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IK2XDE > DXNEWS   25.07.08 19:54l 422 Lines 25351 Bytes #999 (0) @ ITA
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26 July 2008                                              A.R.I. DX Bulletin

                                   No 899
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  DX  INFORMATION  ****
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                        Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW

5Z     - Antonio, IK8VRH will be active as 5Z4/IK8VRH  from  Malindi,  Kenya
         between 12 and 26 August. He will also go and operate with  Enrico,
         5Z4ES from IOTA groups AF-040  (15-17  August)  and  AF-067  (20-22
         August), with expected activity on 40, 20 and  17  metres  SSB,  CW
         and RTTY. [TNX IK8VRH]
CT3    - CT95S is the  second  callsign  for  the  operation  from  Selvagem
         Grande (AF-047). With this special callsign the  team  participates
         in the celebrations for the 500th anniversary of  the  founding  of
         Funchal, the capital city of  the  Madeira  Islands  [425DXN  892].
         During the IOTA Contest they  will  be  using  CQ9U,  as  announced
         [425DXN  895].   Further    information    can    be    found    at
EI     - The EJ0GI Contest Team will be participating in  the  IOTA  Contest
         from Inis Oirr, Aran Islands  (EU-006).  QSL  via  EI2SDR.  Several
         team members will also be active on 80-6 metres SSB and  CW  before
         and after the contest using their homecalls. [TNX GI8SKN/EI3GKB]
ES     - A  large  group   of   operators  from  Estonia  and  Finland  will
         participate in the IOTA Contest as ES2Q from Keri Island  (EU-149).
         QSL  via  ES5JR.  The  webiste   for    the    activity    is    at [TNX NG3K]
F      - Special event call TM0FIL will be aired  on  all  bands  and  modes
         from 28 July to 10 August for the 38th Festival  Inter-celtique  de
         Lorient (  QSL  via  F6KPQ.
         [TNX F8REF]
FK     - Jean-Louis, F5NHJ will be active as  FK/F5NHJ  from  New  Caledonia
         (OC-032) on 12-29 August. He plans to concentrate on 30  metres  CW
         and digital modes; side trips to other  FK  islands  are  possible.
         Logs will be posted at  and  uploaded
         to LoTW. [TNX F5NQL]
GJ     - Oliver/OE5OHO,  Henry/OE5HDN  and  Gerhard/OE3GEA  will  be  active
         holiday style as MJ/homecall from Jersey (EU-013) on 21-26  August.
         They will operate CW and SSB on all HF bands.  QSL  via  bureau  to
         home calls. [TNX OE5OHO]
GM     - Andre, GM3VLB says he will be  active  from  Eilean  Hoan  (EU-123)
         starting on 25 July until probably the 27th. Then he  will  go  and
         operate from Rabbit Island (EU-123). QSL to home call, direct only.
GM     - Jurij, MM0DFV and other operators from the  West  of  Scotland  ARS
         ( will participate in the IOTA  Contest  as
         GM2Z (CW) and  GM4A  (SSB) from  the Isle  of Colonsay  (EU-008). A
         separate station will be working PSK outside the contest, using the
         callsign  MS0EPC.  QSL  for  both  contest  stations and MS0EPC via
         MM0DFV. [TNX MM0DFV]
HL     - AC4RK, DS2AGH, HL1IWD, HL1XP and WX8C will participate in the  IOTA
         Contest as 6M0HZ/2 from Kangwha Island (AS-105).  QSL  via  HL1IWD.
         [TNX NG3K]
HL     - Members of the Gwangju DX Club (6L0NJ) will be  active  as  6L0NJ/4
         from the Huksan Islands (AS-093) on 15-18 August. Activity will  be
         on all HF bands using SSB, CW and various digital  modes.  QSL  via
         HL4XM. [TNX DS4GGM]
         IZ8LFK will participate in the IOTA Contest as I8LWL/7  from  Isola
         Grande di Porto Cesareo (EU-091, IIA LE-002). Expect some  activity
         on digital modes and 6 metres outside  thew  IOTA  event.  QSL  via
         home call. [TNX IK7JWX]
         will participate in the IOTA Contest as  IQ8OM/7  from  Sant'Andrea
         Island (EU-091, IIA LE-001). QSL via IZ8EDJ. [TNX IZ7AUH]
I      - Matt,  IK2SGC  will  be  active  as  IA5/IK2SGC  from  Elba  Island
         (EU-028, IIA LI-001) from 30 July to 29 August.
I      - In 1928 the two villages of Albese and Cassano merged to  form  the
