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21 December 2013                                          A.R.I. DX Bulletin

                                   No 1181
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  DX  INFORMATION  ****
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                        Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW 

                    *        TO ALL  OUR READERS        *
                    * WARMEST THOUGHTS  AND BEST WISHES *
                    *     FOR  A  WONDERFUL HOLIDAY     *
                    *    AND A VERY  HAPPY NEW  YEAR    *

1A     - Currently signed up for the 2-7 January 1A0KM  activity  from  SMOM
         are IK0FVC, I0JBL, IK0FTA,  IK0PRG,  IW0BYL,  I0ZY,  I0GOJ,  I0HCJ,
         and VE7NY. QSL via IK0FTA and  LoTW,  logsearch  on  Club  Log  and
         website at [TNX I0JBL]
9Q     - The Daily DX  reports  that  Pascal,  9Q1CFC  (ON4CFC)  expects  to
         activate 9Q0AR, the Amateur Radio  Association  of  the  Democratic
         Republic of Congo's  club  station,  "next  week,  probably  around
         23-27 December".
A6     - Members of the Emirates Amateur Radio Society (EARS) were  expected
         to  be  active  as  A63RI  (  from  Dibba  Rock
         (AS-124) on 19-23 December, with planned CW and SSB  operations  on
         all bands. However on 20 December, after a series  of  unsuccessful
         attempts (strong winds and rough seas), the team will still on  the
         mainland and active as A62A/p from the shore of  the  Indian  Ocean
         opposite Dibba Rock.  Attempts  at  landing  will  continue  on  21
         December, A65BR reports,  but  due  to  the  "extremely  dangerous"
         nature of the rock, the "main goal is just to  get  small  spot  at
         the sea level". QSL via IZ8CLM.
DL     - Stefan, DF8HS will be active from Fehmarn Island (EU-128)  from  20
         December to 16 January. QSL via home call, bureau  preferred.  [TNX]
J7     - John, AD8J will be active as J79JG from Dominica (NA-101)  from  29
         January to 7 February. He will operate mainly CW  "when  not  scuba
         diving". QSL via home call and LoTW. [TNX AD8J]
OH     - Once again OF9X (Old Father 9 Xmas) is active  from  the  heart  of
         Santa Claus Land, in  the  Lapland  region  of  Finland.  The  main
         activity will be over this  coming  weekend  (21-22  December)  "to
         remind you of the fun period of Christmas and to create  the  right
         spirit for families with children throughout the  world".  QSL  via
         OH2BH. Look for OF9X around 25kHz up the band edge (CW)  and  14225
         kHz or thereabout. In addition to SSB QSOs from a year ago or  this
         year, you should now contact Santa also on CW to  qualify  for  the
         2013 Santa Cold Winter (CW) Award. You should track your  two  QSOs
         on Club Log and send your request by email to  of9x[@]  One
         of the QSOs should be from this year. Further  information  on  the
         award and how to compensate for a  missing  QSO  can  be  found  at
OZ     - Special event station 5P14EHC will be active  on  1-31  January  to
         bring attention to the European Men's Handball Championship,  which
         will take place in Denmark between the 12th and the 26th.  QSL  via
         OZ0J (direct only: please use the  OQRS  on  Club  Log  for  bureau
         cards), LoTW and eQSL. Information on the  relevant  award  can  be
         found at [TNX OZ4FF]
PJ4    - William, K9HZ will be active  as  PJ4/K9HZ  from  Bonaire  (SA-006)
         from 20 December to 4 January. He will be QRV on 80-6 metres  using
         portable beam antennas and wires. QSL via K9HZ (direct only),  LoTW
         and eQSL. [TNX]
PY     - Raimundo, PT7CG and and Renner, PY7RP will be active as ZX8DX  from
         Ilha Grande de Santa Isabel  (SA-025)  on  26-30  December  [425DXN
         1180]. They plan to operate SSB, CW  and  digital  modes  on  80-10
         metres. QSL via PT7CG. [TNX PT7CG]
SP     - Special stations HF110RAEM (15-22 December,  QSL  via  SP2FAP)  and
         SO110RAEM (23-31 December, QSL via SP2FAP) are/will  be  active  to
         commemorate the 100th anniversary of the birth of Ernst T.  Krenkel
         (RAEM). On 23-31 December HF110RAEM will  be  operated  by  SP3GVX,
         who will handle the QSL cards for contacts made  during  that  time
SP     - Several special  event  stations  are  expected  to  be  active  to
         commemorate the 120th anniversary of the birth  of  St.  Maximilian
         Maria  Kolbe  (SP3RN)  and  the  75th    anniversary    of    Radio
         Niepokalanow: 3Z120SMK will be QRV  on  8-28  January  2014,  while
         HF0RN, HF120MK, SN0MMK, SN0RN, SN120MK, SN120MMK  and  SN75RN  will
         be active  from  8  January  to  14  August.  In  addition,  II2SMK
         (operated by IZ2SOG) will also be active on 8-28  January.  Further
         information can be found  at
         [TNX SP9JPA]
YB     - The IOTA expedition to Pulau  Kisar  (OC-272,  new  one  for  IOTA)
         [425DXN 1179] has been delayed by bad weather, and the  new  flight
         schedule is for Budi, YF1AR and Imam, YB4IR to depart Ambon  on  22
         December at 10.30 local time (01.00  UTC).  The  return  flight  is
         still confirmed on 25 December at 13.00  local  time  (04.00  UTC).
         Look for YF1AR/8 and YB4IR/8 to be active on 40-10 metres  SSB,  CW
         and the digital modes with two transceivers running 100 watts.  QSL
         YF1AR/8  via  N2OO  (logsearch  on  Club   Log    and    OQRS    on, QSL YB4IR/8 via home  call  (OQRS  on
         Club Log). [TNX YF1AR]
YV     - Roberto, YV5IAL will be active as CE2/YV5IAL  from  Chile  on  2-30
         January.  He  plans  to  operate  PSK31  daily  on  14070.15    and
         occasionally on 10, 15 and 40 metres PSK31 and SSB.  QSL  via  home
         call, direct or bureau. [TNX YV5IAL]
ZD9    - Silvano, I2YSB and the Italian DXpedition Team  (
         announce that they will be active on all bands and modes  as  ZD9TT
         from  Tristan da  Cunha  for  three  weeks in the period September-
         October 2015.  Further information will be  vailable in due course.
         [TNX IK7JWY]

