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05 October 2013                                           A.R.I. DX Bulletin

                                   No 1170
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  DX  INFORMATION  ****
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                        Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW

4X     - Yulik 4X6HP, Vlad 4Z5IW and Ros 4Z5LA will be active as  homecall/p
         from Akhziv Island (AS-100) [425DXN 1169] from about 4  UTC  on  18
         October until around  12  UTC  on  the  19th.  They  will  run  two
         stations and operate CW and SSB. QSL via home calls. [TNX 4X1VF]
6W     - Luc, F5RAV (6V7T) has cancelled the announced side  trip  to  N'gor
         Island  (AF-045)  [425DXN  1169]  and  will  be  active  only  from
         mainland Senegal on 8-17 October. QSL direct to F5RAV.
C9     - Target frequencies for the C82DX expedition to  Mozambique  [425DXN
         1163] are:
         CW   1820.5 3513 7013 10113 14013 18072 21023 24900 28013 50105
         SSB  1845   3780 7075   -   14200 18140 21285 24945 28470 50105
         RTTY   -    3580 7035 10140 14075 18102 21075 24910 28075   -
         The group (JN1THL, K6RB, K6TD, K8EAB, N1DG, N4NX, N4XP, N9JA, NF4A,
         VA7DX, W6OAT, WF4W, ZS6P, ZS6PJH and ZS6RI) plans to be operational
         by  14 October, and the operation will run until the morning of the
         An OQRS for direct an bureau cards will be activated  on  Club  Log
         after the DXpedition ends.  Traditional  requests  should  be  sent
         direct to C82DX, P.O. Box 333, Bethlehem GA 30620, USA.  Logs  will
         be uploaded  to  LoTW  six  months  after  the  conclusion  of  the
         DXpedition. Logsearch and  further  information  can  be  found  at
E5_sc  - Once again Bill, N7OU will  be  active  as  E51NOU  from  Rarotonga
         (OC-013), South Cook Islands between 14 October and 9 November.  He
         will be QRV in his spare time on 160-10 metres CW.  QSL  via  N7OU.
         [TNX DX World]
I      - Look  for  Augusto  IA5/IK4RQJ,  Vanni  IA5/IK4RUX  and Sergio IA5/
         IZ4BBF to be active from Isola del Giglio (EU-028) on 8-13 October.
         They will operate SSB and digital modes on the  HF  bands.  QSL via
         home calls, direct or bureau. [TNX IK4RUX]
J8     - Fred, DH5FS is active as J8/DH5FS from IOTA group  NA-025  until  9
         October. From 30 September to 4 October  he  operated  from  Bequia
         Island, while on 5-9 October he will be on Union  Island.  QSL  via
         Club Log's OQRS (preferred method), otherwise via DM5JBN.
KG4    - Bill, W4WV (KG4WV) and  Al,  W6HGF  (KG4HF)  will  be  active  from
         Guantanamo Bay between 11 and 25  October.  They  plan  to  operate
         SSB, RTTY, PSK and some CW on all bands. QSL via home  calls.  [TNX
         The Daily DX]
S2     - S21ZBC and S21ZBB are the callsigns for the Mediterraneo DX  Club's
         DXpedition to Bangladesh [425DXN 1156]:  S21ZBC  will  be  used  on
         16-22 November, while S21ZBB will be used on 23-26 November, CQ  WW
         DX CW Contest included. A large multi-national team (I2VGW,  I8YGZ,
         ON7RN, RA9USU, S21AM,  S21D,  S21RC,  YO5OED  and  YO9XC)  will  be
         active on 160-6m with six stations - two for SSB, two  for  CW  and
         two for RTTY. QSL via  IK2VUC,  direct  or  bureau.  Logs  will  be
         uploaded to LoTW six months after the conclusion of the  DXpedition
         Further information, including logsearch and OQRS  in  due  course,
         can be found on [TNX MDXC]
T8     - Kiichi, JF1LUT will be active as T88IK from Koror  (OC-009),  Palau
         on 8-15 October. He will operate SSB only on the  HF  bands  and  6
         metres. QSL via home call, direct or bureau.
V4     - Once again John, W5JON will be  active  as  V47JA  from  St.  Kitts
         (NA-104) from 10 October to 10 November. He will  operate  SSB  and
         digital modes, and will participate in the CQ WW DX SSB Contest  as
         V49J. All QSLs via W5JON (direct only) and  LoTW.  His  wife  Cathy
         (W5HAM) will also operate occasionally as V47HAM.  [TNX  The  Daily
VK9L   - Fred, VK3DAC  will be  active  as  VK9DAC  from  Lord  Howe  Island
         (OC-004) on 14-20 October. He expects to be QRV on or around  3595,
         7105, 14250, 21250, 28450 and 50150 kHz, during his early  mornings
         and into the evenings as time and conditions  allow  QSL  via  home
         call, direct or bureau.
W      - Special event callsigns N1A, N2A, N3A, N4A,  N5A,  N6A,  N7A,  N8A,
         N9A and N0A will be activated from each of the  US  call  areas  on
         6-12  October  to  celebrate  the  9th  anniversary  of  the  North
         American QRP CW Club (NAQCC). QSL direct to KK1X.  Details  on  the
         event can be found at [TNX VA3RJ]
W     -  Jacek,   SP5APW   (  has  revised   his
         schedule [425DXN 1169] and now plans  to  be  active  as  W4/SP5APW
         from five IOTA groups as follows:
         14-15 October   Jekyll      NA-058
         16-17 October   Okaloosa    NA-142
         17-18 October   St. George  NA-085
         19 October      Talbot      NA-138
         20-22 October   Cedar Key   NA-076
         He will be QRV holiday style mainly  on 20, 15 and 10  metres  SSB.
         QSL via home call, direct or bureau.
XE     - Manuel XE2HUQ, Saul XE2HQI, Craig XE2HWJ and  Felix  XE2I  will  be
         active as XF1P from Isla Partida (NA-124) on  9-16  November.  They
         plan to operate SSB  and  CW  on  160-10  metres.  QSL  via  XE2HUQ
         (direct only).
YB     - Before returning to the  Philippines,  Leo,  YC9MLL  [425DXN  1165]
         will concentrate his last operations from  Flores  Island  (OC-151)
         on 5-6, 12-13, 19-20 and 26-27 October. Look for him on  or  around
         21260 kHz. QSL via M0OXO. [TNX]
YB     - Joni, YB9WZJ and Lucky,  YD9RQX  plan  to  be  active  from  Waigeo
         Island (OC-239) between 16 and 22 October. Expect them  to  operate
         SSB on 40, 20 and 15 metres. [TNX JN6RZM]
YO     - Special event station YR900ORA will be active until 15  October  to
         celebrate the 900th  anniversary  of  the  city  of  Oradea.  Local
         amateur  radio  operators  are  using   special    prefix    YO900.
         Information  on  the  relevant    award    can    be    found    at

