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22 June 2013                                              A.R.I. DX Bulletin

                                   No 1155
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  DX  INFORMATION  ****
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                        Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW

9A     - Istvan, HA0KA will be active holiday style  as  9A/HA0KA  from  Pag
         Island (EU-170) from 26 July to 2 August. He will  operate  SSB  on
         the HF bands and will take part in the IOTA Contest. He also  plans
         to visit and be QRV from the four nature  reserves  on  the  island
         (9AFF-023, 9AFF-073, 9AFF-074 and 9AFF-075), as well  as  from  the
         Plitvice Lakes National Park (9AFF-006)  on  3-4  August.  QSL  via
         home call, direct or bureau.  Information  on  the  Croatian  Flora
         Fauna Award can be  found  at    [TNX
C9     - Antonio EA4GBA will operate SSB as C91BGA from Mozambique  starting
         on 27 June through December. QSL direct  to  home  call.  [TNX  The
         Daily DX]
CE0X   - "I am in the process of obtaining a Chilean licence for  San  Felix
         as I am feeling certain that  I  will  be  on  a  team  to  install
         equipment for the Navy on  the  island",  Michael,  WU2D  says.  He
         expects to be on the island around 7-15 July. He  will  be  QRV  in
         his spare time "with minimal antennas and only an ICOM-7000  at  my
         disposal. I will be able to do SSB and some CW likely  on  15,  17,
         and 20m". [TNX NG3K and The Daily DX]
         will participate in the IOTA Contest as  CS5DX  from  Bugio  Island
         (EU-040). QSL via bureau or direct to the  address.  Before
         the contest, possibly starting on 25 July, they will be  active  as
         homecall/p (QSL via home call). This  expedition  commemorates  the
         20th anniversary of the first activation of  Bugio  Island,  and  a
         special award will be issued for making at least  three  QSOs  with
         CS5DX during the contest. [TNX CT1END]
CY0    - Rick, AI5P will be joining Gary, VE1RGB and Murray, WA4DAN for  the
         1-11 October CY0P  DXpedition  to  Sable  Island  (NA-063)  [425DXN
         1143]. They will  operate  CW,  SSB  and  RTTY  on  160-10  metres.
         Bookmark for updates.
F      - Vincent, F4BKV will be active as F4BKV/p from four IOTA  groups  in
         four days: EU-148 (21 June), EU-058 (22 June),  EU-070  (23  June),
         EU-095 (24 June). He will operate SSB starting around 6  UTC  until
         18 UTC each day, mainly  on  20  and  15  metres  and  possibly  17
         metres. QSL via home call,  preferably  through  the  OQRS  on  his
         website ( [TNX F4BKV]
FH     - Silvano I2YSB, Vinicio  IK2CIO,  Angelo  IK2CKR,  Marcello  IK2DIA,
         Stefano IK2HKT, Gino IK2RZP, Alberto IZ2XAF and Mac JA3USA will  be
         active on 160-6 metres as  TO2TT  from  Mayotte  (AF-027)  on  3-17
         October [425DXN 1143]. QSL via I2YSB (direct)  or  IK2CIO  (bureau)
         and  LoTW.  Further  information,  including  real-time  logsearch,
         QSLling details  and  OQRS  for  direct  cards,  can  be  found  at The pilot stations will be IK7JWY and  (for  6m)
         IK0FTA; there will be a  dedicated  forum  on
         [TNX IK7JWY]
H4     - "As  you  are  all   aware  the  H44IOTA  DXpedition  has  suffered
         significant  delays  due  to   weather    conditions    and    boat
         maintenance", Penny Goldfinch posted on  the  expedition's  website
         on 19 June, and "such delays have taken their toll  on  the  team".
         Dom SQ9KWW, Tom WL7HP and Maggie H44MK are unable to  continue  the
         journey, and "consequently we will now have to omit the  activation
         of OC-285". Ralph (H44RK) and Penny will leave Honiara on  21  June
         and anticipate being  active  from  Roderick  Bay  in  the  Florida
         Islands (OC-158) on the 23rd. Ralph will be the only operator,  but
         he  plans  to  be  QRV  "several  hours  a  day,   determined    by
         propagation". The  duration  and  timing  of  this  and  all  other
         activations  will  be  dictated  by  weather  conditions.  Bookmark for updates.
HK0_sa - A  multi-national  team  from  DX  Friends  (EA1SA,  EA2RY,  EA5RM,
         EA7AJR, EA7KW, F6ENO, F8ATS, F9IE, HK3CW, HK6F,  IN3ZNR  and  RG8K)
         will be active from  San  Andres  Island  (NA-033)  1-10  November.
         Callsign TBA. They will operate CW, SSB and RTTY  on  160-6  metres
         with at least four stations at the same  time  on  different  bands
         and modes. QSL via EA5RM. Bookmark
         for  further  information and  updates, including  (in  due course)
         logsearch and OQRS. [TNX EA5RM]
HR     - Dan HR2DMR  (  left  the  Swan  Islands  (HQ8S,
         NA-035) on 18 June and went to  Vivorillos  (HQ8D,  NA-223)  for  a
         couple of days. His movements are dependant on the  Honduran  Navy,
         whose "needs come first". However, the Navy will bring him back  to
         NA-223 in July for the full planned operation (16-20 July). Dan  is
