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KB8NW  > DX       28.02.14 18:16l 502 Lines 28190 Bytes #999 (0) @ WW
BID : OPDX.1152
Subj: Ohio/Penn DX Bulletin No. 1152
Sent: 140228/1713Z @:CX2SA.SAL.URY.SA #:3913 [Salto] FBB7.00e $:OPDX.1152
To  : DX@WW

The Ohio/Penn DX PacketCluster
DX Bulletin No. 1152
BID: $OPDX.1152
March 3, 2014
Editor Tedd Mirgliotta, KB8NW
Provided by BARF80.ORG (Cleveland, Ohio)

Thanks to the Northern Ohio Amateur Radio Society, Northern Ohio DX
Association, Ohio/Penn PacketCluster Network, AB5K & the AR TelNet
Clusters Network, K1XN & GoList, NJ1Q & W1AW, K3SWZ, N3BNA, NG3K & ADXO,
W3UR & The Daily DX, N4AA & QRZ DX, N7OU, K8GI, K8YSE, W8GEX & 60m News,
NK0S, AT International, DK8JB & The DX News Letter, DL1SBF,,
DX-World.Net, EA4GHB, ES1CW, F5NQL, F6AJA & Les Nouvelles DX, HP1AC,
I1JQJ/IK1ADH & 425 DX News, I2MQP & DX Italia News, IK5RUN, OE1WHC,
OH2BH, OZ6OM & 50 MHz DX News, Pete's DX-Newsdesk, RSGB IOTA Web Site,
Sixitalia Weekly, VA3RJ & ICPO and the VHF-DX-Portal (MMMonVHF) for
the following DX information.

** EDITOR'S SPECIAL NOTICE: This week's bulletin was sent out earlier
   than normal to accommodate the late ARRL DX SSB Contest announcements.
   Also, we wanted to provide the readers with a consolidated listing
   of the ARRL DX SSB Contest participants.

DXCC COUNTRY/ENTITY REPORT: According to the AR-Cluster Network for the
week of Friday, 21st-February, through Friday, 28th-February there were
239 countries active. Countries available: 3A, 3B8, 3B9, 3C0, 3D2, 3DA,
3V, 3W, 4J, 4L, 4O, 4S, 4U1I, 4X, 5A, 5B, 5H, 5R, 5W, 5X, 5Z, 6W, 6Y, 7P,
7Q, 7X, 8P, 8Q, 8R, 9A, 9H, 9J, 9K, 9L, 9M2, 9M6, 9N, 9Q, 9V, 9X, 9Y, A2,
A3, A4, A5, A6, A7, A9, AP, BV, BY, C2, C3, C6, C9, CE, CE9, CE00Y, CM,
CN, CP, CT, CT3, CU, CX, D2, D4, DL, DU, E5/s, E7, EA, EA6, EA8, EA9, EI,
EK, EL, EP, ER, ES, ET, EU, EX, EY, F, FG, FH, FK, FM, FO, FR, FW, FY, G,
GD, GI, GJ, GM, GU, GW, H4, HA, HB, HC, HH, HI, HK, HK0/a, HL, HP, HR, HS,
HV, HZ, I, IS, J2, J5, J6, J7, J8, JA, JD/o, JT, JW, JX, JY, K, KG4, KH2,
KH6, KH8, KH9, KL, KP2, KP4, LA, LU, LX, LY, LZ, OA, OD, OE, OH, OK, OM,
ON, OX, OY, OZ, P2, P4, PA, PJ2, PJ4, PJ5, PJ7, PY, PZ, S5, S7, SM, SP,
ST, SU, SV, SV/a, SV5, SV9, T2, T7, T8, TA, TF, TG, TI, TJ, TK, TN, TR,
TT, TU, TY, TZ, UA, UA2, UA9, UK, UN, UR, V2, V3, V4, V5, V6, V7, V8, VE,
VK, VP2E, VP2M, VP5, VP6, VP8, VP8/h, VP8/s, VP9, VR, VU, XE, XU, XW, XX9,
YA, YB, YI, YJ, YK, YL, YN, YO, YS, YU, YV, Z2, Z3, Z8, ZA, ZB, ZD7, ZD8,
ZD9, ZF, ZL, ZP, ZS, ZS8

* PLEASE NOTE: The report "could" contain "Pirate/SLIM" operations or
  more likely a "BUSTED CALLSIGN". As always, you never know - "Work
  First Worry Later".

