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06 July 2013                                              A.R.I. DX Bulletin

                                   No 1157
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  DX  INFORMATION  ****
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                        Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW

3D2    - Stan, LZ1GC will be active as 3D2GC from Viti Levu  (OC-016),  Fiji
         on 20-26 September and again on 12-15 October. On  27  September-11
         October look for Stan, 3D2GC/p (CW  and  SSB)  and  Rocky,  3D2DD/p
         (SSB) to be active from Rotuma (OC-060). QSL 3D2GC and 3D2GC/p  via
         LZ1GC, direct or bureau;  QSL  3D2DD/p  direct  to  3D2DD.  Further
         information,  QSLling  instructions  and  logsearch   (after    the
         expedition) can be found at
9A     - ON2AV, ON4CEZ and ON7JA will  be  active  as  9A/OO7T/p  from  Brac
         Island (EU-016) from 24 July to 2  August.  QSL  via  bureau.  [TNX]
BY     - A team of  nine  operators  (BA4WL,  BA8IK,  BD4WN,  BD4WO,  BD4WS,
         BH4RJP, BH4RQU, BH4RWX and BH4RZI) will be active as  BA4WL/5  from
         Liuheng Island (AS-137)  on  27-28  July,  including  a  few  hours
         before and after the IOTA Contest. QSL  via  BD4WO  (direct).  [TNX
CT8    - CU3EJ, CU8AS, DL2HYH, HB9AHL and HB9CRV (CT3FN) will be  active  as
         CR2F from the lighthouse on the Formigas  Islets  (EU-003),  Azores
         on 30-31 July (dates may vary  depending  on  weather  conditions).
         QSL via HB9CRV (direct or bureau) and LoTW. Further Information  at
CT9    - Ricardo CT3KN, Nicola CR9ABE, Jenny CR9ABG and Xavier  CS9ABC  will
         be active as CQ9D from  the  Desertas  Islands  (AF-046)  on  26-29
         July, IOTA Contest included. They will run low power into  vertical
         antennas and be QRV on 40-10 metres  CW  and  SSB.  QSL  via  CT3KN
         (direct) and LoTW.
DL     - Francois, ON4LO will be active as DL/ON4LO/p  from  Fehmarn  Island
         (EU-128) on 14-25 July. He will be QRV on 80-6 metres SSB. QSL  via
         home call, direct or bureau. [TNX ON4LO]
DU     - Once  again  Maarten,  PA3GZU  will  be  active  holiday  style  as
         DU9/PA3GZU from Mindanao Island (OC-130) from 13 July to 9  August.
         QSL via home call, bureau preferred. [TNX]
EI     - Olivier, ON4EI  will  be  active  again  as  EI8GQB  from  Fethard,
         Ireland (EU-115) on 7-31 July  using  an  hybrid  wind-solar  power
         system from his caravan. He will participate in the IARU  HF  World
         Championship (13-14 July), the CQ WW VHF Contest (20-21 July, on  6
         metres) and the IOTA Contest (27-28 July) as  EI1A.  QSL  for  both
         callsigns via PA3249, direct or bureau. A Live  Information  Banner
         will be available at [TNX ON4EI]
ET     - Ken, K4ZW will be back in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia on 12-19  July  and
         again on the 23rd (for half a day only). He  will  be  active  from
         the ET3AA HQ station (EARS) during the IARU HF World  Championship,
         outside the contest he will operate mainly CW  and  will  help  the
         students "set up for RTTY". QSL via N2OO. [TNX The Daily DX]
F      - Gil, F4FET will  be  active  on  20  metres  SSB  as  F4FET/p  from
         Tombelaine Island (EU-156) on 6 July, from 9 to 13 UTC.  On  Sunday
         7 July (again from 9 to  13  UTC)  he  will  be  joined  by  Diego,
         F4HAU/p and they will operate two stations on 15, 17 and 20  metres
         SSB, with "some minutes  on  40m  SSB  if  needed".  They  are  not
         allowed to overnight on the island.  QSL  for  both  callsigns  via
         F4FET. [TNX F4FET]
F      - Vincent F4BKV, Gil F4FET, Juan F5IRC  and  Antoine  F5RAB  will  be
         active as TM0SM from St Marcouf (EU-081) on 9-11 August.  A  second
         activity will take place on 23-25 August (operators  F4FET,  F5IRC,
         F5RAB, Diego F4HAU and Marc F8DRA). They plan to  be  QRV  on  40-6
         metres SSB and CW  with  four  stations  and  a  focus  on  working