         new  town  of  Albese  con  Cassano  (Como).  To  celebrate    that
         anniversary, special event callsign  II2AV  will  be  used  on  all
         bands and modes from 1 August to  14  September.  QSL  via  IZ2HPZ,
         direct or bureau.
I      - Special event station II5EME will be active on 1-15 August for  the
         13th International EME Conference that will take place in  Florence
         on  8-10  August.  QSL  via  IW5EIJ,  direct  or  bureau.  Detailed
         information    on    the    conference    can    be    found     at [TNX IW5EIJ]
IS0    - Twelve operators from ARI Cagliari are active  as  IM0S  from  Cala
         Reale, Asinara Island (EU-165, IIA  SS-061)  until  27  July,  IOTA
         Contest included. QSL via IS0UWX, direct or  bureau.  On-line  logs
         and    further    information    can      be        found        at
JW     - Niels, OZ8KR is going to visit Spitsbergen (EU-026) for  the  third
         time, and will operate SSB as JW/OZ8KR from  the  club  station  at
         Longyearbyen on 12-13 and 16-17 August. QSL  via  home  call.  [TNX
KH2    - Look for KH2/JJ1CCE, KH2/JH3AAZ, KH2/JK7TKE  and  K6IAA/KH2  to  be
         active  holiday  style  from  Guam  (OC-026)  on  2-3  August.  QSL
         K6IAA/KH2 via JK1IAS, others via home call, direct or bureau.  [TNX
KL     - Sergey, VK2IMM will be  active  as  KL7/VK2IMM from  Sitka, Baranof
         Island (NA-041) until 28 July, IOTA Contest  included.  CW  is  his
         preferred mode. QSL via bureau to home call (information on  direct
         QSLling can be found at
OD     - The Lebanon Cedar has always been the national emblem  of  Lebanon,
         and it is seen on the national flag. The Radio Amateurs of  Lebanon
         (RAL, will be holding  a  special  event  Field
         Day operation on 2-3 August at the Cedar Mountains (2000m  a.s.l.).
         Look for OD5ARZ to operate on all bands and modes. QSL  via  K3IRV.
         [TNX OD5TE]
OZ     - OZ0CP, OZ0J and OZ2JBC will be active as 5Q2T from Bornholm  Island
         (EU-030, BO-001 for Danish Island Awards) on 25-29 July. They  will
         participate in the IOTA Contest with two  stations  (SSB  and  CW);
         non-contest bands and digital  modes  will  be  worked  before  and
         after the IOTA event. QSL  via  OZ0J,  direct  or  bureau.  Further
         information and log search at [TNX OZ0J]
OZ     - Jens, DL8WOW will be  active  as  OZ/DL8WOW  from  Bornholm  Island
         (EU-030) on 3-15 August. QSL via home call, direct or bureau.  [TNX]
PA     - Martin, PA2RUS and other operators will be active  as  PA66AW  from
         about 10 UTC on 20 September until about 10 UTC on the  21st.  This
         special callsign's suffix stands for Atlantic Wall, the  system  of
         coastal fortifications built by the German Third Reich  in  1942-44
         along the western coast of Europe to defend against an  anticipated
         invasion of the continent from Great Britain.  Expect  activity  on
         80, 40, 20 and 2 metres SSB. All of  the  QSOs  will  be  confirmed
         automatically via the bureau. Detailed information can be found  at [TNX PA2RUS]
PY     - Xavier, PY7ZY will be on Sao Luis Island  (SA-016)  on  25-30  July
         and will try to guest operate as PY7ZY/PR8 for a few hours.  CW  is
         his preferred mode. QSL via home call. [TNX PT7WA]
PY     - Ricardo, PY6RA will be active from  Itaparica  Island  (SA-023)  on
         25-28 July. He plans to operate SSB, CW and digital  modes  on  80,
         40, 20, 15 and 10 metres. [TNX]
PY     - Marcelo, PY6KW will participate in the IOTA Contest  as  PT6T  from
         the lighthouse at Morro de Sao Paulo on  Tinhare  Island  (SA-080).
         It will be a 12-hour entry and will  operate  SSB  with  100  watts
         into a G5RV. QSL via home call, direct or bureau. [TNX PY6KW]
SM     - Freddy, SM7WDG and Richard, SM7OHB will be  active  as  SK7OA  from
         Tjurko Island (EU-138) during the IOTA  Contest.  QSL  via  bureau.
SV     - Gerard, F2VX is active as SV8/F2VX from Kefallonia  (EU-052)  until
         3 August. QSL via home call. [TNX F6AJA and Les Nouvelles DX]