3V, TUNISIA. SWL Ashraf "Ash", 3V4-002 (KF5EYY), and members of the
National Engineering School of Gab=E8s RC will be active as 3V8BB from the
"Institute Superieur de L'Animation Pour la Jeunesse et la Culture" station
in Tunis, during the ARRL DX SSB Contest (March 1-2nd) as a Multi-Single
entry. QSL via LoTW or to LX1NO. Read about Ashraf on the following Web
page at:          

4S, SRI LANKA (Update/Reminder). Sigi, DL7DF, will lead a team of operators
to activate Sri Lanka (AS-003) between March 10-23rd. Operators mentioned
are Manfred/DK1BT, Csaba/DH7KU, Tom/DJ6TF, Manfred/DK1BT, Georg/DK7LX,
Wolf/DL4WK, Sigi/DL7DF, Juergen/DL7UFN, Frank/DL7UFR, Jan/SP3CYY and
Leszek/SP3DOI. Pilot station for this DXpedition is Bernd, DF3CB. A
callsign has not yet been announced (possibly 4S7DFG, 4S7FRG and 4S7LXG).
Activity will be on 160-6 meters using several stations operating CW and
SSB. One station will be exclusively dedicated to RTTY, PSK31 and SSTV.
Equipment will consist of 4 transceivers (3 x K2, 1 x FT857D), 2 x 18 m
lowband vertical, a delta-loop vertical for 40m, a delta-loop vertical
for 30m, 2 spiderbeam for 20/17/15/12/10m, a 5 element yagi for 6m and
some beverage antennas. QSL via DL7DF, direct or by the Bureau. They will
upload the full logs of the DXpedition to LoTW within 6 months after the
DXpedition. For more details and updates, visit:

5H, TANZANIA. Arne, OH2NNE, is once again active as 5H2DK from from Sanya
Juu until March 23rd. He states that he will use the "same setup as last
time. Hope for less QRN on 40m. If so, I will also try to be QRV on 80m."
Activty will then be on 80-10 meters on SSB only. Suggested frequencies
are: 3790, 7120, 14250, 18150, 21250, 24950 and 28450 kHz. QSL via his
home callsign, by the Bureau or direct. Log will be uploaded to ClubLog,
LoTW and his Web page. For more details and updates, see:

8P, BARBADOS. Alex, DD5ZZ, is now active as 8P9BZ from Dover Beach until
March 13th. Activity will be holiday style on 40-10 meters using mainly
the Digital modes with an an IC-7000 and a MP1 mobile antenna. QSL via
DD5ZZ, by the DARC QSL Bureau or direct.

BP0, TAIWAN. Members of the Amateur Radio Taipei (ART) will be active
from BU2AQ's QTH as BP0P during the CQ WW WPX SSB Contest (March 29-30th)
as a Multi-2 entry. Operators mentioned are: Tang/BM2AAV, Zhang/BV1ED,
Eddie/BV2DD, Evan/BV2KS, Lee/BV2NT and Lee/BX2AB. QSL via BP0P. The
team will be active between March 28-30th, on 40-10 meters using CW,
SSB and RTTY. QSL also OK via ART QSL Service.

C9, MOZAMBIQUE. Gerard, ZS6AYU, will once again be active as C91GR from
Bilene between March 16-19th. Activity will be holiday style on 40-10
meters, usually CW only, using a Cushcraft R7000 vertical and 350 watts.
QSL via ZS6AYU, direct or by the Bureau.