CARIBBEAN TOUR ---> Ted SP3IPB, Mek SP7VC and Kate  SQ7OYL  will  visit  and
operate  CW and SSB on the  HF bands and 6 metres from the Caribbean between
11 and 30 January:
11-12 January  Martinique    FM/SP7VC, FM/SP3IPB, FM/SQ7OYL
15-16 January  Dominica      J79VC, J79PB
17-18 January  Guadeloupe    FG/SP7VC, FG/SP3IPB, FG/SQ7OYL
18-22 January  Montserrat    VP2MPG, VP2MTK
21 January     Antigua       V26/SP7VC, V26/SP3IPB
23-29 January  Dominica      J79VC, J79PB
A beacon from Dominica (J79VC/B) and Montserrat (VP2MPG/B)  will  be  active
On  50095 kHz.  QSL via  home calls.  Further information  can be  found  at [TNX SP7VC]

                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  GOOD TO KNOW ... ****
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                        Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW

CDXC DX MARATHON CHALLENGE  --->  Starting  in  2014,  and  running  from  1
January to 31 December each year the Chiltern DX Club DX Marathon  Challenge
is an annual competition open to any licensed amateur  world-wide.  However,
only fully paid up members of the Chiltern  DX  Club  (  are
eligible to receive Awards. Its purposes are to promote DXing and  recognize
achievement in DXing over the year, and to promote the uploading of logs  to
Club Log (which  leads  to  better  statistical  information  for  us  all).
Detailed information  can  be  found  on  the  Chiltern  DX  Club's  website
(navigate from Home page > CDXC Awards > DX Marathon).

CE9/UA4WHX ---> Vlad is currently active from Isla Navarino (SA-050),  which
DXCC  wise  counts  for  Chile  (neither  for   South    Shetlands  nor  for
Antarctica). Length of stay unknown.  See  for
QSLling instructions.

