip to Rodrigues Island (AF-017); callsign

CARIBBEAN TOUR. Alex, PY2SEX/PY1KS/DL1NX, informs OPDX that he has chosen
warm spots in the Caribbean for his next ham vacation (not like JW/PY2SEX
in Jan Mayen). His tentative schedule is as follows:

  November 25th-December 2nd - Bonaire Island (SA-006); callsign PJ4S;
                operation will include an entry in the CQWW DX CW Contest.
  December 2-9th - Curacao Island (SA-099); callsign PJ2/DL1NX.

  Activity from both islands will be holiday style on 80-6 meters using
mainly CW, SSB and maybe RTTY. He will only be using an Elecraft KX3 and
a Buddipole. QSL both operations via DL1NX, by the Bureau, direct or
LoTW. For more details and updates, watch the following URLs:

CN2, MOROCCO. Operators Juan/EA8RM, Jorge/EA9LZ, Ash/KF5EYY, Rich/W7ZR,
Jim/W7EJ and possibly others will be active as CN2R during the CQWW DX
SSB Contest (October 25-26th) as a Multi-Single entry. Operators will be
testing the new stations starting October 7th. QSL via W7EJ.

FO, FRENCH POLYNESIA (Reminder). Heinz, DF1YP, will once again be active
by the time you read this as FO/DF1YP from Moorea Island (OC-046, WLOTA
0465) and should be active until October 8th. Activity will be holiday
style mainly on 20 meters on SSB. QSL via his home callsign, direct or
by the Bureau.

FR, REUNION ISLAND. Stephane, F5UOW, will once again be active as FR/F5UOW
from Reunion Island (AF-016) between October 29th and November 20th.
Activity will be mostly on CW with some SSB and RTTY. He will also be
joined by Alain, F8FUA. QSL via F5UOW, by the Bureau or direct. Please

IOTA NEWS..............
  AS-099.  Members of the Balkan Contest Group will be active as TC0A
           from Bozcaada Island in Asiatic Turkey between November 23rd
           and December 1st. Activity will also include the CQWW DX CW
           Contest (November 29-30th) as a Multi-2 entry. QSL via LoTW
           or direct to LZ1NK: NIKOLAY ENCHEV, P.O. Box 176, 4300 Karlovo,
           BULGARIA. Operators mentioned are Nick/LZ1NK, Christo/LZ3FN,
           Plamen/LZ1DCW, Llian/LZ1CNN, Nick/LZ3ND, Nasko/LZ3YY, Yasar/
           TA3D, Mustafa/TA2TX, Miroslav/LZ1MBU and Krasi/LZ2UW. For more
           detail, past operations and updates, see:

  AS-073.  Members of the North Of Peninsular Malaysia ARA BOYS (Contesters
           & DXers) will be active as 9M2SM from Pulau Perhentian Besar
           (WLOTA 2848) between September 26-28th. Activity will be on all
           HF bands using CW and SSB. Their operations will include an
           entry in the CQWW DX SSB Contest (September 27-28th). QSL via
           9M2GET direct (see No LoTW, No eQSL and No Bureau.
           Operators mentioned (10 brothers) Ahmad/9M2AGC, Zaki/9M2ZAK,
           Rizal/9M2RDX, Han/9W2SBD, Mohamad/9W2SBL, Hafizi/9W2TZW,
           Noh/9W2MNW, Syed/9M8SYA, Oja/9M2OUT and Hary/9M2GET.

  AS-113.  (Update/Reminder) By the time you read this, operators Yung/
           BU2BV, Ted/BV2OO, Su/BX2AI, Wu/BX2AM and Lee/BX2AN should be
           active as BO0D from TungYin Island, Matsu Islands, until
           September 20th. Activity will be on all HF bands using CW,
           SSB, the Digital modes and EME operations. QSL via the BV
           Bureau or the OQRS on ClubLog. For more info and updates,

  EU-038.  Members of the German "DX Club Werratal" will be active as
           PA/homecall from Texel Island (WLOTA 0043, WFF PAFF-012 and
           WFF PAFF-074) between September 19-26th. Operators mentioned
           are Dieter/DK1AW, Juergen/DL2AMT, Lutz/DL3ARK, Peter/DL4AMK
           and mar/DL5SAE. Activity will be on 160-10 meters using CW,
           SSB, RTTY and BPSK. QSL via their home callsigns. For more
           details and updates, see:

  EU-136.  Ede, HA5BWW, and his friends Pista/HA5AUC and Karl/HA7PC will
           be operating once again as 9A/homecall from Rab Island, Croatia,
           between September 22-29th. They will be operating on CW mostly
           (99%), but some SSB activity expected as well (1 % hi). Their
           rigs are 2x IC-756PRO transceivers and R7000, W80-10, and Windom
           by HA5BT antennas. QSL via the HA Bureau or direct to their
           home callsigns.

