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17 August 2013                                            A.R.I. DX Bulletin

                                   No 1163
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  DX  INFORMATION  ****
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                        Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW

9H     - Rich, KE1B (9H3MMM) and Anna, W6NN  (9H3NN)  will  be  active  from
         Malta (EU-023) on 21-26 August. They will operate holiday style  on
         40-10 metres CW, SSB and  RTTY.  QSL  via  home  calls,  direct  or
         bureau, plus LoTW and eQSL. Logsearch and OQRS on Club Log.
C9     - A team from South Africa and the US (K1MM, K6TD, N1DG, N4XP,  N9JA,
         NF4A, W6OAT, W6OSP, ZS6P, ZS6PJH  and  ZS6RI)  will  be  active  as
         C82DX from Xai Xai, Mozambique on 15-22 October. They will  operate
         CW, SSB and RTTY on 160-6 metres, with a focus on  the  low  bands.
         QSL via Club Log's OQRS (direct and bureau) and  LoTW  (six  months
         after  the  conclusion  of  the  DXpedition).  Traditional   direct
         requests should go to C82DX, P.O.  Box  333,  Bethlehem  GA  30620.
         USA. Further information can be found at
CX     - A team from Radiogrupo Sur will be active on all  bands  and  modes
         as CW5X from the lighthouse at Punta Jose Ignacio on 16-18  August.
         QSL  direct  to  CX2ABC.  Further  information  can  be  found   at [TNX Radiogrupo Sur]
DL     - Hans, DL2RU will be active as DL2RU/p from Fehmarn Island  (EU-128)
         on 17-22 August. QSL via home  call,  direct  or  bureau.  [TNX  DX
E4     - Peri, HB9IQB ( will  be  active  again
         as E44PM from Palestine "in late August". He will be  runnning  100
         watts into wire verticals. QSL via HB9IQB, direct or  bureau.  Peri
         plans to upload his log to LoTW and Club  Log  on  a  daily  basis.
         [TNX DX World]
I      - ARI La Spezia will  participate  in  the  ILLW  as  IP1T  from  San
         Venerio lighthouse on Tino Island (EU-083). Expect activity on  the
         HF bands, as well as on 6, 4 and 2 metres.  QSL  via  IZ5JLF.  [TNX
I      - Bruno, IZ0DIB and Marco, IZ6ASI will operate SSB as  IZ0DIB/6  from
         Senigallia lighthouse on 17-18 August for the ILLW. [TNX IZ6ASI]
I      - Alessandro, IW5ELA will be active as  IG9/IW5ELA    from  Lampedusa
         Island (AF-019) on 8-18 September. He will operate mainly  CW.  All
         of the  QSOs  will  be  confirmed  automatically  via  the  bureau.
         Logsearch on Club Log.
J8     - A polish team (SP2EBG, SP3CYY, SP3GEM, SP6EQZ, SP6IXF,  SP9FOW  and
         SP9PT) will be active as J88HL from St. Vincent (NA-109)  on  17-29
         November. They will have at least three  stations  active  24/7  on
         160-10 metres CW, SSB and RTTY, with a serious effort  on  the  low
         bands. They will also have equipment for 6 metres. QSL route to  be
         announced;  logsearch  and   OQRS    on    Club    Log.    Bookmark for updates. [TNX SP6EQZ]
JA     - Look for Kenji, JA4GXS/4 to be active from Kasadojima  (AS-117)  on
         17 August from about 7 UTC until about 22 UTC. He will  be  QRV  on
         40, 30 and 20 metres SSB and CW.  QSL  via  home  call,  direct  or
         bureau. [TNX JI3DST]
LY     - Sam, LY5W will be active as LY5W/p  from  the  Nida  Lighthouse  on
         16-20 August. He will operate mainly CW and  SSB  with  some  RTTY.
         [TNX LY5W]
OZ     - Special station OZ6SYL will be  active  on  22-25  August  for  the
         Scandinavian Young Ladies Radio Amateurs' 10th anniversary  meeting
         that will take place in  Roskilde  (  QSL  via
OZ     - Heinz DC5WW, Robert DK2RO, Anton DL8AW, Norbert  DL9NAC  and  Thilo
         DL9NBJ will be active as 5Q7Y from  Langeland  Island  (EU-172)  on
         14-21 September. QSL via DL8AW, direct  or  bureau  (OQRS  on  Club
         Log), and LoTW.
S5     - The following special event callsigns are expected to be in use  to
         celebrate  EuroBasket  2013  (the    FIBA    European    Basketball
         Championship to be held in Slovenia  on  4-22  September):  S500EB,
         S513EB, S521EB, S522EB, S523EB,  S531EB,  S533EB,  S539EB,  S541EB,
         S542EB, S543EB, S544EB, S546EB and S563EB. QSL via bureau.
SV5    - Hans, ON6ZK active as  SV5/ON6ZK/p  from  Kos  Island  (EU-001)  on
         23-30 August. He will be QRV mainly on 20 metres SSB  and  CW.  QSL
         via home call, bureau preferred. [TNX NG3K]
TK     - Sebastian, IK2WZM will be  active  as  TK9ZM  (
         from Corsica (EU-014) on 2-8 September.  He  will  operate  holiday
         style on the HF bands  and  6  metres.  QSL  via  home  call.  [TNX
         Mediterraneo DX Club]
V5     - Hardy, DF3GY and Hans, DF2UU will participate in the IARU Region  1
         SSB Field Day (7-8  September)  and  the  WAE  SSB  Contest  (14-15
         September) as  V55V  from  Namibia.  QSL  via  DJ8VC.  Outside  the
         contests they will operate CW and SSB as V5/DF3GY and  V5/DF2UU  on
         160-6 metres. [TNX NG3K]
VE     - Dana, VE1VOX  will  be  active  as  VY2/VE1OTA    from  West  Point
         Lighthouse on Prince Edward Island (NA-029) on  16-18  August.  QSL
         via VE3EXY. [TNX NG3K]
VK     - Albert, VK3KLB and others will be active as  VK7LH  from  Low  Head
         Lighthouse on the main island of Tasmania (OC-006) on 17-18  August
         for the ILLW. They plan to have  up  to  three  stations  operating
         simultaneously depending upon conditions. QSL via VK3KLB.

