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KB8NW  > DX       23.02.14 18:43l 575 Lines 32865 Bytes #999 (0) @ WW
BID : OPDX.1151
Subj: Ohio/Penn DX Bulletin No. 1151
Sent: 140223/1741Z @:CX2SA.SAL.URY.SA #:3772 [Salto] FBB7.00e $:OPDX.1151
To  : DX@WW

The Ohio/Penn DX PacketCluster
DX Bulletin No. 1151
BID: $OPDX.1151
February 24, 2014
Editor Tedd Mirgliotta, KB8NW
Provided by BARF80.ORG (Cleveland, Ohio)

Thanks to the Northern Ohio Amateur Radio Society, Northern Ohio DX
Association, Ohio/Penn PacketCluster Network, AB5K & the AR TelNet
Clusters Network, K1XN & GoList, NC1L, NJ1Q & W1AW, NG3K & ADXO, W3UR &
The Daily DX, N4AA & QRZ DX, K5GS, KD5SRW, W7GJ, K8GI, K8YSE, W8GEX &
60m News, KU9C, AT International, DK8JB & The DX News Letter, DL1SBF,, DX-World.Net, ES1CW, F5NQL, F6AJA & Les Nouvelles DX,
HA1AG, I1JQJ/IK1ADH & 425 DX News, I2MQP & DX Italia News, IK7JWX, OZ6OM
& 50 MHz DX News, Pete's DX-Newsdesk, PT7WA, RSGB IOTA Web Site, Sixitalia
Weekly, VA3RJ & ICPO and the VHF-DX-Portal (MMMonVHF) for the following
DX information.

*** ADDED NOTE FROM THE EDITOR: You will see a lot of reminders this
    week because there is a lot going on this week and the coming weeks.
    It should be interesting for DXers for about the next month and a half.

DXCC COUNTRY/ENTITY REPORT: According to the AR-Cluster Network for the
week of Sunday, 16th-February, through Sunday, 23rd-February there were
227 countries active. Countries available: 3A, 3B8, 3B9, 3C, 3C0, 3D2, 3V,
3W, 4J, 4L, 4O, 4S, 4U1I, 4X, 5A, 5B, 5H, 5R, 5W, 5Z, 6W, 6Y, 7P, 7X, 8P,
8Q, 8R, 9A, 9H, 9J, 9K, 9L, 9M2, 9M6, 9V, 9X, 9Y, A3, A4, A6, A7, A9, AP,
BV, BY, C3, C6, C9, CE, CE0Y, CE0Z, CE9, CM, CN, CP, CT, CT3, CU, CX, D2,
D4, DL, DU, E5/s, E7, EA, EA6, EA8, EA9, EI, EK, EL, EP, ER, ES, EU, EX,
EY, EZ, F, FG, FH, FK, FM, FO, FP, FR, FW, FY, G, GD, GI, GJ, GM, GU, GW,
HA, HB, HB0, HC, HH, HI, HK, HL, HP, HR, HS, HV, HZ, I, IS, J2, J3, J5,
J6, J7, J8, JA, JD/o, JT, JW, JX, JY, K, KG4, KH0, KH2, KH6, KL, KP2, KP4,
LA, LU, LX, LY, LZ, OA, OD, OE, OH, OK, OM, ON, OX, OY, OZ, P2, P4, PA,
PJ2, PJ4, PJ5, PJ7, PY, PZ, S5, S7, SM, SP, ST, SU, SV, SV/a, SV5, SV9,
T2, T7, TA, TF, TG, TI, TJ, TK, TN, TR, TU, TY, TZ, UA, UA2, UA9, UK, UN,
UR, V2, V3, V4, V5, V6, V7, V8, VE, VK, VP2E, VP5, VP8, VP8/h, VP9, VR,
VU, XE, XU, XW, XX9, YA, YB, YI, YJ, YK, YL, YN, YO, YS, YU, YV, Z2, Z3,
Z8, ZA, ZB, ZD7, ZD8, ZF, ZL, ZP, ZS, ZS8

* PLEASE NOTE: The report "could" contain "Pirate/SLIM" operations or
  more likely a "BUSTED CALLSIGN". As always, you never know - "Work
  First Worry Later".