         expected to return to Swan Island, "but not sure as to how long  he
         will be there. Hopefully he will get a little more  operating  time
         before he has to return to main land Honduras". QSL via KD4POI.
I      - Members of the 599DX Team and ARMI Taranto will be active  as  IJ7T
         from San Pietro Island (EU-073) on 26-28 July, including  an  entry
         in the IOTA Contest. They will operate SSB, CW  and  digital  modes
         on the HF bands, 6 and 2 metres. QSL via IK7WDS  (OQRS  for  direct
         and bureau cards on Club Log). [TNX IZ7AUH]
J7     - Rick KK4GV will be active again as  J79GV  from  Dominica  (NA-101)
         from 29 June to 6 July. He will operate SSB holiday style. QSL  via
         home call and LoTW. [TNX NG3K]
JA     - Mitsuo JA1UNS, Suehiro JI1PLF, Takeo  7L4PVR,  Hisashi  7N1GMK  and
         Kazuhiko 7N4VPS will be active as homecall/1  from  Hachijo  Island
         (AS-043) on 18-21 October. They will operate CW, SSB  and  RTTY  on
         160-6 metres. QSL via home call, direct or bureau. [TNX JI1PLF]
KG4    - The 22-29 June operation from  Guantanamo  Bay  [425DXN  1153]  has
         been delayed. Terry KG4RX (QSL via K4RX) and  Ken  KG4TO  (QSL  via
         AC4TO) now expect to be active from 29 June through  9  July.  They
         will operate on 6 metres  and  the  HF  bands.  Logsearch  will  be
         available on Club Log with regular updates. [TNX NG3K]
KH6    - Alex, F4GHS will be active holiday style as KH6/F4GHS  from  Hawaii
         (OC-019) on 3-23 August. He will be QRV on 80-10  metres  SSB  from
         Oahu (3-7 August), Kauai (7-12 August),  Maui  (12-18  August)  and
         Hawai'i (18-23 August). QSL via F0GAZ. [TNX F4GHS]
LX     - Rene ON6OM, Eddy ON6ZV, Martin  ON7EG  and  Michel  ON4MW  will  be
         active as LX/OO6P from Luxemburg from 30 June to 5 July. They  will
         operate SSB and digital modes on  the  HF  bands.  QSL  via  ON6ZV,
         direct  or  bureau.  Further  information  can    be    found    at
PJ7    - Marco, KC9FFV will be active as PJ7FF from  Sint  Maarten  (NA-105)
         on 6-13 July. He will operate holiday style on  40-10  metres  SSB.
         QSL via KC9FFV (direct only), LoTW and eQSL. [TNX KC9FFV]
S2     - The Mediterraneo DX Club is organizing a DXpedition to  take  place
         from Bangladesh on 19-29 November. A team of 20-22  operators  from
         9 countries will be active on all  bands  and  modes  with  several
         stations. The team aims at establishing "a  real  cooperation  with
         the local hams to assist  them  in  any  needs  and  improve  their
         knowledge  and  skill  in  the  Amateur  Radio   world".    Further
         information will be available in due course.  A  dedicated  website
         is under construction at [TNX MDXC]
SV     - Gabi, HA1YA will be active as SW8EA from  Thassos  Island  (EU-174)
         on 5-21 July. He will operate CW and SSB on the HF bands,  6m,  4m,
         2m and 70cm. QSL via home call. [TNX HA0HW]
TG     - The Club de Radioaficionados de Guatemala (TG0AA)  will  conduct  a
         DXpedition "to the heart of the  Mayan  world"  and  be  active  as
         TG1B, TG2C and TG3D from the archaeological site of Tikal on  22-23
         June. Look for activity on 40 and 20  metres  SSB.  Information  on
         the relevant award can  be  found  on
         [TNX TG9ANF]
UA     - Victor, RU0ZM will be working as a meteorologist at  Kamenskoe,  in
         a rare Russian District (RDA KT-13), until  November.  He  will  be
         QRV as RU0ZM/0 on the HF bands in his spare time.  QSL  via  UA0ZC.
         [TNX W7ZWA]
UA     - Victor R1NU, Gennady R3BY and Maxim RU5D will be active  as  either
         R20RRC/1 (special callsign celebrating the 20th anniversary of  the
         Russian Robinson Club) and R1NU/p, R3BY/1 and RU5D/1  from  Sidorov
         Island (EU-147) on 23-29 June. They will operate CW,  SSB  and  PSK
         on 40-10 metres. QSL R20RRC/1 via RZ3EC. [TNX RD3BN]
VR     - Kazu, VR2KF will participate in the IOTA Contest from his home  QTH
         on the island of Ma Wan (AS-006). He plans to be QRV on 20, 15  and
         10 metres. He might leave the island in early 2014. [TNX NG3K]
W      - A group of 10-12 operators  from  the  Kennehoochee  Amateur  Radio
         Club (W4BTI) will be active as K4S from Sapelo Island  (NA-058)  on
         12-14 September. They plan to be QRV on all bands  and  modes.  QSL
         direct to W4BTI (P.O. Box 1245, Marietta GA 30060, USA),  LoTW  and
         eQSL. [TNX WF4W]
YB     - YB0D is the callsign to be used for the 27-30  June  activity  from
         Damar Besar Island (OC-177) [425DXN 1153]. QSL direct to YB0JZS.
YV0    - The 4M5DX Group is organizing a DXpedition to take place from  Aves
         Island (NA-020) sometime between 1 November 2013  and  28  February
         2014. Eleven  operators  from  Venezuela,  Argentina,  Finland  and
         Spain will be active as YW0A on 160-6 metres  all  modes.  QSL  via
         EB7DX (OQRS for direct and bureau cards  on  Club  Log)  and  LoTW.
         Bookmark for further information and updates.