                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  GOOD TO KNOW ... ****
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                        Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW

DX MAGAZINE MOST WANTED SURVEY ---> The  DX Magazine's  annual  Most  Wanted
Survey is being  conducted now  through 15 October.  The survey form can  be
found  at  Many DXCC Entities have
been added to the survey for this year, but if you still need something that
is  not listed,  simply  use the "Additions or Comments" space at the end of
the form).  The  overall results  will be published  in the January-February
2014 issue of The  DX  Magazine, and  the world-wide results will  be posted
to the web site around 15 January 2014. The breakdown by mode/Low Bands will
be published in the March-April 2014 issue of the magazine. [TNX N4AA]

DXCC NEWS ---> Z81X (Republic of  South  Sudan,  2013  operation)  has  been
approved for DXCC  credit.  If  you  have  had  this  rejected  in  a  prior
application, send a note to bmoore[@] to be placed on the  list  for
an update to your record. Please note the submission date  and/or  reference
number where the  rejection  was  noted  to  expedite  the  search  for  any
rejected QSOs. [TNX NC1L]

GACW ---> The new website for the Grupo Argentino de CW (GACW) can be  found
at [TNX LU6EF]

ILLW  --->  The  16th  annual  International  Lighthouse/Lightship  Weekend,
conducted under the sponsorship of the Ayr Amateur Radio  Group,  will  take
place from 00.01 UTC on 17 August until 23.59  UTC  on  the  18th.  Complete
information on  this  popular  event,  including  a  list  of  participating
stations, can be found at

OH2BH ---> "Changing Times in DX Hunt", the  keynote  lecture  delivered  by
Martti Laine, OH2BH on 29 June at Ham Radio 2013 (Friedrichshafen),  is  now
available  -  slides  and  audio  (five  separate  .pps   files)  -  on  the
Documentary Archive Radio Communications' website at

KV4 STATIONS ---> The KP2 QSL  Bureau  "constantly  receives  QSLs  for  KV4
stations who are not located in the  US  Virgin  Islands",  Fred,  K9VV/NP2X
(KP2 QSL Bureau Manager) reports. Nowadays the KV4  prefix  is  assigned  to
the continental USA, the only KV4 callsigns  that  are  located  in  the  US
Virgin Islands (KP2) are KV4BA, KV4BT, KV4BW, KV4CF,  KV4DN,  KV4FZ,  KV4HR,
KV4IE and KV4KW.