is now active as 3C0BYP (earlier than expected) from Annobon Island
(AF-039) until March 8th. Gabriel, OD5NJ, (Elmo's pilot station) informed
OPDX that Elmo started earlier due to a transportation issue. Activity
will be on SSB, RTTY and some CW. There is a possibility of him making
a trip to Bioko Island (AF-010), Equatorial Guinea, to be active as 3C4BYP,
after his operation on Annobon. QSL via his home callsign (see

4V/HH, HAITI. Operators Jean-Robert/HH2JR, Joel/N5JR and John/N5JC will
be active as 4V1JR during the CQWW WPX SSB Contest (March 29-30th) as a
Multi-Single entry. QSL via W3HNK. Look for Joel and John to be active
outside of the contest as HH2/homecall starting March 25th. Activity will
be on 80-10 meters, including 30/17/12m, using CW and RTTY. QSL both
callsigns via N5JR.

5J0, SAN ANDRES. Operators Robert/N7QT, Melanie/AB1UH, Hugh/W4VAB and
Guy/N7UN will be active as 5J0X from San Andres Island (NA-033) between
April 2-14th. Activity will be holiday style (suitcase expedition) on
80-10 meters using CW and SSB. QSL via N7QT, direct (NO IRCs) or by the
Bureau. Log will be uploaded to LoTW.

8P, BARBADOS. Tom, W2SC, will once again be active as 8P5A during the
ARRL DX SSB Contest (March 1-2nd) as Single-Op/All-Band/High-Power entry.
QSL via LoTW or direct to NN1N.

9H, MALTA. By the time you read this, Russell, G5XW, will be active as
9H3XW from Malta (EU-032) until March 6th. Operations will be from the
MARL HQ club house or Michael, 9H5DX's, QTH. Activity will be on the HF
bands (he likes 40/17/12m) using SSB.  QSL via his home callsign, direct
or by the RSGB QSL Bureau.

9J, ZAMBIA (Reminder). Look for members of the Italian DXpedition Team
to be active as 9J2T between February 28th and March 17th. Activity will
be on all bands, 160-6 meters using all modes. See OPDX.1149 for more
details. QSL via I2YSB, direct or by the Bureau. An OQRS will be available
for direct QSL and LoTW at:

A22, BOTSWANA. Schalk, ZS1LL (ex-ZS3O), from Sandbaai, South Africa, will
once again be active as A22LL from Lobatse between April 5-30th. He once
informed OPDX that he has a farm in Lobatse and will be there "every 2nd
weekend". When there, Schalk mentioned that he will be on the 20m band
operating CW and SSB. Watch 14020 kHz for CW and between 14180-14240 kHz
for SSB (mostly on 14200 kHz calling CQ. QSL via his home callsign, direct
and by the Bureau. NO LoTW.

A3, TONGA. Just a reminder that operators Klaus-Dieter/DK1AX and his XYL
Heidi/DK1MA will be active as A35AX on a holiday style DXpedition from
Tongatapu Island (OC-049) and Vava'u Island (OC-064) between February
24th and March 7th. Activity will be on CW, SSB and RTTY. QSL via the
OQRS on ClubLog.

A3, TONGA. Masa, JA0RQV, will once again (for the 6th time) be active
from Nuku'alofa, Tongatapu Island (OC-049), as A35JP between March 14-20th.
Activity will be limited this time because he is there on a business trip,
so operations will be during his spare time "after primary business, mostly
at night in Tongan time (UTC +13 h) and week end". Operations will be on
80-6 meters using CW and SSB. Equipment is an IC-7000 (w/100W) into a
vertical antenna. QSL via his home callsign, by the Bureau, direct (SASE
w/1 IRC) or LoTW. For more details and updates, visit his Blog page at:

C6, BAHAMAS. Operators Pier/W1NA, Max/N5NHJ/I8NHJ, Pasquale/I8QLS and
Gino/I8ULL are now active as C6ANA from the Bahamas until March 3rd.
The team was active this past weekend during the CQ 160M SSB Contest
and will also be active in the upcoming ARRL DX SSB Contest (March 1-2nd).
QSL via N5NHJ.

