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10 August 2013                                            A.R.I. DX Bulletin

                                   No 1162
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  DX  INFORMATION  ****
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                        Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW

4S     - This year the Radio Society of Sri Lanka's annual  activity  during
         the International Lighthouse Lightship Weekend (17-18  August) will
         take place from Dondra Head Lighthouse, on the extreme southern tip
         of the main  island (AS-003).  Look for  4S7LGT to be QRV on  40-15
         metres. [TNX 4S7JL]
6W     - Freddy, F5IRO will be active as 6V7O from Senegal on 12-26  August.
         He will operate mainly CW on 40-10 metres. QSL  via  F8DFP,  direct
         or bureau. The logs will be uploaded to Club Log and  LoTW  at  end
         of August. [TNX DX World]
9A     - Leo, S50R will be active as 9A/S50R from Solta Island  (EU-016)  on
         9-17 August. QSL via home call, direct or bureau,  and  LoTW.  [TNX]
9A     - Dirk, DO7DP will be active  holiday  style  as  9A/DO7DP  from  Rab
         Island (EU-136) on 10-24 August. He will operate on  the  HF  bands
         using PSK31, RTTY and some  SSB.  QSL  via  home  call,  direct  or
         bureau. [TNX DX Newsltter]
9A     - Marco, IZ3GNG will be active as 9A/IZ3GNG from Rab Island  (EU-136)
         on 13-18 August and from Korcula Island (EU-016) on  19-26  August.
         QSL  via  home  call  (email  requests  for    bureau    cards   to
         iz3gng[@] [TNX IZ3GNG]
A4     - A team from the Royal Omani  Amateur  Radio  Society  will  operate
         SSB, CW and digital modes as A43MI from Masirah Island (AS-014)  on
         20-24 September. QSL via A47RS. [TNX A41MA]
CT7    - Jose Luis CT1GZB (SSB and  CW),  Carlos  CT1CSY  (SSB)  and  Rafael
         CT2JXT  (PSK31  and  RTTY)  will  be  active  as  CR6LH  from   the
         lighthouse at Cabo Raso (ARLHS POR-011) on  17-18  August  for  the
         ILLW. QSL via CT1GZB, direct or bureau. [TNX CT1GZB]
CT7    - The Associacao de Radioamadores da Vila de Moscavide  will  operate
         SSB on 40, 20, 15 and 10 metres as CS2HNI from  the  lighthouse  at
         Forte do Cavalo (ARLHS POR-021) on 17-18 August  during  the  ILLW.
         QSL via CT1RVM, bureau preferred. The special callsign honours  the
         memory of Artur Machado, CT2HNI (SK in 2009). [TNX CT1RVM]
EA     - The reconstruction of Donostia-San  Sebastian  started  immediately
         after the city burned to the ground during a tragic siege in  1813.
         Commemorating  those  events,  the  Union  de  Radioaficionados  de
         Donostia  (EA2URD)  will  use  special  callsign  EH200D  (QSL  via
         EA2URD) for the rest of the year. The  first  two  activities  will
         take place on 24-25 August (from the Mota Castle) and  31  August-1
         September (from EA2URD's HQ). Also, amateur radio operators in  the
         province of Gipuzkoa will be allowed to use "200" in  their  prefix
         (e.g. EA200XYZ for EA2XYZ) between  24  August  and  15  September.
         [TNX EA2EA]
EA8    - Grupo DX Gran Canaria and URE Las Palmas will  participate  in  the
         ILLW (17-18 August) as AO8LH the lighthouse at Punta  de  la  Aldea
         on the island of Gran Canaria (AF-004). Look for  activity  on  the
         HF bands CW, SSB and RTTY. QSL via EA8AKN and LoTW. [TNX EA8RM]
GI     - The Lagan Valley ARS (GI4GTY) will be active  as  GB0REL  from  the
         East Lighthouse on Rathlin Island (EU-122)  on  16-18  August.  QSL
         via LoTW only.
GW    -  The   official    entrants    list    for    this    year's    ILLW
         ( includes GC0OBS from
         St Tudwal's. Please note that the operators  (G8CQH and G4WMH) will
         will be located on mainland Wales, as they did last year,  and  not
         on the nearby island. Both the St  Tudwal's  Islands  (EU-106)  are
         private property, and the owners "do  not  allow  the  public,  let
         alone radio hams, to visit" (MM0NDX). QSL GC0OBS via G4WMH.
I      - The Calabria DX Team will be active as II8LH  from  the  lighthouse
         at Capo Spartivento (WAIL CL-009, ARLHS ITA-043) on 10 August.  QSL
         via HB9FHZ (bureau) or IK8YFU (direct), LoTW and eQSL.
I      - Look for Paolo, IA5/IZ5NFD, to be active from Elba Island  (EU-028)
         on 12-18 August. He will be QRV on 40-2 metres. QSL via home  call,
         direct or bureau. [TNX]
I      - A group of operators from ARI Genova  (IQ1GE)  will  be  active  as
         II1L from La Lanterna (ARLHS ITA-177, WAIL LI-005) for the ILLW  on
         17-18 August. QSL direct or bureau. [TNX IZ1BZS]
OZ     - Bernd, DL2SBE will  be  active  holiday  style  as  OZ/DL2SBE  from
         Lolland Island (EU-029) on 10-24 August. He will operate  SSB,  PSK
         and RTTY. QSL via home call, direct or bureau. [TNX rsgbiota]
SP     - Look for SP2BIK, SP2BRN, SP2IZC and SP2TQW to be  active  as  SN2NP
         from the historic lighthouse at Gdansk Nowy Port on  16-18  August.
         QSL via SP2BIK, direct or bureau. [TNX SP2BIK]
SV5    - Look for SV5/EM5F to be active from  QRV  from  Rhodes,  Dodecanese
         Islands (EU-001) on 15-24 August. QSL  via  UR5FAV  (email  address
         for bureau cards: orionua[@] and LoTW.
SV9    - Luc, ON6DSL  will be active as SV9/ON6DSL/p from Crete (EU-015)  on
         12-21 August. He will operate SSB on 40-15 metres  QRP  (5  watts).
         QSL via home call. bureau preferred. [TNX NG3K]
V5     - Winfried, DK9IP will be active as V55V from Namibia for the  Worked
         All Europe DX CW Contest (10-11 August).  QSL  via  DJ8VC.  Outside
         the contest, on 8-13 August, he will be QRV as  V5/DK9IP  (QSL  via
         home call) on all bands, possibly with some RTTY and  6m  activity.
         [TNX NG3K]
VE     - Jim, AE1C will be active  holiday  style  as  AE1C/VE9  from  Grand
         Manan Island (NA-014) on 18-25 August.  QSL  via  home  call.  [TNX]
YB     - Budi, YF1AR will be  active  as  YF1AR/1  from  the  Cikoneng-Anyer
         Lighthouse (ARLHS IDO-081) in  Banten  province  of  Java  (OC-021)
         until 11 August. He will be QRV on 40-10 metres  mainly  SSB,  with
         some CW and digital modes. QSL via N2OO. [TNX YF1AR]
YB     - YB5NOF and others [425DXN 1160] now expect to  be  active  as  YE5T
         from Tambelan Island (OC-122) from 28 August to  1  September,  and
         as YE5S from Serasan Island (OC-109)  on  4-8  September.  QSL  via
         W2FB. [TNX JN6RZM]
YV     - The Grupo DX Caracas has plans be  active  as  YW5X  from  Isla  La
         Orchila (SA-054) on 20-26 August. QSL via DM4TI. [TNX N6VR]