                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  GOOD TO KNOW ... ****
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                        Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW

DAYTON PHOTO GALLERY ---> The Dayton  Hamvention  2013  Photo  Gallery  (353
pictures) can be found at  This  is  the
17th year for the Dayton Photo Galleries. [TNX K8CX]

H44AJ & H44S ---> Logsearch and OQRS for the recent activity  from  Sikaiana
(OC-285) by Mike, K9AJ (H44AJ) and Nando, IT9YRE is now up  and  running  at

OPERATOR WANTED ---> The T33A team (Banaba Island  2013:  see  425DXN  1153)
has one opening for another operator. If interested in participatin  in  the
DXpediton (, please email t33-op[@] for  details.  [TNX

QSL VIA OM3JW ---> Steve, OM3JW will have logs and cards for Z81D, 3W1M  and
XV9DX at Hamradio 2013 (Friedrichshafen).  Should  you  need  any  of  them,
please visit the Slovak Republic's booth (nr 567, Halle A1)  on  28  and  29
June till 2 PM. [TNX OM3JW]

+ SILENT KEYS - Wilse Morgan (WX7P, ex KL7CQ) passed away on 13 June.  First
licensed back in 1952 as WN6PVF, in 1984 - along with KL7HFQ and KL7KL -  he
conducted the first amateur radio license exam session under  the  Volunteer
Examiner programme. He was inducted into the CQ Amateur Radio Hall  of  Fame
in 2009.
Domenico Marino, IT9TAI passed away unexpectedly on 17  June  from  a  heart
attack. Born 1932 and licensed since 1950, he  was  a  DXCC  chaser  with  a
penchant for CW, a 2m pioneer, an antenna  designer  and  a  co-founder  and
past president of ARI Palermo.


QSLs received direct  or  through  managers:  3B8CF,  3B9DX,  3D2MJ,  3XY1D,
5U9AMO, 5W0M, 6V7S, 7X7QB,  9H5BZ,  9H5DX,  9K2OD,  9M4SLL,  9N7SZ,  9Y4LDK,
A35JP, A35NW, A3EAQ,  A61Q,  A61R,  A62A,  A71CT,  BY1WXD/0,  C31KC,  C6AJR,
C91RF, C98RF, CE2/CX1EK, CM8AKY,  CN8QN,  CP6XE,  CT3E,  CX9AU,  D2EB,  D4C,
DU1/R6AF/p (OC-090), DU1/W7XA, E51E (OC-083), EH6ITU, ES1QD, ES1TU,  EX8MLE,
J39BS, J49C, J77A, J79WE,  J88DR,  JD1BMH,  JX9JKA,  KG4QW,  KH6ZM,  LY2BAW,
PT0S, PY2XU/p (SA-024), RA4HKM/0 (AS-025),  S503EO,  SU8N  (AF-109),  SU9VB,
SV5BYR,  SX5KL,  T2GM,  T2TT,  T46RRC  (NA-204),  T48RRC   (NA-218),  T77LA,
TA1/JH0CJH, TE1856, TF3IG, TJ3AY, TK0INT (EU-100), TK1INT  (EU-104),  TK2INT
(EU-164), TO22C, TZ6BB, V31HU  (NA-180),  V31MV  (NA-180),  V32EE  (NA-180),
VQ9JC, VR2XMT, XF2E (NA-171), XR0YG, XT2TT,  XU1A,  XW4CR,  XX9TYT,  YB3MM/p
(OC-237),   YB8XM/p  (OC-271),   YB9NDT,  YB9YKI   (OC-147),  YS1AG,  Z31PK,


               425 DX News is a free of charge weekly bulletin
      edited by Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ and Valeria Pregliasco, IK1ADH

            Its contents may be used, reproduced and distributed
                        in part or full provided that
               "425 DX News" or "425DXN" receive proper credit

          Contributors are invited to send their DX information to
                 Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ (
                      The deadline is 12 UTC on Fridays


                           Direttore Responsabile
                            Gabriele Villa, I2VGW
               Giornalista Professionista - Tessera n. 071675
                      Ordine Nazionale dei Giornalisti
                                Roma, Italia


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