         stations outside Europe. QSL via F5CWU (OQRS on Club Log).  Further
         information can be found at
G     -  The  RSGB  HQ  team   will   participate  in  the   IARU  HF  World
         Championship (13-14 July) as GR2HQ  from  different  DXCC  Entities
         within the UK. All GR2HQ QSOs will be uploaded to LoTW a few  weeks
         after the contest, with the correct DXCC entity shown.  These  DXCC
         entities (G, GJ, GM or GW) will also be clearly shown on the  paper
         QSL card you receive, along with the IOTA reference  (if  different
         from EU-005). QSL via M0OXO (OQRS  at  Information
         on the awards for working GR2HQ can be found at
GM     - Ken, G0ORH and David, G3KLH will be active as MM3I  from  the  isle
         of Arran (EU-123) on 22-30 July. They will participate in the  IOTA
         Contest and concentrate  on  30,  17  and  12  metres  outside  the
         contest. They also plan some activity on  5  MHz.  QSL  via  G0ORH.
H4     - Ralph, H44RK will  be  active  as  H44IND  to  celebrate  the  35th
         anniversary of the independence of the Solomon  Islands.  He  plans
         to be QRV from Nggela Sule, Florida Islands (OC-158) starting on  7
         July "for several days". QSL via NR6M. [TNX The Daily DX]
HA     - Geza, HA8DD and Zsolt HA8FY will be active as HA8DD/p  and  HA8FY/p
         from six National Parks and Biosphere Reserve Areas on  8-11  July:
         Kesznyeteni  HAFF-025  (8  July),  Zempleni  HAFF-047  and    Bukki
         HAFF-002 (9  July),  Borsodi  Mezoseg  HAFF-014  and  Hevesi  Fuves
         Pusztak HAFF-020 (10 July), Hortobagyi  HAFF-006  and  Kozep-tiszai
         HAFF-027 (11 July). They plan to be QRV with two  stations  on  the
         HF bands CW  and  SSB.  QSL  via  home  calls,  direct  or  bureau.
         Information on the Hungarian Flora Fauna  Award  can  be  found  at [TNX HA0HW]
HC     - Special  callsign  HD082QRC  (HD  Zero  Eight  Two  QRC)  will   be
         activated on 13-23 July to celebrate the 82nd  anniversary  of  the
         Quito Radio Club (HC1QRC). Expect activity on  all  bands  CW,  SSB
         and RTTY. QSL via HC1JQ (direct). [TNX NE8Z]
I      - Representing  the  Associazione  Radioamatori  Italiani (ARI),  the
         following  stations  will  participate  in  the  IARU   HF    World
         Championship: IO1HQ (20 SSB, 40 CW and 80 CW), IO4HQ  (40  SSB,  80
         SSB, 160 CW and SSB), IO5HQ (20 CW), IO8HQ (15 SSB), IO9HQ  (10  CW
         and SSB, 15 CW).
I      - Noel, ON4APU will participate in the IOTA Contest as IA5/OO4O  from
         Isola d'Elba (EU-028). QSL via the Belgian  QSL  bureau  and  LoTW.
         [TNX ON4APU]
I      - A team from ARI Cosenza will participate in  the  IOTA  Contest  as
         ID8/IQ8CS from Dino Island (EU-144). Before the contest  they  will
         be QRV on 30, 17, 12, 6 and 2 metres CW and  SSB.  QSL  via  IQ8CS,
         direct or bureau. [TNX IZ8EQF]
KL     - The  logsearch  for  Rick's  recent  activity from  Sarichef Island
         (NA-152) can be found at
         As for his North Slope IOTA Tour  [425DXN  1151],  the  propagation
         forecast does  not look  promising at  all: both NA-172 and  NA-004
         "will  unfortunately  NOT happen this  year", and the new plan  for
         2014  will  involve  "a  lot  of costly  logistical  matters  to be
         However, Mike is till making an  attempt at  operating from  Barter
         Island (NA-050) on 8-10 July. He plans to leave on 6 July,  "but be
         advised  there  could be 'fog' delays  reaching NA-050".  Look  for
         K6VVA/KL7 to operate mainly CW on 40, 30, 20 and 17 metres. QSL via
         N6AWD, direct or bureau. Check for
         further information  and  for updates.
         [TNX K6VVA]
KL     - David, K0DCH expects to be active from Mitkof  Island  (NA-041)  on
         12-16 July. QSL via home call (direct). [TNX]
OX     - Look for N2IEN, W2RE and WW2DX to be active  as  OX/N2IEN,  OX/W2RE
         and OX/WW2DX (or under an OX  callsign  that  might  be  issued  to