                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  GOOD TO KNOW ... ****
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                        Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW

425 DX NEWS MAGAZINE ---> The July 2013 issue is now available for  download

AMSTERDAM 2014 ---> FT5ZM will be located at  two  operating  sites  2.5  km
apart (see From both sites they
will use verticals and dedicated receive antennas for  the  low  bands,  and
3-element monoband Yagis for the high bands.  "Your  support  and  financial
contributions are critical to our success",  the  organizers  say.  "If  you
have not yet made a contribution to this DXpedition, we ask that you  please
consider doing so by going to the Donate button on our home  page.  We  need
your help".

DXCC NEWS  --->  T5TC  (Somalia,  2013  operation)  and  XW2CW  (Laos,  2012
operation) have approved for DXCC credit.  If  you  have  had  any  of  them
rejected in a prior application, send a  note  to  bmoore[@]  to  be
placed on the list for an update to  your  record.  Also,  please  note  the
submission date and/or reference number where the  rejection  was  noted  to
expedite the search for any rejected QSOs. [TNX NC1L]

NA-050 ---> The  logsearch  for  K6VVA/KL7's  recent  activity  from  Barter
Island is now up and running  at  Rick  made
3,446 QSOs (all but 140 on CW) with 2,919 unique callsigns. A summary and  a
few pictures can be found on