CARIBBEAN TOUR. Mike, DF8AN, will once again be active from the Caribbean.
Activity will be during most of April. His scheduled operations and
callsigns are as follows:
         Antigua    - V26MN between April 15-16th; IOTA NA-015;
                      WW. Grid FK97
         Montserrat - VP2MMN between April 16-24th; IOTA NA-103;
                      WW. Grid FK86
         St. Kitts  - V4/DF8AN between April 24-25th; IOTA NA-104
                      WW. Grid FK 87
          Nevis     - V4/DF8AN between April 25-29th; IOTA NA-104
                      WW. Grid FK 87
  If like last time, look for him to be on all HF bands, 160-6 meters.
He operates mainly on CW using 100 watts using an Alinco DX70 into a
long wire and dipole antennas. QSL via DF8AN, direct or by the QSL
Bureau. ADDED NOTE FROM DF8AN (last operation): Mike informs OPDX readers
[edited], "If anyone hears me on a frequency, and if anyone needs me on
another frequency or mode, you can contact me via SMS (text message) on
this cellular P H O N E  N O.:             +491716232751
But please, no telephone calls. I will not answer any telephone call.
If anyone wants a sked: send me a SMS with callsign and QRG and mode,
and I will QSY if possible. But please accept that I am not on the air
24/7 around the clock. If you hear me (for example on 14 CW) and need me
(for example on 18 SSB), send me SMS like this example: DL1ABC 18165.
I will QSY as soon as possible to that new frequency. Please only short
SMS. I have NO internet at my location and can NOT check my E-mails. I
work only CW and SSB all bands include 6m. And PSE accept, that I am not
there for amateur radio as a main reason. I work for the Civil Aviation
Office and for that reason, I have to work some hours/day, hi... But if
anyone hears me and needs me on another band - let me know."

Juha/OH8NC and Jaakko/OH8NJ will activate 80m, 15m and 10m monobands
using following callsigns: CQ8X, CR2A and CR2X. All QSLs are via OH2BH.

CT9, MADEIRA. Jean-Marc, F5SGI, will be active as CT9/F5SGI from the
Madeira Islands between April 5-12th. Activity will be on 80-10 meters
using mostly CW. QSL via his home callsign, by the Bureau or direct.

CV3, URUGUAY. Members of the "Radiogrupo Sur" (Southern Radio Group),
celebrating their 30th anniversary of the club, will be active as CV3D
during the ARRL DX SSB Contest (March 1-2nd) as a Mutli-Single entry.
Operators mentioned are Gonzalo/CX1CAK, Daniel/CX1FU, Lupo/CX2ABC and
Jorge/CX6DAP. QSL direct via CX2ABC.

DAYLIGHT SAVING TIME (DST). Remember to change your clocks next weekend.
Countries in the Northern Hemisphere (most of N. American and some of
the Caribbean) who observe Daylight Saving Time, should change their
clocks on Sunday, March 9th at 2:00 AM, and should move their "local
clocks" forward 1 hour to 3:00:00 AM local time. Daylight Saving Time
will end on Sunday, November 2nd at 2:00 AM. European countries will
switch to DST on March 30th. For the history and details about DST,
as well as an interesting map of the world (showing the countries who
observe DST), see:
ADDED NOTES: Hopefully, all amateur radio operators know not to change
their GMT/UTC/ZULU clocks. However, since most operators usually set their
computers to local time, some may have to change their settings on "some"
ham radio software (ex. logging, propagation, DXTelnet, etc..) programs.

EF8, CANARY ISLANDS. Juan, EA8RM (ex-EA8CAC), will be active as EF8R
during the ARRL DX SSB Contest (March 1-2nd) as a Single-Op/All-Band/
Low-Power entry. QSL via LoTW or EB7DX.

FM, MARTINIQUE. Gil, FM5FJ, from Le Marin will be active during the ARRL
DX SSB Contest (March 1-2nd) as a Single-Op/Single-Band (20m) entry. QSL
via KU9C.

FT5ZM ARTICILE. You can read a French article about FT5ZM on the official
web site of the TAAF (Terres Australes et Antarctiques Fran=E7aises) at:

FY, FRENCH GUIANA. Didier, FY5FY, will be active as FY5KE during the
ARRL DX SSB Contest (March 1-2nd) as a Single-Op/Single-Band (15m)/
High-Power entry. QSL via FY1FL, by the Bureau or direct.

GW, Wales. Steve, GW4BLE, will be active as GW7X during the ARRL DX SSB
Contest (March 1-2nd) (part-time only) as a Single-Op/All-Band entry.
NO QSLs, LoTW ONLY. Audio available after the contest at:

HB0, LIECHTENSTEIN. Operators Joerg/DL4HTK and Torsten/DO5AD will be
active as HB0DRK and HB0YRK, respectively, between May 4-18th. Activity
will be on 80-10 meters using CW, SSB, PSK and RTTY. QSL both callsigns
via DL5DRK.