                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  GOOD TO KNOW ... ****
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                        Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW

CY0P ---> Operations from  Sabe  Island  will  stop  earlier  than  planned.
"Rather  than  returning  on 11 October",  the team  said,  "for a number of
safety (WX) and cost considerations, the return date will be on either 7, 8,
or 9 October". Activity is on 160-10 metres CW  and  SSB.  Due  to equipment
limitations, there will be no RTTY operation.

HP0INT ---> The HP0INT story (32188 QSOs from the  six  Panama  IOTA  groups
between 5 and 19 September), along with  pictures  and  statistics,  can  be
found at

HQ4W  ---> Dan, HR2DMR was active as HQ4W from Isla El Tigre (NA-060) for  a
few  hours  between  2-3  October.  This  was  a    reconnaissance  trip  in
preparation for the main activation on 17-20 October [425DXN 1169]. QSL  via
KD4POJ. [TNX DX World]

K9W ON HOLD ---> On 1 October the K9W Management team  announced  that  "due
to  the  U.S.  Government  shutdown,  the  Wake  Island  K9W  Forgotten  98s
Commemorative DXpedition is now on hold pending a revised schedule. We  will
announce new dates for the DXpedition as soon as  possible.  Thank  you  for
your patience and understanding." Keep an eye on

LY  PREFIX  HUNTER  TROPHY  --->  This  plaque  is  issued  for  working  25
Lithuanian stations with different LY prefixes. Details can be found on  the
Vytautas Magnus University Radio  Club's  website  (  [TNX