TF     - Martin/G3ZAY, Dominic/M0BLF and Chris/M0SCH will be in  Iceland  on
         2-9 August  and  plan  to  be  QRV  as  TF/homecalls  from  Grimsey
         (EU-168) from the 4th to the 6th. There may be some other  activity
         from the main island (EU-021). QSL via home calls. [TNX G3ZAY]
         are active as homecall/p from the Kalanchakskiye  Islands  (EU-179)
         until 28 July. They will participate in the IOTA Contest  as  UW0G.
         All of the contest QSOs will be  confirmed  automatically  via  the
         bureau. [TNX UY5LW]
UA     - Vasily, RU3SD  and Serge, RA3RGQ will  be  active  as  RU3SD/1  and
         RA3RGQ/1 from  Yakostrov  (EU-147)  on  25-28  July,  IOTA  Contest
         included. [TNX The Daily DX]
UA     - Mike/UA1QV,   Vasiliy/RW4NW,  Igor/UA9KDF  and  Albert/UA1PBU   are
         planning a 2-month travel starting in late July  or  early  August.
         Their target IOTA groups are AS-068,  AS-086,  AS-087,  AS-104  and
         maybe others. Callsigns should be RZ1QXA/1, /9, /0,  /mm  (QSL  via
         UA1QV) and UE1RFF/1, /0, /mm (QSL via UA1RJ). [TNX UA1QV]
UR     - Alex, UR5FAV will be active on all  bands  and  modes  as  UR5FAV/p
         from Ochakovskiy Island (EU-182) on 25-27 July. QSL via home  call,
         direct or bureau. [TNX UR5FAV]
UR     - A large  group  of  operators  from  Ukraine  and  Moldova  (namely
         UR5FEL, US0ZZ, UT0FT, UT0NT, UT4FJ,  UT4ZG,  ER1DA,  ER3AI,  ER3DW,
         ER3DX, ER3GS, ER3OO and ER3ZZ) will be  active  as  homecall/p  and
         UT/homecall/p from Berezan Island (EU-179) until 29 July.  QSL  via
         home calls. Plans are to operate CW and SSB on 80-10  metres,  plus
         possibly 6m,, and to participate in  the  IOTA  Contest  as  UW2F/p
         (QSL via UT0FT direct or bureau). [TNX UT0FT]
UR     - Celebrating the 10th anniversary of the UR-QRP Club, special  event
         callsign EM10QRP will be active until  4  August.  QSL  via  UT2AB,
         direct or bureau. [TNX UT2AB]
VE     - Mike, K9AJ  and  Bruce,  KD6WW  will  be  active  as  K9AJ/VY0  and
         KD6WW/VY0 from Diana Island (NA-229, IOTA new one) on  25-28  July.
         They will have two stations and expect  to  operate  CW  with  some
         SSB. QSL via home calls. [TNX K9AJ]
VP8    - A group of YL operators will be active from  the  Falkland  Islands
         (SA-002)  on  17-31  January  2009.  They  will  be  using   VP8YLx
         callsigns, with the third character of the suffix assigned to  each
         lady at the event start. Further information will be  available  at in due course. [TNX G0GFL]
VP9    - Gino, IK2RZP will be active as VP9/IK2RZP from Bermuda (NA-005)  on
         5-22 August. He will operate on 40-10 metres, with an  emphasis  on
         RTTy and 30 metres. QSL via  home  call,  direct  or  bureau.  [TNX
W      - Dan, KF8Z will be active from  Hunting  Island  (NA-110)  on  26-30
         July. He will operate holiday style on 40 metres and  up,  SSB  and
         slow  CW.  QSL  via  home  call,    direct    or    bureau.    [TNX]
W      - Nate/N4YDU, Keith/W4KAZ and Barry/K4CZ will be active as  N4A  from
         Core Banks (NA-067) on 25-28  July,  IOTA  Contest  included.  They
         will operate low power on 10, 15, 20, 40 and 80 metres CW and  SSB.
         QSL direct to  N4YDU.  More  details  at
         [TNX K4CZ]
W      - Twelve   members   of   the   Tennessee   Valley   DX   Association
         ( will operate as W4PL  from  Hatteras  Island
         (NA-067) from 27 September to 4 October. They plan to be active  on
         10-80 metres SSB and CW (with some PSK and RTTY), and on  6  metres
         SSB and CW. QSL via K4KWK, direct or bureau. [TNX WA4AA]
YU     - The Slovenia Contest Club will be active as  YU8/S56M  from  Kosovo
         between 5 and 13 August.  They  will  participate  in  the  WAE  DX
         Contest CW (9-10 August); outside the contest they will operate  on
         all modes and bands, 6  metres  included.  QSL  via  S57U.  Further
         information at [TNX S50XX]
ZL     - Filippo, IZ1LBG is active as ZL2/IZ1LBG from  Wellington  (OC-036),
         New Zealand until mid-September. QSL via IW1ARB  (direct)  or  home
         call (bureau). [TNX IZ1LBG]