         them) from near Narsarsuaq, Greenland (WWL GP70dx, IOTA NA-018)  on
         11-15 July. They will operate SSB and CW on 40-6 metres,  and  will
         participate in the IARU HF Championship. QSL  via  home  calls  and
         LoTW. [TNX NG3K]
PA     - Fred, PA0FAW will be running special event station PA1813A from  15
         July to 13 August to commemorate the  liberation  of  the  city  of
         Arnhem back in 1813 during the Napoleonic  Wars.  He  will  operate
         mainly CW, with some SSB and digital modes. QSL via PA0FAW,  direct
         or bureau. [TNX VA3RJ]
PY     - PP5BZ, PP5MCB, PP5ZB, PU5AGM, PU5ATX,  PU5DCB  and  PY3OZ  will  be
         active as PQ5M on 40-10 metres CW, SSB and RTTY from Sao  Francisco
         do Sul (SA-027) on  26-28  July,  with  an  emphasis  in  the  IOTA
         Contest. QSL via PP5BZ. [TNX The Daily DX]
PY0F     - Leo, PP1CZ will be active as PY0F/PP1CZ from Fernando de  Noronha
         (SA-003)  on  25-30  July,  including  participation  in  the  IOTA
         Contest (mainly CW). Outside the contest  he  will  concentrate  on
         30, 17 and 12 metres (mainly CW and RTTY with some  SSB).  He  will
         also give 160m a try. QSL via home  call,  direct  or  bureau,  and
         LoTW. [TNX PP1CZ]
SM     - Kjell, SM4DDS will be active as 7S5A from Boko Island  (EU-177)  on
         15-21 July. He will be QRV on 80-10 metres CW and SSB. He may  also
         operate as 7S5A/p for the Swedish  Flora  Fauna  Award  (SMFF-0316)
         while on the island. QSL via  home  call,  direct  or  bureau,  and
         LoTW. [TNX SM4DDS]
SP     - Special event station SN150PS will  be  active  on  all  bands  and
         modes between 8 July to  30  September  to  commemorate  the  150th
         anniversary of the Powstanie Styczniowe, the  January  Uprising  of
         1863 against th Russian Empire. QSL  via  bureau  to  SP5KOG.  [TNX
SV     - Pista, HA8UT and his  family  (wife  Erzsi  HA8TU,  daughters  Liza
         HA8TT and Andi HG8SS, son-in-law Dezso HA8SS)  will  be  active  as
         SW2UT from Neo Pori on 16-26 July. Look for holiday style  activity
         on 80-6 metres CW, with some SSB and RTTY. QSL  via  HA8UT,  direct
         or bureau. [TNX HA0HW]
SV     - Nick, SV1CEI will be active holiday style as  SV8/SV1CEI  from  Kea
         Island (EU-067) for about two weeks starting on  6  July.  He  will
         operate mainly CW on the HF bands and possibly  on  6  metres.  QSL
         via home call. [TNX DX Coffee]
TN     - Arie PA3A, Ad PA8AD, Angelina  PA8AN  and  Marian  PD1AEG  will  be
         active as TN2MS (callsign changed  from  TN5MS)from  Pointe  Noire,
         Republic of the Congo from  28  September  to  11  October  [425DXN
         1153]. They plan to operate on 160-10 metres  (plus  6  metres,  if
         they are authorized) CW, SSB and RTTY, using  three  stations  with
         amplifers and several beam and vertical  antennas.  The  team  will
         provide support and raise funds for a Mercy Ships Charity  Project.
         This  is  the  4th  DXpedition  in  cooperation  with  Mercy  Ships
         ( after Liberia 2007 (5L2MS), Benin 2009 (TY1MS)
         and Sierra Leone 2011 (9L5MS). QSL via PA3AWW, direct (OQRS in  the
         expedition's website)  or  bureau,  plus  LoTW  after  six  months.
         Further information on the project can  be  found  at
         [TNX PA3A]
UA    -  According to the updated schedule on,  planned
         expeditions under the  Russian  Robinson  Club's  20th  anniversary
         special callsign now include:
         5-6 July     R20RRC/3  Lesin Island (not IOTA)
         7 July       R20RRC/3  Kiriki Island (not IOTA)
         8-12 July    R20RRC/0  Sakhalin Island (AS-018)
         24-26 July   R20RRC/1  Morzhovets Island (EU-119)
         27-28 July   R20RRC/1  Glov Island (EU-162)
         9-14 August  R20RRC/8  Zhuravlinyy Island (AS-109)
         R20RRC/1  from EU-162 will participate in the IOTA Contest. QSL via
UA     - Vladimir,  UA0LCZ  will  be  active  as  RI0NZ  from  Popov  Island