DXPEDITION OF THE YEAR POLL ---> The DX  2013  DXpedition  of  the
Year poll is now open at "What a great 2013 it's  been
for DXpeditions. The team at DX  World  found  it  incredibly  difficult  to
agree and list the final 25 DXpeditions. Also, this year,  unlike  the  last
two years, we are limiting the votes to only  two  per  person.  We  believe
this to be fair considering it could be that you have an absolute  favourite
DXpedition, followed by a second, which perhaps helped fill those  important
band points". The outcome will  be  available  immediately  after  the  poll
closes, i.e. at 21 UTC on 6 January 2014 - cast your votes!

HEARD ISLAND EXPEDITION DEFINED ---> Following his visit to  the  Australian
Antarctic Division offices in  Hobart,  Tasmania,  Expediton  Organizer  Dr.
Robert Schmieder (KK6EK) made the  final  decisions  that  will  define  the
The expedition is scheduled for  January  2015.  It  will  use  the  Belgian
vessel "Cdt. Fourcault", taking a team of 35  persons.  The  entire  journey
will take about 50 days, with one month at the island.
The  team  will  be  made  up  of   several    sub-teams    (mountaineering,
cryptobiology, marine science,  communications,  documentation),  each  with
its own goals. Their activities will  be  presented  on  separate  real-time
interactive websites. The communications team  will  use  amateur  radio  to
make up to 150,000 individual contacts worldwide using the  callsign  VK0EK,
and provide  real-time  reporting  of  data  and  images  to  the  Internet,
including automatically updating websites that  display  the  activities  of
the team. For further  information,  please  visit  the  expedition  website

KOSOVO ---> On 14 December 52 young Kosovars aged between 18-21  years  took
the first ever Amateur Radio exam under the new  laws  of  the  Republic  of
Kosovo. Fifty of them walked away as new Amateur Radio operators  qualifying
for a U.S. General level license (procedures are now in place only  to  take
the equivalent of U.S. General or CEPT Novice exams).  As  the  exam/license
cost is 50 EUR (70 USD) per person, a major expense  for  today's  youth  in
Kosovo, radio amateurs worldwide are invited to help the new hams with  this
entry level cost. See for  further  information  -  "you
have the option of giving a personal gift to catch the Christmas spirit  and
to  become  a  godfather  in  Amateur  Radio".  Please  inform   Hans,  PB2T
(president[@] or Martti, OH2BH (oh2bh[@] of your desire  to

QSL ZS2DL ---> As of 1 January  2014,  NI5DX  will  no  longer  be  the  QSL
manager for ZS2DL, as Donovan has  decided  that  he  will  handle  his  own
QSLing. NI5DX will continue to answer any QSL requests  for  contacts  prior
to 1 January 2014 until 1 March. At that time,  ALL  requests  for  a  ZS2DL
card must go direct to ZS2DL. All bureau cards must go  to  ZS2DL  as  NI5DX
will no longer reply to bureau cards after 1 January. [TNX Golist]

QSL VIA RN3RQ ---> Sergey "Jack", RN3RQ is the new QSL manager  for  RA2FDX,
N4AF and NY4A. QSL direct (Sergey B.  Yatskiv,  P.O.  Box  87,  Krasnogorsk,
143406, Russia) or bureau and LoTW; OQRS on Club Log. Jack will also be  the
QSL manager for RJ22DX (Kaliningrad) and  RG22RQ  (European  Russia),  which
will be active from 1 January to  31  March  2014  to  celebrate  the  Sochi
Winter Olympics.

T32: STARBUCK AND FLINT ISLANDS 2014 --->  DX  World  (
reports that "a group of three operators plan to  be  active  from  Starbuck
Island (OC-280) and Flint Island (OC-282) next March 2014. The cost  of  the
ship is  $50,000  for  a  journey  of  about  20  days  including  1-2  days
activation in Starbuck and 3 days in Flint. In order  to  reduce  costs  the
team are looking for two more  hams  who  are  willing  to  join  them".  If
interested in participating in this IOTA adventure, please contact DX World.