RSGB  IOTA  CONTEST  --->  The  following  stations  have  announced   their
participation in this year's event (from 12 UTC on 26 July through 12 UTC on
the 27th). For lastest additions please give a look at,  at
the      IOTW      Calendar      maintained      by       John,       WD8MGQ
( and at the  announced operation lists
maintained  by  Ric,  DL2VFR  (   and  Bill,  NG3K
( Other  groups  will  be  activated
during  the  weekend,  but  advance  information  did  not  mention  if  the
operators participate in the  contest.
Full details on the IOTA Contest can be found at
SWLs  please  note that the IOTA SWL Contest, discontinued in 2005, has been
picked up by the Mediterraneo DX Club (SWL Section), in cooperation with the
RSGB  HF  Contests  Committee, and it will be held in parallel with the IOTA
Contest. Please visit (dedicated piece
of software included).
Good luck to you all!

Ref.No.     Call/Ops          QSL VIA         Island
AF-004      AN8L              EC8AMI          Lobos
AF-014      CT3/DF1LON        DF1LON          Madeira
AF-047      CQ9U              CT1BOL          Selvagem Grande
AS-004      C4W               5B4WN           Cyprus
AS-004      P3J               5B4AHJ          Cyprus
AS-020      BX5AA             BX5AA           Taiwan
AS-024      JA1YUC/6          JA1YUC          Kuroshima
AS-066      RK0LWW/p          RK0LWW          Reyneke
AS-081      DT5A              DT5A            Ha
AS-105      6M0HZ/2           HL1IWD          Kangwha
AS-105      HL2UOK            HL2UOK          Yongjong
AS-117      8J9HGR            JH9UYZ          Hegura
AS-131      B7P/7             BD7IXG          Hailing
AS-154      TA0GI             TA2MW           Giresun
AS-159      YM0T              TA2RC           Kefken
EU-001      SX5P              SV5FRD          Rhodes
EU-003      CU1T              CT1GFK          Sao Miguel
EU-003      CU2A              OH2BH           Sao Miguel
EU-006      EJ0GI             EI2SDR          Aran
EU-008      GM2T              GM4UYZ          Tiree
EU-008      GM2Z              MM0DFV          Colonsay
EU-008      GM4A              MM0DFV          Colonsay
EU-008      GM7A              GM7AAJ          Kerrera
EU-008      MM3KBU/p          M3KBU           Skye
EU-008      MM3T                -             Islay
EU-010      GM7V              M0CMK           Benbecula
EU-013      GJ2A              K2WR or GJ3DVC  Jersey
EU-013      GJ6YB             G3SWH           Jersey
EU-015      J49A              SV9GPV          Crete
EU-015      SV9/OK6Y          OK2PTZ          Crete
EU-020      SA1A              SM1TDE          Gotland
EU-025      IR9Y              IT9ABY          Sicily
EU-026      JW7QIA            LA7QIA          Spitsbergen
EU-028      IA5/IV3LZQ        IV3LZQ          Capraia
EU-028      IA5/IV3PUT        IV3PUT          Capraia
EU-028      IA5K              IZ5BTC          Elba
EU-029      OZ/DK2BR          DK2BR           Mon
EU-030      5Q2T              OZ0J            Bornholm
EU-030      OZ/DL6MHW         DL6MHW          Bornholm
EU-031      IC8R              IC8OZM          Procida
EU-034      ES0U                              Saaremaa
EU-038      PA/ON6QR          ON6QR           Vlieland
EU-038      PA0HFT            PA0HFT          Terschelling
EU-041      IM0/IZ3DBA        IZ3DBA          Maddalena
EU-043      SM6EQO/p          SM6EQO          Styrso
EU-055      LA/DL7AT          DL7AT           Bomlo
EU-055      LA6Q              LA9VDA          Vagsoy
EU-057      DL/PA1TT/p        PA1TT           Ruegen
EU-058      F/DL3OCH/p        DL3OCH          Sainte Marguerite
EU-064      TM7C              F6KOP           Noirmoutier
EU-072      J48JJ             HA7JJS          Skopelos
EU-072      J48NL             HA6NL           Skopelos
EU-072      J48P              HA7PL           Skopelos
EU-072      J48PS             HA6PS           Skopelos
EU-077      AM1S              EA1OS           Sisarga Grande
EU-084      SK0HS/0           SM0MPV          Blido
EU-084      SM/G3LAS          G3LAS           Fogdo