CE0, EASTER ISLAND. Oliver, W6NV, is currently active as CE0/W6NV from
Rapa Nui (SA-001). His length of stay is not yet known. Activity has been
on CW, operating on 20-10 meters. QSL via his home callsign.

CN2, MOROCCO. A Russian team is expected to be active again as CN2AA
during the ARRL DX SSB Contest (March 1-2nd) as a Multi-2 entry. Operators
mentioned are Dimitri/RA3CO, Yuri/RL3FT, Sergey/RX3APM, Babayan/UA3ASZ
and Igor/UA4FER. QSL via UA2FM and LoTW. QSL via UA2FM or LoTW.

CN, MOROCCO (Mobile Op!). Operators Leo/PD0HFP and Frans/PA5CA will be
traveling through the Morocco Desert and the Atlas mountain range in a
4=D74 Jeep Wrangler (Unlimited stretched version) vehicle between April
5-20th. They plan to be active as CN2CA (TNX to Abdou, CN8VO) using an
Icom 7100 with Harris Solid-State PA into HiQ-5 HF mobile antenna. Oper-
ations will be on 80-6 meters. QSL via PA9M, direct (2 GS) or by the
Bureau. NO IRCs are accepted. For more details and updates, watch =

or visit:   

CP, BOLIVIA. World-Traveler Vlad, UA4WHX, who was recently active from
Juan Fernandez as CE0Z/UA4WHX, is now active as CP4WHX from Porco as of
February 23rd. As always, length of stay is unknown. Most of his activity
so far has been on 30 meters CW and RTTY, with a few QSNs reported on 20
meters SSB and 40 meters CW. QSL via his home callsign (see

DXCC NEWS. Bill Moore, NC1L, ARRL Awards Branch Manager, reports that
the following operation is approved for DXCC credit:
    FT5ZM =96 Amsterdam & St. Paul Island; 2014 Operation

IOTA NEWS..............
  AF-032.  (Wrap-up) Alfredo, IK7JWX, Team leader of the 5I0DX DXpedition
           to Zanzibar Island, reports [edited], "AF-032 is over. Don't
           think we were there for holiday. The two humanitarian events
           held at one local School as well at the Italia Day Hospital
           were a success! You can find some pictures here:
           Also, have a look at Elvira's blog (IV3FSG):
           5I0DX QRT - The 5I0DX DXpedition to Zanzibar Island went QRT the
           12th February by logging the last QSOs on 30m CW! We will now
           check the log and correct some wrong callsigns as well update
           them to ClubLog. BE PATIENT, your QSO will appear soon. Logs
           will be uploaded soon on Clublog. Any communication with the
           Team can be via our friend Fulvio, HB9DHG, (look at
           Italia Day Hospital, Zanzibar - Not only a DXpedition, but this
           will also a humanitarian trip to help the 'Italia Day Hospital'
           in Mweraponcwe. Have a look at this Youtube Video! Thank you
           Pablo and Domenico Palumbo for your efforts.
             The Team European DXpedition Zanzibar 2014 wants to thank the
           Sponsors, Individual contributors, Clubs and Associations.
           Special thanks to TCRA Tanzania Communication Regulatory
           Authority and TARC Tanzania Amateur Radio Club and their
           secretary Hidan, 5H3HO, for the collaboration and help.
             ITALY's QSL Manager: IK7JWX; WORLD QSL Manager: IS0AGY -
           QSL via the Bureau or direct (3 USDs or IRC). Despite some
           interruptions of electricity, a half-day break and propagation
           not very good, all the 5I0DX team is very satisfied and happy
           for 14,068 QSOs." LoTW confirmations will be available soon!
           The QSLs will be printed by Emil, LZ3HI.

  EU-047.  Robert, DK2RO, will once again be active as DK2RO/p from
           Spiekeroog Island between March 2-7th. Activity will be holiday
           style on all HF bands, propagation permitting, main mode CW.
           QSL via his home callsign, direct or by the Bureau. He as
           uploaded his logs of past operations to LoTW.