  OC-294.  (Update/Reminder) Operators Cezar/VE3LYC, Craig/VK5CE, Johan/
           PA3EXX and Bob/KD1CT will attempt to operate from Sandy Islet
           between September 15-19th as VK6ISL. According to their Web
           page, the team will "arrive at Sandy Islet in the mid-afternoon
           of September 15th (local time). We will do our best to land,
           setup camp, and start the operation before nightfall, so expect
           us to be on the air by sometimes around 10-11 UTC." They plan
           to have two stations on around-the-clock, using CW and SSB, on
           40-10 meters. For one of the two stations, the Team will employ
           a solid state 400 watts amp, whereas the second station will
           use 100 watts. They will bring vertical antennas for 15m, 20m,
           and a multi-band antenna. The Pilot Station will be Bob, WB2YQH.
           Their Web page states, "Sandy Islet represents the last IOTA
           group of Australia still waiting to be brought on the air for
           the first time! After multiple rounds of communication during
           the last almost three years, we are extremely pleased to report
           that the Department of Parks and Wildlife of Western Australia
           have agreed to approve a landing and operating permit for the
           Team. This permit is valid until September 30th, before the
           start of the Giant Green Turtles hatching season." QSL via
           VE3LYC (see Web page), direct or by the Bureau. An OQRS will
           be available at ClubLog. For more details and updates, watch:

LZ14, BULGARIA (Special Event). Look for special event callsign LZ14IARU
to be active between September 18-26th, from the Grand Flamingo Hotel in
Albena, Bulgaria. Activity is taking place during the triennial General
Conference of IARU Region 1 <> being held
in Albena between September 21-27th. QSL via the Bureau. =

OJ0, MARKET REEF (Also OH0). Pasi, OH3WS, is expected to be active during
his spare time as OJ0W from Market Reef between September 13-20th. Exact
date depends on WX-condx. Activity will be on 40-10 meters. QSL via OH3WS,
by the Bureau or direct. ADDED NOTE: Pasi states while waiting for transport
to Market Reef, he is expected to make some QSOs from Finstrom County,
Aland Islands, as OH0/OH3WS, Sept. 12th, local afternoon and evening,
and on 40-30m.

OT703, BELGIUM (Special Event). To celebrate the 70th anniversary for the
freedom of the Farciennes City, look for the special callsign OT703CCF to
be used between September 21-22nd. Activity will be on CW, SSB, and PSK31.

PJ7, SINT MAARTEN (Early Announcement). Tom, AA9A, will once again be
active as PJ7AA from Simpson Bay, Sint Maarten (NA-105), next year between
February 18th and March 16th (2015). Activity will be on 40-10 meters using
CW and SSB. If like last year, Tom may spend a few hours in the ARRL SSB
Contest (March 7-8th). Operations will be with 100 watts with a K3 and
Buddipole. QSL via AA9A or LoTW.

 Sept/15th HN      Sept/18th  AN      Sept/20th  AN
 Sept/16th AN      Sept/19th  AN      Sept/21st  AN
 Sept/17th HN

    NORMALITY               GEOMAG       K Values    Alpha
   -----------------        ------       --------    ------
   AN  - Above Normal       Quiet        K=3D0-1       0-7
   HN  - High Normal        Unsettled    K=3D2         8-15
   LN  - Low Normal         Active       K=3D3         16-29
   BN  - Below Normal       Minor Storm  K=3D4         30-49
   DIS - Disturbed          Major Storm  K=3D5         50-99
   VRY DIS - Very Disturbed Severe Storm K=3D6-9       100-400