NOT THE QSL MANAGER ---> Con, DF4SA is not the QSL manager  for  7X2ARA.  "I
ONLY manage my contacts that I made during 2003 CQ WW  DX  CW  Contest  from
this club station", he says. Please refrain from  sending  QSL  requests  to
him, as "it is a waste of money and time for everybody". [TNX DF4SA]

QSL 9K2MA ---> "I am still the QSL Manager for  9K2MA",  Russ  WA3FRP  says,
"and I am happy to report that Mohammad has, once again, become  active  and
on-the-air. I have the logs from 1983-1995 plus 2013 - present".

W/VE ISLANDS ---> The W/VE Islands QSO Party will take place from 16 UTC  on
19 October through 23.59 UTC on the 20th. Complete information can be  found

                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ******* QSL  ROUTES *******
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                        Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW

CALL        MANAGER     CALL        MANAGER     CALL        MANAGER
3B8BAE      K5XK        EY0A        UA4LCH      SN07NN      SP3PET
3D2GC/p     LZ1GC       EY8DX       UA4LCH      SW9XB       DJ9XB
3D2RA       LZ2HM       FH4VOS      DL7BC       T6TM        KB2RLB
3G3O        CE3OP       FR5FC       EA7FTR      T88GJ       JL1FUQ
3Z2X        SP2YWL      GB13NH      G5FZ        TF2R        TF3AO
3Z5N        SP5GRM      H7H         EB7DX       TM1A        F6KOP
4A1SG       XE1EE       HB9SPACE    HB9ACA      TM24FIG     F6CSQ
4A1TD       XE1GZU      HF160JMHW   SP3PWL      TM63ISS     F5KDC
4O/HG3IPA   HA3JB       HF17TRD     SP9PTA      TM6BRE      F4EUG
5C5W        EA5XX       HF715BRO    SQ2OMB      TO2TT       I2YSB  [d]
5N53EAM     IK2IQD      HK1NA       K6PIM       TO2TT       IK2CIO [b]
5X1NH       G3RWF       HP7VNB      HP1AVS      TX5D        N7QT
5Z4/EA4ATI  EA4YK       HQ4W        KD4POJ      UK8OAR      W3HNK
6V1A        6W7JX       HS0ZKG      F6AXX       UN8LWZ      RW6HS
6V7X        IK2FIL      IB2PDT      IQ2LZ       UP44WFF     UN6QC
8P2K        KU9C        ID9Y        HB9FHZ [b]  UP50A       DL8KAC
8P9LJ       G0OPA       ID9Y        IK8YFU [d]  UV5U        UX1UA
9H3JK       ZB2JK       IL3V        I3BQC       V31MA       M0OXO
9HOHSJ      9H1VC       IP1T        IZ5JLF      V31WI       WI9WI
9K2MA       WA3FRP      IQ9UI       IT9CHU      V63SC       JM1LBO
9N2YY       OH2YY       J8/DH5FS    DM5JBN      V73AY       BD4DYH
9N7BF       DL8BF       JW8DW       LA8DW       VE2CSI      M0URX
A35JQ       JF6QIP      JY9FC       E73Y        VI6WA100    VK6IR
A41KJ       NI5DX       KH0/KW2X    JG7PSJ      VK9LL       VK2CCC
A60A        IZ8CLM      KP4RV       AI4U        VP9I        WW3S
AH0BT       7L1FPU      LT0H        EA7FTR      W0CXX       N3SL
AY8A        LU8ADX      LX/OR5M     ON4CP       W4CRC       N3SL
C6ADL       LA9DL       LX7I        LX2A        W5ROK       N3SL
C91GBA      EA4GBA      LZ8E        LZ2BE       W6CXX       N3SL
CE0YHO      EB7DX       MC0NSC      GW0VSW      WH0RU       JG7PSJ
CE2AWW      VE7WY       MJ0CFW      M0CFW       WH7Z        W0CN
CN2OS       PD0JOS      MJ5Z        M0CFW       XE3FMRE     XE3RCC
CO0II       EA7FTR      N0CXX       N3SL        XE3IARU     DL6KAC
CO0SK       EA5GL       NP4A        W3HNK       XU7AEU      M6CFW
CO0SM       CO2FRC      OD5PL       HB9CRV      XV5HS       EA5ZD
CO0SS       CO2FRC      OD5PY       KU9C        XW4XR       E21EIC
CO2IZ       EA1EAU      OD5RW       K8NA        YO900AIR    YO5AIR
CO6CAC      PY4WAS      OG20YL      OH2YL       YO900ALI    YO5ALI
CO6HLP      EA7FTR      OH0R        OH2PM       YO900AMF    YO5AMF
CO6RD       EA5GL       OH0V        OH6LI       YO900BRE    YO5BRE
CR2T        CU2AF       OH0Z        W0MM        YO900BRZ    YO5BRZ
CR3A        EA5GL       OL3A        OK1MR       YO900BYV    YO5BYV
CT9/CT1FFU  CT1EEB      ON40C130H   ON2KFJ      YO900OAW    YO5OAW
CW7T        K5WW        ON70REDSTAR ON4OSA      YO900OBA    YO5OBA
CW90A       CX2ABC      OQ2MRS      ON4RCN      YO900ODL    YO5ODL
CX/AL4Q     DJ8QP       OX3LX       OZ1PIF      YO900ODT    YO5ODT
CX7CO       EA5GL       OX5M        OZ0J        YO900OED    YO5OED
CY0P        VE1RGB      P29LL       EA7FTR      YO900OVM    YO5OVM
D2EB        IZ3ETU      P29NO       EA5GL       YR900ORA    YO5OFP
DM50IOTA    DL2VFR      P49X        W0YK        YS1/NP3J    EA5GL
DU1KA       NR6M        PP5/AL4Q    DJ8QP       YT0WFF      YU7CM
EA6/G3SZU   M0OXO       R2FAA       RW6HS       YW2LV       YV5YMA
ED1R        EC1KR       R863LC      R3LC        YW5T        YV5JBI
EG8LG       EA8TC       RI1ANU      ZS1OIN      ZL3X        ZL3PAH
EJ0M        G0MTD       SD7M        DF9TM       ZM90DX      M0OXO
EN60UKC     US5UZ       SD7W        DL2SWW      ZV2K        PY2SHF
ES9C        ES5RY       SJ2W        SM2LIY      ZW8T        PS8HF