  OC-076.  (Update/Dates/Changes) It seems that Joppy, YB8XM, will now be
           active by himself as YB8XM/p from Sanana Islands, North Maluku
           Province, Indonesia, between February 24-26th. Activity will be
           on 40-10 meters. Modes were not mentioned. QSL via YB8XM, direct
           with SAE + 2 IRCs (No Green Stamps and No via Bureau). PayPal
           is available (see Web page, designed by Andy, YC0MVP). For more
           details and updates, see:

  OC-164.  John, VK6HZ, will once again be active as VK6ARI from Rottnest
           Island between March 23-30th. Activity will be holiday style
           on 40-10 meters using SSB, PSK and RTTY, possibly CW. Antenna
           will be a Buddipole. Activity will be around the usual IOTA
           frequencies. QSL via VK6HZ, direct or by the Bureau. Log will
           be uploaded to Clublog and LoTW.

  SA-016.  By the time you read this, the ZZ8S operation from Santana
           Island during the S. American Lighthouse Weekend should be
           almost QRT (February 24th). Activity will be 40-10 meters
           SSB only. QSL via PT2OP.

  SA-029.  By the time you read this, the ZV1M operation from Jurubaiba
           Island during the S. American Lighthouse Weekend should be
           almost QRT (February 23rd). Activity will be 80-10 meters
           using CW, SSB and PSK31. QSL via PY1MT.

J6, ST. LUCIA (Update to OPDX.1148). By the time you read this, Ernest,
J69AZ, and a group called the J6DX Portable Group, will be active as
J6SLI35 to celebrate St. Lucia's 35th anniversary of independence from
Rat Island (which is about 1/4 mile from the main land) until February
23rd. Operators mentioned are Ernest/J69AZ, Fay/J69EJ, Frans/J69DS and
Francis/J66CA. They were operating QRP for the past three days using
solar panels and Buddipole antennas. QSL via KD5SRW (see John,
KD5SRW, who has partnered with them and is heading up a project to collect
funds to purchase three solar panels and some band pass filters, informed
OPDX the solar panel kits were expected to arrive on the island February
21st. =

J7, DOMINICA. Tore, SM0DZB, President of SSA, is now active as J79TA from
Sailisbury until possibly February 26th. Activity is holiday style on
80-10 meters mainly CW. QSL via SM0T, direct or by the Bureau.

JD1, OGASAWARA. Minekazu, JA2NQG, will be active as JD1AAI from Chichijima
(AS-031) between April 9-17th. Activity will be mainly CW with some activity
in the JIDX CW Contest (April 12-13th). Prefecture number is 48. He also
mentions that there is no internet connection at the QTH he is staying.
QSL via JA2NQG or JD1AAI, by the Bureau or direct.

KH8, AMERICAN SAMOA (6m Op!). Lance, W7GJ, informs [edited]: "Hello! --
In recent years, KH8 has become a very difficult catch on 6m. For that
reason, this year I have made plans to activate American Samoa as KH8/W7GJ
on 6m EME from July 13th to July 28th. I will concentrate on July 13-21st,
when EME conditions are most favorable. We will also operate on terrestrial
propagation modes if they become available, but expect to be busy contacting
many single yagi stations via EME using JT65A mode.
  If you still need KH8 on 6m, I certainly hope you will take advantage
of this opportunity to contact us! The reason for this advance notice is
to give you time to clear your schedule and finalize any station improve-
ments before the DXpedition.
  The QTH selected has a negative horizon out over the ocean from moonrise
in the east, around through north to moonset in the west, so we will have
common moon with Europe on both moonrise and moonset. Current details plus
future updates are available on my website:
  As with my previous 6m EME DXpeditions to the Pacific, contributions are
very much needed and welcomed! It is a lot of effort and expense to haul a
6m EME station halfway around the world! Any amount is very much appreciated
and can be submitted to my Pay Pal account via my email address of:
  Many thanks for your continued support, and I hope to put many of you
serious 6m DXers in the log this July!..... GL and VY 73, Lance W7GJ"

LX, LUXEMBOURG. Philippe, LX2A, will be active as LX7I during the ARRL
DX SSB Contest (March 1-2nd) as a Single-Op/All-Band entry. QSL via LX2A.
Visit the following Web page at:

MJ, JERSEY. Kazu, JK3GAD, will be active as MJ0CFW from Jersey (EA-013)
between March 14-16th. Look for activity in the Russian DX Contest (March
15-16th) and the BARTG HF RTTY Contest (March 15-17th). In both contests
he will sign MJ5Z. QSL via LoTW or M0CFW.