HH, HAITI. Dale, N3BNA, will be returning to Haiti in November to build a
240 foot AM broadcast tower. While there in December, he will also lead a
small group of amateurs to participate in the ARRL 160 Meter Contest. (This
of course is dependent on the tower being built).

HK, COLOMBIA. Operators Sal/HK1T and Mark/LU8EOT will activate the "Jumanji
Contest Station" (HK1R) as HK1NA during the ARRL DX SSB Contest (March
1-2nd) as a Multi-? QSL via K6IPM. Visit the DXARC Web page at:

HP, PANAMA (IOTA Op). Operators Simone/IK5RUN and Danio/I5OYY will arrive
in Panama on March 14th, and depart on April 2nd. They will live aboard
and sail the Caribbean Sea on the Catamaran "Cush", and plan to activate
two Panamanian islands (possibly more). Simone informs OPDX that they will
be active as HP2/IK5RUN and HP2/I5OYY from the San Blas Province IOTA
Group (NA-170, San Blas Archipelago) and the Colon-Veraguas North Province
IOTA Group (NA-202). The skipper of the "Cush" is also a ham radio operator
(Claudio, IZ5VTC), but is not interested in operating. Activity will be
holiday style on 80-6 meters using CW, SSB and the Digital modes. They
will use a TS-480 with 200w and an IC-7000 with an amp into vertical and
wire antennas. They will also have a little yagi for 6m. QSL HP2/IK5RUN
via IK5RUN direct with a SASE + 3 USDS or use the ClubLog OQRS (Preferred).
QSL HP2/I5OYY via his home callsign, direct, by the Bureau or LoTW. For
more details and updates, visit:

IOTA NEWS..............
  AF-019.  An international team of operators will be active as IG9Y
           from Lampedusa Island during the CQWW DX SSB Contest (October
           25-26th) as a Multi-Op entry. Operators mentioned currently
           are Gabor/HA1YA, Marco/HB9OCR, Aurelio/PC5A, Peter/PD1RP,
           Mark/PA5MW, Marco/PE2MC, Miran/S50O, Silvo/S50X, Hubert/S51NZ,
           Romeo/S52RU, Renato/S57UN and Slavc/S57DX. Activity outside
           the contest will be on 160-6 meters using CW, SSB, and RTTY,
           with four stations on the air. QSL via ON4LG. An OQRS will be
           available for direct and Bureau cards. Visit their Web page

  EU-008.  Members of the Kilmarnock and Loudoun Amateur Radio Club will
           once again be active as MS0KLR, but this time from the Isle
           of Canna (IOSA NH01, SCOTIA DI21, WAB NG20), Inner Hebrides,
           between April 21-25th. Graham, MM0GHM, reports "we have a CW
           operator with us this year, again we will be active on 5 MHz".
           Activity will be on 160-2 meters using CW, SSB and the Digital
           modes. QSL via the Bureau to MM0KLR, direct to MM0GHM. For more
           information and updates, visit:

  EU-010.  Members of the Camb-Hams will once again be active as GS3PYE/p,
           but this time from the Decca cottage, on the Isle of Lewis
           (IOSA OH01, SCOTIA HI21, WLOTA 1477, Outer Hebrides, between
           April 26th and May 3rd. Activity will be on 80-10 meters using
           five stations on the air, simultaneously, and all capable of
           running the legal power limit from five amplifiers. Also, look
           them on 6m and 4m which has a great take-off to the UK and
           Europe using the legal power limit. With the success of EME in
           the past years, the group plans a 2m and 23cm EME station with
           a focus on 23cm. There will also be 2m/70cm Satellite activity.
           QSL via M1ACB. For more information and updates, visit:

  EU-092.  Operators Steve/G0MTD, Paul/M1PAF, Glyn/M0XUH, Norman/G7MRL
           and Mark/M0WCR will be active as MS0WRC from Tanera Mor (IOSA
           SC10, SCOTIA CN32, WAB NB90), Summer Isles, between June
           14-21st. Activity will be on 80-10 meters, mainly SSB with
           some PSK-31, RTTY and CW. QSL via G0MTD, by the Bureau or
           direct (see For more details and updates, visit:

  EU-145.  Operators Colin/G3VCQ (CT7ACG), Sharon/M3VCQ and Andy/M0GAV
           will activate Culatra Island (DIA AI-01, DIP AL-001) in the
           Algarve Province of Portugal during the RSGB IOTA Contest
           (July 26-27th). They will use the special callsign CR5CW from
           the the Cabo de Santa Maria Lighthouse (ARLHS POR-013, DFFA
           FA-06, DFP FAL06, WLOTA 0144), located in the Parque Natural
           da Ria Formosa (WWFF CTFF-007). QSL via LoTW only for this
           contest callsign. Look for update at:

  EU-171.  Tom, DL4VM, will once again be active as OZ/DL4VM from the
           Vendsyssel-Thy/Nordjylland Island (DIA NJ-001) twice during
           2014. First operation will be between May 10-24th and the
           second between August 30th and September 20th. Activity will
           include operations from Thy National Park (WWFF OZFF-009).
           Look for him on 80-10 meters, mainly on CW. QSL via his home
           callsign, by the Bureau or direct.

  NA-085.  Bruce, K5TEN, will be active from Dog Island between April
           13-19th. Activity will be on 40-6 meters using CW, SSB and
           possibly RTTY, PSK31 and JT65A. QSL via his home callsign,
           direct or by the Bureau. NO eQSL or LoTW.

  NA-213.  Operators Steve/KI4GGJ, Allan/KV4T, Bridget/KS4YT, Robert/AJ4T,
           Tre/W4CCF, Nicholas/KJ4AVG and Gramlin/KD4QZR will be active
           from Dauphin Island (USI AL-002S, Mobile County, AL) between
           June 23-30th. Activity will be on 80-10 meters using CW and
           SSB. Look for operators to sign homecall/p. QSL via their
           home callsigns.

  OC-204.  (Update/Date Change) Imam, YB4IR, will be active as YB4IR/P
           from Enggano Island between March 12-18th (not March 23-30th,
           as first announced). Activity will be on 40-10 meters using
           CW and SSB. QSL via LoTW or ClubLog's OQRS.

ISWL CALLSIGNS (For March). The following ISWL club callsigns will be
used throughout the month of March 2014:
   GX4BJC/A & GX4BJC/P - Operated from Walton-on-the-Naze, in Essex, by
              Herbie, G6XOU. (/A WAB Square TM22 - England, IOTA EU-005).

   MX1SWL/A & MX1SWL/P - Operated from Clacton on Sea, in Essex, by
              George, G1IPU. (/A WAB Square TM11 - England, IOTA EU-005).

    ALL QSLs will be handled by Herbie, G6XOU, and NOT the individual
  operator. The I.S.W.L. is a member of the European PSK Club. All QSL
  info is on <> or <> or via <>.
  NO LoTW. I.S.W.L. Awards are available to all Hams and SWLs, see
  <> for full details. The cards ARE welcomed for
  their awards.

KH8, AMERICAN SAMOA. Masahiro, JH3PRR, will be active as KH8B from Pago
Pago between October 21-27th. Activity will be on 160-10 meters with a
focus on 10 meters CQ ZONE 14 and 80/160m for AS/EU LP. He also plans to
be in the CQWW DX SSB Contest (October 25-26th) as a Single-Op/All-Band/
High-Power entry. Equipment: K3+2K-FA 1.5kW. 10-20m HEXBEAM and 30-160m
VDP. QSL via JH3PRR or LoTW (preferred). OQRS via ClubLog will also be
available too.

OA, PERU. Hutch, NK0S (HL9HP, YS9HH, HP1XHH), will be active as OA4/NK0S
from the Radio Club of Peru club station between March 12-25th. Activity
will be holiday style primarily on SSB, but possibly some CW and Digital.
He will upload his log to LoTW after his return. QSL via his home callsign.

