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07 December 2013 A.R.I. DX Bulletin
No 1179
*** 4 2 5 D X N E W S ***
Edited by I1JQJ & IK1ADH
Direttore Responsabile I2VGW
1A - An activity from the Sovereign Military Order of Malta (SMOM) is
being organized to take place on 2-7 January. Further information
is expected in due course. [TNX DX Coffee]
8P - KI1U (8P9IU), N1TA (8P9TA) and K0BJ (8P9BJ) will be active from
Barbados (NA-021) on 9-16 December. They will participate in the
ARRL 10 Meter Contest as 8P8T (QSL via KI1U). [TNX NG3K]
A3 - Klaus, DK1AX and Heidi, DK1MA will be active holiday style as
A35AX from Tongatapu (OC-049) and Vava'u (OC-064), Fiji from 24
February to 7 March. They will operate CW, SSB and RTTY. QSL
preferably through the OQRS provided by Club Log. [TNX NG3K]
A9 - Celebrating "Manama, Capital of Arab Tourism", A92AA and A93LT are
active as A91MCAT from the capital city of Bahrein until 31
December. QSL via IZ8CLM.
OZ - Ric, DL2VFR will be active from Romo Island (EU-125) during the
New Year holidays. He will operate CW as OU1RAEM on 28-31 December
(QSL via DF5LW, direct or bureau) and as OZ/DL2VFR on 1-3 January
(QSL via home call, direct or bureau). [TNX rsgbiota.org]
PJ2 - Once again Jeff, K8ND will be active from the Signal Point contest
station on Curacao (SA-099) on 6-8 December for the ARRL 160 Meter
Contest and on 17-29 January 2014 for the CQ WW 160-Meter CW
Contest. QSL PJ2/K8ND via home call and LoTW, QSL PJ2T via W3HNK
and LoTW.
PJ7 - Nigel, G3TXF will be active as PJ7/G3TXF from Sint Maarten until
11 December. He operates CW only with a focus on 30, 17 and 12
metres. QSL via G3TXF (OQRS on Club Log) and LoTW.
PY - Jose, PU5IKE will be active as ZV5WZZ (not ZW5AAA) from Ilha dos
Remedios (SA-027) on 7-8 December. He plans to operate SSB on 10
metres. QSL via home call (direct or bureau) and LoTW. [TNX PT7WA]
S7 - Igor, UA3DJY will be active as S79ACR from Mahe (AF-024),
Seychelles for one month between mid-December and mid-January. QSL
via home call. [TNX DX World]
SP - Slawek, SQ1KSM and Weronika, SQ1KSL will be active as HF1ZIMA and
SN1ZIMA on 12-22 December. Other stations participating in the
"Welcome Winter" (zima in Polish) award are 3Z3ZIMA, HF3ZIMA,
SN0ZIMA, SN3ZIMA and SN5ZIMA. Further information on qrz.com
UA_ssh - Celebrating the 20th anniversary of the Russian Robinson Club,
Alex RW3RN and Oleg UA3HK/ZS1OIN will be active as RI20ANT from
Bellingshausen Station on King George Island, South Shetlands
(AN-010) on 17-31 December. Main activity will be on 20 metres (on
or around 14160 kHz) SSB and CW. QSL via RW3RN. [TNX UA9OBA]
W - Once again Joe, K5KUA will be active as K5KUA/5 from Galveston
Island (NA-143) from 26 December to 1 January. He usually operates
CW only on 40-10 metres. QSL via home call, direct or bureau.
Logsearch on Club Log. [TNX rsgbiota.org]
W - Celebrating the ARRL's centennial year, the Maxim Memorial Station
in Newington (W1AW) will also use the callsign W100AW during 2014.
When used from regional Centennial conventions and during the IARU
HF Championship, W100AW will have portable designators as
appropriate. Contacts with W100AW will be worth 100 points in the
ARRL Centennial QSO Party (see below).
YB - Look for Budi YF1AR/8 and Imam YB4IR/8 to be active from Pulau
Kisar, part of the Terselatan Islands in the wider Maluku Barat
Daya Islands group (OC-272, new one for IOTA) on 21-25 December.
They will have two transceivers running 100 watts on 40-10 metres
SSB, CW and the digital modes. QSL YF1AR/8 via N2OO (logsearch
On Club Log and OQRS on http://df3cb.com/oqrs/n2oo/), QSL YB4IR/4
via home call (OQRS on Club Log). Further information at
www.yf1ar.com/2013/12/kisar-island-oc-272-new-iota.html [TNX YF1AR]
YN - Scott, K7ZO will be active once again as YN5Z from Nicaragua on
11-18 December. He will be QRV on 20-10 metres, and will
participate in the ARRL 10 Meter Contest. QSL via K7ZO and LoTW.