MT0, ISLE OF MAN. Operators Steve/G0FUW, Dave/M0SFT, Simon/M0TTE and Dan/
M0TGN will be active as MT0WCB from the Isle of Man (EU-116) between May
10-17th. They will be running 2 stations on the air; 1 dedicated for the
Digital modes and 1 dedicated for CW. Also, they will be activating SOTA
and WAB reference numbers. QSL via M0TGN, direct or by the Bureau. For
more details and updates, visit the Web site at:

P4, ARUBA. Robert, W5AJ, will once again be active as P40P for the ARRL
DX SSB Contest (March 1-2nd). His operating class is TBD. This is his
13th contesting trip to Aruba. Outside of the contest, Robert will be
on the air, possibly on 40 meters. QSL via LoTW (Please) or direct to
W5AJ. NO BUREAU. Check out his P40P page at:

PJ4, BONAIRE. A German team of operators will be active as PJ4H from
Bonaire (SA-006, WLOTA LH-1279) between April 5-18th. Operators mentioned
are J=FCrgen/DJ2VO, Martin/DL3KMS and Ernst/DK7AN. Activity will be holiday
style on 160-10 meters (except 60m) using CW, SSB and RTTY. They plan to
upload their log daily to ClubLog. QSL via ClubLog's OQRS or LoTW.

PJ7, SINT MAARTEN (Reminder). By the time you read this Tom, AA9A, will
once again be active as PJ7AA from Sint Maarten (NA-105)until March 16th.
He informs OPDX that this is his yearly trip to Simpson Bay, and his
activity will be on 40-10 meters using CW and SSB. Tom mentions, "I may
be able to spend a few hours in the ARRL SSB Contest (March 2-3rd) like
last year. We have family there that week and have time planned with
them so contest time is very limited." Operations will be with 100 watts
with a K3 and Buddipole. QSL via AA9A or LoTW.

PROPAGATION FORECAST/REPORT (February 18th-March 2nd)....
 Feb/24th HN      Feb/27th  AN      Mar/01st  AN
 Feb/25th AN      Feb/28th  AN      Mar/02nd  AN
 Feb/26th AN

    NORMALITY               GEOMAG       K Values    Alpha
   -----------------        ------       --------    ------
   AN  - Above Normal       Quiet        K=3D0-1       0-7
   HN  - High Normal        Unsettled    K=3D2         8-15
   LN  - Low Normal         Active       K=3D3         16-29
   BN  - Below Normal       Minor Storm  K=3D4         30-49
   DIS - Disturbed          Major Storm  K=3D5         50-99
   VRY DIS - Very Disturbed Severe Storm K=3D6-9       100-400