6W7JX    Jean-Louis Pipien, B.P. 1958, Mbour, Senegal
BV60V    China Radio Association, P.O. Box 117-254, Taipei, Taiwan
EB7DX    David Lianez Fernandez, P.O. Box 163, 21080 Huelva, Spain
F6AXX    Norbert Laurent, 72 chemin de Bellevue, 83500 La Seyne sur Mer,
EX8AD    Yuri Belousov, Ul. Vlasova 141, Bishkek, 720076, Kyrgyzstan
I2YSB    Silvano Borsa, Viale Capettini 1, 27036 Mortara PV, Italy
IK8YFU   Alessandro Pochi, Via Pio La Torre 79, 89024 Polistena RC, Italy
JF6QIP   Sadaharu  Hashimoto, 4-5-41-206 Seki-machi-minami, Nerima-ku,
         Tokyo-to, 177-0053, Japan
LZ1GC    Stanislav Iv. Vatev, ul. Gen. Karcov No. 6A, 4300 Karlovo, Bulgaria
LZ2HM    Andrey Sachkov, ul Georgi Bundjulov No.19, 2360 Breznik, Bulgaria
N7QT     Robert E. Fanfant, 9404 NE 20th Street, Clyde Hill WA 98004, USA
VE1RGB   R. Gary Bartlett, 24 Lawrence Place, Wellington NS B2T 1A3, Canada


               425 DX News is a free of charge weekly bulletin
      edited by Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ and Valeria Pregliasco, IK1ADH

            Its contents may be used, reproduced and distributed
                        in part or full provided that
               "425 DX News" or "425DXN" receive proper credit

          Contributors are invited to send their DX information to
                 Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ (
                      The deadline is 12 UTC on Fridays


                           Direttore Responsabile
                            Gabriele Villa, I2VGW
               Giornalista Professionista - Tessera n. 071675
                      Ordine Nazionale dei Giornalisti
                                Roma, Italia


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