ZD7 - Daniel, ZS1BBT expects to arrive on St. Helena Island (AF-022) on
11 December, and to remain there for twelve days. He plans to be
QRV from the school station. [TNX The Daily DX]
*** 4 2 5 D X N E W S ***
**** GOOD TO KNOW ... ****
Edited by I1JQJ & IK1ADH
Direttore Responsabile I2VGW
ARRL 10 METER CONTEST ---> Object of the contest is for amateurs around the
world to work as many stations as possible on the 10m band. This year's
event will be held on 14-15 December. Complete details can be found at
ARRL CENTENNIAL QSO PARTY ---> In conjunction with the 100th anniversary of
the ARRL, the ARRL Centennial QSO Party is a year-long operating event
(from 00.00 UTC on 1 January through 23.59 UTC on 31 December 2014) in
which participants can accumulate points (all ARRL members and appointees,
elected officials, HQ staff and W1AW are worth points) and earn awards.
W1AW will be on the air from every state (at least twice) and most US
territories, and it will be easy to work WAS solely by contacting W1AW
portable operations. Complete information can be found at
QSL 5B4AHY ---> Norman, 5B4AIE has taken over the QSL duties for David
Bunn, 5B4AHY, who became SK on 20 November. [TNX 5B4AHJ]
QSL ZC4LI ---> Phil, G3SWH has "at last finished importing all the hundreds
of individual log files into a single file and uploaded it to both Club Log
and LoTW". He has been able to recover some 312,000 QSOs, but "it is
obvious that there are a number of log files missing". Check the on line
log before requesting QSLs (www.g3swh.org.uk/zc4li.html). Also, please note
that "following a decision by the RSGB QSL bureau not to process outgoing
cards for non members, paper QSLs for this station are only available
direct. OQRS is much preferred. Replies to QSL requests received so far
will be mailed within the next few days". [TNX G3SWH]
QSL VIA ZL3CW ---> Jacky "is in the process of moving in to a new home on
December 19th", The Daily DX reports. His new mailing address is: Jacky
Calvo, PO Box 88, Waihi Beach 3642, New Zealand. Mail sent to his old
address will be redirected for one year. ZL3CW is the QSL manager for the
recent N8A, W8A and 5W8A DXpeditions.
VK9MT ---> Many activities are underway as planning continues for the VK9MT
DXpedition to Mellish Reef (28 March-9 April 2014) [425DXN #1173]. The
latest Press Release (30 November) reports that Mike WA6O has joined the
operating team, and Luciano PT7WA has been added as the pilot station for
South America. "We have written approval to land on Mellish Reef from the
Australian government", the team says. As for fundraising, "significant
recognition" has been received from a number of organizations, and "we also
began receiving assistance from individual DXers". With a total budget of
around 127,000 USD, the team looks forward "to hearing from interested
DXers, especially those that need Mellish Reef for an All Time New One".
Donations are welcomed through the website (www.vk9mt.com, to be updated on
or about 8 December). [TNX K5GS]
YOTA ---> The Youngsters On The Air (YOTA) group will be operate several
special callsigns through the end of December: EA7URA/YOTA, EI0YOTA,
Information on the relevant awards (free of charge) can be found at
www.ham-yota.com. [TNX ON9CFG]
+ SILENT KEYS + Dr. Carlos Eduardo Levy Vazquez (XE1YK) passed away at 62
years of age. He served as president of the Federacion Mexicana de Radio
Expermentadores (Mexico's IARU member society) on 2004-2008, and operated
twice from Revillagigedo (1973 and 2007).
Other recently reported Silent Keys include William H. Harper (K9IW), Kevin
M. Bunin (K4PG/C6APG), Carlo Orfella (IK1QQQ) and Alberto Urano Silva
(LU1DZ), originator and founding member of the Grupo Argentino de CW.
QSLs received direct or through managers: 3B8/G0TSM, 4S7TRG, 4S7VG, 4U1ITU,
5H1DX (AF-063), 6V1A (AF-045), 6V7Q, 6Y5WJ, 7P8GF, 7X2ARA, 8R1A, 9L1BTB,
9M2/OK1CZ, 9M2IDJ, 9M4DX, 9X0ZM, A71A, A92HK, BA7KW, CY9M, E51AAR, E51NOU,
E6AK, E6AY, EK2GO, ER5LL, EU3AR, FO/KH0PR (OC-062, OC-094, OC-114, OC-131,
KG4HF, OD5ET, OD5NJ, PQ5M (SA-027), RI1ANU, SV5PFC, T46C (NA-204), T6T,
TI5W, TM0SM, UK8ZC, V73AX, VP2V/W9DR, YB9GV/P (OC-150), YB9KA (OC-150),
YC9IPY, YF1AR/6 (OC-245), YF1AR/9 (OC-275), YN2PX, YS1/AI5P, Z21DXI, Z81Z,
425 DX News is a free of charge weekly bulletin
edited by Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ and Valeria Pregliasco, IK1ADH
Its contents may be used, reproduced and distributed
in part or full provided that
"425 DX News" or "425DXN" receive proper credit
Contributors are invited to send their DX information to
Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ (425dxn@alice.it)
The deadline is 12 UTC on Fridays
Direttore Responsabile
Gabriele Villa, I2VGW
Giornalista Professionista - Tessera n. 071675
Ordine Nazionale dei Giornalisti
Roma, Italia
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