QSL INFO AND NEWS.....................
  QSL-INFO from DB0SDX (February 16th and 23rd)
  3C0BYP via EA5BYP          IR2A via IK2JYT            SX1AA via SV1QXU
  5R8XB via ON8XB            IR2T via IQ2MG (B)         TJ3AY via F5LGE
  6W/MM0NDX via MM0NDX       J79TA via SM0DZB           TM11AAW via F8DVD
  9K53NLD via 9K2RX          J88HL via SP6IXF           TM1A via F6KOP
  AO4HAG via EA4GKV          K4A via K6EID              TM1O via F1IKA
  AY1DZ via LW3DG            LW5HR via EA5GL            TM5FDC via F5FDC
  CN8QN via EA7FTR           LX9DX via LX2A             TM6M via F4DXW (d)
  CR3L via DJ6QT             LZ6C via LZ2KLR            TO22C via F6HMQ
  CT9/OH2KW via OH2KW        M2A via G3SDC              TO6D via F6ITD
  CV3D via CX2ABC            N2WQ/VE3 via N2WQ          V31MA via M0OXO
  D44CF via SM0JHF*   OC0I via LU3DXG (B); LU7DSY (d)   V6T via JH1NBN
  ED1R via EC1KR             OH1F via OH1AF             VI4POLIO via VK4ZD
  ED7P via EA7PP             OK2W via OK2WM (B)         VP5/K0MD via K0MD
  EF5A via EA5DY             OK8NM via OM2FY            VP5S via K0MD (d)
  EF5T via EA5HT             OU4X via OZ7AM             VP9/G3ZAY via G3ZAY
  EG1WAS via EA1GIB          P40LE via K2LE             VP9/G7VJR via M0OXO
  EG3ANT via EA3LD           P40W via N2MM (d)          VP9/M0VFC via M0VFC
  H27A via RW3RN             PJ2/DF8ZH via DF8ZH        XE2/AE5KC via AE5KC
  HG0A via HA5JI             SK3W via SM5DJZ            YN2NC via AI4U
  II1MNA via IQ1GE (B/d)     SN2M via SP2XF             YQ8ANT via YO8AZQ
  II5ANT via IZ5BTC          SN8B via SP8CUR            ZF2DF via W4YCH
  IP2ANT via IK2QPR          SN8W via SP8CUW            ZM1A via ZL3CW
  IR1SP via IK1NEG     SV9/F6HZD via F6HZD (d/Greece)   ZY5M via IK2ILH
    (e) eQSL only  (d) direct only   (B) Bureau only  (L) LoTW only
    (*) E-Mail request

  IRCS AVAILABLE. Steve, KU9C, reports: "I recently picked up a good
  quantity of properly stamped, 2017 expiration IRCs. If anyone is
  interested, they're 2.65 USDs each, shipped to you in the USA. I
  can ship internationally, please contact me for postage requirements.
  <> Personal check is best, I can do PayPal if you
  are willing to pay the surcharge, or send it to me as a payment to a
  friend (which is no charge if you use your PayPal balance or bank
  account in the USA). I am selling these to the ham community essentially
  at cost."

  VK0TH QSLS (Update to OPDX.1146/1150). Trevor, VK8TH (ex-VK0TH), has
  reconsidered his decision on not QSLing VK0TH QSOs from 2 years ago. See:
  He now has a QSL Manager. Joe, WL7E, states, "I will be taking over
  the QSL duties for Trevor, VK0TH. Logs will be uploaded to LoTW, eQSL,
  ClubLog, etc. For those still needing a paper card, new cards will be
  printed. This process is in the initial stages. More information will
  be posted ( Please have patience while all of this is being
  set up."

  YB4IR/8, YF1AR/8, YO3APJ, YR5N, YW5T and ZR9C

  OX/OZ1LXJ,T32RC,  T6T, TG9NX, XR0YY, XR0ZR, YB9Y, Z60A, ZL1IR and ZS8C

  9M4LHM, 9M8WAT, 9U0VB, A6/DL6WVM,  D20VB, D64K, EA8/DL7VOA, FO/DF1YP,
  TS8P, V84SMD, YI1RZ, YS3CW, Z21LS, Z38/IZ4JMA and ZA/I2GPT

T8, PALAU. David, VK3BY will be active as T88XT from IMAPC Palau Rental
Shack (OC-009) <see:> between March
8-14th. David will be there with his XYL, so this will be a holiday style
operation. Operations will be SSB only on 80-6 meters. He states, "I plan
to operate as much as possible but also plan to see the wonderful sites
and places of Palau." QSL via his home callsign, direct (w/3 USDs), by
the Bureau or eQSL.

TI8, COSTA RICA. Operators Mike/W1USN and Bob/AA1M will once again be
active as TI8/homecall from Costa Rica between March 21st and April 1st.
Activity will be on 80-10 meters using CW, SSB, PSK31 and maybe some RTTY.
Look for Mike to be operating in the CQW WPX SSB Contest (March 29-30th).
QSL both callsigns via LoTW or via their home callsigns, direct and by
the Bureau. =

VK9M, MELLISH REEF (Update/Press Release #7). The following was sent out
on February 20th [edited]: "Congratulations to the FT5ZM team for their
excellent operation. Mellish Reef DX-pedition is scheduled for March 28,
2014 to April 9, 2014.