QSL INFO AND NEWS.....................
  QSL-INFO from DB0SDX (September 14th)
  3Z0TECH via 3Z6AEF        EG6RAY via EA6QY      PA70OMG via PB0AEZ
  3Z37SONDA via SQ1GPR      EG7MAL via EA7RM      PX5E via AI4U
  3G3O via CE3OP            EG7UDA via EB7KA (L)  RA/KE5JA via KE5JA
  5P5T via OZ1FDH           EG8COR via EA8URL     S79LCA via HB9LCA
  9K9GHL via 9K2QA          EH3CAT via EA3ATM     SN1D via SP1RKT
  A52AEF via JH3AEF         EH7SDC via EA1AUM     SN50MKS via SP1PMY
  A52LSS via JH3LSS         F/PA2PIM via PA2PIM   SN9D via SP9PZD
  A52TQ via N6TQ            FG4NO via F4AVX       SV20MM via SV2HTI
  AH0CO via JA0JHQ          G8P via G4CLA         T32AZ via KH6QJ
  AO8BWC via EA8URL         G8T via G4SHF         T88VW via OZ0J
  CR5MV via CR7AKN          HC2SL via HD2A        TA7AOF via TA1HZ
  CT8/DL4KG via CT8/DL4KG   ID9/IZ4JMA via IZ4JMA TK/F5MUX via F5MUX
  DA0FF via DL6FBL          II0IAET via IZ0EUX    TM1R via F6KVP (d)
  DL2DN/AM via DL2DN        II0IAML via IS0IGV    TM36CDXC via F5CWU
  DR20RAFG via DK0GSK       IQ3RO via IK3XJP      TM59FDL via F5KDB
  EG1DEP via EA1DR          J47ALT via SZ2T       TM80CLC via F8KHS
  EG2BCF via EA2BCF       JU80R via JT1CD (d/L/e) TY1AA via I2YSB
  EG2EIB via EA1WK          LT0H via EA7FTR       UP17ARDF via (UN-B)
  EG3BAR via EB3CW          LT7F via EA5KB        UT/M0UOO/P via M0OXO
  EG3CAT via EB3JP          LU1DBQ via (e)        W6P via KG0KP
  EG4ATM via EA5DY          LX/PA1AW via PA1AW    W6T via KW7I
  EG4ESP via EA4TD          LX/PA3EWP via PA1AW   ZD9XF via G3TXF
  EG5ELX via EA5XC          LX/PA9JO via PA1AW    ZL7X via JA0VSH
  EG5GRA via EA5FID         LX/PB5X via PA1AW     ZS9Z via ZS1OIN
  EG5LEV via EA5URL         N3P via AC3P          ZW8T via PS8HF
  EG5RMA via EA5FL          OT7D via ON3YV        ZX2B via PY2MNL
  EG5VAL via EA5DM          PA70KP via PA1TX      ZY1SG via PY1AA
    (e) eQSL only  (d) direct only   (B) Bureau only  (L) LoTW only
    (O) OQRS only  (C) ClubLog only

  TF5B, UT5EPP, YB4IR/8, YO3FRI and YT3H.

  ER0/KL1A, ES1TU, FT5ZM, J20A, J38HFP, KL1A/W2, LW3EX, RU6DX/p, S01WS,
  VK6FZM/MM, VP2V/SP6CIK, YF1AR/5 and YF1AR/6.

  JJ0KRD and VC1Z.

T8, PALAU. Ken, BM2JCC/JP1RIW, will once again active as T88KH from the
"West Plaza Hotel by the Sea" (WW Loc. PJ77FI) on Koror Island (OC-009)
until September 16th. Activity will be on 80-6 meters, including the
17/12m and mostly on the High Band on SSB using 500w on HF and 100w on
6m. His antennas are: 80m Vertical, 40/30m DP, 20/15/10m 3 element Beam,
17/12m 2 element HB9CV and 6m 5 element Beam. QSL via BM2JCC, by the
Bureau or direct.

TC3, TURKEY (Special Event). Look for special event station TC3AFT (suffix
meaning France/Turkey Friendship) to be activated from the Izmir Area in
late September (25-28th). Operators are Nicolas/F1RAF and Can/TA3GO.
Activity will be on 80-10 meters only on SSB. QSL via TA3GO.

TK, CORSICA. Salvatore, IK8UND, will be active as TK9R during the CQWW
DX SSB Contest (October 25-26th) as a Single-Op/All-Band/High-Power
entry. Look for possible activity on CW and RTTY before the contest.
QSL via IK8UND direct ONLY.

TM89, FRANCE (Special Event). To celebrate the 89th anniversary of the
IARU, look for special event station TM89IARU to active between September
13-17th and 20-29th. Activity will be on most HF bands and modes. More
details to follow, watch:
9/ =

TX5, CHESTERFIELD ISLANDS [And Other New Caledonia IOTAs] (Postponed!).
Michel "Mic", FK8IK, has announced this past week that his trip to the
Chesterfield Islands (TX5C), D'Entrecasteaux Reef (TX5E) and Belep Island
(TX5B), which was scheduled to take place in November, has now been post-
poned due to the sailboat he was to be using for transportation "is no
longer available on these dates".