EU-088      OZ8MW/p           OZ8MW           Anholt
EU-091      I8LWL/7           I8LWL           Grande di Porto Cesareo
EU-091      IQ8OM/7           IZ8EDJ          Sant'Andrea
EU-099      MJ0X              M3ZYZ           Les Minquiers
EU-109      M0OVL/p           M0OVL           Longstone
EU-115      EI0W              EI2JD           Ireland
EU-116      MD4K              G3NKC           Man
EU-122      GI0MPG            GI0MPG          Rathlin
EU-122      GI3YS             MM0DHQ          Rathlin
EU-123      GM5C              GM0SEI          Great Cumbrae
EU-123      MM3M              G3VCQ           Arran
EU-125      OZ0FR             DL2VFR          Romo
EU-127      DA0T/P            bureau          Neuwerk
EU-127      DL5XL/p           DL5XL           Helgoland
EU-128      DL5XAT/p          DL5XAT          Fehmarn
EU-129      DR6IOTA           DM5DX           Usedom
EU-131      IW3HVB/3          IW3HVB          Fisolo
EU-132      SP7VC/1           SP7VC           Wolin
EU-132      SP8RX/1           DJ0IF           Wolin
EU-133      RI1AA             UA1AIR          Bol'shoy Berezovyy
EU-133      RN1AW/p           RN1AW           Krepysh
EU-133      RV1AQ/p           RV1AQ           Krepysh
EU-135      SM5EFX/2          SM5EFX          Ledskar
EU-136      9A/DR2T           DL1MUC          Rab
EU-138      SK7OA             bureau          Tjurko
EU-142      EE1MI             EA1DR           Mouro
EU-146      PA/OQ1C/p         ON4ON           Schouwen Duivenland
EU-146      PA/OQ4T/p         ON4TO           Schouwen Duivenland
EU-146      PA6Z              PA9M            Goeree
EU-146      PB2M/p                            Goeree
EU-146      PD5CW             PD5CW           Schouwen Duiveland
EU-147      RA3RGQ/1                          Yakostrov
EU-147      RK3AZY/1                          Pezhostrov
EU-147      RU3SD/1                           Yakostrov
EU-149      ES2Q              ES5JR           Keri
EU-165      IM0/I0PNM         I0PNM           San Pietro
EU-165      IM0S              IS0UWX          Asinara
EU-168      TF/DD4B           DL bureau       Grimsey
EU-174      SX8R              HA0NAR          Thassos
EU-175      CU3/F5LMJ         F5LMJ           Terceira
EU-179      UW0G              bureau          Kalanchakskiye
EU-179      UW2F/p            UT0FT           Berezan
EU-182      UT9IO/p           UT9IO           Zmeiniy
EU-182      UX3IW/p           UX3IW           Zmeiniy
NA-026      N2GC              N2GC            Long
NA-026      NP3D/W2           W3HNK           Long
NA-029      VY2TT             K6LA            Prince Edward
NA-041      KL7/VK2IMM        VK bureau       Baranof
NA-046      K1VSJ             K1VSJ           Martha's Vineyard
NA-057      HQ9R              K5WW            Roatan
NA-067      N4A               N4YDU           Core Banks
NA-083      K4VAC             K4VAC           Tangier
NA-086      T47CF or CO7PH/p  W3HNK           Camaguey
NA-096      HI3K              KB2MS           Hispaniola
NA-110      AA4V              AA4V            Palms
NA-113      C6APR             K3IXD           Crooked
NA-126      VC1T              VE1RGB          Outer
NA-128      CG2I              VE2CQ           Grosse
NA-137      N1LI              N1LI            Long
NA-139      N2US/p            N2US            Assateague
NA-140      NY3A/p            NY3A            Middle Hooper
NA-143      AD5WB             AD5WB           Galveston
NA-144      N6VR/p            N6AWD           Santa Cruz
NA-144      NT6AA/p           NT6AA           Santa Cruz
NA-168      N5I               N5UR            Grand
NA-229      K9AJ/VY0          K9AJ            Diana
NA-229      KD6WW/VY0         KD6WW           Diana
NA-234      KL7DX             AC7DX           Chuginadak
OC-133      9M6DXX/p          M3SDE           Labuan
OC-143      YB3MM/5           IZ8CCW          Sumatra
SA-006      PJ2/PB2T          PB2T            Curacao
SA-080      PT6T              PY6KW           Tinhare
SA-080      ZW6GK             PY7GK           Tinhare
SA-090      YW6A              YV5AJ           Piritu Adentro