         (AS-066) on 22-29 July. He will operate CW  on  80-10  metres  (+/-
         3507, 7007, 10107, 14017, 18077, 21017, 24897 and 28017  kHz),  and
         will participate in the IOTA Contest. QSL  via  UA0LCZ,  direct  or
         bureau. [TNX UA0LCZ]
UR    -  The  club   station   of  the  Ukrainian  State  Centre  of   Radio
         Frequencies will be active as EM0ITU on 8-13 July  during  the  ITU
         Workshop on spectrum monitoring. QSL via UT3UZ. [TNX UT3UZ]
UR     - Special callsign EO15QRP will be used from 12 July to 12 August  by
         the  Ukrainian  Radioamateur  QRP  Club  to  celebrate  its    15th
         anniversary. QSL via UT2AB, direct or bureau. [TNX UT2AB]
VE     - Klaus, VE7KDU  and  Frank,  VE7DP  will  make  another  attempt  at
         operating from the Estevan Islands (NA-181) some  time  between  11
         and 15 July. The operation will take  place  from  Barnard  Island,
         which is located  about  130  Km  west/south-west  of  the  nearest
         accessible town . "Reaching our destination will  depend  on  local
         weather and sea conditions", Frank says. The plan is for a  minimum
         48-hour operation, with activity on 30-15 metres CW  and  SSB.  QSL
         via home calls, direct or bureau. A brief activity  (less  than  24
         hours) from one of the qualifying  islands  in  the  NA-061  group,
         immediately before or after NA-181  is  also  a  possibility.  [TNX
VK     - Craig, VK5CE will be active as VK5CE/p  (
         from Flinders Island (OC-261)  on 15-21 August. This IOTA group was
         activated  only  once back in 2003. Craig will be able to be QRV on
         10-80 metres,  with a focus on 15, 20 and 40 metres SSB. He will be
         running 400 watts into a vertical  set up right on the beach at the
         high tide mark.  QSL  via  home call. All donations will be used to
         fund the October  expedition  to  Red Island (see below).
VK     - Eight operators from  the  Adelaide  Hills  Amateur  Radio  Society
         (namely VK5AJQ, VK5AKH, VK5ATW, VK5BUG, VK5FJOE, VK5KC, VK5NRG  and
         VK5PAS) will be active  as  VK5CWL  from  the  lighthouse  at  Cape
         Willoughby on Kangaroo Island (OC-139) on 16-19 August.  They  will
         operate SSB, CW and PSK on 10, 15, 20, 40 and 80  metres.  QSL  via
         VK5PAS, direct or bureau, plus LoTW and eQSL.  Further  information
         can be found at [TNX VK5PAS]
VK     - Craig, VK5C E will  be active as  VK5CE/4 from  Red Island (OC-255)
         ( on 16-21  October.  This IOTA group
         was activated only once back  in 2002.  The  island is uninhabited;
         Craig will  have  to take  two flights  (4400 km) to reach  Bamaga,
         where he will have "a local 4WD and fishing boat operator act as my
         DXpedition support  person.  He will pick me up from the Bamaga air
         strip, take me to  the  island, help me set up the tent and antenna
         and every couple of days he'll visit the island with fuel and water
         and just to make sure I'm safe". The cost of  the  DXpedition  will
         be  high,  "and so  the support of sponsors is really appreciated".
W      - Scott,  NE1RD  will  be  active  as  NE1RD/1  from  Lovells  Island
         (NA-148) starting at 16 UTC on 7 July for 24 hours.  QSL  via  home
         call, direct or bureau, LoTW and eQSL. Logsearch on Club Log.  [TNX
         The Daily DX]
YB     - Budi, YF1AR will be active as YF1AR/3 from  Sembilangan  Lighthouse
         on Madura Island (OC-237) on 25-29 July, including an entry in  the
         IOTA  Contest.  Further  information   at
         Logserach on Club Log and QSL via N2OO. [TNX YF1AR]
YB     - Adhi, YB3MM will be active as YB3MM/7 from Derawan Island  (OC-166)
         on 26-28 July, IOTA Contest included. Logsearch on  Club  Log.  See for QSLling options. [TNX YB3MM]
ZF     - Harry, AA2WN will be active holiday style as ZF2WN from the  Cayman
         Islands (NA-016) on 13-20 July. He will operate mostly  on  17  and
         20 metres CW, SSB and possibly some digital modes.  QSL  via  AA2WN
         and LoTW. [TNX The Daily DX]