  Status: Our equipment is on the way to Australia and the team is making
  last minute preparations for their journey to Australia. An advance team
  will arrive in Mackay, Australia on March 18th to begin the process of
  retrieving equipment from storage and preparing for the sea voyage. We'll
  be assembling several antennas for final tuning and to verify all the
  parts arrived. The generators will be tested and prepared for sea ship-
  ment. We'll have 2 small generators, 1.5KW each and 4 new 4KW inverters.
  Antennas will include two 18 meter SpiderPoles w/auto-tuners in the water
  using specially designed bases loaned to us by George Wallner, AA7JV, who
  was on Mellish Reef with the 2009 DX-pedition, 2 folding hex beams, and
  several SteppIR BigIR and CrankIR antennas. We have an Inmarsat Broadband
  Global Area Network (BGAN) satellite terminal for uploading logs daily
  to our QSL manager, as well as photos - if time permits. LoTW will be
  uploaded shortly after we return home.

  Donation to local Boy/Girl Scout Council: At the conclusion of the DX-
  pedition locally purchased items such as tents, tarps and tools will be
  donated to the Mackay City Central (Boy/Girl) Scout Council. We've
  arranged for them to help us with the disposition of gear that would be
  too expensive to ship to EU or the US.

  Leaderboard: After a team discussion the Leaderboard will not be used for
  VK9MT. We will be uploading to Clublog so you can check whether you're in
  the log. We decided that the optional Leaderboard function would not help
  in achieving our stated goal of providing an ATNO for as many as possible.

  Global Pilot Team: The pilot team will manage communication between the
  island team and DXers. While on the island we will not be checking per-
  sonal e-mail accounts. Please direct operational suggestions to the
  designated pilot for your region. The Pilots will not have the logs so
  please do not ask them to verify QSOs. If you think your call is missing
  or busted while we are on the reef please work us again. After we leave
  the reef direct all logging questions to our QSL Manager, Tim, M0URX,

   Chief Pilot & N.A. Pilot - Ralph, W4HK
   Europe                   - Col, MM0NDX
   New Zealand/Australia    - Lee, ZL2AL
   South America            - Luciano, PT7WA
   Oceania                  - Stan, KH6CG
   Africa                   - Andre, V51B

   Upcoming Hamfest Season: Several members of the VK9MT on-island team
   will be attending the Dayton Hamvention and the Friedrichshafen Ham
   Radio - International Exhibition for Radio Amateurs, as well as local
   ham club meetings and conventions.

   Fund Raising: We are honored to receive a grant from the ARRL's Colvin
   Award Committee. The Colvin Award is funded by an endowment established
   by Lloyd Colvin, W6KG (SK), who, with his wife Iris, W6QL (SK), logged
   more than 1 million contacts during their world travels, and assembling
   one of the largest QSL collections in the world.

   Like all DX-peditions to rare and semi-rare DXCC entities, donations
   are welcomed through please use the Donate Button on the web
   site to insure your name is automatically added to the donor list, or
   by check/money order in US dollars to: =

          Mellish Reef 2014 DX-pedition
          Gene Spinelli, Treasurer
          PO Box 189
          Divide, CO
          USA 80814

   For our friends outside the USA please use PayPal or e-mail for wire
   transfer instructions:    

   We appreciate the generosity of the foundations, clubs and individuals
   who have already made a donation or a commitment. At the completion of
   the DX-pedition a financial summary will be sent to all club/foundation

   For additional information please e-mail:

   Beginning on, or about, March 19th we will send regular updates to the
   DX bulletins as we consolidate the equipment load the boat and set sail
   for Mellish Reef...... 73, Team Mellish 2014"

VK9X, CHRISTMAS ISLAND (Reminder). Operators Jon/K7CO and Christian/K7CXN
will be active as VK9X/K7CO from Christmas Island (OC-002) between March
1-11th. Activity will be on 80-10 meters using CW, SSB and PSK31. Christian
will be the primary operator on PSK31 and will also do some SSB. QSL via
K7CO, direct or via the OQRS on ClubLog. NO Bureau. For more details and
updates, see:  

VP5, TURKS AND CAICOS ISLANDS. A team of operators will be active as VP5H
from Providenciales Island (NA-002, WLOTA 2003) during the ARRL DX SSB
Contest (March 1-2nd) as a Multi-Single entry. QSL via W0CG. Operators
mentioned are Geoff/W0CG, Ron/N0AT and Mark/WA0MHJ. Look before and after
the contest, operators will be active as VP5/homecall. QSL via their home
callsigns and LoTW.