WRTC2014: ONSITE REFEREES ANNOUNCED ---> WRTC2014, Inc., host  of  the  2014
World Radiosport Team  Championship  (WRTC),  is  pleased  to  announce  the
fifty-nine referees that will be monitoring the competing teams  during  the
competition (12-13 July 2014):
9A4M        Mate Botica              OH1RX       Jouko Hayrynen
CX7TT       Tom Morton               PA3AAV      Gert Meinen
DL2OBF      Heinrich Langkopf        PY8AZT      Luc Moreira
EA5RS       Juan M. Chazarra         RA3AUU      Igor "Harry" Booklan
ES5RY       Toomas Soomets           RA9USU      Dmitry Zhikharev
F6BEE       Jacques Saget            RW4WR       Alex Orlov
G3SXW       Roger Western            S50XX       Kristjan Kodermac
G4BUO       Dave Lawley              S53R        Robert Kasca
GM4AFF      Stewart Cooper           SM6LRR      Mats Strandberg
HA1AG       Zoli Pitman              SP4Z        Wieslaw Kosinski
HA3NU       Lazlo Weisz              UA9MA       Gennady I Kolmakov
HA6ND       Gyorgy Valoczi           UT5UGR      Dmitry Stashuk
HB9CAT      Marco Zollinger          UT7QF       Igor Syerikov
IT9GSF      Fabio Grisafi            VA2WA       Victor Androsov
JH4RHF      Jun Tanaka               VE3EY       Nick Lekic
K4BAI       John T. Laney III        VE3RA       Ed Kulchenko
K4RO        Kirk Pickering           VE3XB       Yuri Romanov
K5GN        David McCarty            VK2IA       Bernd Laenger
K5GO        Stan Stockton            VK4EMM      John Loftus
K5WA        Bob Evans                W0YK        Ed Muns
K6NA        Glenn Rattmann           W4PA        Scott E. Robbins
K7GK        Denis Pochuev            W6OAT       Charles K. "Rusty" Epps
KC7V        Mike Fulcher             YL2KL       Girts Budis
LY7Z        Andrius Ignotas          YO9GZU      Tiberiu "Tibi" Tebeica
LZ1CNN/T6LG Ilian Lazarov Gadzhev    YU1EA/YT8A  Dusan Ceha
LZ2HM       Andrey Stefanov Sachkov  YU1LA       Ivan Mastilovic
N3RD        David Hawes              ZL3CW/F2CW  Jacques Calvo
N5AW        Marvin Bloomquist        ZS4TX       Bernie van der Walt
NF4A        Charles Wooten           ZS6EZ       Chris R. Burger
OE6MBG      Michael S. Schwab
See for  an  explanation  of
the referee qualifications and application process.

YASME EXCELLENCE AWARDS ---> In 2008 The  Yasme  Foundation  (
established the Yasme Excellence Awards, to be awarded to  individuals  who,
through their own service, creativity, effort and dedication,  have  made  a
significant contribution to  amateur  radio.  The  contribution  may  be  in
recognition of technical, operating or organizational  achievement,  as  all
three are necessary for  amateur  radio  to  grow  and  prosper.  The  Yasme
Excellence  Award  is  in   the    form    of    a    cash    grant  and  an
individually-engraved crystal globe. The latest recipients, announced on  19
December, are:
* Tom Roscoe, K8CX: Tom is recognized for his dedication to  collecting  and
  publishing  current  and  historical  photos  and  other documents on  his
  Hamgallery web  site  at  Hamgallery is an  excellent
  amateur radio resource provided free of charge  to  the  online community.
  Tom is also the manager of the W3 QSL Bureau,  contributing many hours  to
  ensuring cards are delivered properly and promptly.
* Lee Sawkins, VE7CC: Lee's software is widely used to manage and filter  DX
  cluster spotting output. Without such filters, the output of the  spotting
  network  would be  overwhelming  and  unusable. Lee's  filtering  software
  enables logging  programs  to  integrate  with  the  spotting  network for
  contesting and general-purpose  operation around the  world. Lee  supports
  the local DX and contesting  community  in  British  Columbia  and will be
  representing Canada in WRTC 2014 as the Team Leader from the NA-12 region.
* John Devoldere, ON4UN:  Along with building one  of  the  premier  amateur
  stations in the world, John's contributions  to  the  DXing community have
  been extensive.  Beginning with "80 Meter DXing,"  published  in 1978, his
  book expanded to "Low-Band DXing," which in its  fifth  edition has become
  the most widely used handbook for operating  and building antenna  systems
  on the bands at 7 MHz and lower  frequencies. The  book contains important
  advances in HF amateur technology and encourages operation on these bands.
* Michael Carroll, N4MC; Eldon Lewis, K7LS; Dean Gibson,  AE7Q;  and  Joseph
  Speroni,  AH0A: these  gentlemen  have  been  instrumental  in   providing
  convenient access by amateurs to information  maintained in FCC databases.
  In the case of N4MC, his Vanity HQ  site  became  the  single most popular
  resource  for  U.S.  amateurs  seeking  to  obtain  a  desired call  sign,
  on-the-air identity being a  fundamental  element  of  amateur  radio.  He
  continues  to  maintain    the    National    Silent    Key    Archive  at  K7LS and AE7Q have  created  similar online services
  that can be found at and AH0A was a pioneer
  in accessing the FCC databases and providing useful summaries of licensing
  information. The services made freely available by these  four individuals
  have greatly enriched and educated U.S. amateurs.
* Ken Claerbout, K4ZW: Ken is recognized for his  work  in  support  of  the
  series of video seminars and  lectures  produced  in  association with the
  Potomac Valley Radio Club. Initially focused on contesting,  the scope has
  broadened to include a variety of operating  and  technical  topics.  More
  importantly,  the   videos  have  encouraged  others  to  publish  similar
  "webinars" and archive them for viewing at any time. 
* Ashraf Chaabane, 3V/KF5EYY: Ashraf has become an energetic  representative
  on  all  fronts of  amateur  radio in  Northern  Africa and  globally.  He
  presents a positive role model  for amateur radio across  the entire  Arab
  world with his  enthusiasm and  competitive spirit.  His mission is to see
  the  day  when the administration in Tunisia issues him the first personal
  license in that country.  Ashraf will also  be representing Africa  as the
  Team Leader for the African team in WRTC 2014.