PACIFIC TOUR ---> Gerben, PG5M ( will be  active  as  T8GM
from Koror (OC-009), Palau on 6-7 and 15-19 September, and  as  V6G from Yap
(OC-012), Micronesia on 8-15  September.  He  will  operate CW only on 40-10
metres. QSL via home call, direct (do not use IRCs, as he cannot redeem them
at his post office) or bureau. [TNX PG5M]

                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  GOOD TO KNOW ... ****
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                        Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW

425 DX NEWS MAGAZINE ---> The June 2013 issue is now available for  download

AGB AWARD PROGRAMME ---> Detailed information on the wide  range  of  awards
(colourful certificates and throphies) sponsored by the  Activity  Group  of
Belarus can be found at [TNX EU1EU]

KOSOVO ---> Boyan, LZ1BJ is  currently  active  as  Z6/LZ1BJ  from  Pristina
(Kosovo) until 24 June 2014. He is QRV in his spare time  on  the  HF  bands
usign CW, SSB and digital modes. QSL via the LZ bureau. [TNX LZ1BJ]

LAGUNARIA DX GROUP ---> The intention of the newly born  group  "is  not  to
support other DXpeditions rather than to carry out  its  own  ones.  Besides
having fun and going on DXpeditions as the  main  goals,  the  Lagunaria  DX
Group also supports  international  understanding,  shares  technical  ideas
with others and makes use of high and bullet-proof technical standards.  The
group members (DJ5IW, DJ7EO, DJ9RR, DL1MGB, DL3DXX, DL5CW,  DL5LYM,  DL6FBL,
DL8OH, DL8WPX and SP5XVY) are not only all known from a lot  of  DXpeditions
in the past, but also passionated contesters of the  Bavarian  Contest  Club
(BCC)".  Please have a look at to learn  more
about the group, its  history and their DXpeditions. [TNX DL1MGB]

P5 PROJECT ---> P5 Project Team members Paul Ewing (N6PSE) and  David  Flack
(AH6HY) have returned from their extensive travels throughout the DPRK.  The
purpose of  the  visit  was  to  meet  with  Government  Representatives  in
Pyongyang and to survey  and  assess  various  potential  DXpedition  venues
throughout the country. "We will continue to communicate with  the  Ministry
of Foreign Affairs and the  Ministry  of  Posts  and  Telecommunications  to
further refine our proposals", and plans for  a  second  visit  are  already
underway. They also have invited Fan Bin (BA1RB)  to  join  the  P5  Project
Leadership  Team.  Read  the  complete   release,    dated    29   June,  at [TNX N6PSE]

QSL ET3AA ---> Bob, N2OO For the time being  Bob,  N2OO  has  logs  and  QSL
cards for QSOs made with ET3AA during the following time frames:
4 August 2011 (15.00-15.40 UTC)
from 8 December 2011 (12.29 UTC) to 13 December 2011 (16.13 UTC)
from 30 October 2012 (06.57 UTC) to 7 November 2012 (09.10 UTC)
from 8 November 2012 (1229 UTC) to current.
He can also confirm contacts made with ET3SID from 8  December  2011  (21.08
UTC) to 13 December 2011 (05.08 UTC) only.
Bob's OQRS is at

currently looking at the possibility of holding the  celebration  of  IOTA's
50th Anniversary at Beaumont House, Windsor over the  weekend  of  4-6  July
2014. "What we need are serious expressions of interest  in  attending,  not
firm commitments at this stage", RSGB IOTA  Manager  Roger  Balister,  G3KMA
says. "We have set target figures for certain dates rolling forward.  If  we
reach these, the event will go ahead. If not, the event will  not  proceed".
Give    a    look    at    the    leaflet       that    can    be  found  at and  please  let  G3KMA  know
(g3kma[@] if you are interested in attending the convention.