QSL VIA NR6M ---> The new mailing address for NR6M is: Rex Turvin,  18040  W
Banning Street, Casa Grande AZ 85193, USA. He is the QSL manager  for  5W0W,
RU0LAX,  RU0LAX/p,  VP2V/AA7V  and  VP2V/KE2VB.  Logsearch  and    OQRS  are
available for most of them, see

WRTC 2014 ---> WRTC2014, Inc.,  host  of  the  2014  World  Radiosport  Team
Championship  (WRTC)  has  announced  that  the  application    process  for
individuals that would like to participate in WRTC2014 as a Team  Leader  is
now open. Team Leader applications  must  be  submitted  no  later  than  13
September. A total of  54  Team  Leaders  will  be  selected  from  the  top
qualifiers in 29 regions from  around  the  world.  Each  Team  Leader  then
selects their teammate for the competition. The  Team  Leader  qualification
formula consists of 12 scores selected from  55  qualifying  events  between
October 2010 and March 2013. Full details of the  qualification  process  as
well as the Team Leader application form can be found on  the  WRTC2014  web
site ( In addition to the regional  qualifying,  there  is
also a slot dedicated to a contest team  with  both  members  less  than  25
years old before July 2014. Those interested in  being  considered  for  the
Youth Team must follow the Team Leader application process.

XZ1Z ---> Zorro, JH1AJT was QRV on 17 and 20 metres as  XZ1Z  from  Nay  Pyi
Taw, the capital city of Myanmar, on 13-16 August while  on  a  mission  for
the Foundation for Global Children. He expects to  return  next  month.  His
operating  permission,  issued  by  the  Ministry  of    Communications  and
Information Technology, is valid until 12 September. QSL  via  JH1AJT.  [TNX

+ SILENT KEYS + Recently reported Silent Keys include Amir Jaganjac  (E75O),
Thomas C. Meier (K7ZZ), Morris  J.  Young  (KR5V),  Gordon  Leland  (KU4EC),
Milind "Micky" Korde  (VU2IZO),  N.G.  Nanda  (VU2NG),  G.  Scott  Henninger
(W8GS) and Henry "Harry" Burton (ZL2APC).


QSLs received direct or through managers: 3B9FR, 3C0E,  3C6A,  3D2RX,  4K6C,
5B4AFM/p (AS-120), 5N7M, 5T0SP,  5X8C,  6W/HA0NAR,  6Y5/G3SWH,  7P8D,  7T9A,
7X5KBS, 8Q7DV, 8Q7KP,  9L5MS,  9M2/OK1CZ,  9U1RSI,  9X0ZM,  A92GR,  AD5A/KL5
(NA-158), AP2MB, BV2DQ, C4W, C91LW, CP4DR, D2QR,  D44TWO,  D85C,  DU9/JA1PBV
(OC-175), E51EWP, E51M, ER4A, ES5G, ET3AA, EY7AD,  EY8MM,  FT5ZB,  GS3PYE/p,
H44AJ (OC-285), H44IND (OC-158), H44S  (OC-285),  HC2/KF6ZWD,  HD8A,  HP1WW,
HV5PUL, IA5A (EU-028), J49C, J5NAR,  J68HZ,  J69MV,  J75PX,  JD1BMH,  JT1CO,
KH0XH, M8C, OH1VR/VP9, OJ0R, RI1ANU, SU8N  (AF-109),  T6LG,  TM28UFT,  TM6M,
TO2D, TO5PX (NA-107), TS8TI (AF-083),  TX5K,  TZ6BB,  V31IV,  VK0TH,  VK4SWE
(OC-227), VR2XMT, VU7KV,  VY0/VE3VID  (NA-174),  YB8RW/p  (OC-236),  YB8XM/p
(OC-271), YE1Z, Z81X.


               425 DX News is a free of charge weekly bulletin
      edited by Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ and Valeria Pregliasco, IK1ADH

            Its contents may be used, reproduced and distributed
                        in part or full provided that
               "425 DX News" or "425DXN" receive proper credit

          Contributors are invited to send their DX information to
                 Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ (
                      The deadline is 12 UTC on Fridays


                           Direttore Responsabile
                            Gabriele Villa, I2VGW
               Giornalista Professionista - Tessera n. 071675
                      Ordine Nazionale dei Giornalisti
                                Roma, Italia


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