RI1FJ  --->  Evgenij,  RI1FJ  (UA4RX)  is  leaving  Franz    Josef  Land  in
mid-August, and "is 99.9% sure there will be nobody to replace  him  on  ham
bands for the 2013-14 season". During his last  three  activities  as  R1FJT
(2006-2008) and RI1FJ (2010-2011 and 2012-2013), Evgenij made  about  80,000
contacts and managed to  earn  the  DXCC  Challenge  with  more  than  1,000
band-point QSOs confirmed by LoTW. His final log will be  uploaded  to  LoTW
shortly after he is back on mainland Russia. QSL via  UA2FM  (OQRS  on  Club
Log). [TNX UA2FM]

                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ******* QSL  ROUTES *******
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                        Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW

CALL        MANAGER     CALL        MANAGER     CALL        MANAGER
3V8SM       HA8KW [*]   GM7V        N3SL        R500AK      RK3VWA
3Z2013TSR   SP1YGL      GM8SRS/p    M1REK       R863LC      R3LC
4L1UN       EA7FTR      GW2L        G8ATD       R863LK      RV3LK
4L5O        N3SL        GW8K        MW0DHF      RA36ZF      RV9CVA
4L8A        K1BV        GX4KPT      M0DOL       RT6A/1      R7AA
4U1GSC      9A2AA       H40IOTA     NR6M        RT9K/p      RX9KM
5A1AL       DL1AL       H70ORO      TI4SU       SA1A        SM1TDE
5B4AHL      M0URX       HC1AJQ      EA7FTR      SF2X/p      SM5EFX
5H3BL       IV3RTL      HF13C       SQ1DWR      SI3A        SM3LIV
5P5CW       DL5SE       HF13Z       SP1FFC      SM5CKV/p    G0CKV
5Q2AE       I2AE        HF2013TSR   SP1DPA      SN0RX       SP8RX
5R8UI       IZ8CCW      HF22MFF     SP6PZG      SN13C       SQ1EUG
5W0TH       JP1TRJ      HK6DOS      EA7FTR      SN13E       SQ1SDX
5Z4FV       N3ZS        HL2ZBD/3    JK3IJQ      SN13I       SP1MGM
9A0D        DK8ZZ       HQ2W        KD4POJ      SN13N       SP1MVG
9A8DV       IK6VXO      HQ3W        KD4POJ      SN13S       SP1NVM
9A8M        9A3JB       HR2DMR      KD4POJ      SN13Z       SP1QXK
9H3N        JJ2NYT      IA5/OO4O    ON4APU      SN2013TSR   SP1PWP
9M8Z        M0URX       IC8R        IC8OZM      SN2K        SP2YWL
A41OO       NI5DX       II3VR/IV3   IQ3VO       ST2SF       K0YAK
A61BM       IZ8CLM      IJ7T        IZ7AUH      SV48FF      SV2GWY
A61E        IZ8CLM      IM0C        IS0BGL      SV9/LZ3FN   LZ1PM
A65BP       UA6MF       IP1T        IZ5JLF      SW9GG       MM0GOR
ATBSG13     VU2RBI      J28NC       F5RQQ       SX8HOMER    SV8GXQ
BA4TB/4     BA4TB       J48A        SV1OAN      TC0GI       TA1HZ
BA4WL/5     BD4WO       J49A        SV9GPV      TF4X        G3SWH
CN2RN       F8FGU       J79TW       N0TW        TI60RC      TI0RC
CQ9D        CT3KN       JG8NQJ/JD1  JA8CJY      TK13RNB     F8BBL
CR1D        CT1EEK      JT5DX       JT1CO       TM0SM       F5CWU
CR2F        HB9CRV      K6VVA/KL7   N6AWD       TM16C       F4DSE
CR2T        CU2AF       KL7RRC      N7RO        TM2NOI      F4FVI
CR5CW       CT7ACG      KP4ES       NP3O        TM5KD       F8GGV
CW90A       CX2ABC      KP4MS       W4DN        TM7T        ON8ZL
CX2BR       EA5GL       KT3Q/5      DF8DX       TM8FAJ      F8BMG
D44TS       DL3GCS      LN7H        LA7H        TO1PF       FR1GZ
D80HQ       HL1OYF      LY777QT     LY2QT       UE10RFF     RG5G
D90ID/2     HL2UOK      LZ1105PIO   LZ1KCP      UE70O       RV3EEO
E720ZRHB    E77E        M0NMS/p     LX1NO       UE80RWW     R4AAS
E73W        E73Y        M7X         G0TSM       UN7OGE      RW6HS
E74A        K2PF        M8C         G4DFI       UP44WFF     UN6QC
E7DX        E77E        MJ/OT9Z     ON8ZL       V29SH       VE6SH
ED1K        EA1NK       MM2N        MM0GPZ      V44KAI      W5TFW
EF8U        EA8URL      MM3I        G3SWH       V47JA       W5JON
EG1SMA      EA1RKA      MM3KBU/p    M3KBU       V49J        W5JON
EG7RPM      EA7RCM      MU0HTJ      2E0SQL      V5/UT5UY    UT5UY
EI1A        PA3249      MZ5A        G3TXF       V5/UZ1HZ    UT5UY
EI7M        EI6HB       OD5ARMY     OD5NJ       V73AY       BD4DYH
EJ0A        EI4GXB      OG5A        OH5AD       VA7ISL      VE7JH
EJ1Y        EI5JQ       OH0JV       DL7RV       VC2CGJCS    VE2RAE
EJ5KF/p     EI5KF       OH0PM       OH2PM       W1T         W1GLO
EO375LC     UT2LY       OH0V        OH6LI       XM3B        VE3JO
ES0U        ES2DJ       OH6RX       OH6GDX      XP1AB       OZ1ACB
ES9YOTA     ES1CW       OM20TUSR    OM3RP       XV1X        RW6HS
EX8NR       RW6HS       OO7VA       ON7VA       XV2JJ       JH5RXS
FG4NO       F4AVX       OX3LX       OZ1PIF      YL11WCA/p   YL2IU
G7N         G5XV        OY1OF       M0URX       YQ0BIKE     YO6KNE
GB1AJ       GM4WZG      OZ0TX       DL7AT       YS1/NP3J    EA5GL
GB1OOL      G4SJX       PF10C       ON4ON       Z81D        OM3JW
GB75RH      G0GDU       PG13IOTA    PD1AKL      ZF2MB       WO4MW
GJ2A        GJ3DVC      PQ5M        PP5BZ       ZL1SW       F4BHW
GJ6YB       G3SWH       PR5D        PY5DC       ZS1REC      W2ARP
GM0ADX      GM0DJG      PX8Z        PY8WW       ZV1M        PY1MT
GM2T        GM4UYZ      R01DTV      R7AA        ZW8CT       PS8BR
GM7O        GW3SQX      R20RRC/8    RZ3EC       ZW8T        PS8HF