QSL GB4RS ---> The call GB4RS is used by the President of the Radio  Society
of Great Britain during his period in office. For QSOs between 1 July to  31
December 2013, QSL direct to G3PJT  (IRCs  not  accepted)  or  request  your
bureau card by sending an email to g3pjt[@]

QSL GALLERY ---> The large collection of QSL cards  on  Les  Nouvelles  DX's
web site has been updated. Fifteen different galleries include 11,166  cards
for the ten Most  Wanted  DXCC  Entities  (2004-12),  the  61  deleted  DXCC
Entities, obsolete prefixes,  stations  from  Maghreb  from  1945  to  1962,
Allied Forces stations in Germany (1946-69), special stations  commemorating
ITU and IARU, Antarctic bases &  TAAF  (Terres  Australes  and  Antarctiques
Francaises), the various French DXCC island Entities in the  Pacific  Ocean,
the Indian Ocean and the Americas (from 1945 to 1970),  pre-1945  countries,
French Departments and CONUS, plus a  gallery  for  cards  not  accepted  by
DXCC. Your participation is encouraged - please visit

QSL VIA W2FB --->  Those  who  still  need  a  card  for  the  October  2011
operation by YB9WZJ/p and YB0MWM/9 from Doom Island (OC-239) can send  their
request to Steve, W2FB, who has recovered the logs and has  some  blank  QSL
cards. [TNX W2FB]

W4DXCC ---> Sponsored by the SouthEastern DX  and  Contesting  Organization,
Inc. (SEDCO), the 9th W4DXCC DX and Contest Convention will be held  at  the
MainStay Suites Conference  Center  in  Pigeon  Forge,  Tennessee  on  27-28
September. Complete details can be found at [TNX K4SV]

+ SILENT KEYS + Recently reported  Silent  Keys  include  Albert  Decastille
(5T5DA), Wayne Smith (VO1WET/VO1TA)  and  Ivan  I.  Udovin  (EX2A,  formerly
UM8MBA and UM2M), chairman of the Amateur Radio Union of Kyrgyzstan and  the
first in is Country to obtain 5BDXCC.


QSLs received direct or through managers: 3B8CF, 3B8MM, 3D2C, 3D2RX,  3D2SE,
3D2XC, 4A2I, 4J0LH, 4O7ML, 5M2TT, 5U5U, 5U9AMO, 5V7TT,  5W0M,  6D0LM,  6V7V,
6W/PB2T, 6Y6T, 7O6T, 7P8ZM, 9G5AA, A35UD,  AA4VK/CY0,  C21UF,  C31CT,  C98RF
(AF-072), CD6713  (SA-018),  CE8DMT  (SA-050),  CM6RCR,  CR1X,  CR2X,  D2EB,
DU1/R6AF/p (OC-090), DU3/N0QM, FO8WBB, FR5FC,  FY4PR,  GJ0JSY,  H40T,  H44G,
HK1/DK7PE, HP1/S54ZZ, J5NAR,  J6/N7QT,  J79WTA,  J8/W6HGF,  JT1AA/3,  JT1CO,
JW7XM, K6VVA/KL7 (NA-152), KH2/N2NL, L22D (SA-022),  OH0/OF3I,  OH0I,  OJ0X,
P40YL,  PB13ROYAL,  PJ7/PB2T,  PT0S,  PW0F,  PZ5T,  RI0K   (AS-061),  RI0K/p
(AS-092), SU8N (AF-109), SV2ASP/A, SX5KL,  TJ3AY,  TK0INT  (EU-100),  TK1INT
(EU-104),  TK2INT  (EU-164),  TK5EP,  TS8TI  (AF-083),  V63JX,  V6A,  V73PX,
VY0/VE3VID (NA-174), WL7E,  XT2TT,  XU1A,  XU7NPC,  XX9THX,  YB8P  (OC-208),
YB8XM/p (OC-271), YE90PK, YN2N, Z6/SP5CJQ, Z61DX,  ZA/LZ2HM,  ZD7FT,  ZD7VC,


               425 DX News is a free of charge weekly bulletin
      edited by Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ and Valeria Pregliasco, IK1ADH

            Its contents may be used, reproduced and distributed
                        in part or full provided that
               "425 DX News" or "425DXN" receive proper credit

          Contributors are invited to send their DX information to
                 Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ (
                      The deadline is 12 UTC on Fridays


                           Direttore Responsabile
                            Gabriele Villa, I2VGW
               Giornalista Professionista - Tessera n. 071675
                      Ordine Nazionale dei Giornalisti
                                Roma, Italia


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