TNX   5B4AHJ,   9M6DXX,   CO7PH,   CT1BOL,  CT1END,  DL2VFR,  DL5XL,  G3NKC,
MM0DFV,  N2US,  N3QQ, N5UR, N6VR, NG3K, ON4ATW, OPDX  Bulletin, OZ0J, PY6KW,
VE2EBK,W1AW,, and others.

                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  GOOD TO KNOW ... ****
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                        Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW

QSL  MANAGER  SURVEY    --->    The    "Golist,        QSL    Manager  List"
( conducts a survey to determine the Top 5  QSL  Managers
(or QSL card handlers). DXers around the world are  invited  to  send  their
vote, based solely upon their opinion of how the QSL  manager  responded  to
their QSL requests. The survey will run until 20 August; to  participate  in
it, e-mail [TNX K1XN]

QSL PJ2X ---> Please note that W8UVZ is not the QSL manager for  the  recent
PJ2X activity (IARU HF World Championship 2008). The correct  QSL  route  is
via HP1WW (OH0XX): Olli Rissanen, Apartado 0860-00432, Villa Lucre,  Panama,
Republic of Panama.

QSLs received direct  or  through  managers:  1A4A,  3DA0VB,  4O3A,  5H3VMB,
5X1VB, 6O0W, 6V7J,  7Q7VB,  8P9TS,  8R1PW,  9A2AJ,  9AOCI  (EU-016),  9G5XA,
9H1BT, 9J2VB, 9U0A, 9X0VB, 9X0W, A35RK, A45WD, A45WD,  A45WD,  A71EM,  AH2L,
C21DL, C52C, C91VB, C91VB/4 (AF-103), CO2WF, D2NX, D60VB, DF3ZE/p  (EU-042),
HP8/JA6REX,  HR9/WQ7R,  J20VB,  JA1KJW/JD1,  JD1BMM,   JX/SQ4MP,    KB5IQJ/p
(NA-092), KH6/N0CO, LA9VDA (EU-055), MM/DH5JBR/p (EU-123), NP3CW,  OA4BHY/3,
OD5NH,  OY9JD,  PA0O,  PE7T/VK9X,  PJ2/W8AV,    PJ7/K2GSR,    R1ANR,  R1FJM,
SV9/DL9MWG, SV9/SP2JMB, SV9CVY, T80X,  T88CQ,  T88MR,  T94B,  TC2T,  TF4RRC,
YB4IR (OC-143), YC7IPZ, YC8RSW/P (OC-236), Z2/UA4WHX,  Z29KM,  Z30U,  ZF2BI,


               425 DX News is a free of charge weekly bulletin
      edited by Valeria Pregliasco, IK1ADH and Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ

            Its contents may be used, reproduced and distributed
                        in part or full provided that
               "425 DX News" or "425DXN" receive proper credit

          Contributors are invited to send their DX information to
                 Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ (
                      The deadline is 12 UTC on Fridays


                           Direttore Responsabile
                            Gabriele Villa, I2VGW
               Giornalista Professionista - Tessera n. 057216
                      Ordine Nazionale dei Giornalisti
                                Roma, Italia


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