[*] 26 July-1 August 2013

CT3KN    Ricardo Martins, Rua Levada Barreiros 10 4X, 9000-161 Funchal,
EA1NK    Juan J .Lamas, P.O. Box 531, 15780 Santiago de Compostela (A
         Coruna), Spain
F4FVI    Geoffrey Turpin, 483 rue de Leers, 59150 Wattrelos, France
F5CWU    Flo Moudar, 26 rue Fleurie, 37330 Souvigne, France
IZ5JLF   Claudio Bramanti, Via delle Pinete 87, 54033 Marina di Carrara MS,
N6AWD    Fred Stenger, 6000 Hesketh Dr., Bakersfield CA 93309, USA
NR6M     Rex Turvin, P. O. Box 1383, Arizona City AZ 85123, USA
PY5DC    Vagner Adelino Alvares, Rua Padre Jose Lopacinski 715, Curitiba -
         PR, 81280-080, Brazil
PY8WW    Renato Araujo, Travessa Mauriti 1070, Belem - PA, 66080-650, Brazil
TA1HZ    Tevfik Aydin Kazancioglu, PK 73, 34421 Karakoy/Istanbul, Turkey
VR2KF    Kazuhiko Fujita, PO Box 4724, General Post Office, Hong Kong, Hong
DL1AL    Abubaker Assid, Am Hilligenbusch 11, 33098 Paderborn, Germany
C91J     P.O. Box 102303, Meerensee, Richards Bay, 3901, South Africa
RX9KM    Alexandr A. Kovalevsky, mikrorayon 14 d.8 kv.24, Gubkinsky,
         Tyumenskaya obl., 629831, Russia


               425 DX News is a free of charge weekly bulletin
      edited by Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ and Valeria Pregliasco, IK1ADH

            Its contents may be used, reproduced and distributed
                        in part or full provided that
               "425 DX News" or "425DXN" receive proper credit

          Contributors are invited to send their DX information to
                 Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ (
                      The deadline is 12 UTC on Fridays


                           Direttore Responsabile
                            Gabriele Villa, I2VGW
               Giornalista Professionista - Tessera n. 071675
                      Ordine Nazionale dei Giornalisti
                                Roma, Italia


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