VP9, BERMUDA (Reminder). Just a reminder that Michael, G7VJR, the author
of ClubLog, is now active as VP9/G7VJR from Bermuda (NA-005) until February
27th. QSL via M0OXO. We learn that operators Robert/M0VFC, Dom/M0BLF and
Martin/G3ZAY have also joined him and are active as VP9/homecall. Activity
will be on the higher bands using CW and SSB. QSL all operators via their
home callsign, direct or by the Bureau. Operators will upload their logs
to ClubLog and LoTW.

VP9, BERMUDA. Kurt, W6PH, will once again be active as VP9/W6PH for the
ARRL DX Phone Contest (March 1-2nd) as a Single-Op/All-Band/Low-Power
entry. QSL direct to his home callsign W6PH.

XU, CAMBODIA (Reminder). John, KF0RQ, will once again be active as XU7ACQ
from Phnom Penh between February 25th and March 21st. Activity will be
holiday style (he is there to visit his daughter and family) on 40-10
meters using SSB and the Digital modes (RTTY/PSK31). He informs OPDX
that he will be using a broadband 5 band Hex beam at 35 feet for 20-10
meters and a trapped vertical for 40m. John is still looking for South
Dakota and Delaware QSOs for his WAS from XU. QSL via KF0RQ. Online log
search is available at ClubLog.

ZD8, ASCENSION ISLAND (Reminder). Werner, DJ9KH, informs OPDX that he will
once again be active as ZD8D from Ascension Island (AF-003) between February
24th and March 11th, for a more or less holiday-style-expedition. He states,
"This expedition will start in Cape Town, South Africa, on board the RMS
St. Helena. After a two days stop on St. Helena, where I hope to be QRV
with a ZD7-callsign (Feb. 19th to Feb. 21st ), we (me and my wife) will
arrive on Ascension Island Feb.24th. Activity will then start as soon as
possible with a special focus on 160-40 meters. Werner mentions, "After
having a lot of fun with CW on my 2013 A35WH =AD expedition, CW will be the
preferred mode. We are also prepared for 60m and 6m." He will also be in
the ARRL DX SSB Contest (March 1-2nd) as a Single-Op/Single-Band (possibly
10m). QSL via DL9HO. During the second week, they will have a second
operator join him. Axel, DK9BDN, will visit them and help them, especially
on CW. DK1IP will be the pilot station for Werner in Germany. The ZD8D
Web page <> will be updated soon with all the information.
You can use the ZD8D Online QSL Request System to get your ZD8D card(s).
The OQRS is available for direct and Bureau cards.

ZD9, GOUGH ISLAND. Pierre, ZS1HF, reports [edited], "I have taken up the
position of radio technician on Gough Island after the passing of the
current radio technician. The polar supply ship will hopefully depart
Cape Town for Gough Island during the week of February 19-21st. My QSL
Manager is ZS1A. More details once I arrive. My previous tour of duty
was as ZS8M on Marion Island during 2010/2011."

ZL9, CHATHAM ISLAND (Update to OPDX.1149). The ZL7AAA Web site is now
fully functional and active at:

** IMPORTANT NOTICE/REMINDER ** The Ohio/Penn DX Bulletin now has a new
FAX number. Contributors can now send/fax their DX information to the
following number:        1-419-828-7791 ( F A X only! )
SPECIAL NOTE BY EDITOR (Updated 09/15/2013): If you are having a problem
receiving bounced mail by sending mail to me via <>,
please send mail to me via <> ...... TNX de Tedd KB8NW
   Help:        <>
   Subscribe:   <>
   Unsubscribe: <>

Excerpts and distribution of The OPDX Bulletin are granted as long as
KB8NW/OPDX/BARF80 receive credit. To contribute DX info, please send
via InterNet Mail to:  - OR -
Information can now be faxed to the following "NEW" phone line at:
                  1-419-828-7791 (F A X only!)

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