TY, BENIN (Update/Change of Plans). Members of the Italian DXpedition
Team (IDT) announced this past week that they have changed the dates on
their November DXpedition to Benin. By the time you read this, they will
be active as TY1AA until September 26th. The dates were changed because
of work commitments of some Team members. Operators mentioned are Silvano/
I2YSB, Vinicio/IK2CIO, Angelo/IK2CKR, Marcello/IK2DIA and Stefano/IK2HKT.
Also listed are Mac/JA3USA and Gino/IK2RZP, but for only one week.
Activity will be on 160-6 meters using CW, SSB and RTTY. Their suggested
frequencies are:
  CW   - 1826, 3530, 7025, 10115, 14030, 18068, 21030, 24893 and 28030 kHz
  SSB  - 3780, 7103, 14270, 18155, 21310, 24975 and 28420 kHz
  RTTY - 14087 kHz
   6m  - 50102/CW and 50123/SSB
QSL via I2YSB, direct or by the Bureau. An OQRS will be available
for direct QSL and LoTW at:
For info, check log, sked, suggestions, please contact only the pilot
station Fred, IK7JWY at:
For more details and updates, watch:

V6, MICRONESIA. Operators Keizo "Kay"/JH3AZC, Takio/JH3QFL and Hiro/JR3GWZ
will be active as V63AZ, V60O and V63GW, respectively, from the South
Park Hotel on Pohnpei Island (OC-010) between October 10-14th. Activity
will be on 80-6 meters using CW, SSB, RTTY, JT65 and 2m EME operations
(callsign V60EME). QSL via their home callsign.

VE, CANADA (Zone 2). Look for 5-6 members of the Contest Group du Quebec
and Association de Radio Amateurs Sept-Iles Inc. to be active as VE2CSI
during the CQWW DX RTTY Contest (September 27-28th) as a Multi-? entry.
Usual operators are Dany/VE2EBK, St=E9phane/VE2SG and possibly others.
QSL via M0URX or LoTW.

VE3, CANADA (Satellite). Glenn, AA5PK, as of Saturday, September 13th,
has been active from grid square FN24bk and will remain through Friday,
September 19. He states, "In addition to FN24, I should have a few oppor-
tunities to operate also from FN14 or the FN24/FN14 grid line. My oper-
ations will be hand-held on SO-50 only. I'll be happy to QSL anyone who
needs those grids confirmed."

VK9N, NORFOLK ISLAND (Reminder). Four Australian operators are now active
as VK9NT from Norfolk Island (OC-005, WLOTA 1469, WWFF VKFF-392) until
September 21st. Activity will be on 160-10 meters using CW and SSB. No
Digital or 6m activity is planned. Logs will be uploaded daily to ClubLog,
and soon after the end of the activity to LoTW. An OQRS via ClubLog will
also be active. QSL via VK2CA, direct or by the Bureau. For more infor-
mation and updates, visit:

WP3, PUERTO RICO. Alfredo (Al), WP3C, will be active during the CQWW DX
SSB Contest (October 25-26th) as a Single-Op/Single-Band (40m)/High-Power
entry. QSL via W3HNK.

YB0, INDONESIA. Karsono, YB0NDT, will be active during the CQWW DX RTTY
Contest (September 27-28th) as a Single-Op/Single-Band (15m)/High-Power
entry. He will also be active during the CQWW DX SSB Contest (October
25-26th) as a Single-Op/Single-Band (40m)/High-Power entry.  QSL via
YB0NDT, direct or LoTW. No Bureau.

YN, NICARAGUA. Scott, K7ZO, will once again be active from here, but this
time during the CQWW DX SSB Contest (October 25-26th) as a Single-Op/
All-Band/High-Power entry. He will again use his smaller callsign YN5Z
for the contest instead of his usual YN5ZO callsign. He usually operates
"Field Day Style" using a 5 band Spiderbeam and a 160-40m vertical. The
radio is a TS-590 driving a KPA-500 amp. QSL via LoTW and K7ZO, direct
or by the Bureau. Very little operation is expected outside the contest

ZD8, ASCENSION ISLAND (Update). Operators Olli/OH0XX, Jorma/OH2KI,
Oliver/W6NV, will once again be active as ZD8R, ZD8X and ZD8W in October.
Look for activity before, during and after the CQWW DX SSB Contest
(October 25-26th). The operators will be testing their antennas. During
the contest, operators will be Single-Op/Single-Band (??m) entries.
QSL via the operator's home callsign.

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