OE14, AUSTRIA (Special Event). The Amateur Radio Section of ORF (Austrian
Broadcasting Corporation) and the Documentary Archives Radio Communications
/QSL Collection will operate, for 72 hours only, a special event station
with the callsign OE14M between 0000-2400z, Friday, April 25th and Sunday,
April 27th. OE14M is an official "International Marconi Day" station.
Contacts made on Saturday, April 26th, are valid for the IMD Award. The
IMD information is available at:
Bureau QSLs are via OE1WHC. Direct QSL info, see:
Press Contact: Wolf Harranth, OE1WHC <>
QSL motif download:

P4, ARUBA. Operators John/W6LD, Paul/K9PG, Chad/WE9V and Mike/K9NW will
be active as P40L from Pos Chiquito during the ARRL DX SSB Contest (March
1-2nd) as a Mutli-Op ro Multi-? entry. QSL viA WA3FRP. All P40L logs are
uploaded to ClubLog and Logbook of the World. For details about the station,

 Mar/03rd AN      Mar/06th  AN      Mar/08th  AN
 Mar/04th AN      Mar/07th  AN      Mar/09th  AN
 Mar/05th AN

    NORMALITY               GEOMAG       K Values    Alpha
   -----------------        ------       --------    ------
   AN  - Above Normal       Quiet        K=3D0-1       0-7
   HN  - High Normal        Unsettled    K=3D2         8-15
   LN  - Low Normal         Active       K=3D3         16-29
   BN  - Below Normal       Minor Storm  K=3D4         30-49
   DIS - Disturbed          Major Storm  K=3D5         50-99
   VRY DIS - Very Disturbed Severe Storm K=3D6-9       100-400

QSL INFO AND NEWS.....................
  QSL-INFO from DB0SDX (February 28th)
  5H2DK via OH2NNE          EG7DCA via EA7URS       PA/DJ1AA/M via DJ1AA
  AH0CO/KH2 via JH1QJU      GX8HRC/A via G3SVK      SM6/V63YM via SM6FJY (d)
  C6ANA via N5NHJ           HK3/AL4Q via DJ8QP      SN7D via SQ7DQX
  CE0/W6NV via W6NV         HP3/DL7EG via DL7EG     T88XH via JA0EKI
  CP4WHX via UA4WHX         II6ANT via IW6NZY       TK/IK2UJS/P via IK2UJS
  CW5F via ON5NT            II8IDXC via IZ8EDJ      V21ZG via DL7AFS
  CX7CO via EA5GL (d)       IP2ANT via IK2QPR       VP5/W0GJ via W0GJ
  EA8/DJ6HP via DJ6HP (d)   IY7M via IZ7XNB         W1AW/KG4 via W1AW
  EA9/DL2RNS via DL2RNS     LI8XRA via LA8XRA       XR2V via N7RO
  ED4HV via EA4HV           OL8M via OK1DRQ         ZL7AAA via VE7NY
  EE3K via EA3GHZ           OS8A via ON8VK
  EE4EA via EA4GHB (B/L)    OT6V/p via ON6VI
    (e) eQSL only  (d) direct only   (B) Bureau only  (L) LoTW only

  NEW QSL MANAGER. Glenn, K3SWZ, reports, "I am now handling the QSL cards
  for W3XS/MM and HI3/W3XS, plus anywhere else he may show up...."

  XZ1J QSL STATUS. Nao, JA1HGY , reports, "I received new information
  from QSL MGR. He said, 'QSL is printing now, Pse QRX.'" =

  YJ0 OP QRT. Operators Bill/N7OU (YJ0OU) and Rocky/NE7D (YJ0ZZ) are now
  QRT with over 16,000 QSOs in the log. QSL via their home callsigns.
  Logs will be uploaded to LoTW soon after their return to the USA in
  a couple days.

  W1AW/4, W1AW/6, W1AW/8, W8A, XR0ZR, YB9WZJ and ZB2/DL7VEE

  JY9FC, T33A, VK9IR, VU7AG, XR0ZR, YB4IR/8 and YW5X

  Z81X, ZD8O and ZD8X

S0, WESTERN SAHARA (Update). The reports: "Unfortunately,
due to prohibitive cost of permit for one week, and the fact it now
appears local activity from Western Sahara will soon occur, Dom, 3Z9DX,
has decided to cancel his plans to be QRV in mid-March." Dom also informs
DX World that he will have a 'very big surprise' by the end of the year,
with updates to follow in due course.

2014 UPCOMING ISLAND DXPEDITIONS (Update to OPDX.1144). Bob, N7XR, who
announced in early January that he plans to activate Diego Garcia (Chagos
Islands) and Wake Island in 2014 (specific dates still not announced),
posted on his Web page <>: "Unfortunately,
the interest in these two trips is not high. Because I'm unable to get
support, I will only be making a minimal effort with a low power station
and wire antenna as time permits."