QSLs received direct or through  managers:  3B9FR,  3DA0PW,  5A1AL,  5B4AJC,
5H1DX, 5H3EE, 5J0R, 5X8EW, 6Y5/G3SWH, 7X2RD, 8R1A,  9L1BTB,  A92HK,  BY7RA/7
(AS-139)CM5FZ,  CN8IG,  CP1/UA4WHX,  CY0P,  D44AC,  D44TS,   D44TXT,  E44PM,
EG3INT/7 (EU-152),  EK7DX,  EX8M,  FO/KH0PR  (OC-094,  OC-131,  OC-238,  and
OC-114), FR4NT, FS/AA4VK, FS/N0TG, FW5JJ, G100C, GB75FOC, GC4FOC/p,  GJ100C,
GN4FOC, GS4FOC, GT4FOC, GU4CHY, H44KW, HP0INT/1 (NA-072),  HP0INT/2  (NA-170
and  NA-202),  HP0INT/3  (NA-071),  HP0INT/4  (NA-088),  HP0INT/9  (NA-203),
HP1/AI5P, HS0ZKX, IA0MZ, J87GU, JA7SGV/6V, KG4HF, KL7KY, KL7RRC/p  (NA-019),
OA4/UA4WHX, OD5NJ/p (AS-108), OW75FOC, OX5YL, P29VNX, PJ2/DL2EVB,  PJ2/K5JP,
PJ2/NT5V, PJ4/K4BAI, PJ4A, SU9VB, T32AU, T6T, T77C,  TF4X,  TM0SM  (EU-081),
TO2TT, TU5NK,  TU5XV,  TX5RV,  V31MA,  V31ZM,  V47T,  V51YJ,  VK0GB,  VK9LL,
VP2MMM,  VP8DMN,  XV2V40J,  YB3MM/2  (OC-186),  YB3MM/4  (OC-262),   YB3MM/p
(OC-197),  YD1NAA/5,  YE30P  (OC-034),  YE3J,  YN2PX,  YS1/AI5P,  ZA/UA4WHX,


               425 DX News is a free of charge weekly bulletin
      edited by Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ and Valeria Pregliasco, IK1ADH

            Its contents may be used, reproduced and distributed
                        in part or full provided that
               "425 DX News" or "425DXN" receive proper credit

          Contributors are invited to send their DX information to
                 Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ (
                      The deadline is 12 UTC on Fridays


                           Direttore Responsabile
                            Gabriele Villa, I2VGW
               Giornalista Professionista - Tessera n. 071675
                      Ordine Nazionale dei Giornalisti
                                Roma, Italia


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