VP2M, MONTSERRAT. Charlie, K1XX, will be active a VP2MLL during the ARRL
DX SSB Contest (March 1-2nd) as a Single-Op/All-Band/Low-Power entry. His
length of stay is unknown. QSL via N4OX.

VP2M, MONTSERRAT. Operators Iain/M0PCB and Steve/M0SPF will be active as
VP2MXI (CW) and VP2MZR (SSB/RTTY), respectively, from Montserrat between
March 5-10th. Activity will be holiday style. Iain plans to be an entry
in the RSGB Commonwealth Contest (March 8-9th). QSL via LoTW, Clublog OQRS,
direct via M0PCB or by the Bureau via their home callsigns.

       The following stations are expected to be active in the
                 ARRL DX SSB Contest (March 1-2nd, 2014)
      Thanks to Bill, NG3K, for providing OPDX readers with the following
consolidated listing of the participants in the 2014 ARRL DX SSB Contest.
For a more detailed listing (and up-to-date changes/corrections) in HTML
format, please visit Bill's Web page at:
  (By callsign)
 (By entity)
 Contest        DXCC          Class         QSL
Callsign       Entity                       Route
3G1B           Chile          M/?           HA1AG
3V8BB          Tunisia        M/S           LoTW; QSL via LX1NO
8P5A           Barbados       SOAB HP       LoTW; QSL via NN1N
C6ANA          Bahamas                      N5NHJ
C6AZZ          Bahamas                      KQ8Z
CN2AA          Morocco        M/2           LoTW; QSL via UA2FM
CV3D           Uruguay        M/S           CX2ABC
EF8R           Canary Islands SOAB LP       LoTW; QSL via EB7DX
FM5FJ          Martinique     SOSB 20M      KU9C
FY5FY          French Guiana  SOSB 15M      FY5FY
GW7X           Wales          SOAB          LoTW
HI3K       Dominican Republic M/S           KB2MS
HK1NA          Colombia       M/?           K6IPM
IO5O           Italy          M/S           LoTW
J7Y            Dominica                     K1LI
KH2/N2NL       Guam           SOAB HP       LoTW; QSL via W2YC
LU8YE          Argentina      M/2           IK2DUW
LX7I           Luxembourg     SOAB          LX2A
NP2P      U.S. Virgin Islands SOAB          LoTW
OH5Z           Finland        M/2           LoTW
P40L           Aruba          M/?           WA3FRP
P40P           Aruba          SOAB HP       LoTW
PJ2T           Curacao        M/S           W3HNK
PJ6A     Saba & St. Eustatius M/S           N4NX
RG22RQ        Russia (Europe) M/2           RN3RQ
RT0F          Russia (Asia)   M/?           LoTW
TF/KT1K       Iceland         LP            KT1K
TI8M          Costa Rica      M/?           TI8M
TO22C         Guadeloupe                    F6HMQ
TO5A          Martinique      SOAB HP       LoTW; QSL via F5VHJ (B/d)
TO6D          Guadeloupe                    LoTW
V47JA       St. Kitts & Nevis               LoTW; QSL via W5JON (d)
VP2MLL     Br. Virgin Islands SOAB LP       N4OX
VP5H          Turks & Caicos  M/S           W0GJ
VP9/W6PH      Bermuda         SOAB LP       W6PH Direct
YN5Z          Nicaragua       SOAB HP       LoTW
ZD8D         Ascension Island SOSB          DL9HO
 (d) direct only   (B) Bureau only  (L) LoTW only  (e) eQSL  (C) ClubLog

** IMPORTANT NOTICE/REMINDER ** The Ohio/Penn DX Bulletin now has a new
FAX number. Contributors can now send/fax their DX information to the
following number:        1-419-828-7791 ( F A X only! )
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Excerpts and distribution of The OPDX Bulletin are granted as long as
KB8NW/OPDX/BARF80 receive credit. To contribute DX info, please send
via InterNet Mail to:  - OR -
Information can now be faxed to the following "NEW" phone line at:
                  1-419-828-7791 (F A X only!)

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